A Week with the Boss

By Wrench 4321111

Published on Apr 18, 2018


This story contains sexual situations between two males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author.

Please feel free to e-mail me at... wrench4321111@gmail.com

A Week with the Boss P1

I was sitting at my office desk, willing the hours to pass so that I could get home. Normally I liked being in the office and was considered, I think, a promising newbie. I was only 22 and was only recently out of university, but this week had got the company a big new contract all by myself. It was my boyfriend's 30th birthday though and I was cooking dinner tonight for mine and my boyfriend's parents.

The clock was ticking away and when it finally got to 5 to 5 I decided I could start getting ready to leave. I wasn't to be though, as it was at that moment that my boss, Mr Rousseau, called me into his office. Mr Rousseau always made me slightly nervous. He was openly gay too and was married to his partner, but there had been odd comments and looks between us that made me suspect he fancied me too.

I'm not sure he would be considered that attractive by most people and was much older than me at 46, but I found him incredibly sexy. He was extremely tall, I'd estimate around 6'6", and so towered over my 5'7" frame. He was big in general, with the build of a man who had once been very muscular, but had let himself go a little. He had a beer belly, but with thighs that still stretched his trousers wide and a powerful chest. His face was similarly sexy, with a slightly crooked nose, dark mysterious eyes, and a powerful jaw, covered in manly stubble. Beyond his physical appearance though, I found him sexy for the power he emanated. Not just that he was rich, but also the way he held himself, quiet yet confident. To top it all off, he was French and so had that incredibly seductive accent. It really was a shame we both had partners.

As I sat in his office now, near the end of the day, he pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a little, showing off thick hair I had always hoped was there.

"I've been very impressed with your work Jack, especially the contract you just got us and so I think you should come with me to the executive conference in New York" he said bluntly.

"Wow, Mr Rousseau, thank you so much!" I said, elated "are you sure you want to take me?"

"Of course" he replied, with a smirk "it's next week, I'll book everything and let you know".

The next week or so went by quick. Dinner with my boyfriend's parents was great - they loved me and my homemaking skills. Mr Rousseau didn't speak to me much more, other than through emails informing me he had booked our flights and hotel rooms. Before I knew it I was packed an waiting at the airport for Mr Rousseau.

He arrived at the airport, looking very sexy in his suit. He lead me to check in, where I found out he had out us both in first class. The first class lounge was beautiful. Me and Mr Rousseau sat on a large, plush sofa together and drinks were offered to us constantly - I could get used to this.

The conversation was very formal at first, talking about career ambitions and so, but the drinks were flowing freely and, by the time we were boarding the plane, we were both much looser. The conversation took a more personal turn when, to my surprise, he began enquiring about my personal life.

"So you have a boyfriend Jack?" he asked me in his sexy French drawl.

"Yeah, he's a banker" I replied, smiling.

"And he keeps you happy? Takes care of you?" he continued.

"Yeah he does Sir, but what about you? You're married right?" I asked, feeling brave.

"I am, been together for 10 years" he said, smirking "I want to see a picture of your boyfriend".

I laughed and agreed to show him one, as long as he showed me one of his husband. I wanted to find one where he looked great, so scrolled through my phone for a while, and so he was ready to show first.

The picture he showed me of his husband surprised me. He looked to be somewhere in his mid-30s and good looking. The surprise though, was that he looked quite similar to me. Small compared to Mr Rousseau, he had bright blue eyes, dark hair, and a big white smile like from a toothpaste advert. The difference was that he was about 10 years older and looked as though he'd started to let go of himself, getting a little chubby and developing some frown lines.

"He's handsome" I said.

"He used to be very sexy when we first got together, he was only 21 then" he said ruefully "I miss how tight his body was when he was younger".

I was shocked to hear him talk to so openly and sexually. It was a huge change from his usually professional self. It showed on my face, because he let out a deep laugh and slapped my knee.

"Look at your face! I'm sorry for being so blunt with you" he chuckled "come now, show me your boyfriend".

"I quite like hearing you be blunt sir" I said looking into his dark eyes "it suits you".

I'd found a good picture of my boyfriend - he was in a tight suit that showed his muscles - and so passed Mr Rousseau my phone now.

"He's older than you, just like I thought, but..." he said drifting off and smirking again.

"What's that supposed to mean sir?" I asked laughing "but what?"

"I always thought he'd be older, but this guy doesn't look strong enough for you, too much a pretty boy" he said in that deep, French voice "you seem like the type of boy who needs a powerful man, I bet you long for it".

"I guess I do like that sir" I said, gulping. I'd started getting hard in my pants and the bulge was showing.

"You know why all us executives love this conference?" He asked me, leaning in closer.

"No, sir".

"It's because its where we get to leave our wives and husbands behind and spend a week fucking the cute member of our team" he said, an inch away from my face now and I could smell his musk "how does that sound to you?"

"I'd like that I think sir" I said breathily.

"Good boy" he growled "I've been watching you walk around that office in your tight little trousers for long enough".

We were getting looks from the other passengers now, so he planted a quick but passionate kiss on my lips before sitting back in his own chair and closing his eyes contently. I sat shocked and aroused in my seat. I had just agreed to cheat on my loving boyfriend with my sexy, much older boss. I couldn't be happier.

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Mr Rousseau had gone to sleep it appeared and I sat and tried to read, but my mind was too filled with the powerful man next to me. I'd felt like putty in his hands when he was talking to me earlier and it excited me to think of being with such a dominant man.

When we had landed and gone through customs, we walked out of the airport to a stretched limo, with blacked out windows, Mr Rousseau had waiting. He told me to get straight in while he spoke with the driver. Mr Rousseau handed him and wad of cash.

As the driver got in he said a quick hello to me before closing the partition between the driver's area and passenger's.

Mr Rousseau got in to the back with me and was on me straight away. Kissing me all over and grinding his hips into me. I could feel his hard on grinding into me and it felt huge. It felt like I had a giant on top of me, pinning me down. I gave myself over to him completely, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Eventually he broke away from the kiss and I realised that the driver had started moving already. Mr Rousseau put his hand around my chin and held my head up looking at him.

"I'm gonna fuck you in this car boy" he told me and I knew there was nothing I could do about it even if I hadn't wanted that. He rolled off me and started slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"take off your clothes., quickly" he commanded. I did exactly as he said and now I was naked in the car next to him. His shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a hairy, big chest and belly that turned me on so much.

He starting fondling my 6 inch, rock solid cock and kissing me again now. I was rubbing his huge hard on through his suit trousers and I could already tell it would be the biggest I'd ever had.

"Your body is beautiful boy, so tight and lean except for this juicy ares" Mr Rousseau groaned, slapping my bubble butt and making it jiggle.

"Thank you Sir"

"I think it's time you stopped calling me Sir" he said laughing "how about, from now on, you call me daddy?"

The question sent a shot of arousal to my crotch and I couldn't help but moan. I'd never told anyone before, but calling a man daddy was my ultimate fantasy.

"I'd love that daddy" I purred back.

"Good boy, now why don't you get on your knees and suck daddy's cock?"

I got on the car floor in front of him and reached my hands out to unbutton his belt and open his fly. He lifted his hips to make pulling them down easier and, when he put them back down, I saw the biggest cock of my life. It must have been 11 inches long and as wide as a beer can. I'd thought my boyfriend's 8 incher was big, but this was another level.

I dived on to the dick and started sucking as much of it in as I could. I doubt I even got halfway down that first time, even when daddy started jackhammering his hips towards my mouth and making me gag. I loved it though, the feel that fat cock stretching my lips, knowing I was making him happy.

I was soon pulled off the floor by the giant brute of a man and bent over on the seats. I felt the head of Mr Rousseau's giant cock pushing at my arsehole. I let out a long moan as he pushed in.

"That's it, moan for daddy" he growled, grabbing a fistful of my quiffed hair and yanking my head back.

"Fuck me hard daddy" I mewled "please".

And he did. It was painful at first, as he shoved his entire dick into my arse and rearranged my insides, but I loved knowing I was serving him and soon it started to feel amazing.

"YES DADDY!" I screamed, slamming my hips back into him.

He still had one hand pulling my hair and began bringing the other down hard onto my jiggly arse.

"Louder, boy, louder!" he said gleefully, still spanking me.

I kept screaming, until I heard him roll down a window.

"Keep going boy!" he commanded "tell them all what you want from daddy!"

"Fuck me harder daddy!" is screamed "seed my dirty slutty bum!"

I heard him let out that hearty laugh of his and then he rolled the window back up. He slammed into me quicker now, and soon I was cumming without having even touched my cock. The feeling of my hole contracting around his giant cock pushed daddy over the edge and I felt his oversized dick expand even more as he seeded my used hole.

"You better clean that up" Mr Rousseau said as he pulled out of me and left me feeling empty. Without even thinking I leaned down and lapped my own cum up off the leather seat. ...

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Email me any story suggestions.

Next: Chapter 2

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