A Rebirth

By ozzalone65

Published on Jun 8, 2023


This is a tale based off a guy that I have had in a few stories. Tony. A hot guy I have had the great pleasure to hook up with on now multiple occasions. So this is a new story about the fucking delicious stud with the big delicious butt slapping balls.

And this story is created as an almost continuation of another story I am writing "the Last Man in Earth" but in itself a somewhat separate tale as his name is alternated for it as I spans a different life.

Enjoy this story.....

A Rebirth (14)

... I had let sleep claim me again. Here in this dream state I was already in. But I did as I was told and fell back into the abyss of slumber.assuming that when I awoke again I would be back in my home, my time, my existence. Not this strange place I had fallen into. This life inside my head. But as I alone again I looked about above me. There was again that dill light above.that glowing box of pale light that was bit of fire. I sat up and looked over into the other room beyond as I heard what seemed voices. I could see Tony sitting there at the table he sat there and was just listening.

"Who is there?" I pondered as I sat there in bed "Who is with him?"

I got up and moved into the other room. I saw he was alone, yet the other voice was in the room. And I knew not where it came from. I looked about as he saw me and spoke

"Your up" he said with a smile "Feeling better?"

I nodded as I looked about. Then saw the machine up in the shelf. I had a small light in it. And that was where the voice was coming from. I stood there in astonishment as I listened to the voice rising up from the box. It was a man's voice and he was speaking about things I did not understand. Many numbers and so forth that must have something to due with a cataclysm that had happened. I pieced some of it together as I sat there next to Tony, just listening to the man. A terrible event happened and we were somehow trapped in these chambers until the horror outside was over.

"How long have we been here?" I thought to myself. "Trapped in some big metal box to keep us safe from the outside world."

But at least I was safe with Tony (Anton). I reached form him and squeezed his hand. He turned and smiled at me. Then squeezed my hand back.

"Pretty soon" he said "Pretty soon we will be outside permanently" "No more suits, no more oxygen pumps"

I reached for his face and stroked his beard. The wiry hairs tickled at my fingertips. Then I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. It was a delicious passion filled kiss. Then I asked him if we could go outside. He mentioned that we were just out there yesterday. But if I wanted to go again we could. He got up, gave me his hand and then lead me through the chamber. Passed a storage room and to a large metal door. He turned the lever and it made a hideous creaking sound as he opened the heavy door. We stepped into a long dark corridor. Then to a small area where there were these strange garments. Big heavy looking things. I watched him out in on. Slipping himself into it, then pulling up a tap that created a sound. This closed off the breast of his awful looking garment. I followed him and slipped into the other one. Fiddling around to find the tap like he had. It was a tiny metal thing. I pulled and heard the sound again. But this closed off my suit. Then he strapped my in more so into it. Then we put on these large head covers. Heavy with a glass area on one side. It went over his head and I could see his face through the glass. So again I followed heat he did. Pulling the heavy cumbersome thing over my head. A few more straps and bindings and we were fully in these things. Looking like something alien or otherworldly. We grabbed a few other items and then opened yet another large metal door. Then we went up some stone steps to get another metal door. The creaking in this one almost deafening. I had to help push this one opened as it was really heavy. And then there was light. An orangy- yellow light that was very very bright. It almost blinded me as we stepped out of the doorway and then finally outside. I stood there almost in shock as I peered around at the desolation. Barren trees with now leaves. All had the yellowish haze about it. And the landscape did appear to be almost alone like as well.

"Ohh my God!" I huffed out as I surveyed everything "What is this place?" "And why am I here.?"

My head was screaming these calls at me. Yet nothing was escaping my lips. There was no sound to speak of somehow. I grabbed at the man's hand as we walked around in these strange suits. Taking in air through tubing attached to the helmet about my head. He lead me along over the dirt and dead grass on the ground. Just walking away from the underground cave we had been in. We moved through the barrenness looking about at everything around us. I wondered what had taken place to cause such a calamity.

"Let's go to the main house" he said to me "See what we can scrounge out that is useful"

I turned to him and then he looked over to a structure in the distance. A dilapidated looking structure as it was. But he wanted to go there. So I followed him. Still looking around at the desolation. There were no birds, now wind, just an eerie quiet other than our footfalls on the dead grass beneath us. We reached the dwelling

It looked like it had exploded from within as a few walls were collapsed on one side. Yet the structure for the most part was still intact. We then stepped into it and looked around. Rummaging through strange objects I had never laid eyes upon. Some like the strange talking communication box in the underground cave.

"Let's look in here" he said as he walked towards another room

There was basin of some sort and a metal stem sticking out of it. I presumed this was a kitchen of some sort and there was a large contraption with a handle. It looked like one of our wood burning stoves. Yet a very bizarre one at that. We rummage through the cupboards too look about to see what we could take and or use. He then came over and touched me. Then said that we would be okay soon. I smiled back at the man that was my lover. This gorgeous man that was Anton but was not. We collected some items he suggested we take. Then we headed back out and moved to get back to the underground cave. Tony saying we needed to get back before we ran out of oxygen

"Let's get back" he had stated "Wanna get home before we have no air to breath" "Yes" I said back "Of course"

As we reached the doorway to the underground dwelling I looked up as I hear a grand eruption in the distance. Then there was a bright light and I then could not see anything save for the shimmering brightness of light upon light. There was a loud boom and then the brightness great even wilder. I feared I would go blind from the whiteness of this bright light. I closed my eyes and called out to him. Tony. There was no answer but a wild whisting sound that began to surround me. I shook myself and opened my eyes again. I then looked about and saw I was back in my time, the room I had been in with Anton. And there laying in the bed next to me was Anton. Sleeping. I sat up and looked about the room again. Still lost as to what was happening to me. Utterly confused about these visions and what they meant. Where was this place I was thrust into with each odd dream? And was it dreams? I was very unsure. I then just lay back and stared up at the ceiling. Wondering what to take of these dreams. What did they mean. I needed to know...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 14

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