A Revolution Without Dancing

By Kelly Godby

Published on Apr 30, 2012



Disclaimer: Blah Blah Blah. The usual Blah. Obviously, this story is fiction. None of these characters are real, so don't try to google their names, find where they live, and have sex with them. It's not worth it. Please don't steal my writing. I doubt you'll make money off of it, but the morals of stealing are just wrong, so save yourself a lifetime of fire and brimstone and write your own damn story! And finally, the awkward part... If you're under 18... Just ask you extremely accepting and non-homophobic father if you can read this story. I'm sure he'll say yes :) First story ever written by your's truly... This one's for the Kelly Godby's of the world.

Intro: I like it when the writer puts comments before the story so... These are mine. I hope you guys like what I wrote. Lately, a lot of the stories on Nifty have been actual stories (Oh Radio Tell Me Everything You Know, Things Have Changed, Starlight and Straightjackets, A Pessimists Guide to Optimism). Anyways, I decided to write a well-written (I hope) story of my own, and I like to think mine will hold a candle to some of these other stories. I'm still in high school, aspiring to be a writer and President of the world, and I hope you like what I've done with my weekend :)

"A Revolution without dancing is a Revolution not worth having."-- Emma Goldman

Kelly Godby did not drink at parties, but he had no problem watching other people get drunk. It was almost a favorite pastime of his, and he indulged in it nearly every weekend. Alcohol, Kelly found, could make even the most outstanding genius act like a fool. While he found foolishness amusing, this knowledge was part of the reason he did not drink, and as he watched Josh Randall butt fuck Macy Grey's little sister's stuffed Spongebob, he could not think of a more foolish imbecile.

Kelly stood against Macy Grey's living room wall with a circle of girls crowded around him. He could not have been less interested in what any of them had to say, but he knew the rules; he flashed them all limelight-stealing smiles, smirked at all of their slurred jokes, and kept a smooth hand on the inside of Sarah Kitteridge's thigh. The pack of drunk teens who had gathered around Kelly only attracted more drunk teens, and unknown hands soon found themselves placed on the inside of Kelly's own thighs. He paid the manicured fingers no mind; he was bored.

Kelly Godby was not attractive, but not a single person, male or female, would have noticed. Kelly had perfected the art of looking good, which, incidentally, was much more useful than being good looking. His face was a collection of sharp angles and oblique lines. His chin was stiff and pointed like his mother's, and he had inherited his grandfather's high, French cheekbones. He was slightly tall, and his height exaggerated his slim waist and thin arms. His nose was soft and normal, but his ears were large and distracting. He hid his ears with a combed mop of damp, black hair that was swept messily to the right side of his face, revealing a pair of dark and slanted eyebrows. Beneath his eyebrows, his eyes were as jagged as his cheekbones and were colored a piercing and judgmental grey.

It was his eyes that betrayed him. While his flirtatious words and smiles won the plastered hearts of every girl whom Kelly had ever talked to, his eyes were veiled with apathy and indifference. Unlike the rest of his body, Kelly's eyes would not be lied to, and they refused to feign interest in what Macy Grey, Sarah Kitterbridge, or any other desperate tragedy of a human being had to say. Instead, while Kelly japed and teased girls slyly out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes darted playfully and arrogantly around the room, carelessly trying to find something interesting to break the monotony of drunken sexual innuendos.

Kelly was dressed better than most of the girls, who had arrived at the party decorated like hookers on Halloween. While the girls wore tight, food stained yoga pants and the other boys crammed themselves into baggy sweats and basketball shorts, Kelly was dressed stylishly. A pair of navy blue jeans hugged his legs tightly and outlined his toned gluts. His black belt matched his black, leather shoes, and his black hair went nicely with both of these. He wore a flimsy, white, long-sleeved thermal underneath a vintage collared-shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His socks were blue with black elephants on them; Kelly had learned long ago that a man's socks were to be his most interesting piece of clothing. All together, he made a perfect picture, surrounded by the most attractive girls in the town. It was a picture he found himself commonly associated with, for Kelly rarely left his house without making himself look good. While other boys were content with looking mediocre, Kelly preferred to turn heads wherever he went.

Music thumped off the walls, and Kelly could feel the vibrations tingle his back. The living room was dimly lit, and huddles of people had formed around the ornately decorated . People danced and talked and gossiped and smoked, but Kelly's huddle was the largest. The party had been thrown together at the very last minute, but Macy Grey always came through like the party planning champion that she was. Plastic cups of cheap liquor and water bottles of vodka were passed around the house, and a giant cloud of smoke billowed out of the door to the basement. Macy had closed off the upstairs bedrooms, so couples were forced to fuck each other on couches, underneath the blankets. Summer was only weeks away, and the Juniors of Pyrite Valley High School wanted to get a head start on a summer that was sure to be filled with a plethora of raves and blowouts.

Pyrite Valley High School was situated in Northern Ohio, and was not, contrary to its name, located in a valley. The school, and the town of Pyrite, were named after the multitude of stone quarries located in the area. While the quarries were mined for stone, gravel, and other building materials, an overflow of fool's gold was gathered every year. The town had been founded due to a gold rush that resulted from the discovery of "gold" in the early 1800s. When it was revealed that the shiny stones were not gold but, rather, pyrite, the town was abandoned and named, with bitterness, after the worthless minerals that had attracted people to the area. The town was repopulated when it became a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and was, in Kelly Godby's mind, a place where dreams went to die.

There was something lacking, in Kelly's mind, in the suburban environment that he was forced to associate himself with. The community lacked ambition, and seemed perfectly content with a life filled with supermarkets and strip malls. Kelly was unconcerned with life in Ohio, and no amount of caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol could inspire in him interest for residential life. He longed, like most teenagers, for escape, but rebellion against his parent's rules could not satisfy his appetite for excitement.

But summer had arrived, and even Kelly could not deny his affection for Ohio summers. The grass was green and supple, the air was warm and breezy, and the frigid waters of Lake Errie were refreshing after hours spent basking in the sweltering summer sun. Ohio winters were long and cold, and Kelly hated having to hole himself up in his house for four months out of the year. He loved summer. Summer anywhere in the world was filled with emotion and passion, and Kelly had a lust for passion. Even in the fringes of suburban Ohio, the warm weather brought interest into Kelly's very dull world, and as his Junior Year came to an end, Kelly felt himself longing for cool, moonlit nights where secrets and whispers could be traded, where only the moon, the lake, and dusky midnight could hear one's deepest affections; Kelly Godby had many secrets to tell, and many affections not fit for winter's disinterested ears.

Those were the nights that Kelly longed for the most, but they came at a price, and that price was having to force innocuous conversation with some of the most bland people Pyrite Valley High School had to offer. The hardest part was acting as if he enjoyed it.

"What are your plans this summer?" asked Sarah Kitterbridge with a tipsy smile, "Who are you spending your time with? Please tell me you aren't getting a job!"

Kelly kept his lips pursed but allowed them to curve into a smile, "Damn, Sarah. Why do you to look so sexy tonight? I'll spend every minute of this summer with you." He let his hand slide further up her thigh. "How could I waste my time with anyone else?"

"But Kel," Macy Grey pouted, kneeling in front of Kelly, "You can't spend all your time with Sarah. Think about the rest of us! What would we all do without you!" Macy and Sarah both had a drunken twinkle in their eyes as they stared at him.

Macy Grey and Sarah Kitterbridge were two of the most popular girls at Pyrite Valley High School. Most of this popularity was derived from their looks, which Kelly judged as humdrum. Sarah was a short, skinny brunette with spiritlessly standard, brown eyes. Her skin was smooth, normally, but whenever a single zit appeared, it was soon followed by a mass breakout of acne. Kelly found slight pleasure in watching Sarah stress over her appearance; he liked knowing that people in Pyrite weren't completely derived of aspiration.

The strawberry blonde Macy Grey was, in Kelly's opinion, much more attractive than her brunette counterpart, however what she made up for in appearance, she lacked in personality. While both girls were by no means intelligent, Macy's conversation was stale and empty, just like her head.

"You two are horrible," Kelly smirked, "How am I supposed to choose between the both of you? I can't spend my summer with only one of you! Summer doesn't have enough days in it to satisfy my need for you two." Kelly wrapped an arm around Macy for good measure, but left his other hand pointedly place underneath Sarah's ass.

"Oh, Kelly," Sarah gushed.

"Kelly, you'll come with us next weekend to Rachel Leon's party, right? She's been talking it up since April, and everyone's saying it'll be the biggest thing since Sammy Haskel had the whole school over while his parents were in Bangladesh."

Kelly, of course, had heard about the party. "Oh, are you two going to that?" Kelly mused, "I'm not sure. I wasn't even planning on going."

"You have to come!" screeched Rachel Leon, who was huddled around Kelly with the other girls, "You have to come, Kelly!" Rachel clung onto he red Solo cup loosely, and her eyes were unfocused as she stared at Kelly.

Kelly bemusedly stared back, "I heard it was gonna' be lame. I may just stay home next weekend." He watched Rachel's forlorn face with bored indulgence. Like most social events, Kelly's attendance was a requirement if the event was to be anything worth going to; Sammy Haskel had moved his party from Friday to Saturday just to accommodate Kelly's schedule.

"Kelly you have to come," Sarah begged.

"It won't be fun if you don't go," Macy said desperately.

Rachel continued to stare, her red Solo cup shaking nervously.

"Oh, I don't--" Kelly began.

Sarah shoved her hand on Kelly's crotch, "Please, Kelly!" The girl was drunk.

"Please," Macy Grey pleaded.

With a whole chorus of girls beseeching him Kelly laughed, "Fine, fine. I'll go ladies. I'll be there." Kelly watched the girls' fervent, exasperated looks fade with mild amusement, but the night was growing tedious for him.

The girls heaved sighs of relief and thanks.

"But if it blows, I'm leaving and never listening to your party advice ever again." Kelly offered a glazed smile to the girls, but his eyes had wandered off, looking for something worthwhile. Josh Randall had stopped fucking Spongebob and was passed out on Macy's couch. "What a pity," thought Kelly.

"It won't!" Rachel cried, "It won't, Kelly! I promise! I promise, Kelly! It won't! I promise! My party will be perfect! Just wait! You'll see! I promise!" Rachel looked to be on the verge of vomiting her promises all over Macy's parent's lavender carpet.

"Kelly, you'll go with me, right?" Clara Stevens asked shyly from behind Rachel. Clara was a Sophomore who had wormed her way up into to the Junior girl's social group with her dapper smiles and big boobs. Kelly admired her industry.

"Fuck off, Clara! Kelly said he'd go with me and Macy. Go back to taking up the ass from Peter Willard."

"Yeah, Clara. Kelly's going with me and Sarah."

Kelly arched a dark eyebrow, "Last I checked I hadn't agreed to going with anybody." He grinned playfully at Macy and Sarah, but offered sympathetic eyes to Clara George. "Poor Clara," he thought, "She still hasn't learned the rules of this stupid game."

"Kelly, stop teasing," Sara tittered, "Macy and I are the only girls in this school worth going with!"

"Yeah, Kelly, don't be mean to us. If you go with us, I promise it'll be a crazy night." Macy's were a rosy pink, and she had her arm wrapped around Kelly tightly.

Kelly was tired of promises. More accurately, he was tired of drunken promises. A promise told under the influence was worth as much as one told under a loaded gun: nothing.

"C'mon, Kelly!" Sarah said, rubbing at Kelly's crotch, "If you come with us, we'll tell you something scandalous!"

Kelly's ears picked up, "Scandalous, eh?" A scandal in Ohio was like a rainstorm in the Sahara, and Kelly was parched for drama.

"What are we telling him, Sarah?" Macy asked, "Is it that think about Jerry Oaks and Natalie, because just about everyone knows that Jerry fucked Nat's older sister when she was home from college."

"Jerry did WHAT?" Natalie Drominski screeched. She was a stringy-haired redhead, whose face was blotched with insobriety and, because of Macy, anger.

"Smooth, Macy," Sarah sighed as Natalie stormed away, "And no. I'm talking about the thing with Annabel and Jason Dawes. You know... about their tutor-time."

Kelly's eyes narrowed to a bullet-like point. He kept a carefree smirk stretched across his face, but concentration and focus had bubbled to the surface of his steely grey eyes.

"We're not allowed to tell! Anna made us swear!"

"Kelly can keep a secret. Can't you, Kelly?" Sarah giggled.

"Of course."

"Oh, fine, but Annabel will murder us if she finds out we told. Although, God knows why she's being so stupid about the whole thing. It's not like Jason's not attractive."

Kelly felt a lump form at the base of his throat.

"Please, Annabel Butler doesn't know how to hurt people. They don't teach stuff like that in AP Calculus."

"She said she didn't want anyone but us to know!"

"I think Jason's the reason she has to keep it a secret! He's such a sissy. I bet he's nervous that Father Pete will find out and he'll be damned to hell."

Sarah had a water bottle filled with raspberry Smirnoff in her right hand and a look of relish in her eye as she carried on a conversation that no one in the group understood.

"That's mean! Jason's not some religious crackhead! His parents are the bible-humpers. It's his parents, I bet. His dad's crazy conservative."

"Well, so is Annabel's!"

"Yeah, but Annabel's--"

"Will you two shut the fuck up and tell me what happened," Kelly snapped. The facade had been stripped back, and Kelly's eyes were silver daggers held at Sarah's and Macy's throats.

The crowd of girls gathered around Kelly had grown quiet. Kelly didn't care, though. There was something more important than the opinions of a gaggle of insipid girls.

"C'mon," Kelly said, standing up and grabbing Sarah and Macy by their hands, "Let's go somewhere more private." Kelly shot a scathing glance back at the huddle of foolish, vapid simpletons that he had indulged for half of the night.

Macy took the lead, and Sarah and Kelly followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom. Macy locked the door and took a tense seat on her bed. Sarah sat beside her, but Kelly remained standing, leaning stiffly against Macy's pink wallpaper.

Macy's room was plastered a nauseating pink, and the carpet was milky white. Kelly felt like he had entered into a dollhouse, but the room would have to do. He had to find out...

Macy stared skittishly at Sarah, "You tell. You're better with details."

"Well it's not like the details are that important," Sarah smiled deviously. Sarah seemed more relaxed and much more wasted.

Kelly stared, waiting for the story. He tried to keep his face calm, but his eyes were too focused-- too nervous.

"So you know shy, little Annabel Butler, right? She's in all AP classes-- I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know her. She's cute, I guess. She a total nerd, but, you know, some guys are into that shit. Her hair is all stringy and brittle. She's probably a vegetarian or something. Girls on weird diets never look any good. Anyways, so she's in this tutoring program 'cause she's a total brainiac. Well, the tutoring people stay after school and they help dumb people like me and Macy learn basic English. This is where Jason Dawes comes in. He's smart too, but he's hot, so he's smart but still kinda' cool. You know Jason, right? He goes to parties sometimes. He's not all uptight and prude like Annabel. Well, obviously he's not prude, because during tutor time at lunch, he and sweet, little Annabel fucked in the bathroom. That's not exactly what Annabel said, I guess. The term she used was 'made love,' but you know... they fucked, they made love, same thing. Now, Anna and Jason are 'making love' every other night, but they don't want anyone to know. Which is weird, I think, because who the hell has sex in a bathroom, and then wants to keep things private. I mean, if you wanna' keep things private, you probably shouldn't have sex in a public place."

Kelly's face had gone white, and his lips were pursed so tightly that they were blanched of all color. His eyes had lost all focus, and he was staring off into a blurry distance. The pink bedroom seemed to suffocate him, and the lump that had grown in his throat exploded in his stomach; he felt sick.

"Who has sex in a bathroom? It's fucking disgusting," Macy Grey giggled.

"Apparently Annabel Butler," Sarah smirked, "Who would've guess she was such a slut?"

"A bathroom..." Macy said, still laughing.

"Yeah, so, we heard directly from Annabel because we get tutored from her. She was totally nervous when she told us, but the poor skank needed to tell someone. That was a pretty juicy story, eh? So will you come with us next weekend, Kelly?" Sarah had a glimmer in her dull, brown eyes.

"Yes," Kelly said automatically.

"Will you pick us both up and take us home?" Macy asked, thrilled.

"Of course."

Sarah laughed, "Well then, it's a date.

"Yeah... Yeah I'll see you guys next weekend then." Kelly said, making his way to the door.

"What do you mean? You're leaving?" Macy asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah I have to get home," Kelly said in a monotone, "Great party, Macy."

"Goodbye Kelly!" Sarah shouted as Kelly descended the stairs.

Sarah and Kelly exchanged looks.

"That was weird, right?" asked Macy, sitting back down on her bed.

"Which part?" Sarah smirked, tying her brown hair up in a sleek ponytail with some of Macy's hair-ties.

"He didn't even put up a fight! I didn't think getting him to come to the party with us would be so easy!" Macy had moved to her mirror and was straightening her long, blonde hair.

"I thought we would have to work all night convincing him! If I would've known he'd cave that quickly, I wouldn't have told him the Annabel story."

"Still, it's good that he's going with us."

"Well, obviously it's good. I was gonna' ask him to prom before that whore Clara Stevens did."

"Is that true about her and Peter Willard?" Macy said, spraying perfume in the air and walking through it.

"About her liking anal, you mean? Yeah. Peter's been bragging about it for weeks."

"He left in a hurry."

"Who? Peter Willard?"

"No, Kelly!"

Sarah was massaging coconut butter into her dry hands. "That was the other weird thing! I mean, I was hoping we'd go downstairs and dance together,-- that would have wiped the smile off Clara's oily face-- but he ran off. Do you think he was sick or something?"

"I doubt it," Macy said, still examining herself in her mirror, "He didn't even drink."

"I mean, like, for real sick," Sarah said.

"Maybe. Who knows? It's not like we did anything wrong." Macy's eyebrows furrowed nervously together.

"Well... He did get sorta' quiet when we told him about Annabel and Jason."

"You don't think he's pissed at us for telling him about them?"

"No. He can't be. He said he'd take us to Rachel's next Saturday!" Sarah had a convinced look on her face.

"But maybe.. Maybe...Maybe he has a thing for Annabel!"

"Annabel Butler? Fuck off. He didn't even know who she was, judging by the look on his face. She's beneath him."

"Well what else, if not that?" Macy was adjusting her bra now, trying to make it look like she didn't have the flattest chest in the school.

"Listen Macy, if Kelly wanted Annabel, he could have her. No girl in her right mind would choose Jason Dawes over Kelly Godby." Sarah looked in the mirror and pulled out her ponytail.

"Jason's not ugly! I think he's pretty hot, actually. I love my boys blonde."

"You're such a slut. Jason's probably a bore in bed. He'd probably have his calculus homework out while he went down on you."

Macy laughed, "I'm just saying..."

"I know what you're saying, and you're a drunk whore who doesn't know what she's talking about!" Sarah giggled, lifting herself off the bed, "Let's get back downstairs. I need a drink. All this thinking is making me sober."

The two girls returned to the party with not a care to mind. They bragged loudly that Kelly would be going with them to Rachel Leon's party, and they ignored all questions concerning Annabel and Jason. Miles away, Kelly Godby was driving purposefully on the dimly lit suburban streets, trying to forget what he had just learned. It was only last summer that he and Jason Dawes had kissed on the shore of Lake Errie. It was only last summer that Kelly had something to interest him, and in the boring town of Pyrite, Ohio, interesting things were hard to come by. Kelly Godby was not going to allow Jason Dawes to slip through his fingers... Or his thighs.

NOT The End

Comments and Criticism please: kellygodby95@gmail.com

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