A Ninja in a World of Heroes

By mason uchiha

Published on Nov 5, 2013


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A Ninja in a world of heroes: Part 4

"YOU!" I yelled.

"No hug? No where ya been? No I missed you?.......little brother" said Colton, my for all intents and purposes older brother.

We are not related in a sense of blood and family lineage, but he helped raise me, and he is uncle Sasuke's old prot?g?. Colton was adopted into the Uzumaki clan by uncle Naruto. His parents were killed in the Shinobi alliance war. Uncle Sasuke took him on as a disciple after he graduated the academy at age 6. Uncle sasuke saw the same potential in him that he claims my father had. Colton is 6 foot 3 inches tall, brown sandy hair, and very muscular. He had a falling out with Uncle Naruto and started out on his own 3 years ago.

I wasn't mad at him for choosing his own path, no I was mad at him for abandoning me! "What are you doing here, Colton?" I asked removing my mask.

"Come on little brother, you know you can't stay mad at me forever. Besides, if you do I cant give you the gift I brought you." He said pulling a wrapped parcel from behind his back.

I eyed him suspiciously, "What is it?" I asked just a little curious.

"Your going to have to open it and find out." He said holding out the parcel.

I snatched it from his hand and furiously opened the package. My eyes lit up as I looked inside. He knew me too well. "Sweet bean jelly, azuki bean manju, green tea leaves from mount miyaboku, and?.omg is that??.chichi dango from the land of steel? OH NII-SAMA" I yelled as I jumped into his arms to hug him.

"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me for too long! I sensed your chakra the yesterday and figured you were close. Saw you take down cheetah and the royal flush gang. Nice work little brother." He said kissing my forehead while I dug into the snacks he brought me.

"Yeah this hero stuff is new to me, so I'm still trying. You still haven't told me why you're here? In particular, why did you find me?" I asked skeptically.

"I just wanted to let you know, I'm living around here and became a free lance for hire. Plus I missed my little brother. So if you ever need me, you know what to do." He hugged me one last time and made his way to the balcony.

"Nii-sama, will you visit me?" I asked desperately.

"Of course I will, I'll always be close and watching you" and like the breeze that blew him in, he was gone.


I was perched on the corner of a building just watching the people below. With my sharingan activated, I knew the Batman had just dropped onto the same roof I was on.

"Can I help you, Batman?" I asked not turning around.

"I was hoping that you could. I see that your more than capable of taking care of yourself. Nice work with the villains yesterday. I also watched you stop the museum heist. So let me get this straight, your not a meta-human?" he asked.

"No I'm a Shinobi from Konoha, I use chakra to perform my techniques." I still have not turned to look at him.

"So its safe to assume you're a??ally?"

"I would assume so. But you never know what the future holds so someday I may be an enemy"

"Would you consider being a prot?g? to a hero?" his voice was filled with confidence. No doubt one of the most intimidating thing about him.

"I don't need training, I spent my whole life training. I just want to be able to call myself a hero and work with other heroes." I replied.

"Well why don't you come with me and I'll introduce you to the heroes."

"What'd you have in mind?" I asked

"Batman to Watchtower??two for transport at my location." He said into his earpiece.

"Take a deep breathe, and stay still" was the last thing Batman said before we were teleported.

I felt a sudden sensation as if I was just at the top of a rollercoaster that started its speedy descent. When I looked around, all of our surroundings had changed. Instead of a rooftop, we were in a brightly lit corridor standing on a platform. The windows were all glass and I could see the earth, while people flew, ran, bounced, and walked all around us.

"Whoa!" was all I could manage.

"Pretty amazing sight, isn't it?" asked a new voice.

I turned to see a lineup of sorts.

"Let's start with introductions, I'm Superman, this is Super boy but you two already met. That's as you know Batman and Robin with Nightwing. Wonder woman, Super girl, Zatanna, The Flash, Kid Flash, Martian man hunter, Miss Martian, Beast boy, Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Steel, Tigress, Aqualad, and Cyborg. Welcome??." Said Superman.

"Sorry I don't really have a codename yet, but I'm the new guy" I laughed awkwardly.

"Nightwing why don't you show him around, the rest of you, meet me in the debriefing room in one hour." Said Batman.

"Awwwww man, why does Nightwing get the fun stuff?" Said Beast boy while being dragged away by Robin.

Nightwing showed me around the Watchtower, while stopping every so often to talk to people. Most just stared at me as we passed them by, some smiling while others just gawked.

"Have you got any ideas about a name yet?" asked Nightwing.

"none yet, but I'm not sure if I want a Japanese name or a an English one. Do you have any suggestions for me?" I asked while we toured the hangar.

"Well, what exactly are your powers?"

"Well as far as powers go, I use fire, water, ice, lightning, earth, and wind?.so I'm not totally sure what my primary powers are. I was thinking of Tsuki Kage, which in Japanese means moon shadow."

"Well I don't really see a problem, but we do have a long shadow already. Hopefully no one gets it confused. I don't think it will be a problem, though! Yours will be Japanese."

"I GOT IT! What about just SHINOBI! It basically means ninja lol" I said excitedly.

Nightwing seemed to ponder this while we walked.

"So how far does this secret identity go? I mean does anyone know your real identity? Do you have to be in a certain group first? Because sometimes I just don't want to wear a mask." I giggled nervously.

"If you trust anyone, and you think you can tell them your secret, then by all means that's your decision. But as far as MY identity goes, there is a handful of people who know my real identity. I guess that will come with time. I hope I can be one of those who you trust enough with your life. Have you ever worked on a team before?"

"Yeah, in the village we were usually deployed as a three man cell for missions. Sometimes more when the mission called for it. We didn't have secret identities there. Everyone knew everyone and we all trusted eachother with our lives. I think the biggest thing is trust! I just need to feel the trust and know that someone has my back and would save me if I needed saving. The things is, I'm not so sure I need an identity. No one knows me, and when it comes to my family I'm sure they are well equipped to handle themselves if it came to me putting their life in danger."

"It's not just family though! It's everyone you know. Even ordinary citizens can be put in danger because of our actions. Have you ever heard of the League of Shadows?" He asked.

"I can't say that I have, what do they do?"

"The League is a large organization of ninja's but I don't think you're the same type of ninja. Their mainly assassins and hired guns."

"Oh! Probably not then, although the villages do take jobs to survive financially. Most villages stay away from assassination jobs though."

We continued to talk our way through the tour.

"Hey Nightwing, can you tell me how to get back to Metropolis? I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. I should probably get home."

"Yeah, me too. Let's go back to the central hub for teleportation."

When we got there, Superman and Batman were huddled with Wonder Woman talking.

"So stranger, have you considered our invitation? Will you join us here at the Justice League?" asked Wonder Woman.

"Yes, I would like to work with the Justice League. I want to be a hero."

"Have you thought of a name?" asked Superman.

"Yes I was thinking of just going by Shinobi" I replied.

"The word Ninja?" asked Batman.

"Yeah, just Shinobi."

"Well Shinobi, welcome to the Justice League." Said Superman shaking my hand.

It's been a week since I joined the JL, and believe me when I say; there is a lot of paperwork when you join the club.

Aside from learning formalities and everything about the league, meeting a ton of other heroes, and apparently you don't kill anyone.

"How do you stay in shape with all this junk food?" I asked Nightwing while we sat down and ate. On my plate was mainly salad and a few pieces of chicken, on his plate was a baked potato, a huge piece of brisket, and three cupcakes.

"Well I have a high metabolism and I like to eat!" he said nonchalantly.

"Okay fatty, what ever you say!" I joked.

"IM NOT FAT! You just don't know what your missing." He replied scowling at me.

"Attention! All Alpha squad junior members, report to briefing room 7 immediately" Came the Green Lanterns voice over the intercom.

"Come on, I'm being summoned." Said Nightwing in an irritated voice. "Aww is the fat boy mad that he was interrupted during feeding time!" I said laughing loudly before taking off out of the cafeteria and down the hall.

I could hear Nightwing's footsteps right behind me.

We sat there listening to GL explain the mission, when I noticed the holographic image of the team we would be intercepting. I looked closer and saw a symbol that none of the others quite caught.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I blurted loudly, surprising everyone.

"Uhhh Shinobi, did you wanna add something?" asked GL.

"Sorry I?I'm just so ready to get on this mission?" Wait a second, I don't even know if I was assigned to a team yet! The damn symbol I was looking at was created by a shinobi, more than likely my brother! It was a seal used to hide something. If the seal was present than, whatever he was hiding isn't far. Colton wasn't on the screen, but knowing what he does now it wouldn't be farfetched to assume he was hired by another party to take whatever those other guys were trying to get.

"Shinobi, we are going to allow you to tag along. You are under direct orders to observe the team unless necessary to intervene. Get ready, you all leave in 1 hour. Rendevour in the hangar." Concluded GL

"Once we're teleported in, we'll have to continue on foot. Have you met everyone on the team yet?" asked Aqualad

"Yeah, Nightwing, Superboy, of course you Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Tigress. So what exactly is my part in this mission?" I asked.

"Well I'm team leader, so I would say basically follow our lead. We need to recover the government tech they stole. Are you team oriented?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, on missions in the village we were deployed in a three man cell in most cases, more if needed."

"Ok, the teams ready! Lets go Shinobi"

With that we took our spots on the teleporter and in a brightflash we were in a jungle with high leafy canopies.

Miss Martian and Wondergirl took to the skies, I jumped onto the high branches and began jumping from branch to branch. See my method is a lot stealthier, I'm not in the open like fliers, I'm not on the ground like walkers. After about 5 minutes, I pulled back and dropped behind a large Oak tree. "Kage Bunshin no jutsu" three clones appeared, I sent out a mental order to search for the seal.

When we arrived to the edge of the jungle, our opponents waited. I actually don't know who they are lol. But! That leaves me at a disadvantage. Not knowing their capabilities.

-Miss Martian, who are these people?- I sent telepathically.

-From the left that's: Cheshire she's also a ninja for the league of shadows, next is Killer Frost she can manipulate and create ice, Psimon he's an extremely powerful telepath, then there's Bane he's extremely strong, and the terror twins: tommy and tuppence terror both super strong and close to invulnerability.-

-thanks, I'll just follow the teams lead.-

Out of no where, I get hit by a tree stump! I should have seen that coming!

"Hey SWEETCHEEKS, keep ya eyes on me. I'll show ya a good time." Said the deep southern accent of Tommy Terror.

"Ow! That kind of hurt, you hillbillie!" I retorted.

I pulled out three shuriken and threw them at Tommy, " Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" those three shuriken turned into 300, all flying at tommy. While he was watching and laughing at the shuriken bouncing off of him. "Chidori Eiso" a long stream of lightning focused into a spear and penetrated tommy's right shoulder.

The look of terror appeared in his eyes, I wasn't like the other heroes! There are depths that I am willing to go, in order to make sure my opponent is taken down. I may not be able to kill, but torture happens to be a specialty of mine. I was thrown a good ten feet away, tumbling and rolling on the ground. When I looked up, I saw the other twin Tuppence standing where I had.

"Hurt my brother again, little boy and I will kill you!" she announced charging me.

I silently activated another jutsu, Doton: Shinju Zanshu no jutsu which is a technique where I am hidden under ground and can drag something or someone on the surface into the ground. I grabbed tuppence's right leg in mid-stride and pulled her into the ground leaving only her head above surface. Once I was on the surface again, I placed three explosive tags on the ground around her.

"Any movement on these tags, and they all go off. A big enough explosion to burn that pretty blonde head of yours off."

I activated my medical ninjutsu, creating a blue aura around my hands which would make my chakra into a scalpel blade. I walked up to tommy and hit the back of his neck, causing his nervous system to misdirect the electric pulses governing his body.

"What did you do to him?" screamed tuppence.

"I just rerouted his nerves. He'll be fine in a few hours."

I began searching for the seal around the area.


I closed my eyes and concentrated on my sharingan. I was focusing my chakra into my sharingan.


Black flames began to form not far ahead. This jutsu was created by my father. Flames formed by the power of the sharingan. The flames are so hot, that its said to be as hot as the sun. I can direct where the flames are by sight. The flames cannot be quenched, and will burn for 7 days and 7 nights if I don't stop them.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" yelled a familiar voice.

I didn't realize that the other battles had ended, and the hero's all stood around me. Out of no where appears Colton.

"Geez, burn me to a crisp huh?" when he appeared he had on a mask also. He wore a black outfit with a dark green flack jacket.

"What game are you playing?" I asked.

"always the impatient one?little brother. Good job on picking up on the seal, I knew you'd see if!"

"So are you on a mission or are you with them" I asked nodding over to the villains.

"I saw the job go down and I wanted to help my little brother out! Besides, I would have stolen it from them and then charged them double" he laughed.

"Anyway I'm off to Dubai for a mission, I'll see you soon." Said Colton as he pulled the seal out of thin air and revealed the huge stolen tech. Colton came over to me and gave me a hug.

"YOU! Take care of my little brother or I'll find you and do things to you that no one has ever thought possible!" He said pointing at Nightwing.


Nightwing just smiled as Colton disappeared.

I was sitting in the student cafeteria with my earphones in, when someone sat across from me. I glanced up to see Dick sitting there with a grin on his face. I smiled back at him and took my earphone buds out of my ear.


"Howzit going?" he replied.

"Nothing much, just studying and hanging around. What brings you here?"

"Just visiting Connor and running some errands. How's everything going with school?"

"It's going good. Still getting used to the work load though."

We chatted for about a half hour about nothing in particular. Dick reached over and touched my hand gently.

"I hope I'm not being presumptuous but??.do you?I mean if you want? do you?.do you wanna have dinner with me tonight?" he finally finished and seemed to be literally holding his breathe.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled back.

"So I'll pick you up around 8' oclock?"

I nodded my response.

"Ok, great. So I'll see you tonight! Oh uh nothing fancy just you know?. Yeah I'll see you tonight" he said excitedly.

This is going to be interesting????

Sorry this chapter took so long, lmk what you guys think! Thanks for being patient with me. As always, donate so that nifty can CONTINUE TO PROVIDE US WITH A PLACE TO POST OUR STORIES AND FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO READ THEM ?

Next: Chapter 5

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