A Trip to Oxford

By Drinkster2

Published on Jul 15, 1998



This is a gay sex story If you don't like it, don't read on.

It is completely fictional in terms of the sex, although the trip to Oxford

did happen, and I did meet a cute guy.

This was another spur of the moment story, so please go easy. I wrote it in one evening.

My other stories can be found on Nifty:

"Exploring Teen Idols" in a directory of the same name in gay/celebs. "Weekend in France" in gay/highschool.

I am working on ETI part 3, with my co-author Todd (tmj098@aol.com) and it

should be finished within the next month. I have no plans to extend "Weekend in France".

If you read this story I would be very grateful if you could email me and tell me what you thought of it, especially if you don't like it, because I

think that constructive criticism I very valuable.

Emails to Drinkster2@aol.com

Thanx Hope you enjoy the story


I heard my loud alarm announce that the morning had arrived, and that it was

time to get up. I hit it, stopping the shrill beeping, and rolled out of bed.

The sun was streaming in through the curtain, and the room was bathed in early

morning sunlight.

My alarm showed 7:01am, and I knew that if I was to catch my train, I'd have

to get up soon. I picked up some clothes and headed into the bathroom, where

I quickly showered and dressed. After this I grabbed and quick breakfast and

headed out of the house towards the train station. I had to get a local train

to a big station, before I could get the fast(ish) train to Oxford. The walk

to the station was pretty uneventful, as was the short train journey to the

station. Soon I was in the Birmingham's main station, New Street. I bought

my ticket and headed down to the platform. On my arrival I was horrified to

find that due to a derailment, my train was going to be delayed by about an

hour and a half. I was going to be late arriving at the open day. Great.

I sat down on a bench and started to drink the coffee I had bought from the

extortionately priced station cafe. Something distracted me from my coffee

though, as I watched the cutest guy I had ever seen walk past. He was about

my age, 17, and stood at about 6', with boyish short brown hair, and a cute

smile. He walked past, and I returned to sulking about the delay and my

coffee. To add insult to injury the coffee was not only a rip-off, but crap


About 15 minutes later I saw the cute guy walking down the platform, with a

coffee and 'Millies Cookies' bag in his hands. He seemed to be walking past,

but through some luck, he sat down next to me. He pulled a muffin out of his

bag, and turned to me.

"Are you here for the oxford open day?" he asked

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"You just look like the type of guy who would be."

"Thanks, I think. You are too, I take it?"


"Where are you from?" I asked.


"Cool. You been to Oxford before?"

"Nope. You?"

"No. What's your name?"

"Nick. Yours?"


It turned out that not only was he really cute, but he had the most delicious

cute, Northern-English accent too. What more could I ask for? Well, I had a

few ideas ...

We chatted for a while, and then eventually we got onto the train.

The train was pretty quiet, despite the delay, and we had a table to

ourselves. We continued to chat, and I asked,

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No. You?"

"Nope. Never really wanted one, to be honest."

"Same with me," he replied.

Things were looking promising. Musing over how to tackle the next stage, I

remembered that I had a copy of "The Basketball Diaries" in my bag, complete

with everyone's dream guy, Leonardo DiCaprio, on the over. I pulled it out

and casually asked,

"Have you seen the film," pointing at the cover.

"Yeah," he replied. "It was pretty impressive."

"I enjoyed it too. Kinda emotive, I think. What did you think of DiCaprio's performance?"

"Great. Probably one of his best," he replied.

Now time for the big question ...

"Can I ask a personal question?" I asked.

"Sure. Go right ahead."

"Are you gay?"

"Would it worry you if were?"

"Not at all," I replied.


"Cool. I am too."

"Really. I kinda hoped you were."

"You got a boyfriend," I asked.

"No. I'm a virgin," he replied.

"Same here, on both counts."


Things were getting better by the minute. We chatted, exchanging views on

various celebrities, and soon the train arrived in Oxford.

We walked quickly to our chosen college, and found that we were a little late,

an we sat down at the back of the presentation. It was a video, explaining

why we should go to oxford. After this we got lunch, and then toured out

chosen departments. We were going to different departments, so we met up

after this and toured the rest of the college.

By the time we had finished at the university, it was about 4:10pm. Knowing

that we couldn't make it back in time for the 4:17 train, we strolled around

some shops. The next train was at 5pm. We got on the train, and sat down. We

sat next to each other, and stuffed our bags on the seats opposite us, I

turned and said,

"I had a really great day today."

"Yeah. Me too," he replied.

He smiled that cute smile that had attracted me to him in the first place, and

I just couldn't resist but to make the first move, and I lightly slipped my

arm around him. He responded and leant forward and kissed me softly. He

pulled away, and I asked, "What are you doing tonight?"


"I've got the house to myself, because my brother and mom are away."

"I'm supposed to be going home. I'd have to clear it with my parents.

"No problem. Tell 'em your staying with a friend. It's weekend tomorrow so there's no school."

"You're right. Can I call them from your place."



My dreams were pretty much coming true now, hugely cute guy to myself for the

night. What more could I ask for??

The rest of the train journey went by pretty quickly, and we found that we had

quite a lot in common. We changed trains, and soon were back at my local

station. After the 20 minute walk home, I slipped my key into the door, and

we walked in.

There was a note saying that my grand mother would be over Sunday night, and

that my mom and brother wouldn't be home 'til Tuesday.

We sat down in the lounge, and ordered a pizza. We curled up on the sofa, and

turned on the TV. It was looking pretty shitty, so we decided to watch a

video. We choose "Romeo and Julliet, the video of which I'd bought a couple

of weeks ago.

After half and hour the pizza arrived, and we sat back to watch the film. I

enjoyed the feeling of his body nestling against mine, and soon the film was

over. The clock showed 10pm, and I remembered, "You didn't phone your


"Shit. I'd better call them now."

"The phone is just out there," I said, pointing to the hallway.

He walked out and after 5 minutes returned and told me they said it was ok for

him to stay, as long as he went back tomorrow.

"You want to go to bed now?" he asked

"Sure. I'm kinda tired."

"I wasn't thinking of sleeping!" he replied playfully.

"Sounds good to me."

We walked up the stairs, and I lightly held his hand. I was nervous to say

the least, because I knew that my first sexual experience with another person

was just around the corner.

I led him into my bedroom, and closed the door behind us. The curtains were

already closed, and I dimmed the lights a little. We lay down on my bed, and

I pushed my lips to his. I felt his tounge push into my mouth, and I wrapped

my arms around him, and we rolled over, with me now on top. I ground my hips

into him, feeling his now rock hard cock pushing out his jeans. I slipped my

hands down and began to slide off his trousers, and he broke off the kiss and

stood up, to remove his clothing more quickly. I did the same and soon we

were both naked. I guess I should describe myself. I am about 5'11, and I've

got brown hair and brown eyes. I'm medium build, neither fat nor skinny, and

I'm quite hairy.

It was truly a delight to see him naked, as his body was beautiful, not too

muscular without a six-pack, and pretty much entirely hairless, except for

around the base of his cock, and in his arm pits. His cock was perfect,

around 6" long and free of any blemish, it was just begging for the touch of

my mouth.

"You want to 69," I asked.

"That'd be great." I turned around to allow him access to my cock, and slipped my lips around his

throbbing meat. It was rock hard, and filled my mouth nicely. I bobbed my

head up and down, savouring the fresh boy smell, coming from his balls, and I

felt him giving my cock similar treatment. I was in heaven, sucking and being

sucked, and I knew I wouldn't last long. I took his balls in my hand and

massaged them gently, as I rammed his cock hard in and out of my mouth. His

soft skin rubbing against mine gave me an almost electric feeling of pleasure.

I slipped my spare hand around and found his ass hole and slid a finger up

gently. I was now furiously fucking him face, and I felt his cock tense up in

my mouth, and pump cum deep into me. The exquisite taste in my mouth finished

me off, and soon I felt my cock spasm, forcing my cum into his mouth. He

turned around, and we kissed, softly and full of passion, the fruits of our

orgasms mixing in our mouths. We lay there for a while, in each-others arms,

enjoying the feeling of warmth and togetherness.

PLEASE email me with your comments to drinkster2@aol.com thanx

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