Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Sep 25, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Some long time readers will recognise the visitor as 'DANNY' from the Adult/Youth Section (14 June 04). Part of this episode is a reworking of that, he's worth a second outing.


25B - The Cricket Match

(Told by Good 'Ol Jimbo)


G. Cutter

I stretched and yawned, another day another dollar as they say. My week as batboy to Dicky the Relief Master was over, I think I'd done him well as far as sleeping partners were concerned although he did pretty well on his own. Today was his big day, we were hiring out the cricket pitch to a local team and an outer London team. Boring... I hear you say and rightly so. I hate cricket with a passion although I like my footy and the occasional rugby we mess about at. Anyway, along with Dicky's other mates I'd been roped in but only to keep the bar clean and tidy, this meant just flitting about during the post match drinkies and collecting glasses and clearing ashtrays as smoking was allowed out in the beer garden.

I kicked Brian to wake him up and get rid of him, it's OK sleeping with 'close' chums over the holidays but it still doesn't do to be caught in bed with them. He mumbled as he always does and tried to slide under the duvet but I was wise to that one, I hopped out and stripped the bedding off causing a commotion. Dominic and his Thai pal laughed like drains in their joint bed but stayed where they were... bold sluts.

At breakfast my Dicky Lodge was looking a bit limp, instead of doing the Friday with him I'd managed to get the brothers Andy and Joe to entertain him. The litle ravers must have worn him out as he was almost comatose which is a cracking word but one which suits. Immediately after breakfast he gathered his team as he called us together and went over the dreary routine again. I managed to make my escape and wandered over to the Pavilion. I bumped into Seb the groundsman's sidekick doing his final preparations and had a bit of a chat. Method in my madness, I had the hots for the Seb, I knew he wouldn't be lingering once the match got going but we'd broken our duck the previous day so we were old pals now. We would get together again it was in the stars but for now I was on an adventure. Every cricket match we'd had there brought fresh faces and most cricket teams have their supporters; mums and dads, girlriends and kids... especially kids. OK, so most were related to the players but not all of them watched the cricket, they were as bored and up for a laugh as I was. I arranged to meet up with Seb on the Monday for some instruction as I was putting myself up as a grounds enthusiast which was a poor excuse for getting close to the delicious Seb and the main groundsman was on holiday for the following week. Loads of time for us to duck and dive, jig and jive.

The opposing teams rolled up in the middle of our lunch break so things got a bit confusing. Josh, Scipio and Kosty were helping Dicky and naturally enough their cabin mates were helping out so I mingled with the cricketers trying to look helpful. There were some wives accompanied by anklebiters plus the normal Club supporters from both sides and the like so our tea ladies started dishing out cups of splosh and Mr Harris who was doing bar opened up with Josh helping out. Only soft drinks and munchies for the time being but as the sun got higher and hotter no doubt the booze would begin to flow. It was all very jolly and scruffy posh, this wasn't major league but amateur and these people were out to soak up sun and watch their partners make fools of themselves. That wasn't to say the serious ones weren't there but they were in a minority, with the sum blazing down I think most of them wanted the match over and to get into the bar.

I saw the delicious Seb before he left and tried to entice him into a snuggle somewhere but he told me he had to help out at home which I had to swallow, I could hardly call him a liar. However, he did say that Mr Lodge was quite interested in getting a match going on maybe Monday or Tuesday. maybe nine man teams or something similar but he said that he would see me Monday if I was interested. Was I interested? Of course, I was, I promised to bring Brian along which made his eyes light up. Anyway back to the event.

I spotted one kid right from the start. A real weirdo, he just seemed to be wandering about getting in the way. He seemed to belong to the Kingston Eleven who were the official 'away' team but no way was he part of the team if you know what I mean. The term 'camp follower' sprang to mind and I saw him deep in conversation with a much older guy, a scorer by the looks of all the biros and pencils. That's the thing about cricket, scoring is an art and there is a class of complete wally (both male and female) a bit like trainspotters who seem to think it's some sort of calling or discipline... sad pillocks. How can you find scoring a cricket match interesting? Answers on a postcard to: 'Who Gives A Shit, Guildford Post Office.

Anyway, this kid and he was a skinny one looked to be around sixteen or so, I'm not good with ages but he certainly wasn't what I'd call a manly kid, he was a boyish kid if you know what I'm babbling on about.The other thing that set him apart a little was that he was dressed like a muppet amongst all the whites, flannels, and summery dresses worn by the females I hasten to add. He had a grubby t-shirt on and jeans that had seen better days, it was difficult to see where he fitted in but he was strangely attractive and my damn hormones stepped up a rung. I was interested or maybe I was just curious, I have been told I'm a nosey brat before now.

The match got going around one o'clock and I soon sussed out I was redundant, maybe when the match was over and the drinking began but until then I was floating around like a spare prick at a wedding. I did notice that this skinhead kid seemed to be floating as well and after a while he started to follow me around like a dog. Even Josh who was propping up the bar and having a crafty lager commented on it.

'You've got an admirer, Jim my boy.'

'Yeah, cheers,' I snorted but then a giggle never did any harm.

'Chat him up, he could be the raver of your dreams.'

'You're the raver of my dreams, Josh,' I smiled sweetly and that one was a conversation stopper. All the same I approached the kid who was messing around on the pool table and had a word.

'Hi, who's side are you on?'

'Kingston's I suppose. My grandpa is one of their scorers.'

'Ah,' I tried to look smart. 'A family thing then?'

'Not really,' he laughed and had a little twinge, he was quite good looking in a street arab sort of way, definitely not one of us posh boarding school types unless he got a scholarship by some miracle. 'I stay with my grandpa most weekends and cricket's his thing. Cricket on Saturday and bloody Sunday as well if he can get away with it.'

'Sad,' I sniffed.

'Yeah, right,' he grinned. 'So what you doing here?'

'I'm the potman and ash tray king but no one's smoking or drinking yet.'

'Later,' he declared confidently/

'Right,' I looked at him and suddenly had an idea. 'I think I'll wander over the school and have a shower and lie down, this sun's a killer.'

'It is,' he agreed and tugged his t-shirt up right above his nipples and wiped sweat from his narrow chest. Well, it wasn't all that narrow, it was quite nice really. 'Can I come over with you?' He suddenly asked. 'I've never been inside one of these elite gaffs.'

'It's not all that elite,' I managed to answer. Jeez, was he coming onto me or what? I was back to being confused. 'Won't you grand daddy mind you pissing off?'

'Nah, he grinned. 'He's lost in his bloody cricket.'

'I was thinking of having a shower and a snooze,' I said again, I tried to put him off but not really... it's difficult to explain. I wanted to swag him away but I wondered if I was reading things all wrong, you know the body language and all the rest of it. He looked like a boy slut, he acted like a boy slut... but was he or was he just demented or even a piss taker?

'I don't mind,' he grinned. 'I can join you, if you've got a spare towel.'

'Join me in what, the shower or the snooze.'

'Whatever turns you on,' he laughed and did his shirt lifting thing again.

'Come on then,' I rasped and off we went. I gave Josh a thumbs up as we went out .

'So, what's your name? He asked as we walked skirted the outfield and then walked across the football pitches.

'Jimbo or Jim, take your pick. Yours?'

'Danny or Dan, take your pick,' he grinned. 'It's nice here,' he looked around as we walked. 'All our schools are on holiday.'

'So's Anselms. We just have a few lads and teachers who stay every holiday... parents abroad and that sort of thing.'

'Oh,' he replied clearly not understanding the setup very well. 'It must be spooky just a few of you rattling around in that great place,' he eyed the school as we got closer.

'We find things to do.'

'Betcha do,' he giggled.

I took him in through one of the side doors, there's being blatant and being bloody silly and I didn't want one of the masters seeing me dragging in a bit of stray. He was all eyes as we scuttled through the Main Hall and headed for the dormitory wing. Thankfully the place was deserted, some would be watching the match with others down the pool but I'd given that a wide berth on the way in. Maybe we could have a swim after but my destination was the showers opposite my hideaway and that was the empty dorm where I'd rigged up my little nest in the big bay window. I just hoped I wasn't wasting my time with this kid who I assumed to be sixteen but could well be younger.

'How old are you Dan?' I asked as I ushered him into the empty dorm.

'Fifteen... you?'

'Ditto,' I laughed. 'Made for each other,' I ventured.

'Maybe,' he grinned as I shut the door and wandered down to the end. I raked around for a couple of towels and he did that t-shirt lifting thing again exposing his pale chest.

'Keep doing that and I'm gonna suck your titties off.'

'Cluck, cluck,' he giggled and I lost it. I diven on him and hooked a leg behing his dropping him onto the heaped bedding. He gave a little squeal but grabbed me in a hug and I was inside his shirt as he squirmed around laughing and stroking my hair. Yeah, that's right. He was playing with me not pushing me away and when I finally got his manky shirt off over his head he wriggled around and moaned as I sucked at one salt sweaty nub. He made the first move as well, amongst the rolling around I felt his hand grasp at my groin and he didn't let go. As he held my meat I groaned as well and got harder. He was gentle enough but he knew what he wanted. 'Nice one,' he whispered.

It was all over, I transfered to the other nipple and slipped my hand down his flat belly and into the top of his oversized jeans finding his hardness immediately and he was hard, as hard as a poker. The other thing was he was damn well big as in BIG. Jeez, that skinny runt was hung like a donkey, I thought Kosty, the Russian sixteen year old was big but this kid had the length if not the girth. I smiled as I ran his loose skin to and fro and heard him groan his pleasure. Reaching lower his balls seemed hairless but heavy and juicy as he pushed up into my hand.

'We showering?' He suddenly broke free. 'I wanna see you nekkid.'

'Want no more,' I laughed and sprang to my feet quickly shedding my own shirt aware of his hot eyes on me. When I dropped my shorts and briefs he was almost drooling. No novice this kid, he knew exactly what he wanted as he unclipped the waist of his jeans and kicked off his gear laying there in just his socks. My estimate was right, he was outsized, he was another Kosty (as I've said), it was a seven plus and looked so enormous on his frail frame I nearly squirted just looking down at him. Before I gave way to temptation and dived back down onto him he clambered to his feet and grabbed a towel. 'Jesus, that is so big,' I exclaimed being unable to keep it in any longer. I don't normally flatter people but this was just a plain fact.

'Yeah, embarassing at times,' he smirked. 'All the girls see it once and do a runner.'

'What about the boys?'

'Depends on the boys,' he laughed and giggled again as I pulled him in for our first kiss. My hardness slipped between his legs and his enormous prick nestled between our bellies as we swayed still standing on the bedding. 'Come on, let's have a shower, I'm all sticky and smelly.'

'True,' I agreed and got a scowl in return.

We managed to get over to the showers unobserved. The school was deserted and I had Danny all to myself. OK, he was no oil painting, he was skinny and had short dark hair but a perfectly white bubble but and that elongated penis of his was off planet. I was a bit nervous about taking it but I would. Kosty was big, Seb was probably about the same but Danny was extraordinary, he'd probably puncture a lung but I was going to try or die in the attempt. He liked his little bottom being fondled again and when I managed to slip a finger between his tight cheeks and prong his tight little hole he gave a shuddering moan and clung to me like a young girl not that I had much experience on that front.

We rinsed off and dried roughly not fussing too much. we both wanted the same thing and that was hot and sweaty sex. In fact, my little nest wasn't too bad. I had the curtains drawn but a couple of the windows ajar so there was a pleasant beeze and we gratefully lay out on the heaped bedding and immediately went into a clinch. We were off.

It was like wrestling with a spider, he was so skinny and he seemed to be all arms, legs and dick but he was wiry and strong. I allowed him to pin me to the bedding on my bellyand he went all macho kissing the back of my damp neck trying to get his totally stiff penis between my cheeks.

'Use this,' I finally surrendered and produced the lube from under the pillows, no way was he shoving that thing inside me dry although I could feel the smear of his glans acros my crack.

'Great,' he giggled and smeared a glop onto my bottom and then his fingers parted my cheeks annointing my hole. I spread my legs wide but remembered to warn him I wasn't a bitchboy and expected payback. I didn't want him to think he was able to rape, pillage and then do a runner... not on my home turf at least. I forgot all about that as his long skinny cock slipped between my cheeks and I felt the pressure on my pucker, nothing new there but once he was in his fuck was weird. He seemed to just use half his cock (belive it) right until the end and then he sank in the whole length and I did a little sqeal. God the thing felt it was up around my lungs and I could feel his sweat as finally he buried himself in me and his bony chest rested on my back.

'Jeez, I muttered. 'You are deformed,' I said less than gracefully. Mind you in a way it was good, I felt like there was a bloody great snake inside me as he pulled out and then shoved it back in again but it was getting harder and I'm sure the thing was swelling. He had me squirming about like an even year old virgin and here I was, Mr Fixit, the school sexbomb being pronged by a bloody townie.

'Jim, Jim...' He panted and started to go faster.' I could really feel every inch and then he blasted off, he must have emptied those big balls of his as he cum forever and I could feel his length sliding to and fro on a coating of his boy juice until he slowed and finally just layon me nibbling my ear. 'Brill...' he panted. 'I gotta come here again.'

'Not this time buddy boy,' I managed to push up and roll us onto our sides and then void him and lay face to face. He looked drained and I almost took pity on him but what goes around comes around as he should know and I cuddled his slight body cupping and fondling his sweet little bubble butt. My cock was straining and leaking after the performance but he ducked down and sucked away the dribbles but he wasn't getting away that easy. I lay him onto his back and his long lubed and cum stained weapon lay on his belly like a dead thing. I stirred it with my finger like a dead snake and he smiled as I cupped his shrunken balls parting his legs.

I knelt up with my own hardness waving in the breeze and he started to handle it until I lifted his knees to his chest exposing his truly tiny hole. 'I think you fancy a bit of Danny fanny,' he giggled. Damn right I did. I didn't loosen him or play games, this kid was no virgin and I was on heat. I smeared some of the glop onto my aching cock and lowered to the position. He leant up and held it to his hole as I held his hips and just pushed in penetrating his sweet pucker and entering his warm body. Great, he took as well as he gave which is a funny thing to say but he knew how to serve, he squeezed his arse as I pushed in and relaxed as I slid free. He'd done it all before and knew what he was doing, in a nutshell, he was a good fuck and I went potty. I fucked him silly and he did all the required moaning and groaning wrapping his skiiny legs around me as I fucked him senseless. When it was all over and I mean I'd done a super cum we lay in our mingled, sweat, spunk and funk we just kissed and cuddled and he was good at that as well.

'Our Captain was on about hiring the pitch in a couple of weeks time,' he looked at me sideways with a little smile. 'We haven't got a proper home ground,' he explained.

'Well, we only use it for the beginning of the season and the school's always after money,' I replied. 'And skinny shags as far as I'm concerned.'

'Saturday and Sunday,' he laughed. 'Hows about that.'

I looked at him and laughed, Mr Fixit was coming to the fore. I had visions of him and Seb, maybe Brian or even one of the Sixth... what a jolly party that would be. 'You could stay overnight, unofficially that is... would your grand pa turn a blind eye.'

'Dunno but it's worth thinking about... I could shag you all night long then.'

'Cheeky, I grinned. 'Have a shower and you can shag me all afternoon long...'

'Let's go,' he laughed and clambered to his feet. He might look a bit of a dim and grubby bugger but he could move when he wanted to.

To be continued.

PIECE OF CAKE will continue but in November. I've decided to take October off as my PC is playing silly buggers and I want to change my ISP for someone a bit cheaper.

I'll send A NEW DR WHO (Part 1) to Nifty once this clears and follow on with Part 2 which completes it. I intend a a Series but we'll see how it goes.


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