A Spy Can Be In Love

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 17, 2008


A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on March 4, 1992 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Will Hawkins


"A SPY CAN BE IN LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 5 - Results and Promotions

Yuri carefully looked over the photographs while Aleksandr was discussing his first mission.

"Okay, his name is Jean Pierre Napier and he is the Military AttachŽ to the French Embassy. He is thirty-nine years old, married and has a son, but secretly is a homosexual. You have to be the kind of boy he likes. He is a practicing Catholic, goes to Mass every Sunday at the French Catholic Church in Moscow. He is assigned here for six months. To cruise, he usually goes to Bolshoi Square or to the Underground Station at Prospekt Marska. Less frequently he looks for a boy on the top floor of the Ukraininia Hotel. I will show you later the films of the boys he has hooked up with in the past, so you can see the technique he uses. It should not be difficult for you to get picked up by him.

"Remember that, differently from how you acted with the tourists, this time you cannot just fuck with him, but you have to try to get him infatuated with you to gain his confidence. Only in this way can you get him to talk freely with you. He surely cannot take you to his home as he lives with his family. In fact, each time he went with a boy, it was always the boy who found a place, in any case he never goes to a hotel. Therefore we think you can easily take him to your apartment. Do you have any questions, Yuri?"

"Not at the moment. I first want to read his file then see the films. This Napier is not very handsome. Let's hope is good bad in bed..."

Aleksandr smiled and gave Yuri a videotape. Yuri examined the clips where the Frenchman was hooking up with the boys. He studied them carefully, looking at them several times. Once in a while Korobilo pointed out something interesting.

At the end Yuri asked, "Do you know why he went with so many different boys?"

"Not really many, just five in six months. As we are interested in this man, when he was starting to meet the same boy several times we always worked it so that their meetings ceased, of course without him suspecting it was us who caused them to stop."

"Do the French know he is homosexual?"

"We don't think so. Our infiltrator agents in the French Secret Service never signalled us anything on this subject. We discovered his orientation when he was appointed here. Each member of the foreign diplomatic staff is followed and at times secretly filmed by our men here in the Soviet Union. In this way we can get a lot of interesting information that can at times be useful, even years in the future. Also the recordings of you fucking can become a good weapon in our hands, at least for a blackmail action."

Yuri nodded, and then asked Korobilo, "Speaking of filming, where did the tapes of our fucks with the foreign tourists end up?"

"Almost all erased. We filmed you only to check the equipment and to discuss them with you."

Yuri smiled then slyly asked, "How many times did you and Ivan look at them like free porn? Are you sure you didn't keep some of them for your personal, private use?"

Korobilo laughed, "I have to admit that some of them were particularly arousing, but I like you better in the flesh than on tape, believe me."

"It's been a long time since you and I did something together..."

"That's true, but taking into account Ivan and the new cadets, I never had such an intense sex life. You, on the other hand, do you have sex with your fellow-tenants?"

"Yes, and thank you for having set us up with one of the bedrooms without bugs. It's true we got used to the idea of you looking at us, but at times it's good, at least among us, doing it away from prying eyes."

"I recommend to you, never do it with the subjects assigned to you in the bug-free room. The higher ups wouldn't appreciate it at all and would at once suspect you. And as a consequence we could end with bugs even in the toilet bowl!"

"I know, I could guess that. But if one of our subjects, for instance, asked us to do it in the bath tub? Do we have to refuse?"

"I think it would be better. Or anyway be sure it happens as seldom as possible. I know these are inconvenient limitations, but I am sure you can understand the reason for them."

"Only to a certain degree. I don't think that useful clues for the KGB can come out while we are fucking. Before it or afterwards, perhaps. I think that at the high levels they should have more trust..."

"The trust will come with the results, I think. The better results you get, the freer you will be to act in your own way, and to improvise. It is understandable that in the beginning they want to watch you as much as possible."

"Yes, I can understand that. Well, I will go to get ready. Tonight I will start to hang around the places you have told me of, hoping to be picked up by this Napier. I noticed that the boys he chooses were all wearing somewhat informal but quite tight clothes. I think I have what I need. Well, wish me luck, Aleksandr."

"I wish you also that he isn't a flop in bed..." the Lieutenant said with a smile.

Yuri smiled too, went out, exchanged a few words with Ivan who was working in the office anteroom, then went home; where he met Nikita and Stanislav. He told them about his French subject and warned them he could need the apartment free that evening.

Nikita said, "Let's hope they will assign us a subject soon..."

"We are going to sleep in the apartment in Novodjevici. See you tomorrow morning, then. Good luck, Yuri." Stanislav said kissing him.

It started to get cold, so he could not avoid wearing at least a heavy short jacket; anyway his trousers were tight and showed off the basket between his legs well. He checked all the rooms to be sure everything was neat, checked himself out in the mirror and went out. This first time he went to Bolshoi Square. He easily singled out the other boys loafing there in the hope of finding a companion for the night and thought they wasn't going to be much competition for him that night.

He walked up and down to try and keep warm, hoping his Frenchman would show up. He had read in the file that Napier was accustomed to cruise between eight thirty and ten thirty p.m. He checked the time - it was eight o'clock. While walking he was looking around and observing everything. He saw the small Nova Mir van parked nearby inside of which he was sure there was a KGB hidden camera.

He saw one man come, slowly walking along while checking out the boys, go up to one of them and buttonhole him. After a short time they went away together. Then he saw another man who approached another of the boys, then left with him also and finally a third boy was approached and quickly left. That night Yuri was hit on three times. Once by a young man with a Latvian accent; he was really sorry he had to refuse. At eleven, Yuri was numb with cold but there was no trace of Napier.

He went back home regretting he could not accept the proposal of that handsome Latvian and he went to bed curling himself up under the heavy blanket, tucked up under his chin hoping he would warm up soon. He fell asleep quickly. In the morning he was awakened up by his roommates who were eager to know how it had gone. He told them how he wasted his time in the cold, and about the handsome Latvian he had even dreamed about during the night.

Nikita commented, "When we are not on duty we should be free to take to our bed whom we like. They cannot demand of us that we take our pleasure only with our companions!"

"You said that loud enough to be heard at the listening centre!" Yuri commented, laughing.

"I would absolutely not like that kind of job - just guess how boring it must be listening and looking at us all day long, those poor people!" Stanislav exclaimed.

Yuri pulled him to himself and started to caress him, then whispered, "Last night I had no chance, Stanislav... Why don't you come to keep me some company, now?"

"Do it quietly, boys. Meanwhile I will go to the kitchen to fix some food for us." Nikita said with a wink at his friends, while Stanislav was already starting to undress.

Finally, three evenings later, Yuri saw Napier. The Frenchman slowly crossed the square, looking at the waiting boys. Yuri saw that the man was looking at him and leaned against a lamp post, looking back at him with a shadow of a smile on his lips. The man went on walking and for a moment Yuri feared the man was not interested in him. But then Napier retraced his steps drawing near Yuri's lamp post. The boy again smiled him in an enticing way.

The man, in bad Russian asked him, "Do you speak English?"

"A little." Yuri answered, straightening.

"It's a cold night. Are you waiting for somebody?"

Yuri thought that the man was falling into his routine - he always picked up the boys with that question, just changing the weather notation. He answered, "No, nobody in particular. And you?"

"May I offer you a coffee?"

"I think something hot would be nice with this weather."

"There is a coffee shop nearby. Come on."

They went in and sat at a table. Napier ordered two coffees. Then he asked Yuri, switching to Russian, "What work do you do, boy?"

"I'm a University student."

"Ah, and how old are you?"


"Do you live alone or with your family?"

"Neither, I share an apartment with two other students, to help with the expenses. But they are not at home; they went on a field trip."

"So, you are alone tonight."

"Yes. I was bored and so I went out."

"The same as me... Do you live far from here?"

"With the Underground it would take just a few minutes."

"I parked my car just around the corner. If you want I can drive you home."

"Yes, thank you that would be great."

"You are a likeable boy and..." he said, and then switched to English, "... you also are a handsome boy, really handsome."

"Do you have to go back home, afterwards?"

"No, I've all the time I need. Why?" the Frenchman asked, clearly interested.

"I was thinking that, if you are not in a hurry, when you drive me home you could come in at my place for a while, so we can talk and keep each other company... where it is warm."

"Yes, I would enjoy that. When will your mates come back?"

"Tomorrow; tonight we will be alone... shall we go?"

The man paid and drove him in his car. Yuri showed him the way to his apartment. As soon as they were in the apartment, Yuri locked the door and the man embraced him from behind, passed his tongue over his ear, pushing his erection against Yuri's butt. Yuri shuddered and sighed with pleasure.

"Come, my bedroom is here..." the boy murmured.

They moved to the bedroom. Yuri switched on the light and they at once started to undress. The man's body was neither special nor bad. They got on the bed and at once the man started to lick Yuri all over saying, in a mix of Russian, English and French, "You're beautiful... you're beautiful..."

They had sex. The Frenchman was not bad in bed, but Yuri surpassed himself by bringing the man to a paroxysm of pleasure.

When finally, after a shaking orgasm, the man lay worn out but sated, said, "We didn't even tell each other our names. I am Jean Pierre."

"I am Yuri. Are you French?"


"A tourist?"

"No, I'm here for work. Do you know that with you I enjoyed it very much? You are really skilled in making love..."

"I too enjoyed it."

"I would like if we could meet again."

"That would be great. But I'm not always alone as I am tonight. But if you let me know in enough time, I can ask my mates to leave the apartment for two or three hours."

"Would they do it?"

"We do it for each other."

"They know about you? I mean..."

"... That I like doing it with men? No, they think I bring a girl here when I ask them to leave me the apartment. You know how that is..."

"I see. Where and when can we meet again?"

"Downtown - tomorrow. In order to meet here... I would have first to come to an arrangement with my roommates. They anyway go back to their village to see their families each Friday evening. And the apartment is all mine until Sunday afternoon."

"Then we can meet tomorrow. We can possibly go somewhere together, to a movie or to the theatre, or on a tour with my car, which ever you would like better. And you can ask them to leave you the apartment for the evening day after tomorrow. Is that alright?"

"Sure. If you remain here for your work, we could possibly become friends... if you like. I know I like you."

"I think we would get on well together. I like how you fuck... Do you know that you have a wonderful body? And a divine tool!"

"I enjoyed how you licked it..."

"And I really enjoyed licking it, before taking it all in me. You are like a young bull in rut!"

"Would you like me to make some coffee? Or tea?"

"Don't you have something stronger?"

"No... A good brand of liquor would be too expensive, and a cheap one would be disgusting."

"Tomorrow I will give you a bottle of French cognac. Would you like that?"

"Heck, yes! But you are too kind..."

"No, I know that you students are always broke. I earn good money. It's just a small gift, a sign of friendship."

"I didn't go to bed with you to earn a gift..."

"I didn't intend to offend you. But I would enjoy giving you some cognac, so at least the next time I come here you can offer me a good drink. Right?"

"I'll have then to hide it then, or else my friends will drink it all..."

Jean Pierre looked at his watch and started to dress, "I'm sorry but I have to leave. No, don't dress, you don't need to. I'll be able to find the way back. Then I'll see you tomorrow, Yuri. Where can we meet, and at what time?"

"You choose - to me any place in Moscow is good."

They agreed on a place and time then the man left.

After that they met often. At first they became friends, then lovers. Napier was very fond of the boy and his way of making love. Yuri had the feeling he was getting little information and what he was able to get was of little interest and was surprised when Jusichev in person congratulated him - the agents of the Control Centre had been able to get from their conversations useful elements and important data. When they were going outside for a walk, Yuri had been wired with a small radio transmitter.

Meanwhile Stanislav and Nikita had been assigned their subjects, and they too were carrying on good work. Yuri was a little envious of Stanislav, as he had been assigned an Australian Vice-Consul, a very sexy man, young and handsome as a movie star. Nikita on the other hand had a Saudi Commercial AttachŽ who plied him with lots of gifts even though in bed he was rather boring - the man liked only to fuck his ass, and always in the same position, without any preliminaries, without any tenderness or affection and with remarkable staying power, so that his riding seemed endless. Anyway all three of them were satisfied and their superiors happy with them.

One day Yuri found out that Napier had been transferred to Washington. So for a while he remained without a "target" as the boys called the men assigned to them. For a couple of months he helped Korobilo and Ivan at the dacha to train the new cadets. Aleksandr had been promoted to Captain, Ivan to Lieutenant and Yuri with some other "veterans", to Sergeant. This meant an increase in his salary and some permission to apply more initiative.

Then Yuri got a new target - Olaf Nilsson, a Swedish Embassy Secretary. He was a forty-eight year old man with a thin body, a rather affected and hedonist man. In bed he was nothing special, he lacked fantasy, but was not really bad. It took Yuri more time than it had with Napier to enter into the confidence of the Swedish man, but he gradually succeeded. He had rightly guessed that the man was very receptive to flattery so, without overdoing it, he managed to let Olaf believe he had a bad crush on him, with a deep admiration. So that Olaf gradually became fond of Yuri and, to impress the boy, he started to reveal a part of his work and his role at the Embassy.

Thus the KGB, thanks to Yuri, discovered interesting information about the Swedish Secret Service in the USSR. They also discovered a underground Swedish network devoted to helping expatriate some of the Russian Intelligencia who wished to flee the country, and based on information Yuri obtained that net was dismantled.

Olaf loved having long conversations with Yuri, especially during the preliminaries of their sexual liaisons, with the evident aim to impress the boy, to make him see how important a person he was, so at times, skilfully encouraged by Yuri, the man said more that he should have, sure that the boy could not understand much of what he was saying. In fact Yuri at times was not even aware of the important clues the man was revealing to him, but he knew that the people of the Listening Centre were able to retrieve from the Swedish man's chat, bits of information that, compared with other data they had, were shaping a picture gradually more complete and exact about the secret activities not only of the Swedes on the Embassy staff but also of the other Embassies collaborating with the Swedish. When Yuri talked about Olaf with his friends, he nicknamed him "the chatterbox".

Stanislav was going on with his handsome Australian, while Nikita had been assigned a new target, a Brazilian diplomat who, according to Nikita, was a "bomb" in bed.

When the three friends were alone, they told each other stories about their targets, and often gave advice to each other, as Korobilo encouraged them to do. Thanks to their slightly increased salaries, and further increased by the presents the three boys received from their targets, they now had a good life. Their small apartment, even though retaining the aspect of three university students' home, was gradually better equipped with some little luxuries. Moreover they were also starting to be able to put something into savings accounts.

In their free time all three, who, at Ivan's insistence, were also really taking University courses, studied and passed their examinations. Yuri had chosen Agriculture, Stanislav Literature and Nikita Engineering as majors. Nikita, in one of his classes, met another student, the son of a Colonel of Army Aviation, with whom at times he allowed himself some sex prank, mainly when he went to study at the boy's home.

Considering their duties as secret agents, some work at the dacha and their studies, their lives were really busy and almost without any time for relaxation. Sometimes at night, when Yuri and Stanislav did not have to meet their targets, they had sex together. Yuri was still feeling very attracted to Korobilo also, so when he was serving at the dacha, he at times had sex with him too.

But he was devoting the biggest part of his time and energies to Olaf, and he was getting the man to talk more and more often about his life and activities. Olaf, persuaded that Yuri was really nothing more than an Agriculture student, began to feel important, at times telling him about his tasks and his responsibilities. Sometimes Yuri pretended to be a little jealous, and this pleased Olaf, so without any feeling of suspicion the man told him where he was going or whom he was meeting, though without going into details.

The Swede was now talking much more freely that Napier did. Yuri thought that, in a sense, Olaf was even somewhat na•ve and was astounded by such a na•vetŽ in a man who for years had worked in his country's Secret Service. Jusichev and Korobilo were of course greatly pleased with Yuri's work.

All went on in the same fashion, until Olaf's superiors guessed that their man, for some reason unknown to them, was less efficient than usual, so one day the Swede was moved to Madrid. This would practically be a demotion. So they met for a last time and then Yuri was free again.

At first he got a short leave from his KGB work so that he could concentrate on his studies. Yuri also met a boy with whom at times could amuse himself in bed. He then worked for two months as an instructor at the dacha.

The NOD had become, at that point, an important section of the secret service and Yuri became aware that some of them were also used to work with some homosexual politicians or influent members of the Red Army that the government and the party wanted to keep under control. Therefore the NOD was reorganized into several sections, not totally separate but different, one for espionage with foreign personalities and a second for the internal ones.

Jusichev was also making plans to use some of the NOD agents abroad, so some of the younger agents were prepared in a special way, making them attend language and culture courses about the nations where they would be sent to carry on their services. The agents for this third section would require longer and more complete preparation and so would not become operative for several years.

The dacha was restructured, with two new wings, and the apartments in Moscow were now doubled in number. Now Korobilo had a staff of permanent aides in addition to the temporary ones like Yuri. All three sections of the NOD were under Korobilo's direction, and he had appointed Ivan to be in charge of the foreigner's section, Vladimir for the natives and Boris for the students who would be working abroad.

Yuri had also a short relationship with a high school student, the son of a Pravda Vice-Director that he picked up one evening in the Bolshoi Square after a show. But when he became aware he was falling in love with the boy, Yuri decided it was wiser to end that relationship. Korobilo praised him for his decision.

But Yuri said, "Yes, of course, I see the danger, that's why I decided to end it. But... I keep asking myself - will we ever have a life, a love, a true, serious relationship? At times I almost regret I accepted this kind of life - this kind of job. I am surely a privileged person, considering my sexual orientation, but in the long run, how much will this privilege cost me?"

"You are still young. In a few years, when you become a Civil Servant as I am and possibly take my place, you can have a part of your life all for yourself, as it is now for Ivan and me. You just have to be patient."

"I hope you are right. But, you see, I'm afraid that when we are no longer of any use... they will suddenly remember the laws against homosexuality and will arrest us. Aren't you afraid of this as well?"

"No, for several reasons: first, because the NOD will be useful as long as there are homosexual people to spy on... probably forever; second, to arrest of our agents would not be good propaganda in recruiting more agents. If we carry out our duties well, when we retire we will just be forgotten and left in peace with our eventual lover. As usual, it will be enough that NOD does not officially exist; third, the nomenklatura (1) doesn't want scandals and doesn't create scandals, unless one of us raises them. When a good Party servant retires on a pension he is left to live a quiet life. No, I have no fears about our future."

"I hope you are right. Anyway I'm trying to do my work well and not think too much about the future. I try to close my eyes to the razor's edge on which we are walking. I try not to think that if the CPSU (2) General Secretary changes; there could be such turmoil that many of us will find themselves with his ass in a sling."

"We are too small a fish to suffer the consequences of a change at the top levels of government. Each new General Secretary almost always talks about morality... it is nothing but a means to cut off the heads of those he doesn't like, but only at the top levels. Beneath the top it always remains the same and we, thank heaven, are way at the lowest level. None of us will ever be in a really important role, outside the New Dacha Operation. It is the fact we are homosexuals and that our direct superiors, even if only they know of it, will prevent us from having any political career, even if by chance we desired it. We would be too easy to blackmail, too vulnerable. But for this same reason, if we remain in our place, in our context, we are safe. We have just not to bite off more than we can chew. This is not a denial, but on the contrary it is what allows us to live our sexuality without fear... and that is no small thing - and Ivan agrees with my vision."

"You could be right, I hope so. Anyway I don't desire a political career. I just would like, some day, to be allowed to quietly fall in love and be able to share my life with the man I love, without any problems..."

"I believe that that day will come for you, although not immediately I'm afraid. You have to just be patient and to continue exactly as you are. You know you are one of our best agents, don't you? Cheer up, Comrade Dudaev, and you will see that life will smile at you."

(1) - The Communist Party Apparatus (2) - The Communist Party of the Soviet Union


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 6

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