A Trip to the Dales

By bokjay / John

Published on Jan 13, 2019


A Trip to the Dales -- 5

By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

The weekend with Jack left him quite knackered by Sunday night. But he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. That left him with two days before Tariq was round again and plenty of time to muse how much further he could go with him.

He could now set his watch by Tariq's arrival.

"Hi, how you doing?"

"Fine, had a good weekend, how about you?"

"Brilliant, went down gym on Sunday as well. Never had any more bother with the shoulder, you fixed it proper. Even told me mate Husain about you, how good you are at massage and fixing all those aches and pains we get after a workout."

"Who is Husain?" asked Tim, wondering if it was family.

"He's my best mate from gym, we usually go through our workout together, makes it a bit easier when you have someone doing it with you."

"Is he like you, built like a brick shit house?" grinned Tim.

Tariq was not offended. "No he's not and he's been doing it longer than I have. I think it pisses him off a bit; he's still all slim like when he started so he's always going on about how well I have developed and stuff. Mind he's really solid, it's done that for him anyway. When I told him about what you are doing for me, I think he's really jealous as he would love to come and get a massage off you as well."

"You've come from the gym now?"

"Did two hours tonight with finishing work a bit early. Had me shower there as well so no need to be bothering you for one."

"It's no problem if you want one here, none at all," said Tim thinking it was just another possible opportunity being missed.

"Well actually, I don't like turning up on somebody's doorstep and still having me sweat on if you know what I mean."

"So, do you want a massage?"

"Oh yes after two hours I'm ready for it, mind no shoulder problem thank goodness."

As soon as he walked through the bedroom door he started peeling off his clothes. He stood waiting in only briefs as Tim pulled out a pillow for him to lay across.

As he moved to the bed, Tim stopped him.

"Get them off," he half-joked, "I want full access to that amazing bum." Then he thought to add, "Seen it all before anyway."

He held his breath wondering what he would do. Tariq stood unmoving for a couple of seconds almost making Tim's heart stop, then dropped the briefs and climbed on the bed. He chuckled "You have, haven't you!"

Tim was shaking as he followed him to the bed. It took real willpower to start off the massage and not let his eyes be glued to those wondrous orbs.

Ten minutes later and his hands were working his lower back and the next stop had him shaking. Now he could really see, two not so large but quite rounded cheeks that did not touch, separated as they were by a surprisingly wide channel complete with pucker in full view.

Tim had never been a bum man and wouldn't be now if not for the fact the one before him was so amazingly hard. A novelty it would take some time to get over.

He kept up a stream of superlatives about his body that made Tariq either chuckle or try and explain which exercise was best at making them the way they were.

Again he let the edge of his hand travel up his channel and over his pucker as his palms swept over the orbs. He expected him to jump or clench his cheeks but there was no reaction. Encouraged when he swapped to the other cheek he let his fingers begin against his ball sack. Nothing again. Once more he let the edge of his hand trail over his pucker and then a second time to make sure. No comment at all. But Tim's nerves would not hold and he smartly moved down to his thighs.

"Your thighs are like your ass, made out of steel."

"Every time you say something like that it makes all those hours worthwhile."

The back of his ball sack was showing between his legs and Tim could not resist brushing against them. His thigh massage lasted twice as long as when he was wearing briefs. One thing crossed his mind that if it was himself being massaged, that would give him a hard-on. Hopefully, Tariq would be the same.

He finished off with his feet and asked him to turn over and then began working upwards. His eyes were drawn to the thick long cock draped across one thigh, but unfortunately still flaccid. Guiltily he looked up at his face and saw he had put one arm across.

On reaching his thighs again he brushed his fingers against his ball sack. It was a full affair that matched the proportions of his dick. Tim really wanted to push his face into the folds of skin and feel it over his face as he licked his balls.

He needed to put his weight on his hips, so he gently lifted the dick and laid it on his stomach. Tim might just as well have laid it between his legs but his stomach would give him the chance to touch it again later. Tariq said nothing.

From the hips, he went straight to his head and then slowly worked down to his chest and then stomach. Again he picked up his dick noting how heavy it felt and laid it on his thigh. The massage was finished off with light circular motions over his stomach including through his pubic hair.

"There, all done again. Did it meet with your approval?"

Tariq raised his head and blinked as if he had been asleep. "It might be me, but even better than the first time. You should turn professional; you'd have half the punters from gym once they got to know how good you were."

Tim could almost imagine too, except he suspected most of the customers would be of a physique which would not appeal whilst the other would have him with a permanent hard-on.

On an impulse, he grabbed his dick again.

"This is not usually included but looks like it could do with a massage too, it's all limp!" Tim didn't really know what to say having grabbed it and felt lame trying to make the joke.

He could see Tariq was a bit shocked but it took him a while to get his thoughts together. He smiled nervously and reached to take it back.

"I better be getting home, I don't want to be outstaying my welcome."

Tim thought he would be welcome all night if he could get him a hard-on.

"It's okay for later in the week? I don't think we have any overtime for a bit so I want to get some time in at the gym."

Tim assured him he was welcome and said his goodbyes.

After the initial thrill of getting Tariq naked, he had to admit it was getting a little boring with not being able to get him excited. He was losing his skills.

Later in the week, he was there again and almost an exact re-run took place. The only slight difference was at the end of the massage, he allowed Tim to squeeze his dick and joke a little bit longer before deciding to get up. Progress was slow but it was progress.

"Tariq, tell me how come all this gym stuff makes your muscles like steel yet you still have one muscle all soft and squidgy. Doesn't it do anything for this?"

Tim was having a light-hearted banter while seemingly trying to raise the dead by playing with his dick.

Tariq grinned, "I don't think anything at the gym works for that, not that I know of."

"Have you always had a big dick, even before you started off this exercise stuff?"

"I don't know, never thought about it, to be honest. It's always been the same to me."

"I bet it's magnificent when standing at attention."

Tariq smiled again. "Well, I think I best be going, it's that time again."

"Next Tuesday again?" asked Tim.

"Sure if you'll have us."

Time nodded and smiled, he would have him anytime he gave the word.

Over the weekend he was blowing hot and cold over Tariq. The thrill of getting him naked had waned and he didn't really like losing the four hours or so out of his evenings each week. Sure he had become less shy but there was just no spark to be found. Despite the wonderful body, he must be the most un-sexual person he had ever met, gay or straight. But there was no denying the thrill of seeing those clothes come off even if it was a brilliant body containing an unexciting mind. What a waste thought Tim. Funny though, the word video had not been mentioned since he began massaging.

By the time Tuesday rolled around Tim still was not decided. Should he stop him coming or should he encourage him to continue?

"Hi Tim, how you doing?"

"Fine, how about you?"

"Did a couple of hours Sunday, last night and again tonight," he said triumphantly.

"Sure you are not overdoing it a bit? No aches and pains with all that hard work?"

Tariq grinned. "Well I have actually, but not as bad as before though, but still it's me shoulder again."

"See if I can sort it out again for you."

"Great, I was hoping you would be able to, it were incredible how you put it right just like that."

Tariq stripped to his briefs and laid down on the bed. Tim also pulled off his tee-shirt.

"Bit warm today," he excused himself.

"It is, isn't it, might be in for a bit of a hot spell. You have a good body for somebody who doesn't work out. Not bad at all."

"Hardly in the same league as you though!"

"There's plenty who goes to the gym who can't hold a light to you. Have you done any workouts at one time?"

"Not really, I've never been too into sports either. Mowing the lawn is about as much as I do and walks at weekend, nothing more than that."

"You're really lucky, because you're nicely turned out."

Tim was a bit taken aback by the compliments; having the tables turned.

"Right, let's sort out your shoulder. Breathe deep and let it out slowly."

He gave a sharp push when his lungs emptied and felt a single jarring crack.

"That might help; it only cracked once so maybe you were not so bad."

"Yeah, I told you I was not like before."

The rest of his massage was uneventful, just one hour of squeezing and stroking every muscle he could find.

Tariq looked sleepy.

"You know I could lay here all day with you doing us. I love it."

"You'd be welcome to if I could finally see this thing stand up straight and as hard as the rest."

He made a grab for his dick, stretching and squeezing.

Tariq gave a little laugh. "I don't know about that."

"You don't know? I don't know, three workouts since I saw you last and it's as soft as putty."

Tariq laughed again and watched Tim working his dick.

"Doesn't it ever stand?"

Having got this far, Tariq suddenly looked a little nervous and didn't answer. Out of the blue, Tim made a flash decision.

"I tell you what; I think I'll have to take things into my own hands if I want to see this working properly."

With that he promptly bent over and took it in his mouth, immediately working the head with his tongue. There was no reaction from Tariq for what seemed like an age and Tim for a second or so began to think it was what he wanted. But he must have been totally shocked because just when Tim thought he was doing okay, he felt Tariq's hand on his head trying to push him away.

"No, you mustn't," he complained. "It's not right, you shouldn't be doing that."

Tim held on, trying his best to raise some excitement. Realising he wasn't going to shift, Tariq tried backing into the bed but there was only so far he could go.

"Tim it's not good, you should stop," he wailed.

Tim felt his hair almost being pulled out as he tried to push him off.

Then just as if a switch and been flicked, he felt his dick begin to fill out and a warmth surge through into his mouth.

Tariq groaned again but the tone changed. He seemed to be in despair, not at Tim but at his own body. Slowly he pushed less and less as his dick slowly filled up, until his hand fell away to his side.

As he lengthened, Tim had to give ground till he was sucking little more than the head. He pulled off for a second to draw breath.

"It's magnificent Tariq, must be eleven or twelve inches, you should be really proud of this equipment." He hoped compliments might help.

There was no answer bar groans and moans, which Tim imagined was some kind of fight he was having against his body's natural urges.

Tim tried to get a rhythm going as he sucked but just when he thought he had, Tariq let out a wail and quite suddenly humped his dick into the back of his throat. Before he could recover, he felt a hand on the back of his head jamming him down hard.

The pain brought tears to his eyes as Tim fought to get one hand on his lower dick to stop him cramming too much into his throat and choking. Now it was Tariq out of control, moaning ever more noisily and humping his mouth for all he was worth.

In less than a minute Tim was drowned in cum. He pulled off trying to keep his coughing under control and his throat smarting from the ramming. To add to the disaster, it was the foulest tasting cum he had ever had. With his sore throat, he had to fight the desire to wretch as he tried to clear his mouth.

But he couldn't allow any of that to show. Once recovered he looked at Tariq, arm across face totally embarrassed by what had happened.

"Amazing Tariq, that was fantastic! I finally got to see your magnificent dick at full stand. No wonder you were trying to keep it hidden, you are really a dark horse!"

He continued stroking his dick which although not steel hard after cumming, still kept its length.

"You have everything Tariq, a great body and a fantastic dick too; I wish I could have just one of them. The dick would be first prize though."

Tariq removed his arm and watched Tim play with his dick.

After a while, he cleared his throat. "You like that stuff?" he asked warily.

"Your cum, no problem why?"

"Isn't it bad or something?"

"Bad? No way! Look, I could go down to the health food shop in town and pay ten pounds for some vitamin tablets or I can drink this for free. Plus, it's a lot more fun."


"Yes, cum is all vitamins and things. You eat eggs, don't you? The egg white is similar to cum, all the food the chick will need as it grows. Same for cum, all the goodness that helps to keep the sperm living and stuff."

Tariq was speechless. "I never knew that!"

"Well you know now, there is nothing wrong with cum at all, it's full of goodness."

Tariq gave a little smile at the revelation.

"But how often do you wank?" Tim couldn't get over how bad the cum tasted. "Once a week?" Tariq shook his head. "Once a month?" Again he shook his head. "Come on, you must have a wank now and again."

"I thought it was bad for you?"

"Whoever put that idea into your head was a sadist who didn't want you to have any fun!"


"Yes, really! Doctors reckon you should wank at least once a week to keep yourself healthy. There you are going to the gym thinking you are taking care of your body and you're not. You have to keep your tubes clean and give them a blow through, give them a clear out on a regular basis. You know, even if you put milk in the fridge it still goes off if you leave it long enough, turns sour and rank and mouldy. Well, that's why doctors recommend guys have regular wanks."

"I never knew any of this stuff, you are amazing! Where do you learn all this?"

"A lot of it from the BBC actually," he laughed. "So you've never wanked, even as a teenager?"

"No never," had admitted.

"I can tell you something else you might not want to hear, some university has found guys who don't wank when they are teenagers and young men, are the first to become impotent when they get older. So here you are maybe thinking of saving yourself for something in the future and no sooner do you start using it, it stops and breaks down. Finish, kaput, the end! There you are, the sex life of Mr Tariq written on the back of a postage stamp."

Tariq looked quite shocked. "I never knew that either," he said finally.

"Well you do now sunshine, you have to be healthy all the way through not just some bits and not others."

He let it sink in, then finished off. "There are some doctors in America that say men should have a regular prostate massage as well."

"A pros what?

"I'll show you later sometime."

Neither said anything for a while as Tariq watched Tim idly fondle and play with his dick.

Tariq spoke, his voice cracking a little. "You know, if you want any more I think there is some still inside."


Tariq nodded, looking a little embarrassed.

"Excellent! But you know, I would love to lick those balls first before I get that cum out of you."

With that, he moved smartly and pushed Tariq's legs wide and laying between before he had time to think about it, burying his face into the folds of his sack. As he began licking and sucking, he heard above his head breath sharply drawn.

Feeling sure of himself he moved down under his balls and pushed back his legs towards his stomach. He licked down and right over his pucker to the end of his channel and then slowly all the way back again and finishing with taking the head between his lips. His still aching throat reminded him to put one hand on his dick as a stop guard while the other fondled his balls and one finger played with his pucker.

"Good?" he asked, taking away his mouth for a split second.

"Yes, everything you do is good," he managed to get out.

As if to reinforce his words, he began to moan loudly followed by trying to hump his dick deep into Tim.

Tim realised what was going to happen and a part of him cringed. When it came, the taste was still bad but not like the first time.

Coming up for air he made light of it.

"Great Tariq, you have some new stuff coming through now, just a bit of the old stock left by the taste of it. Soon be all totally one hundred per cent fresh I reckon in another couple of wanks."

"Oh good, I was a bit worried about what you told us before. So it's getting good now?"

"Much better, as I said, a few more and you will be all new stuff" he laughed. "But you have to keep it that way."

Tariq didn't seem to want to move, so Tim gently roamed his hand over his thighs and stomach.

"You don't mind doing us then?" Tariq asked after a couple of minutes.

"Not at all, those balls you have are beautiful, real gob-stoppers," he joked. "I love to suck on them as much as your dick."

"It's really nice when I cum in your mouth, I really like that bit," he admitted shyly.

"Me too, I like to feel you explode, it's a nice reward for the hard work."

Tariq took hold of his dick and gave an inspection.

"You know, I can do it again if you want. I mean if it's okay and not too much or anything?"

Now he looked bright, obviously looking for the answer he wanted.

"Three times, shit you go from being a monk to maniac in one night."

Tariq looked aghast.

"Sorry, just joking with you. Three times is fine by me, no problem at all."

With that, he went back to sucking the head. He felt Tariq harden but not wanting to finish too quickly, he got himself between his legs again and began nursing his balls with his tongue once more. Taking things a lot slower than before, he moved under. This time Tariq pulled his legs back without prompting allowing Tim to tongue his crack all the way back to the bottom of his spine. On the return journey, he spent a little longer on his pucker and then quickly replaced his tongue with forefinger and moved back to his balls.

Flush with saliva, his finger easily parted the pucker and the tip circled around his sphincter. For some reason, he seemed to lack all feeling there and it made no difference to the noises he made one way or another. Not this time, but maybe soon he knew he was going to at least try and fuck him.

"I think you are finally running out, you didn't drown me with that one."

Tariq smiled. "It were still good though, for me I mean."

"That's all I need to hear."

"I think I should be going now, will Thursday be okay?"

"Sure no problem, be good to see you again."

All comments are welcome to John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

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Next: Chapter 6

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