A Weekend with My Ginger

By Michael Patterson

Published on Jan 9, 2024


Wanted to take a moment before jumping into part two to thank you all for reading my fantasy story. An extra thanks for those kind enough to take the time to reach out to provide feedback. The feedback has helped tremendously and encouraged me to continue writing.

As always, feedback is welcome via email - auburnwe2020@gmail.com

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Part Two

The next morning I woke up to the wonderful aroma of bacon, an unexpected surprise that Austin was cooking breakfast. I reached for my phone on the nightstand to see what time it was - hoping that I did not sleep in too much. Luckily it was only 9am, not too bad, though I slept through the alarm I set. I saw that I had a text from him from a half hour ago.

Glad you enjoyed it! I gave you a lot of shit about popping a boner in front of me but I have to admit, the conversation got me really horny too. The idea that you would be willing to do whatever I want sounds really hot. No promises that anything is going to happen though.

I appreciated his honesty. I had no delusions of anything sexual happening between us, especially after all these years, but our conversation last night gave me a tiny sliver of hope. I looked over next to me where I left his worn trunks, my dick immediately started growing, wanting me to sniff them again.

"Breakfast is ready Micah," Austin yelled from the kitchen, just as I was about to reach for my target. Sadly, that would have to wait.

"Be there in just a minute," I called back, needing a moment for my dick to deflate. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, then grabbing his worn undies and putting them in the nightstand drawer for later use.

I went to the kitchen and we enjoyed breakfast together, he made us bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches on English muffins. I ate quickly, not realizing how hungry I was.

"Thanks for breakfast, it was really good!" I said as I finished up.

"My pleasure, figured we needed some sustenance before we head out for the first day of the festival. I'm gonna get ready, let's head out in 30 minutes?" Austin responded.

"Sounds good, I'll be ready," I stated, and went to my room to get ready.

30 minutes later, we made our way to the festival for a great day of fun!

  • Later that night, after returning from a great day at the music festival -

Though we drank on and off all day, when we returned to the Airbnb late that night we decided to keep the buzz going and took shots of the fire whiskey before switching back to mixed drinks for me and beer for him.

Between the sun and the humid Florida heat all day, we both smelled like athletes after a long game.

"Now that we are alone, I can smell myself and I reek! Why didn't you tell me?!" Austin asked, with a slight look of disgust on his face.

"I didn't think it was all that bad," I said, trying to make him feel better.

"Thanks, I feel so much better now," he laughed as he started heading towards his room. "I'm going to shower!"

I absolutely needed to shower myself as well so I took off to my bedroom to do just that and wash off the hours worth of sweat.

Feeling much better after my shower, I laid on the bed, my thoughts once again drifting to him being naked in the next room. I reached over to grab his undies out of the nightstand, wanting to tease myself with his scent. I bought the bunched up undies to my nose and inhaled that musky scent of his crotch and ass, my dick quickly growing in response.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand and I looked over to see it was a text from him. I swear between this morning and now, it's like his radar went off his underwear involved. So I gave up, putting the underwear back in the drawer, and grabbing my phone.

A: I just got out of the shower.

M: Thanks for the update, do you want a gold medal or something? Lmfao

A: I'd settle for silver, but I am all squeaky clean now.

M: Glad to hear it! Lol

A: I'm ready to have my feet licked now :)

I immediately burst out laughing and I'm sure he could hear it. I did not bother responding to the text, waiting a few moments for my boner to subside before heading over to his room. I had never licked anyone's feet or sucked on any toes before, it was never something that had appealed to me in any way. However, I meant it when I told him that I had thought about it with him. Though I was a little hesitant to go through with it, I was going to try like hell - if he wants it, and it gets me closer to the things I really want to do to him, so be it.

I found him in the bed, on top of the covers with his back propped up against the headboard. After his shower he did not bother putting on much in terms of clothing, simply wearing a pair of black trunks and that signature grin of his. I had to make a very conscious effort not to stare at his crotch.

"So what's this about licking feet?" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Austin replied, lifting up one of his legs and showing me one of his feet while wiggling his toes around.

You can do this! It won't be that bad! Plus you told him you would do it! I thought, mentally hyping myself up for it.

I sat down on at the end of the bed next to him, and he responded by placing one of his legs on my lap. It was then that I really noticed his scent. In addition to the smell of his body wash, he had sprayed some cologne on himself, and I knew that scent anywhere with the hints of citrus that also exuded masculinity - Kenneth Cole Black. This just made me want to pounce on him and attack every inch of that body with my tongue.

My inexperience probably showed, not having a single clue what to do, I just wrapped my hands around his size 11 foot and started massaging it as a start.

I closed my eyes and brought his foot closer to my mouth, just as I was about to stick out my tongue to start licking it, he burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said, finally looking at him and I put his leg back down on my lap.

"You were really going to do it weren't you?" Austin asked in between laughing.

"I told you I would and I intended to keep my word! Plus you asked about it so I thought you wanted to try it," I responded, fully realizing that this was all just fucking with me to see how far I would go.

"Not at all! The massage did feel good though, I appreciate it! But I couldn't really make you go through with it," he said.

"Well thanks for sparing me," I responded, and with this I moved his leg off of me and stood up. I wasn't upset, a bit relieved but I wanted to play it off like I was butthurt about it.

"Wait, don't go anywhere! Let me explain first," Austin commanded.

"Go ahead," I said and deliberately rolled my eyes to keep up the ruse of my annoyance.

"Don't be mad, I was just testing you to see how far you'd go. You didn't think I would want that as my first experience, did you?" he asked, winking at me.

"I mean I guess not, I dunno," I responded.

"I've been thinking about it since our conversation last night and I decided on what I want the first thing to be," he said, kind of surprising me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I want my first experience to be something that I've never had done to me before, something special," Austin said, causing my jaw to drop.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, needing to confirm that he was talking about getting his ass eaten.

"Will you be the first to put your tongue in my ass. Please?" he asked, and I'm not gonna lie, while I've had people ask me to do it before, it never sounded so fucking sexy as it did coming from him.

I refused to even let myself question whether he might be kidding again or not, I felt like since he told me about his attempts at getting his wife to do it and she rejected him, that he was surely serious about this. I was speechless, and since I was unable to find the words I just smiled from ear to ear and nodded my head yes in response.

"There is one thing you should know first, I don't know if it makes a difference," Austin said, as if anything he was about to say would change my mind.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I haven't trimmed," he replied, perhaps convinced that I would say I'm not into it or that he needed to go trim first.

"Oh, I don't give a fuck about that," I responded, filled with lust, desire, and my dick started to grow with anticipation.

"Really?" Austin asked.

"Yeah bud, really. As long as it's clean I'm good," I replied honestly.

"I have to ask one more thing, I just want to make sure you are okay if I do not reciprocate in any way?"

"And you are really okay if I do not do anything to you?" He asked, concerned.

"Duh Austin, that's literally the point in having someone worship you, the only requirement for you is to be pleasured. I'll take care of myself," I declared and he seemed a bit surprised by this.

"I am going to let you take the lead. Do you think I'll like it?" Austin said, getting up from the bed to stand right in front of me.

"I can't imagine you not liking it," I said placing my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"In that case, I'm all yours!" he said, finally giving me the green light I so desperately craved.

"Let's start with you laying on the bed on your stomach," I commanded. He took the instruction quickly, laying on the bed and spreading his legs apart slightly.

"Do you want me to take these off? He said, reaching towards his underwear.

"No no, I'll do those honors when I'm ready," I replied, wanting to take my time and reveal his ass slowly, intentionally.

I got up on the bed behind him, beginning my journey by placing each one of my hands on his hairy legs and caressing them.

I passionately kissed from the small of his back which had a light patch of ginger hair, all the way up to his shoulders. I rubbed my hands all over his muscles and arms while I placed kisses on his neck, soft moans coming from him every step of the way.

"Are you ready?" I said, my lust filled words whispering in his left ear, lightly licking and sucking on his earlob.

"Yes!" Austin moaned, responding in just the way I had hoped, his body quivered and his back arched.

With his back arched, this provided me the opportunity to slide off his underwear, my hand grazing his hard cock as I removed the only barrier between me and his sweet ass. I kissed and licked my way down his spine, stopping as I reached his crack, not quite ready to give him what he wanted.

I wanted to spend some time taking in the views of his bare ass to really familiarize myself with every inch of what I was about to feast on. Presented in front of me were those two bubble cheeks, each covered in a coat of ginger hair, and I placed a hand on them and began massaging them gently. I bought my face closer, teasing him by licking his hairy crack and kissing all over each one of his ass cheeks.

His sweet, tight pink hole which was surrounded by hair as well. No where near as hairy as he made it out to me, just the right amount in my opinion. I bought my nose in close and inhaled, becoming intoxicated by the mix of his musk and body wash.

"Get on all fours for me," I said, putting my hands on his hips, Austin responding and moving to my touch. He adjusted with ease, now on all fours with that sweet virgin hole presented to me, inviting me to taste it. As an added bonus of this position, I could also now see his meaty balls hanging there as well as the base of his hard dick.

I couldn't help but wonder; if this was my one and only time that I would get to pleasure his hole, it would be nice to have some pictures for the spank bank. Surely I needed something to truly commemorate this special occasion.

"Mind if I take some pictures of this sweet ass bud?" I asked hesitantly, hoping that I was not pushing my luck!

"As long as you promise not to leave me hanging after you snap the pics!" Austin replied, keeping the night of surprises alive, as I did not anticipate he would be on board.

"Oh don't worry, I won't. You've got such a nice ass and that tight hole needs my tongue in it. Be right back, don't move!" I quickly left the room, leaving him on all fours on the bed, grabbed my phone and was back in a flash. I wasted no time in pulling up the camera app on my phone; taking photos of his ass from every possible angle including close up shots of that delicious hole, even snapping a few of his dangling balls and the base of his hard dick.

Once I finished taking the pics of that glorious ass, I placed my phone on his nightstand next to his phone. I returned to my previous position and once again bought my face close to his hole inhaling that musky scent, which pushed me to the point of no return.

I started just under his balls, flicking my tongue around a bit there before teasingly running it along his taint until I was just under his tight, virgin hole. The moment my tongue made contact with that hole, his body responded by quivering in pleasure. I proceeded to give every inch of his ass and tight pucker a tongue bath, enjoying how his body responded.

"Does it feel good?" I asked him, as I lifted my face from between his cheeks. I had grown concerned because while his body was responding, he wasn't making any noise.

"It feels so fucking good babe, better than I could have imagined! I love it!" he responded. I wasn't sure if he even knew that he called me babe, but I chalked it up to being caught up in a moment - regardless, it was hot!

"Okay awesome! You are just very quiet so wanted to double check," I said. I just wasn't used to someone being quiet, maybe it was because I know I moaned like a bitch when there was a tongue in my hole.

"I'm so used to having to be quiet at home the rare times I do have sex, it didn't really occur to me we are alone and I can be as loud as I want. I'm sorry! Please keep going," Austin replied, putting my mind at ease.

With the reassurance, I buried my face back in that lucious ass and made a meal out of licking his tight hole, every now and again venturing down his taint to his big meaty balls and licking on those lightly. I wanted desperately to go further and suck on his dick too but decided against it. Hopefully I would get a chance to suck it soon enough!

"I can't remember the last time I leaked precum, but fuck I've never leaked this much," Austin responded, holding up his hand for me to see that it was covered in his juices.

"Why don't you rub some of that on your hole for me to lick off?" I said, unsure of where I pulled that idea from but it sounded hot and if his cum tasted that good, I imagined his precum would be equally tasty.

Honoring my request, he gathered up some fresh precum from the tip and reached his two fingers underneath himself, rubbing his juice on his hole. The moment he removed his hand, I immediately dove my face back into his ass, licking up every last bit of that precum. It tasted just like his cum, just a bit salty in addition to the sweetness - I wanted more!

"Fuck," he cried out from my tongue assault. He must have picked up on how much I liked the precum on his hole, as a few more times he periodically gathered up more precum as it leaked out and rubbed more on his hole for me to lick off.

Austin went from quiet, to grunting, almost growling very loudly in pleasure which just made this whole thing even hotter. I loved hearing how much he enjoyed this.

"Oh my god, I'm not gonna last much longer," Austin declared.

I was determined to make sure that his load did not go to waste, certainly not one that I had contributed to working up. Besides, after tasting the load he put on the underwear last night, I knew I had to have more of it. Hell if I had it my way, every last drop of his cum would be mine from here on out.

"Please don't waste it," I pleaded from between his cheeks.

"You want it?" He asked, almost as if he was surprised that I would want to.

"Fuck yeah I do Austin, don't make me beg," I said with a little chuckle, but no doubt if begging is what it took, I'd do it.

"I don't want you to stop though, it feels so fucking good," Austin said with a sigh.

"How about this; I'm going to lay down on the bed, you come sit this sweet ass right on my face so I can keep at it. When you're about to blow just turn around and cum," I responded instinctively. I had fantasized so many times about him sitting on my face and it was about to become a reality. I dove my tongue back in his hole and gave it a few final licks while he considered my proposal.

"Mmmmm I love that! Okay yeah let's do it!" he said, clearly happy with this idea.

With some reluctance to stop even momentarily, I pulled myself away, the taste of his virgin hole still on my tongue, his scent on my nose. To this point, I had been fully clothed but my rock hard dick needed some kind of freedom so I removed my gym shorts, just leaving my white boxer briefs between my dick and that freedom. Much like him, I had been leaking a ton of precum while rimming his ass. I assumed my position laying down on the bed, my dick twitching in anticipation of his ass.

"Damn, looks like you've been leaking a bunch too!" Austin said as he came around to the side of the bed, noticing the large amounts of wet spots in my undies.

"Yeah, I leak like a faucet when I'm super fucking turned on," I replied.

"I must have something to do with that," he grinned, never straying from a chance to be cocky. "You ready?"

"Ready to make you cum," I stated, and truer words had never come out of my mouth.

With this, he wasted no time in getting up on the bed. At first standing up, then he slowly squatted down so I could watch as that sweet ass lowered onto my face, his legs resting on both sides of my shoulders, pinning my arms. I wasted no time in resuming my tongue action, feasting on that hole like it was my last meal.

"Fuck yeah, tongue that hole," he commanded. This dirty talk coming from him drove me fucking wild and made my dick twitch, feeling more precum oozing out.

I started to slowly work my tongue deeper and deeper into his tight hole, tongue fucking it. He seemed to enjoy that as his grunts of pleasure became more frequent and intense. He started rocking his hips back and forth, riding my tongue while he stroked his dick.

"I'm close," Austin yelled out, quickly spinning around and adjusting so that his dick was positioned right at my mouth. I reached my two fingers underneath him and lightly rubbed his hole.

I took a quick moment to truly take in the view of his dick, which until now I had only caught glimpses of being otherwise preoccupied in his ass to pay much attention to. It looked to be about 7 or 7 ½ inches, pretty thick in girth, throbbing hard and twitching, but what perhaps turned me on eve more was the well groomed ginger pubes above the shaft. It only took a few strokes of that hard dick, his hand easily gliding up and down on it thanks to the lube his precum provided, before he was ready to blow.

"Fucking hell Micah, I'm gonna cum," his voice filled with a deep urge to climax.

I quickly adjusted so that my head propped up on the pillows, an even angle with his dick and opened my mouth wide to receive his load. Much to my surprise, and delight, he put the tip of his dick in my mouth and I closed my lips tightly around it to ensure no cum escaped as he started exploding. He grunted, deep, manly grunts, as he unleashed rope after rope of his creamy cum in my mouth.

"Fuck yeah, take that load," he demanded in between his grunts, continuing to unleash in my mouth.

Though he came the night before, he was drowning me in cum like he hadn't gotten off in forever. I swallowed every last drop, savoring in the taste of his sweet cum. Somehow tasting even better than the sampling I had the night before.

"Damn that felt good," Austin said, slowly removing the head from my mouth.

"You taste so fucking good," I said with a smile, licking my lips.

"I do?" he asked, seemingly shocked by my statement.

"Yes sir, usually cum is kind of bland, maybe a little salty, rarely sweet. Yours is very sweet," I responded.

"Well I've never tasted my own, so thanks for letting me know!" Austin responded.

I noticed some more cum oozing from his softening cock and I had to have it. Without hesitation, I leaned forward and used my tongue to gather it up.

"Not a drop wasted," I declared with a very satisfied smile.

He laid himself down on the other side of the bed next to me, clearly spent after his orgasm. My dick twitched again in my boxer briefs, reminding me that I had not yet cum. Admittedly it felt a few times that I was so close to orgasm while eating his ass, I'm surprised I didn't. My balls starting aching in need of release. I started to get up out of the bed, swinging my legs over the side, with the intent to go into my room to nut.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked.

I stood up and turned around, looking at that sexy man laying there in all his glory, his dick now soft.

"My balls are aching so fucking bad, I have to cum," I stated, pointing at my dick which was rock hard and pointing right at him through my underwear.

"You don't have to leave," he said, much to my surprise.

What a tough decision - go back to my room and jack off alone to the pictures I had taken of his ass, or I could just jack off right next to him looking at his naked body. So I laid back down in the bed next to him and pulled my precum covered dick out, finally getting the freedom it craved.

"Can you sit on my face again for a few minutes while I jerk off?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't mind.

"Sure," Austin responded.

And with my face in his ass, tongue buried as deep in that tight hole as I could get, I had one of the most intense orgasms I have had in a long time, shooting a huge load of cum all over myself.

That night, in post orgasm bliss, we both fell asleep next to each other - neither one of us bothering to clean up or put clothes on.

-- End of Part Two --

Stay tuned for more coming soon!

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