A Trial of Strength

By moc.loa@9876wr

Published on Mar 21, 2018


A TRIAL OF STRENGTH - PART 406 By Rob Williams



The rugged muscle-jock Miguel has a potential new boy Finn, a troubled youth, emotionally scarred from years as a hustler, who insists he only has sex with men for cash. But Miguel has other ideas and arouses Finn's lust in the gym by performing an erotic, muscle-wrenching solo sex act. When Finn later faces the tribe he panics and bolts, but young Brandon gives him a heart-to-heart talk that changes everything.

************ In the previous chapter *************

Finn was a young hustler, passed around from one callous, abusive master to another, usually for money. At a warehouse gathering of the leather fraternity where Finn was once again For Sale' he had been bought' by Miguel. But there was nothing callous or abusive about Miguel.

Far from it. Miguel was the handsome Hispanic musclehunk who had joined the tribe as the lover of Zack, the macho black leather-master, and lived with Zack and his boy Darius. He envied the love between the tribe's men and their boys and was looking for a boy of his own.

The tribe's leader Randy had given him advice. "Some boys are easy to love, but there are kids out there who are lost, who survive abuse by becoming mean and arrogant, picking fights with everyone. A guy like that needs a real man like you, bro. You are a tough, macho son of a bitch like me and you could handle a young guy who's had it rough and sees everyone as the enemy. You need that kind of challenge."

And that's where Finn came in. As Miguel later described it to Zack, "The boy's developed a suit of armor to protect him from a vicious world, and he can't accept that my world ain't so vicious. After being treated as a sex object for so long he thinks of man-on-man sex as a gross act he's been forced to perform with dirty old men for money."

Finn himself had defiantly made that clear. "I gotta get one thing straight, man. I'm really into chicks. I only do it with guys for money and even then I'm strictly a top man."

So right from the start Miguel reassured him. "First, no one's gonna hurt you, I'll see to that. Second of all, I didn't buy you and I don't own you. I just shelled out the money to get rid of that goon who was selling you. And no one here is gonna want sex from you either. I don't pay for sex and, as you say you only do it for money, that's out."

When he got him home Miguel was true to his word. Zack's boy Darius, a guy Finn's own age with an easy-going fun-loving attitude, sat with him as they watched Miguel and Zack indulge in wild sex games where Miguel tied up and fucked the muscular black leather master, a spectacle that held Finn spellbound, though he would never admit that even to himself.

When they went to bed Miguel again made it clear there would be no sex. "You're not into guys except for money, and I never pay for it, so no sex – we sleep in separate beds." But Finn got cold in the night and Miguel said. "OK, climb into this bed, that'll keep you warm." When Finn hesitated Miguel said, "Dammit, boy, I'm not coming on to you, you should know that by now. I won't lay a finger on you. Get your ass over here and let's get some damn sleep."

At first Finn clung to the edge of the bed but Miguel turned his back to him and fell asleep again. Up to now the boy had always disliked the men he lived with and he hated it when they made him sleep with them. But now he was sleeping next to a man he couldn't stop thinking about, a handsome alpha male who had tied up and fucked the black leather master. It had been spectacular, he had to admit, and here he was sleeping inches away from that gorgeous man.

Several times in the night he woke touching Miguel and recoiled instinctively, but then found himself longing for just one touch from him. And he gave up denying his own boner. It was there, permanent, and there was nothing he could do about it. It was still there next morning when the twins came in bearing breakfast trays for them.

"Right, let's eat," Miguel said. He pulled the sheets off Finn who gasped and covered his erect cock with his hands. Miguel grinned, "Don't worry about that, kid. Just a piss hard-on, everyone has one in the morning. It'll go down as soon as you take a leak."

As they sat facing each other across the breakfast table Miguel said, "Dig in, kid, you must be hungry, and I'll tell you our plans for the day. I'm the chef in a hotel in town and I've got a few days off which I plan to spend with you. After breakfast, a young guy named Eddie will come across the street and take care of that scraggly hair and beard that I'm tired of looking at. He knows just how to make a guy look good – it'll be a transformation, you'll see.

"While he's doing that I'll go across the street to talk with two guys named Randy and Bob, the founders of the tribe. As a courtesy to them I should fill them in on everything. There's a chance you could even join the tribe if things work out that way, so I have to run it by them first.

"After that I'm gonna work out at the gym in their basement, and I'd like you to work out with me. And maybe later, at dinner across the street, we'll take the plunge and introduce you to the tribe, a great bunch of guys. How does all that sound?"

Finn stopped eating, and stared at Miguel. After a long silence tears came to his eyes and began flowing down his cheeks. He tried to hold them back ... "I'm sorry, sir, I ..."

"Hey, it's OK, Finn. Everything's OK." Miguel suddenly realized that the boy had never been shown much kindness in his life, never expected it, and now here it was coming at him in spades. His emotions welled up and his spontaneous reaction was to weep.

Miguel reached forward and brushed the tears from his cheeks. "It's gonna work out fine, kiddo. And I promise you one thing - you don't have to repay all this with sex like you used to in the past with all those other guys. You've made it clear that you're not into sex with guys, you only did it for money, and I respect that. You're a good looking guy, Finn, real sexy, but I've never forced myself on anyone. So it's a deal, no sex. Just friends eh?"

"OK, sir," Finn stammered, staring at him across the table. And the tears kept flowing.

********************* CHAPTER 406 **********************

Finn had been shedding tears of ... what ... relief, frustration, nervousness ... or just confusion? He certainly would never have accepted that they were tears of joy. He was still determined not to submit to this guy Miguel as he had done so degradingly to the many men he had slept with for money, even though he admitted that this man was in a whole different class from those creeps.

So he concentrated on the best breakfast he had eaten in years. Before now breakfast had consisted of cornflakes and coffee if he was lucky, and he never had a man like this watching him from across the table – a man he did his best to ignore. Sure, the guy was being real good to him right now, but so had other guys in the past, only to turn mean when they had suckered him into their power. He was determined not to go down that road again.

Watching him carefully as he stuffed food in his mouth Miguel had some idea what this damaged boy was going through, with all his past negative experiences distorting his mind. And Miguel's heart went out to him. He knew it would be tough to get under that thick defensive crust but if he didn't do it who would? And the boy would be thrown back on the scrap heap, a hustler with no future.

As Randy had said, Miguel was a `tough, determined son of a bitch' and needed a challenge. And this kid was certainly that.

When Finn had cleared his plate, then eaten yoghurt and fruit and downed his last cup of coffee Miguel was treated to one of those faint chinks of light in the armor as the boy looked at him and said, "Thank you, sir. That was great."

Miguel smiled, "You should thank the twins, kiddo. They cook for the whole tribe and they are terrific gourmet chefs. I should know. I am the head chef at the Ritz-Carlton downtown so I know a thing or two about gourmet food."

Finn jerked his head up and said, "Head chef, eh? Does that mean you're rich?"

Miguel sighed. One step forward and one step back, he thought. "Finn, money isn't the point here. Sure I have enough money to buy you ten times over and keep you here with the prospect of a life of leisure. But that ain't gonna happen and it isn't the point here.

"The men of this tribe are all pretty well off because they all work damn hard at what they do. There are bosses of a growing construction company, a financier, a cop, forest ranger, fireman, Marine captain and an airline executive. And their boys work hard to support all that, some working on the construction site, others working in the office or maintaining the house, and the twins running the kitchen.

"The point is, Finn, that the men love their boys and want to see them grow and prosper with careers of their own. That's what I want in a boy. The guy I choose will not only have to love and respect me but he must be self-disciplined and prepared to work hard. I wanna watch my boy grow, a kid I can be proud of."

Finn looked shell-shocked. Nobody had ever talked to him like this. He had never thought much about his future, didn't think he had much of one. Only thing other guys had ever talked about or wanted from him was sex – it was the currency he traded in – and this guy hadn't even mentioned sex.

Miguel could see his confusion and said, "OK, time for me to go see the guys and for you to get a haircut. I'll send Eddie over here, he's a great kid, the Marine's boy. Before he comes I want you to make the beds, tidy the room and put the breakfast things back on the trays."

Finn had an involuntary flash-back and bristled. "You're treating me like a fucking ..." He shouted, then stopped dead in his tracks as Miguel's eyes flashed.

"Like what, boy? Other guys may have treated you like dirt but not in this house. Am I treating you like a houseboy? Damn right I am, `cos that's what you are right now and there's nothing wrong with that. The kid who's gonna cut your hair started as assistant houseboy and he was proud of it. He stuck at it and he's now starting his own housekeeping team.

"Now if that's not good enough for you, as I've said before, you are free to leave. I'll put some money in your pocket and it's `Adios Amigo'. Like I said, I want a boy I can be proud of. So what's it to be?"

Suddenly Finn was afraid that this man would cut him loose. "I'm sorry, sir. It's just that ... OK, no excuses ... I want to stay, sir. I'll do what you say ... please, sir."

"OK, just as long as we understand each other," said Miguel, his tone softening. As he left the room he thought, `Hm, that was a decent step forward'. On balance he thought there had been more steps forward than back – tiny steps but hey, they were in the right direction.

When he went through the gate of the tribe's compound the first person he met, hopping impatiently from foot to foot, was Eddie, holding a bag containing his haircutting kit. "Can I go, sir? Is he ready for me now?"

Miguel held back a smile and faced Eddie seriously. "Yes, kiddo, but listen to me. This is a real delicate situation. I've been treading carefully because any wrong word could set him off."

"I know the situation, sir," Eddie said slightly miffed. "Darius told me all about Finn and I've handled guys like him before."

"Not like him you haven't, Eddie. And I don't want him `handled'. Just play it cool, cut his hair and get rid of his beard. You'll be the first one of the tribe he's met, outside of Zack, Darius and me. At the slightest hint of trouble abandon the effort, OK?

"Aye-aye, sir. Consider it done." Eddie ran eagerly through the gate.

When Miguel had left him alone Finn felt a stab of panic. Even in the short time he had known the handsome Hispanic he had felt safe with him, and now he felt bereft. He suddenly knew what it meant to need someone – and he resented the feeling. He heard footsteps outside and thought Miguel had come back, but instead in bounced a young guy with a beaming smile.

"Hey, dude, you must be Finn, I'm Eddie. I'm real glad to meet you, you're the number one topic of conversation across the street."

"I'm what?" Finn snapped. "They're talking about me? Who the fuck do they think they ...?"

"Whoops, sorry dude. Strike that, forget I spoke." Eddie held out his hand with such an eager grin that Finn shook it. "Only reason I'm here is to cut your hair and get rid of that beard. You OK with that?"

"Ah, what the hell, I don't care how I look."

"Dude, wash your mouth out with soap. In this tribe everyone looks good and you, buddy, are a looker – nice body, good strong face. I would jump your bones. Whoops, sorry again. Word is that you're not into guys – what a waste." He stood back and narrowed his eyes. "Yeah but I can see why Miguel wants the long hair gone. That's a real scruffy look – and not in a good way. And that color – do you dye it?"

"I did. My last guy told me to."

"Whoa, bad advice. Number one rule, dude, never dye your own hair. Always looks terrible. OK, let's make a start ... sit in that chair, bro." Finn could hardly get a word in to protest so he sat down and Eddie whipped out of his bag a sheet that he wrapped round him up to the neck.

"Don't worry, dude, there are two things I'm expert at – cutting hair and sucking dick. I learned both of those when I was a bar-back in a leather bar in the desert. I cut the hair of most of the boys here, and I taught them how to suck dick too. Well, like, I know that wouldn't be any use to you, as you've never sucked dick ... except for money, rumor has it ... but I can sure make you look better." He stood back and studied him.

"Hmm, you've got a longish face, which is real cool, but we'll leave the hair full on the sides and short on top – a couple of inches." Without waiting for Finn's agreement Eddie was soon standing behind him snipping away ... and talking.

"Dude you fell into a pot of jam when you snagged that hunk Miguel – he is so damn sexy and a real good guy too. If I didn't have a man already I'd make a play for him. But I am ... wait for it, dude ... I am the boy of a Marine Captain – gorgeous as hell, half Arab half Asian and built like a brick shithouse. His name's Hassan and you'll meet him, but hands off, dude, he's mine. He is sooo sexy and a real good master too."

Eddie finally paused for breath and Finn said, "Like, does he own you or something?"

"Nah ... dude you've gotta get over this ownership thing. Nobody needs to own anyone here `cos it's not as if anyone's gonna run away. Although ... get this, bro ... I did run away once when Hassan and me had a flaming row and I high-tailed it back to the desert.

"I got my old job back at the bar and I was on my knees in the back room with a line of guys waiting to get their dicks sucked when the door burst open and a voice boomed, `Get your hands off my boy!' They all stood back, scared shitless, as the Marine strode in, picked me up, slung me over his shoulder and strode out. Man, that was just about the most exciting thing ever happened to me. Hard to top that I can tell you."

Despite himself Finn couldn't help smiling at this kid's breathless story and found himself liking him. His slight smile emboldened Eddie to go where he had been told not to tread. "But what about you, Finn? Listen, there's something here we call the grapevine which is super-efficient, so the tribe knows everything five minutes after it happens.

"For example, Darius told me all about that wild scene where Miguel beat Zack at arm-wrestling, tied up the black musclehunk and fucked him. All I can say is `Why wasn't I there!?' But you were, dude, so what did you think? I know you're supposedly not into guy sex but that scene must have given you a hard-on. I mean, did you cream your shorts?"

Eddie had touched the wrong button and Finn flared up. "What is it with you fucking guys? Can't you get it through your thick head that I'm not into guys? I'm into chicks. I only did it with those assholes for money, and I was always the top man. I'll never have sex with Miguel and you're a fucking dickhead if you even think I would. So keep your mouth shut."

Taken aback Eddie winced, tears came to his eyes and he murmured, "Sorry, dude ..."

Immediately Finn felt bad about flaring up and hurting this high-spirited young kid. "Ah dude, I didn't mean that. I've got nothing against you ... I don't know why I said that."

"I do, man. I felt nervous when I first came here, the new boy not sure what I'd got myself into. I kinda know how you're feeling ... kinda ... although I was into guys, I mean really into. Especially Darius. He was my hero, still is. So let's just forget about it. We can still be friends, can't we?"

"Sure, I'd kinda like that, Eddie."

"And if you have any questions about the tribe, I'm the guy to come to. See, I'm the senior junior boy around here and I know everything there is to know. Here, I've got something to show you." Eddie turned the chair round to face a wall mirror and grinned, "Ta-da!" Finn saw his new look – his long hair cut short. "You look really hot now, dude ... what I call my butch cut. Real macho – now you look like a top man."

"Do you think Miguel will like it, Eddie?"

Ah, thought Eddie, the truth at last, and he smiled, "Sure he will, especially after I shave that scraggy beard off. Then I'm supposed to take you across to the gym in the guys' basement where Miguel wants you to work out with him. Let's see here, I know where he keeps his gym shorts `cos I clean the room, so we'll find a pair for you and you'll to him in shorts and sneakers, no shirt. With your new cut and clean-shaven look you'll knock him dead, kiddo. Guaranteed."

Finn's satisfied smile was reward enough for Eddie.

When Miguel went across the garden and up to the master suite his knock on the door was greeted by Randy's cheerful "Come in bro." He and Bob were just finishing the breakfast the twins had brought them and looked up with broad smiles.

"So," Randy beamed, "rumor has it you've found your boy."

"Hey, not so fast, bro," Miguel laughed – "rumor's jumped the gun as usual. Yeah, I have found a boy but I'm not sure if he's mine yet. You told me I needed a challenge, Randy, and this one is a major one. Claims he doesn't have sex with men except for money, he's a self-proclaimed top man who fucks girls. He is a real mess from a life as a hustler, being passed from man to man – suspicious, defiant, confused."

"A total fuck up, eh?" Randy laughed. "Just the kinda kid you need, bro. Ah, don't worry – anything you can't handle just let me know and I'll whip him into shape."

Miguel cast and anxious glance at Bob. "Well, Randy, that's one reason I came by to chat. See, I know how you are with new guys to the tribe ... have to check them out, give them your seal of approval. But, dude, this one's mine and if there's any `whipping into shape to be done' I'd prefer to do it myself."

Randy frowned, his gypsy instincts sensing a put-down, and Bob leapt in to pour oil before the waters became troubled. "We know just what you mean, Miguel, and I'm sure you will handle this guy with all the tact and firmness it takes. Finn is his name, right? My heart goes out to guys like him who've taken some wrong turns and been beaten down by life. The lucky few are rescued by guys like you who have the patience and kindness to help turn their life around."

Bob chuckled. "Don't sell yourself short, buddy. Looking at you standing there I doubt there is any boy who can resist such a gorgeous specimen of manhood like yourself. Finn will fall under your spell, I'm sure, then it's up to you to find out whether his macho claims of no-sex are real or just a defense mechanism against being hurt by yet another guy."

"Thanks for saying that, Bob" Miguel smiled. "As a matter of fact I think I have glimpsed a few cracks in the tortoise-like shell he's grown and I have a hunch there's a pretty nice kid in there who just needs drawing out."

Bob saw Randy getting ready to leap in again with both feet, still smarting a bit from Miguel's plea for no interference. Bob threw him a cautionary glance and said to Miguel, "And once you've worked on the boy a bit, and if you decide he's the boy for you, you should bring him to Randy who is, of course, the final authority on who joins the tribe."

In one short speech Bob had reassured Miguel and placated Randy. A master at smoothing ruffled feathers he had averted any territorial contest between the two alpha males. "So I hear you've turned Finn over to Eddie's tender mercies," Bob said. "A good move, I'd say. No one can resist his charms, and even if they could they wouldn't be able to get a word in sideways."

"Yeah," Miguel laughed, "Finn had a real scruffy look – long stringy hair and a scrawny beard, so Eddie's gone to town on him. The poor guy's probably shell-shocked by now."

"Sounds like you're about to find out, bro," Randy said. "That's Eddie's voice I hear coming from the garden. I'd know that machine-gun delivery anywhere."

They all went to the window and looked down at an unexpected sight. Eddie and Finn were hugging, Eddie enthusiastically, Finn more warily. "Man," Randy said, "that kid is a looker."

"Damn, I hardly recognize him from the guy I met," Miguel said. "Eddie's done a total number on him with that short haircut and clean-shaven jaw. Looks like he's given him a pair of my gym shorts and told him to go shirtless in sneakers."

"One thing about Eddie," Bob chuckled, "he does know how to show a boy off. He does it himself for Hassan often enough and seduces him every time."

"I gotta go down and thank Eddie," Miguel said. "And thanks to you guys too. I'll keep you posted how things are going. Thanks for backing me up, guys."

After Miguel left Bob said, "Could you believe the way Eddy was hugging the new guy? I sometimes think things would got a lot smoother if we left everything to the boys to sort out. They don't have the ego and baggage some of the men carry around." Randy huffed with a sullen frown that Bob recognized. "OK, Randy, what's the problem?"

"You think you're pretty smart don't you, the way you shut me up and agreed with the other guy? I suppose you think you were calming me down or some such bullshit."

"I was just keeping the peace, Randy. I wasn't putting you down or lording it over you. After all, I did emphasize to Miguel that you are the final authority."

"Yeah, so you say, but I'm not so sure you always believe it. You need to be reminded of it."

"Ah, I was wondering when we'd get round to that. I suppose you want me naked on the bed."

"Damn straight, I do."

Despite Randy's gruff tone the hint of a smile as their eyes met signaled what they both wanted. Randy pushed Bob on the bed, towered over him and pulled off his shirt.

Downstairs Miguel found Eddie all alone. "I sent Finn down to check out the gym, sir, told him you'd come down and join him."

"Thanks, Eddie, I'll go now. And thanks for that great haircut – it changes his look completely."

"I call it my butch cut, sir. That long stringy hair didn't go with his strong masculine features. And that awful beard, ugh! Clean shaven looks much better."

"Er ... what did you think of him, Eddie? Did you get along alright?

"He was a bit prickly ... real defensive. More chips on his shoulder than you'd find in a lumber yard. He flared up once when I said the wrong thing, but when he saw that he'd hurt me he actually apologized ... wants to be pals."

Miguel brightened. "He said that?"

"Yeah ... Er, it's probably not my place to say but ... like ... he's real insecure and all, but once you cut through all the bullshit ... I think he's a keeper, sir. Oh, and one other thing. Underneath all that fake macho, he does like you, sir. First thing he asked when he looked at his new do in the mirror was, did I think you would like it. As for whether or not that no-sex thing is real or ... well, you'll find out, sir."

"I'll do my best, Eddie. You are real canny about sizing guys up, kiddo. Thanks for your opinion, I hope you're right." Miguel hugged him and went downstairs to the gym, leaving Eddie puffed up with Miguel's compliment. He felt more than ever like the senior junior boy.

In the gym Miguel found Finn doing pullups on an overhead bar. He instantly dropped to the floor and faced Miguel nervously. "Hey, didn't want to interrupt your workout, dude. How many can you do?"

"About ten, sir."

"OK, we can improve on that. But first," Miguel grinned, "I gotta say that is a perfect look for you, man – that short haircut, clean jaw and showing off your body in gym shorts and sneakers."

"I wasn't showing off, sir," Finn protested.

"I know – figure of speech. But perhaps you should more. I'll introduce you to our gorgeous fireman Jason. That guy has a body that won't quit and boy does he know how to flaunt it. OK, let me get a look at you. Hmm, good proportion and definition. You should probably work on your shoulders and lats – get that nice V-shape going – and pump up your pecs too. First, let's do some more pullups. Randy installed bars in pairs so partners can work facing each other."

Miguel pulled off his T-shirt and Finn stifled a gasp at the sight of the handsome musclehunk wearing only gym shorts and sneakers just like himself. Despite his best efforts to ignore it Finn felt his cock stiffen in his shorts. But Miguel ignored all that and jumped up to grab the overhead bar opposite Finn's. "Come on, boy – together."

The two men hung facing each other and Miguel counted off as they pulled up, chin to the bar. Miguel was far stronger than Finn who was flagging and breathing heavily by "nine ...ten ... couple more, dude ... that's it, don't give up ... look into my eyes ... give me fifteen ... fourteen ... fifteen. Yes!"

They dropped to the floor, Miguel barely breaking a sweat, Finn gasping. "That was great, kiddo. You feel it in your traps and lats here?" Miguel stroked his shoulders and lats, squeezing them gently ... and Finn recoiled. It was the first time Miguel had even touched him.

"Oh fuck, sorry man, I forgot. You really don't like to get touched by a guy, do you? But you know, in the gym it's natural for a trainer to touch a guy occasionally. Hell, there's nothing sexual in it, if that's what you're afraid of, but I'll try to keep my hands to myself."

Finn was reeling from his touch. It's what he had wanted last night in bed – just one touch – and now it had happened by chance and his cock jerked. Dammit, he had to get over this. This was just two guys working out – nothing to do with sex. He was not into that, no way.

"OK, So what do you think of this gym, eh buddy? Randy really went all out. A bit more elaborate than those few bars in your park eh? And here's something the park don't have – cables. My favorite equipment – great for chest flies for the pecs. Here, grab the handles."

Finn reached up and to the side and grasped the handles. "That's it," Miguel said, but the form is really important – you're working the pecs not the shoulders. Take the strain against the cables and flex your chest. That's it, now this is what we want, a deep cleft and that nice curve round and underneath."

For emphasis Miguel traced his fingers down the cleft and under the pecs, inadvertently brushing against the boy's nipples. Finn inhaled sharply and held his breath, trying not to flinch this time. But then Miguel clamped his palms on Finn's pecs and dug his fingers in to feel the sinews. "Yeah, nice and hard, real solid. We'll work on these and have them pop in no time.

Miguel walked round behind him and Finn exhaled with relief. "Right, now form. Remember, chest, not shoulders so you need to position your grip about here." Standing close behind him Miguel placed his hands over Finn's and adjusted the position. Finn felt Miguel's chest press against his back and tried to say `back off, man' but he was tongue-tied.

But then Miguel said, "OK now lean forward a bit from the waist." As he did so Finn felt his ass push against the bulge in Miguel's shorts, felt the man's cock press against his butt!" He abruptly let go of the cable grips and stumbled forward. "Sir, I gotta go take a leak. Is there a...?"

"Sure, there's a restroom right over there, through that door."

Finn walked quickly into the restroom and closed and locked the door behind him. He leaned forward at the sink and stared at himself in the mirror. "What the fuck was going on? He was getting seduced by this guy. It had never happened to him like this before. Guys paying for it was one thing – that was easy. But this guy ..."

One thing was for sure, he had to get rid of this damn boner. He pulled his dick out of his shorts, closed his eyes and concentrated on the last girl he had fucked. Yeah, that would do it. He tried to imagine her in bed with him and stroked his cock faster and faster. But it wasn't happening. In frustration he opened his eyes and stared at himself in the mirror – someone he barely recognized with his short hair, shaved jaw and flexed muscles, shirtless in gym shorts.

Hot looking guy ... then another guy came into his mind, a rugged Hispanic face over his shoulder. He imagined him pressed against his back, his bulge pushing against his ass ... the man was fucking gorgeous, he was behind him and "Aaagh." He saw jizz blasting against the mirror, his own jizz, running down the glass. And now he was alone, the image of the man in the mirror had faded away.

"Damn, damn," he moaned quietly, pounding his hand on the sides of the sink. Damn him." Now that he had released his pent-up load he saw things differently – lust, attraction, it had all gone. This was insane, he had to get away. The guy had told him he was always free to leave, so that's just what he would do.

Frantically he cleaned the mirror with an old towel hanging there ... couldn't let the guy see what he had done. He would just tell him this was all a mistake and he'd get the hell out of here. He pulled up his shorts, unlocked the door and marched our resolutely.

Miguel was working the cables just as he had shown Finn, leaning forward, straining as he pulled the cables together, the muscles of his chest, shoulders and biceps flexing hard, his ripped abs pulled in tight. He was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat making his body gleam under the lights.

Miguel finished the set, flashed a gleaming smile and said, "Good. You ready to go to work?"

"Yes, sir," Finn said quietly.

From then on it was a hard-driving workout, each man pushing himself to the max. In some ways a gym trainer is a mentor, and that is certainly what Miguel was now to Finn. His commands were forceful but kind, pushing him to the limit of his strength and a few reps beyond, Miguel working his own body as hard as Finn's. It lasted an hour with lots of encouragement ... "good job ... perfect ... looking good, kid ... yeah!"

In the end they collapsed on a bench, smiling at each other. "Nothing like a great workout to get the juices flowing eh, kid? Jeez that feels good." Miguel got up and paced round the floor, really hyped and ... and horny, as he always was after a punishing workout. He looked at himself in the mirror and the reflection of Finn sitting behind him.

"I'll tell you something about me, kid. A hard workout like that always leaves me pumped and horny. I usually jerk off on my own, sometimes looking at myself in the mirror. Now I know you're not into stuff like that so you might wanna go in the bathroom for a few minutes or go upstairs and wait for me.

Finn shrugged "Oh, don't care what you do, sir. I seen all kinds a' shit ... means nothing to me what a guy does. I gotta get my breath back anyway so I'll stick around while you do your thing."

"No problem," Miguel said casually. "What I really like is to punish my body just a bit more while I cum. Combination of a straining body, muscle pain and a stiff dick is a real turn-on. I learned that from Jason, the fireman I mentioned. We've done this together a few times."

Miguel jumped up to the chin bar and grabbed it with one hand, his body hanging by one arm, feet ten inches off the floor. With his free hand he loosened his shorts and they fell to the floor. Finn had tried to look casual, uninterested, but he soon gave that up and stared at the naked muscle-jock hanging from the bar with one arm, his free hand wrapped round his cock. Finn clasped his hands behind his back, not daring to touch his own cock.

Miguel was soon into himself, staring at himself in the mirror, a muscular gym jock swinging from the bar. His shoulder and arm were tense with wrenching pain, legs flailing in the air, his chiseled features grimacing, stubbled jaw clenched as he pounded his cock in his fist. He was pushing his body to the limit and as blood coursed through his veins jizz raced up his cock.

He stared at the man in the mirror as if it were not him, just some muscle-stud playing out some sex fantasy. "Yeah, pump that cock, man – feel the pain in those muscles. You can take it stud. Damn that looks hot. That naked jock is tied up, getting tortured, his body stretched on a rack."

He pulled himself up, trying to relieve the stress on his shoulder, his legs flailing in the air. Then his strength gave out and his arm fell straight again, wrenching his shoulder even more. "Aaagh! No ... the pain ... I can't take anymore. I'm done, man. I give up ... Please ... I submit ... let me cum, man ... aaagh." His body shook, a stream of semen blasted from his cock and splashed on the mirror in front of him, then another and another. With a loud groan he let go of the bar and fell down on his knees, gasping for breath, rubbing his aching shoulder.

He was barely aware of Finn jumping up from the bench, running to the restroom and closing the door. And this time there was no pretense. He looked in the mirror over the sink and saw not himself but the naked muscle-god bound by one arm, hanging from the bar, grimacing in pain, his muscles flexed, veins etched, desperately pounding his cock, begging for release.

Finn dropped his shorts, grabbed his cock and moaned, "Thank you, sir. Thank you ... I'm gonna cum ... I'm gonna cum ... fuck ... fuck ... aaah." And for the second time he blasted a stream of jizz onto the mirror, staring at the fantasy in the mirror, not wanting it to fade. It had juice running down it, down the man's body. Finn leaned forward and licked the juice off the muscular body, off his face until at last the image did fade and he was alone licking the mirror.

He slumped forward, rested his forehead on the mirror and moaned, "Jesus Christ. What is this man doing to me?"

He took deep breaths, trying to calm down, while he pushed his dripping cock back in his shorts. Now that he had cum twice his adrenaline faded fast and he felt embarrassment, shame even, about what he had done. His defensiveness kicked in and with a defiant toss of the head he opened the door.

He found Miguel walking round the gym, tidying up, re-racking the weights. "Hey, Finn, I'm sorry I got carried away there – it's just something I do when I'm pumped after a workout. You were probably totally turned off by it as you're not into guys having sex, even solo, so let's put it behind us eh? What happens in the gym stays in the gym, right?"

"Sure, whatever," Finn shrugged. "I seen worse – it don't bother me."

"Great. So just buddies again, eh? Let's go back across the street and get cleaned up." He automatically threw his arm across Finn's shoulder, then quickly withdrew it as Finn flinched, then regretted flinching. It was a delicate dance.

They showered separately, then Miguel said, "Right, kiddo, so you came here with only the clothes on your back and they are in the laundry – should probably be in the incinerator. Here's a pair of cargo shorts and T-shirt you can wear for now, but you gotta have clothes of your own so we're gonna go shopping.

There was a knock on the door and the twins came in with their usual warm identical smiles. "Just checking, sir, to see if you and Finn will be coming across for lunch and then dinner later."

"Thanks, guys, but I'm taking Finn out and we'll grab some lunch while we're out. But dinner, sure. Er, is it gonna be a big crowd?"

They understood the reason for the question and Kevin smiled, "Don't worry, sir, just a fairly small group this evening, the usual suspects – the residents of the house, plus Zack and you guys, Adam and Nate, Hassan and Eddie, Jason and Ben." Kyle added, "Not one of the tribe's major extravaganzas. Next time we do one of those we might need your help in the kitchen."

"Any time, guys. After I gave the orders that day you worked in the hotel kitchen I'll be glad to take orders from two handsome gourmet chefs."

"OK, sir. See you later, Finn. Enjoy your day out."

They left Finn feeling nervous and out of his depth. The guys in the tribe seemed so cheerful, they got along so easily. And so many new names. It was like a club where all the guys were members except him. His old life had been degrading but simple – just had to obey one master at a time. But all these guys ... it was like a whole `nother world.

But the shopping trip helped. He was able to relax in Miguel's company and it turned out to be kind of fun, trying on a whole bunch of clothes he could never have afforded on his own.

There was another thing too – it felt good to be seen with Miguel. Wherever they went heads turned at the sight of the darkly handsome Hispanic, and the staff in the stores fell over themselves to serve him. The respect and deference they showed him even rubbed off on Finn as the gorgeous man's friend. He had never been treated like this before, even though it was kind of second-hand respect.

In the restaurant where they had lunch the service was equally attentive and Finn felt even more at ease as Miguel kept the conversation light, with no references to Finn's past or future.

At home he had fun trying on the clothes, then Miguel took him for a walk to get him familiar with the neighborhood with its narrow, hilly streets and mature trees. Then they kicked back before dinner, which was a daunting prospect for Finn. As the time approached his anxiety and accompanying defensiveness came creeping back.

Miguel reassured him and suggested what he should wear. "Simple and casual," he said, and they chose blue jeans, sneakers and a pale blue V-neck T-shirt. They looked in the mirror and Miguel said, "Terrific. You fill out that shirt real well. Must be that bone-crushing workout we had this morning. You'll do just fine. Let's go kid."

They went next door to Zack and Darius, and Darius did a playful second take on seeing the new improved Finn. "Wow, who's this guy, sir? Bears a slight resemblance to your buddy Finn but damn, he's hot. Watch out, sir, or I'll be muscling in and ... Oops, sorry, dude, I keep forgetting you're not into guys, you play for the other team. Me and my big mouth – matches my dick. Oops, there I go again."

Finn muttered, "That's OK, dude. Not a problem." And the four of them went across the street.

When they walked in most of the other guys were already there sitting at the usual long table by the pool. It was an intimidating sight for the new boy and he would have bolted but for Miguel's steadying hand in the small of his back. "I know you don't like me to touch you, kiddo," Miguel grinned, "but this time you need it."

Bob, ever sensitive to the needs of the boys, especially new boys as confused as Finn, had planned the seating carefully. Finn was to sit opposite Miguel, Zack and Darius. And beside him Bob had put Eddie on one side and – in what turned out to be a stroke of genius – Brandon on the other.

Miguel kept it simple for Finn's sake. "Guys, this is Finn. Finn, this is the guys." To their credit the men didn't make a big fuss, as Finn was standing there like a deer in headlights. So they simply chorused, "Hi, Finn," with big welcoming smiles, then conversations resumed and, to Finn's relief, he was no longer the center of attention. Miguel guided him to his place between Eddie and Brandon where he was immediately engulfed by Eddie, treating him like an old friend.

"Dude, that fabulous new look knocks it out of the park, don't you think so, Brandon? Finn, this is my best friend Brandon – well I got lots of best friends but he's kinda my bestest ... is that even a word?" he winced.

Brandon laughed. "I don't think so, Eddie. Finn, you'll have to forgive my `bestest' friend's grammar. I'm real pleased to meet you at last." He held out his hand to Finn who hesitated, then recoiled when he saw Brandon's wheelchair. Brandon laughed, "Don't worry, dude, it's not catching – just a wheelchair. Give it a while and you won't even notice it. I don't."

Eddie nodded at Brandon, a sign that he should run with it, and from then on Brandon held Finn's attention.

"I know, dude, you're probably feeling a bit swamped right now," Brandon smiled. "I was the same when I first sat at this table. So let me fill you in on some of the guys here. You know Zack, Darius and Eddie of course, and the twins. The big tough gypsy at the head is Randy with his lover Bob, the tribe's founders. On Randy's left the Greek God blond is Mark, he's a cop. That hot guy next to Bob is my man Pete, he's a Forest Ranger.

"Talking to Randy is his boy and adopted son, Pablo – he calls himself the senior boy and has his own boy Tyler next to him. The blond jock next to Mark is his boy Jamie, then there are the Aussies Adam and Nate, and further up the table are Jason and Ben, and next ..."

Brandon's voice faded into a drone and from then on everything became a blur for Finn. He looked round at the men and their boys, laughing together, and then at Miguel who was deep in conversation with Zack. The noise around the table seemed to get louder and louder in his head ... and he panicked. He looked wildly at Brandon and said, "I gotta go ... I can't ... I can't ..."

He stood up so suddenly that his chair fell over backwards and he stumbled across the garden and out through the gate. There was an embarrassed silence round the table and Miguel started to get up. But Brandon reached across, touched his hand and said, "Let me go to him, sir. Please, let me ..."

Miguel looked desperately at Bob who nodded, and he sat back down. Brandon rolled back from the table and wheeled himself quickly across the garden and through the gate. Finn was standing outside looking lost, not sure where to go next. Brandon said, "Hey, dude, I'm sorry, that was stupid of me bombarding you with all those names all at once. Enough to make anyone skedaddle. I don't blame you."

"It wasn't your fault, dude," Finn said vaguely ... "it's just that ..."

"Here, Finn, sit on this bench by the wall and take a deep breath. I have a good idea how you're feeling and sometimes it helps to talk it out with someone. I'm a good listener."

Finn's head cleared a little. He looked down at the boy in the wheelchair, his big eyes blinking behind his black rimmed glasses. He was just about the least threatening guy he could imagine, so with a deep sigh he sat on the bench. Brandon wheeled in front of him, their knees touching, almost blocking him so it would be hard to escape even if he wanted to.

But he didn't. He just looked vacantly at Brandon who smiled, "OK, dude, let me guess. You're feeling totally out of your depth in this noisy bunch of guys, like you're swimming upstream, and all you wanna do is get the hell away ... am I close?"

"I can't do it, dude ... Brandon ain't it?"

"That's right – Brandon. What is it you can't do, dude?"

"I can't be one of that group in there. I mean, when I looked at those boys with their masters – like, real confident, as if they belonged, they fit in. That could never be me."

"Why not?"

Finn raised his voice in despair. "I'm a hustler, dude, a cheap hustler. It's all I know how to do, give guys sex for money. Those guys would look down on me. They're so far above me."

"Don't be so sure, dude. They're more like you than you know. They weren't always as proud and confident as they are now." Finn looked puzzled. "OK," Brandon said, "let's see here ...

"That handsome jock Jamie. When he first came here he was a skinhead, living on the streets with his buddy, and they attacked Pablo with a knife. The cop Mark was gonna arrest them but Bob talked him out of it and put Jamie to work. Long story short, with help from the tribe Jamie got his act together, Mark saw something in him and ... there he is now, Mark's boy and manager of the business office."

Finn frowned. "You on the level, dude? You're not making this up?"

"Finn," Brandon said evenly, "I always tell the truth. So, take the twins – poised and respected senior boys, loved by everyone especially their gorgeous master Bob. When they first came here they were living rough on the streets and tried to steal Bob's car to live in. Same kinda thing happened. Mark would have arrested them but Bob saw something else in them and took pity on them. He found out they could cook and now they are in charge of the kitchens here and they are Bob's boys.

"That's the way the tribe works, Finn. Most of us boys started out lonely or in trouble and these guys saved us. That's one reason the boys are so devoted to their masters. It was a challenge for all of us at first. Hell, look at me, in a wheelchair. Don't you think it was tough for me being around these athletic jocks running around, working on the construction site? But I made it and now I'm in love with a Forest Ranger and him with me."

"Yeah, but I could never be that boy for Miguel," Finn said. "I would let him down, embarrass him."

"Bullshit. I'll tell you the truth, bro. Miguel was looking for a challenge, a guy who was in trouble, headed downhill, defiant and bitter, angry with the world."

"Yeah, that's me alright."

"Was you, dude. But you don't have to be anymore. This is a great chance you got – hell, the man is gorgeous, kind, and a total stud. Just like Mark and Bob, he sees something in you, dude. And he wants to take care of you."

Brandon frowned. "There is one thing, though – this sex thing. You claim that you're not into sex with guys, except for money. You don't even want Miguel to touch you." He grinned at Finn. "That's not true, is it dude? A guy like Miguel? Come on dude, level with me."

Finn looked into Brandon's earnest round eyes ... and finally told the truth. "I thought it was true but that was me trying to be a bigshot. Dude, he's fucking gorgeous. I have a permanent boner when I'm with him. When we worked out in the gym this morning I went to the restroom twice and jerked off thinking about him." His eyes became moist. "Brandon, I want him so much, but I'm scared I'm not good enough for him."

"Listen," Brandon said, "up to now the only guy you had to care about was yourself – self-preservation. But let me tell you something. When you have a master he becomes the most important guy in your life. You do everything you can to make him feel good. That's what I do for Pete – he's my life. Miguel wants you, dude. Don't push him away.

"You know what he told us? He said, `I can't get over the thought that somewhere out there there's a kid feeling alone, confused and afraid, and I want to wrap my arms round him and tell him he's safe now'. Finn, let that guy be you. Take care of him, make him feel good and let him make you feel safe. Make him your life, dude."

Finn stifled a sob. "But what do I do, Brandon? I just walked out on him, insulted him in front of everyone."

"Ah that's easy. Just bite the bullet, get back in there and tell him you're sorry, simple as that."

Finn stood up, took a deep breath and smiled at Brandon. "Thanks, dude. You're a real pal." Brandon went back through the gate and wheeled himself to his place at table. There was an expectant hush ... then Finn walked into the garden, his head held high. He went up to the table beside Brandon, looked across at Miguel and said, "I'm sorry, sir. I'm back."

He sat down, Miguel reached across the table, gripped his hands and smiled. "Thanks kid."

There was a sudden burst of cheers and applause. Pete looked down the table at Brandon and silently mouthed, "I love you, kiddo."

For the rest of the meal Finn was monopolized by Eddie and Brandon, telling him their life stories and stories of the tribe. It was a mini version of the boys' habit of circling the wagons when one of them was in trouble. And Finn welcomed them dominating the conversation so he didn't have to talk about himself.

It also gave him a chance to glance frequently at Miguel, who returned the glances with a smile. And those short fragments of silent communication brought a closeness they hadn't felt before.

Miguel himself was becoming more attuned to the boy's fragile feelings and needs, and as soon as the meal was over he decided not to sit around and schmooze with the other guys as most of them usually did, sometimes until late. He looked across the table and said, "You ready, kid? It's been a long day."

"Yes please, sir. Miguel got up and made their excuses while Finn thanked Eddie and Brandon. "Are we, like, buddies now?" he asked tentatively.

"Of course we are, dude," Eddie grinned. Brandon squeezed his hand and said, "Welcome to the tribe, Finn."

"Goodnight, guys," came the raucous, slightly drunken chorus as they left the garden, and Miguel grinned, "I think they like you, kiddo."

When they got back to the bedroom there was a moment of hesitation as they tried to adjust to how things had subtlely changed between them. Miguel said, "Still no heat yet in this part of the house, so I think we should share the big bed again if that's OK with you, Finn."

"Thank you, sir." Miguel quickly stripped naked, followed more self-consciously by Finn. Miguel flopped on his back on the bed, leaving a space beside him. Finn looked down at the dark, handsome man, the muscles of his perfect physique gleaming under the low bedroom lights. His conversation with Brandon had made him a bit bolder, bold enough to now say shyly, "Can ... can I touch you, sir?"

"I wish you would, kiddo." Tentatively Finn reached down and ran his fingertips over Miguel's chest, down the deep cleft between his pecs and under the curve, then traced the solid ridges of his washboard abs. Miguel looked up at him, at his shy, nervous expression, gentle now that his bitterness had faded away and brought a glow to his handsome features.

It was the early stages of a transformation and Miguel felt a surge of compassion which was fast becoming the first glimpse of love. "See what you do to me, boy?" he said, grinning down at his stiffening cock.

Finn even managed a smile. "Would you like me to touch that too, sir?"

Miguel eased the tension with humor. "Hmm, what's the going rate for a hand-job?"

Finn's smile got wider. "No charge, sir, ever again. It's on the house." He knelt on the bed, wrapped his hand round the now-rigid shaft and gazed at the pre-cum oozing from the head. His breathing got heavy and his heart beat faster as the last shreds of inhibition fell away and he stared down at the beautiful naked man, hardly able to believe he was stroking his cock.

Without thinking he grabbed his own cock in his free hand and was soon pounding them both. Miguel gazed up at his lithe young body, his muscles rippling now as he pumped both cocks with a gleam in his eyes that Miguel had not seen before. "You look so fucking hot, boy. You know you're gonna make me cum. Let me see you shoot first."

Finn was on the cusp of his orgasm anyway, and as he stared down at Miguel's deep brown eyes he felt something he had never felt before – a fire that raced from his balls through his cock and flashed through his whole body and made his howl, "Aaagh ... thank you sir." Sperm erupted from his cock in the most explosive orgasm he had ever known, splashing down on the muscular body bucking beneath him.

"You look beautiful, boy," Miguel panted. "Work my dick, pound it, boy. Make me cum ... yeah ... oh fuck, fuck ... I'm gonna cum ... gonna cum ... yeaah ...!"

Finn stared in disbelief at the huge cock as it shuddered and spurted a stream of juice in the air. Mesmerized, there was only one thing the boy could do. He fell forward and clamped his mouth over the cock. Frantically he swallowed in great gulps, tasting for the first time the sperm of this magnificent man, sliding down his throat and deep inside him.

He didn't gag, there was no choking and when the eruption stopped at last he pulled off and stared wildly down at Miguel. Overwhelmed he fell on top of him, sobbing uncontrollably.

Miguel pulled Finn's face against his neck and wrapped his arms tight around him. "It's OK, kiddo. It's gonna be fine ... everything's gonna be fine."

While the boy sobbed it all out of his system Miguel held him and gazed up at the ceiling. Was this it? Was this his boy at last? Miguel was under no illusions. This was just the first crack in the wall, and it would take a lot more before the emotional scars healed in this profoundly troubled young man. It was now his responsibility to guide him through the fears, doubts and panic attacks that would inevitably occur in the future.

It was a responsibility that scared Miguel as the boy clung to him desperately, putting all his hope in Miguel to protect him. But isn't this exactly what he had wanted? A boy to have and to hold, to protect and nurture. And was this really the boy? Time would tell.

Miguel's thoughts raced ahead. The tribe would help. They would go see Doctor Steve real soon, and Finn would have to face Randy, the other men, and the boys, especially Pablo who now saw himself as second only to Randy in approving new boys. Such a lot of work. It was a big challenge – the challenge he had sought, and needed, to make his life whole.

Finn was at last calming down and murmured, "Sorry I blubbed like that, sir. It's just that I ... I dunno ... sir, do you think you could hold me like this until I fall asleep?"

"All night if you want, kiddo. Don't worry, you're here, in my bed, in my arms – right where you belong."

TO BE CONTINUED in "A Trial Of Strength" – Chapter 407

Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol.com.

ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site www.atrialofstrength.com. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters.

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Next: Chapter 407

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