A Trip to the Dales

By bokjay / John

Published on Jan 10, 2019


A Trip to the Dales 2

By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

Over the following weeks, Tim got to know Jack really well. And he became besotted with his looks, his straight black hair and big dark eyes. Just to gaze at those long eyelashes gave him a hard-on. But more than looks, his personality hooked him fast. No matter what they talked about, he was always smiling and laughing. Tim could get really mad with things sometimes but if ever he told Jack about it, straight away he would see the funny side. Quickly, built up anger would evaporate once he saw Jack's take on the situation. One time a box of tinned stuff had fallen on Jacks' foot in the shop and had him limping for days, yet when he told the story you would have thought it was the funniest thing to happen all week! It opened Tim's eyes to another way of thinking and not to get so worked up.

As for sex, Jack was game at the drop of a hat. As casually as if you were asking someone if they wanted a cup of coffee, Jack would turn on in a second. When they first met, Tim was impressed by how uninhibited he was but as they got to know each other that first impression was only a glimpse of the real person. On a Sunday when they had almost the whole day together Jack could wear him out. Each weekend he was exhausted by the evening, his balls ached, as did his whole body with the strain of trying to quench his lustful appetite.

Tim was ninety-nine per cent happy with the relationship; the one per cent was that Jack had no interest in fucking him back. Every once in a while Tim had the mood to be fucked yet Jack never wanted. "Later" or "next time maybe," was all he would say when pushed on the subject. Tim would have loved to feel his long dick stirring his insides now and again, but it seemed like it was not to be.

After the initial first few weeks, he suggested they go out somewhere at least for the afternoon on Sundays instead of watching videos and lying in bed. They were both happy to go for a drive and the Dales being on the doorstep, usually where they went. If the weather was good invariably Jack would want to re-run that first day, which was fine by Tim. A quick walk from wherever they could find a parking space and a climb over a wall or hedge to a secluded spot and Tim would suck him dry. Then they would find a café and have a coffee and cake before moving on.

Occasionally Tariq's name came up in conversation but Jack never mentioned bringing him along again and in a couple of weeks, Tim had forgotten all about it. Then one night Jack phoned.

"I'm here in town, met up with our Tariq, do you mind if we drop by on the way home?"

Tim said it would be fine and sat wondering what he would be like. Half an hour later came a knock at the door and he found out.

In his mind's eye, all his preconceptions about Tariq were fulfilled. He walked in wearing a black leather jacket, hair slicked back and his open shirt showing a little upper chest. Being the end of the day, his chin stubble was quite pronounced. He couldn't have been more different to Jack, yet they were of the same family.

"Hiya," he said, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Me cousin, Tariq," confirmed Jack.

He ushered them through to the lounge and invited them to sit. Jack didn't and took over.

"How about a beer Tariq?"

He nodded and Jack went to the kitchen.

"Jack tells me he and you are pretty close?"

"Yeah, well we are about the same age, all me brothers are a bit older so me and him get on well."

In the couple of minutes it took for Jack to reappear they made small talk about his job. Tim noted his accent was just as broad as most people in the town and then he kicked himself, as it would be for anyone brought up here.

"You and our Jack good mates then?" he asked. Before he could reply he added. "Good that, him getting out a bit more from that shop. He'd become a hermit if he stayed there much longer."

Jack cut short the conversation as he brought in the beer.

"We're not stopping long, but thought we'd drop in and say hello. How about a film though, I think we have time for a quick movie."

Tim went out to the kitchen and gestured for Jack to follow.

"What kind of movie are you thinking about, I don't want to make any mistakes."

Jack grinned. "How about that one you put on for me the first time, a bit of everything in that one," he nodded towards Tariq and the lounge. "It might be just what he wants, same as me he won't have seen any porn before."

"It's on your head," warned Tim.

They went back to the lounge and Tim found the bi movie he had first played to test Jack out.

Any conversation stopped immediately. Tariq was glued to the screen just as Jack had been. Jack in-between watching kept up constant glances between Tariq and Tim, while Tim studied any slight changes in expression he could make out in Tariq's face.

Ten minutes into the film and he saw Tariq move one hand down and over his crotch, which at that point had not moved to the bi-stage.

The video scenes turned and the two women went off to the bathroom, Tim got goosebumps wondering if what came next would have an adverse reaction on Tariq. As the women began making out in the bathroom, his expression was unchanged. But then the scene switched to the bedroom where the two guys began messing around as their women were taking too long to return.

Tariq's jaw visibly dropped and his mouth gaped. This expression didn't alter for several minutes. Jack and Tim looked at each other expectantly.

Suddenly Tariq stood up making them both jump. "Can I use your bathroom?" He gestured to the can of beer, all the while managing to keep one hand over his crotch as best he could.

Tim indicated the corridor down to the kitchen and Tariq hurriedly shot off.

"What do you think?" asked Tim.

"Don't know, but I think it got him hot, I know it did me," he laughed. Tim reached across and felt his hard-on. "I don't think he is upset though, so he must be alright."

Tariq was gone for quite a while and when he returned Jack joked.

"Been for a wank, or was it so hard you couldn't piss?"

Although Tariq was quite dark, you could tell he blushed.

"Fuck off," he said under his breath and picked up his beer and resumed watching.

The rest of the time was uneventful and quite early they got up to leave.

"Better be off, Tariq is on the early shift tomorrow," explained Jack.

"Thanks for tonight, said Tariq and shook his hand again. "And the beer," he added as an afterthought.

As they got to the garden gate, Tariq ran back.

"Sorry, forgot me phone in`t bathroom."

Tim kept the door open as he went back in.

"Thanks again, enjoyed tonight, especially that film," he paused for a second. "Do you mind if I come again, like? I'd love to watch some more."

"Sure, anytime. Just give us a call and let us know. I like to polish the silver before the guests arrive!"

Tariq laughed. "Our Jack said you were a bit of a comedian. Thanks, I will."

With that, he ran down the path to catch up with Jack.

"Eh up, hang on a minute will ya?" he shouted into the darkness.

Tim closed the door and locked up for the night. Now it set him wondering, Tariq asking to come back again when really he had hardly said two words all night. He would call Jack the next day and find out what he had thought of the evening.

All comments are welcome to John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

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Next: Chapter 3

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