Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Aug 6, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



23B - The First Formers

(Told by Brian)


G. Cutter

I've just read Jim Fraser's account of our setting up and first day and then his performance in his tent with the delicious Harry. Well, I had William who, if not a clone of Harry was pretty similar, blond, short and skinny as befits an eleven year old boy. He was a bit of a laugh and it was obvious as soon as we really got to talking that he was far from what I'd expected. This was no sweet and innocent, he may have been sweet but he was just as randy as the rest of the school and the first thing he let slip was his association with the evil little ginger freak, Simon. As soon as he'd dropped a few heavy hints about he, Harry and Simon 'doing things' I knew we and that is Jimbo and I were OK. No problemo which Jimbo keeps saying. I suppose, just to keep my version down, our first night was pretty much the same as Jimbo and Harry's, maybe I got to fingering Willy's little hole a bit more as he seemed to like it. The one thing he did say was that both of them were up for sex and that was a full scale fuck but they wanted to do it in company which was a bit pervy or kinky if you like. I couldn't see Jimbo being very fussed as he was into group sex, in fact, he was into any sex.

Remembering an earlier conversation with Jimbo about sneaking into a disused dorm it looked like things would go as the boy's wished. We just had to pick our place and the time would most certainly be after lunch on our second day. Codename: Deflowering Day.

I awoke early and Willy was clinging to me like a limpet. Jeez, it was cold and after plucking up my courage I managed to get outside the tent for a pee. The dew was thick on the ground and it was misty which probably boded well for later but right now it was about six in the morning. As I scampered back into the tent I realised we had two choices and the first one was to get dressed and get back over to the school, the second... well, I put that one to who Willy was laying there awake and shivering.

'Yeah, right,' he giggled and we stripped off the bulk of the top bedding and made a run for the next tent. The other two were fast asleep in each other's arms but when we threw the bedding on top of them and managed to struggle in with them they were soon awake. Purely by coincidence (yeah, right ) the two eleven year olds were sandwiched between Jimbo and myself and we soon got warm. Willy even allowed me to stick my hardness between his very smooth and skinny legs and make fuckey motions although he did the same against my belly. He got the giggles as Jimbo and his Harry did the same and the two infants were bum to bum. General rubbing up and down and groping ensued. I think the little ones knew what was going on now and they listened intently as Jim and I plotted the big event.

Jimbo decided on a dorm he'd already used and was nicely out of the way. He said he had mattresses on the floor and he'd even got a key for the place and to cap that all off it was directly opposite a bathroom. Tailor made for our little adventure. The boys were excited and talked around the occasion, the only word they didn't use was 'fuck'. It was bonk this and bonk that, it seemed bonk was the new 'in' word. The other thing they insisted was that if they had to suffer the indignity of a finger and more up their bum they wanted a tradeoff, that suited me, I doubt if William would hurt me or give me any babies for that matter. If we went up directly after lunch and skipped tea we could have more or less six hours together. We weren't expected to spend all our time at or in the damn tents so being absent for a few hours was no problem and as I told William in the quietest of whispers: I did so want to love him to death.

'Calm down,' he giggled. 'Not to death?'

'Well that was a bit over the top,' I admitted.

'What's over the top?' Harry had been trying to listen in.

'We were talking bonking,' Willy poked his head up.

'Ah, we're all fixed. I'm doing Jimbo first,' Harry declared seemingly delighted. I saw Jim's face briefly and he gave me a grin. It seemed that we were all fixed.

We wandered over and hit the showers and then down for breakfast, after that we split. The boys went swimming with their younger mates and Jim and I went to check up on the disused dorm. Another shuffle around with the mattresses and more bedding and we were set. Josh, who knew what we were upto and Scipio wandered down to poke their noses in and pass less than helpful comments.

We were just sitting around thinking how to handle things when Scipio leapt on me. Well, he didn't actually leap but he bore me down onto the bedding and flipped me over so that I was belly down. No romance, no love chat and no preamble... he tugged my shorts down delighted to find I had no underwear on, the next thing I knew was his fat dark skinned cock was running up and down my crack leaving a silvery snail's trail of cum. 'Bloody rapist,' I muttered and looking across saw that Josh was propped against a cupbnoard and Jim was down on his knees sucking away at the Acting Head Boy's meaty erection.

'You love it,' Scipio breathed hotly on the back of my neck and pushed between my cheeks. I felt him pause and then push against my pucker and he was inside me. It was a nice one and I suppose he thought that if I was going to have a virgin this afternoon at least he'd get some sort of relief first. I pushed back onto his hot cock, at least I had to be better than that skinny Blair kid he was shacked up with. He certainly took his time and he lay on me so that his warmth and smoothness and not forgetting his big penis felt part and parcel of my own body. When he finished he worked himself quite easily in and out of my squishy bottom and we rolled onto our sides.

'Don't forget to give then first fuck,' he whispered still slowly moving inside me.


'So they feel that they're top dogs, king of the hill and all that crap and then they feel better about you taking their cherry. Besides they know that if they welsh they'll be outcasts. Those kids aren't complete innocents, they know the score... Carrot Top has briefed them well, I checked up.'

'Didn't he do the biz with them?'

'Nah, he told me he only played suckies and let them 'pretend' fuck.' Scipio chuckled. 'Don't worry, you've got a pair of virgins.'

'And the Evil Circle of Sin expands,' Jim declaimed like the good thespian he was clambering to his feet and wiping cum from his lips but was soon crushed into a Josh super hug.

'We've got a new Assistant Sports Master joining after the weekend or so Mr Thomas says,' Josh announced. 'He's only a damn student or something and I've got to show him around.'

'What's he like?' Jimbo looked eager.

'If he shows the slightest sign of being a boy liker you'll be the first one I put his way,' Josh promised.

'A boy lover is what I need,' Jimbo grinned. 'Not a liker.'

'I was trying to be polite,' Josh pointed out. 'There's another kid joining the kitchen, another 'porter' the same as the black kid.'

'Yeah, what's he like?' Jimbo wasn't letting go.

'Skinny kid, looks to be around fourteen but he's seventeen, a Roumanian or something like that. He starts Monday as well.'

'If he's that way inclined the kitchen staff will get to him before we do,' I pointed out.

'Let 'em do the donkey work,' Jimbo looked down at me. 'You'd better get unglued, it's nearly lunch time.'

We had a quick sort out and then ten minutes wander around in the fresh air just to dispel the sex funk and into lunch. It was getting to be the same ol', same ol', a salad variety with some cold cuts probably of left overs from the previous day but it filled a hole. The kitchen staff saved their best efforts for the dinner in the evening which was normally a hot meal. Needless to say Jimbo and I kept giving our little princes the eye and they kept giving us coy looks. It must have been all over the school that the two were going for their first 'bonk', in fact there was so much chat that the Bursar told us to shut up and get on with our food. Most unusual for him as he seemed to drift around leaving most of the day to day stuff to Mr Thomas and Josh.

Eventually it was over and we wandered away and collected the boys. The next half an hour was taken in craftily or maybe not so craftily guiding them to our boudoir in the West Wing, this was Jimbo's private love nest and although a few knew it's location most didn't and he wanted to keep it that was. We ushered them in and locked the door behind us, we were home and dry.

'Down the end,' Jimbo muttered and keep the noise down.'

I think the kids were getting a case of the jitters now but I grabbed my Willy... woops, my William I should say and reeled him in like a wriggly fish. He got a dose of the giggles as I got his shirt off and then his shorts leaving him slender and frail but oh so desireable. The ceremonial dropping of the briefs exposed his boyish pecker twitching and standing proud as I guided him past the barriers and down onto our half of the giant bed. The first thing he spotted was the big pot labelled Ponds Hand Cream which was nothing of the sort. It was on loan from Josh and contained pure KY which probably was good hand cream but had better uses.

'What's that?' He squealed as I lay him flat and hovered obver him removing my own clothing.

'Lube,' Jimbo replied for me as he and Harry got onto their bit of the bed and started to undress each other. 'It makes little boy's holes soft and grrrrr...'

'You'd better put some on yourself then,' little Harry waved his stiff three inches of boy cock.

'Yeah, right,' Jimbo grinned. I think he was about to say something else but decided on saying nothing. Putting down your partner is not the best way of starting a shagathon. I bet these two would call it a bonkathon.

'Last bit of the tutorial,' I spoke up not wanting to be left out. 'You two can do Jimbo and myself from the front as we've done it all before.' I didn't remark on the small size of their cocks compared to what we'd had in the past. 'We'll do you from the back so we can ease you and make that little bumhole of yours pliable.'

'You're not all that big,' Willy grinned.

'Just to be on the safe side and this is presuming you're virgins,' Jimbo was annointing Harry's firm young meat with one hand and slowly wanking in the KY until the kid started to moan his pleasure.

'Of course we're virgins,' Harry groaned. 'The Virgin Queens.' I wondered if he knew the meaning for the word 'queen' as we used it, mind you, he'd soon find out. Jimbo was down on his back a minute later and was hauling Harry up into the poised and ready position. William, who I was still playing with himself and lubing up watched with interest as Harry blushing crimson moved into position with his oiled and sticky out organ at the ready.

'Go on,' Jimbo held the boy's hips as he slowly moved in. 'Take your time.'

'Ooooh...' Harry warbled and Willy giggled as he saw Harry's shiny penis press against Jimbo's pucker abnd slowly disappear. 'Aw, Jeez...' Harry moaned as he felt himself inside Jimbo and gripped by my pal's hot flesh.

'Come on, come on,' Willy had watched this and wanted his share.

I lay on my back and readied myself. Willy hovered above me trying to look like a sex starved wolf but failing miserably, he still looked like a nervous eleven year old but he wasn't giving up. I moved in and positioning his shiny red glans at my hole and told him to push in slowly.

'Aaaah... take your time,' I held his hips as he penetrated me and then moved in even more and started to move faster. It was good, not too little and not too large (as they say). He sank right in and as my legs slipped onto his back he dropped his head to kiss and just pumped his hips up and down just like an experienced performer. 'Nice,' I whispered when I had the chance and held his smooth bottom soon to be mine. 'Nice and easy.'

'This is hard work,' he panted and grinned, not quite what I'd expected but I could feel his little prick moving in me like a steel bar and he groaned and suddenly spasmed. 'Gawd...' he moaned and I felt him jerk within me and I swear I felt the pumping and then the slipperyness. He'd actually done a proper cum and he could only get better after this. We fell on our sides and watched as Harry did his bit with Jimbo. I grabbed Willy's softening cock and ran his foreskin over his cherry red glans and a trickle of milky almost watery cum oozed from his pee slit... my Willy was a man. OK, a bit pretentious, he was a boy but he had working parts and that was the main thing.

'Lay on your tummy, Randy Boy.'

'I think I cum, a proper one,' he fiddled with his shrinking dick squeezing and tugging at the foreskin.

'You did, never fear,' I laughed and guided him onto his belly parting his legs. His little dark pink pucker was perfectly visible as I smeared lube onto it and slipped a finger inside him. I knew I was safe here as he seemed to like the finger bit on saliva and he wriggled and pushed up onto my KY coated finger. Yeah, he loved it. There was a final flurry and comotion from the right and I saw that Harry and Jimbo had parted and I heard Jimbo congratulating his little partner.

I didn't care, I was now deep inside Willy's tight little hole worming and corkscerwing my finger to reach every part of his inside that I could.

'I'm ready,' he whispered and cocked his bum up.

'A little more.'

'No, that's enough,' he looked at me and scowled. 'Now or never.' Well, faced with a choice like that what was I to do?

'Go for it,' Jimbo grinned. He and Harry were sitting there cross legged with their arms around each other looking pretty eager to watch the show. I positioned Willy with his sweet little bottom akimbo if that's the word, I had a pillow under him and his dish was cocked. I knelt between his legs and ran my swollen organ up and down his crack.

'Stop if I shout out,' he whispered with his former bravado gone. 'Don't hurt me.'

'It might a little but not if I can help it.' Jeez, that sounded so lame but I pressed in feeling my swollen glans press against his little ring and I pushed.

'Jeeeesus...' he whined and clutched the bedding but I was in and as I soothed him and kissed the back of his sweaty neck he relaxed and I pushed in a little bit more. 'It's so big,' he groaned and I moved in and out... just a little but every move stretched his pucker more and I felt his body go limp. He'd taken it and now it was a careful fuck gradually filling him until my balls nestled against his bottom and my belly settled onto the small of his back. 'It's so big,' he repeated and squeezed his tight little cheeks on me and then eased again. 'Go on then...'

That was good enough for me, I fucked him or bonked him and he got into it, really he did. He finished up pushing back onto me and we finished up in a sort of a crouched doggy as I went faster and faster. I wasn't going to last but if we went for seconds it would last longer.

'Will, I'm gonna... cum,' I wailed and rammed into him deep and hard feeling my red hot cum shoot up my shaft and splatter into his virgin hole. I even felt it oozing out as I continued and until he begged me to stop. We collapsed onto our sides and I lay inside him waiting for my softening cock to slide free. 'How do you feel?

'Stuffed,' he giggled. 'Shagged, stuffed, fucked and bonked... and I'm leaking around the back, I can feel it.'

'No probs.' As I slipped free I shoved some tissues into his crack. 'Don't fart.'

'Shurrup,' he giggled and watched as Harry underwent his oiling up. Jimbo who was bigger cockwise than myself was about to pop Harry's little cherry. 'That's so big,' Willy gazed at Jimbo's straining five incher as it slipped between Harry's cheeks. 'He'll split him.'

'No he won't,' I cuddled his sweaty little body. 'It's amazing how a boy fanny can stretch.'

'Mmm...' he watched as Jimbo took Harry without even a bleat coming from the smaller boy and then clung to me as Jimbo began to fuck.

'Shall we leave them to it and have a shower,' I suggested. 'I might even suck that noodle of yours once you've washed it.'

'Promise?' He grinned seeming to lose interest in the show. The offer of a sucking took priority and I suspected he might like to perch upon a certain throne. It was over for we two but I was damn sure we were going to do it all again once we were stuck in our chilly tent for the night and the next day, maybe a switch around... I love mixed doubles.

To be continued.

IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING: Once this clears into Nifty I shall be publishing Part 1 of "KIEL NAVAL COLLEGE, 1911". This is a three parter and I expect it to go into Nifty/Historical but who knows.

I've also had a couple of letters regarding a third chapter to MUDDY MONKEY which I'm playing around with.


Next: Chapter 38

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