A Welcome Return

By Blue Skies

Published on Jan 29, 2012


The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk

A Welcome Return. Part 3

September came and went without meeting, just e-mail contact. My work was the reason I couldn't get down to visit Pete any earlier and eventually, a couple of weeks into October, I floated the idea to my wife that I'd like visit Wales again before winter setting in. She readily agreed and I contacted Pete to see if it was convenient for me to visit for a couple of days. I said that I could do a couple of days during the week rather than the weekend if that was suitable for him. He replied that it was and that he would be only too pleased to see me.

I set off quite early in the day hoping to be with him by lunchtime. The weekday traffic was light and arrived at about midday. As I drew at his cottage door opened and he came out to greet me. I got out of the car and he insisted on carrying my bag in for me. He indicated that I went in first and he followed me in, closed the door, dropped my bag on the floor and, in a move that surprised me, unhesitatingly kissed me fully on my mouth.

`My God, I've missed you.' He said softly.

I've missed you too Pete,' I said I'm sorry is taken so long; I have been so busy but I couldn't leave it any longer as I wanted to get here before the end of autumn.'

He asked me if I was hungry. I said I wasn't and then he looked directly at me and asked if we go to bed right now. I asked if he wanted a shower first. He just shook his head and said he couldn't wait and wanted the raw taste of me. He turned and went upstairs and I followed.

It was a race who got undressed first. We fell onto the bed and immediately Pete went down on my hardening penis, taking it straight into his mouth, moaning softly as he did so. He paused and then pulled me nearly all the way out before plunging his head down on me again. He did this a couple of times more and then took me fully out of his mouth.

`I needed that.' He gasped, and then plunged me into his mouth again.

He didn't stop again even I told him I was about to cum. As I erupted into his mouth, he grunted and milked my penis in time with each spasm. When I had finished, he let me fall out of his mouth, moved on top of me and kissed me. After a couple minutes or so he rolled off and we lay side-by-side.

It wasn't quite the immediate welcome I expected.' I said, smiling at him. However, it was the most pleasant one I've had.'

I moved down the bed pausing to gently pinch each of his nipples in turn between my lips. I continued on down and took him into my mouth, tasting the saltiness of his precum. When he was hard, I moved to sit astride him and he slid effortlessly into me as I lowered myself onto him. Wordlessly, and as I looked into his eyes and smiled, I moved gently up and down upon him; I didn't pause or change my pace, I just kept moving and watching his face looking for the signs until eventually I could see that he was going to cum. As his penis jerked inside me with his first spasm, I let my weight rest completely upon him, burying him as deep in me as he was able. I felt the warm rush of his cum as it entered me and I revelled in the intimacy of the feeling.

Once he had stilled, I leaned forward and we kissed gently for half a minute or so until my arse muscles rejected his softening penis. I lifted myself clear of him and suggested we take a shower.

We showered together soaping each other and then drying each other off. By the time we were dried and dressed, the daylight was starting to fade. I suggested that I walk to the village and pickup something to cook the supper. He quickly agreed suggested a couple of items and I headed off.

I picked up all the items plus a couple of bottles of wine; as I turned to leave the shop I thought I recognised someone on the opposite side of the road. After a brief uncertainty I realised that it was Alan, whom I had met on a previous visit; his appearance had changed in that his hair was very much shorter, almost shaved. I raised my hand in recognition; he hesitated and then obviously recognised me and raised his hand in return. I crossed the road, shook his hand and said hello, explaining that I was down for a couple of days and I just popped out to get things for our evening meal. For some reason, the thought crossed my mind to ask him to join us but then I instantly dismissed it as being inappropriate to ask somebody to another person's house. We exchanged pleasantries for a couple of minutes and I then took my leave and headed back Pete's house.

When I got back I told Pete that I'd met Alan. He replied, somewhat obliquely, that he'd started to tutor Alan as he had mentioned last time I had visited. I asked him how it was going and he said quite well but he was still a little nervous and remained tainted by the unpleasant experience he had previously. I suggested that Pete asked Alan to join us this evening for supper; he knew I was here so it would be a perfectly natural thing to do. He hesitated and then, almost reluctantly, agreed. He went out into the hall and made a call and came back and said Alan would be pleased to come and would be here at around seven.

It turned out to be a most pleasant evening. The food was good, as was the company and the more the wine flowed, the livelier and more open conversation became. Alan expanded upon his studies and praised the tutorship of Peter who reacted with somewhat embarrassed pride and responded that Alan was a model student. There was one small hiatus however, when Peter asked me where I'd put the first draft of the novel he was writing. I replied casually that I'd returned it to our bedroom where I'd found it. The use of our' instead of your' was not lost on Alan who I notice flushed a little and he stammered over the next few sentences but Peter didn't appear to notice. However, conversation picked up again as Alan asked about the novel and Peter told him a little about it and that he was taking the first draft to a prospective publisher the day after tomorrow when I was going to drop him off at the railway station as I left to return home.

Eventually we all agreed that we'd had enough to eat and took our brandies and coffee through to the sitting room where earlier I had lit a fire in the grate. Autumn was rapidly drawing in and the day had been noticeably cooler.

After an hour or so, Alan realised the time and how late it had got and said he should leave. As he was preparing to go we became aware that the night had not only turned cold but it was raining heavily so I offered to take him home. He hesitated, asking if I was okay to drive as we had quite a bit to drink. I said I appreciated his concerns but I take the small chance and I was quite prepared to drive him home.

He said his goodbye and thanked Peter and we set off for the short journey. No sooner had I pulled out onto the main road than he asked me quite directly if he'd heard me correctly during the evening and that Peter and I shared a room when I visited. I told him quite candidly that we did and it was an arrangement that we were both mutually content with. I explained that Peter wanted discretion and I, being married, did too. He was silent for a while until, equally directly, I asked him if he felt uncomfortable about the arrangement? He hesitated and then replied that he didn't feel uncomfortable about it at all. He paused for a second and said that in fact, he rather envied us. I said nothing further and neither did he.

I pulled into the darkened parking area by his house. He explained his parents were away and he was on his own for the next few days. As he reached for the door handle I placed my hand on his arm.

`Why do you envy us both?' I asked him.

He thought from moment, and then said, `It looks like you have a nice relationship. You are both clearly comfortable in one another's company and have the security of knowing that your arrangement is confidential. I find Peter most appealing both in his kind manner and his gentleness.'

He hesitated and then continued.

`Also, he clearly enjoys your company and having spent an evening with you I can appreciate why. So that's why I envy you both, both together and singly; I envy you spending the night with Peter and I envy Peter spending the night with you.'

He stopped and was silent for several seconds; I didn't break the silence because I felt there was something he wanted to add. He turned and reached for the door handle again then stopped and turned to face me.

`I would gladly change places with either of you tonight.' He said, and turned to go.

`Wait.' I said.

He turned to face me again. He anticipated my intention. He moved slightly toward me as I moved closer to him and kissed him. His evident hunger took me by surprise; he returned my kiss fiercely his tongue pressing between my lips. As I responded his hand felt for, and strongly gripped, my rapidly hardening penis. After a few seconds he released my cock and took hold of my right hand and pulled it on to his crotch. I had forgotten how much harder a young man's erection can be, not only that, it felt surprisingly large. I stroked his cock for few seconds until he quickly broke our kiss, grabbed my hand and pushed it away. He let go of my hand and flopped back into the passenger seat breathing heavily, almost gasping for breath. The whole episode had lasted not much longer than half a minute or so.

I said nothing as I collected my thoughts together and Alan's breathing quietened.

`That wasn't meant to happen David, sorry.' He said quietly.

You don't have to apologise.' I said. I instigated it.' I hesitated and Alan waited silently, anticipating that I had something to add.

`Would you have wished it to be Peter rather than me?' I asked.

Right now, it could have gladly been either of you. I was envious of you both this evening just seeing how well you both naturally get on together. You are both so at ease in each other's company.' He hesitated, and then continued When I realised that you both share the same bed I was hit by confusion and jealousy. Confusion because I was admiring you both as regular sort of guys, but also jealousy, as I have to admit to my increasing feelings toward Peter, feelings which I thought would not be welcomed by him. And now you've beaten me to it.'

Again he went to leave the car and again I asked him to wait. I was silent as I carefully chose my words.

`Remember Alan, the relationship between Pete and me is occasional. I have only recently stayed with him and with the full knowledge and consent of my wife; however, she clearly is unaware of our relationship. You, on the other hand, are here all the time and are being tutored by Pete. He is clearly relaxed in your company and you are comfortable in his. In his past he had a very bad experience by mistaking the signals given out by a younger man and he will be reluctant to ever make such a move again. If you would like to build some sort of relationship with Peter then it will be up to you to make it quite clear to him that it is what you would like. There is no point in being ambiguous or coy; he will need an explicit signal from you as he will never make the first move.'

`And what about you, David?' He asked.

I am quite relaxed about it. It will be some time before I or my wife would legitimately head down here again, probably not until Easter at least. I have no claim on Pete and we both appreciate the situation we are in can only be temporary. My advice to you is to make a careful but unambiguous move towards Peter. He will not expect me to return any time soon which will give you both time to form some sort of bond. If it happens, that will be good and I won't interfere or ask to visit him again. We do talk quite frequently on the phone in between my visits so I will get hints from him if things take off, or otherwise, between you two.'

Thank you David,' he said, I appreciate you being so candid. And now I shouldn't delay you any further.' He reached the door handle again and this time opened the door. He got out and turned around to close the door. Has he did so, he lent down and peered back into the car. `Would you like to call in here and have coffee with me after taking Peter to the station before you head for home?'

`That's very kind of you Alan, I'd like that very much.' I said.

He closed the door and I turned the car around and headed off back to Peter's cottage. On the short journey back I mused over the conversation and the kiss - especially the kiss.

When I arrived back at the cottage I was still highly aroused and wet with precum. I locked the car and walked into the house. The hall and kitchen were in darkness. I locked the outside door; as my eyes accustomed to the gloom I could make out features toward the sitting-room where the fire was still obviously lit. I assumed that Peter had gone to bed in the meantime; I peered into the room to see if the fire was safe to be left for the night.

I was going to dress for you before you got back but this is as far as I got.' He said softly. Actually, I'm rather pissed.'

The room was lit only by the flames from the fire. He lay stretched on his back on the rug in front of the fire, his shoulders and head supported by three or four pillows. The flames gave a wonderful warm glow to his naked body and I noticed the shadow his erection cast across his hips. Wordlessly, he reached behind him and pulled out another pillow and placed it with the others. I undressed without taking my eyes from him, marvelling how good he looked. He gave a sharp intake of breath as my cock sprang free from the restraints of my briefs. He lifted his brandy glass in a silent toast to it, smiled and sipped at the glass. He reached to one side and picked up my glass, still full, and offered it to me.

I knelt down beside him and took the glass. We touched glasses and each took a sip of the warm brandy. I held my glass low down and taking hold of my hard cock dipped it fully into the glass and gave the brandy a couple of swirls and then placed the glass on the hearth. I turned to him and put my brandy soaked cock into his mouth. He let out a low moan as he sucked hungrily upon it and I revelled in the warmth of his mouth and the sensation of his tongue across the head of it.

He pulled me out of his mouth. `Do that again David, please.'

I repeated it twice more and then pulled away.

`Give me your glass David.'

I handed it to him and he in return offered me his. He raised his glass.

`To us and here's to another great night together.'

We touched glasses and both finished our respective brandy in one generous gulp.

I reached for his empty glass, took it from him and put them to one side on the hearth. I got up and put another couple of logs onto the fire. I stood for a few seconds over him slowly stroking myself and spreading my copious precum over the head of my penis until it glistened in the light of the fire. I sat down on the floor by him and then lay over him and kissed him firmly on his lips. It was my hope that this would be the prelude to some good raw sex; it was more than just at the sight of Peter naked on the floor in front of the fire, I was still aroused by the encounter with Alan.

What followed was indeed some good sex. There was a lot of close body contact with hard kissing. We rolled, fondled, squeezed, gripped, probed, bit and sucked in completely uninhibited passion. To an observer it would have looked as if we are wrestling or fighting for real; in fact, it was driven by nothing more than unbounded lust. Occasionally each would tease the opening of the other's arse with the heads of our wet cocks then we would breakaway to resume our tumbling with each other.

The evening ended with both of us showering together. Peter lent back against the wall with a smile on his face as I washed his torso and then shampooed my cum out of his hair. I lent forward onto the wall Peter washed my back and cleaned the cleft of my arse where he had cum inadvertently when he teased me with his cock. Afterwards, we dried each other and went up to our room. We lay together for a few minutes holding each other. Peter reached up and gently kissed me and fondled my penis; I think he was a little surprised that I reacted almost immediately. He slid down the bed and I felt the warmth of his lips around my cock. He sucked me very gently for a couple of minutes before I stopped him and pulled him back up beside me. I reached into the bedside cabinet and pulled out the lube; as I did so he rolled over face down. I lubricated his opening and then pushed a finger inside him; he moaned softly and pushed back against it. I spread a little more lube over my penis and knelt between his parted legs. As I went to lay on top of him, he reached behind him and guided my penis to the opening of his arse. I gave a couple of short strokes and then was fully into him.

We lay still for a while and then, over not a little time, we made love.

We awoke late in the morning. We hadn't planned to do anything for the day but I felt the need for some air and exercise and Pete agreed, but on one condition he said. As he said it turned over on his back and kicked off the sheets to expose his rigid cock. I smiled and said it was a deal and then spent a pleasurable few minutes making love to his cock with my mouth. He gasped my name as the moment arrived but I didn't move and tasted the rush of his warm cum into my mouth. After I milked the last of it from him, I moved up the bed and lay on top of him and we kissed. After a minute or so he said that I'd kept my part of the bargain and yes, let's get up and get out into the hills.

On the way out we saw Alan but he didn't see us. I remarked to Peter what a pleasant evening we had last night and what a nice guy Alan is. He gave a noncommittal reply but I know I saw a quick look of pleasure flash across his face. We parked and took our usual walk across the hill but moving quite quickly towards the pub as it was cold and we needed to keep moving. We had on reasonable wet gear so we were warm enough and it only rained intermittently. We have a decent lunch at the pub, a couple of beers and then set off almost immediately back to the car as already the light was changing and neither of us had any desire to be in the Welsh hills at night. As we drove back I asked Pete if he would like me to get some food for dinner that I could cook, but he said he'd already got enough in so we headed straight to his cottage.

After we had showered, Peter asked what I would like for dinner and rattled off a few suggestions. I turned in reply and said I would like to cook our meal and light the fire in the sitting room; in the meantime, I would like him to dress especially for me for the evening.

`Would you genuinely like that, David?' He asked.

`I would Peter, very much. Take your time, there's no rush, take as long as you like.'

I handed him a large class of chilled white wine. He smiled, and took it from me and then turned and headed out of the kitchen and I heard him ascend the stairs.

He took me at my word and by the time I heard him walking back toward the kitchen I had completed most of the cooking meal and also imbibed a couple of large glasses of wine. So much so, that I'd opened another to have with our meal.

I heard his footsteps coming along the hall and then stop in the doorway but he said nothing; I slowly turned around trying not to appear too eager. The sight of him certainly was worth the wait.

His longer hair had been clipped back revealing a pair of long hanging glass earrings. An impossibly tight white T-shirt had some form to it, giving him the appearance of having very small breasts. Between the hem of the T-shirt and the belt of an impossibly short miniskirt was exposed a good six inches of midriff. The skirt ended a couple of inches below the slight bulge of this constrained penis. I could just slightly see the top this hold-up stockings; I allowed my gaze to follow the line of his legs to incredibly high-heeled shoes. The overall effect was quite literally breathtaking; the shoes gave him a height equal to mine. The tight T-shirt skirt gave the impression of slenderness accentuated by the small hint of breasts. I looked, clearly in awe, and was genuinely dumbstruck.

He walked slowly towards me, his heels clicking seductively on the stone floor, and stopped a foot or so away from me. He stood looking at me for a second and then stepped toward me placing his hands on my shoulders and pulled me towards him. We kissed softly for a few seconds and then he let me go and stepped back.

`Aren't you going to say anything?' He said, smiling mischievously.

I shook my head slightly. `Amazing, absolutely bloody amazing.' I said somewhat inadequately. I moved towards him but he took a step back.

Patience.' He said smiling. Later. You can have me later.'

And so by mutual agreement we continued to prepare our evening meal. I finished the cooking whilst Peter set the table and poured some more wine. I was struck how feminine his movements were and how assured he was and comfortable in his manner of dressing. As we ate, conversation was quite natural; he asked about my wife and about my work and I in turn asked about his tutoring. When I mentioned the tutoring, he arched his eyes slightly looking quite coy and I felt then that there was a little more than he cared to admit about his feelings between him and Alan. It genuinely felt as being sat across the table and talking to a woman. I was enthralled by his confidence and feminine movements such as slowly shaking his head and eyeing me archly almost in a flirting manner. It was an evening of promise, of things to come and I was in no hurry to finish the meal, after all, we had all night. Also, in my mind I was formulating some thoughts which had gathered in my head and which grew stronger and more resolved as the evening progressed.

After a couple of hours we finished the meal. I suggested to Peter that he checked the fire in the sitting room as I cleared the table. He rose slowly and I was reminded pleasurably the added height that his shoes gave him. He also, rather decorously, adjusted the hem of the skirt which had ridden up as he sat giving me a glimpse of the tops of his hold-up stockings. As walked away from me he looked over shoulder and caught me gazing at him; he gave a wonderful smile and then turned and walked away. I cleared the table and went to join him in the sitting room.

He was sitting by the fire in one of the wooden high backed chairs. He was sitting slightly sideways with his legs crossed, his arms resting on the arms of the chair. At first sight, and with only the flames of fire giving light to the room, anyone could have been forgiven for thinking they were looking at tall, slender and elegant woman. I sat down opposite him in the larger chair and raised my glass in his direction. I told him again how lovely he looked and thanked him for making such an effort just for me. He smiled and said the taken great pleasure in dressing for me.

There was a moment of silence as we sipped our wine and he placed his empty glass on the hearth and stood up. He stood looking at me for a short while as I admired him from my sitting position. He then slowly walked to my chair and turned around and sat down softly in my lap. I put my glass down and slid my arm around him and pulled him gently to one side and we kissed; as we did so his free hand slid on my chest across my shoulder and to the back of my head holding me there as our tongues met. It was a most sensual kiss, one full of latent passion and my excitement arose, as did my erection. Peter must have felt it as he moaned slightly and squirmed slightly, pressing himself to me. As we kissed I slid my hand up and across his chest pausing slightly at the slight swell and feel of his `breasts'. He broke the kiss and pulled slightly away.

`Do you like them?' He murmured.

`Very much.' I whispered.

We kissed and fondled for a while and then I slowly slid my hand up his leg and under the skirt. The reason for the slight bulge showing through his skirt became apparent; he was wearing what appeared to be a very tight pair of briefs. He broke our kiss and stood up. He took a couple of paces away and then turned to face me; as he did so he undid the belt of his skirt and let it fall to the floor where he deftly, and in his feminine way, stepped out of it and kicked it to one side.

`I wanted to look feminine for you so I chose these; they are specially made for just this purpose. Do you like them?'

I nodded. They certainly did look good. They must have been latex or some such material as they looked impossibly tight, all but concealing the bulge of his penis. As I looked he put his thumb into the waistband at either hip and went to pull them down.

Wait!' I said, I'll undress you when I'm good and ready.'

`I love the macho side of you, David.' I noticed how his voice wavered when he said it. I decided then that I was going to direct what was to come.

Initially, it wasn't domination insomuch that I took the lead by mutual consent. Lit only by the light from the fire, and in total contrast to the previous evening, we had silent and tender sex. It was passionate not so much physically but of two people comfortable enough with each other to feel able to express their feelings frankly. I was the more directional rather by implication than directness as I is either lay on Peter of pulled him on top of me although we mutually turned around and lay side-by-side to suck and fondle each other. He particularly enjoyed it when I lay him on his back and then knelt over him and offered my penis to his mouth before I lent forward and took his penis in my mouth; from his reaction, I think it appealed to his desire for another take control. This was all done virtual silence.

I rolled off him and sat beside him. I was completely naked. I had removed his latex briefs but had left the stockings and the T-shirt; the latter because I enjoyed the swell and the hint of breasts. I took hold of his penis, milked a globule of precum from it and spread it over its head with my thumb then slowly and gently started masturbating him. He lay back and closed his eyes. I waited a few seconds as he relaxed.

`Keep your eyes closed Peter. Do you understand me?'

`Yes.' He whispered.

I waited again for a few seconds.

`Keeping your eyes closed Peter, imagine this is Alan doing this to you.'

He took a sharp intake of breath and opened his eyes.

`Keep them closed!' I said sharply.

He closed his eyes, albeit after a moment's hesitation.

`Now, Peter, remember, this is Alan slowly stroking your hard penis. You're hard because of him, not David, but Alan. Tell me Peter, how does it feel now?'

He was quiet for nearly half a minute. His breathing was little unsteady and his eyes remained obediently closed.

`It feels nice.' He whispered almost inaudibly.

`Say it again properly.' I commanded and squeezed his penis firmly.

He hesitated again for quite a few seconds.

It feels nice.' He hesitated for a very short time and then said It feels lovely, Alan.'

I told him keep his eyes closed and I shifted my position and, as I continued stroking him, I kissed him. He returned it quite fervently, all the time keeping his eyes closed.

I stood up to stand over him, my cock wet with precum. In the silence that followed he opened his eyes and looked up at me.

`Kneel in front of me and then close your eyes.' I commanded.

He did so, this time with little or no hesitation.

I moved my hips slightly so the tip of my penis brushed his lips. Obediently he opened his mouth and his hands clasped each of my buttocks; with his eyes shut, he moved back and forth taking me fully into his mouth. I reached down and held his shoulders.

Think of it is Alan's hard cock that you are sucking.' I said firmly. Imagine you are giving Alan a great blow job' I said with a harsh edge to my voice.

He hesitated. I responded by moving my hand to the back of his head and pushed my cock almost fully into his mouth. He grunted and I heard him take a sharp intake of breath through his nostrils. I let go of his head. He then moved his hand from my buttock, gripped my penis and with his eyes firmly shut he stroked and sucked on my penis for all he was worth. As he did so I muttered endearments to him telling him he was a good boy, how lovely he is, how good his lips feel on my cock and how I was looking forward to making love to his gorgeous arse.

I pulled away from him. He opened his eyes and looked up at me; I told him to lie facedown on the rug. When he was settled I lay full length along him and kissed the back of his neck and shoulders. After half a minute or so I lifted myself off him and stood up.

`Alan is going to get the lube from your bedroom.' I said and left the room. I went upstairs and found the tube and returned to the sitting room.

Peter was lying in front of the fire as I had left him but I noticed that he had parted his legs in anticipation. I said nothing as I applied some lube to the head of my cock and then knelt beside him and spread some on to the opening of his arse. I took a generous amount onto my two middle fingers and pushed them and the lube fully into him; he gasped as I did so.

As I knelt between his legs he raised his arse slightly to meet me. I hesitated and looked down on him and had to admit myself he made a wonderful sight. However, I was resolved in what I'd set out to do. I knew that I would miss our times together but I also knew it was best that he had some future with someone else. Our relationship could only ever have been transient and I think he appreciated that as much as I did.

Pushing my thoughts to one side, I leaned forward and pressed the head of my cock gently into his waiting arse. When I had my weight on both arms I pushed fully into him in one movement. I took some pleasure from hearing him gasp as I filled him.

`Alan is going to make love to you tonight, Peter'. I said softly.

He didn't immediately respond and then muttered something inaudible.

`I didn't hear you Peter'.

I'd rather it was you, David'. He said softly. Please, can't it be you?'

I didn't answer, but by way of making some response I delivered three or four firm thrusts into him and was again satisfied to hear him gasp when I was at my deepest inside him.

`Now Peter, that was me. From now on think of me and talk to me as if I am Alan. Your young Alan. The Alan who desires you as much as I do. Your Alan who I am sure comes here not just for free tuition. Think about that Peter. Think about that as we make love.'

And so we continued, with me on top of him and stopping occasionally and talking to him softly reminding him that I was Alan. After a while he started to respond in a like manner. He called me Alan, told me how he liked my dominance of him, how he looked forward to me coming to his house for tuition and how he wished I (Alan) would make some form of unambiguous sign that I (Alan) felt the same. As he was saying these things, I responded in kind and picked up my pace moving in and out of him. After several minutes I pulled out of him to apply more lube to both of us before continuing. As we did, so our fantasy became much more explicit and uninhibited. By the time I had reached the limit of my control he was begging `Alan' to fuck him harder, and I did until I could hold back no longer and came as I made one last frantic hard thrust into him as deeply as I could go.

We lay in silence for quite some time and eventually my soft penis was squeezed out of him. I rolled off and lay beside him. He turned on his side and looked at me. Without saying a word he just reached up and gently touched my face.

`I think that's the nicest goodbye I've ever had.' He said softly and I noticed that his eyes were moist. He rolled away and lay on his back.

I lent over and kissed him softly. `It couldn't go on forever, Peter.'

I know it couldn't, David. In a way, it's better now I know when it's going to end.' He paused for a few seconds. How we are, and how we have been, is going to end tonight isn't it?'

I nodded.

`Let's go to bed now then David, let me make love to you in my bed this one last time.'

We walked upstairs naked and climbed into bed. We held each other for a while and then he kissed me softly and asked me to lie on my back. Kissing me softly as he went down, my throat, my shoulders, my chest, my nipples, across my stomach and at last took me into his mouth. What followed can only be described as making love to my penis. In all my long life I cannot recall anyone taking the time and trouble that he did to give me such pleasure. His timing was perfect; he read my body language and my breathing to perfection, stopping at just the most perfect and the most tantalising moment and let me cool down before he started again. And then, for that one last time he didn't stop and I exploded into his mouth. As I did so he still moved his mouth on me, milking me until I had stopped gasping for breath and heaving my hips toward his mouth.

He held me in his mouth until I softened and then he moved slowly up the bed and lay on top of me. He held his head an inch or so from mine and I waited for him to kiss me. He lowered himself ever so slowly until his lips touched mine. I waited.

There isn't any,' he said softly, I swallowed it all. I wanted the taste of you all to myself.' And then he kissed me again.

At that point it hit me how fond I had become of him. I reached up and pulled him down upon me and held him tightly.

We stayed like that for a minute or so with neither of us speaking. Silently he slid off me and we lay side-by-side together.

My next recollection was Peter's voice with a hint of panic in it.

`David, quickly, it's late. I'm going to miss my train, hurry!' We had overslept.

As Peter quickly showered I ran through the house grabbing all my stuff and stuffing it into my overnight bag. I joined Peter in the shower just as he was getting out. He paused and looked at me little sadly and then stepped out of the water dry himself. I followed him half a minute later quickly towelling myself dry. Within 10 minutes we were in my car and heading for the station in the next town. On the way I said that I would pick up my stuff on the way back through the village on my way home. I wished him luck with his publisher and his book and asked him to keep me informed how things went. I said that in all probability my wife and I would be back during Easter and she would properly want to invite him for dinner. He said he would like that as he would like to see me again. We drew into the station car park.

I told him to go on ahead to get his ticket I would park the car and bring his case to the platform. We made it with minutes to spare so it wasn't too long before the train hove into site. He found his carriage and I handed him his case. He looked back at me and we shook hands, saying what we had to with our eyes. We both nodded slightly, leaving everything between us spoken but understood and I was saddened by the tears in his eyes. I waited as the train drew out and watched as it rounded the corner and slipped behind the hills and out of out of view.

I walked to my car. I sat there for a few minutes; I felt relieved that things had ended as they did. There are only so many trips I could make to the area and the next time I was down here with my wife. Also, the longer things between Peter and I went on, the greater the chance of us being found out. But nonetheless I was sad that it was over. I had my things to collect from Peter's house. As I sat pondering thing over in the car, I decided then that I wouldn't rendezvous with Alan. With my mind made up, I started the car and headed back towards the village.

As I approached centre of the village, there was a delay as a lorry was unloading in the main road and traffic couldn't pass. I had been stopped for less than a minute when someone tapped on the glass of the passenger door. It was Alan. I dropped the window and said hello. He said that he was looking forward to seeing me later. I quickly compromised my initial decision and replied that I couldn't stay for long, just for a coffee. He looked disappointed but then I had to move as the traffic ahead was clearing.

`Just for a coffee then.' He said as I started to pull away.

`OK!' I called out as I drove away.

To be continued.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise for any remaining undiscovered typos.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

Next: Chapter 4

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