Aarons Journey

By christopher mannie

Published on Nov 16, 2007


Aaron's Journey



Christopher Mannie

All the previous disclaimers apply!

Thanks to all who have e-mailed me!

Aaron gazed at the sight before him. He sipped again at the pop in his hand, but his eyes found their way to Mr. Mannies pants. It was obvious that his cock was somewhat hard from the large impression. Aaron couldn't believe his eyes. The combination of the moving serpent tattoo and now this, caused Aaron himself to shift his position to make room for his own growing member.

But then he heard Mr Mannie say, 'Aaron, this is what we must do.'

Mr Mannie reached inside a folder he had set on his table. Inside he pulled out a yellow sheet of paper, that appeared to be a bill or an invoice. 'This afternoon I had stepped into the antique shop and purchased a crystal vase from the era of The Cival War. The red milk vase was estimated to be from around 1865, and made in Boston. It's cost to me was $835. But I would have sold it at over $1250. So you can see we have a problem. I need to recover that money. It was not insured as I had just purchased it, and had not claimed it yet. Are your parents prepared to pay for this?

His hard-on deflated instantly as Aaron began to take in the huge debt he now owed. 'Sir, we, I mean my Mother and I, live alone in our apartment in town and she has just a waitress job at Oties. We don't have much money.

After another puff of the cigar and a long stare at an uncomfortable boy, Michael blew out another column of smoke and said, 'Well, that's a problem then isn't it. I'm a businessman Aaron, and this is important to me! The reason I said what I said at the store after you ran into me was because i saw an irresponsible boy costing me a lot of money. And now you tell me that you can't pay.

The man seemed to be getting angrier by the minute. 'Maybe I could work to pay it off Mr. Mannie.'

Leaning forward now and putting out his cigar, Michael rested his elbows on his knees and lowered his head into the palms of his hands as though worried and full of emotion as he appeared to think. Then, looking at the floor. He sighed and looked up at Aaron. 'Get up Aaron!

Aaron gazed at the man, wondering what this was about, but he slowly rose to his feet. 'Now just stand there until I tell you to move.'

Leaning back again into his huge overstuffed chair he looked Aaron up and down from head to toe.

'Take off your shirt boy!

Aaron's breathing began to increase as he realized the postion he was in. What should he do? He hesitated only a moment, and paused just long enough for Mr Mannie to say, 'Well?' Then crossing his arms to bring his shirt up and over his head, he pulled it up slowly and now held it in his right hand.

'Now turn around slowly, and face away from me. Put your hands behind your head!'

Aaron seemed in a daze now. Between the heat and what he was doing he wasn't sure what to do. Mr Mannie's voice wasn't really mean. He sounded almost hurt. But you knew he meant business, and he should be obey or else. It could be trouble, but he wasn't sure. He kind of liked Mr Mannie.

Michael could tell the boy was getting nervous, but also noticed the growing protrusion in the front of his pants. The boy's breathing was increasing and he was beginning to shine again with the slight persperation on his skin that came with the early summer heat of the southern home. It was stuffy in there. And Michael had made sure it was that way, for a reason. He could have easily turned on the air conditioner.

'Aaron, I am a man who wants total honesty. I respect boys who tell the truth. That means a lot to me. So never lie to me. Answer some questions for me and I will decide whether you can work for me or I take this matter to your mother and the authorities.'

Tears began to form in the boys eyes. Mr Mannie saw them and said, 'Now Aaron, you mustn't be afraid of me. We will work something out, but I want your full cooperation, understand?

'Yes sir.' A tear traveled down his cheek and he reached up to wipe it off while sniffling.

'Honesty time boy. Aaron, when I saw you at the store today, I was sure of something..... I felt it.....Do you like boys?

Wide eyed now Aaron looked at Mr Mannie and started to deny it all, then remembered that he was to tell the truth. He lowered his head and said softly, 'Well sometimes I think about them.'

'It's ok Aaron, I think about boys too. I always have, even when I was your age and before.' Mr Mannie stated.

Aaron raised his eyes to look at the man. He saw a slight smile cross his face. And he relaxed some.

'Aaron, do you know what masterbating is?

Aaron's face began to blush as he said rather uncomfortably, 'Yes sir.'

'Do you masterbate boy? Now Aaron was nervous. Almost to the point of trembling. He felt a growing coldness inside, but was really sweating as his breathing began to increase again, and the hardness in his shorts increased. ' Yes sir,' he said softly.

'Where do you do that Aaron?' 'In the bathroom while I take a bath mostly, sometimes on my bed,' he replyed.

'Do you cum yet son?'

At that moment something happened inside Aaron.

That was the first time a man had called him 'son' and was talking to him about sex at the same time. He felt that tingling again and a warm feeling came over him. It was a good feeling. He raised up his head and looked directly at Mr. mannie and said, 'Yes sir, I have been cumming since I was twelve. I rubbed myself until I cum the first time.' There, it was out. It felt good to be honest.

Michael now noticed the change in the boy's attitude. It was rather slight but noticeable. He smiled within himself and knew now that they had connected, at least for the moment. 'Thank you Aaron for being honest with me. My Dad use to talk to me about all these things when I was twelve. You can always talk to me anytime you want.' He looked up and smiled. 'A boy needs a man to discuss these things.'

Michael looked down at the deep pile carpeting of the library and said, 'I have decided to offer you two choices.' I want you to make the decision. But first I want to show you my home. With that, he got up out of his chair and reached for Aaron's hand. He pulled the boy, now only in his shorts, to the door.

Then leading the way, they began to go from room to room. Pointing to the stairs he said, ' We'll go up there last.' Those are the bedrooms.

The house was so huge and Aaron began to feel envious of all the cool things there. A huge TV covered one wall in its own separate room with theater seats, and a bar.

One room was a game room with a pool table, and assorted stuff for entertainment. It was very large and looked like it could hold several persons But he also noticed in this room that there were hooks in the ceiling and odd looking benches and tables.

But the greatest thing of all was what Aaron now saw before him as they went through the back sliding glass doors. It was a pool! A diving board at one end, it covered most of the back side of the house, and connecting to it was a high fence which enclosed a monstrous garden of flowers and trees. The smell was strong of blooming plants, and healthy evergreens. It was paradise.

'Nice huh?' It was Mr Mannie's voice again. And Aarons' only response was, 'It's awesome! Can I swim now?'

'Ha.' Well son, that's to be seen yet. Maybe sometime, but not tonight. We have more to see.

The stairs curled upward and Michael watched as his boy quickly ran up the stairs to see what new scenes awaited. Michael chuckled to himself as he watched the boy's perfect bubble butt move. It actually jiggled as he moved. 'Thank you Lord, for the beauty of your creation, and for your blessings on me!'

Three bedrooms made up the upstairs and one special room. Michael took Aaron their first. Aaron opened the door to find a simple room, all in white. There was a large picture at the back of the room. In the center of the room was a flat table, about waist high. Around the table were two rows of padded seats on either side of the table. This room could accommodate perhaps twenty easily.

'What is this room Mr Mannie?'

Aaron watched as Mr Mannie walked to the front of the room and looked at the picture and deeply bowed for just a moment. The beautiful charcoal drawing was of a semi-nude teen boy with long hair, closed eyes, holding the earth in his hands. Then he turned to Aaron and said, 'This is a picture of the young messiah, Jeshua of Nazareth.' 'He it is that our people worship and follow Aaron.' The English call him Jesus, but his real Hebrew name was Jeshua Ben Josef. For over two thousand years we have worshiped him, often in secret, and followed His teachings. But we can talk more about that later. We have one more room to see.

With that Aaron was escorted, with Michaels hand on his shoulder, to the next room. It was the master bedroom. In it was one huge king sized canopy bed which actually had a small ladder attached to it, it was so high off the floor. A fireplace was in the corner and antique furniture filled the room. A lacy curtain fell over the bed to enclose a very thick mattress. Pillows filled the upper parts of the bed.

Aaron stood in amazement. If only his Mom could see this! He had never seen anything like it in all his life. What a wonderful place.

Aaron, I'm going to change into something more comfortable and I want you to make yourself comfortable. We'll talk in a moment.

Aaron couldn't help but climb up the stairs into the secret sanctuary of the King size bed. He loved it!

Through the gauze like curtain he saw Mr Mannie. He stood in front of the massive bureau and reached into the band of his pants to unbuckle his slacks. He let them fall to the floor. And then Aaron watched as the man walked across the room into a big closet nude, and seemingly oblivious to the boy. He soon came out and Aaron saw for the first time the man's cock and balls. His cock was semi hard and angled to the floor as he entered the room. He came closer to the bed, still not looking at the boy. He sat on the side of the bed as the boy watched in amazement. He saw it up close now. It was very bushy with hair, and it looked long, but what Aaron noticed the most was the thickness of the cock. He could not have got his hand around it. It was thick. Very thick.

Aaron's mouth just hung open as Michael turned to look at the boy. 'Ha, what's the matter son?' Haven't you ever seen a man's cock before?' But Aaron couldn't say a word, but only stare.

'Come here!

'Come on!' Aaron inched closer to Mr Mannie.

Michael lay back on his elbows so the boy could get a closer look. 'Is this the first time you have seen a man's cock?'

Aaron swallowed hard. It wasn't that he was afraid to answer, but he now knew that he himself had a problem. That is it might be a problem......his totally hard boner! But he concealed it by sliding on his stomach to Mr Mannie, only to be told to set up and edge closer until he could actually touch Mr Mannie with this knees. Now there was no hiding how they both felt. Michael's dick now lay hard on his stomach and reached to his belly button. And looked like a log to the boy.

Aaron's now rock hard member strained at the material of his shorts. It hurt acutually.

'Look's like you may have a problem too son....ha..well....that just means it wants to breathe!' And Michael laughed as he pulled himself up and layed down flat now on his massive bed. He looked over at the boy.

It seemed some unspoken message passed between them and it was at that very moment that something said in Michael's spirit that 'Yes, he is the one! He was sent for you. He will pass the initiation, and become your Son. He will be a Son of the brethern.'

Aaron, now began to squirm as though not sure what to do. He obviously was uncomfortable mentally, but also was so horny he was actually in pain, an anxious unfulfilled pain. Michael saw it immediately and recognized it.

'Do you want to touch it Son?' A pause, and then, so slowly, Aaron lifted his arm to reach for the man's cock. In the warm bedroom the sweat now glistened on them and a drop formed on the forehead of the man, and ran down to his ear as he watched the boy touch his cock. Michael closed his eyes and said, 'Go ahead Son, do whatever you want. It belongs to you today.' With ever increasing comfort the boy manipulated the member and soon was trying to reach his fingers around the thick cock. But, of course this was not possible.

Aaron enjoyed this freedom. And he liked being called Son. It was the first time in his life that he felt accepted, welcomed to do what he had always wanted to do. He moved to lay beside his lover, so he could look at it closer.

It was then that Michael opened his eyes and looked into Aaron's. Sometimes little needs to be said.

Aaron raised the man's hard thick cock straight up into the air, and Michael let out a sigh as the boy moved his hand slowly up and down the shaft. It was then that Michael asked him 'Have you ever heard of a blow job Son? The boy had heard if it, but thought it trully meant to blow on someones's cock. He looked at Mr Mannie, then at the man's cock and leaned in, pursed his lips and began to blow on the cock. Never misssing a beat Michael understood and gently placed his hand on the back of Aaron's head and slowly pushed it forward until the blowing boy was within an inch of his cock. 'Open up your mouth boy.'

Aaron did not understand, but just blew harder until Michael pushed his head to touch the cock and with Michael's left hand he actually reached into Aaron's mouth and stretched open the boy's mouth with his fingers, and moved the boy's mouth down on the cock head. Now releasing the boy's mouth with his fingers he told the boy to 'suck it like a lolly pop son'.

Now the light of realization came onto Aaron's face, and he now new what was wanted of him. He moved up fully on his hands and knees, raised his head directly over the man's hards standing cock, and slowly lowered his head down on the pole.

It was only now that Michael realized that Aaron actually had a rather large mouth for a boy his age. But what was more impressive were those beautiful lips. Full fo blood they now firmly suctioned the man piston.

Michael now wanted more. He became somewhat demanding and began to work his hips to the rythm of the boys manipulation. He felt the growing need for release and sensed it approaching. 'I'm going to cum boy. I want you to catch all you can in your mouth. Swallow my man juice Son!'

Michael firmly held the boys head down on the thick shaft, the boy barely able to breath now as the cum rushed up and into the boy cum bucket. He had gagged only twice in the attempt to learn his first blow job, but now the cum spurted not only out the sides of his mouth and down his chin, but also out his nostrils. Michael released the boy's head and the virgin coughed and sputtured until he lay down beside his new lover, red slightly swollen lips being licked by his hungry tongue.

Michael raised himself up on one arm to look at his Son. Oh, it was not offical yet. That would happen in the chapel under the guidance of the elders, but he knew in his heart of hearts that this was the one. But one thing remained for today.

Michael leaned over his boy's head and kissed the boy passionately. His large hands moved down the glistening body and felt the slick smooth skin of his new acquisition. He had to see. The boy was breathing harder again and obviously ready. A need.

He moved his fingers cross the belly button of the boy and down, down into the secret darkness of the boys shorts. He found the fastener and released it and unzipped the pants as he reached further into the private garden of this new virgin. Never before touched, the boy sighed and raised his hips to allow the man to peel off the shorts with one push. Soon Aaron raised one leg high too send the material to the floor and his boyhood stood firmly above the baby like skin. Finally released from its man made prison, it was rock hard and Michael saw the blue veins coarsing across it surface, full of fresh boy blood.

'In my home Aaron, and in the homes of all the Brethern, we do not wear clothes unless we have too. We believe that the scriptures teach us that God loved us so much to create us naked. And people only wore clothes after they left God's perfect plan. If you are ever in my home again, you will not be allowed to wear clothes, understood?'

Aaron nodded understanding as Michael moved closer to look at his boy. The boy had nice walnut sized nuts. Michael gently manipulated the orbs in between his fingers and then moved in to kiss each in turn as he eyed Aaron. The boy was barely watching with semi closed eyes, but his smile said it all. Michael began to suck and lick and roll each with his tongue. The boy moaned ever so softly and curled his toes with somewhat dancing legs on the soft smooth sheets.

Michael, for just a moment thought of some of the elders now voluntarily confined to the monastery. Highly respected and loved, they chose to make the ultimate sacrifice to seek a deeper walk of enlightenment. They became castrati. On the high holy day of their choosing, they were publicly castrated, the testicals were removed and the brethern pledged their obedience for life. Within the confines of the monsastery they became adepts in the art of pleasure and pain. They became philosophers and teachers of the fellowship. All the brethern felt they had special powers and were particularly blessed by God. They came to the monastery at all ages, some in their early teens when one felt a special calling, but most were older. Michael again kissed the beautiful boy testicals and moved to the shaft. Only a few hairs coverd the pubes of this boy. They had just started to grow and could probably be counted easily. These would have to be removed if Aaron were to agree to his novitiate, after the initiation. For three years after the boys entrance into the Brotherhood, submissiveness and obedience were a critical. Although pleasurable, there was often pain. It was a time time of testing. Michael remembered his 'trial'. That's what they often called it. But there was no way of escaping it. All the members had endured this time. But love for the brethern made it a good time too. And if it was God's will that Aaron be his Son, and the elders approved, it would be his responsibility to supervise this phase of his Son's life.

Now Aaron was actually bucking his hard cock in and out of the man's mouth. He wasn't the biggest boy. Michael easily kept the virgin stick in his mouth and often could feel the soft little hairs of his boys pubes on his nose and lips, but he kept it in the entrie time and soon a gushing river of sweet boy cum flooded his mouth. Impressive, Michael thought, but never said anything. He just enjoyed that taste that only comes with young boy juice. There is no other.

In part four Aaron makes his decision. E-mail me at boy13loved@yahoo.com Thank you!

Next: Chapter 4

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