A Welcome Return

By Blue Skies

Published on Apr 10, 2012


The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise in advance for any undiscovered typos despite the proof-reading but please do say if there are repetitive grammatical errors which you have found particularly annoying and which I appreciate can drive one to distraction.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

As I drove the short distance to Peter's house I contemplated whether or not to return to Alan's. It would be easy to do and I'd explain later or just not at all. I pulled up at the house and let myself in with the key that Peter had lent me. I moved around the house, picking up my gear as I did so. I decided that I wouldn't return to Alan's; I would just turn right at the gates and drive home. I took one last look around feeling rather sad in a way but knowing it was best to end this before it got too serious. I let myself out of the house, locked the door and then pushed the keys back through the letterbox.

I put my stuff into the car, all the time resolving to turn right and head for home. I turned the car around, pulled up just outside the gates and got out of the car again, and closed the gates behind me. Once back in the car I sat there for half a minute or so and then made up my mind.

Just for a coffee,' I thought, just for a coffee.' I turned left and headed back into the village.

I pulled into the open space outside Alan's parents' house. As I was getting out of the car he came out of a side door.

`I live in this flat when I stay here.' He said by way of explanation as he walked toward me.

`I'm glad you could make it. Come on in.' He turned and walked back towards the side door.

The door led to a small entrance hall and from there into a kitchen area. Another door led to a further room beyond. He asked if I would prefer to sit in the other room or was I happy enough to stay in the kitchen? I replied I was quite happy in the kitchen and sat down as if to emphasise my unspoken resolve to stay just for a coffee. He didn't react in any way other than to reach the coffee pot which was simmering on the side.

`Something told me that he wouldn't come back.' He said.

I gave some noncommittal response and he poured the coffee. We sat drinking and talking of anything but the initial reason for why I was here now. For some reason I was slightly nervous but as we spoke I became more relaxed and he was clearly more at ease. After half an hour or so, I said that I should be getting on my way. He nodded and I rose to go and he stood up also.

If you're not in any rush can you just give me about five minutes before you go?' He asked. I nodded assent. Great.' He said turned and walked into the room off the kitchen and I heard him ascending some stairs but I couldn't see where.

I stood looking out the kitchen window onto the yard where my car was parked and pondered on my reluctance to leave but I steeled my resolve to do so. I heard him come back down the stairs and I turned as he appeared in the doorway from the living room. He stopped there looking directly at me clearly waiting for my reaction. He was completely naked.

In the silence that followed I took in that he was well built and muscular; this was rapidly followed by the realisation that he was totally hairless. My eyes were drawn to his half erect and rather large penis, its length perhaps exaggerated by the lack of any hair at its root. In time my eyes returned his face; I noticed he was smiling slightly.

`I was hoping to get you into my bed before you left.' He said softly.

He was moving slowly toward me and stopped a couple of feet away. My resolve crumbled as I felt a surge of excitement run through me.

`It would be a shame to let such an opportunity pass' I said, and stepped towards him.

As I did so he can toward me also and pulled me towards him and kissed me fiercely. I returned it with equal fierceness. He pulled away and looked at me.

Good,' he said. Let me show you the way.' He turned, and I followed him.

I trailed behind him as he ascended the stairs, looking at his muscular physique ahead of me. I was fascinated by his hairless and well built body. I found it strangely exciting and, at the same time I was nervous wondering how it would be with this man who is very much younger than me. At the top of the stairs he turned and went into a large room which was somewhat dominated by a king-sized bed. The curtains were drawn leaving the room lit in soft and filtered daylight. He turned to face me. In the silence I started to unbutton my shirt.

`Let me do that David.'

I stood silently as he undid my shirt, button by button, and pushed it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He ran his hands over my chest and down across my stomach and on to the belt of my trousers. He fumbled with it slightly as he undid it and I realised that he wasn't quite as confident as he was making out. Strangely, that gave me some comfort. He succeeded in undoing the belt and released the button at the top of my trousers and slowly undid the fly. He slid his hands onto my hips and then slowly drew my trousers, along with the shorts underneath, to the floor; he held on to them as I freed my legs one by one, dragging my socks off as I did so. I kicked my clothes to one side and stood naked before him. He stood looking at me for a few seconds; as he did so I quickly scanned him and noticed the impressive size of his now fully erect penis. As our eyes met we moved toward each other and embraced and then kissed. I was conscious both my own erection and his pressed

between us. After half a minute or so we pulled apart and Alan moved to the bed and lay on his back.

I sat on the bed facing him and reached across and took his rigid cock my hand. There was no denying the fact that he was well built; his cock was large and circumcised and I was fascinated by his being completely shaved and I noticed how smooth the skin looked. As I started to stroke his cock a small pearl of precum leaked from it; with the tip of my forefinger I spread it over its head. I leant forward and took him into my mouth, hearing him gasp as I did so. For half a minute or so I slid him in and out of my mouth using my hand on him at the same time. At most I could take no more than a third of his length in my mouth.

David!' He gasped. I pulled away and looked at him. Sorry.' He said. `It's been a long time.'

I told him it didn't matter and moved up and lay on top of him. For some time we played together moving around and making close bodily contact. Occasionally we took each other into our mouths for a few seconds and moved on as we explored each other. It was a comforting time and allowed us to calm down a little and dissipate some of our initial passion. Eventually we lay on our sides head to toe. I tried very hard not concentrate too much on Alan's ministrations to my cock with his mouth while at the same time drawing great pleasure in returning the compliment to his large and now copiously leaking cock.

I pulled away from him, letting him fall from my mouth and releasing my cock from his.

`Lay on your back.' I said softly.

He said nothing and rolled over as I sat up and looked at his magnificent shaft standing almost vertically from him. I straddled him and reached behind me, taking his cock in my hand. I lowered myself until I felt the slippery head of his penis against my opening. We were both silent as I tried for a while moving slightly up and down to take him inside me using only the lubrication of his precum. It was however not going to work in this position. I pulled myself off him. I went to speak but he beat me to it.

I have some lube.' He said. I'll get it.'

I rolled off him and he got up and crossed the room to a small set of drawers in the corner. He fumbled around for a few seconds then came back holding a box from which he took a tube and a short separate nozzle. He deftly unscrewed the top and replaced it with the nozzle and handed it to me. I told him to lie back down on the bed and I again bestrode him. I reached behind me and inserted the nozzle into my arse and squeezed a generous amount of lube into me. I placed the tube to one side and again lowered myself onto his waiting cock. I had a little more success in getting him to enter me but I was never going to be able to take him in this position. I again rolled off him and lay on my back beside him.

`You'll have to come on top of me Alan.'

I was a little apprehensive and even reluctant to assume this position as it takes away the element of control but there was no other way that I would be able to accommodate him. I pulled my legs up to my chest and, as he came to lie above me, I put them over his shoulder. He quickly realised that having me in such a position gave him the advantage of being able to lift me towards his cock. I felt the tip press against my opening. As it did so I reached down and gripped the root of his penis. He looked down at me quizzically.

I grinned at him. `I can cope with your enthusiasm Alan; I'm not sure I can cope with the size of you. Take it slowly, there's no rush.'

He nodded in silent understanding. Over several minutes, albeit with a lot of patience on his part, I was able to take about a third of him inside me. It was not so much the length of his cock but the girth of it about a third of the way down its length. I tried to relax and he was patient but we both came to the unspoken conclusion that this was as far as we were going to get.

`You can still pleasure yourself and me with what you have in me right now. Let's just both enjoy ourselves as we are.'

He nodded. For the next few minutes he moved in and out of me as far as he was able and as far as I was able to take him inside me. He didn't try to penetrate me further and I felt confident to let go of his cock and run my hands of his shoulders and neck as he moved in and out of me. He stopped occasionally when he was near to cumming, waiting for a few seconds until the moment passed and then continuing his movements. During one of these moments I had to admit myself that I couldn't take much more of the size of him.

`Don't stop any more Alan; keep going; let it happen.'

After that he probably lasted for about half a minute; his strokes became slightly quicker and, as precaution against him thrusting more deeply into me, I reached around and gripped his penis again. As I did so he involuntarily gave one last thrust and I was glad that I'd gripped him as I was conscious of him a little deeper inside me. Then, accompanied by a gasp, he came and I felt a warm and copious rush of warmth as he started to empty himself into me.

It seemed to go on for a considerable time and the spasms continued even after he ceased to cum. After some time he went to pull away but I stopped him, telling him to stay in me. He relaxed and lay on top of me. As he relaxed I ran my hands over shoulders, neck and his closely shaved head. As he softened and grew smaller, and with his weight him on top of me, his penis at last slipped fully into me. We both gasped simultaneously at the unexpectedness of it.

We lay joined like that for some time, not speaking. Eventually as he became fully soft, the muscles of my aching arse contracted, squeezing him from me. He moved from me, kissing my shoulders and across my chest, pausing to softly bite my nipples, and then down across my stomach and finally taking my soft penis into his mouth.

In the most delicate way possible and surprising for such a big man, using only his mouth, he brought me to a full erection and then spent several minutes teasing me with his lips and tongue before plunging me fully into his mouth as I came. The feeling was so intense as to be almost painful and I gripped the sides of the bed with the intensity of the spasms. He stayed with me in his mouth until I started to soften and then moved up the bed and gently kissed me. As our lips touched his tongue probed my mouth and I tasted the warmth of my cum as we kissed for some time, sliding our lips across one another's.

We lay talking for a while and eventually both accepted that I would soon be leaving. He offered me a shower to which I gratefully agreed. We showered together and I continued to be impressed with his physique and the complete hairlessness of his body. He was well proportioned in every way. His body well toned and his equally impressive penis, although soft, also looked a full and pleasing size. I mused that Peter would be a lucky man if he could find the courage to accept Alan's overtures. Having thought that however, and having intimate knowledge of Peter, I wondered he would be able to.

After we dressed Alan made another pot of coffee and we chatted for half an hour or so, feeling relaxed and comfortable in each other's company. I asked obliquely about the possibility of him and Peter. He surprised me by saying that he hoped it would happen, but he didn't want to build up Peter's hopes for anything more permanent. When I looked at him quizzically, he continued that he, like me, considered himself bi-sexual. He regularly visited and stayed with a female friend, usually when she was on vacation from university. He went on to say that it was her that started off the shaving of his body hair, with her shaving him. Indeed it had become a ritual and as a prerequisite and a precursor to some rather uninhibited sex. He asked if my wife would shave me. I said I didn't think she would and I was sure that she wouldn't want me to either.

We fell silent for a few minutes afterward as we mulled over his admission but then resumed our general conversation. Eventually I rose, saying I had to go; he nodded and we both headed for the door. Just as I reached for the handle, he asked if he could kiss me goodbye. I nodded and we stayed there for some time saying our goodbyes, both of us becoming hard again as we did so.

He followed me out to the car and watched as I pulled out of the yard and turned onto the main road and headed for home.

I deliberately drove slower than my normal pace, stopping once at the motorway service area for another coffee and to give me time to acclimatise getting back into `normal' life. It was made slightly more difficult by the fact that my arse was most definitely sore from Alan's ministrations.

I got home and my wife was out. She had left a note saying she would be back at around five

o'clock which gave me an hour or so to calm down. I had a particularly thorough shower and by the time she returned home I was feeling quite normal. She was pleased to see me and asked if I'd had a good time and how Peter was, and could we invite him to dinner one evening when we hired our cottage at Easter. I said I'm sure we could ask him and also to bring somebody with him to make a four. She thought that would be a nice idea and commented again what a nice man he is.

I looked her straight in the eye.

`You enjoyed flirting with him the last time you met him, didn't you?' I asked mischievously.

He was just a lovely gentle man.' She paused. There is something rather appealing about him I have to say.'

`Well, we'll have to make sure that we do ask him when we next visit.' I said.

I ruefully wondered what she'd make of Alan.

The author would be pleased to receive constructive feedback and also if you liked the story.

I apologise again for any remaining undiscovered typos.

Mr BS. (mr_blue_skies@hotmail.co.uk)

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