A Spy Can Be In Love

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 1, 2008


A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on March 4, 1992 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Will Hawkins


"A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 1 - Korobilo's Promotion

In a grey office in the huge Lubyanka Palace two men in uniform were seated, on opposite sides of a massive desk. A pale sun that made the room even more depressing was filtering through the bare windows. Only the expensive furniture, so inconsistent in that rather dreary place, let one understand that this office belonged to someone very important in the KGB hierarchy.

"It has been a failure, Comrade Jusichev a real failure!" the stout man, who was sitting with his back to the wide frosted glass hall windows, said in a harsh tone, but in a low voice.

"Well, I really don't think so, Comrade Colonel... Sergeant Korobilo is carrying on his work really well, as you know..."

"Korobilo, Korobilo, you always brag about Comrade Korobilo precisely because he is the only one who has given us consistent results. He is nothing but the exception that proves the rule; the exception that proves the failure of the Dacha Operation. After all the money we have poured into it! Anyway, I would like to understand why Korobilo succeeds where his companions have all more or less failed. I have studied his dossier, and see that he does not have a background or personal characteristics much different from his companions... I have his secret dossier here and there is nothing in it to answer the question."

"Comrade Colonel, I have a theory... The fact is that young Comrade Korobilo carries out with a special... competence, shall I say, and even passion, well, yes, even with passion, the duty to which he has been assigned. The others, on the other hand, even though I know they are doing their best... are like counterfeit coins."

"Are you suggesting, Jusichev, that our secret agent Korobilo is a homosexual?"

"Well, Comrade Colonel, I shouldn't make such a severe indictment against him, you can understand..."

"It is not a case of indictment, Comrade Jusichev. I just want understand what Korobilo has that his companions do not. In this case the civil law does not apply, we are the KGB and we are... exempted from following the law, as you know perfectly well. Now, tell me all the facts you know and give me your opinion, too - does Korobilo succeed because he is a homosexual?"

"You see, Colonel Zhithikov, because the targets we follow are homosexuals, they probably can feel, possibly in a subconscious way, if our agent is or is not like them... I do not think that even choosing young, handsome boys, with a... tasty appearance, so to say, is enough. In bed, in my opinion, even though our men make themselves participate in the practices of their targets, they cannot manage to be... believable, and our targets feel it. Moreover, even though our men, out of discipline and their devotion to the cause, accept an unnatural sexual relationship, the subjects they have to spy upon are not likely fall in love with a person who only goes to bed with them out of a sense of duty. But if they do not fall in love, they will not lower their defenses; they will not allow themselves let slip out those confidences we would like to know... This is my theory, Comrade Colonel..."

"I see... an interesting theory. Well, if it really is as you indicate, we have no other choice than to look for those of our agents who are homosexual and move them to the Dacha Operation. Don't you agree?"

"The problem is that, being well aware that our laws punish those who manifest such tendencies... none of our agents would ever admit to them. I think that also Korobilo, in my opinion, would not..."

"Let's stop this nonsense! Let us stop talking as if we really believed that a good Comrade automatically cannot be homosexual. Here nobody can overhear us, therefore I can quietly put forward that this idea is only the product of our propaganda. For as you know, our most recent studies indicate that at least one man in twenty is homosexual, and according to American studies, the figure may be even as high as one in ten... and I think they are nearer to the truth than are we. Therefore, among the cadets of our agent's school, we should be able to find enough homosexual youths to make the Dacha Operation work. I will give you one month to find them and to insert them into the body of the Dacha Operation. If you think it appropriate, take Sergeant Korobilo as your assistant. Order him to stop working with the target he has now. It is better to lose one of our targets today if we will be able to find ten more tomorrow. But remember well - we absolutely cannot allow another failure. I give you carte blanche, but start to work at once. I'll sign the service order... and keep me informed."

Zhitnikov filled out the form, signed it, and gave it to Jusichev. He then started to examine other documents. Jusichev understood that as the signal he was to leave. He stood up, saluted and left, going to his office.

He gave the form to his secretary, "Korobilo - ASAP - to report here!"

"Yes, Comrade."

Jusichev started to study his copy of Korobilo's dossier for the umpteenth time. Once in a while he copied onto another sheet some parts or added notes. He doubted he could give satisfactory results to his chief in a month as was demanded, and he knew that if he didn't at least partially succeed, he would have to say goodbye to his career or worse. At times he scratched his head with the pencil tip, immersed in deep reflection. Could he possibly, even with Korobilo's help, find a way out of this unpleasant impasse? But would the Sergeant even admit what he suspected?

The following day, when Jusichev arrived at work, he found Korobilo waiting for him in his outer office. He had him enter his inner sanctum and take a seat in front of the desk.

"Comrade Korobilo, Colonel Zhitnikov and I are really satisfied with the results you have had in your work for the agency up to now." he started, with an indulgent smile.

"Thank you, Comrade."

"We analyzed carefully the reason for your success in order to try to understand it and also the reason for your peers' almost total failure. And we believe we have found that the reason is quite simple. While your companions pretend being homosexual in order to ensnare the subjects in whom we are interested, you become involved with the people to whom we assign you at a deeper level, because you really are homosexual. Is this analysis right?"

Korobilo stiffened a little on his chair, a reaction which did not escape his superior's notice, and said, "Comrade Jusichev, our laws condemn and punish homosexuality severely. It is one thing to pretend to be one, to obey a superior's orders, and a different thing really being one. I am a good communist, Comrade."

"Nobody doubts it, Korobilo. But in this office, nobody can hear us and above all, I do not have any intention of doing you harm, on the contrary... You see, if you are a homosexual, you are absolutely the man we need. If you aren't... we would have to find another man to whom to entrust the... New Dacha Operation. To make myself as clear as possible, I need a real homosexual, do you understand?"

"Comrade, you are asking me to... to compromise myself."

"No, Korobilo. I am only asking you to help me. Officially, if you help me, your sexuality will not be noted in any document. But I, do you understand, in order to involve you as the responsible person for this new operation, need to know."

"Forgive me, Comrade, but... you just said you are convinced I am such a person. From where did such a conviction come?" the young man asked, staring into his superior's eyes.

"In trying to understand the reason for your success and the failure of the others, I examined with a great care all the filming we have been able to shoot of your... performances with the subjects assigned to each of you, yours and those of your companions. Well, it is quite evident that while the others carry out their duty feigning a pleasure they don't really feel, you really feel that pleasure. You quite evidently enjoy what you do in bed with those men... You could pretend to me at being a better actor than your companions... but you see, I've noticed that when you undress, you already have a hard-on even before your subject touches you... and this cannot be just acting. Moreover, when your companions have let their subject sodomize them, all of them lose their erection almost at once, while you remain hard all the time... Should I go on with more examples?"

"No, Comrade... you don't need to..." the agent admitted, trying to control his shaking.

"Korobilo, I told you and I repeat... you aren't running any danger in being truthful with me. So, then, do you confirm or deny my conjecture?"

The agent assented with a nod, looking his superior in the eyes, trying to find a confirmation he really could trust Jusichev's words.

Jusichev smiled. "Good. It's really important - believe me. At this point all your companions will be recalled and assigned to different duties. You and I, instead, will at once start to organize the New Dacha Operation, the NOD. First of all, I will ask Colonel Zhithikov to get you an immediate promotion to Lieutenant. You will supervise the instruction of a new group of agents, rather, you will first have to recruit them, examine them, instruct them and put them to the test and, when you feel they are ready, you will bring them here to me and we will give them the subjects to follow. Is everything clear?"

"To ah-'recruit' them, Comrade?"

"Yes. You have, in other words, to discover who, amongst the cadets that are following the special course to become agents, is surely homosexual. Once you have singled them out, they will start attending the dacha that you well know, is where you will instruct them and prepare them for their special duty. All the material that has been used in your instruction will be at you total disposition, and if you need it, also any new material for which you may ask."

"And... 'examine' them?"

"Of course. You have to be absolutely certain that they are not only homosexual, but also uninhibited. To state this in the clearest terms, if you judge it useful and necessary, you will have to take them in your bed and have sex with them. In the field of their sexual performances, you have to ask them to do with you, or with whom you choose for this purpose, all kinds of sex. They have in fact to be not only handsome, attractive boys, but also very versatile in bed accepting what the men we assign them may ask them, and be happy to do it. Without any inhibition. All this should be... rather appealing to you, isn't that so?"

"It is... even too appealing. What is the reverse of the medal, Comrade Jusichev?"

"There absolutely isn't any reverse of the medal, believe me. If in doing what I'm asking you we will be able to bring success to the NOD, you will only get promotions, comfort, privileges and honours."

"All right, Comrade Jusichev. But if one of the cadets decides to report me for... for sexual harassment, for sexual soliciting, or something like that?"

"You will have total, complete, absolute immunity, of course."

"Shall I have complete access to the cadets' dossiers?"

"Total access, also to the secret files."

"Also to the control systems in operation in the students' zone and in the dacha? When I was a student there were whispers about the fact that all the rooms had microphones and some also well hidden cameras..."

"In effect, some of the rooms are monitored."

"Can I know which ones?"

"The dormitories and the recreation room, from what I know."

"I think we will also need them in the toilets, in the showers, in the locker-rooms of the gyms, and I would like having a total and exclusive control of them."

"I understand. If they don't exist, as I believe, we can have them installed. And all the system will be controlled only from a central location entrusted personally and exclusively to you. Is this alright?"

"Yes, of course. And... how will I be introduced to the cadets?"

"What role would you have, officially?"

"That of a... a special counsellor... or something of that sort."

"No problem. What more?"

"Will the responsible officers, the instructors and the personnel of the cadet's academy be informed about the real aim of my presence at the courses?"

"Only the director, but he will be bound to secrecy."

"What in case of a conflict of authority?"

"As you will be a Lieutenant, in case of a direct confrontation, you have to act according the rank of your opponent. But in case of problems, it would be enough for you to give me a telephone call and there will be intervention from the highest levels. If you give us a motivated opinion, your decision will prevail if this is necessary for the good functioning of the NOD. Is this sufficient?"

"Yes, surely. But when I will... let's say... single out the cadets apt to our work, how can I at the same time take care of the recruiting and the formation of the group?"

"At first you will have to divide your time between the two tasks, but then you will gradually form your staff, choosing among the agents you will have selected and instructed. You understand we have to shape a structure beginning from zero. At first it could be somewhat difficult for you... but then the rewards will be equivalent to the effort."

"And tell me, Comrade, among the NOD's members will there eventually be allowed sex outside the... ordinary duties?"

"You are asking if there can be sexual relationships that are not exclusively justified by your work."

"Just so."

"With discretion and as long as they don't jeopardize the NOD, yes. I mean, in private and without letting it become apparent...

"But I would that in the dacha there was a total freedom, no a priori restrictions."

"It will be you who sets the rules inside the dacha. You should of course ask my approval before hand and my counter-signature. I don't think, in any case, that there would be any objections raised."

"May I speak frankly, Comrade?"

"Of course, it is necessary."

"In the dacha, can there also occur... orgies, if I value them as useful?"

Jusichev laughed and nodded in assent, "Any and everything among you, but with an absolute exclusion of persons not part of the NOD, absolutely never in front of aliens. And only being sure nobody comes to know about it, outside the dacha. Not even KGB personnel, besides me, of course."

Korobilo nodded several times, as if immersed in who knows what thoughts.

"Well, Comrade Jusichev, I feel we have defined the main points, at least in the major areas. I will need a service order, the clearest and most detailed possible, especially about my responsibilities and my authority..."

"Of course. Come back here tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. I will have an office ready for you in this wing of the building. Anyway remember - you and I are in the same boat. No secrets with me, no reticence, full trust and collaboration."

"This would be reciprocal, I assume, Comrade Jusichev."

"Absolutely. You can go, Korobilo. Settle all the matters you have pending and close your cases. See you tomorrow."

As the Sergeant left, Jusichev opened one of the drawers of his desk, rewound the tape of the recorder hidden in it and using the headphones listened again to all their conversation, taking some notes. He then prepared the report for his superior. He then extracted the tape from the recorder, made a copy of it, shut the original in the safe and put the copy in his briefcase, a copy that he would hide elsewhere, in one of his private safes.

Early in the afternoon, he went to Zhitnikov and showed him the draft of the NOD project. The Colonel approved and initialled it, and signed all the needed documents to officially start the NOD. The following morning Korobilo received his promotion to Lieutenant, his order of service, and got his new office. He admired the plate on the door with satisfaction -

Lt. Aleksandr Korobilo Supervisor, Special Section Experimental Operations Coordinator - NOD

He went in and sat at his desk. As in all the offices, there was a security safe. He choose the opening code, wrote it down on the appropriate form which he put into an envelope and sealed and upon which he wrote his name and rank, that would be kept in Jusichev's safe. He then went to the window that overlooked the central courtyard. He looked at the big, black service cars and asked himself when he too would get one...

He turned and looked at his office - it still was bare, unadorned, and impersonal. He felt the need to give it his personal imprint. He recalled that Jusichev, that same morning, told him he would soon have another office in the Cadet School along with one in the dacha. He was undoubtedly on a career fast track. And this wasn't, as he thought before, in spite of being homosexual, but because he was a homosexual! This amused him. He was even authorized to have sex when on duty, with the boys he would single out...

Right, but this was indeed the most delicate side of his new duty - making those amongst the cadets who were secretly homosexual come out... Would he succeed? And without too many problems? He recalled the time when he was a cadet. He always did his best not to betray himself, not to let anybody suspect his sexuality... And when he had been enrolled in the Dacha Operation, he had been chosen only because he was one of the handsomest, like his companions. Imitating them, he too pretended to hesitate, to feel ill at ease... He let himself go only when he was in bed with the subjects entrusted to him, and now he understood that he owed to this unforeseen mistake his present luck. Luck, yes... but only if he succeeded in the new duty entrusted to him.

He called the office of Jusichev's secretary to find out when he would get the dossiers of the cadets. He was told that the duplication order had already been issued and sent to the central archives, together with the order to send him also all the copies of the dossiers on new cadets, as they were recruited. He also asked to be sent a copy of the organization chart of the school, an updated plan of the academy building and of the dacha, and a schedule of the cadets' activities. She promised he would get all he asked as soon as possible.

He had nothing more to do, therefore, after reading again the internal regulations book and the security book, decided to go out.

He went to the Gum Supermarket to look for something to decorate his office. He could have looked at the Lubyanka internal storehouse, but he was sure he would have found nothing to his taste in there. He toured far and wide all the department store floors, including the balconies around the central hall, looking carefully at all the items, mentally choosing what he liked best and noting where he could find it again. After he ended his first, general tour, he started again, stopping only where he had seen items he wanted to buy.

He bought three ornamental plants, a table photograph frame, an old inkpot with pen and pen-nibs, a bunch of cyclamens and a vase in which to put them, a pewter statuette representing a "Hero of the Work", that is a naked, athletic man represented walking with a determined pace, with a sledgehammer on his shoulder. The regime rhetorical art, Korobilo thought with pleasure, loves those symbolical nudes, to the joy of men who loved men as he did.

Loaded with parcels and bags, he went back to the Lubyanka. He smiled to the entrance guard to whom he showed the pass he had just received, went with the lift to the fourth floor, walked down the length of the corridor to new his office, where he set out all his purchases. For sure now the room had a more personal look, was a trifle more comfortable. He watered the cyclamens and sprinkled the three plants, transferred the ink from the anonymous small bottle to his new and beautiful inkpot, put the empty frame on the desk, near the pewter statuette. What will he put in that frame? His own picture? The picture of his last, secret lover, Ivan, heroically dead in Afghanistan? The beautiful colour picture of a half-nude Nijinsky he had at home? For the moment it could stay empty.

The telephone rang. It was Jusichev who wanted to know if everything was all right.

"Yes, Comrade Jusichev. But, at least for the moment, I have still nothing to do..."

"Don't bother yourself. You can even go home, if you like. Soon you will be so busy that you will surely make up for these few hours."

"Comrade Jusichev?"


"Can I live my private life without worrying, now, when I am not on duty?"

"Do you want to know if you can take a... friend to your home?"

"Yes, more or less."

"The usual rule - discretion. When you shut your home door, nobody will be interested in what happens behind it. If you want to have a steady relationship... or if you would prefer having a new friend every day... it's your business, as long as you are not caught in the act by the police in a public place."

"Of course, I understand - not in the parks or in the public restrooms... I never have done it there anyway. But up to now I never dared to take somebody home for some intimate moments, because I feared there could be... there could some kind of... control."

"No, your home is clean, I can assure you."

"Are you really sure about it?"

"More than sure. As I am your direct superior, only I could issue the order to put a bug in your apartment, and I didn't do it."

"Thank you. I trust you..."

"You have to. I would never risk taking you for a ride, to fool you. I know it would not be wise. You have to be able to trust me as I have to trust you."

Korobilo was feeling moderately euphoric. Of course, he had to be still very careful, but he could possibly trust Jusichev...

He left his office, shut the door, locked it with his new key, and went out. On the way home, he decided to walk through the park facing the left wing of Lomossonov University. He knew that there, at any hour, there were plenty of University students and other men looking for a secret encounter. He had often noticed it, but he never dared to cruise one of them. He now could finally allow himself to try, even though still using all the needed precautions. If he were lucky, he could possibly take one home, into his bed and make love without worrying.

He slowly walked up and down, his hands in his pockets, looking with pleasure at the young men seated on the benches, lying on the grass, or walking like him. At times, he crossed eloquent glances but didn't stop - he was looking for somebody he really liked very much. After his last "programmed adventure" as he called his duty, where he had no choice in the subject he had to try to take in his bed and spy on, he now finally wanted to reward himself with the luxury of making his own choice.

At last, he noticed a boy who caught his attention. He was wearing a jacket and trousers of a light grey and under the unbuttoned jacked he was wearing just a white tank top; he had on white tennis shoes with no socks. A thick mane of black hair parted on the left crowned a beautiful long face characterized by piercing eyes and well-drawn lips. He decided it was worth trying with that young man and hoped to be lucky.

The boy was leaning back, his hand on the low fence bordering the track, following with his eyes a group of students in gym shorts and tank tops who were training. Korobilo went near him and he too leaned against the fence to look at the runners. After a while, he took out a package of cigarettes, put one between his lips and pretended to rummage in his pockets searching for matches.

Then he addressed the boy, with a smile, "Sorry... do you have a light?"

"I don't smoke, I'm sorry... I do sports, so I don't smoke..." he answered looking at Korobilo with a shy smile.

"Do you do sprints like those boys?"

"No, I am a marathon runner."

"University team?"


"And why aren't you training, then?"

"Already finished for the day. I'm just resting."

"No tobacco, no alcohol... and no sex, I guess."

The boy had a hint of a smile and shook his head, "That's right only for the first two..."

"Ah, I see. I think that I too could renounce smoking and drinking, but not to the third one." Korobilo said with a sly smile. "But for the third one there must two..."

"Right and unhappily it's not always easy."

"That's true, and of course if one has tastes... somewhat peculiar like mine..."

"Peculiar? What do you mean?" the boy asked, with an interested expression.

"The one I look for has to be handsome, intelligent, youthful, and passionate but sweet in bed, uninhibited... and not asking immediately for a serious relationship..."

"Ah, we have very similar tastes, then."

"Really? I'm pleased... But we didn't even introduce ourselves. My name is Aleksandr. Yours?"


"I had a very dear friend named Ivan. He died in Afghanistan two years ago..."

"I see. That's sad. How old was he?"

"If he were alive now, he would be twenty-three, four years younger than me."

"Twenty-three... my same age."

"Another coincidence... But he had hair of a beautiful pale golden brown, the same color as a field of ripe wheat."

"I would have liked to have had light brown hair..."

"No, why? You are really handsome with your black hair."

"Do you think so?"

"Sure. Listen, Ivan, how about going to have a drink together? Not an alcoholic one, of course. Will you come to a coffee shop? It's on me, of course... I have just been promoted at my work, and I would like to celebrate, but not alone..."

"Sure, anyway I have nothing to do until 4:00PM - and congratulations on your promotion."

Korobilo was more and more certain he had found the right boy. Neither of them had yet said anything that could be taken to express a physically attraction in the other one, but Korobilo could feel, deep inside, that the boy was attracted to him. They sat in a coffee shop and sipped a tall drink, chatting of this and that. But without being conspicuous, each of them was gauging the other. After a while, Korobilo looked at his watch.

"I'm starting to feel a little hungry. What about coming to my home so I can fix something for us to eat?"

"If I wouldn't be a nuisance..."

"No, on the contrary... So we can go on chatting some more. And if you come, I would feel less lonely. My home is not far from here, just a fifteen minute walk... that should not scare a marathon runner like you..." he said, with a smile.

"Of course not. Alright then, thank you, I'll come."

When they were in the apartment, Korobilo had him sit in the kitchen and started to prepare their lunch.

After some time, Ivan said, "It's rather hot in here. Would it bother you if I take off my jacket?"

"No, no, go ahead. You can hang it behind the entrance door, on the right, there is a hanger."

The boy came back in his tank top. Korobilo admired his arms and chest and the desire grew to see him naked, to touch him... Ivan's baggy trousers didn't allow Korobilo to guess what they covered, but he thought that, judging from what he could see, the hidden part would not be bad at all.

"You seem well built..." he said, continuing to look at him.

"It's important for one to take care of his body, of his appearance... and not only for heath's sake."

"Right. Also to be desirable?"

"Of course."

"Who knows how many conquest you have to your credit!"

"I can't really complain... And mainly there at the park, where we met."

"That's why you were there?"

"No, not today, but... Did your friend Ivan have a good body? Do you have any pictures of him you could show me?"

"Yes, to me he really was handsome He had a swimmer's body. Later I will show you some pictures."

"Do you miss him?"

"Yes, very much. We were close friends... intimate friends."

"Intimate friends..." Ivan repeated, sitting on the tabletop, and then asked, "Did you meet often?"

"Yes. When he was here in Moscow, and he was off duty he always left his barracks to come here, to eat with me. He often sat there on the tabletop, while I was preparing a meal, exactly as you are doing now. Then after we ate, we went to lie down on my bed to tell each other things, to relax together, to make plans for the future..."

"It had to have been very beautiful, your... intimacy."

"It was really wonderful. And I miss him a lot, even now."

While they ate, they changed the subject. Then Aleksandr went to get his Ivan's pictures and showed them to the boy, who paused looking at a picture where he was wearing a swimsuit.

"Yes, your friend was a really handsome boy. I can understand why you are feeling lonely..." and after a short silence, added, "Would you like to go to the other room, to lie on your bed as you used to with your friend?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Today is a very hot day... does it upset you if I also take off my pants and keep on just my briefs?"

"Not at all. With Ivan at times we lay down totally naked. We liked to look at each other... to admire each other."

"Yes, I can understand. I too would like very much to be able to admire your body... Undress too, come on... let's take off everything..."

They undressed completely and lay naked on the bed, side by side. Only their arms were lightly touching. For a while, they remained in silence, still, staring into each other's eyes. But then Korobilo put his arm around Ivan's shoulders and pulled him closer.

With an emotional voice he whispered, "You know... at times we also kissed each other, my Ivan and me..."

"You can do that... and with me you can do all the rest, Aleksandr, everything and anything... I would like to make love with you..." the boy said in a murmur, pushing himself against Aleksandr. They kissed, and Ivan lowered a hand to caress Aleksandr genitals, which answered immediately to that agreeable contact, becoming turgid.

Korobilo shuddered from head to toe and squeezed against himself harder the good manly, athletic, young body of the student.

"Do you know that you're really handsome? And that I desire you, Ivan, I really desire you very much..." Alexander murmured to him, his voice slightly harsh from the passion that was growing within him.

Aleksandr caressed Ivan's firm little buttocks and with a tempting finger teased the boy's hidden hole, and Ivan shuddered in his arms.

"I too desire you very much. You really are a beautiful man, Aleksandr... but please, I want you to take me first. I'm dying with the need to feel all this pole inside me..."

Then Aleksandr rolled over on top of him, inserting his legs between Ivan's. The boy spread his legs wide and took Aleksandr into him with a soft sigh of pleasure. They made love in silence but with passion and vigour, taking each other in turn, and Korobilo thought that it was a pity that Ivan was not one of the cadets of the Agency School. In any case, he hoped they could become friends, and that they could meet again.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 2

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