Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Oct 5, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 14

We walked into the Principal's office.

"Yes Aaron."

"We need to talk Sir."

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Sir it's this caning thing. You got to make things different. Sarah here refused to get caned coz she told me she never even takes her clothes off with her parents, let alone in front of a bunch of boys. I won't either Sir, not with any girls looking."

"You gave Gary a suspension coz he refused. Yesterday four more kids were suspended. By this afternoon or tomorrow, you'll have half the school suspended."

"I like this school coz it is so different than Jackson High. There I couldn't even go near a colored guy coz I'd get my head bashed in. Here I can Talk to and even joke with colored boys and girls. Everyone gets along. Now if you want it stay this way you got to change things coz people are starting to rebel. If it goes much further you going to lose that part with everyone getting along."

"I am presuming you also have a suggestion Aaron."

"Yes Sir. Could you get the two Councilors in here?"

"Sure. Hang on a minute." He picked up his phone and asked both to his office.

"Okay Aaron."

"Well Sarah here said she wouldn't mind getting caned, but not in front of class. She said her parents are going to punish her when they find out she got suspended so she might as well take her lumps here in school. Just not in front of class."

"Why can't the kids get caned in private, like maybe in the councilors office. Guys by guys and girls by girls. You would need a witness too."

"What do you two think about Aaron's idea?"

"Well I think Aaron may be right. Canning kids in front of their peers is not the best solution. These aren't children anymore and granted there should be a punishment for breaking rules, it might be better to do as he says." Mr. Garrison said.

"I agree." Mrs. White said.

"Sarah, if I drop your suspension, would you willing to be caned by Mrs. White in her office?"

She had tears in her eyes.

"Yes Sir."

He bent down and wrote on a paper.

"This is a late slip Sarah. You can return to class."

"Yes Sir." She took the slip and left.

"Well Aaron, you have done it again. I was right in picking you to be a student Councilor."

"Sir I have been thinking about what you said about the grade twelve STAT exams. Is it alright if I study grade twelve courses? I think I want to take them at the end of the year."

"You can study anything you want Aaron. Just make sure your grade eleven is done first."

"Thank you Sir."

"You better get to class too, although I doubt you really need them."

"Yes Sir." I left his office.

Well the morning went quick and about 11 am the Principal called all students and teachers to the Auditorium. He explained the new caning policy. It was almost word for word what I said.

At lunch a lot of students were talking about it and I also saw a lot of smiles. I figured Sarah would spread it around that I had done it. That might make it easier to get what I wanted.

A grade twelve teacher told me to stop by his office and he would give a list of texts I'd need to study Grade twelve. He also said I would have to write the Mid Term Exams for grade twelve in January.

When I got home Gary already had Dinner ready. I told him about what happened. Even about doing grade twelve stuff.

"You really are something else love. Why do you want to graduate so early?'

Well I'd go to Georgia U a year early and start helping Grandpa and Grandma out earlier."

"Aaron with your grades you could take anything, why a farming program?"

"Well Georgia U has a new Agriculture Engineering Course run out of Penelope. That's just 30 miles from the farm. I could go to school there and come home nights. That way I wouldn't be away from you and still be able to go to classes with no problem."

"That the only reason Baby?"

No. Grandma and Grandpa are not getting any younger. Grandma is near fifty five and Grandpa near sixty. I want them to be able to relax more. Maybe retire."

"I doubt your Grandpa will ever retire." HE laughed.

"Well maybe not entirely, but if I am running more things then they can take off and maybe holiday in the winter. What about you Gary? Your Dad might want you to start helping him out more. You might think about a Real Estate license. I know your Dad and my Grandpa have a lot of stuff they are both into, so he might want you to help out."

"Yeah my Dad already told me he's left most of the stuff to me."

"See we'd still be partners."

Well dinners ready. We got a lot of time before we need worry about all that shit." Gary was a real good cook. I guess living alone with just his Dad for those years helped. When I thought about that I wished I knew Gary two years ago. WE cleaned up after Dinner and then drank a beer while I checked Gary's homework.

"You're a real good influence on me love. I'm getting better marks than I ever had."

"Well I always knew you were smart. Just needed a push." I laughed.

Gary made love to me that night. Not the usual way of hammering away at my chute. This time he went real slow, like he never wanted it to end. To be honest, although it drove right around the bend, I loved every second of it. We spooned together to sleep.

"Grandpa was real happy when we got to the farm. Twenty six guys from the football team and seven others had showed up to work. He sent Gary and I to Gleason Farm to start the corn field there. We spent all weekend there.

Gary had one more day of suspension to pull so I drove to school alone again. Marion Washington, one of the guards on the football team said I could blow him if I wanted. We agreed to meet in the field house at lunch.

I was pretty much hard all morning waiting for lunch break. I had to use my books to cover my dick as I walked between classes. Even Jimmy commented and I told him.

"You'll probably have Jerry there too. Those two pretty much do everything together."

"You can come too if you want."

"Shit Aaron you really are nuts. I get enough from Sam so it's okay."

"Well you both know I'll do you guys anytime."

"Yeah bud. We do."

Well I did both Jerry and Marion. I wished we had more time because I would have loved to have them fuck me. There is no doubt I loved black cocks. They were always so silky feeling when I sucked them. Both had pretty big loads too, which meant I didn't need lunch. I figured word would get around pretty fast I'd do anyone that wanted.

Another boring afternoon.

There were quite a few clouds moving in when I drove home. I figured we might be in for some rain. Not all that unusual in September. I put the top up on my Jeep when I got home.

I could smell dinner cooking as I walked into the apartment. Gary had been cooking all the dinners lately. I guess it was fair. I made breakfast and lunches. I quickly stripped and was in his arms after that.

"Gee love, horny?"

"Yeah, had a hard on all day."

I told him about Marion and Jerry.

"Really. Those two are about the straightest guys on the team. I am surprised."

Well Marion asked me first thing and Jerry was there when I did him. Both are real nice."

"Well I am surprised, but you know word will get around pretty quick all they have to do is ask."

"Hope so." I giggled.

"Yeah but I can't share."

"Sure you can come along when I do guys."

"Maybe." He laughed.

"Anyway, looks like rain so we'll have to take your truck tomorrow."


If it does rain, football practice will be a mess."

"Yeah, I'll think about you guys when I'm in a nice warm pool."

"Asshole." He laughed and slapped me on the butt.

WE enjoyed a long session of just sucking before sleep. I was learning to hold out a lot longer than I used to. It meant I enjoyed it even more. Sleep was easy cuddled up next to Gary after we had a load of each other inside us.

It was much cooler in the apartment when I got out of bed. I shut the air conditioner off and opened the curtains in the living room. Low scudding clouds streamed by. Definitely rain coming.

I put the coffee on and went and did our usual morning ritual. After breakfast, we turned on the TV to the weather channel. A hurricane warning ran across the bottom of the screen. It covered all of Jackson and Monroe Counties plus most of the State south.

"Might not be school today Gary."

"Guess we will see when we get there." We grabbed our books and headed out.

All the schools in Monroe are clumped together on one long black in Monroe. The school buses were still in Front of the schools so we knew something was up. When we walked in most of the students were in the cafeteria watching the news. We both headed for the Principals office. He was on the phone when we walked in.

"Okay, Elementary and Junior High Schools are closed. Classes here are voluntary for now. I'll be making that announcement shortly. You probably want to head to the Farm to help your Grandpa."

"Yes Sir."

"Okay that's fine with me. Good luck boys and God Bless you."

WE headed for the cafeteria to check the news. The warnings were now for all Counties South of Monroe. With the south most parts of Jackson and south the biggest concern. I knew there were a lot of small farms in the southern part of the county. They would really need help.

When things like this happened, at least in Jackson County everyone pulled together. Old feuds were forgotten and everyone helped as best they could.

Are you heading to help your Grandpa Aaron?" Allan asked.

"Yeah, as soon as I pick up my Jeep."

"Well we want to help too."


"Yeah the Football team. Most of us worked this last weekend and want to help if we can."

I saw almost a sea of guys looking at me. Most of these guys hated me coz I was a fag and yet they wanted to help. I was somewhat overwhelmed.

"Okay, but you can't drive any cars or two wheel drive trucks. The roads in Jackson are nothing more than dirt with a thin layer of gravel. They go to shit real fast in heavy rain. You guys with 4x4 trucks will have to haul the guys with cars. I'll meet everyone at the Stanton Pit. I got to pick up my Jeep coz Gary's truck is only 2 wheel drive."

Can I ride with you Aaron?" Allan asked.

"Sure meet us at Gary's truck."

"Can we help too Aaron." Barry said.

"Sure guys. Meet us at the truck."

Gary and I headed for our locker to drop our books.

"You'll need to do a little payback after this is over Love."

"I hope so." I laughed.

"Well I will help Babe."

"I hope so coz I don't think I can handle thirty cocks in a row."

"You'd do them all at once?"

"If they asked for sure. Maybe a big beach party."

"Well we won't be able to use Long Lake."

"Well maybe at the old fort."

WE headed for our truck. Jimmy was in the cab and Allan and Barry in the back. We drove to our apartment and Gary and I went to get boots and rain gear. When we got back to the Jeep, I burst out laughing. Allan and the two smaller boys were crammed into the back seat of the Jeep. I suppose there was supposed to be room for three back there, but Allan was so big he took a lot of room. Both boys were almost in his lap. He had one arm around both and from his smile I figured I knew where the boy's hands were.

You wouldn't really know it was day, the clouds were getting darker. It hadn't started to rain here in Monroe yet, but knew it would be soon. By the time I got to the pit, there were a few drops coming down. The pit was shutdown, but most of crew seemed to be still around. I saw the Haul trucks lined up so figured the haul road would be shut. That was good coz it almost cut Jackson County down the middle. That would be the only gravel road passable later.

I met with Mr. Simpson and told him I was heading for the Farm.

"That bunch lined up there yours?"

"Yeah. Their coming to help Grandpa. Is the haul road closed to trucks?"

"Your Grandpa will appreciate the help and you can use the haul road. Good luck Son."

WE were a real convoy as we headed down the haul road to the farm. I pulled into the yard and saw Grandpa at the cook shack talking. I just pulled up and stopped. The guys behind just pulled up in a row beside me. I saw Grandpa looking at us.

Gary and I got out and went up to Grandpa.

"What's this Son?"

"They all came to help. Their all four by fours so they should help getting people out."

All the guys had got out and were all up near the cook shack.

"First. Thank you all for coming. We really need the help. I want you to pair off, with two to a truck. You will also travel with two trucks together so if one gets in trouble the other can help out. The roads here in this county go to hell real fast in heavy rain and its already raining real heavy in the south. Each crew grab a walkie talkie and a map. I'll give each of you assignments."

"Now this is important. Don't miss any of the farms you have to look at. Even if it looks deserted check them out. Last time a storm of this magnitude hit almost 150 people lost their lives. I won't let that happen again."

I think it finally dawned on these guys that this was life or death situation.

"Grandpa, can you give these two something to do too?"

Grandpa looked at two smaller boys.

"You boys want to help Joshua on the food trucks?"

"Yes Sir. We'll do anything."

"Joshua, I got you two volunteers."

"Great. Come on boys we can get to work." Barry and jimmy headed off with Joshua.

"How many of you have winches?" about half put their hands up.

Everybody had paired up. It left about nine guys without vehicles.

"Now, the Governor has ordered that everyone within ten miles of the coast be evacuated. The National Guard has set up in Jackson to receive people. They are putting beds and washroom facilities in the Arena and High school gym. Now that's all they can do. Most of the guard will be farther south. They have promised me six humvee. I'll get you guys with nothing yet into a humvee if they get here."

He turned to Allan.

"What's your name Son?"

Allan Sir."

"Allan, you can get with Kevin. He's one of my regular hands. Aaron I'm giving you and Kevin the hardest job because that Jeep of yours can almost go under water. I want you guys to check all the Farms along the Tuskanee."

This is real simple guys. Pull people who can't get out, out. Take them to a paved highway and call in. A bus will pick them up. But don't leave them until the bus does come."

I didn't bother to grab a map. I knew where I was going. I hoped Grandpa was right about the almost under water thing. The Tuskanee overflowed its banks in almost any rain. With this downpour it would be overflowing its banks already. All those farms would be almost underwater already.

Which really meant we had to go soon. I headed for Kevin's truck. It was a farm truck and looked like shit, but I knew it was in good shape mechanically. Kevin kept it in good shape. He knew where we were going too.

"This sucks Aaron. Most of those farms will be under water already."

"Yeah I know but we got to check them. Lets grab some water and coffee and we'll head out."

Before we pulled out I asked Kevin if he had put blankets in back. He was driving a crew cab 4x4 with a canopy.

"Yeah Aaron. Got blankets and a cooler with water and sandwiches."

The quickest way to Tuskanee River road was through Callum and onto 28. Then down to Cemetery road, then south to Tuskanee road. We'd have to bring everyone back out to Highway 28.

I led off with Kevin following. The farther south we travelled the heavier the rain got. The County had maintained Cemetery Road coz the Cemetery was the only graveyard in the County, plus it was a War Memorial from the Civil War and Revolutionary War.

All the farms along the Tuskanee grew tobacco. For these small farms it was a real good cash crop. They usually got two crops off a year. I knew it was almost time to harvest the second crop, so these Farmers would lose that crop. Any product in the drying barns would be okay if the water didn't get too high.

The first farm was a bare half mile in. I stopped at the lane. The lane I saw was almost underwater already. Rather than take a chance on getting stuck, we would walk in. I didn't trust the idea that my Jeep could almost go underwater, besides four wheel drive would tear up the lane.

"Come on Gary. We got to check it out."

He never hesitated as I climbed out and headed down the lane. We were both soaked to the skin almost instantly. It took the better part of an hour to check all the buildings. This farmer had decided to get out. We found no one.

All these farms were about 50 acres and grouped pretty close along Tuskanee Road. The second farm was about another half mile. I knew what the biggest problem would be. We were heading slightly downhill so each farm would be lower and more flooded.

This farm we pulled out three people. Man and wife and 8 year old son. It looked like the lady was pregnant.

At the next place we got six more. Then four at the following one. WE had room for maybe six more before we had to head out to unload. Well we got seven. Man and Wife and five boys ranging in age from 6 to 13. Top it off the lady was wheelchair borne. Made a bitch of a time getting them all out.

Getting back to Cemetery road was even worse coz we made some pretty big ruts on the way in. Each trip was going to get worse.

Very late in the day I finally had to stop. With the rain almost horizontal with the wind, I couldn't see in front of me more than six feet. Not only that the road was completely underwater. I stopped and we went back to talk to Kevin.

WE had pulled almost 40 people out of those farms and had three more to check. Gary and I sat in the cab trying to warm up a bit. We were covered in mud and dirt from head to toe and soaked to the skin.

What might be worse we couldn't get anybody on the radio. I figured down in here in the bottom land the signal wasn't getting through. Kevin was looking at the map.

"Aaron, I figure we are just about here. The last place we got anyone was the Jenkins's place. Now if we could get up here, we could stop at the Buckley place for the night."

The look on my face made Kevin laugh.

"Not scared of a few ghosts are you Aaron."

"Well no, but no one goes there. There's nothing there but the drying barn."

What's this about ghosts?" Allan asked.

"Well back in the late sixties, Mr. Buckley and his wife, with a thirteen old daughter and a fifteen year old son had a farm there. Although never proven it is believed the KKK burned him out one night. They burned the house down with the family still inside. Ever since people have reported seeing people walking around on the homestead and even see the burning house."

"Well we can't stay on the road Aaron. It could be underwater by tomorrow. We have to get to higher ground. Maybe then we can get a message out."

"Okay, but I need a guide in front of me. I can't see six feet in front of the Jeep. I go off the road we are really screwed."

So with Allan sitting on the hood of the Jeep and Gary walking out in front we headed off. It was very slow trip. WE had near 500 yards to the entrance lane to Buckley Farm. It got better as we travelled at least the road did. The rain and wind got worse. Finally Allan signaled me to turn right. As soon as I hit the lane I was on solid ground. Buckley Farm was built on a bluff above the river. It wasn't hard to find the big drying barn. Gary and Allan tried to open the big doors. They rolled open far too easy for a building that had not been in use for sixty years. When I drove inside I saw why. Not everybody believed ghosts. Some one was using the drying barn to store bailed straw.

Once we were both inside we closed the doors. Kevin dug out two hurricane lamps and lit them. Place looked not bad inside.

Now that we had stopped doing anything I started to feel the cold. It was no warmer inside than out. Gary figured we could get a fire going in the drying furnace. That would give us some heat.

After he had a roaring fire in the furnace, I started to peel off my mud caked and soaked clothes.

"Wish we could wash these before we dry them." I said.

"Well we got mother Natures washing machine outside." Kevin said.

It took a moment for me to understand.

"Fuck yeah." I laughed and pulled off my hoody.

I headed outside and let the wind and rain rinse out my clothes. I took my jeans off and did them too. The rain though cold felt good. After getting everything rinsed out I went back inside. It never bothered me to be nude and Kevin didn't comment when he handed me a blanket to cover up.

I didn't think I was outside all that long but Kevin and the others had really been working. They had a line set up to dry our stuff and a couple of bail of straw pulled over covered in blankets. They had pulled out the cooler too. I wrung out my jeans and hoody and hung them to dry.

Kevin and Allan both came in together. Kevin had boxer briefs on and Allan bikini briefs. Gary and I had nothing. In the light I could see Kevin had about 7 inches of thick uncut meat. Nice I thought. I was sure he knew I was checking him out, but never commented.

After they both wrung out there cloths they hung them up.

Then both peeled off the briefs. Kevin did have about 7 inches of uncut meat.

"Like what you see Aaron?" I guess I turned red coz he caught me looking.

They all laughed.

Kevin picked up his water.

"You want a beer Kevin? I brought beer."

"Fuck yeah. I forgot, I got some in the truck too." He walked over to me. He had not even draped a blanket over himself.

Up close I knew I wanted that cock and got instantly hard. I showed in front of my blanket.

"Later Aaron you can take care of it." He said and my mouth watered.

Pretty quick we were all sitting near the fire, drinking beer and eating sandwiches.

It wasn't long before my eyes started to droop. I was so tired and now warm and dry, I just wanted to sleep. Gary noticed and pulled over another two bales. He draped a blanket over them and lay down.

"Come on love lay down here."

I lay down cuddled up to him was out like a light.

I wasn't at first sure where I was when I woke up and then the rattle of rain on the metal roof and creaking timbers of the barn let me remember quick. My Bladder was screaming for attention and as I pulled the blanket back I got instantly cold.

"You okay babe?" Gary asked.

"Fuck its cold and I got to pee real bad."

"Can you wait while I stoke the fire up?"

"Not a chance love, if I don't go soon I'm going to piss all over."

"Okay babe. I'll help." He pulled me up and wrapped a blanket around me.

Then led me across the barn and down the wall to a man door. He pulled it open. You couldn't really see out the water coming off the roof was like a water fall. Seeing that water I just pulled my dick clear of the blanket and let go. Gary did the same. What a relief.

He closed the door and led me back to our bed. I sat down while he built the fire back up. Soon enough he had a roaring fire going. He checked our cloths.

"They are still pretty damp. Might be better after they warm up."

He walked to my jeep and rummaged around. When he came back he had a can of coffee and a coffee pot in his hands.

"Where did they come from? I don't think we packed any."

"The beach party at long Lake. I remembered I put the coffee and coffee pot in the tool storage under the passenger seat when we cleaned up."

The smell of coffee brought Kevin and Allan awake. Both sat up and then headed for the door to piss. I saw that they had slept together. I wondered if Allan or Kevin got lucky. Gary brought me a cup of coffee, no sugar or cream, but still tasted good.

Kevin and Allan both checked their clothes and Kevin pulled down his shorts. He looked at them and then around the barn or more specifically at Gary and me and then hung up his underwear again. I actually wished he had put them on. It was going to hard enough with them in just undies, but walking around nude, I was going to be hard all the time. I really was hooked on cocks of any kind and Allan and Kevin had nice smooth black cocks.

It was obvious Kevin didn't mind being nude and Allan sort just followed what he did. I really wondered then if maybe they did get it on after I went to sleep.

Kevin and Gary started to go through the big cooler. It was one of the field coolers Joshua had. You could pack meals for a whole crew in it.

"Well we enough food for a few days. Even got eggs if we could cook them."

"After we finish with the coffee pot we can boil some up." Gary said.

Well breakfast ended up boiled eggs, coffee, and bread and peanut butter sandwiches. We also made another pot of coffee.

"Wish we knew what was happening?" I said.

"Oh yeah, forgot. We got through on the radio. The roads to our south are underwater. The Guard tried to get in last night but even with tracked vehicles couldn't get to us. We are supposed to stay put. The storm center was supposed to come ashore some where near Savannah. They figure we will get lots of rain and wind but nothing more."

"So were stuck here until the storm passes."

Well with the furnace going full blast it didn't take long to warm up the inside of the barn. The furnace had pipes off it that put out heat near the bottom all along the floor of the barn. That heated up the inside real good.

As long as no one got to close to me I was okay with everyone walking around nude. WE checked out our vehicles, topped up oil and water. I refilled my gas tank from the two jerry cans I carried. That four cylinder engine didn't use much fuel. We never bothered to clean the mud off, it would just get covered again when we left, when ever that was.

WE sat and talked mostly. The Farm, school, other related subjects. Allan finally brought up what he was thinking.

"So, how long you figure we are going to be stuck here?"

"About three days." Kevin said.

"You got your back pack with you Aaron?"

"Sure. It's in the Jeep. Why?"

"Well if you have lube, you guys could take my cheery."

Kevin's mouth dropped open, Gary laughed and I just sat dumbstruck.

"Aaron, you promised when we had a couple of days you would fuck me. Well we got three days and with all three of you I should get used to it by then." Well my cock told me I was interested, it got hard. Kevin was plumped up and Gary, although not hard would be pretty quick. Allan's monster was very hard.

"You got to be really sure Allan. Once I break you, it will take a team of horses to hold Gary and Kevin back."

"I'm sure."

Now that he decided, I wasn't sure what to do next.

Gary got up and picked up a blanket. He folded it up and placed it next to a bail of straw.

"Okay Allan. Get on your knees on the blanket and lean over the bail. We'll start doggy style. Gives more control. Kevin, grab Aaron's back pack. He always has extra tubes of lube."

"Really! Why?"

"Coz Aaron likes to get screwed as much or even more than I do."

"Yeah Kevin and you can do me later too."

By now Kevin was rock hard. A nice thick nine inches.

Kevin brought the lube and Gary was quick to push Allan down on the blanket. He applied a liberal amount of lube on Allan's tight hole.

"I'll loosen him up. Kevin, you better hold his hands coz this is going to hurt. Guess you can scream all you want Allan, nobody hear you except us. Aaron once I got his loose you can just do him."

Gary didn't just ram his finger in. He started real slow and Allan actually moaned as Gary worked first one and then two fingers in and out of his snug hole. It was only when Gary started in with three that Allan yelled.

"God noooo! Please no. God that hurts. Not like this please." He screamed.

"Kind of late to change your mind Allan." Gary said as he twisted his finger inside Allan.

I knew this was now rape and I wasn't sure I wanted to be a party to raping Allan.

"Come on Aaron. Get ready."

When I hesitated.

"Aaron if you don't, I will."

Gary wasn't kidding. Allan had been one of his tormenters last year and Gary would take great pleasure in raping his virgin ass. He would also probably tear Allan open and not care.

I got up behind Allan and lubed up my cock. I had to bend my knees to line up. As Gary pulled out his three fingers I pushed the head of my cock into Allan. It went in real easy, but Allan clamped his ass closed real hard. I thought he might cut my dick off.

Allan was now crying his head off knowing what was happening to him. He may have asked for it, but I'm sure he hadn't realized what it would cost him. I could feel his muscles clamping and unclamping against the head of my cock. Now that I was in I wanted to continue. With just my head in it was real warm inside Allan.

I think Allan became resigned to the fact that no matter what he did or said he was going to get raped. His hole relaxed on my cock and I just slid inside him. He wasn't all that resigned because he screamed bloody murder as my cock just went in. Two things I knew instantly. One was Allan's insides were very hot and very smooth and two I didn't just blow. The first time I had screwed Gary I blew as soon as I was inside him.

"I'm all the way inside Allan." I said.

"Please take it out. It really hurts."

"Allan, I know you wanted this and I know I told you, you would hate me, but it is kind of late to back out now."

I only made four strokes before I blew. It didn't matter to Allan he just continued to cry. I stayed hard so just continued to fuck him. It no more than ten minutes until I blew a second time. This time I pulled out. My cock was pretty clean, but I guess we really hadn't eaten much the previous day. I wiped my dick off with a paper towel.

Allan just lay still whimpering.

I knew he would be screaming shortly. Gary was lubing up his cock.

"Go easy Gary."

"I will babe, but he knew what would happen."

Well Allan's banshee scream of pain when Gary's beer can cock opened him up probably scared off every ghost within ten miles. His screams just continued. Even after Gary was done and out he still cried real loud. Kevin fucking him was almost an anticlimax. After we were all done we cleaned up Allan and sat him down.

He sat sniffling for a while. "You hate me now, don't you Allan?" I said,

"No Aaron. I just didn't know it was going to hurt so much. When I screwed you, you enjoyed it. I wanted to feel what you felt."

Allan that hole is made for stuff to go out not in. It takes a while before it feels good going in." Gary said.

"I guess you all have to do it more then, but can I watch, like I did you Aaron?"

"Well, if you get used to Gary's cock, you could do anyone then. I want you Kevin to fuck me while Gary does Allan again."

Well that was how it pretty much went. I did fuck Allan again but for the most part either sucked or got fucked by everyone. We stopped to snack once in a while and even sit and drink a few beers but for the most part it was a suck and fuck fest for most of the day. Allan was happy, I was happy. The storm outside was mostly forgotten except when we went to piss or in both Allan and myself washed the cumm from our legs and hole. I took a dump once and emptied I thought a gallon of stuff from inside me.

Sleep came real easy. I was exhausted.

WE got a radio message the next morning. The storm had come ashore south of Savannah and done extensive damage. The northern parts of Georgia got away with just wind and rain. Once the storm cleared the guard would drop us in more food and water. Once the rains stopped the Tuskanee would drop very fast and we could get out.

WE talked about what would happen if Allan's Dad found out he was Gay. He was worried his Dad might ship him to one of the Baptist training schools.

"Allan, once you reach sixteen you have the right under Federal Law to chose your own path. Your father no matter how powerful he thinks he is can't make you do something you don't want. My Grandpa told me the same thing. I already knew I was going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa even if my parents wanted me back in New York."

"Will you guys really let me move in if he kicks me out?"

"Yeah Allan we will." Gary said.

I had not even broached the idea with Gary. Guess that's why I loved him so much. Besides Gary was thinking with his dick too.

The storm pretty much blew itself out over the next day and a half. The National Guard dropped in with a Blackhawk and gave us some rations and water. They made sure we were okay before flying out. Grandpa got a hold of us by radio and told us to drive out south as the river would drop fasted that way. He also said we were heroes, but didn't really know what that was about. We just did what we were supposed too.

I was pretty much in heaven while we waited for the water levels to drop. I was more a bottom than a top so got everyone to fuck me and I sucked everyone off lots too. Allan got to really enjoy a dick in his ass too. I wondered how that was going to work at school if anyone found out the Star Jock of the Football team was gay.

Four and a half days after arriving at Buckley farm we drove out.


Next: Chapter 15

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