Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Jun 14, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 1

My name is Aaron Winston. I'm 16 and live with my Grandma and Grandpa on a plantation outside Atlanta Georgia. I was sent here a year ago by my Mom as her and my Dad went through a messy divorce.

I was pretty sure I was gay, but had never done anything. Sure I'd jacked lots thinking about some of my school friends back in New York. In fact that was all I thought about when I jacked off.

Where I lived now was in reality on a huge farm. It wasn't called a plantation, that name sort had too many bad names. Most of the employees on the farm were black, but there were not too many my age. I never saw any of them at my school although there were lots of black students.

I was pretty good in school but never went out for any sports. I guess being only 5 foot 6 inches and about 125 pounds soaking wet had something to do with it. I did have to take PT and of course that gave me a chance to see lots of black kids naked in the shower. That of course fed my fantasies.

The house I lived in was at one time the huge manor house of the plantation. It was over a hundred years old, but had been modernized with all the indoor facilities. I had my own room, with bath and shower. Grandpa and Grandma were real good to me and I had anything I wanted. They never came in my room. Grandpa said it was my space so they'd never intrude. Not like back in New York. My Mom and Dad would barge into my room anytime they felt like it.

I always took an interest in going out with my Grandpa, when he went to check the crops. He had a Gator from John Deere he used. He even let me drive once in a while. Grandpa didn't know my interest was in seeing some of the black workers he had. Hell some of them were bigger soft than I was hard and it always gave me food for thought for later.

It was the last day of school for the summer and I couldn't believe how much junk I had in my locker when I cleaned it out. My backpack was stuffed and I had two big bags of shit. The School Bus dropped me at the gate to our farm. Now I had almost a half mile to walk.

I'd only walked about a hundred yards and already my back hurt, my arms hurt, even my legs. To top it off it must be close to 90 in the shade. I was glad all I had on was a t-shirt and my nylon Gym shorts.

"Hi. You better let me help you with those."

I must have jumped a foot. He scared the crap out of me. I turned and looked. I saw a black boy about a head taller than me and much heavier about four feet away. My mouth dropped open.

"Sorry to scare you. I'm Samuel, Sam for short. My Dad just started here as the new field foreman. I was exploring and saw you needed a hand." He smiled.

"Ah, ah, Aaron. My Grandpa owns the farm."

"Cool. Then we will be seeing lots of each other."

He moved closer and leaned over and took the two bags I was carrying. When he was close I smelled how he smelled and I got instantly hard. If I hadn't been wearing tight underwear he would have seen my hard on.

"Thanks." Is all I could say.

We never talked all the way to the house. Grandpa was sitting on the veranda with a real big black guy. Both stood as we approached.

"I see you met Sam." Grandpa said.

"Yeah he helped me bring my stuff up."

"This John Hillson, the new field foreman I hired."

"Hi." I said.

"Hi Aaron." He stepped closer and put out his hand.

As I shook it he smelled exactly like Sam. It sure didn't help my dick from going down.

"Why don't you boys take your stuff to your room Aaron? Grandma probably has some lemonade in the fridge for you."

"Okay Grandpa. Come on Sam." I walked in the door.

"We'll get rid of this shit and then have some lemonade." I said as I walked in.

"You mind your language in the house Aaron."

Oh shit. I didn't know grandma was so close and I hadn't said it that loud.

"Sorry Grandma. It just slipped out." She leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Lord boy, you smell like a horse barn. Better grab a shower before you come down."

"Yes Grandma."

I headed for the stairs.

"Maybe Sam will wash your back." She said.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What did she just say? I looked toward where she had been and just saw her going in the kitchen chuckling. I looked at Sam and he had a big grin on his face.

I turned and headed for the stairs. Was Grandma trying to tell me something. It made me wonder but also the thought made me harder. Maybe Sam would wash my back if I asked him.

We entered my room and I just dropped my back pack. Sam set down the two bags he was carrying and then wandered around my room.

"Wow, this is nice Aaron. You got it all to yourself?"

"Yeah." Was all I said.

"Well I got to probably share with my sister again."

"You got a sister?"

"Yeah." He said none to pleased.

I just stood in the room, not sure what I was doing.

"Well you going to shower or what?" "Oh yeah." I kicked off my runners and grabbed a clean T-shirt and a pair of white shorts. As I headed to the bathroom I stopped and looked at Sam.

I thought about what grandma had said.

"Do you want to wash my back Sam?"

"Naw. Maybe some other time." He smiled.

"Cool." I went inside and closed the door.

I pulled off my socks, and t-shirt. I pushed my shorts and underwear down. My cock slapped my stomach. I looked down at it. Jesus it was even leaking. I jumped in the shower and turned the water on. Set the temperature at warm not hot. I grabbed my cock and gave it a tug. Oh damn it felt good. I continued to jack my dick and only made about five strokes before my dick shot. God what a rush. I'd never jacked in the shower before and as I came I almost fainted and slammed into the wall of the shower. It was real loud.

"You okay in there Aaron?" I heard Sam say.

"Aaron, Aaron."

"Yeah, I'm good. Dropped the soap and slipped when I picked it up." I lied.

My dick had gone soft as I finished showering. Damn I thought. If Sam had been in here he could have held me up. Thinking that I started to get hard again. Damn got to stop thinking like that.

I quickly finished and dried off. Slipped on my t-shirt. Damn I forgot undies. Well fuck it. I seldom wore undies on the farm. I pulled on my shorts. Sam was on his knees looking at my games for my X Box.

"Shit you got lots more games than I do. You got Halo 4?"

"No. Never had time to get into Atlanta to pick one up yet."

"Well we can use mine. Be nice to play with a partner."

"Cool." I said as I slipped on my runners without socks.

As he stood up he adjusted himself and I knew he had a big dick.

Come on, we'll get some lemonade."

We almost ran down stairs to the kitchen. As soon as I entered I knew Grandma had made cookies. I could smell them. WE sat down and Grandma poured two big glasses of Lemonade and then set down a plate of fresh cookies.

"Two only boys. Don't want to ruin your dinner."

"Yes Grandma." I said as grabbed two cookies.

"Thank you Mrs. Newton." Sam said.

"It's just Elsie or Grandma. None of this Mrs. Stuff Sam.

"Okay Grandma." He said.

Now I was one with the big smile.

Henry, my Grandpa walked in with John. He made a beeline to the fridge, but must have smelled the fresh cookies. He stopped behind Grandma and reached over to grab some cookies. Grandma slapped his hand.

"Just two, like I told these two. Don't want to ruin your dinner."

Grandpa stopped, wrapped his arms around Grandma and kissed her, the in a voice just like me said.

"Yes Grandma."

"Oh get on with you, you big oaf."

There was no doubt in any ones mind that Grandma and Grandpa loved each other very much.

Grandpa grabbed two cookies and then a couple of beers. He headed for his office. Then he stopped.

"Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Sam, if it's alright with your Father, we have fixed up the suite above the old carriage house for you to use. John told me you hated to share with your sister."

Sam's mouth dropped open and his eyes got glassy. He looked at Henry and then his Father. His Father just nodded and Sam jumped up and hugged Grandpa.

"Thank you sir. I just never expected something like this."

"Sam, its just Henry. Forget the Sir stuff. Aaron, when you two are done you can take Sam and show him, Maybe help him move his stuff in."

"For sure Grandpa."

We quickly finished and I took Sam to the old carriage house. The ground floor was used for storage, but stairs at the back led up to the small suite. It had originally been added as quarters for the carriage driver, but had not been used in years.

Grandma must have had a hand in this. The place was spotless. In the small living room were a leather couch and chair and small table. The windows were clean too and looked out the front. A wide screen TV was on one side and a couple of bookcases on the other side.

"The bedroom had a big old four poster bed and a closet and a couple of chest of drawers. Off the bedroom was a bathroom with old tub and shower, plus toilet and basin.

When I looked at Sam, tears were streaming down his face.

"Nobody ever did something like this for me before."

Without even thinking I wrapped my arms around him.

"I guess Grandma and Grandpa want you to be happy here." I said.

He just looked at me.

Two things happened at once. I got instantly hard and knew he had to feel it against him and he got hard too. I had dreamed of doing this like forever, but now had no idea what to do. Sam pushed me back, but still held onto me.

"I'm so glad my Dad took this job. I'm so glad you were here Aaron. I'm even more glad you are like me." Then he pulled me close again.

I just melted into him. It felt so right. He just held me. Then he let go and guided me to the bed. I started to shake.

"Relax Aaron. We are going to take everything real slow."

"It's not that Sam. I've been dreaming of this forever. I don't want to go slow."

"Well we can't do anything like this." He laughed.

He reached out and pulled the t-shirt over my head. Then reached down and undid my shorts. They just dropped to the floor.

"Wow! You are so good looking Aaron."

I reached out with shaking hands and pulled off his t-shirt. My hands were shaking even more when I reached to undo his shorts. They just dropped to the floor. He didn't have any underwear on either. My mouth dropped open.


He was about two inches longer than me and way thicker. When I reached for his cock he stopped me and guided me up onto the bed. He laid on top of me.

I watched as his face came down. His lips touched mine and then I felt his tongue pushing at my lips. I just opened my mouth. My whole mind exploded. Then we were in a sword fight with our tongues. I never wanted it to end. Then he lifted up and looked at me. He bent and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before moving up and kissing my nose. Then he moved down and kissed my chin.

His tongue moved down and licked one of my nipples. My whole body spasmed off the bed and I almost came right then. He did the same for the other nipple and then moved down and licked my belly button. It tickled and I giggled. He stopped, I had my eyes squeezed shut. I was so close to coming I could hardly breath.

Then I felt his tongue and then I felt my whole cock slide into his mouth. That did it. I couldn't stop. My body shot up and I shot my load. I just couldn't stop, it seemed to last forever. Never in my life had I ever felt something so good. My body slumped onto the bed. "Wow! Aaron you taste real good." Sam said.

I felt his mouth on my balls and then his tongue moved lower. It took a moment and then he pushed my legs back and swished his tongue over my hole. That almost got me off again. I knew what I wanted right then.

"Fuck me Sam." I said.

He stopped.

When I opened my eyes and looked, he just smiled.

"No way Aaron. We got lots of time for that baby."

He then moved back up and we went into a lip lock. I wrapped my arms around him. This felt so right to me I never wanted to be anywhere but here beside him. He then rolled over so I was now on top of him.

I did the same thing he had done, except his nipples were like spear points. But I guess he was getting urgent, he pushed me lower. Well I wanted what he wanted too. This was a dream come true for me. I looked at his rock hard cock. The dark pink head of his cock looked like a heart. The big piss slit had plenty of precumm on it.

I'd read everything I could on the internet about sucking cocks, but now just wasn't sure. I knew I had to watch my teeth. I just opened my mouth wide and let his cock into my mouth.

"Sorry Aaron." I heard Sam say.

His hand on my head pushed his cock into my throat. I gagged, but then he came and filled my mouth and throat with his stuff. I just swallowed. When I swallowed his cock was pulled into my throat. God I thought I was going to drown, there was so much, but it tasted fantastic. I hungrily sucked at his cock until he pulled me off. "Damn Aaron that felt so good."

"You taste fantastic. I could live on it." I said.

I looked down at his still hard cock. It was then I noticed he shaved all his hair off. I lowered my head and licked his cock and then tried to get his balls in my mouth like he had done to me. His were bigger and I could only get one at a time in my mouth. As I licked lower, he pulled his legs back.

Now I knew what he wanted and I had seen a lot of guys rimming on porn I had watched. I had always thought it was gross, but I also saw how much guys liked it when it was done. I wanted to try coz Sam had done it to me.

I closed my eyes and lowered my face into his crack. All I smell was his sweet smell and sweat. I stuck my tongue out and licked. Not bad I thought. I tongued down his crack and when my tongue hit his hole his body bucked on the bed.

"Oh God Aaron. That feels so good. Please don't stop." He almost screamed.

Well not tasting anything bad I just did it again and again. I thought I could feel it moving under my tongue so I pushed my tongue against his hole.

"OHHHHHHHH! I'm going to cumm!" He yelled.

Like a shot, I was on his cock. My lips were barely over the head when he shot. It filled my mouth as I took more of his cock. I hardly gagged at all as it went into my throat. I felt two more shots and swallowed. As I lifted up I savored what was in my mouth. Wow, it was so good.

I moved back up onto his chest and damn quick we were in another lip lock. We wreathed on the bed, each trying to kiss the other every where. I felt his hard cock pushing in to my stomach and wanted more of him. I turned around and took his cock back into my mouth. This time I went slow and felt what his cock was like. It was so smooth and felt so right, I could probably stayed right there forever. I felt his hot mouth take my cock and then we just sucked each other. All of sudden Sam rolled so I was under him and he dropped his weight onto me. His cock was forced right to the bottom of my throat. I gagged instantly, but couldn't move. I felt his cock get bigger and then two shots filled my throat. All I could do was swallow. Him cumming caused me to blow and I felt his throat as he swallowed.

He rolled back and I took several deep breathes before licking his cock. Then I turned and kissed him.

"I'll never get enough of you Sam."

He just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

I guess we sort of dozed, but came instantly alert when the phone rang. It rang a second time and Sam staggered into the living room. I didn't hear the conversation. God I was tired I just wanted to sleep.

"That was Grandpa. He said dinner will be ready in 40 minutes and we should get cleaned up for dinner." He just headed for the bathroom.

I heard him pissing in the can and that reminded me that I had to piss too. I staggered into the bathroom. Sam was in the tub adjusting the shower. I pissed and then joined him. I had been soft until I got in the shower with him.

"Damn Aaron. You are one horny guy."

"I can't help it. It happens when I get close to you Sam." "Yeah I have the same problem."

We rinsed off the sweat and sex smell from our bodies and then dried. We went out and dressed.

"We sure didn't get anything unpacked."

"Well we can move it all here after dinner, maybe unpack everything tomorrow." He said.

I was thinking of something else we might do tonight too.

Dinner was great and I met Sam's Mom. She insisted I call her Mom too. Sam's sister wasn't there and I didn't say anything. Grandpa and John talked about the farm as Grandma and Sam's mom talked about cooking and other stuff. Sam and I hardly said anything.

After dinner, Grandma and Sam's Mom shooed us out of the kitchen. Grandpa grabbed four beers and led us guys to the veranda. He gave Sam and me a beer. That kind of astounded me.

"So you boys get Sam all moved in?"

"Well just sort of talked Grandpa."

"Just talked eh." He said and had sort of a twinkle in his eye.

God, did he know what we were doing.

If Grandpa had something on his mind he always just said it right out.

"Aaron, John told me his son was Gay even before I hired him. I told him I figured you were Gay too."

I think my jaw hit the floor and when I looked Sam was the same way. Grandpa and John burst out laughing.

"Aaron, you Grandma and me had figured you were gay for a while now. Neither of us have any problem with it. Sam your Father and Mother have known as well for a while. To all of us it does not matter what you two do together as long as you keep it private. You have to remember you both are just sixteen and what you may or may not do is illegal in this state. Also be careful.

"Sam that was the main reason we set up that suite for you in the carriage house. We pretty much figured you two would figure each out pretty quick."

"Dad, Grandpa, I love Aaron." Sam said.

Grandpa laughed.

"From the looks on Aaron's face the feelings are mutual. I'm very happy for you both."

That statement brought tears to my eyes and I almost ran into my Grandpa's arms. He hugged me. Sam was pretty quick to hug his dad and then did the same to Grandpa.

"Okay guys. Why don't you go get Sam moved in properly."

I was almost giddy with happiness as we walked over to the carriage house. We did move everything over from John's house, but figured we would unpack the next day.

We were just cuddling on the couch when I noticed a cabinet I had not noticed before.

"What's that cabinet?"

Sam smiled and got up walked to it. Opened the door, grabbed two beers and came back and sat down. He handed me an ice cold beer.

"That's the small refrigerator my dad had in the garage at home. I've been drinking beer with him since I was fourteen."

"Damn this is just like a home now." I said.

"Yeah, our home Aaron."


Comments good or bad welcome suddar40@shaw.ca

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Next: Chapter 2

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