A Weekend with My Ginger

By Michael Patterson

Published on Jan 5, 2024


The entirety of this story is a fictional fantasy involving my best, and only, guy friend. He is 100% straight, married to a wonderful woman. My first introduction to him was at work but we quickly developed a close friendship, talking and hanging out together outside of work - our friendship still going strong for a little over 7 years now.

While I did kiss him on the cheek once for `Kiss A Ginger Day', nothing has ever happened between us sexually. There was a time at a work conference, alone with him in my hotel room and yearning for some kind of sexual connection to him, where I had enough liquid courage to ask him if I could get a hold of his worn underwear to jack off to. Unfortunately, he was not on board but being a close friend of his, many times when his wife and him go on vacations, I dog/house sit for them; and I have no shame in saying that every time I do it, I find myself laying on his side of the bed, pants down and dick in hand, my nose buried in the crotch of his worn boxer briefs taking in the intoxicating scent of his manly musk.

He may never know about the underwear thing but he does know exactly how I feel about him because I've told him before.

Thanks in advance for giving it a read! If you have any feedback or comments that you want to share after reading the first part, please feel free to email me at auburnwe2020@gmail.com

Part One

Austin and I had been on many trips, all of which involved his wife and/or other friends. A few months ago we made plans to go to a 4-day rock music festival that was taking place a few hours from where we lived. It made the most sense for us to just get a place to stay for those days and it was cheaper to get an AirBnB than it was to stay at a hotel, so we found a great 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom about 15 minutes from the venue. The third bedroom for a friend of his that was going to come down from North Carolina for the festival.

A week before, his friend had work obligations that came up and was therefore not going to be able to come down and join us. I started to get in my head about the possibility that he might not want to go with just me, since it was not exactly the same as just hanging out or going to see a movie together. So in my head, that I looked up if it was possible to get refunds for the tickets and house rental, then communicating to him that we could get refunded most of it but not all. He responded by telling me I was being ridiculous and reassured me that he did not have any issue with it just being us.

The day we were leaving, both of us worked a half day before packing up and heading out from his house, wanting to beat rush hour traffic and have plenty of time to settle into the house for the weekend ahead. We took his truck on the road trip, he drove and I played DJ, primarily going through songs from a lot of the bands we were soon to see.

We arrived at the house right around dinner time, neither of us particularly feeling up to going out to eat so we just ordered food off one of the apps to have it delivered.

"I don't know about you, but I am ready to begin the drinking festivities," Austin said, heading for the fridge.

Three, maybe four drinks in, we were both feeling pretty good just sitting around relaxing in the living room - I sat on the couch and he sat in the recliner. We had turned on a movie but had long since paused it as we mainly just talked - catching each other up on what we've been watching, reading, video games, etc. I stayed engaged in the conversation but the entire time I could not help but enjoy the view before me.

The best way I can describe that view of Austin; 6'2", buzz cut ginger hair accompanied by a full, thick ginger beard. Body wise he had a thick, almost linebacker build muscular overall but was heading for the dad bod with a slight beer belly (which I fucking loved). His arms and legs were hairy, with a scattering of freckles; on rare occasions he wore a polo shirt unbuttoned and you could see that he had a hairy chest too. Add on top of that the juicy bubble butt he had which no matter what pants or shorts he wore, it was always accentuated perfectly.

"Be right back, I've got to piss so fucking bad," he said as he got up from the recliner, snapping me out of my lust filled gazes. Lucky for him there was a bathroom close by in the hallway. He did not even bother to close the bathroom door behind him, just left it open. Since we never unpaused the movie, there was nothing to block out the sound of him pissing.

No matter how hard I've tried to figure it out, I am still unable to explain why hearing, or seeing for that matter, a guy pissing has always been a HUGE turn on for me. Instant boner, every time. This time being no exception, maybe even more so because of who was doing it.

From there I completely zoned out as I starting thinking about what it would be like to accidentally catch a glimpse of his dick for this first time. Watching while he took a piss or how hot it would be to wait until he finished and then immediately get down on my knees to put his soft dick in my mouth and suck it until it became fully hard in my mouth.

"Earth to Micah," I had gotten so lost in those thoughts that I didn't notice he was back with another beer for him and trying to hand me another whiskey drink for me.

"Shit sorry bud, I spaced out. Thank you," I said as I grabbed the drink.

"Must have been thinking some really dirty thoughts!" he said, which took me aback.

"Ummm, I, yeah ... but what makes you say that?" I asked, stumbling over my words like a complete moron. Pondering if he somehow acquired mind reading abilities and forgot to share that with me.

"Your boner," Austin said pointing at my crotch with a chuckle.

"Fuck," I said, grabbing for one of the couch pillows to cover myself up, feeling my face turn red in embarrassment.

"Little late to cover it up now" he joked, and even I had to admit he wasn't wrong.

"Wow Austin, really going to kick a man while he's down? I'm already dying of embarrassment here if you didn't notice!"

"Didn't look like it was down to me," he replied, laughing his ass off at my expense.

"Just kill me now! I might as well just call it quits for the night!" I replied, still red in the face but seriously trying not to giggle at his joking and at the situation itself.

"Damn, so much drama! I'll stop teasing you, promise," he said.

As I composed myself and my boner subsided, we resumed our chatting and drinking for a couple more hours. Several times throughout, he got up to take a piss, each time the same in not closing the door so I was able to hear. I maintained the pillow over my lap which helped cover myself when I got hard and did not allow myself to get lost in any deep thoughts that would cause a repeat of earlier.

"Let me ask you something," Austin said, returning from grabbing another beer from the kitchen.

"What's up?" I replied.

"What was it that got you so boned up?" He asked, much to my shock.

This can't actually be real, he's really asking me why I got a boner? No fucking way. I thought.

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"Yep, I know I joked around with you a lot about it. I hope you're not upset with me for doing that, it was just fun. But I am legit curious and want you to tell me," he replied, taking a sip of his beer.

"Nah, you don't really want to know," I tried to play it off, hoping that I really did not have to tell him and not sure in my tipsy state that I could make up a good lie on the fly.

"As memory serves, you had no problem asking me if you could have a pair of my worn underwear to sniff, but you draw the line at telling me what gave you a boner? I'm not sure that makes much sense!" Austin said with a big ass grin, knowing that he had me in a checkmate.

"Fucking hell, you actually remember that? Not my finest moment!" I said, my mind blown that he actually remembered that from years ago but yet lacked the ability to recall things I told him a week or two prior.

"Just because I didn't say yes, doesn't mean that I forgot about it. Now fess up damnit!" Again with that damn grin. Fuck why did he have to be so fucking sexy while giving me a hard time?!

Before the words even came out of my mouth, I felt myself starting to blush. I always struggled with discussing sexual things face to face, I could text it all day long but something about speaking the words verbally was tough, even more so with him as the audience.

"Hold that thought, gotta piss again," he said off he went to do his business and bone me up again.

"Sorry about that, now out with it!" Austin said returning to the recliner.

"Well, the reason was exactly what you just did. I do not have an explanation for it but something about hearing a guy pissing turns me on - like a lot. Since you didn't close the door or anything, and there is no white noise, that's all I could hear. After that, I just got lost in thinking naughty things," I replied, hoping that my honestly would not freak him out too much.

"You can just watch the next time I go," he jokingly said.

"Ha ha ha, real funny," I responded.

"Oh, so you wouldn't want to watch?" He was fucking with me, big time. There is no way in hell that the same guy that was not comfortable with the underwear thing, was suddenly going to let me watch him piss.

This admittedly was a first, which I would attribute to the amount of alcohol we've consumed while chatting, but he's never fucked me with me like this before. He's made a few jokes here and there about how he's got a big dick, but even his wife Morgan rolled her eyes and shook her head no, indicating that he was lying.

"Hell yeah I'd watch but I'd do a whole lot fucking more." I responded, if he was going to fuck with me I was just going to do the same right back to him, see how much he could handle.

"Like what?" He responded, almost as if he was trying to play the same game to see how far I would go.

"Let's just say there is not much you can think of that I wouldn't do. While I have some limits, I have 7 years worth of pent up fantasies including worshiping every inch of your body," I responded, giving him the radical honesty he asked for, though he may not have fully expected.

"Alright, how about licking my feet and sucking my toes?" he threw it out there as if accepting my challenge.

"Not something I've ever actually done, but I've thought about doing it to you. Remember that picture you sent me of you trying on that ridiculous Christmas outfit with the tutu? Something about seeing your legs and bare feet turned me on and that's when I started thinking about it. What else you got?" I responded, a slight look of surprise on his face that I would do it.

"What about eating my ass?" He asked.

"Fuck yes. All day, every day!" I said with a laugh at my own response but was not joking. I lost count of the amount of times I've jerked off thinking about burying my face in that sweet ass. I decided to take advantage of this so far one sided Q&A to ask a question of my own that I had always been curious about. "Have you ever had someone do that to you?"

"I wish, but no. I heard it feels really good and wanted to try it. I asked Morgan if she would do it a few times when I was tipsy and horny as fuck but she told me hell no, that my ass was too hairy. So I got drunk one night, trimmed my ass, showered, and then tried asking her again. Needless to say she just laughed at me and told me to go bed."

I couldn't help but laugh a little bit thinking about him going through all that just to be denied.

"Sorry I don't mean to laugh, just funny to think of you going through all of that is really entertaining. Is that all you got?" I asked, curious if there was anything else he wanted to throw out there.

"I am not really all that wild or adventurous in the bedroom. I think they call it vanilla, or boring. Asking to get my ass eaten was the wildest thing I attempted. But I honestly haven't had any action since Morgan gave birth, that was what ... a year and a half ago. Lots of alone time in the bathroom jacking myself off. Anyway, enough of my complaining," he explained, and I couldn't help but feel for him. I'd experienced `droughts' in relationships prior but never more than a month or two, I couldn't begin to imagine how frustrating it would be to go without for that long.

"Actually I do have one more, you've told me before that you are a top. Would you let me fuck you?" Austin asked, again amazing me with what he remembered.

"I definitely would. I am mostly a top but in a relationship or for a special person I would bottom for sure. I've done it before. But you know I'm not sure I could handle the big dick you allegedly have," I responded with an evil grin of my own, using his own words against him.

That got a good laugh out of him but he suddenly got really quiet.

I was entirely sure that this was all hypothetical, that nothing will ever happen between us, but he'd never talked this much or in depth about sex with me before. All I did know for sure was that I needed some alone time to jerk off so fucking bad, I couldn't stand it much longer.

"As riveting as this has been, I think it's time for me to call it a night before I pop another boner in front of you. You've never opened up about sex like that before, so thank you for the playful conversation" I said, getting up from the couch. Hoping my words effectively conveyed that nothing we discussed gave me the impression that anything was actually going to happen.

He mumbled something that I was not able to make out as I started heading towards the bedroom.

"What did you say bud?" I asked, turning back to look at him.

"Oh nothing, I just say goodnight and have fun," he said.

I felt confident that was not what he said but I wasn't going to press him on it right now. Maybe I was reading it wrong but I sensed a little bit of disappointment in his voice that I was calling it a night. I just knew that I couldn't handle another minute of the chat without exploding - both literally and figuratively.

I went into the bedroom, closing the door behind me since obviously I would very soon need privacy to jack off. I tossed my phone on the bed and started getting myself settled in a bit by unpacking my clothes and toiletries.

As I finished unpacking, I went and sat on the bed. I grabbed my phone to set an alarm to wake up on the earlier side so I didn't have to rush around, when all of a sudden a text notification pops up from Austin, which was a bit strange to me given that we were in the same house.

A: Hey I'm about to jump in the shower before bed, can I come to your room when I'm done? Wanted to tell you something.

M: Sure, just come to my room when you're ready.

Guess I would have to wait to jack off since I was unsure of how long, or short, he would be showering. I probably could have gotten away with a quickie but after everything that transpired since we got here, I wanted to be able to edge and really enjoy myself. Knowing that he was in such close proximity, naked and showering, did not help matters for me at all.

About 15 minutes passed, he still hadn't knocked on the door and I did not hear him moving around the house so I figured maybe he wound up just crashing. Almost as if he knew I was thinking about this, I heard him in the hallway.

"Come take a shot with me real quick," he yelled presumably from the kitchen.

So I got up from the bed, opened the bedroom door, and headed to the kitchen. I typically do not take shots but I have never been on a vacation of any kind alone with him, so I was staying open minded and down for whatever.

"So what are we ... ," I started to ask but when I turned the corner and saw him, I just about fainted.

He was standing there with his back to me pouring us shots of something that I was not able to see just yet but he had nothing on at all but a pair of white Calvin Klein trunks. I had never seen him without a shirt on, much less in just his undies so I couldn't help but take in the sight before me. He had freckles scattered across his upper back just like his legs had, which I had seen plenty of those hairy legs before. I knew he had a nice ass but seeing it in these white trunks, right in front of my eyes - it was even better than I could have imagined. No doubt that I would double, hell even triple down, on telling him that I would eat his ass any damn time he wanted.

"Enjoying the view?" he said as he turned around to hand me my shot. "It's the Jack Daniel's Fire Whiskey, since I know you don't like Fireball." Austin added, and I appreciated that he knew me like that.

"Ummm, yeah. Thanks. " I could barely get the words out as I took in the view of his front side now. That hairy chest, dime sized nipples, little bit of a belly with a distinguished treasure trail of ginger hair leading down into the bulge within those boxer briefs, and those thick hairy thighs of his. I had to consciously remind myself to look away before I went down the rabbit hole thinking about every dirty thing I'd do right here and now.

"Let us toast to a weekend filled with great bands, great music, to us ... " he paused for a moment and I could see that he was trying to choose his next words carefully, "and to fun times and new experiences." Austin said, finishing the speech and bringing his shot glass to mine to cheers before we both downed the shots.

New experiences? What the fuck was he talking about? Between the conversation tonight, seeing him in nothing but his underwear for the first time, and all the alcohol I'd consumed over the course of a few hours - I just could not deal!

"Thanks for the shot! I'm gonna call it a night, for real this time," I said, hoping to escape quickly before I start asking questions to pry into what he meant but mainly because I really needed to jerk off while the visual of him in his underwear was still fresh on my mind.

I headed back to my room, remembering as I crossed the threshold into the bedroom that his text said he wanted to tell me something but surely it wasn't the toast. Just as I was about to turn around and ask him about it I heard his voice.

"Oh, I almost forgot - I have something for you, hold on one sec," he said, quickly going into his room to grab whatever it was and then coming back to my room. He had something behind his back so I couldn't see it.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand," he commanded.

"For real?" I said laughing and rolling my eyes at him.

"Well I mean, if you don't want my gift," he responded, giving me that damn evil grin like so many times this evening.

"Alright alright, fine," I said, giving in and closing my eyes, holding out my hand, not having a single clue what it could be that warranted the theatrics.

"As soon as I hand it to you I'm going to head to my room and let you enjoy, so keep them closed for now," he stated.

With this, he placed something in my hand as I wondered what I would be `enjoying' and kept my eyes closed until I heard my bedroom door close.

I opened my eyes immediately to see that he had placed a pair of his underwear in my hand. Holy shit! I was finally getting the pair of worn underwear I had asked him for all those years ago, hand delivered. For some reason that made it even hotter to me.

I ended my evening by jacking off to his worn underwear, not once, but twice. While this was not the first time I had done it, it was the first time I had done it with him knowing. The other big, and noticeable, difference was that at some point before he gave them to me, he had blown a thick load of cum on them. Needless to say, I couldn't resist - his cum tasted so fucking good, unexpectedly sweet. If him giving me this gift was any indication of what might happen this weekend, I hoped like hell I was going to taste more of it. Preferably straight from the tap, and as much and as often as I could possibly get it.

I wanted to show my appreciation for his gift, so that he knew how much it meant to me so I sent him a text message before I crashed.

I've been waiting for that for so damn long, thank you so much!

And for the first time in quite awhile, I slept like a baby that night.

-- End of Part One --

Stayed tuned for more coming soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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