Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jul 4, 2023


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Aaron Master 4

The next morning started out much as the previous morning. I woke up early, got myself cleaned out and cleaned up, ordered room service and waited until time to wake Him up. As i knelt there beside His bed looking at Him sleeping, my mind once again went over the events of yesterday. Never before had i felt such pain and yet pleasure as i endured each jolt and looked down at Him and saw the look on His face. A mix of pleasure at my pain and pride at my endurance. Then when i found out that i had exceeded the goal i was ecstatic and overjoyed at having made Him money, even though that wasn't the real point of the evening, Because of my condition last night He hadn't told me any of the plans for the day so i just kept an open mind and waited for Him to tell me.

At the appointed time i crawled under the covers to wake Him with a nice blowjob. When i got there He was already hard, telling me that He'd been awake for a little while. As soon as His cock was in my mouth He held onto the back of my head and rolled over, driving His cock all the way in and down my throat. He began to hump my face picking His own speed. Today the pace was fast, telling me that soon i'd get to taste His jizz, and sure enough, five thick spurts went down my throat. Instead of waiting for me tp lick Him clean He got up and out of bed and went into the bathroom, i heard the toilet lid open and then He called me in.

"I want to try something this morning. Do you know what a blumpkin is?"

"Yes Sir. It's where i kneel between Your legs as You sit on the toilet to take a shit and i hold Your cock in my mouth, ready to drink down Your piss."

"Exactly. I have always wanted to try that and now seems like a good time to do that. Take your place faggot."

i knelt on the cold tile floor between His legs and bent down to take His soft cock into my mouth. i had to reach in with my hand to bring it up but then i put just a little bit more than just the head into my mouth. As soon as my lips closed He began to piss and relax His shit hole. Like most people on the toilet His farts came first. i was a little unprepared for how that gas would fill the bowl then rise between His legs and right into my face and up my nose. i wanted to cough but with His pissing cock in my mouth that wasn't really an option. i heard Him chuckle and knew that He was watching me as all of this took place. That made me think that He'd done this to someone else so He knew what was going to happen. Eventually the farts, and the piss, stopped and the shit began to drop from His hole. That smell was even more disgusting than the farts. Somehow being this close to fresh shit made the smell more intense. Maybe it was because it was trying to escape the water and the bowl that it filled my nose up so quickly. i could feel myself wanting to puke from it but knew better. That didn't stop my gagging and i quickly got that under control as well. All of this happened in a span of a couple minutes but to me it felt like it was taking forever. i was so involved with my own senses that i wasn't really paying attention to Him, just trying to deal with what was going on. It was when i started to feel His cock harden that i remembered where i was and what was going on. His hand came to the back of my head and started a slow rhythm, a slow and steady blowjob. i looked up and He was looking down at me with a slight smile on His face.

"Pretty intense isn't if faggot. I've had more than one faggot puke it's guts out doing this. Something about the smell and the realization of what's going on gets to much for the and they lose it. But not you. I saw those thoughts go thru your mind and just as quickly you dealt with them. That's impressive for your first time doing this. Let's get in the shower and get ready for the day queer."

With that He pulled my head off His growing cock and led the way to the shower. When He got in He simply turned so the water was going down His front, looked back at me and told me to lick Him clean. Now i've licked some nasty ass in my time, but never with any fresh shit on it. Seeing me hesitate He simply stared at me until i slowly got to my knees and began to lean forward. He turned back around and bent at the waist a bit, which in turn parted His cheeks for me. i decided to put it from my mind, what was about to happen and buried my face between those firm ass cheeks of His and licked Him clean. The soft moan told me that He was enjoying this but i wasn't sure what He was enjoying. The feel of my tongue and and up His shit hole or the surge of power He felt having someone lick His shit from His body. i finished my duty and began to stand, but He held out the soap for me to clean Him from the waist down which i did. When He turned His rock hard cock smacked me in the face. i looked from it up to Him and He nodded so i took His cock in my mouth and began the slow blow job again. This time His hands held my head still and He fucked my face, my throat, my soul it seemed. He didn't last long and soon I had load number two down my throat. Really, it wasn't a bad way to start the day.

i dried Him off and held the robe open for Him. He looked amazing in that white robe, barefoot and with the robe partially open. He just exuded Dominance, power, and control. He went to the table and was sipping coffee when room service arrived. Tony, the room service guy, gave one look at me naked and kind of smirked. He brought the cart to the table and placed the trays down and began to leave when Master spoke.

"faggot, I think this Man needs to be compensated for having to see you naked. What do you think would be appropriate?"

i knew this was a test and really didn't want to mess it up so i suggested ten dollars.

"That's all you'd think it would take for a Man like Tony here to keep quiet about what He saw? Make it twenty and offer Tony a blow job."

i wanted to protest, to say something like he's a co-worker and i could get in trouble for sexualy misconduct and possibly fired. But would that be such a bad thing? i mean, Tony is a hot guy, Italian by family background, so blowing him wouldn't be that bad. As for losing my job, is that what the end goal was? For me to be without a job so that i could serve Master full time? i decided to follow my instinct and just obey and follow instructions.

"Mr Tony Sir. i would like to give You twenty dollars and a blow job for Your excellent service here this morning. Would that be acceptable to You Sir?"

"Fuck yeah it would be. Get the fuck down on your knees you snotty queer and suck my fucking dick. Oh, sorry Mr Masters. That was very unprofessional of me. Please, don't tell my boss Sir"

"Tony, I believe you were just expressing your true feelings towards the faggot here. Nothing wrong or out of line with that. Now, lean back against the table here and let the cocksucker blow you. Goes without saying that this stays between us. Right?"

"Oh yeah Mr Masters. Nothing done or said here will leave this room." And with that i knelt in front of Tony and began to blow Him. Right beside Master. In the heat of the moment it didn't take Tony long to blow His load, which i gladly swallowed down. Not even 8am and i've got three loads of cum in my stomach! Not bad old man, not bad at all. i put Tony's cock back in His uniform pants after making sure i'd milked the stalk dry. As i walked to the door of the suite with HIm He commented on how good the blow job was and that this wasn't going to be a one time thing. After closing and locking the door i returned to kneel beside my Master.

"For an older faggot you've performed very well this morning. Some of the younger fags I bring with me wouldn't have lasted this long. How well you do the rest of today will determine if I make you a job offer or not. Now, I know you've got a good job here, but what I offer you will be so much better than this. That's a conversation for tomorrow so let's focus on today. Today we have two meetings to attend. The first one this morning is with an old queen that likes to be Dominated. I usually do that but today I want to see how you deal with him. It's a given that I'll be buying the parts he supplies, the only question will be the quantity. The better you make him perform the lower the price and the more I'll buy. Our afternoon meeting is with a board of five Men that have a unique dynamic. Two like to inflict pain. One likes to humiliate and degrade. One is passive, almost submissive And the other, well He likes to get into the nasty toilet games, more so than what you did this morning. At both of these meetings I will give you very little direction, things will be up to you. The second meeting is to see how you adapt to all the different personalities, your comfort level with the different desires of these five Men. That meeting will last several hours, of that I have no doubt. I will put out certain things for you to wear for each meeting. For now, just get under the table and hold my cock in your mouth, balls deep. No sucking, just holding it. I'm going to finish breakfast and reading the paper. I'll give you something to eat before we head out, don't worry about that."

With that said He turned to the paper and began to eat a piece of toast. i got under the table, opened His robe, and took all of His cock into my mouth. As i knelt there for the next thirty minutes i had time to think about all that He'd said. If He offered me a job would i leave this one and all that came with it? What about my family and friends, what would they say? Did i really care what they thought? So many things to consider!

Next: Chapter 5

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