Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Feb 5, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



10 - Dom and Tak

(Told by Dominic)


G. Cutter

Hi, me again, Dominic.

What a night, Jimbo and myself must have crawled from thet boiler room between three and four in the morning. He got what he was after in the end, namely he got to shag me with his fat cock and that was after coming twice already. he was a good lover in spite of his slightly manic appearance and I could see why Mack allowed him to pass it around to put it tactfully. I doubt if Mack could keep up, it was just as simple as that. Little Jimbo was a sexual athlete, no doubt about it. My dick was sore and so was my bum and I went through my first full day of classes in a daze. I expect the others suspected that I was on drugs or a retard from the northlands. No matter, I survived and from Mack's easy acceptance I guess I must have passed some kind of test.

Of course, in class or at school activities was the only time the whole class operated as a unit, for normal socialising we operated in dormitories so it was nice to see who actually were your peers. One kid and the kid I happened to be seated by caught my eye, he was a Thai and his dad was in the Thai Embassy, in spite of this he would be spending his holiday in school which was weird. His name was Tak Prom- and the rest of it was unpronouncable, even the teachers called him Prom and left it at that. Now this kid was ultra dishy, I know I say that abiout everyone but in this case, true. He didn't have much to say but as he was appointed my 'buddy' he had to show me where the classrooms were and all the rest of it. Needless to say I fell in immediate lust especially as Jimbo made some crack about the Virgin Queen which I thought was a bit cruel. I very nearly came back with one about the Nympho Neanderthal but didn't, Mack might have decided to do a nose job on me in spite of his gentle giant routine.

We had the second part of the afternoon out on the sports field which was fun (not) as it was devoted to rugby practice. Of course, the footballers being footballers tried kicking the ball which just doesn't work with a rugby ball and the whole thing degenerated into us gerally buggering around and the sports master switching off big time. The fun came at shower time which wasn't optional as it is the more modern mainstream schools but is compulsory with us, or mandatory as the Yanks say. The kicker was that we showered in the old showers attached to the gym and these were the big open plan things. No hiding and covering bits here, it was very much boy-on-boy in the nicest possible way but I got to see the delicious Tak in the raw. My lust nearly got me a stiffy and some bad name calling but I managed to control it. Tak clothed was gorgeous, Tak naked was sublime and that's picking my words. Slender (naturally, he was a bloody Thai kid), golden skinned and fit. God, he was so fit he verged on the wicked. A nice long dark golden prick which put paid to the string dick Oriental we like to believe in, he was hung well and as no one seemed the slighest bit interested in him he went from lust, to desire, to target in the space of an afternoon. Jimbo caught me ogling once and shook his head furiously as if to say: Go on grab 'im. Whatta prat!

I don't know if it was fate, serendipity or just part of God's master plan for lovelorn schoolies but as we walked back upto the school Tak actually ran up and caught me as I walked on my own.


'Dom will do.'

'OK, Dom,' he rolled it around in his mouth as if tasting it and he seemed to approve. 'Dom, I know it is a cheek but might I ask you a question.'

'Sure, go ahead, Tak,' I tried not to stare into his dark brown eyes, or stroke his luxuriant black hair, or slip my tongue down his sweet throat... woops, calm down.

'You seem very upto speed on Modern History.'

'Yeah, moderately so,' I played modest. In fact, modern history bored me to tears but half of what dad talked regarding the state the world was rooted in recent history so I kept 'upto speed' as Tak put it to chat to my old man.

'Would you give me a hand with the essay tonight, Europe between the Wars is a bit of a mystery to me.'

'Yeah, no probs.' Well, I jumped at the chance, a chance to flash my knowledge and be close to my lust wasn't to be turned down. Want to meet me in the computer room around five?'

'I was thinking about the study hall, all the brats get in the computer room and the hall is quiet around that time.'


That was it. Now to explain, we didn't have homework as such, not like the day boys or outside schools but we did get tasks which according to the command structure should keep us busy for an hour or so. Tonight we had to draw up an essay, all Tak and I had to do was make sure both essays weren't too similar. I had most of the period already on my laptop and once back in my dorm clattered away and produced around six hundred words which amazed Jimbo who was buzzing about like a fly around a jampot.

'How you doing with Tak?' He sat on my bed as I stopped work and switched off the machine with a sigh.

'Can't stop, Jim. I've got to meet him in the study hall.'

'Whee, you scored.' He clapped like a demented chimp and rushed off doubtless to tell his pal, Mack.

I laughed and I was on my way. I needed a printer, one copy for the class the next day and one to be read to Tak. Tak could type up what I dictated and put enough of his own gems in to make it look different. I met him in the hall and found a printer that would accept my copy and printed one out.

'You've finished it already?' He looked at me and his eyes dropped. 'I thought we were doing it together.'

'Yeah, it's done,' I told him. 'The plan is I shall read you chunks and you fill it in so they look totally different. The factual content will remain the same but facts are facts as they say.'

'Ah, OK,' he sighed with relief as we got sorted out. He plugged in his own laptop and I sat alongside ready for the dictation and suggestions.

I went through it slowly and we stopped here and there to alter and even add bits, in the end he had a longer essay than mine but it was different at least. The teacher concerned might suspect that they came from the same mind but maybe not, after reading twenty or so similar his mind would probably be running a little fuzzy. Naturally enough I took the opportunity to make a few body contacts with my new lust, a touch of the knee here and there, a brush of the hand but that was it. Just enough to get my blood running hot and the hormones jumping up and down like little Jimbos.

'Where have you come from, Dom,' he asked at one stage. 'What school I mean.'

'Oh, from up on the Borders.'

'What borders?' he looked puzzled .

'Jedburgh.just over the border into Scotland.'

'Ah, cold up there.'

'Not really,' I grinned. 'It's not Greenland.'

'No, even I know that's further up.' It seemed his grasp on geography was probably as good as his grip on recent history but who cared, I was tempted to brush my lips against his cheek but resisted. I didn't want to make a complete prat of myself, I was acting like a girl with a crush as it was.

'Would you like a walk out after dinner?'

'Walk?' I must have sounded like a complete dummy.

'Roaming in the gloaming... isn't that what you Scots do?'

'I'm English, I'm not a haggis but yes, I'd love a roam.'


'Don't go there, Tak,' I laughed. I took the risk and placed my hand on his as he he shut up his laptop and he said nothing. He just put his other hand on top of mine and squeezed gently and that was it. We both got to our feet a little bit flustered and embarassed. Had contact been made or hadn't it.

'I saw you looking at me in the gym showers,' he said quietly just before we split for our dorms and to tidy for dinner.

'Overcome by your natural beauty,' I grinned feeling a little safer. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to perv you.'

'I feel flattered,' he giggled. 'Western boy has hots for Thai boy?'

'I guess,' I mumbled. He did come out with some crackers for a so called Virgin Queen.

'We'll see,' he smiled. 'See you at the entrance around seven thirty,' he turned to go.

'It's a date.' I must have got back into my dorm grinning like a loon as both Jimbo and Mack sitting on Mack's bed looked up and then started to mutter together as they did. I ignored them, I was in love, it was a warm night and a wander in the school grounds after dinner with a dishy Thai was just what the doctor ordered. All we had to do was to avoid the Smokers Club, down by the bottom rugby goal and the Drinkers Club, up by the north wall as I recalled and we should be safe... apart from any other courting or shagging couples. I'm probably exagerating and making the place sound like Sodom but there was a lot going on in that place as I'd found out in less than a week.

We had dinner at seven sharp and one of the school's more irritating customs was that we had to be fully uniformed up. This meant that if you were into sports between four and seven you had to change and then change again. Of course, after dinner you could change down yet again. Some of the Sixth Form were agitating to get the rules changed so that the evening meal was informal but the school was fighting them off. The school said that it 'brought us all together' whatever that meant, the pupils said it was a pain in the arse but not in as many words.

Hey ho, on we go. The meal was the usual mediocre fare (you like that one?). Why the hell we had to dress up for this lot was a mystery but we did and that was that. Tak sat on another table with his dorm pals one of whom was the tall, blond German kid who hung around with Mack, he also had a little sidekick 'a la' Mack's Jimbo and I had a suspicion they were a menage a quatre if there is such a thing. Anyway, Tak and I exchanged glances and he gave me the slightest of nods. I had to watch myself as Jimbo was watching me like a hawk, more like a demented parrot in fact but no matter.

As soon as the meal was finished the boys dispersed to their various activities, this was officially free time and most made for the TV and games rooms where they would stay until their respective call ins came. This was another slightly shambolic event, the school ran three bedtimes to cover the age range, nine thirty, ten thirty and eleven for the Sixth Form. This wan't the time you had to be darkened down and in bed but the time you had to be in your dorm. As I've said, shambolic and we'll leave it at that.

I walked out of the hall onto the grassed area that lay between the buildings and found Tak sitting on a low stone wall but he rose and greeted me with a slight smile as I approached. 'You made it,' he fell into step as I made for the wide open spaces to the rear of the school. 'That little Jim watches everyone, he's the form gossip.'

'He's the form slut as well,' I scowled.

Tak laughed. 'Shall we go over the sports field.?'

'Let's.' We set off ambling rather than walking alongside the first football pitch and then across until we hit the edge of the woods that borderd the chain link between school property and farmland.

'I often come down here on a Saturday afternoon, reading, relaxing,' Tak spoke slowly and he seemed almost shy as he stopped and looked back acros the sports field. 'Just checking that little Jim isn't following us.'

'He wouldn't do that,' I laughed.

'I wouldn't put it past him,' Tak countered and we walked a faint path that seemed to wander through the barrier of woodlands. Tak leant against a tree and looked over the field again. 'This is what they call the gloaming, the twighlight, dusk?'

'Look 'em up in the dictionary, they all mean different things,' I leant alongside him and our shouders brushed. We were still in our school blazers, kitted up like dummies for the evening meal we'd just had. 'I'm surprised you come over here with a virtual stranger,' I remarked.

'It's not as if you're a drunken sailor on shore leave,' Tak giggled and took my hand coaxing me around the tree so that we were hidden from the field. 'You are a nice, well brought up English schoolboy without an evil thought in your head,' he smiled mockingly. He was beautiful, he was needy and so was I.

'How many boys have you brought over here?'

'None. You're my first. The first I liked enough,' his eyes dropped.

'How much do you like me, Tak?' I tilted his chin up to look him in the eyes as I moved to face him.

'A lot.'

'How much is a lot,' I breathed moving in so that our bodies touched and our faces were inches apart.

'Whooo...' He grinned and held his arms out like a fisherman describing a big catch. Wrong move or maybe the right one, I slipped my hands inside his unbuttoned blazer and held his hips brushing his lips with mine. He sighed and his arms came down and he held me. He returned the kiss and then were were at it. A deep and harder one this time and his hands were up and down my shirt puulling me closer so that our groins mashed together. First time or not, he was willing enough and he groaned as my hand dropped and felt him up. I could feel his thick fleshy tube, rock solid within his greys and he moaned even more when I squeezed it and moved it a little inside his school clothing.

His warm hands tugged my shirt out of my waistband and he slipped them up under my shirt stroking and caressing my skin tugging me into himself even tighter.

'Mmmm... Tak,' I whispered feeling his erection getting harder and harder. I wondered if he's done this before or really was the Virgin Queen that they called him, there was only one way to find out. Rather than tugging his shirt out I unbuttoned the front and exposedhis gently rounded belly and smooth chest almost dark coffee coloured satin in the shaded light. I stroked his belly and licking my fingers toyed with his nipples until he begged me to stop. All the while his hips were pumping up against mine in the simulation of a dry fuck.

'I'd love to do stuff with you, Dom.' he whispered clasping my bare flesh. 'This is so unsafe, we need to find somewhere nice and private,' he tried to push me away but I wanted that lovely, long golden skinned droopy that I'd seen in the showers. Two things wrong there, the aforementioned droopy was as hard as a pipe and it wasn't the only golden skinned bit of him I wanted but maybe time for a show of boldness.

'I'd like to do everything with you, Tak,' I moved my hands around to his rear and clasped his soft bottom squeezing the yielding flesh in my hands. He giggled and wriggled but not too much.

'It's not safe,' he protested in a whisper.

'A show of faith,' I dropped to my knees and unclipped his belt. I batted his hands away as he tried to stop me but his heart wasn't in it as I slowly drew his zip down and his clothing fell apart. I could see the sturdy shaft squashed in his tight briefs and a damp patch at the end as I slolwy drew them out and down allowing his beautiful penis to spring clear. He still tried to fight me off but he really wasn't trying very hard and when I took a quick lick at his bobbing erection he gave up altogether, he held my head and ran his fingers through my thick hair.

'Dominic...' he moaned as I moved my hands inside and managed to slip his greys and his briefs down at the same time leaving my hands on his sliken skinned buttocks and his hot cock's end in my mouth. 'Dom...' he wailed as I took in as much as I could and then slowly ran my lips up and down his hot meat. It had expanded, enlarged, erected if you like much more than I'd aniticpated, he was probably bigger than I was but I didn't care, after this there was no going back. The Virgin Queen was mine. All pretty hot stuff after only a week on the scene. I moved one hand around the front keeping one on his delicious bottom. His pubics were softy and silken not like Jimbo's, curly and wiry and his scrotum from what I could see and feel was completely hairless. His balls had risen and he was so hard I was surprised he didn't detonate.

He pumped into my mouth as I sucked away and I felt it cuming before he even spoke the words.

'Dom, I'm cu...'

God, did that boy squirt. I wouldn't like to think when he'd last had a wank or even a wet dream but it came in one solid meaty blast almost chewable in it's thickness and then a further two which filled my mouth and I gagged on. I gamely managed to swallow in time to get another and then the final little splurts. It was good, very yummy and as he sagged I stroked his smooth palpitating belly taking his tender flesh right in as it softened and shrank.

'I have to do that for you,' he whispered as I slipped up face to face and kissed. 'I taste funny,' he licked his own spunk off my cheek. 'Dirty boy.'

'Dirty boys,' I grinned.

'I want to do you,' he groaned with frustration. He dropped to his knees still with his netherwear around his ankles but I pulled him to his feet.

'Get dressed, Tran,' I looked at him in the near dark. ''Go for a shower around nine or just after, I'll see you in there.'

'Dare we?' His eyes and teeth gleamed although we could now only barely see each other.

'We dare,' I laughed. 'Come on. Lover Boy. You've got a needy boyfriend.' I guided his hand down to my crotch and he softly squeezed.

'No probs,' he laughed.

To be continued.

Will the Virgin Thai Queen be deflowered? Read the next installment out for the next weekend on NIFTY.

Directly after this 'Armwrestling with Ali - 2' in the Incest section.


Next: Chapter 14

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