A Stroll Through the Park

By Spike Meyers

Published on Jun 9, 2021


Preamble Author: Spike Meyers

Date: 05/31/2021

E-Mail: SpikeMeyers@gmail.com

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Notice: This story is a work of fiction and contains explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between a minor(s) and an adult male(s), and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction. The character(s) in this work are not based on any known person(s).

A Stroll Thru The Park -- Part 1 of 4

As usual, Houston being the prompt person he is, dinner would be ready right on time. Regan was excited to see Houston again, but a little nervous too about this new friend of his. He tried not to imagine him as his competition; he wanted to like this guy in case he and Houston ever become an item. He stopped himself from thinking about it. Whatever happens, happens, he told himself; stop this foolishness.

He went into the dressing room and checked himself out in the full-length mirrors. Houston said it was casual. Wear whatever you want or nothing at all; either would be good. He decided on a pair of white shorts, cotton, that fit him perfectly; not too tight, and not too loose. He selected a colorful Hawaiian shirt. He would wear it unbuttoned to show his slim, defined torso. He hoped it would have positive results from Houston.

Content with his appearance, he headed back to the kitchen. He picked up his phone to check the time and noticed that Houston had texted him again. A smile came across his face as he read the text. "Damn! If ever there was such a thing as husband material, Houston was definitely it. He is so sweet and considerate," he said out loud.

"What time is dinner again?" Donny asked. "6:45 baby; It's 6 o'clock now. We have plenty of time. What do you need?" Houston asked. "I don't need anything I just wanted to check to see if you need anything, plus we have to shower yet." Donny said, a little nervousness to his tone.

"There is nothing left to do except take a shower. Dinner will be ready on time. There is nothing that has to be done. Just try to relax baby. This is just a casual, little dinner thing. It's not formal, there is no need for you to be so nervous; trust me. It's just a friend of mine and I am hopeful that he will become your friend too. It's no big deal gorgeous." Houston wrapped his arms around Donny to try and comfort him as best he could. He could feel the tension in his body. The muscle in his back was so tight.

"What is wrong baby? I can feel the tension in your body. Tell me what you are feeling." Houston said with concern in his voice. "You are going to think I'm just a crazy kid if I tell you what I'm feeling Houston. I can't handle that right now." Houston cupped Donny's face in his hands. "Remember what I said to you two days ago. No judgement here stud. Just be honest with me. I can't help you unless you are honest with me. Just like you were on that bench 2 days ago. Now tell me what's going on with you."

Donny looked down at the floor and in a very soft voice, he said. "I'm afraid that you are gonna like this guy more than you like me. You obviously really like this guy. I can tell by the way you talk about him; he's sexy, fun, a good cocksucker. It scares me. There, I said it. I'm jealous and I'm scared! This is all new to me. I have never felt this way before about someone. I love you, Houston! How do I compete with this guy? "

Houston lifted Donny's head to look in his eyes. "Baby, this is not a competition. You do not have to compete. You have me as long as you wish. I am falling in love with you too; understand that. Yes, I like this man, I have fun with this man, I love having sex with this man, but that does not mean that I love you less, or that I desire you less. It is not him against you. It is not you against him. This is not a comparison. I do not compare him to you. You are you. He is him. In time, you will learn to put this kind of stuff in perspective.

Understand this, I love you! I love your face, I love your beautiful body, I love your perfect cock, I love your cum, I love that sweet ass of yours, I love who you are. Love is bigger than the universe. It is something that we all have in abundance. Just because I love you does not mean that I can't find someone else attractive too. Just because you love me, does that mean that you can't find someone else attractive? Of course not.

Take Ryan Gosling for example, in my book, he is a total walking wet dream. Is it wrong that I find him attractive just because I love you? Should I not want to have sex with him because I am in love with you? It's not as if I have sex with Ryan Gosling that Ryan and I are going to run away together and never see anyone again. That's absurd. Do you kind of understand what I'm very poorly trying to say? I don't know if I am explaining this very well or not."

This is nothing more than fear baby. Don't let fear pull you down; it has the power to destroy you and everything around you. Although it can be challenging to overcome and combat, you can learn to control it. It took me a long time to learn that. If nothing else right now, accept the fact that for me, this is not a comparison of you to him."

Donny looked at Houston and smiled. "You really love me?" he asked. Houston chuckled and said, "Yes, you little shit! I really love you!" Donny grabbed Houston's shoulders and pressed down. "Then suck my dick, Daddy!"

Regan attached the lead to Gracie's collar. It was still a little too early to leave, but he couldn't wait any longer. He would just take his time walking to Houston's house. "Come on baby girl; it's time to go. We are going to have dinner with your future step dad." Regan locked the front door chuckling to himself. As Regan approached the park, he could see people jogging in his direction. He stepped over into the grass with Gracie as they got closer. They were a pair; a man and a woman. It turned out they were not jogging but speed walking. Regan thought they looked silly; he found it comical to watch.

After the people passed, Regan and Gracie stepped back out onto the sidewalk. As they approached about midway past the park, up ahead, he saw someone on a skateboard coming in his direction. Once again, he stepped to the side and stopped to let the skateboarder pass by. He noticed that it was a kid about 15 years old. He had an Eagles baseball cap on backwards, a gray tank top, and a pair of shorts. He was surprised that the shorts were so short. Most kinds wear shorts that are almost pants these days. It's ridiculous to even call them shorts.

The kid was really cute. As the kid saw them standing to the side, he slowed down and stopped; keeping one foot on the board at all times. "Hi" Regan said. "Hi" in return the boy said. "That's a really cute dog. What's its name?" the boy asked. Regan smiled at him and said, "her name is Gracie. My name is Regan. What's your name?" The kid extended his hand, "I'm Duke" the boy said. "Nice to meet you Duke. Do you live around here? Regan asked. "Yeah" the boy says, "Just on the other side of the park." Regan smiled and said, "we are neighbors then Duke. Gracie and I live right down the street."

The boy stepped on the end of the skateboard flipping it on end and grabbed it with one hand. He stepped to the side and dropped the board in the grass. "Can I pet Gracie?" Duke asked. Regan stepped to the side in the grass. "Sure, she loves attention. She's very friendly." As Duke kneeled down in the grass on one knee, Regan said, "say hello, Gracie. This is Duke." Gracie wagged her tail and ambled over to Duke. Duke reached out and started to pet her. Regan could not help himself, as Duke was petting Gracie, still kneeling on one knee, he unconsciously spread his legs in such a way Regan could almost see up the boys shorts.

As Duke looked up, he caught Regan staring at his crotch. "She's so nice and soft" Duke said. "You like dogs Duke?" Regan asked. "Yeah. When I get my own place, I'm going to get two." He said, as he looked back down and continued to pet Gracie. "Gracie likes you Duke" Regan said, as he continued to stare at Duke's crotch. "You don't have a dog now?" Regan asked. "No. I live with my mom. She said they are too expensive right now; vet bills and all of that stuff."

Changing the subject, Regan asked, "Are you an Eagles Fan Duke?" Duke brought both arms up and interlocked his fingers of top of his ball cap. "No. I'm not really into sports. I couldn't care less actually. People go crazy with that stuff. I just don't get it." Regan laughed and said, "I'm right there with you Duke. I don't get it either. I feel the same way." Duke shifted slightly and spread his legs just a little wider; his hands still on his head, his pits exposed. Regan wanted to bury his face in the silky, hairs in the boys pits. God he is just too cute Regan thought. He's going to be knock-out when he gets older. Regan felt a little tingle in is crotch.

"Alright Regan. Just back off; he's just a kid." He said to himself. Regan's interest did not escape the boys notice. "Do you wanna see it?" Duke asked. "I'm sorry, Duke. See what?" Regan asked. "My dick. Do you wanna see my dick. You keep looking; you are not very subtle you know." Regan was flabbergasted; he did not know what to say. "How old are you Duke?" Regan asked in a bit of a fluster. "I'm 15, but I know what you want. I can tell. It's OK. Don't be afraid" the boys says.

Duke reached down, pulled his dick out of his shorts, and started to fondle himself. Regan almost fainted. Here he is, right on the sidewalk, with a minor, and the kids dick is out. He could get 2,000 years in jail just being near him. Be that as it may, his dick responded by growing and sticking out the end of his shorts. Regan attempted to stuff it back under his shorts but it was just too late for that. There was no hiding it.

"See. Your dick is hard. I know you want to suck me off. I can tell." Duke said confidently. Not cocky at all; just confident. "It's OK. Really. I want you to suck me off; I haven't cum today. I would love a blow job."

"Are you even old enough to cum Duke" Regan asked. "Oh yeah. I've been nutting since I was 13. Don't worry; I can cum." Regan really was in a tizzy. On one hand, he would love to suck the sweet, young boy juice out of Duke's cock. That would just be too good to be true. This kind of opportunity just does not happen very often. On the other, this could potentially end his life. Prison for the rest of his life.

"Where do you think this could happen Duke? Regan asked. "We are on a public sidewalk." Duke looked over to his right, "Over there" he said, as he's slowly stroking his 5" hardon. Regan decided that he just could not pass up this opportunity. It's just too fucking good to be true. "Lead the way handsome" Regan said.

Duke stuffed his boner back in his shorts, stood up, kicked the skateboard up and into his hand, and started walking. He took two steps and stopped. "OK, see that big tree over there" as he nodded with his head. Not the first one; the second one. I will be waiting just behind that second tree. The first tree will help hide us from the street on this side, and the other tree out farther will help hide us from the corner street."

Regan knew this was a really, really risky thing to do. He is putting his life in the hands of a horny, 15-year-old boy who just needs to get off. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I need to get my head examined," he says to himself as he is making his way to the second tree.

He sees Duke disappear behind the tree. He is completely out-of-sight from this direction. As Regan approaches the tree, he stops for a second at looks to his left, sure enough, there are other trees in the park that appear to help block, or camouflage their view. It suddenly became less scary.

Regan continued and approached the tree. Duke was standing there next to the tree, his hands on his hips. "I want you to come here, lean your back up against the tree, slide down and squat. I will step in front of you and drop by shorts just below my balls. All you have to do is suck. I will do all of the work. If anyone should look over, it will appear that I am just pissing on the tree."

Regan had to admit, Duke certainly seemed to know what he was doing. He has obviously done this before. Regan did exactly as instructed. He squatted down, leaned back against the tree, and spread his legs wide so Duke could get as close to him as possible.

Duke stepped in front of him, lowered his shorts, his young cock falling across the bridge of Regan's nose. Regan grabbed him by the hips and swallowed his cock in one gulp. "Ahhh!" Duke exclaimed when he felt Regan's hot, wet mouth on his hard cock. "Yeah! Suck me off!" Duke moaned. He started thrusting in and out of Regan's mouth. Regan enjoyed he soft skin, yet hard as a rock, cock sliding in and out of his mouth. Duke's cock was a little salty from skateboarding, but, other than that, it was marvelous. The salty taste dissipated quickly and all that was left to taste was delicious boy cock and precum.

Duke picked up the pace of his thrusts and soon, Regan felt his cock start to squirt in his mouth. His cum was fucking awesome. It was not watery as he expected it to be at his age. It was mildly sweet, creamy, and smooth. He swallowed the first squirt and swished the second around in his mouth, enjoying it immensely, before swallowing again. Duke stood perfectly still after he came. He let Regan suck the remaining drop from his piss slit before extracting himself from Regan's mouth.

Duke took a small step back, pulled up his shorts, and took a quick look around. Regan had no choice but to remain where he was perched as there was insufficient room to stand up with Duke so close.

"OK. All clear" Duke announced. Regan stood up as gracefully as he could, his legs a little fatigued from squatting. "Wow Duke!" Regan said. "I'm sure glad we ran into each other. That was a shit-load of fun. Your cock is great and I love your cum; it tastes really good. Thank you. I hope we run into each other again. Would you like to do this again?" Regan asked. "Hell yeah! You suck really good. It was fantastic!" Duke responded. "See ya later" Duke said. "Bye Duke."

After showering together, Houston noticed that Donny seemed much more at ease after their talk. "What are you going to wear?" Donny asked. "A pair of shorts and a tank top most likely." Houston responded. "Can I borrow some of your clothes tonight? It suddenly dawned on me that all I have is what I was wearing when we ran into each other that day on the bench." Houston looked at Donny and said, "Oh shit. That's right. I forgot about that. We've been naked since we came home." Houston commented.

Donny secretly took pleasure on the "we" and "home" words. It made him feel good as if Houston and he were a couple. "I'm sure you will find something that you like. Help yourself stud. Anything you want." Houston told him. They finished toweling off together and stepped into the walk-in where Houston's second dresser lived. "You'll find everything in here sexy" pointing to the dresser. "Aren't you going to select something to wear?" Donny asked. "Nah. You decide; pick something." Houston responded, and walked out of the closet into the bedroom.

When Donny stepped out of the closet into the bedroom, he saw Houston spread out on his back in the middle of the bed. Arms completely stretched out to each side; legs spread wide as far as possible. Houston's eyes were closed. Donny just stood there and gazed at this beautiful, sexy man spread out before him. He could not believe how much he loved this man. "How could this happen so fast?" he asked himself.

Donny approached the end of the bed, threw his selections on the corner of the bed, and crawled up next to Houston. He nestled in next to Houston, resting his right leg over Houston's belly and crotch. Houston moaned softly, and wrapped his right arm around Donny's back. Donny kissed him on the cheek. "You are such a beautiful, sexy man Daddy." Donny whispered. "Thank you beautiful. I'm glad you think so." Houston whispered back.

Suddenly, they heard the doorbell. Donny jumped up from the bed. Houston brought his legs together and sat up in the bed. "Did you find something you liked in the dresser? Houston asked. Donny picked up a pair of shorts from the corner of the bed and showed them to Houston. "Perfect. Where are mine?" Donny handed the shorts to Houston. "These are yours. This pair I picked out for me." As he points to the other shorts still lying on the corner of the bed."

Houston quickly put the shorts on and headed for the front door. "Come on out when you're ready baby." Houston said to Donny.

Houston opened the front door to see Regan standing there; a smile ear-to-ear. "Welcome, welcome." Houston said, "Come on in." Regan and Gracie stepped into the house and Houston closed the door behind them. Regan stepped up to Houston and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It has been entirely too long since we have seen each other. We have to correct that!" Regan exclaimed. Regan ran his hand down Houston's back. "Damn! You look good Houston. I could just eat you up." Regan leaned in and kissed Houston on the neck, just below the ear.

Houston grabbed Regan by the waist, pulled him in, and gave him a solid kiss on the lips; no tongue. He quickly squeezed his crotch and released him. "Here, come on in. Let me show you around. I'll give you the nickel tour." Houston said. "But first, I have to say hello to Gracie." Houston bent down and picked Gracie up in his arms. "Hey precious. How's the pretty girl. Did you enjoy your walk over to Uncle Houston's house?" He unhooked the lead on her collar and handed it back to Regan. "This way,", he said to Regan. Houston turned and led the way. As they stepped out of the foyer, Houston said to Regan, "You can put her lead right here. Just hang it on the hook."

With Gracie in his arms, Houston showed him the kitchen first. "Wow! Dinner smells just heavenly." Regan commented. We are having veal picada, spinach souffle, and cauliflower mashed potatoes. "It sounds wonderful Houston. Oh shit!" Regan said, annoyed with himself. Houston looked over at Regan as he was scratching Gracie behind the ear. "I forgot the wine. I was so anxious to see you, I forgot the wine. I bought two bottles, a red, and a white since I did not know what you were preparing for dinner."

Houston waved his hand thru the air, "Oh, that's OK. I have plenty. No worries." Houston showed Gracie where the doggie-door was and put her down so she can explore on her own. "Where is your friend?" Regan asked. "He was in the master when I let you in. Let's go find out." Houston led Regan to the master bedroom. "Baby" Houston called. "Donny, where are you?"

Donny stepped out of the walk-in. "Sorry. Sorry. I'm right here. "What's taking you so long?" Houston asked. "Sorry. I was having a problem with one of my contacts. I'm good now. Regan was standing in the doorway, out of Donny's sight. Houston extended his hand and motioned for Donny to come to him. He wrapped his arm around Donny's shoulder and escorted him over to the door where Regan was standing.

"Donny. I'd like to introduce you to my friend Regan. Regan, this is Donny." Regan and Donny immediately recognized each other from their escapades in the park. Donny had an instant flash and his knees almost buckled. Houston still had his arm around Donny's shoulder and felt the wave wash thru his body. Donny was about ready to plotz.

Regan stood in the doorway and looked at Donny. A big smile came to his face and then he looked over at Houston. Houston was still looking at Donny trying to figure out what Donny was apparently freaked-out about. He then looked over at Regan with a big smile on his face. No one said a word nor did anyone move. They all held their stationary positions.

After what seemed like an eternity, and feeling the tension and angst in Donny's body. He walked Donny over and sat him at on the end of the bed before he fell down. "Regan, I'm sorry. I don't understand what is happening here." He kneeled down in front of Donny. "Baby, what's going on with you. What's the problem? Houston asked calmly. Donny looked at Houston, then over at Regan, still standing in the doorway, and back at Houston again. He didn't say a word. "Is this about what we talked about earlier?" Houston asked Donny.

Houston looked over at Regan with a very confused and concerned look on his face. Regan was the first to talk. "Houston, If, you will permit me. I think I understand what is happening here. May I offer my humble opinion?" Regan asked.

Houston stood up and approached Regan. "Yes. Please do because I am at a total loss here. I don't have a fucking clue what's going on." Houston exclaimed.

"OK. Here is what I think. You and Donny are involved. Am I correct?" Regan queried. Houston shook his head, "Yes. That's correct. Donny and I are involved. It has happened very suddenly and very unexpectantly." Houston said. "Right. I gleaned as much. OK, here is the thing, Houston.

Donny and I have met before. In fact, we met in the park, just about a week ago maybe. We had a long conversation about my profession and his future profession. We really enjoyed our conversation; it was extremely pleasant. We both had to pee; we were talking for three hours. While we were in the bathroom, we had a little touchy-feely, jerk off session standing at the urinal. That was the extent of it.

So, the way that I am reading this, looking at it from the outside. I think that Donny is concerned that perhaps you were going to find out about our little play session together, or perhaps he's afraid that I am going to do something or say something that is going to throw a monkey wrench into your relationship, whatever that relationship is. It appears to me, that he had a bit of a panic attack when he saw me standing in the doorway. Prior to seeing me, he was perfectly fine. Correct?" Houston shook his head in the affirmative. Regan raised an eyebrow as if to say that's my final answer, and took a step back.

"Thank you, Regan for telling me. I really appreciate it." He turned back to Donny and knelled down in front of him again. He rested his hands on Donny's knees. "Donny, you heard what my friend Regan said. Is that true; is any of Regan's summation accurate?" Houston asked calmly. Donny looked up at Regan and slowly shook his head yes.

"Look, it's OK Donny. I not mad, I'm not jealous. It's all OK. Remember what we talked about earlier? Nothing has changed now that this is all out in the open. Nothing has changed. I still love you. I still want you. I still want to suck you off 10 times a day. Nothing has changed." Donny looked up at Houston with such relief in his face. You need to start believing what I tell you Donny. I will never lie to you. When I tell you something; I am being sincere."

Donny reached out and hugged Houston. "I'm sorry Daddy. When I saw Regan standing there I panicked. I just got so scared that I was going to lose you; it freaked me out." He stood up and turned to Regan. "I'm so sorry Regan. I feel so foolish. I was looking forward to meeting you; I know how fond Houston is of you, and I spoiled our evening. I'm so, so sorry. "

Regan glanced over at Houston very quickly. Houston just nodded his head. He knew exactly what Regan had in mind. Regan approached Donny and wrapped his arms around him. "Come on now baby boy. You haven't ruined anything. Houston and I both understand what happened. Believe it or not, we were once your age. Don't give it a second thought. I can see how much you love Houston. I love Houston too. I've never told him that, but I do. It's obvious to me that he loves you, Donny. Don't forget that. You are in excellent hands with Houston, and now, you have me too.

Houston walked over and wrapped his arms around both of them. He kissed both of them on the lips and then grabbed their ass. "Such fucking hot men in my life. How did I get so lucky?" Houston growled. Regan stepped back and grabbed both of their cocks. "Damn! You guys are so fucking hot. I could eat you up with a spoon. Can't I just have you two for dinner? Please, please, please." Regan begged.

"Absolutely not!" Houston said. "I did not spend most of the day preparing dinner so it can go to waste." Donny leaned in and whispered in Regan's ear loud enough for Houston to hear. "You can have us for dessert; just don't eat too much at dinner. We have lots and lots of dessert for you." Regan grabbed Donny's cock and licked his lips. "You promise" Regan asked. "Dessert is my absolute favorite."

"Right. Dinner time" Houston announced. "Wait" Donny said. "Considering that this is our very first dinner together, I think we should be appropriately attired for the occasion." Houston looked at Donny as said, "What do you have in mind baby?" Donny stepped back and dropped his shorts to the floor. Houston and Regan looked at each other and smiled. They both took a step back and dropped their shorts. Then Regan let his shirt fall to the floor.

Donny said, "perhaps we should start a tradition; I hereby motion that we should dress like this every night for dinner. All in favor." Aye! "Motion passed."

The End

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