A Week in Grassmore

By Piggysleaze

Published on Sep 5, 2022


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Welcome to the latest Piggysleaze series. It is set in the same "world" as some of my other stories, so I've provided a quick background summary if you haven't read those. This series is one of EXTREME raunch, and will eventually include scat, puke, and other degenerate themes. As always, do not read if younger than 18, and this work of fiction does not represent any real people. Email is always welcome: piggysleaze@mail.com

Backstory: By 2022 a secret cabal of filthy, degenerate, incestuous raunch families had attained the highest levels of power and money. They used their privilege, wealth, and positions of power to launch a scheme that had been decades in the making: filling the food and water supply with pharmaceuticals that would turn ordinary men into filth-craving, depraved pigs like themselves. For one of their first testing trials in the fall of '22, the cabal selected the small Midwestern town of Grassmore, population 1,000. This is what happened over the course of a week, as the additives began to affect the town's male inhabitants.


Wilt Bustler was from Long Plains, about 120 miles west of Grassmore. When he was born, he was already hung like a horse, so his dad named him after Wilt Chamberlain, although everyone ended up just calling him Wil. Always the tallest and darkest in every grade, Wil had grown into a formidable tower of teen muscle, eggplant-colored skin, curly hair, and massive junk. His infamous big, black cock hung to his knees and his balls were heavy and the size of softballs. Right now, he'd normally be celebrating after a traditional Midwestern Friday Night football game, having shown off his natural athleticism. Instead, he and his teammates were sitting in concrete bunker-like building that was the visitor's locker room at Grassmore High School -- dazed, confused, and more than a little disturbed. But unlike his teammates, Wil was also horny as fuck.

Wil had picked a quiet corner of the locker room away from his teammates. Mostly the 17-year-old cornerback was trying to hide the hard-on that was oozing precum into his padded compression pants. But like the rest of the Long Plains Cougars, he was also replaying the events of the evening in his mind. Everyone knew that Grassmore was a cakewalk opponent. The small school barely had enough students to meet the minimum for a football team, and the roster was always full of teens who signed up to help the school out, but could barely play the game. Some guys even had to play offense and defense just to have enough players on the field, typically leaving them exhausted. But tonight was different. Grassmore had played like they were testosterone-pumped gods, running faster, blocking harder, hitting stronger. They also worked with near-telepathic unity, as if they were all bonded together in the perfect epitome of brotherhood, like warriors from Sparta. The game had been a rout. By the first quarter the Cougars were down by 42 points; by halftime it was 77 points without a single point for the Cougars, and their coach called a forfeit. Unfortunately, the team bus wasn't scheduled to return to the parking lot for another hour and the driver had turned off his phone -- probably getting high, or getting his dick sucked, or both. So, the team from Long Plains was stuck in the visitor's locker room, stewing.

But Wil had noticed a bunch of other things that night that his teammates seemed oblivious to. For example, when they arrived, they were told that Grassmore had changed their team’s name to the Pigs. Wil couldn't imagine the cheerleaders were very happy about that, but then he realized there weren't any cheerleaders. There weren't any girls, or moms, or women at all. The modest Grassmore bleachers were filled entirely with boys and men. Of course, Wil noticed because he'd always been attracted to men and little boys too. Now, having arrived in Grassmore, that was all he saw -- men and boys dressed in nothing but skimpy, slutty clothes, all cheering their newly renamed Pigs. Once the game started, the bright stadium lights made it hard for Wil to see back into the recessed stands, but he swore he caught glimpses all kinds of hot, sleazy things. Men making out, and boys snuggling suggestively into their fathers and brothers. There was also a thick, heavy stink of weed as if the entire town was blazing up. Wil couldn't imagine why the school or the cops weren't stepping in to stop it, but no one seemed to care. Also, during the first half it looked like there was a steady, endless flow of activity under the bleachers, with men taking their eager young sons into the darkened space. Wil couldn't see what was happening, but his imagination certainly got his cock twitching.

But there were still other reasons Wil was so hot and horny, and it had to do with the Pigs themselves. They reeked. The very first time the two teams lined up on the line of scrimmage the stench of unwashed teens had been overpowering and most of his teammates were left gagging. But to Wil it smelled like heaven. If he kept his attraction to men and boys hidden, he kept his desires for filth and raunch locked away in a maximum-security vault. No one knew how he liked to shit into his hand and smear it all over his body; or how he sometimes sucked on one of his massive turds like it was a cock. No one knew how he would intentionally eat a whole pizza up in his room so that he could make himself puke all over his quivering horsecock and jack off with his stomach sludge. No one knew he could take his own entire fist in his cunt without any lube. These were all deep, dark secrets that made Wil deeply ashamed. It was why he showered six or seven times a day and wore heavy cologne at school, removing any hint of his filthy but clandestine self-pleasuring habits.

But here in Grassmore, it seemed like the opposing team was wallowing in their stink, embracing it. Not long into the game the smell of piss was getting stronger, and Wil realized that the Pigs were freely pissing in their jocks and padded pants. As the game went all, the bottom half of their white uniforms were getting more and more yellow. Then Wil's piggy nose picked up the unmistakable stench of shit. Football players farted all the time, especially on the line of scrimmage. It was one reason Wil loved the game. But this was different. Some of the Pigs were taking a dump in their uniforms right there on the field! Maybe his teammates just thought it was mud streaking their wide, athletic asses, but Wil knew the truth. On those rare instances where he could actually make a tackle, Wil tried to get his face right into the piss and shit of his opponent. That was why he was so horny by the end of the half.

While he was sitting there, playing all of this over and over in his mind, the lights in the locker room went out, plunging the cinderblock room into complete darkness. "What the fuck?" "Now what?" grumbled his teammates. Completely blind in the full blackout, Wil suddenly felt two sets of hands grabbing him by the arms, yanking him forward. He started to shout in alarm, but the momentum sent him crashing into someone who put his hand over the cornerback's thick, luscious lips. Wil couldn't see who it was, but he knew whomever he was pressed against was a guy because he felt an engorged rigid cock against his own. "Not a sound," he heard the stranger whisper in his ear. Will nodded and the hand came off his mouth, only to be replaced with warm, wet lips and a probing tongue. Wil opened his mouth to accept the sudden exchange of spit, leaning in hard for his first kiss with a guy. And then, just as suddenly, the kiss was over and his assailants were moving him forward again. Wil spotted a tiny sliver of light that had appeared, realizing it was a side door in the locker room. Wil hadn't noticed it before because it was behind stacks of equipment, but the group navigated around before passing through to the outside. The hidden door clicked and locked behind him.

Blinking, Wil's eyes adjusted to the outdoors, the night still made bright by the stadium lights behind them. Looking at his "kidnappers," he saw they were three guys from the Grassmore Pigs football team, all standing naked and stroking their big dicks. He recognized the quarterback, who said "I'm Caleb. This is Jesse and Taylor." Wil realized Caleb's was the voice who had told him to keep quiet and then kissed him. Then the quarterback continued, "I'm only going to ask you this once: Do you want to come back and have raunchy pig sex with my team?" A million expected responses races through Wil's head: "Fuck you," "Fuck no, you fucking freak," "Why would you ask me something like that?" But in the end, Wil allowed something in his brain to click into place and he lunged at Caleb, shoving his tongue down the quarterback's throat, slobbering all over his face. As Wil ground against him and sucked on his neck, Caleb chuckled and said, "we'll take that as a yes. Come on, follow us..." Wil reluctantly broke off his passionate response to Caleb's question and followed the three highschoolers to their hometeam locker room.

When he entered, the first thing Wil noticed was the thick cigar smoke, so thick it was more like a fog. But in that fog, he spotted about 20 fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds, all naked, hard, and smoking. The smoke was too thick see back into the room very far, but right up front Wil could see one of Caleb's teammates, a black dude with his head shaved down each side to create a mohawk stripe, sucking off a muscular white guy with an enormous cock. Their lewd sucking and moaning didn't pause for a second as Wil walked past them. In addition to the cigar stink, his pig nose definitely picked up piss and shit and his massive cock was literally about to rip through the football uniform he was still wearing. As if they sensed the problem, hands reached out from all directions and started ripping off his pads and clothes, right down to his socks and cleats. When he was fully naked, the Pigs stepped back in awe. "Holy fuck." "God Damn, bro." "That's the most beautiful cock I've ever seen." Caleb walked up to him, cigar clinched in his teeth, and reached out for Wil's cock with a look of awe on his face. "Fuck man, no wonder you were so horned up on the field. A cock like that must rule you."

Wil chuckled. "Yeah, it does. Makes me crave all kinds of nasty things. You guys like nasty things?"

Now it was Caleb's turn to chuckle. "Yeah, Wil...it's Wil, right?" He nodded. "Yeah, we like it nasty. Really nasty. We noticed you were always trying to stick your face into our shitty backsides and knew we'd found another pig. Figured we'd bust you loose from those uptight losers who haven't figured out the joys of pig sex yet." Caleb kept stroking Wil's monstrous cock. He guessed it was 14 inches at least, with a massive mushroom head. The black kid's balls were a thing of beauty too. "Have you ever had raunch sex, Wil?"

Wil shook his head sadly. "I haven't had any sex." Then added, "Other than with myself."

Caleb pulled on Wil's cock like it was leash, leading him over to a filthy, stained mattress that was on the floor. Dropping down, he hauled up his legs and grabbed his ankles, hoisting them up high to fully expose his ass. It was smeared with a thick pile of shit that Wil guessed he'd originally deposited out on the football field inside his uniform. "Then we better get started," Caleb offered, taking a deep puff of his cigar while Wil groaned with desire at the feast laid out before him.

Like a starving animal, Wil plunged his face into the sweaty, shitty trench. It was the first shit to enter his mouth other than his own, and it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. He drooled up and down Caleb's crack, smearing his face in a mixture of teen gut sludge and his own slobber. His world was totally enveloped by Caleb's meaty ass. His nose was squeezed into the shitty canyon, his eyes pressed into the layer of sewage, covering him in rank darkness. He swallowed what he could, smearing the rest up and down his face with long rutting moans. Given how occupied he was, he didn't see that one of Caleb's teammates had generously dumped another load of shit on the quarterback's chest while Wil worked away on his ass. It was a nice, stinking pile of creamy sludge that Caleb used to paint his thick, muscled pecs and puffy tits. "Wil," he called down to the frantic cornerback, "there's more up here when you finish down there." Wil popped his head up like a gopher from his den, wiping his eyes enough to open them. Caleb loved how sexy his shit looked all over Wil's ebony cheeks, chin, and lips.

"Fucking A, where did that come from?" Wil exclaimed at the site of Caleb's filthy chest. Wasting no time, he slithered up the quarterback's body and began the process all over again, slobbering and drooling as he suctioned up the creamy sludge. This shit tasted different but was equally delicious to Wil's piggish palette. Caleb moaned as Wil sucked and chewed on his hard tits while getting them clean. Wil was aware that the team had gathered around them to watch his raunchy ministrations of their quarterback. He raised his ass up in an invitation that barely needed to be offered, and one of the cigar-smoking teens from the Pigs sank his cock into his opponent's quivering, aching hole. Wil moaned into Caleb's chest. He was getting fucked! He was getting fucked in front of 20 other guys while eating shit and he loved it. His own monster cock was pumping out entire rivers of precum into the stained mattress.

As much as he could have sucked on Caleb's pecs all night, he was running out of shit and he really wanted his first taste of cock. The quarterback took no offense when Wil stopped hoovering the shit off his chest and instead raised himself up onto his hands and knees, mouth hanging open like a baby bird. Their kicker Ryan obliged, shoving his cock down Wil's virgin pig throat. Caleb figured he'd must of have practiced on dildos because he deep-throated Ryan’s decently-sized meat like a pro. Johnny, the defensive end who was taking Wil's cunt cherry sped up his humping and unloaded deep into Wil's meaty black ass. No sooner did he pull out from the hole than another teammate slid his cock in, bottoming out in the cunt well-lubed by Johnny's heavy load.

Caleb slithered out from under Wil’s hands-and-knees position, and got back to his feet, joining the rest of his team as they stood around the gangbang of their visitor. One cock after another disappeared down Wil's throat and ass. No one was interested in lingering or taking their time. This was rapid-fire fucking -- one cock after another after another filling Wil's ass and stomach with teen loads. Wil took them all without hesitation, especially ensuring that he drank down every drop of every load from his throat fuckers. The entire Pigs roster rotated through the moaning whore in a matter of minutes, Wil taking twenty loads from the cigar-smoking team. His eggplant skin was glistening in sweat. Caleb went last, sliding into the cum-drenched cunt that was pouring out a near waterfall of thick, jizz. Wil moaned with a bit of melancholy, knowing this was the end of his gangbang since everyone had cum. As Caleb humped him doggy style, he clutched him close, leaning over his back to press his face against the black teen's cheek. "What's wrong?"

Wil smiled at how tender the quarterback's voice was with concern, even as Caleb was jackrabbit-fucking him in a hole that was already greased with nine loads from other guys. "Everyone's cum,” he said, Caleb smelling all the hot cum on Wil’s breath. “After you breed me, I guess I'll head back."

Caleb laughed. "Dude, we're just getting started. Look around." For the first time in a while Wil's sight wasn't blocked by some guy pounding his throat and he was able to look around the smoke-thick, stinking locker room. Everyone was still hard! Not just hard, but they had broken off into groups of three, four, five, and more and were all busily fucking, sucking, fisting, and more. Caleb kept pistoning from behind as he spoke into Wil's ear, "We can cum all night. Don't ask me how ... it just started happening. But we hardly ever lose our hard-ons and there's always another load to pump out. The amount doesn't even diminish. This isn't the end of the night, this is just the beginning. Anything you want, just ask. My team is here for you bro. Let's make it a night to remember." And with that he picked up his pace again, shouting, "AHHHH FUCK," as he unloaded one more pile of jizz into Wil's already overflowing cunt.

After Caleb pulled out, Wil collapsed onto his back on the mattress. He didn't dare touch his cock, knowing it was ready to erupt at any second. Caleb collapsed next to him, snuggling against his dark, sweaty skin. He called into the crowd for Jesse to bring him Wil's bag, and Wil saw that they must have smuggled out his gym bag too back when they spirited him away from his team. Caleb reached in and grabbed Wil's phone, checked it, and then dialed a number. "Hey Dad, it's me. Yeah, this is another guy's phone. Hey, listen ... the team just gang fucked the most awesome dude from the Cougars. He's so fucking hot. He's already eaten two piles of shit. Wait til you see his cock. I want him to come to our barbeque tomorrow. Yeah. So, here's the plan: I'm going to text you his dad's number. Call him and tell him Wil's made some new friends and is hoping to stay for our nice, wholesome family gathering tomorrow. Yeah, I know...just lay it on thick ... bank president, very responsible, of course no drinking or drugs. That's why you are calling him personally, you are so fucking responsible," Caleb chuckled, winking over at Wil, who was agape listening to the conversation. Caleb was talking to his own father about shit eating and gangbangs and hot cocks! "O.K.," Caleb said, "sounds good. Thanks dad; love you. Hope you get some giant cock tonight too."

Wil was too stunned to say anything, so instead he just leaned over to run his tongue along Caleb's face. The quarterback sensed what he wanted and moved until Wil's mouth was at his nose. Wil took the hint and slid his slobbering tongue deep into Caleb's nostril, swabbing it around like a writhing eel. Caleb used his fingers to pick his other nostril, hauling out boogers that he smeared along Wil's thick lips. Then they switched and Wil moaned as Caleb's probing tongue went deep into one nostril then the other. He blew down hard each time, hoping to cover his new lover's tongue in snot. Just then the phone rang, and Wil saw it was his dad. This time Caleb listened in, going to work on Wil's sweaty armpit as he did: "Hi Dad. Yeah, I'm glad Mr. Stonepol got you. Yeah, I know it is late notice, but I just really hit it off with his son and they invited me. Can I stay and they'll drive me back tomorrow evening? Yes, dad, they are very good people. Yes dad, very good Christians. Yep, lemonade and soda pop for sure. Okay, thanks dad. Can you call Coach and let him know? He'll need your permission for me to skip the bus ride home. Yep, perfect. Thanks dad. See you tomorrow night."

"Well, I guess I'm all yours," he told the quarterback who was busily swabbing out his rank pits. Caleb came up for air grinning, his face plastered in slobber, sweat, and teen musk.

"I'll be right back," he said mischievously, as he disappeared into the smoky haze. Wil could smell that as the cigars were becoming smoked down, the team had switched to enjoying some weed -- actually a lot of weed -- which potently blended with the cigar stink. There were also swirling white clouds mixing into the fog, and sure enough, when Caleb returned, he had a pair of meth pipes and a small torch.

"Fuck yeahhh," Wil moaned, and soon the two were engulfed in their own cloudy cocoons. "Just lemonade and soda pop," he repeated with a laugh. Fuck he loved this town. Caleb must have spread the word when he'd gotten up, because after the pipes were fully smoked out, Wil saw that the team had gathered around the filthy mattress again. Even as they stood around smoking reds, joints, and tina, the entire squad released their bladders all over their quarterback and his guest. The feel of 20 cocks simultaneously unloading gallons of piss all over Wil's body was amazing. He gulped down a fraction of what was cascading over him, soaking him and Caleb and turning the mattress into a rank, sopping mess. As the two writhed under the streams, Caleb popped a pill into Wil's mouth, which he washed down with piss. Then the quarterback climbed astride the hot, black teen and lowered himself onto Wil's monstrous cock. The team pointed their streams onto Wil's donkey dick, lubing it with piss as Caleb sank himself down further and further. His eyes rolled up into his head as he bottomed out on the giant cock. Wil just lay back in the inches of stagnating piss that surrounded him, and let the quarterback ride him, which Caleb did expertly -- sliding almost to the very end of the pole, but never enough to lose it, only to let gravity slam his ass back down to the base in gut-churning strokes. "Somebody feed me," Wil begged in a lewd moan, his mouth hanging open and drooling.

Someone -- it didn't matter who -- squatted over Wil's panting face. In a matter of seconds, the hairy hole was expanding and a monster brown snake began to flow down into Wil's mouth. He let it slide into his throat, where he held it as other logs dropped out with a splat onto his face. By the time whichever Pig was shitting had finished, Wil had a pile of turds on his face and in his mouth. Caleb retrieved one from his seat on Wil’s cock, and began sucking on it while Wil tackled the others, hungrily chewing and swallowing, filling his pig stomach. Caleb watched the depraved meal disappear down Wil's gullet and moaned with pleasure as he heard the horny black teen beg for another pile of shit. He was lost in pure lust as he rode the cornerback's immense cock, looking on as another of his teammates squatted down and unleashed his guts, this time a runny wet sludge. Wil let it all pour into his mouth, gulping with loud, belching smacks of his lips. "More," he practically screamed when the sewage had gone down his insatiable drain.

In all, another five football players donated their dumps to Wil's degenerate feast. Heavy turds and watery runs, creamy piles and rigid logs. They all disappeared as Wil eat every scrap of shit that was provided. Caleb kept riding and watching, blown away by his fucker's nastiness and perversion. At some point, Jesse came up behind him and pushed him down onto Wil's chest, so that he could double fuck his best friend alongside the horsehung newcomer. Caleb just groaned and jabbered incoherently as his cunt stretched to the ripping point with cock. The pill he had given Wil, along with the meth, was keeping his black lover from blowing his load too soon, but Jesse was eager to drain his balls again. Fucking hard and fast he came quickly up his buddy's cunt, soaking Wil's anaconda in the process. As Jesse wondered off for more holes to pump and dump into, Wil rolled he and Caleb over without ever withdrawing his cock. Soon he was on top, churning the quarterback's cunt missionary style, now with the aid of Jesse's slippery cum lube.

Caleb looked up lovingly at this new-found pig fucking his hole. Wil was sweating profusely and Caleb could hear the cornerback's guts churning and gurgling loudly. Nasty belches blasted his face as Wil loudly burped one belch after another. Caleb locked his legs around Wil, trying to draw his never-ending cock even deeper inside him. "Do it," he moaned, locking eyes with Wil. "Do it you donkey dicked nigger fucker.” Wil loved hearing Caleb’s filthy words. “Your fucking nigger pig stomach is packed with shit and piss and cum. Too much shit. So fucking full. You gotta do it fucker. You gotta give it me." Wil moaned and shuddered before starting to heave. "DO IT YOU FUCKING NIGGER PIG FUCKER. PUKE YOUR GUTS OUT." Wil's heaves got stronger as he continued to pound Caleb into the filthy, piss-drenched mattress. "PUKE ALL OVER ME YOU SICK FUCKING NIGGER MONSTERCOCKED PIG!!!" And then Wil did exactly that, mountains of undigested shit and loads of swallowed football player cum spewing from his mouth all over Caleb's face, hair, and chest. Even as he was puking in body-rocking spasms, he fucked the quarterback harder and harder, slamming the bottom's cunt with all his might as another wave of puke projectiled all over him and the mattress.

"FUCCKKK, I'm cumming," Wil bellowed, his mouth dripping with yellow bile and chunks of shit. His horsecock began swelling and pumping inside Caleb, even as Wil hurled again, cumming and puking in perfect synchronicity. Gallons of black pig jizz filled Caleb's shit tunnel with scalding heat at the same time he felt the scalding heat of puke smacking his face. Completely drenched in stomach swill and sloppy sewage, the quarterback's balls drew up and he began pumping out ropes of jizz without ever touching himself.

"OH MY GOD, OH FUCK, FUCCKKKK," he shouted to the ceiling, his words slightly muffled as the rivers of puke streamed into his mouth as he screamed in ecstatic orgasm. His massive load splatted onto his puke-covered chest and he rubbed the slurry together over his pecs and abs, as the final shots of cum pooled at his cock's sensitive tip. Wil was also shaking in his final spasms, and the last cannon fires of cum concluded the most intense orgasm he'd ever had in his life. Caleb gasped and then whimpered as Wil pulled his donkey dick out of his host's red, puffy cunt. The two instinctively reached for each other -- a sweet, young, teen couple cuddling in a perverted pool of puke, undigested shit, cum, and piss. The team's kicker Ryan thoughtfully brought them a pair of just-blazed blunts, as they snuggled their filth-slick bodies together.

Inhaling deeply, Wil held the excellent weed's smoke in his lungs before exhaling a long, slow cloud. "So, what's this barbeque tomorrow," he asked as the warm glow spread through his body.

Caleb similarly blew clouds of blueish smoke towards the locker room ceiling, replying, "I'm introducing my dad to my little brothers." Already stoned, he started laughing uncontrollably at the confused look on Wil's face, also hearing how funny that sentence sounded. Between tokes and giggles, he explained how elementary school boys were now part of his daily school routine, including Fuckcess, and how he had fallen in love with these two boys named Skip and Kenny. "They are the brothers I've never had. And tomorrow, I've invited them and their dads to our house for a barbeque, so everyone can meet and fuck." Through his stoned haze, Wil just marveled at everything he heard as well as everything he'd just done. Even as he began plotting how to get his father to move them to Grassmore, Caleb added, "Plus dad says he has a present for me that he'll give me at the party." Rolling over on top of Wil, he kissed him gently, "And now you'll be there too. Another pig I've fallen in love with." Wil's eyes welled up as he kissed the quarterback's puke and shit-soaked lips. He couldn't believe he'd found this perfect guy and all his perfect friends and this perfect town. The two kissed tenderly as the football team's orgy around them continued into the night, lost in their piggy happiness.

Next: Chapter 6

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