A taste of what I'm missing

By Andrew Barber

Published on May 21, 2003



This is a work of fiction. It is a letter to an friend about an experience that I would like to share with you all.

If you enjoy this story then please email me. I would love to hear from you.

Dear Billy,

I know its not long since my last letter, but I have just got to tell you about what has just happened to me. I need to get it down now while it is still fresh in my mind.

I called in the pub for a couple of drinks was on my way home from work tonight, nobody was in who I knew so I got bored and headed off home. I walked today as the car is in for a service, so I walked down Bentley road way, past the park, you know where I mean. Anyway halfway past the park I noticed some guy in the park leaning against the porch wall, near to where the toilet is. I don't even know why I noticed him, he was pretty nondescript from what I could see. He seemed to be in his fifties maybe, wearing a jacket and trousers, as I say nondescript.

I noticed he was looking at me, I mean kind of staring. This certainly made me feel uneasy. I wasn't feeling scared I don't think, just, well ...I think the best explanation is the feeling you got when you were a kid and had been wanking away and you parent almost catches you and you pull up your clothes quickly. They look at you and you are sure that they know exactly what you have been doing and you heart kind of flips but it is a horny flip, hope you get what I mean...

Back to what I was saying. The guy was definately looking at me and I looked back at him trying to work out if I knew him or something. Then, wow!, I am not kidding, he reached round and started rubbing his cock through his trousers, while staring at me. I could feel my face flush with colour, but I just couldn't stop looking. The guy then leaned up from the wall and walked towards the toilet, still looking at me and his hand still on his crotch. Then he turned away from me as he walked into the toilet. Just before he went in he turned one more time and looked at me and I am sure his head gestured for me to follow.

Fuck me! at that moment I was in turmoil. You know I am not gay, but also I have told you about my curiosity of being bi. But I have never been anywhere near another guy before. Now here I was, nobody around, a guy who I think was giving me a come on. I certainly had an hard on but I was scared shitless, I was actually shaking.

I am just going to see what is going on, I thought to myself. But really I knew full well what was going on, but I just could not stop myself. I walked into the park. I kept to the path as I did not want to muddy up my work clothes. I was wearing the usual, shirt, tie and trousers. I did not have a jacket on as it was quite warm today. As I closed on the toilet my heart raced, each step I took I had to stop myself from turning around and running out of the park. Finally I reached the door of the toilet, it seemed dark inside, I took a deep breath, and walked in.

The toilet was pretty small, there was a trough long enough for maybe three guys to piss, and two cubicles, the type that were fully closed to the ceiling with full sized doors. But I did not notice that all I noticed was the guy standing with his back to me as though pissing in the trough. But I could tell that he wasn't pissing. I walked up next to him, and fumbled for the zipper in my trousers, I really was shaking. I pulled down my zip pulled out my cock which was semi hard as though I was going to piss. I never looked at the guy at all.

'Hi', he said, 'warm day huh!'.

'Yeah!' I said and looked at him. He was in his fifties easy closer to sixty probably. I did not feel in any way attracted to him, really, but the way he looked at me, made me feel so fucking horny and scared at the same time. He was almost grey and receding back. He was quite tall, maybe just over six feet, not particularly overweight but certainly not thin. He wore a beige chequered jacket and beige trousers.

He turned away from me, and back to what he was doing. Fuck! I thought, was I supposed to say something else, is there a code or something. 'Erm, real hot I think' I said, stupidly.

He looked at me again and smiled. Then he gestured toward the cubicles. 'You might feel more comfy over there' he said.

'Yes' I agreed. Quickly I put my cock back in my trousers and headed over towards the closet cubicle and walked in, I turned to close the door behind me, but the guy was right behind me and I was sqeezed back as he came in and closed the door behind him.

He turned towards me. 'Look er I have er, never..' I was trying to talk but my mouth was dry and I was struggling. I was not even sure if I wanted to do this (and I didn't even know what was going to happen), but I guessed nobody except me and this guy would ever know, so what the fuck. 'Shhussh' he said quietly and then put his hands on my shoulders. He rubbed them slowly down my chest, over my nipples slightly squeezing and moulding. Then moved down over my stomach and around my back. His face came close and he kissed me on the lips, my mouth remained closed. His hands moved down over my ass and then back up my back, it felt great. He kissed me again, this time for longer and I felt my mouth opening a little, he must have too as his tongue slipped between my lips. We kissed pasionately for a while, I had never even considered myself doing this but it was good.

His hands felt like they were everywhere, round my back, on my chest, stomach, through my hair, rubbing my ass, everywhere. I had my hands around him lightly and was hesitant as to what to do.

I felt his hand rub over my, now, throbbing cock and I gave out an audible groan. 'You like that eh!' he said with a smile, 'Mmmmm' was all I could give back.

'You ever played with someone elses cock before' he asked.

'No' Was my simple answer. 'Okay, well sit down' he said. I did as I was told and sat back onto the toilet seat. I watched amazement as this guy undid his trousers and let them fall to the ground. He was not wearing anything under them and his cock sprung out from beneath his shirt.

'Feel it for me' he said 'just like you would like to have yours touched'. I reached up and let my finger tips rub over his cock, it felt real weird, to be touching another mans cock. It was about six or seven inches long and he did not have a foreskin as I did. He moaned as I played with him, I let my other hand run over his balls I could feel the whisps of coarse hair on my hand. 'Yes. thats it' he said quietly. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and began to slowly massage him rubbing slowly up and down. My other hand feeling all around his pubic hairs and lower belly, over his balls and between his legs to his ass.

He put his hands on my shoulders as he leaned forward a little, 'oh baby your good' he said. 'Now suck it a little for me'.

I was going to argue and say no way, but my head sprang forward by itself and my mouth engulfed his throbbing hot cock. This was amazing, I was sucking another mans cock, and it did not feel bad at all. I could feel the guys reactions to what I did as he squeezed my shoulders and held on to my hair. I could tell that he was enjoying it and that really was turning me on. I was working his shaft with my hand at the same time, and rubbing his balls and ass with my other hand. It seemed to take no time at all before, he was pushing my head away, 'I am going to come, he said - you don't have to take it if you don't want too'.

I figured this was my one and only time and I might as well go the whole hog. I sucked harder and squeezed his cock as he fucked my mouth. The taste in mouth suddenly changed and I knew he was going to come, I let his cock slip as deep into my mouth as I dared without gagging and felt his cum hit the back of my throat with a force, I swallowed as quickly as I could in case I didn't like it. A few seconds later he was spent and was leaning over me gasping for air.

'Right' he said after gathering himself and pulling up his trousers 'stand up, you turn!'. A few simple words which fucking blew my mind, I was ready to cum there and then. I stood up and we manouvered aroud so that he could sit on the toilet. Before he did however, he grabbed me and kissed my hard again as he kissed me he grabbed my cock through my trousers and squeezed it tightly. He sat down and I reach for my zip, but he moved my hands away. He deftly open my trousers and let them drop, I had a pair of white shorts underneath which he seemed to approve of he leaned forward and kissed my cock through the cloth as he massaged and rubbed my balls.

He pulled down my shorts and lifted my shirt, he pulled my to him so that I was standing closer, standing between his legs. He began kissing and licking my belly, it was heaven, his hands neading my ass as he licked around and then on my sides. This was torment, wonderful torment, I wanted him to touch my cock and balls and he wouldn't he worked me so well. Kissing and licking the tops of my legs brushing my cock with his face as he moved to my other leg. His hand moved around and reached between my legs tickling and tantalising me. 'Please' I said. He obviously knew what I meant because he looked up and smiled at me. As he did his hand rubbed over my balls and grasped my cock. My knees nearly buckled.

He licked his lips as his hand slid up and down my cock. His other rubbing my balls and ass. His head went forward to my cock, I felt his warm breath on the tip of my cock as it entered his mouth. His lips closed around it. His tongue swished around the tip and then he seemed to take the whole of my shaft in. 'Oh yeah' I exclaimed. My cock slipped in and out of his mouth as he wanked me. His tongue flicked and licked and lushed at my cock, driving me into a frenzy. He must have felt me tense as I was close to cumming, he quickly pulled back and let go of my cock. 'Turn around' he said. 'Eh!' I exclaimed I was on the point of cumming and he wanted to stop so I thought, 'Turn!' he said this time more forcefully and he grabbed my hips to force me. I turned so that I was facing the door I felt his hand on my back as he pushed me to bend me slightly.

His hand once again found my cock, slowly massaging it. His other hand massaged by ass cheek. I felt him kiss my ass cheek and the lick it gently, slowly making a trail to my hole. He licked my hole, and that moment was the best feeling I had ever felt. I groaned and pushed back on him. His rythm on my cock was getting faster, I was getting more frantic again. He licked and gently probed my ass hole with his tongue, one hand rubbing my balls and the other wanking me silly. Then it began to happen, I was cumming my legs were getting weak. 'I am cumming' I said 'oh shit - I am cumming'. Just as I began to cum he pushed his tongue deeper into my ass hole, 'ooohhh!' I let out as my cum shot over the door, the floor and his hand. Three times he pushed deep inside me as he carried on wanking me, and three times I orgasmed as he did so.

I leaned on the door for a little while trying to get me senses back. He was pulling up my shorts and trousers, I stood up and tucked my shirt in. I turned again towards him. He was smiling. 'You are good' he said. With that he reached around me and opened the door of the cubicle, he kissed me one more time as he squeezed past me and was gone. I closed the door and sat for a while, my mind blown.

I don't know how long I sat there but when I came out there was nobody around and I came straight home and here I am telling you.

Anyway, I have got to go now, but I hope this is not the last time anything like this ever happens. No not at all.

All the Best


As I said this is a work of fiction. However, I am that guy Andy and I would love for this to happen. Please email me.

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