A Star Is Porn

By william michael

Published on Feb 25, 2005


The following is a totally fictitious account of the adventures of a ridiculously over endowed young man who seeks to find a place for himself and his ever present sidekick, or sidecock. It explores no great social issues intentionally and is meant only to provide some inspiration for some singular fun, so enjoy, unless you're underage in which case leave and come back when you're old enough.

Our hero, Harold, awoke around 10 o'clock that morning with his usual massive morning hard on, but he chose to ignore it and save it for later. Right now he intended to grab some breakfast and head outside and see what needed to be done in the yard to start paying his keep. He strolled into the kitchen naked with his semi hard cock bobbing and swaying in front of him. He took a peek out of the window blind to see what the day looked like and smiled at the bright sunshine. He also saw that the lady who lived next door on the kitchen side of the house was out in the yard. He ate some cereal and then went back to his room to pull on some long baggy shorts and an old t-shirt. He went out the back door and headed for the shed at the back of the yard. He was told that an old but working lawn mower was available as well as a can of gas. A kid from the neighborhood had been cutting the grass but he left for summer camp and the lawn hadn't been cut in a few weeks. He dragged the mower out and after several pulls and a little fiddling with the throttle setting, it sputtered to life. It had no bag and it looked like he'd have to rake as well, but being a clever young fella he worked his way along the edges, working to the center to push the grass clippings into a smaller area. As he went along the side adjoining with the lady's property, she looked over and gave a wave. He vaguely remembered her but hadn't seen her in the past several visits. She was medium height, carrying a few extra pounds, but had long hair and a pleasant face and clear, pale blue eyes. He smiled and waved back.

Harold began to regret having not taken the time to milk his balls this morning. Between his normal hormone levels, the ideas he was mulling from the jerk off video the night before and seeing the next door neighbor bending over as she went about her yard work, he could feel his constant companion begin to assert itself. He could feel the head slide its way down his thigh as the shaft filled with blood. By the time he had finished the back yard, he had a single narrow row of clippings to pick up. He shut off the mower and went back to the shed for a rake and bag. By the time the grass had been bagged he was sweating profusely in the midday sun, his t-shirt plastered to his back and chest. As he straightened up he noticed his neighbor was watching him from over the fence.

"You look like you could use a drink," she said.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea."

She crooked a beckoning finger at him and held up a bottle of water. He strolled over to the fence and with a smile took it from her hand. He downed about half of it then poured the rest over his head. He poured down over his shirt and got some of his pants wet as well. The lady cocked an eyebrow at him and he laughed.

"Saves the time of it working its way from the inside out."

She laughed with a throaty chuckle as she took the bottle back from him.

"Very clever. You probably don't remember but my name is Daphne. You're Harold. Your aunt talks a lot about you."

"I remember seeing you sometimes when we visited but I don't recall having heard your name." Although never really comfortable around girls his own age, Harold never had trouble talking to older women of say his mother's age group. Perhaps since he didn't see them as reminders of his failed social life they didn't push the wrong buttons.

"So you are going to be here all summer I hear."

"At least, we aren't sure how long my aunt will be in rehab but it will be at least until September. I don't have any plans for school yet so my schedule is flexible."

"Well if you need anything, let me know. I told your aunt I'd keep an eye out for you."


She smiled again and turned and walked toward the house. He noticed how her full hips moved in the tight jean shorts she wore and he felt his cock grow some more down his leg. He resolved to get the front yard done in a hurry and use the shower for some serious relief. By the time he was done cutting the front lawn, clearing up the clipping and trimming along the walk and driveway his clothes were soaked through. He grabbed the hose and sprayed himself down. As he pushed the mower back toward the shed he saw Daphne was outside again and he smiled once more at her. She smiled back with her head tilted to one side. He stowed the mower and rake and went back inside. Just inside the back door he peeled off his damp clothes and dumped them in the laundry hamper. He strolled naked into the kitchen, drank some more water and then went to take his shower. He had changed his mind and just used the shower to get cleaned up and cooled off and then he would try out his new blowjob toy while watching some porn. He dried off and headed for the living room.

He slipped a video in that featured some big dicked actors working over a busty older woman and settled back on the couch. He took out the toy that featured a soft plastic replica of a woman's mouth with a soft pliable sleeve out the back and lubed up his semi hard cock. He was just getting ready when the back door bell rang. Cursing to himself he jumped up, turned off the TV and grabbed his robe that was hanging on the bathroom door. By holding it closed instead of tying it he was able to keep his cock pushed down. When he opened the door he saw Daphne standing there, her face a little flushed from the sun and a big plastic jug in her hand.

"Hi, I thought you might like some lemonade, so I made you a big batch." Her smile was wide and her eyes were very blue and bright.

"Oh, well thanks, I just got out of the shower so..."

"Oh no problem, I know where the kitchen is, I'll put it away while you finish up."

He opened the door and let her walk past him. As she went into the kitchen he ducked into his room, grabbed his Velcro strap and secured his rehardening dick to his thigh and then tied the robe closed. He then walked into the kitchen trying to look clam and relaxed. Daphne had poured two small glasses of lemonade and was standing there waiting for him. She handed him a glass and said,

"To your aunt's swift recovery and a pleasant summer's stay here for you."

He raised his glass in salute and drank it down. It was good. She did likewise and then ran her tongue over her upper lip to get the last of it.

"Well you've been her almost a full day and the kitchen is still neat and clean. That's really remarkable."

"I try not to make too much of an impact on a room," he said with a shy smile. "Less work to clean it up eventually."

She took the glass from him and as she moved past to put them in the sink her hip brushed the front of his robe. He could swear he felt a little extra `push' as she did so. She rinsed the glasses and put them on the drain board.

"I hope you don't mind my coming over like this. But like I said I told your aunt I'd watch out for you and I take that sorta thing seriously. She seemed as concerned about you being here alone as she was about her surgery."

"Actually, she's my great aunt, and without any grandkids of her own she kinda thinks of me as her grandson."

"I thought so, she's always talking about you. There used to be a lot of pictures of you in the living room, but I guess she took them with her," Daphne said and then she cocked an eyebrow. "She left one thing out though."

"What's that?"

"She never mentioned what a huge cock you have."

Harold was speechless. First because he thought he had kept himself covered up and secondly because Daphne came right out and said it. She laughed at his surprise.

"I guess it's not the kind of thing she would have mentioned if she was aware of it, but I couldn't help but notice when you doused yourself with the hose out front and then came around back, it was fairly obvious." She reached out and ran her hand along the edge of his robe. "Mind if I take a closer look?"

And then without waiting for a response she brushed the robe open and reached in to wrap her long fingered hand around his swelling shaft. "Damn, you really are huge aren't you."

Harold could only nod as the feel of another persons hand on his cock for the first time worked its way up his spine to his brain. With her other hand she grabbed the belt on his robe and tugged till the knot gave way and it fell open, revealing his magnificent cock in all its glory. Daphne let her hand slide along the enormous shaft as she looked at Harold.

"You may never win any Warren Beatty look alike contests but this magnificent cock puts you miles ahead of any pretty boy. Come with me."

She used his cock like a lead and towed him into the living room. She saw the video box and toy and said,

"We won't need those now, will we?"

Again Harold only nodded. She sat down on the couch and pulled him around to face her. Both hands were on his cock now and she was massaging and pulling on it as she looked up at him with those pale blue eyes. He could look down and see a hint of cleavage exposed at the top of her blouse and what promised to be a fairly ample pair of tits. She winked at him once and then began to apply her lips and tongue to his cock head. He closed his eyes and groaned. She smiled and purred like a cat. He felt the lips part as they slid over the enormous head, her jaws fully distended by the effort. He felt the tip of her tongue play along the slit. Her hands were working along the shaft and occasionally playing with his hanging ball sack. At some point he shrugged his shoulders and the robe fell free revealing his tall thin frame. He felt her hands leave his cock and he opened his eyes. He saw his cock head still in her mouth as her hands worked the buttons on her blouse. She tugged it open to reveal a well stuffed plain white bra which quickly followed the blouse onto the floor. She held them up and played with the hard nipples while she continued to mouth the fat end of Harold's incredible pole. Then she pulled off him and grabbed his arm and tugged him down beside her. She undid the button and zipper on her shorts and slid them off, revealing a pair of plain white panties.

"You can take these off yourself when you're ready."

With that she took his cock in one hand, the back of his head in the other and pulled his lips to hers. As she jerked his enormous rod, she began to probe his open mouth with her tongue. Warming to the situation he let one arm slide around her shoulders and the free hand to rub up and down her thigh, side and one of her large tits, which she later confessed were 38DDs. He could feel her take the head of his dick and rub it across the nipple of the unattended tit. She moaned into his mouth. Harold's head was spinning. Having gone from never having had sexual contact with another person to this no holds barred grope fest had quite overwhelmed him. He felt himself floating as Daphne's hands, lips and tongue stimulated him as he never could by himself. She let go of his cock and let her other hand come up around his head. She pushed him back onto the couch since even though she was shorter then he, her fuller figure easily outweighed his spare frame. He lay back on the couch with Daphne on top of him, his hard cock pressed between them, her big tits squashed against his chest. He let his hands run up and down her back and over her panty clad ass. He slipped his hands in under the elastic waist band and squeezed her firm cheeks. She wiggled her hips and he took this as a cue to slide her panties down her thighs. With some pulling and wiggling they got them down to her ankle were he pushed them off with her feet. She let her legs slide down on either side of his and he could feel her warm wet pussy slide along the base of his cock. She used her hips to hunch her pussy against his cock shaft, moaning with pleasure at the feel of the hard thick meat rubbing against her clit. She broke off the kiss and pushed her self up with her arms, letting her heavy tits sway, the hard nipples rubbing on his bare, hairless chest. The head of his cock brushed against the underside of her tits. After a few minutes of this she sat up, straddling his hips, her bare pussy lips pressed against the base of his cock. She ran her hands through her hair, arching her back which caused her heavy tits to push out from her chest. Harold let his hands run up her sides and then cupped her tits, feeling the hard nipples on his palm.

"Oh yes, lover, squeeze those big tits. I'd bet you'd love to feel them wrapped around that huge dick of yours wouldn't you."

He smiled and nodded and then pulled her tits far enough apart so that Daphne could grasp his cock and pull it up to lay against her stomach and chest. She let some saliva drip from her wet mouth onto the head and shaft and then Harold pushed her firm heavy breasts around the shaft. He then began to move his hips up and down to pump the massive shaft between her tits. Daphne dipped her head down and was running her tongue lovingly over the head as it slipped in and out of her ample cleavage. At the same time she was grinding her clit against his shaft and her juices were running out and over his legs and balls.

"Oh Harold baby, this may sound crazy but I have to try and get this big beautiful cock inside my pussy before you cum. Will you try to fuck me with your big pile driving cock?"

Harold was amazed that this woman was talking like this but he wasn't about to let that stop him from sampling his first pussy and an experienced older one at that.

"Yeah, Daphne," he finally said. "I wanna fuck my first pussy and I want it to be yours." She smiled at him and climbed off his lap. She reached into his bag and grabbed a bottle of gel lube. With a wicked grin on her face she squirted a large glob of lube on the head of his cock and began to rub it in. She added another and then spread some on the inside of her pussy lips. She winked at him and said,

"I'm so juicy inside but it doesn't hurt to add some insurance."

Then she lay back on the couch with her head resting on the arm, one leg up over the back and the other dangling to the floor. She reached down and spread open her pussy lips.

"Come here, baby, come and put the head of that gorgeous cock right here."

Harold knelt between her legs and using both hands placed the head of his rigid cock at the opening of her pussy. He could see the gleam of the lube, both natural and store brought, on her lips. He rubbed the head along the swollen lips and nudged forward a bit. Daphne's mouth made a little `o' and breathed out.

"Hmm, Harold, that's it, rub it a bit and add some pressure, just go slowly."

Following her breathy instructions he found that he could make some head way, the swollen lips spreading more and wrapping around the head. Daphne added her own motion and pressure and in a minute or so he watched the whole head push its way in. Daphne had her head back and was moaning non stop. She managed to add "keep going" in amongst the moans. With patience and persistence and a dab more lube Harold managed to add about half the length of his shaft to the head buried in the wet warm depths of Daphne. She was beside herself with lust and passion. She had let her legs slip around his back, her hands pulling his shoulders down. He had enough of his cock inside that he could begin to respond to the base rhythms of his nature and start sawing his hips back and forth. Daphne was grunting and groaning, her head thrashing back and forth. If Harold had been able to count and knew what he was looking for he would have realized she had cum at least twice and was working up to a third. What he was able to feel was that his cockhead was bottoming out on some unknown part of Daphne's anatomy but he had managed to sink at least twelve of his fifteen inches inside her. As Daphne moaned her way through her third orgasm she had pulled his head down beside hers. She mumbled into his ear.

"Oh, lover, I need you to cum for me, I want to see and feel your hot white seed. Can you come for me now, lover?"

Harold raised up on his arms and looked down into her fevered eyes. Just hearing that throaty whispered plea was enough to pull his balls up tight. He nodded, pushed himself back, letting his cock slide all the way out of her pussy, gleaming with lube and pussy juice and he took it in both hands, one near the base the other at the head and began to stroke it vigorously. Daphne kept her legs around his waist and held his hips with her long fingered hands. Her eyes were fixed on the massive head that was a raging purple as it swelled a bit more then erupted. Heavy thick strands of cum spurted from the slit, splashing down over her face and tits and into her long gleaming hair. One, two, three stands fired out as she squealed in delight, then he aimed down and the next three hit directly on her heaving chest, coating them in pearly fluid. A final spurt landed on her belly, filling her navel and running down towards her pussy.

"Holy shit," was all she could manage to say. She tugged his hips and pulled him down so she could plunge her tongue into his mouth again. The cum slipped from her lips to his and smeared the two of them from waist to neck. Her legs squeezed around his waist. She took his face in her hands and pushed it up so she could see it fully.

"Oh baby, that was the best. I have never felt that full before and believe me I have looked and looked. I want to ask you something. How adventurous are you feeling?"

"If you're involved I'm pretty much ready for anything," he said with a shy smile.

She giggled then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a long deep kiss again.

"Well then I'll tell you what. Let's get cleaned up and then I'll make a phone call and we will see what kind of adventure we can have. I think you are in for one crazy summer, baby."

Harold hoped she was right.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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