A Play with Nothing But Sex

By Trix Night

Published on Jul 1, 2008



This story was written by me, Trix. If you are younger than 18 years old, please leave now. This story is completely fiction.

This is a play script, rather then a story, but there is a storyline in this play. (If that makes sense to you, you're AMAZING). This is the first time I've written this kind of story/play.

I would love to hear any of your comments. So please email me at: trixnight@gmail.com

Hope you enjoy it.

[[A Play With Nothing But Sex]]

[Main Characters]

Simon Patterfield (S): Slut.

John (J): Best friend of Simon.

Professor (P) Sparks (Sparky): Lecturer of Simon's.

Dave (D) the Security Guard: Dorm Security Guard.

[Chapter 1] (Setting: Professor Sparks Private Office)

Professor Sparks: "You like this don't you? DON'T YOU?"

Simon Patterfield: "Yes... I like this very much, sir."

Professor Sparks: "Yeah. Oh, oh. Why the fuck is your ass so tight? FUCKK!"

Simon Patterfield: "Ahhhhh. P... P... Pro...fessor... Sparks. Ah. Ah. Ah."

Professor Sparks: "You fucking whore! Take it, bitch! TAKE IT!"

Simon Patterfield: "Yes... Yes... Give it to me, sir... I need you."

P: "Beg for my cock, you stupid faggot!! Beg me, MORE! You know you want me? You've wanted me ever since you came into my classroom. TELL ME THE TRUTH!"

S: "Yes... Oh, God! Yes... Yes... I wanted you. I wanted to get... Ah... close to you... Ah... and see... see if you were like... me."

P: " Like, YOU? ME? LIKE YOU?"

S: "Ahhhh..."

P: "I'm... nothing like you, you WHORE! Look around you, bitch. You're in my office, lying on my desk letting me ram all my 7 inch cock in you. AND YOU THINK YOU'RE LIKE ME?"

S: "I... thought... thought..."

P: "You thought fucking wrong! This is where you sluts belong, under a master who FUCKING OWNS YOU. Got that? Did you hear? I OWN YOU! SAY IT! SAY IT NOW"

S: "But... I'm..."


S: "Awww! Sir! Please don't take your dick out of me... Sir, please, I'll play your master and slave game. Please I promise to be good."

P: "A GAME? WHAT? THIS IS NOT A FUCKING GAME! You LIVE for my pleasures. Got it? Ummm... and to think I still have those videos of you in that GAY STRIP CLUB. Want me to show that to everyone?"

S: "Please, sir. Don't. It'll... it'll ruin my whole life here. I... I'll do anything you ask. Just please don't give those videos away."

P: "Remember I OWN you. You're my property. UNDERSTAND?"

S: "Yes... Oh, please. I need your dick inside me, I live to pleasure you. You own me. I'm hardly worth your service. I'm your slave, and you're my hot master."

P: "Good. Now that we've got that settled, strip. That's it... fully naked now...Mmm..."

S: "Ah.. please don't my... my pecks are just a little sensitive..."

P: "A little sensitive, eh? What if I do this with my tongue?"

S: "AH. Oh god, yeah. Swirl that tongue of yours, sir. Oh, oh shit."

P: "You pecks are... delicious... Ah."

S: "Oh sir! That feels... OH MY GOD! Please sir, can I cum now? Please?"

P: "NO! Not until I've gotten off!"

S: "But sir... I... I..."

P: "Get your fucking hands of your dick now!! Do you want me to tie your hands together? DO YOU?"

S: "Please sir! You've had your fun... I've, I've not gotten off since last night."

P: "Last night? LAST NIGHT? You, fucking SLUT! TAKE THAT [ slap ] and THAT [ double slaps ]"

S: "Sir..."

P: "You whore! Your erected dick is just jumping with excitement at me slapping your face. Isn't it? ISN'T IT?"

S: "Yes sir."

P: "Tell me how much you like this!"

S: "Oh, master. I jump with excitement and pleasure when you dominate me with your sexual power. I crave for you're cum, your body and your dick. Everything that I have and own belongs to you. I live to serve you. I am never complete unless I'm with you. You are my only master.

[ Dave enters ]

Dave: "Well I'm not sure about `only master', right Sparky?"

Professor Sparks (Sparky): "Nice of you to drop in, Dave, like what you see?"

S: "D... D... Dave... What... This... This isn't what it looks like? We... We... were role playing for a... a part... Please don't tell anyone."

Dave: "Cut the crap, Simon. I know about your little evenings with Sparky here. But I just couldn't believe it when Sparky told me about your sexual needs."

S: "You... planned this?"

P: "That's right. I figured, I could make a profit out of you, remember what you just said. I own you. Also Dave has been here a while. He was taking pictures of you with his camera. Do you see?"

S: "W...What???"

Dave: "Yeah these pictures are the bomb. I just can't believe it was you Simon. The captain of the basket ball team is a fucking gay slutty faggot."

S: "Please Dave. I... Don't tell any of the guys."

Dave: "Well then. I'm your second master. Got that?"

S: "Yes master Dave."

P: "Well isn't that sorted out. Want to join us Dave?"

Dave: "Can't. I have guard duty today now. I just came over to give my slave, a little present." [ Dave hands Simon a bag with some unknown contents in it]

S: "Thank you... Master."

Dave: "I expect you to leave your room unlocked tonight. And I expect you to follow the instructions from the bag, understand?"

S: "Yes sir!"

Dave: "Good. That's sorted then. I'll see you later, Sparky."

[Dave left]

P: "Now. Where were we? Ah, yes. Lie down on my desk. That's it. Legs up in the air."

S: "Master, are you going to fuck me now? Please sir, will you?"

P: "Damn! I love to hear you beg. Here it comes slut! Hot and hard! Here it... AHHH!"


P: "Yeahh, how do you like it now you stupid slut? Want me to fuck you? DO YOU?"

S: "Oh yes, please sir, fuck me hard, fuck me master."

P: "You got it, fag."

S: "Oh god.. Faster, sir. PLEASE I NEED YOU!"

P: "Oh fuck yes! You fucking love this don't you? My cock sliding into the tight little ass that I OWN! You want more, don't you? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!"

S: "Oh, sir. I need you to fuck me harder and faster, because I live to pleasure you, I need you to fill me up because I am so unworthy."

P: "OH FUCK! Your about to get, are you ready, slut? ARE YOU? And to think, after this you'll want more, you worthless piece of crap."

S: "Oh please, I'm ready for you, sir."

P: "Oh... JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

S: "Ahhhhhh."

P: "You like my hot man see in you, don't you? Ha! It's oozing out from your ass. Do you want to taste my cock, slut?"

S: "Yes, please."

P: "Here, suck me. That's right. Oh, damn! I forgot how hot your mouth in. Ooooo! Your mouth is so damn hot. SUCK ME FASTER, SLUT!"

[John enters]

To Be Continued... If you like it.

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