A Tale of Two Subs

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 24, 2024


Chapter 14. Cocksuckers get trained.

Patrick has Luke take another pain pill and it knocks the boy out. While he's sleeping, Patrick takes his keys, goes to his sleazy apartment and packs up his few belongings. Other than the white shirts and black pants he needed for work, there are very few leisure clothes. Don't forget that until recently, Luke had lived in a series of foster homes and really had very little to call his own.

When he aged out of the system he was placed in this lousy apartment house with his few clothes and books. Like most foster kids, Luke carried around all his belongings in a plastic bag. The clothes for work were provided by a kind boss who knew his situation and took pity on him.

Patrick knew the boy was living out of a plastic bag, so he brought two suitcases with him to hold his meager belongings.

By the time he finished and got back home, Luke was still sleeping. Patrick dropped off the suitcases and went to visit his mother in her side of the duplex. She suggested he take an old baby monitor and set it up so he'd know when Luke woke up. Smart woman. Allison knew all about Patrick's sexuality, and Patrick had spoken to her about meeting Luke and how much the boy was winning over his heart. She felt bad for Luke. Life as a foster kid was probably not very easy. She wondered if his background had made him so submissive. Anyway, Luke awoke and Patrick went right back to him.

"How are you feeling, boi?"

"Better, Sir. Gee, that was a good rest."

"You needed it. What's your pain level with 10 being the worst ever?"

"Only about 4 now. You've really helped. I'm so glad you stopped by when you did."

"So am I, boi, so am I. So anyway while you were asleep I took your keys and went to your apartment. I packed up all your things." He pointed to the suitcases. "You're not going back there. We can't risk it. Duke might still be sending more guys over. It's better that you're away from there and he has no idea where you are. You'll stay here with me from now on. Oh, and I called your work and told them you'd been in an accident. Your manager said he'll take you off the schedule until you feel up to coming back to work. so you have nothing to worry about from there either."

"Wow! You did all that for me? How can I possibly thank you, Patrick?"

"You will find many ways to thank you, boi. You're my sub now. Mine. In fact, since you're feeling so better, why don't you thank me now, Luke?"

Patrick opens his pants and takes out his cock. "Get it hard, faggot." (Once again we note that the sub is the faggot but the Dom is not called that. Strange custom.)

Luke sits up on the side of the bed and holds Patrick's cock and balls in his hands, gently massaging them. "That's nice, boi. Show me how much you want to make me happy. Show me what you can do with my junk."

"I want to serve you so much, Sir," says Luke as he takes about half of Patrick's cock into his mouth and toys with it using his tongue and a lot of saliva. He's really turned on by feeling Patrick's cock gradually get hard in his mouth until it almost fills all of his mouth and there's still more to take in. (Patrick has 7 healthy cut inches with nice girth, not too fat).

"Play with the head, boi. Make love to it with your tongue." Patrick immediately takes charge of the situation.

Luke does as he's been ordered until at last Patrick decides to invade the boi's mouth as much as possible, fucking it quickly until Luke gags a bit and tears come to his eyes.

"You are so beautiful with tears in your eyes, boi. I like seeing your face like this," says Patrick as he slaps the boi's face a few times then takes his head by his hair and uses that to work the sub's mouth up and down on his hard leaking dick.

"Stop. Look up at me. Open your mouth." Luke looks up at him and he lets a big glob of spit fall from his mouth right into Luke's mouth.

"Taste good, faggot?"

"Tastes awesome, Sir. Thank you for giving it to me."

"There's more where that came from, boi. Open again." Patrick simply starts drooling at the sight of his sub's open mouth and Luke drinks it down, then leans up and licks the flowing pre-cum from Patrick's hard cock.

"Good boi. Suck me nicely now. Not too fast. Take me all the way in. Let me hear you gag. The sound really turns me on, boi. Do your best, cocksucker. Show me how much you want this. Show me that I own you."

Luke serves his new Dom's cock with reverence, love and gratitude until finally Patrick takes the boi's head in his hands and starts to fuck the boi's mouth more forcefully as the tears fall from its eyes from all this activity.

"That's right, boi. Cry for me. Cry for your Master. The sight of your tears is gonna make me cum. . . and here it is, boi. Swallow all of me!"

Luke suckles and swallows, licks and takes some more as Patrick groans and whispers "Yes, boi, yes. Serve that cock. Swallow everything I give you, Luke." With those words, Patrick shoots a bit of piss into the boi's mouth and Luke swallows it without saying anything.

Patrick finally pulls out. "You took that okay. I'm glad. You ever drink much piss before? Did you ever have to for an older brother?"

"One of them threatened he was gonna make me do it, but I got moved somewhere else before he had the chance. I never did it before, Sir. What you shot into my mouth was the first bit I've ever had to swallow."

"Is that okay?"

"If that's what you want from me, Sir, it's okay."

"But what I want to know is have you ever thought about it? Is it something you want?"

"dunno, Sir. What you did was a shock but I took it okay. Is that something you want me to do?"

"To tell you the truth, I haven't decided anything yet. It was just an impulse that I did that. Maybe in time, I'll give you more. But I don't want to drive you away if it's too extreme."

"Honestly, Sir, I've already survived a lot of extreme. I'm a tuff dude! As far as what you're thinking of, I have no idea how I'll react or whether or not I'll want to safe word it."

"Well then, we'll find out together. I think it's something I want. Yeah, I think I want to be able to piss down your throat sometimes. I crave having power over you in as many ways a possible. The idea is getting me hard already. Look!"

Luke leans up and licks Patrick's slit clean, then lowers his head and takes Patrick's balls into his mouth and suckles them. "You get what you want from your sub, Sir."

"Are you sure about that, boi?"

"More sure than I was with Duke, Sir. You've always been so nice to me. I can't imagine you treating me the way Duke did."

"That wasn't bdsm, boi, that was brutality. I know I have a lot to learn about being a Dom—about being YOUR Dom—but I'll never want to be like some of those guys, and definitely not like Duke."

"I'm looking forward to submitting to what you end up learning, Sir."

"You like the taste of my cum, boi?"

"Yes, Patrick. I do."

"and the taste of my piss, faggot?"

"can't tell from that little bit, Sir?"

"You want more so you can taste it good?"

Luke blushes but doesn't answer . . . . . Patrick smiles at him and says, "there's plenty of time to find out. We don't have to accomplish everything the first day."

Then he slaps the boi's face a few times. "Always answer me quickly when I ask you a question, boi. Even if you have say you don't know the answer. Do not keep me waiting on you, boi."

Luke lowers his head. "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir."

"I have to tell you, Luke, I'm really looking forward to the first time I can take you over my knee and give you a good spanking. But not until you're all healed up."

"Duke never spanked me. He only beat me. There's a difference."

"The difference is in what you're ready for, what you're capable of taking. And what I get turned on giving you. it's all about limits and consent."

"And also surrender at times, Sir."

"That remains to be seen. I must confess that I've always enjoyed watching spanking and whipping videos, so you'd better hope that I don't decide to act out what I've seen in them."

"Porn videos are always too extreme. I don't know how they can find actors who can take that much."

"I suspect that a lot of the guys who get caned or whipped in those videos are actually subs and their Masters train them to take a fierce whipping or caning, then sell them to the studios to be filmed then they're beaten. Just a theory of mine because I agree with you. How can anyone learn to take so much? It must be the result of a lot of training by experienced Masters. Another thing I've noticed is that any model who gets beaten that severely only appears once. It's not like they've got models who specialize in it, I think. It would be an awful job to have."

"Interesting theory, Patrick. Makes sense."

"Who knows, maybe the day will come when I take you to a studio to get whipped. That would probably be a good source of income." Luke looks a little horrified. Patrick chuckles and taps the boy under the chin. "Only kidding, boi, only kidding."

"But the idea is hot as hell."

"But that doesn't necessarily mean that the real thing would also be hot. It must just be hell!"

They both crack up.

"Oh, by the way, my Mom wants to meet you. As soon as you're ready, Luke. Don't worry. She won't bite. In fact, she's awesome. And she says she already has some feelings for you just based on what I've told her"

"Gee, I'm surprised that already you've spoken to you mother about me."

"I always talk to her about things that are important to me and things I'm excited about."

Luke lets that last sentence ride without comment. "Sorry if I appear nervous about meeting her, Sir, but I've had bad experiences with some foster moms, some who did `bite.' Sir. It will be nice to meet a nice Mom. your Mom. She did a good job raising yo , so she must be a really nice person."

"I think she is. You'll have to make up your own mind about her when you meet her."

"When will that happen, Sir?

"When you're healed enough to be able to wear ordinary clothes. I'm not going to have you be naked in front of her."

"Good to hear that, Sir." Again they both chuckle. Luke can't believe how his lot in life has changed. And now he's Patrick's boi and Patrick wants him to live with him and not in that awful apartment. Besides all that, he knows he'll do anything for Patrick.

That remains to be seen. Stay tuned.

. . . . . . . . .

Kent coaches brat: "Just hold the head of my dick in your mouth, brat. Just the head, but don't bite down. Hold it gently there. Make your mouth nice and wet and then use your tongue all over my head to toy with it and give me pleasure. . . . . there you go, boi . . . . . that feels very good . . . now take another inch in your mouth and keep doing the same thing all over . . . . "It's Uncle Anthony's cock!" brat says to himself as he begins to feel and taste it in his mouth after fantasizing about it for years. The long-desired moment has come and brat can hardly contain himself.

"You know what it's like to get a blow job. Just do what you know feels good." brat shakes his head "no" without taking Kent's dick out of his mouth.

"What do you mean by `no', boi?' Kent pulls out of brat's mouth.

"Never had a blow job, Sir."

"Never at all?"

"no, Sir. Never. I was always the one doing the sucking, never the one getting sucked, Sir."

"Well then, no wonder they say you're no good at it. I'm going to have to get you some experience. All it would take would be one awesome blowjob to teach you all you need to please a man's dick."

"Really, Sir? You'd do that?"

"Yes I certainly will, boy. All in the interests of turning you into the best cocksucker you can possibly be. After all, you'll be sucking my dick and the dicks of my friends an awful lot from now on. I'm not just keeping you to myself, so get that idea out of your head. You'll blow anyone I tell you to blow, boi."

"You don't get to be fussy. The day will come when I'll make you suck off someone you find very unattractive. It doesn't matter. I know you get pleasure out of sucking cock, but you have to understand that providing you with pleasurable experiences is not what this is about. It's about you giving pleasure as My slave to My friends and strangers I order you to suck off."

brat thinks this sounds like perfection! being used by his own Master as a cocksucker for many superior men? A dream come true. And, on top of all that, he can hardly believe his ears as he listens to what Kent is telling him. He never realized Kent thought this way. Of course he didn't, they never ever spoke about gay sex before. He realizes that he's in for a lot of surprises now. He can hardly wait!

"Okay, faggot. Put the tip in your mouth again and jerk me off with two hands until I cum into your mouth. Then swallow it if you can."

brat knows he has no trouble swallowing. He learned that at a young age. But feeling Kent shoot his load into his mouth and then tasting Kent's load and swallowing it? These are things he always dreamed of. Now it's going to happen. He hopes Kent has a really big load to give him. He has no idea whether or not Kent ever masturbates. He hopes Kent's been storing up a lot.

He slides his hands up and down the length of Kent's cock, in awe of it now that the boi's finally seen it and tasted it as well. Kent continually praises him while this is going on.

"I'll be cumming soon, boi. Be ready to swallow. If you spill any you'll get spanked."

brat is tempted to spill some of Kent's cum deliberately so Kent will give him that promised spanking. "Don't anticipate," he reminds himself. "Let Kent make the decisions. Get used to it."

"Here it comes, faggot! You're milking my dick.

Take it boi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed, brat has to actually gulp it down. Several gulps before he gets it all down.

Now that Anthony has found out that his nephew's never had a blow job before, he calls Jonah again.

"You won't believe this, Jonah, but the boi has never gotten a blow job before!" he tells Jonah.

"Really! Wow! Well, he's only 19 and he's always been submissive, so maybe it's not a surprise. So when do you want to put our plan into action? And where?"

"ASAP. Have you ever brought the slave to Henry's place before? He'd probably be glad to host us provided he could watch."

"Um, does Luke know Henry?"

"Never met him."

"Oh wait! timmy met Henry at a brunch last weekend. We'll have to find someone or somewhere else. Let me think. . . . Oh, wait: It doesn't matter if timmy knows Henry. We just have to make sure you have Luke blindfolded and in place with his legs spread before I bring timmy. And timmy doesn't really know you, so he won't recognize your car. You'll just have to be out of sight when we arrive."

"I'll call Henry and see if he's willing to host the `event.' Let me call him now and see if he's game. I'll get right back to you. I'd really like this to happen tonight if we can set it up."

"Fine with me. Glad to lend my slave for the good of your sub's education. Best way a boi can possibly learn to give a good blow job is if he knows what it's like to get one. And this can be hot. I've never made timmy suck someone off blindfolded. Good training for the faggot. And I'll give the boy a good thrashing before I bring him over. He always sucks better after he gets his ass whipped."

Anthony gives Henry a call and explains what they're planning. As he predicted, Henry readily agrees and is looking forward to seeing the action. No problem there. He's even okay with hosting it tonight. He calls Jonah back.

"Henry says yes. He wants to watch. And I think that after you take timmy away, I just might have the boi suck off Henry so we can find out if the lesson was successful."

"Can the boi be obedient right after he's shot his own load? A lot of even the best subs want to curl up and go to sleep after that?"

"you've got a point. I guess I'll have to give the boi his first spanking, just to make sure he's turned on enough to do what I want him to do."

Jonah laughs his head off. "Perfect. Wish I could see it! But there will be other times for sure. We have to get the two subs together for some fun and games."

"It's a deal. So how's 7:30?"


"Okay. I'll be there at 7:15 and get the boi all set. Wait until I tell him. He'll be so excited. Until I tell he's going to have to show what he learned by sucking off Henry."

"If he's really meant to be a sub, he'll have no objections. I'm sure, Anthony."

"Oh, by the way. We're using different names for now to help me separate from our Uncle/nephew past. I'm using Kent now. He's just brat. simply brat. For now, anyway. I never liked his real name—Barry—not elegant enough. Eventually I'll probably give him a better name."

"You're such a pussy, Anthony. You sure you're gonna be able to Dom the boi the way he deserves to be handled?"

"Not sure, but hopeful. Anyway, see you later tonight. We'll just have to hang out a lot more with you guys so I can learn from seeing you in action."

"Anytime, dude, anytime, with or without the brat."

"Now don't forget. Neither one of us can say anything while the bois are there."

And that's that. It's all set. Anthony calls Henry back. Tells him he'll be there with his nephew sub at 7:15 and the other guys will be at 7:30. He also tells Henry he's going to make the boi give him a blow job to show if he learned what he needed to learn about cocksucking. Henry is thrilled because he knows he'll be horny after watching the bois in action.


Note the following:

  1. Please write me at subkodak25@gmail.com; let me know what you think of this story.

  2. Chat with me on Telegram. My name there is sub_kodak. Look me up. Say hi!

  3. Please donate to Nifty so we can keep this awesome site going. Please see https://donate.nifty.org

  4. I've selected a pictures to represent Patrick, Kent, Jonah and timmy. Ask for them if you want.

  5. I'm now listed on Nifty's Prolific Author page. You can find ten of my stories listed there.

  6. You can also find my other stories just by scrolling down in the gay/authoritarian channel to the dates listed below to find all the chapters of my complete stories.

  1. The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022

These four are connected:

  1. Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 3. Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 4. Brandon's Brothers 5/29/2023 5. Total Subjugation: 5/25/2023

These are stand-alone stories:

  1. Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 7. Training Toby 12/31/2023 8. Breaking Me In 3/10/2024 9. The Brothel Slave 3/31/2024 10. Jonah Takes Charge 5/9/2024

Next: Chapter 15

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