Aaron Masters

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Jul 16, 2023


As always, if You are not of age (18 or 21 depending on where you are) to read content of a sexual nature, do please come back when You are legal!

Thank you for reading the ramblings of an older guy and I do hope you enjoy what I write. Comments are welcome at odannyboy@aol.com. I have gotten some very positive feedback so I think you for that. I still hope you enjoy and look forward to any and all feedback. This went a little longer than I had planned and parts get a little dry. Hopefully you hang in there and read it all the way through, but if not, there's at least one more chapter to go!

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Aaron Masters 5

As Master was finishing up breakfast there was a knock at the door. With a slight kick He signaled me to get out from under the table and answer the door. i walked to the door naked, steeled myself wondering which coworker i would see when i opened the door. When i pulled the door open there stood Darryl, Lead Bellman. A slight grin came over his face as he took in my appearance and then remembered why he was there and held out a package.

"I didn't believe the rumors going around and had to find out for myself. So it's true that you're a fucked up faggot, staying here with one of the guests as His slave. Is it true that you blew Tony this morning when he brought up the guy's breakfast?"

`Yes, that's true. Look, i'd appreciate it if word of this stopped traveling through the staff. i am after all, a senior member of staff and deserve the respect that position holds."

"Look danny, what you do on your own time is your business. But when you do it here, at the resort, and display yourself like this, well, respect is a ship that's sailed. Oh and by the way, Tony said you did a real good job!" Just at that moment Mr Masters came up behind me.

"Is there a problem faggot?"

"No Sir. i was just having a small conversation with my coworker is all Sir. Catching up on some of the things that have been going on here at the resort."

"Ah I see. Tell me....Darryl. Since Tony had said that the faggot here did a good job with the blow job would you want one as well?"

"Um...no I'm good. Thank You for the offer though Sir. Will there be anything else?"

"Since you are passing on the blow job would you rather fuck the faggot's asspussy? There must be some way that he can add to the tip he's already put in for you to receive."

"Nah, that's alright. I don't really do things like that. But thank you again for the offer Sir."

"You're aren't like what? Sexual? You don't fuck or you don't fuck guys. Where there's no chance of getting the faggot pregnant. Where you can hate fuck the queer to your heart's content and it won't tell you to stop. Sure it may beg for mercy, but if you're a Man like me, that only makes you fuck harder. So last chance. Would you like to fuck the fag's asspussy?"

"Well when you put it that way, how can I refuse?"

"Excellent. Come on in here to the main area and we can have some fun with the queer."

"You want to watch?"

"But of course. Tony got his blow job leaning on the table beside me while I ate breakfast. He didn't seem to have a problem with that. Don't tell me you're fuck shy?"

"No, or at least I don't think so. I've just never had anyone watch me fuck is all."

"Think of me as your cheering section or better yet, don't think of me at all. Just focus on pounding that faggot's fuck hole."

While this was being said i had led Darryl into the main area and sat him down on the couch. i had removed his shoes and socks and was working on his uniform jacket and shirt. Next i helped him stand so i could remove his pants and underwear. As he sat back down i moved between his legs and started to suck his cock. He moaned and laid his head back on the couch, totally giving in to the feelings from his crotch. His cock was hard in seconds and started leaking precum almost right away. Sensing he wouldn't last much longer i pulled off his cock only to have his hands pull my head back down.

"Don't stop sucking me faggot. This feels awesome. Now I know what Tony was talking about. I've never gotten a blow job this good from any woman. I'll fuck you some other time, but right now I just wanna feel you choke and gag on my dick and then blast my jizz down your fucking throat."

"Haha, yes that faggot does suck a good dick. I don't blame you for not wanting this to end. Go ahead and use the living fleshlight, or the faggot's throat, as much as you want. Let the faggot know who the boss is here."

With all that conversation Darryl's dick had gotten a little soft but some suction fixed that. Soon i had his cock rock hard and buried down my throat. He liked holding my head down into his crotch. With a few more bucks he was soon making a deposit in my mouth. Not as much as Tony had, but this was a thick paste that only a Man denied sex can produce. That was information i'd keep to myself, but who knows when i might need to bring it up. As Darryl was coming down from his high Mr Masters once again began to talk to him.

"So how was it? Did the faggot do a good job?"

"Fuck yeah he did. I haven't blown like that for a while now. Sex between me and my wife hasn't been that good lately. It was nice to blow off a load and not have it done with my own hand, if you know what I mean."

"Of course I know what you mean. Now you and Tony have something in common you can talk about."

"Lol, yeah we do. Well I need to get back downstairs and get back to work. Thanks for letitng me use the fag's throat."

"Not a problem. I completely understand your need to get back to work. In fact, we need to get ready for our first meeting of the day. faggot, show Darryl out and then bring the box into the bedroom."

"Yes Sir, right away Sir. This way Darryl." When we got to the door Darryl leaned in and whispered to me.

"Don't worry queer. I'd say your secret is safe with me but we both know that'd be a lie. Suffice to say, things will never be the same around here after this. I promise you that faggot." And then he was out the door and walking down the hall. That was something i hadn't really considered during all of this. i picked up the box and went into the bedroom and placed it on the bed near Master, who was answering a text He'd gotten on His phone.

"That was a message from Tim Perler, our first meeting today. He wanted to make sure our meeting was still on for today and I assured him it is. I also told him that I had a surprise in store for him and he's very excited about that. Now as I told you earlier he's very submissive. The more I hurt and humiliate him the better price I get on parts and the more I buy. So your job with him will be to take him as low as you can so I can buy more at a lower price. He is used to me being the one to Dominate him so having you do it will be a real surprise to him. Because you and I are different body types I ordered some things for you to wear during this meeting. Now, at first you'll have this on under your clothes but when the time comes you'll strip down to this."

With that He dumped the contents of the box onto the bed. Leather boxer type shorts with a built in cock ring and a snapping cover piece. A leather harness with rings over the nipples to give easy access to them. Leather gloves, boots and a hat. Along with these clothes were a short flogger, a crop, nipple clamps, clothes pegs, string, two collars, a cattle prod, some rope, a couple of butt plugs, two dildos of different length and girth, and a cock cage complete with lock and key. Have to admit, these things, along with the strong smell of fresh leather, was really turning me on, which Master noticed.

"These toys are for you to use on him faggot. If you're lucky they could be used on you later on. For now just get dressed, put the toys in this leather bag and we'll get going. Follow my lead and things should go good. He will quote a price for the parts knowing that's not what I'm willing to pay. I only pay a quarter of what he starts with. So when he gives me a price is when you'll start to disrobe until you get down to just the leather wear. That's when the real fun starts. After he gives the price I'll counter with the quarter price and then it's up to you to get him to lower the price. This will continue until either I get the price I want or he calls things off. He will come up with a safe word and when he says that everything must stop and he will be released.

It felt odd putting the leather gear on. i'd played with guys that wore leather but had never been the Dominant one. i put my suit on over the leather, the toys including the leather hat, into the bag and downstairs we went. i'd called down to have the car brought round and it was waiting for us when we arrived at the lobby. As we walked thru the lobby i could feel everyone's eyes on us, especially me or maybe that was just me being paranoid. We got in the car and were off to the meeting across town.

"Aren't you forgetting your place faggot? Should you really be sitting on the seat?"

As soon as He said that i knew that i should be kneeling on the floor, between His legs, slowly sucking on His cock, so i slid of the seat and took my place. While i was doing this i remembered that this was one of the cars He'd hired for the week. The drive wasn't a resort employee but surely during this time He'd been spending some time talking to various staff memebers and without a doubt the activities that he'd seen here in the back seat would be getting around. That didn't matter. What mattered most was following His instructions. As i took His cock into my mouth He once again began to speak.

"That's better homo. Learn to follow instructions without having to be told and you'll be a good slave. I take note every time I need to remind you what to do. So far, I have to admit, you've been doing a decent job. Considering that you've only been doing this for less than a week. Most of the boys I bring with me have trained over a month to follow my instructions, yet here you are. All the way down homo. Let me feel and hear you gag on my cock queer." With the size of His cock that was no problem. There were tears running down my cheeks as He held me down. As we got closer to our destination i sensed He was picking up the pace a little, however as we pulled into the the parking lot He held me down for a count of ten then pulled me off His dick. As i was putting His cock away He pulled my chin up until i was looking into His eyes. At first i thought it was going to be a moment of tenderness, then He spit into my face. We got out of the car, me following with the bag of toys, and into the building. Our escort took us up to the tenth floor and to Ted's office. The door was open and who i guessed was Ted stood in the doorway.

"Aaron my friend. Good to see you."

"And good to see you Ted. It's been a few months since we last saw each other. How have you been????" All this was said as they were shaking hands and clapping each other on the back.

"All things considered all is well. Sales have been decent, slight slump due to virus and all, but we're getting things back on track. Is this your assistant?"

"Yes he is. He'll be attending our meeting as well. I trust that won't be a problem." As Master said that the tone of His voice changed and i could tell that Ted had questions but was unsure what to actually say.

"Of course that'll be fine. As long as You feel he's a necessary addition to the meeting i have no problem with it."

"Oh trust me, you'll soon see that he is indeed very necessary to our meeting. Shall we begin?"

`Yes, yes, of course. Right this way." Let me take a moment to describe Ted Perler. I would say that he's in his mid to late fifties with a body to match. That means he's out of shape, graying, and losing his hair. It's obvious that he's a submissive but one that tries to act like an alpha even though he knows he isn't. He has to make decisions, be a leader, which is out of his character. Yet at the same time he feel at home with the decisions he's made. That's obvious by the company he's created. While not biggest company that Master deals with, it does make a few parts that He needs, which is why we are here. Just as he ushered us into his office he turned to his secretary and informed her that under no circumstances were we to be disturbed. With that we went into his office and the talks began.

"As you know Aaron, we offer you parts that nobody else is able or willing to make. We converted a lot of our operation to cater to what you need. I think that we offer a high quality product and it's no surprise that our pricing reflects that."

"While I appreciate that you've devoted so much of your operation to me, I have found another manufacturer that is willing to make all the parts I need for a very competitive price. I will be meeting with him later today. So Ted, that brings us to the real reason we're here. What price are you trying to charge me this time around?"

"I think that you'll find six fifty per part very reasonable."

"What? You can't be fucking serious! There's no way I'd pay more than one fifty per part. You fucking know what you're asking for is way out of line! I should just pack up and leave now. You fucking little queer thinking you've got me boxed into a corner. Like I just said, I've already found someone else to replace you."

There, it had been said. My goal was to get Ted to lower the cost to one fifty. As the two of them continued to argue about the price i began to remove my clothes. Since by all account i am nothing more than an assistant i was ignored in the corner of the office. That is until i unzipped the bag and removed the leather hat. That's when Ted took notice of me. Now i know i'm not that much to look at and even dressed in the leather the way i was it made me feel different, more confident in myself, more powerful.

"What is this Aaron? I thought this guy was your assistant. Now normally you bring hot young things for us to play with. But this? This old faggot? You think dressing him up in leather is going to make any difference?"

"How dare you fucking talk to a Man like that you sniveling old queer." How that came out of me was a surprise to everyone in the room, most of all me.

"Mr. Masters has brought me along to help you understand your place in all of this. It is clear to me that you're become way to comfortable with Him so now you'll have to fucking deal with me." Ted's eyes darted from Master and back to me. I brought the bag of toys to the conference table and took things out one at a time, letting them make an impression on the old guy. Once done i turned towards him.

"Now before we begin there is the matter of price for the parts Mr Masters wants to order. Are you agreeable to the price He proposed?"

"No way, I'd lose to much money at that rate."

"Very well then. Go over and lock the door. When you come back strip and we shall begin." Again, Ted looked towards Master but then began to walk over to the door, locked it and returned. He slowly stripped and was soon standing there naked in front of me.

"Damn but you have one fat old pathetic body. I thought my body was bad, but shit, i look better than you on my worst days. Look how your tits sag and your balls are half way down to your knees. No wonder you like having Mr Masters visit you with the boys He usually brings. No way in hell you could get boys like that to give you a second glance. And if you weren't making something that Mr Masters needed i seriously doubt He'd even know you existed."

I reached out and put the nipple clamps on him then began to walk around him with the short little flogger. I'd flick it out and hit various parts of his fat old body then when i got back to the front i picked up the crop and began to beat his cock, which had started to get hard. When it was fully soft i grabbed him by the cock and balls and quickly put on the cock cage. It was big on him but i made it work all the same. I picked up one of the butt plugs and held it in front of his face. He looked me in the eye and slowly opened his mouth. Keeping eye contact with him I slowly inserted the plug and rotated it. I could feel his tongue moving around, getting as much saliva on it as possible. When i pulled it from his mouth he slowly turned and bent over the table. Then he reached back and pulled his ass open for me. When i put the tip to his hole he tensed up a little but with a firm shove the plug went all the way in him.

"I see you are used to having that big hole of yours filled. What kind of slut are you? I didn't even have to tell you what to do, you just did it. Or has somebody trained you this way? Either way it just shows how pathetic you are. Turn and kneel homo."

He did as told, kneeling at my feet. Even he could see that i was hard under the leather shorts. My erection seemed to get his attention so i took a step forward. As i rubbed my leather covered cock over his face he let out a few low moans. I wasn't sure at first if the moans were out of lust or because of the cock cage.

"Listen to you moan like a bitch in heat. Tell me faggot, how long has it been since you last shot a load?"

"It's been two weeks Sir"

"Why so long?"

"I....i usually refrain from cumming as long as possible before Mr Masters and I have a meeting."

"And why is that?" All the while we were talking i was walking around him, hitting him here and there with the crop.

"It makes the excitement of the actual meeting greater and makes me want to serve Him even more Sir"

For the next ten minutes i beat his back with the flogger. It turned a nice shade of red and the slight moans and gasps coming from him told me that he was dealing with it alright. I then had him stand up so we could move on to the next little torment. I gathered two strings and a bunch of the clothes pins. I attached ten pins over each string, going up his sides. There was a decent amount of string left, which i tied to his shoes, which i had him hold straight out in front of him. I then went behind him and using both the flogger and the crop began to whip and beat his backside. Being the old faggot that he is i knew he wouldn't last long and he didn't. As he let go of the shoes they pulled on the strings, which pulled the pins off. I really like the zipper effect and it caught him by surprise. As the last pin came off he was gasping for air.

"What the fuck? Why did you do that to me?" I walked over to him and slapped him across the face a couple of times.

"Don't you ever speak to me, or any Man, like that again. How fucking dare you attempt to control this situation. You are nothing but a piece of shit that, unfortunately for Mr Masters, makes parts that He needs. Because of that He has to deal with you and your pathetic needs and wants. Compared to Him you are nothing. To Him the only value you have is that you make a product He needs. But remember, He's told you that He's found another producer. That means you can be replaced in a heart beat. Now i think that in order to keep His business, and Him coming to deal with you, i think a price of one thirty would be more in line with the shit quality your company produces. At least this way you get to keep Mr Masters in your pathetic life. Even if it means i have to beat the shit out of you, one thirty is the price He'll be paying. Right now it's either a take it or leave it price. Either you agree or we walk and you get nothing and no more time with Him. What's it going to be you pile of sniveling shit?"

I wasn't sure if I'd gone to far. He was gently and quietly crying. His shoulders were slumped over like someone that had given up. It was then that Master walked up to both of us.

"Ted, I know you want the pain and humiliation to end. I also know how much you look forward to our time together. Now the choice is yours. Do we agree on one thirty or do I take my business elsewhere?" In a moment of kindness Master reached out to Ted and lifted his chin so they could look in each other's eyes.

"But I'll barely break even at that price."

"Choice is yours. Break even and I'll return or say no and I won't return. Decide now faggot."

"Alright, You win. I agree to a price of one thirty per part. On the condition that if this one returns with you it is only to observe. I don't know that i can endure another session with him."

"I make the rules here faggot, not you. If I decide to have him return and continue to use and abuse you then that is my choice. Or maybe we'll both work you over. Who knows. The only thing I know is that I make that choice, not you. So have your assistant draw up the contract for me to sign and we'll be done here."

"Actually the paperwork is here, all the final price. I'll fill that in, we'll sign and date it, make copies, all that boring official stuff and then we'll be done."

"Very well then Ted. Get that going and we'll pack up here."

"Yes Sir. May I ask a favor of you Aaron?"

"Of course you can ask, but it's up to me to grant the favor or not."

"Certainly. The favor is, may i have a few moments with your assistant here?"

"Sure you can teddy. I'll just be waiting outside the door." With that Master walked over to the door with Ted while i packed up the toys. Ted gave the signed contract to his assistant to make copies then came back in, again locking the door. I wasn't very comfortable with that, but knew that if worse came to worse not only could i take the old man, but Master was just outside the door.

"I wanted to speak with you for a moment. I'm not sure where Aaron found you or even what capacity you serve Him. All i know is that you were able to cut to the core of my emotional state and take advantage of it. I've never felt so vulnerable before and frankly don't really care for it. I have a feeling that you are new to the Dominant side of things and as a word of warning. The more you play on that side of the fence the more you will want to stay on that side. If that's the case it'll limit the time you are in service to Aaron. He is alway the Top Dominant in any situation and will tolerate no competition. If however Aaron cuts you lose I'm sure i can find something for you to do. If not, well i shudder to think of our next meeting."

"Thank you for the advice Ted and I hope there are no hard feelings. Just think of it this way though. With the deal that you've just signed Mr Masters will be fucking you for a long time to come. It'll take a while for you to make up for this loss financially, but in the long run I know you're glad you did it."

"Fuck but you do know how to keep the upper hand.....Mr Wilson. Have a good day." With that Ted escorted me to the door and Mr Masters and i made our way to the elevator and down to the car. Once in the car Mr Masters asked what the conversation was about but since i was kneeling between His legs with His throbbing cock in my mouth it was difficult to tell Him. When we got back up to the suite i filled Him in on all that was said.

"I hope you understand that offers like that don't come lightly faggot. From a guy like Ted maybe, but from a Man like me rarely. Tonight will be our last meeting and basically your last test. How you do tonight will show me how much I can count on you. It's going to be tough, but somehow I think you'll do just fine. Let's get cleaned up and get a little cat nap. Then I'll fill you in on what's going to happen and what I expect from you. So shower first then nap."

"Yes Master. I'll get the water started." As i ran the water for His/our shower i thought about all that had happened this last week. So much to consider. If Master did indeed offer me a job what would that involve, what would be expected of me, and most of all, would i accept? So many things to think about.

Next: Chapter 6

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