A Taste of Freedom

By Aaron Moore

Published on Jan 1, 2009



Hey guys, this is my second try at writing a story on Nifty. The first one I couldn't get to go anywhere but this one is has a much better feel to it. So send me an email and tell me what you think, good or bad, feedback can only help me improve. Thanks for reading.



Chapter 1: Dance Inside

College. It was suppose to be a time of discovery, a time to find yourself and discover your goals. It's supposed to be that time in your life when you mature into an adult and learn to take on the responsibilities of the real world. But for me it was about freedom. It was a time when I could be myself and not have to worry about fitting into a certain image like I did in high school. I could finally focus on myself and what makes me happy.

I was ready to be on my own, well at least partly. While I still needed my parents to support me financially, I still considered having an off campus apartment with some of the guys that I really clicked with during freshmen seminar activities that summer to be living on my own. My own place, I really liked the sound of that. A place where I would begin my journey as a college freshmen and man was I ready for it.

I glanced to my right and saw that my exit was coming up in a few miles. I was almost to my new home. Sure it was only a 45 minute drive from my parents house but living on or near campus was always a given for me, I wanted to have the true college experience. And I didn't think I could get that while living under my parents watchful eyes. So we made a deal, they'd pay for me to live near campus if I came home for dinner three times a month. How could I say no to that deal? So here I am with the back of my SUV loaded with all the stuff that my parents got me for my new place.

As I merged onto my exit I heard my cell phone vibrate in one of my cup holders. I bet it was one of my three roommates. My parents and some of my friends thought I was crazy for getting a place with three strangers, as they called them, that I hardly knew. Most of my friends would be living in the dorms at the respective colleges. After my first campus tour hen I saw the size of the dorm rooms I knew there was no way on earth that I could share anything that small with another person. There was no privacy, what would you do if you got sick of each other?

I smiled to myself; I was only a few miles away from my new home. Life just doesn't get much better then this. Within a few more blocks the traffic began to thicken with students who were also moving into their new homes. The majority of these students were like me, they were moving into off campus student housing which gave then the option of moving in before any of the students who were staying in the dorms could. The rest of the traffic belonged to upper classmen that were helping out with freshmen move in day which would be coming up in three more days.

As I turned the corner my University Heights my new home came into view. The heights were brand new, they were just finished in July and the waiting list to get in was extremely long I heard. I was lucky and got in pretty easily because my dad's company built them. There are six building, a rental office and a fitness complex. The six buildings were all connected to the fitness complex, and the rental office was placed a little ways away from them and was it'd own separate structure. The buildings each had seven floors and floors two through seven all had balconies while the first floors all had small and private walk-out patios.

After I found my parking space I walked over to the rental office to get my keys. Luckily for me there wasn't too long of a line and my turn came quickly.

"Please state your last name first, then your first name please." The receptionist said without even looking glance away from her computer monitor. That's rude I thought to myself.

"Pierce, Christian."

"Ahh yes, Mr. Pierce, you are the second tenant from your apartment to arrive. Here is your access card that will let you into your building and the fitness complex, the key to your apartment and the key to your room. Is there anything else that I can help you with this morning Mr. Pierce?"

"No, that's all for right now, thanks."

"Okay, now if you'll just sign right here you'll be all set." She said to me as she slid a piece of paper right in front of me.

I signed the form and waited while she checked over it.

"Everything is all set, welcome to University Heights Mr. Pierce."

I nodded and made my way out the door and back to my Jeep. I grabbed a few of my things and headed towards my building. I couldn't wait to see the guys again. We hit it off so well during Freshman Seminar and I knew we made the right choice living together. When we were first grouped together Mike, Tom, Dan and I clicked. It was like we had been friends for years. Tom and Dan were local guys like me while Mike was a new comer, not that he came from far just Kansas. We made sure to give him a hard time about that, I mean who really comes from Kansas? I just hoped whoever got here before me was ready to help me get all my crap inside.

As I was attempting to unlock my apartment with my arms loaded with stuff the door flew open and surprised me. Caught completely off guard I jumped back and drops everything I was holding, and then somehow managed to trip and fall over it. Yep, I was a klutz. While I was on the floor getting my bearings back I could hear laughter above me. I looked up to see a red faced Mike holding his stomach and gasping for air. Apparently he found this funnier then I did.

"Want to help me out some, or are you okay over there?" I asked mildly annoyed. I was just glad that the hallway was clear so no one else could see my on my butt.

"Jeez you're a freak Chris, couldn't you hear me opening the door?" Mike had gotten a little more control of himself and stared to pick up some of the items off the floor.

"No, I was too busy with my balancing act." I pushed past him and walked into the living room.

I dropped my stuff in the living room figuring that it would be easier to haul it all to my room once I got everything inside.

"I really am sorry man, but the freaked out look on your face was priceless, to make amends I'll help you get the rest of your stuff up here."

"Buy dinner and we'll call it even."


It only took three trips to get it all my stuff in. I was really grateful for Mikes help. An extra set of arms never hurts.

Mike was chatty for a guy, he was telling me about the going away party his friends from home threw him last weekend. It sounded wild; the even got some of the slutty girls from his high school to give lap dances and stuff. Sounded like good times. While we talked he went to the refrigerator and took out a few beers. When he handed me a bottle I was shocked by the label, it was a Stella Artois. For a guy from Kansas he had good taste.

"What?" He said as he saw the surprised look on my face.

"What do you know about a Stella Kansas boy?" I said while laughing.

"Shut up man, we have standards in Kansas too you ass."

Mike kept talking and we continued to knock back the beer. After about an hour I realized that I should get started on unpacking. I finished my beer and started taking stuff to my room. Once it was all in I had no idea where I was going to put everything. After getting my clothes put away and my bed made I went back to the living room to see what Mike was up to.

"Have you heard from Dan or Tom dude?

"Naw, I bet their banging cows or whatever it is you guys do up here in Minnesota."

"Whatever man, I'm hungry but we should wait around til they get here before we go to eat. Unless you brought any food."

"Nope, didn't think of it. Why don't we go meet some neighbors or something? See if there are any hotties in this building."

"That's fine, let me just change shirts real quick."

I could care less about meeting girls, but there may be some hot guys and I wanted to look good. I already promised myself I was done leading girls on; I was only going to be with guys. But I wasn't sure how that was going to work since I didn't know how to meet guys. And on top of that I wasn't out yet. But I felt ready to at least let a few people know, and I was pretty sure that I was going to have to start with my roommates. The thought of that scared me a bit.

When I returned to the living room I Mike was bending over so he could reach into a box better. Man that guy had a nice ass. Once I realized I'd been looking for longer than I should have I averted my eyes. I was not going to get caught checking out a roommate, even if he was giving me a free show unknowingly. But I would keep the mental image of this hot brunette e for later, when they would be useful.

"Ready man?"

"Yeah, let's go find some chicks; I want to break in my room tonight." I rolled my eyes as we went out the door.

I will admit that even though I'm gay, the thought of women doesn't repulse me. I can appreciate a sexy body; I just don't want it in my bed. It turns out we had an apartment full of cuties right down the hall. Being the gentlemen that we were we even helped them lug all there stuff in. Girls bring way to much stuff. One of them even brought a chair. Who brings a chair to a full furnished apartment? A woman of course.

The girls were great; they were all friends from high school. Their names were Jessica, Kate, Amanda and Dawn. They were funny, and laid back which is hard to find with hot girls. They were helpful too. They thought of all this stuff that we would need for our place that we never would have thought of. They helped us make a list and we took two cars to the store to pick up the items.

Mike and Dawn seemed to hitting it off well. She was always laughing around him and touching his arm. Good I thought to myself, he could talk someone else's ear off for awhile. Unfortunately for me, Kate seemed to really like me. She was such a sweet girl; I wasn't sure how to handle the situation. I'll just have to play it by ear.

Kate was telling me about a party that she had heard about an asked if I thought me and my roomies would be interested. A smile crept across my face; I've never been known to pass up a good party. Just As I was telling her that I was interested and I'd pass it around to my two absent roomies Mike walks over to us.

"Hate to break it up guys but Chris and I need to get back, the other two should be there by now."

Crap! I thought to myself, we had been out for a bit by this point, we really should be heading back. But if we arrive with four hot girls the guys shouldn't give us too much shit...

"Yeah, let's round up the other's, check out and get out of here. When we get back we'll introduce you girls to the other guys." I this seemed to get a smile from Dawn and Kate.

We found the others and left. The girls were excited about meeting the other guys. I couldn't blame them; they were in for a treat. Tom and Dan were not bad to looking at all. But I had a "hands off" rule for my roomies, not that it mattered anyways they weren't gay. But occasional peeks wouldn't hurt.

On the drive back I looked at my phone, the call I had missed earlier was from my parents, my mom most likely because she's a worrier. I was supposed to call them as soon as I got to my place. Oops! Oh well, since I'm this late returning the call a few more hours won't hurt. And I planned on getting trashed tonight and there was no way I was going to call them like that. Oh yeah, that call could definitely wait.

Once we got back the girls were nice enough to help carry some of our stuff. Mike and I exchanged knowing looks. They were only doing it so they could see the other two. Typical. We could hear music when we got to our floor. Mike looked over at me.

"Think it's them?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure."

We entered the apartment to find it in chaos. They had all their crap everywhere while they were dancing around like idiots to Dance Inside by The All-American Rejects. Mike and I immediately started cheering. They stopped dead in their tracks and turned to see the two of us with 4 hot girls. They were a tad embarrassed needless to say. But they handled it well. They lowered the volume of the I-pod deck and greeted us and the girls.

"Dudes, we wondered where you were! We could tell you've both been here. We figured you went out for food." Tom said excited by the sight of the girls.

"Yeah no shit. But this is so much better than food." Dan said.

After all the introductions were made Ton and Dan started to clean up their mess and the girls helped us out with all the stuff we had purchased. Hmm, this girls might be handy to have around I thought to myself.

The girls got Tom and Dan up to date, and we all agreed that we would go to the party together. Nothing like being seen with a group of girls like these I thought to myself. The girls soon left and we guys started to really talk.

"Dude I can't believe our look with finding those girls. We are going to make quite the entrance tonight." Mike said. We all readily I agreed, but I really could care less.

"There is no reason for us all to not get laid tonight." Dan piped in while he brushed some of his dark blond hair out of his face.

"Dan and I were hoping you two were out scooping girls when we didn't see you here. But no way did we think you'd find four!" Tom was by far the most excited, which I found funny because with a body like his I figured he's be use to having girls like that around.

We figured that we would spend more time making the apartment look better then we'd treat the girls to dinner before the party. Dan went over to tell the girls to be ready to go in an hour. While we were getting our rooms situated we had more beer and got to know each other a bit better. We all worked out and were athletic but we didn't specialize in just one sport. We liked to party, and none of us had any idea what we wanted to do with our lives. I knew I made the right choice living with these guys. This is so much better than dorm life.

After a bit we all got ready to go. I jumped in the shower and changed into a dark blue polo shirt that I thought made my medium blue eyes look even bluer. I added some product to my hair and worked it into that messy look I had my stylist show me how to do. I thought I looked pretty damn good. I sprayed a little cologne for a final touch. I may not have the guts to search for a guy tonight, but I'll differently have some looking at me.

I had another beer while I waited for the rest of the guys to get ready. I was the first one done and I'm the gay guy, how'd that happen? Dan came out shortly after.

"Dude, you're so metro!" He said s he raised his hand to my head to mess up my hair.

"Don't, at least let it dry man." I said as I pushed his hand away. No way was he going to ruin my hair before we even left.


I froze, I knew he was kidding but it still hurt. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it but I knew just letting it go wouldn't be cool either. I also didn't want to raise suspicions or anything just yet.

"Yeah, says the guy who took almost an hour to get ready." I joked back, hoping he hadn't noticed my initial reaction. I wasn't happy for how I'd handled it but I was gonna have to pick my battles.

"I needs to take care of. Those girls, Jessica especially really got me going. I plan on banging her tonight." He said as he took a long swig from his beer.

"Should I go get the girls?" I mainly asked because I was still freaked from his comments and wanted to get away before I said or did something I didn't mean to.

"Yeah, and I'll hurry the others along." We went our separate ways for the time being.

While I was walking over to the girls place I thought about how I reacted to the word fag. I had to remind myself that until I start to come out I can't over react to that word or others like it. But I could make my feelings on the word known, it I could figure out how to do it without getting defensive.

I knocked on the girls' door and Kate answered shortly. She looked good. She had her blonde blond hair pulled into a low ponytail that rested over one shoulder. She had on a nice looking purple top that showed off her rack. Her jeans hugged every curve on her small body. If I were ever to turn straight, I would marry this girl.

"You look great." I said as I reached for her hand and pulled her toward m for a quick kiss on the cheek. That seemed to please her and she smiled.

"My friends and I just finished doing a few shots, care to join us before we get going?"

"Sure, what are we drinking?"

"Grey Goose." She has me sold at shots.

The others looked just as good. Dawn was wearing a short skirt that Mike would really like. I think my boy was going to get laid tonight. After a few shots I escorted them back to my place were the guys were finishing up their beers. They were more then impressed when they saw the girls.

The guys looked good too. Tom and Mike both had on fitted t-shirts that showed off all their hard word in the gym. Dan had on a stripped polo. We were a good looking group.

Us guys were starving and wanted to eat. We all decided on a pizza place in walking distance from us and really close to the party. We were off to start our night.

The walk to the restaurant was fun. We were excited and buzzed so that made us kind of rowdy, but we weren't obnoxious so no one minded. Two of the girls were in heels and walked without one compliant. I really liked these girls.

When we started eating the conversation flowed freely. We all told more basic information about ourselves and mainly laughed and had a great. This is what being on our own in college is all about I thought to myself.

Like all good college parties we could hear it before we saw it. When we were a few houses away Kate came up to me and put her arm through mine. Dawn did the same with Mike, Dan had Jessica and Tom had Amanda. The looks we got from guys as we paid the cover were priceless. Their faces were stamped with jealousy. Even though I was into girls I couldn't help but feel proud.

Once inside we somewhat split off as couples. Kate was a great. We danced we drank; we just had a good time together. I knew I had to distance myself so I didn't lead her on but we were having a great time. After awhile though the girls grouped together and split off from us guys. I'm betting to discuss if they were going to put out tonight or not. I hoped they did so my buddies could get some.

"Dude, I think Dawn is going to let me bang her tonight!" Mike said to me excitedly as he put his arm around my shoulder. God, if he only knew what he was doing to me. I had to make so space between us before I got hard and embarrassed myself. I moved out of his grasp and grabbed my beer. I chugged it down in seconds. Mike looked impressed.

"What makes you think so?" I asked him as we walked to the nearest ked o get more beer.

"Cause man, she's been into me all night! She was grinding hard against when we danced and she's been all over me."

"Look's like your good to go man."

"How are the others doing on their quest for pussy?" I asked.

"Pretty good it seems, as long as the girls don't get so drunk they get headaches we're all pretty much in."

"Sounds good." I filled my cup again. I knew that after this cup I'd be sufficiently drunk. And that's just what I wanted.

"So you think Kate's going to spread `em for ya?" Mike asked before he took another sip of his beer. He was doing a much better job at pacing himself then I was.

"Naw, I'm not going to hook up with her like that. I'm not really interested in her like that. She's too nice of a girl ya know? I really hoped I sounded convincing, but I did believe what I just said.

"Really? You're a better man than me." He said with shocked and impressed. I'm glad he didn't question it further.

I filled my cup one more time and shot it back with taking a breath. Now I was drunk. I took a few steps and stumbled a bit. Damn, maybe that wasn't the best idea. I hoped I could walk the six blocks back home without falling.

Mike rushed up behind me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Easy buddy, maybe we should take off pretty quick here." He said with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll sit outside on the stairs while you get the others. I think the fresh air will help my head to stop spinning."

Mike helped me outside while he gathered the others. I cursed myself for getting so drunk, luckily I wasn't sloppy drunk and I could manage mainly on my own. The one upside to this was that no one would question why I wasn't going to sleep with Kate.

Mike came out first with Kate. I was wobbly on my feet when I stood to greet them. Kate looked concerned.

"Are you feeling good enough to walk Chris?"

"Yeah I'm good. I feel better after being out here for a minute." I said to Kate as I gave her a hug. Kate smiled and hugged me back tightly.

"Dawn's on her way out, and the others are trying to sober up Tom. He is wasted like you wouldn't believe. You're in much better shape then he's in."

Mike was telling me about Tom's inability to land a quarter into a cup, hence his drunkenness. I thought that was pretty funny. Dawn came out and looked pissed. And the closer she got I could smell why.

"Some asshole just spilled beer all over my shirt!" Dawn said clearly upset. Sure enough, there was a big wet spot on her shit.

"I'm just ready for this night to be over." She said she rested her head on Kate's shoulder.

On our walk home Kate comforted Dawn over her shoes and Mike kept me walking without wobbling too much. Every time Mike steadied me with his strong hands I felt my dick surge. You'd think with all the alcohol in my system I wouldn't be able to get it up, but that wasn't so. I just hoped no one noticed, especially not Mike. Who knows how he might react. As much as I liked his touch I needed him to stop. I used all my will to gather the strength to walk straight.

The walk had been okay so far, but now came the true test. I had to make it up the stairs. I don't know what it is about using stairs when your drunk that makes you feel more drunk. This should be interesting. Mike was right next to me, he looked at the stairs and then at me.

"Okay, so how do you want to do this?" He asked

"In a way where I can keep some dignity." I answered. He smirked at me as a response.

"So crawling is out then? He tired to keep a straight face while asking but I could hear him trying not to laugh.

"Just help me up the stairs."

I started up the stairs with Mike right behind me, which was good cause that meant if I got hard he wouldn't see it. We took it slowly and Mike had one hand on my shoulder and his other was supporting my waist. I was getting harder and harder and I stated to breath heavier. I hoped Mike just thought it was from being tired and drunk. As long as his hand stayed away from my dick and my ass I would be okay.

Mike was big help and we made it up the stairs without either of us falling. The girls were already in their room. I felt bad for Mike; I hope I hadn't ruined his evening. He opened the door and let us in.

"Thanks man, but I can take it from here. Go find Dawn before she changes her mind." I say and I stumble towards my room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me with an uncertain look.

"I got it man, and thanks again, I owe you one." The longer I stood the harder it was to stand.

"Okay, get some rest and I'll see you in the morning." Mike went to his own room and I went to mine.

I was doing well on my own so far, I had taken my shoes off and I was going to take a shower. My shirt came off without much effort. My pants were going to be another story. My dick was still at full attention which was going to make unzipping my jeans difficult. I just had to get them off then my boxers and I could jerk-off in the shower. As I was trying to unzip my pants I became unsteady and feel hard on the floor. I busted out laughing; everything is so much funnier when you're drunk I thought to myself.

While I was trying to get up I heard Mike in the doorway.

"Alright big guy, let's get you up and into bed." Mike started to get me back on my feet.

"No, I got it. And I'm going to take a shower so..." I didn't want him to see me with my dick this hard, no way. That would be so humiliating.

"Not tonight your not, you can't even get undressed let alone take shower." He had me on my feet and led me to my bed.

I had my pants unzipped and partly pulled down, so all he had to do was get them down the rest of the way. Then I could take care of business and go to sleep. Mike began pull my jeans down one leg at a time. It tickled and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Mike just laughed right along with me.

"I'm glad you find this funny."

"I don't, it tickles." I said in between laughs.

My laughing died down when I realized my dick was poking out the slit in my boxers. There was no way he wouldn't see that. I willed it to go down, but it wasn't listening to me. Mike was about to pill my jeans down so my dick head would be exposed. I couldn't breathe I was so nervous. I hope he just chalks it up to me being drunk.

With another pull felt my jeans brush over my dick. I let out a small moan, and prayed that Mike didn't hear it. Once my jeans uncovered my dick it was hard to miss it since it was shiny with precum. I hope he just ignores it. I couldn't even look up at him, I was too afraid of what he must think of me.

As soon as Mike got my jeans off and I could move around more freely I quickly stuffed my dick back in more boxers. This action caused Mike to smirk.

"What?" I asked, wondering where I found the courage to speak from.

"You act like I've never seen a dick before! I've showered in locker rooms you know." He said as he stood up and gave me more space.

"Yeah but that was a bit much for our first night don't you think? Wouldn't want you to think I'm easy." I was trying to lighten the mood.

"I thought all college men were easy?" That made us both laugh.

"Well, I have a hot chick waiting, and you have some uhh, business to attend to so I'll leave you to it. Just try not to fall off the bed or anything ok?

"Get out!" I say while laughing.

"I'll tell the girls goodnight for you okay?"

"Sounds good, thanks again man. I really do owe you one."

"I'm sure I'll be collecting real soon. Don't mention it."

With that Mike left and shut my door behind him. I adjust myself in bed some I was comfort and started jacking off. It was not going to take me long at all; I was really worked up from having Mike's hands on me. Within minutes I shot my load. Mike was going to make my evenings more interesting for awhile. I reached around for a shirt to clean myself off with; once I was wiped off it didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep. Life was really good right now.

Well, that's it for chapter 1, it's a little unpolished cause I'm still looking for an editor. I hope you all enjoyed it, not a lot happened but there are many things in store for Chris. You c an email me your comments at oneoftheguys@live.com hope to hear from you soon.


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