Aaron and Sam

By Brian

Published on Sep 13, 2013


Aaron and Sam

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 7

Well morning found us still snuggled together. I leaned forward a bit and kissed him. Then his tongue snaked inside my mouth.

"Hmm, morning mouth, but I think I still taste part of me."

"Well wish I had some more but nature calls." I said as I rolled out of bed.

He followed me into the bathroom. Sam and Jimmy were in the shower. They both climbed out to dry.

"Holy fuck Gary. Are you ever huge." Jimmy said.

"Fuck yeah." Sam said.

"Well you guys are pretty big too." He giggled.

Now in the light I looked at Gary's cock. He really did have a massive cock even soft. I bet it was at least almost 7 inches soft and real thick. I was sure I'd never get that in my butt, but sure wanted to try.

We showered together and then I gave Gary some cutoffs to wear for work. He definitely filled them but not so much as to real noticeable except when he sat down. He had his work boots in his truck. "Cutoffs okay in the pit?"

"Yeah as long as you are not working around the crusher."

WE headed down for breakfast. Then grabbed lunches and headed for the pit. Gary drove his own truck and it made me wish more and more that I had my own. Then I thought about the jeep and sure would be glad when we got it going.

Mr. Simpson was waiting for us when we arrived.

"Okay, first thing Aaron, you walk the cat over and knock down all the buildings on the Stanton Homestead. Push it all into a pile and we'll burn it later. Then you can go back to pushing to the crusher. Sam, you load trucks this morning to start. Gary you feed the plant. That leaves you Jimmy on the crusher. Jimmy groaned coz he's have to where long pants. We just laughed.

"Your Grandpa said he had a couple more hands starting today. When they arrive you two, Sam and Gary get them up to speed on the loaders. When the new equipment arrives I'll have you two doing something else."

"Oh yeah, one more thing. I am expecting an inspector from Occupational Health and Safety sometime today. Make sure you all got steel toed boots and hardhats on."

"Okay Mr. Simpson." We all said and headed for our jobs.

Well I had a lot of fun knocking down all the buildings. I pushed everything to the middle of the farm stead. I was almost finished when Grandpa showed up. He signaled me to stop and climbed up.

"Push every thing to one side of the property Aaron. Later in the summer we'll have a barn burning party here. I'll get a couple of loads of gravel in here and Ricky can level it." "Okay Grandpa. Grandpa, thank you for all you did."

"Aaron, your Grandma and I will do anything to keep you happy."

He climbed back down and drove off in one of the old farm trucks. I guess he would never change.

I did what Grandpa wanted and walked the cat back for lunch. I saw another truck parked and Gary and Sam just watching. As soon as they saw me, they signaled both to shut down for lunch.

I knew who they were as soon as they climbed down off the loaders. One was Hank Washington and the other was Mark Viceroy. Both their families worked farms in the county. Even though both were in the same grade as me at school I had never interacted with either.

I never ever had a problem with black guys. Hell one of them was my boy friend. Besides I was always fascinated by black guys. Well I was fascinated by what they had between their legs. Both boys had coveralls on, so I couldn't tell anything.

"Hi Aaron. How are you?" Hank said.

"Good Hank and you."

"Well better now that we got a job for the summer. You know Mark?"

"Yeah, hi Mark. Glad to be working with you two."

We all moved into the shade to eat our lunch. We just talked boy shit through lunch. Basically catching up. I don't think it was lost on Hand and Mark that I sat real close to Sam and Jimmy, bur neither said anything.

Mr. Simpson came out before we were finished.

"Okay boys. Change in plans. Aaron you can take Gary and get him up to speed on the D8. Then he will be ready when the new one gets here tomorrow morning. Sam they are expecting you at the plant office. Don't worry, you won't come back any blacker than you already are. You two black boys can go back to loading trucks and feeding the plant. Jimmy sorry, guess you are back on the crusher."

I saw both Hank and Mark bristle when Mr. Simpson called them black boys.

"Okay, I'm out of here. When you get Gary up to speed Aaron you can keep an eye on things. After all you are lead hand around here."

"Okay Mr. Simpson." I said.

He just walked away. Climbed into his truck and drove off. I always wondered what he did in the afternoon.

I thought about talking to Hank and Mark, but then figured they would get over Mr. Simpson's remark. Mr. Simpson could be a real asshole sometimes. Hell he called me white nigger last summer when Grandpa started me working here.

I took Gary and showed him all about the D8. The only real differences were the hydraulic steering and the joy stick used to control the blade and ripper.

I stayed with him as he walked the cat up above the crusher. After telling him to make sure he kept one foot on the interlock, let him go at it. He was pretty good, so took off to check on the other guys.

I was watching the boys load trucks when the Safety Inspector drove in. He introduced himself and then I followed him as he checked out the pit.

"Your Grandpa always runs a pretty taut ship. Can't see anything real important wrong. You might get it cleaned out below the crusher. That's about all." He signed the clip board he was caring and gave me a copy.

A few minutes later he was gone.

I saw Mr. Simpson drive in and park by the shack. He was in and out and then walked to where I was watching the guys loading trucks.

"Those two boys are real good Aaron. Your Grandpa did good hiring them."

"They were kind of pissed you called them black boys."

"Well they are and they'll get over it." He laughed.

He just left again.

Being lead hand was real boring. Nothing to do but wander around all afternoon. About 5:30 the last gravel truck left and Mark walked his loader over and fueled up. Soon after Hank did the same thing.

Near 6 everyone was done and soon after we took off home.

Gary took off home to get some more clothes. He didn't come back until the next morning. So I had my two guys in bed. We did a daisy chain of sucking before sleep. I could definitely get used to having two guys in bed with me.

After our usual morning routine we drove out for another day at the pit. Gary, Hank and Mark were already there. I saw another D8 parked next to the one I was operating and the biggest loader I had ever seen. The 988 looked like a toy along side this monster.

"Close your mouth Aaron, you are attracting flies." Mr. Simpson laughed. "Okay guys gather around, I'll give you the game plan for today. Mark, you and Hank are probably the best operators I have seen on those loaders, except maybe for Aaron. You did real good yesterday. You can go back doing the same today, except Hank you can grab the other 988 and use it. You guys know you can wear cutoff or shorts on the loaders, as long as you have steel toed boots and a hardhat it is allowed."

Maybe I'd get to see what both had I smiled.

"Aaron, you are back ripping again and Gary you can start to do the same thing on the west end of the pit with the other D8."

I saw Jimmy reaching for his coveralls.

"Jimmy you can wear them if you want, but I want you on the D6. You can help my Son move the Crusher and then push to it."

Oh Christ, I thought. Terry Simpson was back. I had dreamed about sucking his big dick since the first day I met him. Grandpa had fired him coz he drank too much. I knew he had to go to rehab, so I guess Grandpa was giving him a second chance. Now I had a second chance too.

"That leaves you Sam. Think you can operate that monster?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well here is the manual. You have a couple of hours before you need to start loading rock. Gives you time to get used to it."

"Okay you boys get your black asses on them loaders. There's already trucks waiting."

"Yas Siree Maasa. We don get ta work Massa." Both said together.

That broke us all up including Mr. Simpson. I watched as they walked to Marks truck. Damn they were going to change.

"Gary, I'll meet you at the west end. Sam that is where you will be loading from. It's going to get busy today guys so remember safety first."

We all headed out. I followed Sam over to the big loader.

"Fuck is it huge. I wonder why Grandpa got one so big? The 988 could have loaded rock on trucks."

We climbed up and into the cab. Everything was pretty much the same except it had an interlock pedal and a joy stick to operate the bucket.

"Looks about the same, except going to have to get used to that joy stick."

"And remember one foot on the interlock or she won't do anything. Well good luck Sam. See you at lunch." We enjoyed a kiss before I climbed down and headed for my D8.

I checked the fluid levels and started it up. After warming walked back to the area I was working.

I worked all morning and walked the cat down for lunch. I saw a shit load more people around. Several vehicles were parked at the foreman's shack and even Grandpa's new Ford. Every one arrived and we headed for the shade to eat lunch. My mouth watered when I saw Hank and Mark. Both showed nice long cocks in their cutoffs. Sam saw where I was looking and gave me a nuggie.

"What was that for?' I asked.

"Coz I know what you are thinking Aaron."

"You mean Hank and Mark. I'm pretty sure their straight. All I saw them hanging with at school was girls."

"You never know Aaron. Just look at how they sit pretty close together and talk real quiet. Bet their boyfriends."

That brought a loud laugh from me. Every body looked at me when I laughed. Now if anyone was real observant, they would notice Sam sitting very close to me and Jimmy was not far away. They could all probably see my semi hard cock in my cutoffs.

"Look, I'm going to say something. If you don't know already, I'm Gay. So is Sam, Jimmy and Gary. Sam and Jimmy are my boyfriends and I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with Gary too. Now why we all ended up together in the same place and time, I'm not sure. Fate maybe. Now I don't know what you and Mark feel about that, but I really don't care. I can't change what I am or what I feel. Just so you know, you two got real nice looking cocks in those cutoffs and I'd love to suck either of you or both."

I shut up.

Gary looked like he was going to cry.

I got up and sat beside him. Then I hugged him.

"I meant what I said Gary. I think I'm in love with you too."

"Well I'm not sure what I am feeling."

"That's okay Gary. You'll come around just like my other two." I giggled.

That brought a laugh from everyone, even Gary.

"Aaron, you can suck my dick anytime." Mark said.

"Wait, that's not what I meant. You can suck my dick anytime as long as I can suck yours at the same time."

"Hey, that's not fair. I saw him first." Hank said.

"Maybe together Babe." Mark said and kissed Hank.

I looked at Sam. He had a mile wide grin on his face.

"Okay guys, lunch over, let's get back to work."

I met Jerry Simpson as I pulled up to the crusher. It looked like I would need to help push to the crusher, so got down to ask Jerry.

"Yeah probably good idea. Wish we had another big cat." He said.

"I'm real glad your Grandpa gave me a second chance Aaron."

"I'm glad he did too."

"Why would you be glad?"

"Well I have dreamed of sucking your big cock since the first time I saw you."

"Christ. Is everyone in the pit Gay? Jimmy asked me the same thing this morning."

"Yeah, pretty much." I laughed.

"Well, I'm not Gay, but if you want to suck my dick it's cool. I promised my Dad I would not go anywhere on weekends so I'm going to around every weekend. Maybe we can get together sometime. I'll even fuck you if you want."

"Cool. Now I need to get to work."

I was hard all afternoon.

I stopped for coffee, well water about three. I just sat in the Dozer.

I knew what was happening to me. I was becoming addicted to cock. Any cock and I wasn't sure I wanted to change or even could change. Every since I sucked Sam off and later when he fucked me, that's all I have been interested in. Now Sam, Jimmy and Mike have screwed me and I want Gary to do it too. Even Mark and Hank I wanted. I must be really screwed up, but just didn't care.

I saw Jimmy waving from the ground, so I shut down the cat and signaled him to come up.

I opened the door and he climbed in and I shut the door. The sweet small of his sweat filled the cab and I was instantly hard.

"Swing your leg over." He did it and his sweat stained cutoffs were right in my face.

I unzipped his cutoffs and pulled them down.

"Jesus Aaron. Sam was right. You're always Horney."

I never answered him just slipped his cock into my mouth. He had been soft but got hard real quick. He leaned over, used one hand on the top of the cab to steady himself and put the other on my head. He then started to fuck my face. It didn't go on for long.

"Oh god Aaron. Oh shit. Oh fuck here it comes."

He blasted into my mouth. I just swallowed and continued to suck until he pulled out. I wanted him again but he pushed back. "Fuck slow down Aaron. What if someone sees us?"

"I don't care."

"Well I only came here to tell you Mr. Simpson wants you down to the west end. He sent me to tell you."

"Guess you got a little extra as messenger boy. Nice tip eh." I laughed.

"Well I got to get going. I'll be pushing to the crusher now."

He pulled up his cutoffs, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and was gone. I started up and walked the cat to the west end of the pit. Mr. Simpson was waiting.

"Aaron, I want you to start ripping from the face to as far back about 50 yards. After you make three passes, Gary can push the loose rock. Then change sides. One cat can't keep up with that fucking loader."

I saw why when I got close to the face. Sam was loading six wheeled rock trucks and three were waiting while he loaded one.

I was totally burned out come 5:30. I stopped and then cleaned out around the tracks. Gary was doing the same thing. We walked the cats down and fueled them. I was barely off the cat when a guy I didn't even know came up and started doing a walk around. It became obvious they were working a double shift tonight.

Not needing to move the dozer I just walked over to our truck. I grabbed a beer just as Grandpa walked out of the shack. Shit I thought.

"Got another in there Aaron?"

I handed him a beer.

"Real nice to have a cold beer after work." He winked at me.

All guys showed up and seeing Grandpa and me drinking a beer grabbed one. Hank and Mark weren't sure they should.

"Go ahead boys. I don't mind you having a cold one after work. Just don't drink so much you end up with DUI."

"Thanks Grandpa." Mark said.

When I looked at Mark, he said.

"Aaron your Grandpa has done so much for everyone in the county everyone calls him Grandpa now."

"By the way boys, Simpson is real pleased with you two. That's saying a lot considering he doesn't give out praise very often. Hell he used to tell me Aaron was the worst operator he ever saw last summer. You've come along way Aaron. He figured you should be lead hand this year."

I laughed.

"Yeah, he was really on my ass last year."

Grandpa was obviously in no hurry. He walked to our cooler and pulled out beer and handed it to all of us.

"How come there are so many guys here now Grandpa?"

"Well you couldn't have known what was going on. To put it shortly, I made a deal with a Canadian Company, called Standard General. They are a construction company. I got them several very lucrative contracts here in Georgia and between us we bought Atlanta Concrete Mix."

"Standard General is moving one of their portable concrete plants here and I've bought a new crusher. They need ? crush for the concrete. Our crusher puts out 1 inch crush. The new plant with also separate the sand out and one inch crush. We'll keep the old crusher and still use it. So you boys are going to be busy. You still have weekends off, at least for now. That includes you and Hank Mark."

"Lastly, you can't use your regular way home. That road is now a haul road for the rock trucks. You can head around and come back through Callum."

"Bet old man Jackson's going bonkers." I laughed.

"Commissioner Jackson will getting his come uppance very soon."

There was a lot of hate in Grandpa's voice when he said that.

"You boys should head out or you will miss dinner."

It was only fifteen minutes longer going through Callum. We had a quick shower and then pigged out at dinner. I couldn't believe how much I ate considering all I did was sit in a cat all day.

"Come on Gary, we'll grab a beer before bed."

WE headed up to loft and Sam grabbed four beers. We talked shop.

"How did you like the D8 Gary?"

"Man it's a dream to operate. Inside that cab its so quiet you hardly here that big diesel. Air conditioning is nice too."

"That 994 is nice too. Couldn't believe how much it would pick up."

"Sorry you are still on the old D6 Jimmy." I said. "Well that's cool. I get to work with Jerry. He's one hot guy."

"Yeah I heard you made a pass at him this morning." I giggled.

"More than that. After you blew me in the D8, I was so horny I asked him if I could blow him. He's got a real nice dick. Long foreskin but sure blows a nice sweet load."

"You blew Jimmy in the cat Aaron? What if someone had seen you?"

"I don't care. I'm going to blow all of you tonight if you'll let me and you too Gary."

"I don't know Aaron. I guess I'm scared. Did you mean what you said at lunch?"

"Yeah Gary he did. When Aaron makes up his mind you might as well give up. That's probably why I love him so much. He has lots left over for others. Also coz he's a real cock pig." Sam laughed.

"I can't help it. I mean I've known I was queer since I was thirteen. You Sam showed me everything and I love you for it. I guess I learned from both Mike and Jimmy. Now I just want it more and more. Hell even Hank and Mark turn me on."

"You noticed they didn't turn you down Aaron."

I looked at Gary and he seemed so lost. Fuck it I thought. I got up and sat beside him. I turned his head to look at me.

"I want to make it official. Gary will you be my boyfriend too?"

He looked at me with wide open eyes. Then buried his face in my chest.

"Yeah Aaron. You make me feel real good." He cried. "Well I guess it is official we are back to a four some." Sam laughed.

Then Sam said something that gave me pause.

"Maybe we should see if the fishing shack is available this next weekend. We could go fishing."

"Fishing?" Gary and Jimmy almost said together.

"Yeah, Grandpa's got a fishing shack at the end of old swamp road. If it is available we could have it to ourselves all weekend."

Then it dawned on me what Sam had in mind.

"Okay, I'll check with Grandpa in the morning."

"Well we should hit the hay. We'll see you in the morning Aaron. Night Gary."

"Good night guys and thank you for accepting me."

"Forgone conclusion after Aaron met you Gary. But we love you too." Jimmy said.

Sam and Jimmy went in the bedroom and closed the door. I helped Gary pull out the hide-a-bed and made it up.

We both stripped nude and I saw just how big Gary was. Hard he had I'm sure 10 inches and as thick almost as a beer can. He had a small head. Fuck that was really going to hurt when he put it in my ass. I'm glad Sam was thinking the same thing. No one would hear me scream when he fucked the first time.

"Shit I got to piss." Gary said.

"Me too. Come on we'll piss outside."

Well it took a while before we could drain our bloated bladders, but it sure felt good. I just hoped no one saw us standing starker's outside the carriage house.

I peeled back the covers and lay down with my head near the foot of the bed.

"I'm going to suck you off again Gary."

We sucked each other off and then I went to sleep with my new boyfriends pubes in my nose.

I woke up in the same position. Gary's now flaccid cock right by my nose. I thought about sucking it, but figured I might get a load of piss and instead just moved up and kissed Gary.

"Damn, I was having a nice dream." He said.

"Well it was erotic or you might have got woken a different way." I giggled.

"Come on lets piss and shower."

WE beat Sam and Jimmy this morning and were just stepping out when both walked in hard.

"Nice." Gary said as he gave each a peck on the cheek. I gave both a real nice kiss too and went out to dress. Gary had his own cutoffs today and they fit a bit snugger than mine.

The rest of the week went pretty much the same except Gary switched off with Sam and Jimmy in bed. It was nice to get fucked by Sam the night we slept together. Friday, we shut down early. Grandpa had decided not to wait until later to have the barn burning party. He invited all the Standard General guys and all the farm hands too. Joshua had even moved out the Chuck wagon to help cook up the 2-3 hundred hot dogs and burgers we ate. There was lots of beer too. It was a great party even though Grandpa limited beer to two each. He didn't want any trouble from the county cops.

Everyone helped clean up as the fire died down. By ten we were back at the farm. Totally wasted from work and food and beer. After showers we just sacked out. I ended up with Jimmy and got a real nice blow job, while I sucked him off.

In the morning we decided to take Gary's Dodge Ram, as it was an extended cab and better than our wreck. Sam grabbed a couple of flats of beer while I got a big hamper from Joshua. WE grabbed the fishing gear and sleeping bags from the tack house and headed out. We directed Gary as he drove. The Old Swamp road was more a track than a road and I hoped no one improved it. Kept people away.

When we arrived I saw Marks truck. When I looked at Sam he just smiled.

This could be a wild weekend, I thought.

When we unloaded we saw Mark and Hank out on the swamp in one of the flat bottomed boats fishing. I hoped they didn't think we just came here to swim. I was still thinking about sucking both. They waved as we got the stiff moved into the cabin.

I grabbed two blankets we had brought along and spread them on the wide verandas at the front of the cabin. Then I just stripped nude and sat down.

"Oh wow Aaron. You sure?"

"Why not? No one out here but us chickens." Sam stripped followed by Jimmy and they just sat down Gary was a little slower, but soon we were all just sitting sipping on cold beer.

It wasn't lost on Mark and Hank and they rowed over to the cabin and tied up. Mark just stood and looked at us sitting nude on the veranda.

"Well shit. When in Rome." He peeled off his t-shirt and then cutoffs and sat down beside me.

Now I had my first look at his dick. It was about 6 inches long and uncut. He had a nice set of balls pushing his dick up.

"You like it Aaron?"

"What's not to like." I reached over and gripped it.

He just leaned back using his arms to hold him up. I felt the blood rush into his cock as it slowly hardened. Nice I thought. 8 inches of solid black meat. The pink head just slipped out of his foreskin. I leaned over and let it slide into my mouth.

"Oh fuck Aaron. You weren't kidding. Suck it boy,"

He never did anything, just sat back and let me do all the work. I loved black cocks, they were like silky smooth and felt so good in my mouth. I guess that is why I loved Sam so much coz his cock was the same. All at once I felt a hot mouth engulfing my cock and that made me suck harder.

"Yeah white boy suck that black cock." Mark said.

Suck I did. I loved it sliding into my throat. I started to bob on his cock.

"Oh fuck Aaron, you going get my big black load."

"OH FUCK!" Mark said and sat upright. He mashed my mouth down onto his cock and shot his wad. Fuck what a load and I gagged at first before I could swallow. When I swallowed it pulled his cock deeper. I was fast running out of air as he just held me on him and unloaded. He finally slumped back and I lifted off his cock.

"Damn Aaron, you sure know how to suck black dick. If I had known back in school you could have done me everyday. Hope you like black dick in your ass coz I'm sure I want to screw your white ass."

"You taste good Mark and you got a nice cock, but my ass is reserved for Gary first."

"No problem, I don't mind sloppy seconds. He laughed.

Then I looked down at Hank as I blew into his mouth. He just swallowed it all down and lifted off.

"Nice Aaron and don't worry about how Mark talks. He's got a real potty mouth some times."

I laughed.

That's okay. I like black boy cock."

Mark pulled me over and kissed me. I felt his tongue pushing into my mouth and just let it happen. We had a real good kiss and he sat back.

"You kiss real nice too Aaron."

I guess we sort of broke the ice. Everyone was sucking some one off.

Sam and Jimmy were in a 69 on the veranda while Gary had Hanks cock in his mouth. It got me horny again just watching.

"Damn I am glad Sam invited us. This is going to be a fun weekend of fishing." Mark laughed.

Gary was the only one not being sucked and I was about to go after it when Mark piped up.

"Hey swing around a bit Gary and let at that monster of yours."

I couldn't believe that Mark took his whole cock in his mouth. Like he swallowed it whole. Pretty soon he was bobbing up and down taking it all every time. I guess Gary like it too as he kept one hand on Marks head as he sucked away at Hank.

A little while later we were all just sitting again. Semi hard and hard cocks every where. It was a real nice view to me. I think I wanted to suck them all off in a row.

I pretty much figured I was the only real bottom so figured I was going to every ones cock up my ass, but I wanted Gary first. I reached over and gripped Gary's cock. It didn't stay soft for long.

"Come on Gary, it's time you put this in my ass."

"Oh fuck Aaron. I can't coz I know its going to hurt real bad."

"Jeez Gary, I know it is going to hurt, but that is why we came here. Sam knew I wanted you and we came here coz this is where he did me the first time. I love you Gary and want this part of you too."

"You won't hate me after?"

"Hell no, I'll love you more. Then all my boy friends can fuck me."

"Well okay, but you got to promise."

I pulled Gary close and gave him a deep loving kiss.

"Well how we going to do this?" He said.

I was about to ask Sam to get the air mattress when he walked out and lay it on the veranda. Jimmy spread one of the blankets on it.

"You prefer Doggy style or face up Gary?"

"Face up, coz I got better control then."

Now that I decided to do this and he agreed, I started to shake. Not in fright, well maybe a little, but more in anticipation.

"You sure about this Aaron, he's got a real big dick." Mark asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Well you take him; I'm definitely going to try too." Mark said.

"I'm not big enough for you anymore Mark." Hank said.

"Shit Hank, no body is as big as Gary. I love your dick in me, but if Aaron can do it I want to too. Don't mean I don't love you Hank, just means I want to be more like Aaron."

I just lay down on the blanket.

"If you guys help, I might be more relaxed. Better get a sock or something. They might hear me in Tankerville."

That got a laugh. Tankerville was twenty miles away.

Sam told me to open my mouth and he shoved one of his socks into my mouth. The smell turned me on. Hank took one of my legs and mark the other. Sam sat at my head while Jimmy played with my cock. They pulled my legs back until I was almost double. Sam had given Gary the KY gel and he smeared my butt hole with it. No turning back the clock now, as I felt Gary's head on my hole.

When he pushed the head of his cock just popped inside me.

"You got to push real hard Aaron." Gary said.

I did, but it made no difference. The pain as that barrel of a cock started in just about blew my mind. I gritted my teeth around the sock, but my scream of pain still got by it. I think I could feel every millimeter of his cock as it pushed into my screaming hole. I don't have any idea how long it went on for, but a new feeling permeated my mind. My hole still hurt like hell, but the rest felt kind of good.

"I got all I can get inside Aaron." I think I heard.

"Well start slow." I definitely heard Sam say.

It didn't feel all that bad as he pulled back, only my hole really hurt.

"Well I guess I didn't hurt anything. Only crap on my dick." Gary said.

My hole continued to hurt as he started to slowly fuck me. It started to feel real good. I knew I was taking almost a beer can thick cock up my chute, but it did feel good to.

I pulled the sock from my mouth.

"Faster Gary. Fuck me Gary."

Well he did start to speed up and the pain at my hole faded in the background as his cock filled me. I know I started to moan and I felt a mouth on my cock. That did it for me. I blew. Gary howled and I felt the heat from his load in my butt. He almost collapsed on top of me.

When he pulled out he just went and washed his dick.

Sam leaned down and kissed me.

"How was it baby?"

"Bad when he started, great later on. Come on love your turn."

Sam didn't take long to enter me and even after Gary's monster cock it felt fantastic. I guess I really was a cock pig. I let everyone fuck me. Gary helped me up after Hank had screwed me. My legs were almost asleep. Their cumm was running out my hole and down my legs. I just jumped in the swamp.

Everyone said there were gators in the swamp, but no one had seen one for years. It didn't take long before everyone was in the swamp cooling down. Sam washed my butt and tried to clean inside too. After we sat nude on the veranda just letting the sun dry us off.

Gary sat right next to me with his arm around me.

"Thanks Aaron. I'll never be able to repay you."

"No love. Thank you coz now I can make love to all of you."

"Well not quite." He reached down and gripped my hard cock.

He then pushed me flat on my back and straddled my chest. I watched as he lubed my cock.

"What are you doing Gary?"

"You'll see baby." He jacked my cock with the lube on it. Fuck it felt good.

He lifted his butt and moved down. I still wasn't sure what he was doing. He then centered my cock on his hole and sat down. My eyes came open real wide.

"Holy fuck Aaron. You got your dick in Gary's butt." Sam said.

Gary bounced a couple of times and then lean over. He grabbed my shoulder and rolled over so now I was on top.

"Now fuck me Aaron."

It was then I realized what Gary had done. He had sat on my cock before it registered in my brain. Well I guess I was born to it. I fucked him long and hard and loved every second. I think I blew the biggest load I ever had. I just collapsed over Gary and rained kisses on his face. I didn't even know I was crying until Sam asked if I was okay.

"Yeah Sam. Really okay coz now I can really love all of you."

Well that turned out to be one hell of a weekend. Gary fucked everyone and I fucked Sam and Jimmy. How we managed to catch six big fish was beyond me. As we were packing up to head back a big gator surfaced about 6 feet from the veranda. Sam put two shots from the shot gun into it and it rolled over. It took us almost an hour to land it.

Fuck it was huge and then I thought about jumping into the swamp. I started to shake. Sam saw me losing it and grabbed me.

"It's okay Aaron."

"But, but, but what if, if, if" I trailed off crying.

"It wasn't Aaron and you are okay. Come on love relax. I'd never let anything happen to you."

I just held onto him as I cried.

After I settled down I wanted no part of that gator.

"You guys want it? You shot it Sam so it's yours." Mark said.

"You can have it Mark." Sam said.

"Cool." I knew they would get big bucks for the gator.

I stayed away while they loaded it on Hanks truck. Then we all headed home.

We went up and showered and I got cleaned out before we headed down for Sunday dinner. We got enough cat fish to feed the whole crew on Monday and Joshua was real happy.

Sam talked about the gator and all Grandpa said it was good we had the shot gun.

We all headed for the carriage house. We still slept two to a bed and I was with Gary again. Problem was I was starting to love Gary more than I loved Sam and I didn't know what to do about it. I mean I loved them all; it was just that Gary felt so right when we cuddled.


Next: Chapter 8

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