Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Aug 20, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



24B - The Relief Master

(Told by Richard Lodge)


G. Cutter

Well, it was a pleasant afternoon especially after blowing and being blown by Jimbo. He gave me a good tour of the school, the main spots at least. The gymn, the pool, a quick peep into the sauna and a long walk over the fields to where the lads had a little camp site set up. From Jimbo's talk he and this other kid had set it up and promptly seduced the only two eleven year olds in the school over the holiday. I didn't know what to believe and what was boyish fantasy but every boy I met got me a run down by Jimbo once we'd left them. He was either a prime fantasist or the biggest predator on the scene. Predator is the wrong word as juvenile predators only abuse or like to get their rocks off, Jimbo willingly admitted that he both gave and took if you can follow that one. The other masters were noticeable by their absence and Jimbo said that they'd probably be over the local pub or sleeping it off in their rooms, so it was boys all the way without an adult to be seen.

He took me on a tour of the kitchen which was operating with a skeleton staff and they had their own newbie, A Romanian kid going by the name of George. Quite pretty in a malnourished sort of way and being shown the ropes by a Polish guy, they had a Somali in there as well so the kitchen like the school seemed to be a mini United Nations. I'd already been introduced to a Russian kid, an Italian, a Thai and a German. I must admit if I had any preferences it would be the Thai kid, the Italian Sixth former and curiously enough the Romanian bag o' bones. Not a very nice comment but no doubt he'd fill out a bit with some food inside him.

We bumped into Josh a couple of times who just seemed to be wandering around keeping an eye on things, little did I realise at the time that it was me he was keeping an eye on. I was told later that the boys had a lot going on in the afternoons and Josh was acting as an early warning system if Jimbo cocked up but Jimbo kept me well clear of the dormitories and anywhere else they might be indulging in their sweaty couplings. He took me to the Art Room and there he produced a gaily coloured poster telling all and sundry that there would be a gymn and general activity class from nine thirty until eleven thirty daily. He also said he'd drag along half a dozen mates but after that it would be down to me to make the two hours attractive, the kids were on holiday after all and not compelled to do anything other than keep their dorms tidy.

'Get 'em hot and sweaty and then to the pool for eleven thirty,' he advised. 'Lunch isn't until twelve thirty so you get to see them wet and slippery.' We sat on a wall in the rear quadrangle and watched a foursome kicking a ball around. 'So who do you fancy for tomorrow night,' he dropped his voice. 'Gimme a challenge.'

'That kid there,' I pointed out a fair haired boy amongst the football players.

'Brian Stanson, a mate of mine. He's in the Fourth,' he cackled. 'He's easy meat.'

'Can do?'

'Do you doubt me, Mr Lodge,' he sniggered. 'Brian it is.'

'Brilliant,' I sat there feeling the warm sun on my back burning through my t-shirt.'

'That Romanian kid looks rather sweet.'

'A bit harder that one but I'll see my contact in the kitchen. They take turns in a night duty so sometimes it takes time for things to click. His first night duty you might have to entertain two of them.'

'They can ravish and abuse me,' I laughed not really believing all his bullshit but hoping all the same. I didn't really want a nightly parade of kids to my room as that was a way to disaster but the idea still had a certain attraction.

What about the other masters? They at it?'

'We suspect Thomas but no one's let on yet. He has a roving eye and he certainly likes the Sixth formers... maybe one of them.'

'Maybe,' I watched to ball players. Yeah, Stanson was nice and he kept on looking over. It was predicatable that the ball would get kicked our way sooner or later and it was. Cue for a general kick around which Jimbo and I joined in, another four lads met and named not that I'd remember all the names. Brian Stanson I'd remember all the same, a cheeky face and a wide grin, very, very tasty... not as tall as Jimbo but just as desireable in a totally different way, chalk and cheese as they say but variety is the spice of life is another cliche that would seem to be true.

Jimbo didn't rate the so call meal designated 'tea' and he was right. it was just that, mugs of tea and some bread and jam or cheese, take your pick. It seemed the big meal of the day was dinner around seven thirty in the evening and then there was cocoa and munchies served up around ten, just before bedtime. Of course, being a holiday no one went to bed at ten but that was blatantly obvious. The place seemed to be running by acident although the ever vigilant Josh kept a grip on things.

Jimbo disappeared after tea but assured me that he'd bring me my night snack just after ten which left me time to explore a bit on my own. I checked out the sports fields which were surprisingly well kept and came across a groundsman who was just finishing up. This guy told me that he and a sidekick kept the place under control over the holidays and that the school would be hiring out the cricket pitch on an occasional basis now the Pavilion was decorated. To my surprise I found out that if any hirings did happen it would be down to me to look after the guests... that was one I need to see the elusive Mr Thomas about.

I had a wander about the Pavilion and just out of curiosity tried the door, it swung open and I decided to have a look around. It was pretty gloomy but I didn't bother with the lights, the Clubroom was standard and it was clear the changing rooms and probably the toilets were down the other end. As I tried the door I could swear I could hear boyish voices and splashing. Feeling like a criminal rather than one of the guys in charge I silently made my way through the changing sections until I could hear if not see what was going on.

These kids whiover they were must have given tea a miss, I glanced at my watch, it was barely five which left me two hours before the main meal of the day, the evening dinner. I crept in closer remaining hidden and it seemed one older boy with two squeakier voices and in the end I stepped around the corner to announce myself.

There was a sunken bath there big enough to take a whole football or rugby team, two little blondies in the water who I seemed to recall were brothers but the one sitting on the side was one of my lusts. It was Scipio Fortunato, the Italian kid and he like the others was totally naked.

'Hi, guys,' I just stood there looking at the three of them. Predictably the two little ones shrieked and went into a huddle, Scipio slipped into the water and stared up at me, none of them spoke. 'Well, I don't know the rules but suspect you shouldn't be in here... right or wrong... Fortunato?'

'Right, sir.'

'We're not doing any harm, sir.' One of the little ones piped up.

'True,' I smiled trying to remain stern without being overbearing, a fine line to tread I might add. 'And that's why we won't say anymore about it.'

'We're using the tents, sir and it's closer to come here for a bath, sir,' the other kid babbled.

'You've bathed,' I grinned and sat on a bench. 'Get dressed and go and get ready for dinner or whatever.'

Scipio started to clamber out with them but I waved at him to stay and started to remove my shoes and socks. I saw the blond brothers staring at me and told them to get a move on. I was taking a massive gamble that they'd been upto dirty monkey business and was going to take advantage of the situation. Well, I was almost certain and from their reaction it was a pound to a pinch of shit I was right. Scipio was still bobbing up and down and watching me intently. I gave him a little grin and he smiled back... so far so good.

I'd thought he was good looking before but with his long black hair wet as well as his nut brown slender body he was a wet dream come true. Sixteen, a boy on the verge of manhood and one I'd captured myself without Jimbo's fixing. The boys were just about dressed and I told them to disappear and keep their mouths shut, they did as they were told and probably myself and Scipio in the Pavilion would be all over the school by bedtime but I was past caring.

As soon as I heard the door close I finished stripping off and stepped down into the bath to face Scipio, the water came waist high and as I moved in he held his arms out to accept me. Stiff flesh met undewater as we embraced and he hugged me tightly as my hands slipped down from his waist and cupped his smooth and slippery arse cheeks.

'I know what you want, Mr Lodge,' he grinned squirming against me. 'A starter course for your first school evening meal.'

'Exactly,' I turned him and grabbed a large bar of soap. As he rested his forearms on the side of the bath lifting himself from the water a little I soaped across his shoulders and down his back finishing off on his sallow buttocks which were half out of the water. He laughed softly as my soapy hands slid into his crack washing and fingering his hole until I had one finger inside him and he clenched as it moved.

'You don't believe in foreplay then?'

'When we have a night together, sweet Scipio. We don't want to be late for the big eats.'

'True,' he grunted as my finger slipped free and I moved in. He grunted even louder as I pushed against his ring and slipped inside him quite easily enjoying his heat and slick tightness as he gripped on my stiff cock now buried in his body. 'A bit bigger than I'm used to,' he giggled and pushed back as I began to fuck. The water was shallow enough to stand comfortably but then again it was deep enough to bob up and down a little. My first submarine fuck and it was nice. He had a nice body and reaching around he had a nicer cock which was hard and twitching in my hand. 'Wank me...' he muttered.

I massaged and played with his slippery penis as he pushed back onto my thrusts, in the end I cum in deep and shuddering blasts into his sweet bottom and quickly withdrew leaving a silvery trail of my spunk in the water. Quickly I span him around and hoisted him until he was sitting on the edge of the sunken bath and ducked my head onto his fat mansized cock. Those little buddies of his must haved fannies like buckets to take that but I dismissed those thoughts and ducked my head onto his wet flesh. He grinned and held my head, he liked that and as my head bobbed up and down he fucked into my mouth. In the end he erupted and I swallowed two good mouthfuls of his fruity youth juices as he flopped out flat panting like a fish out of water. We were done.

'We'd better get sorted out for dinner,' he climbed to his feet giving me another chance to admire his slim and very trim nut brown body. 'Don't tell Jimbo about this, he's negotiating me for your Wednesday sleepover.'

'Really?' I laughed as I climbed fron the bath and found a towel.

'He's our Mr Fixit,' he laughed. 'You asked for me I understand.'

'Yes indeedy and I'll look forward to Wednesday.'

'I do fuck you know, I'm not a natural bottom.'

'You're a very good bottom,' I slapped his still damp bum. 'So am I,' I gave him a quick grin so that he knew he'd get his share.

Walking back across the fields he reminded me again not to tell Jimbo then we split, apparently we had to look reasonably decent for the school dinner and t-shirts were frowned on but not shorts, all very odd. I met up with Messrs Thomas, Harris and Smyth in the Masters Common Room and we slugged a couple of whiskies before walking down to the dining hall to meet up with the boys. The difference with our table was that one of the chefs waited on us and the boys did it cafeteria style. Our two local members had gone home and would return around eight in the morning, the Bursar seemed to drift in and out as he pleased, he too lived locally.

It was obvious that Thomas although the junior apart from myself was the bossman and did most of the organising, the other two were passengers plain and simple. Thomas gave me a list of the boys in residence so I had a chance to find out who was who although I suspected Jimbo would take care of that aspect. Josh Raynor might be the Acting Head Boy but Jimbo, or Jim Fraser to give him his correct name was the Mr Fixit. I noticed that the Romanian boy served our table and from the occasional remarks he seemed to speak excellent English which was a relief. He did look so young but I was assured he was seventeen, in fact, he looked around fourteen and was sweet in a sort of half starved sort of way. The boys seemed to congregate on their own tables, the three senior boys, the Sixers with three smaller boys one of whom was Brian. The Fifth Form as I understood it had a table to themselves and the final was a cram as they had two tables shoved together. Four dark boys, two blonds and a ginger kid, Howard told me that they were the First and Third Forms, the ones to watch.

'Idle hands do mischief make,' he gave me a smile. It sounded like a quotation but he'd probably made it up. I might have said before children weren't exactly my cup of tea but I could imagine two of those little angels in bed with me. After dinner we retired to our Common Room where they ran a small bar and I stayed until around nine thirty excusing myself on the grounds of a long day. Of course, I had to think how to occupy a bunch (hopefully) of lads in the morning. I did have a word with Thomas before I left.

'Do the boys use the sauna?'

'No, they seem to prefer the pool and I'm not willing to start the thing up for only one or two boys.'

'Fair enough,' I tried to look like I'd had a bright idea. 'I was thinking that if the gymn class was around four or even six strong it would make a nice final hour before they go to lunch. Far healthier than diving in a cold pool.'

'Well you're the expert,' he conceded. 'I'll switch it on around ten and it'll be heated up by eleven thirty. 'I'd like to see more of them use it... not in the evenings though.'

'Sure, whatever you say.' I bade him good night and I was on my way... I had an appointment with the first of my overnighters, the delightful and rather randy Jimbo.

I retired to my room and fiddled around with the antiquated TV but with no luck, I then spent some time sorting my gear out and finally settled down in the one and only armchair and surveyed my little kingdom. Not bad for a relief teacher, the study was pleasant enough and the bedroom big enough for the large bed. Ideal for the short time I'd be there. Jimbo scuttled in later with two mugs of cocoa and a plate of biscuits and plonked himself down at my desk.

'Good day?' He asked brightly. 'I hear you met Scipio and two of the kids over the pavion.'

'Yes, I did,' I sat by him after giving his spikey hair a ruffle. 'What did the dishy Scipio have to say.'

'Nothing much,' he shrugged. 'He said you fucked the boys off out of it and then gave him a lecture on using the pool or the sauna.'

'Yes,' I sighed with relief. Scipio had kept the faith.

'Your appointments,' he looked at me and placed a piece of paper on the desk. It wasn't hard to work out: Tuesday, Brian Stanson. Wednesday, Scipio. Thursday, George the young chef and Friday Jimbo and Simon.

'Two of you Friday?' I tried to look casual.

'Well, Simon's a bit nervy but I said I'd hold his hand. 'I can cancel if you like.'

'No, no. You've done well... brilliantly,' I smiled at him over my cocoa. 'Remind me, who is Simon.'

'The little ginger slut,' he laughed. 'Goes like a rocket.'

'Really,' I swallowed the remains of my cocoa and stood to move behind him. 'And how do you go, James the Fixer.' I bent down and kissed his smooth neck under his thick black hair. I munched his ear until he turned his head and his lips brushed mine.

'We'll find out in a minute,' he stood so that we were face to face. He was a little smaller than I was but he was tough, his bum cheeks felt like iron as I fondled then then they were like jelly on springs as he relaxed. 'Scipio thinks you're hot.'

'I am,' I took his hand and drew him into the bedroom.

'Hang on,' he pulled free and rushed back into the study to drop the latch on the door. 'We don't want any uninvited guests.'

'The other masters are busy getting sloshed, they won't be socialising.'

'I was thinking about Raynor or the Russian,' he giggled and came into the bedroom leaving the door slightly ajar. He gave a little squeal as I pushed him onto the bed and drew the curtains. It was as black as a coal cellar outside and we were on the first floor but better safe than sorry. 'Mmmmm...' he wriggled as I tugged up his t-shirt and set to work on his flat dark skinned belly and his cute little navel, delicous. We slowly carried out a very relaxed loveplay until we were both naked in the dim light from my reading lamp. We were both as hard as randy mutts and finished up belly to belly moving against each other in a frenzy of dry humping.

He was nice and clean with the lingering aroma of soap and some sort of deodorant, I guessed he was fresh from the shower and I quite happily lifted his legs and took a dive into his private area. A taste of his hardness, a suck on his balls and then the main target, his smooth and dark brown pucker. He warbled and wriggled as I got him into a crouch and got behind lapping and munching into his sweet crack as he spread his legs. He was damn good, if all the boys in this place were as good I'd feel like I was in heaven. He kept tightening and easing so his little hole pouted and pulsed as I attacked it with my tongue and slowly worked a finger in deep. I knew from the way he accepted me that Jimbo was well past the fingering stage. I slipped my finger free and almost immediately presented my dripping cock to his hole and pushed in firmly entering about half my length with one thrust.

'Jeez, Richy,' he moaned and dropped his head as I started to fuck. He was my first sex for months apart from the quicky with Scipio and he was worth waiting for as he pushed back onto me and then dropped himself and span so that with a maneuver of the legs I was deep inside him and gazing into his face. 'Gonna fuck you so hard for this,' he grunted. 'Big Dick.'

'Thank you,' I smiled modestly and moved within him.

'You're Number Two on my chart as Kosty is a bit bigger and he's Number One.'

'Gee, cheers,' I felt a bit miffed to be outranked by a schoolkid asuming Kosty was the big Russian boy but I was determined to make my mark on Jimbo and hammered away at his soft and very eager bottom. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' I grunted and he groaned as I finally jerked and lay within him and let my penis talk for me. I must have cum a gallon as it throbbed inside him and I felt it trickle from his hole and stain the bedding. I didn't care, I kept going and worked myself into a frantic and sweaty second cuming. He grinned up at me as I finally withdrew in a flood of stale spunk.

'Teach you to put a towel there next time around,' he giggled and pulled me across the bed avoiding the damp spot.

'I'm fucked,' I cuddle his sweaty body and kissed his damp neck. 'Wanna fuck or a suck?'

'Suck for now, I'll fuck you in the morning,' he lay back and looked at me quite confident in his power over me.

'Jesus...' I laughed and held his fat cock steady. He was so confident but why not? He was good at what he did and in a sneaky way I was looking forward to the morning. I ducked my head and swiped my tongue acrosss his glans removing the little white bead orfprecum from his glans. 'Can't wait,' I grinned and took him in one big swallow. I was going to enjoy my stay here and Jimbo, Mr Fixer was going to be one of my bestest best mates.

To be continued.

I'm going to go for another Richard Lodge to get the gymn class and sauna organised. KIEL NAVAL ACADEMY, 1911 - Part 3 (final) follows this onto Nifty


Next: Chapter 40

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