Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on Apr 28, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Aaron's Slutty Adventures -- Part Three

Aaron got to the café fifteen minutes early and ordered himself a latte and an americano for Robert. His favourite. He was nervous; his legs were shaking, his palms sweaty, and he felt nauseous.

He'd agreed to meet Robert in the café today for a `chat'. He had no idea what he was going to say. Should he mention his afternoon session with David? Was it any of Robert's business anymore? So many unanswered questions.

Every time the door opened, he looked up anxiously, searching for Robert. Finally, he entered the café. His hair looked tidier, gelled back in that classic way he always used to do. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Of course, Aaron thought, all of his clothes are at the house. Robert locked eyes with Aaron, smiled and sank into the armchair opposite him.

"Hey" Robert said. He looked as nervous as Aaron felt.

"Hey. Got you an americano" Aaron said with a half-smile, pushing the coffee in Robert's direction.

"Thanks...been craving one of these. Just not the same as prison coffee" Robert laughed as he took a sip of the coffee. "Mmm that's good". They both laughed as they drank their coffees. For several moments, there was an awkward silence between the two. He could see and hear the whispers around the café of the shocked locals discussing Robert's return. No doubt, Brenda was behind the counter trying to lip read through their conversation. He hated village gossip.

"So erm, I was- "Aaron started.

"I spoke to- "Robert began simultaneously.

They both laughed nervously. "Sorry, you go" Aaron said, gesturing for Robert to speak.

"I was just going to say, I spoke to Rebecca yesterday. She said I can have Seb for the day tomorrow" Robert said.

Aaron's face lit up. He hadn't seen Seb since Robert went to prison.

"That's...amazing, Robert. How did you convince her? She stopped contact after...you know" Aaron stated. Robert's face fell a little.

"Yeah well, I think Vic had something to do with it. Said she'd only let me if Vic was there too" Robert said with a sad smile. "Still though, at least I get to see him. Do you? Want to see him, I mean?" he asked.

"Of course. I've missed him" Aaron answered. He was as good as Aaron's own child, and he'd missed him like crazy these past few months.

"Great. So erm, what did you want to say?" Robert asked.

"Erm..." Aaron started. He had no idea how he was going to say what he needed to say. He'd rehearsed it a thousand times over in his head, but nothing sounded right. "I just thought, we didn't really speak yesterday, you know, so we should sit down and talk about...stuff."

"Okay...do you want to go first?" Robert asked quietly. Obviously, he too could sense half the café trying to pry on their conversation. Why had he suggested the café again?

"I just, I don't even know what I'm feeling Robert." Fuck it, he thought, now is the time to lay all his cards down on the table. "I'm hurt. You left me. You humiliated me. You dropped me like I meant nothing to you. We've been through WAY too much for you to just, block me out of your life." Aaron tried to steady his voice. "I need stability, Robert. Liv needs stability. It just feels like we run round in circles, me and you, hurting each other and hating each other and loving each other so much it hurts. I loved you so much, I was a wreck when you left. I don't know if I can put myself through it again."

Robert gulped and looked into Aaron's deep blue eyes. "I didn't just leave, Aaron, I went to prison. I thought I'd be gone for fourteen years. I didn't know what was going to happen, Aaron, but I knew without a doubt that you would have waited for me if I hadn't pushed you away. Don't you get that? I did it all for you."

"You divorced me for my own good, is that the best you've got?" Aaron retorted.

"I wanted you to live your life. I didn't want your life to be on pause for fourteen years. That was the best thing, the only thing I could have done for you, you idiot."

Aaron put his head in his hands. What Robert was saying made sense, but still...

"I love you, Robert. I really do. And I want to forgive you. I just- "

"If you still need more time...if you want me to stay at Vic's, and give you space, I will. I'll do anything to prove how much you mean to me, Aaron."

Slowly, Aaron nodded.

"But, erm, I might need some clean clothes from the house. And some hair gel. Vic wasn't happy when I used her expensive one this morning"

"So, how many people do you think were listening to us at the café?" Aaron asked. They were back at the house, in their bedroom, packing up some of Robert's clothes and belongings.

"I expect we'll be on the evening café gazette for a fortnight, at least" Robert replied, laughing. Rummaging through the bedroom drawers brought back so many nostalgic memories: the blue shirt Robert and Aaron wore on their picnic, receipts from restaurants and movies that Robert had kept, Robert's expensive shower gel that had been untouched since he left. Their wedding rings were tucked away safely in their sock drawer.

Once he was all packed, Robert sat on the bed. Aaron sat next to him. Robert placed his hand on Aaron's knee and gave it a reassuring rub.

"I really am sorry, Aaron. I'm going to make this up to you" Robert said

Aaron just smiled back at him. Moving to get up, Robert accidentally kicked something next to the bed. Bending over to pick it up, his face fell when he realised what it was.

"Is this new?" Robert asked as he showed Aaron what he'd kicked. A bottle of lube. More specifically, the lube he'd bought that was different to the strawberry lube he and Robert always used to use. Different to the one they had used yesterday. The one he had been using with his string of one-night stands.

"Oh, yeah. I erm..." Aaron sighed. "After you left I went through kind of a rough patch, and I was.... using dating apps. A lot. Not for dating." Aaron cringed at his own words.

Robert's face was unreadable. "Suppose I should have expected that".

"It was stupid...I, I don't even know why I did it, I just wanted...I don't even know what I wanted. I just didn't want to keep feeling the way I did". Aaron looked down; he couldn't even look at Robert.

"Aaron, it's okay. I think it's okay. I wanted you to move on, I guess I can't be angry that you did". He inspected the bottle of lube. "There's quite a lot missing" he said with a smirk. He opened the lid and smelled it. "Doesn't smell as good as our strawberry one"

"Yeah I uh, I didn't want to use that with anyone else. It reminds me of you too much"

"Well we did use a lot of it" Robert laughed. The thought sent a jolt to Aaron's dick.

"Are you really okay with this? I was dreading telling you" Aaron finally made eye contact with Robert. He was smirking back at him, still holding the bottle of lube.

"Its kind of hot actually" Robert walked slowly towards Aaron. "So, did you learn anything new?" he asked seductively.

"Robert, what are you- "Aaron started, but didn't finish due to Robert grabbing his head and pulling him in for a wild kiss, pulling his hair as he did so.

"Robert, we shouldn't..." Aaron trailed off as Robert groped his growing erection through his jeans.

"I'll still give you space, it's just, god I've missed this..." Robert replied as he undid the button on Aaron's jeans and pulled them open.

"Robert, I- ohhhhh" Aaron stopped as Robert pulled his cock out and immediately began wanking it.

"Tell me to stop and I'll go...otherwise..." Robert sank to his knees and pulled Aaron's jeans and boxers all the way off and took Aaron's cock into his mouth.

"Oh Robert, oh shit" Aaron gasped as he received an expert blowjob from Robert. Fuck, he'd missed this.

There was something about Robert's blowjobs that were just magic. As his head bobbed up and down, slurping and sucking on Aaron's dick, Aaron lay down on the bed, giving up control of the situation completely. While Robert's mouth was busy, his hands probed towards Aaron's hole, stroking his thighs as he did so.

"Oh god yes" Aaron moaned as he lifted himself up momentarily to give Robert better access to his arse. Without pausing for breath, Robert teased Aaron's hole with his finger before easily sliding one finger into Aaron's used hole.

"Oh god Rob" Aaron continued to groan his appreciation for Robert's mouth and fingers. Robert added a second, then a third finger to Aaron's arse, making Aaron shake with pleasure. Robert knew just how to please Aaron.

"Fuck Robert if you carry on I'm- I'm gonna" Aaron gave up trying to talk as Robert made his motions even faster as Aaron's orgasm approached.

"Oh FUCKKK ROB" Aaron squealed as he shot four, five, six shots of cum into Robert's waiting mouth. Panting for breath, Robert swallowed all of Aaron's cum before lifting his head and winking at Aaron.

"What- what was that for" Aaron asked as he came down from his orgasm high.

"Just wanted you to remember what you'll be missing out on" Robert said with a smirk.

"Fucker" Aaron replied as they both laughed. Robert joined him on the bed as they lay side by side.

"So...these blokes you hooked up with while I was gone..." Robert started.

"Yeah..." Aaron replied.

Robert locked eyes with him and gave him a cheeky grin. "Did you get anyone good? Anyone I'd be extra jealous of?"

Aaron stared back at him, stomach squirming. It was now or never.

"David Metcalfe"

Next: Chapter 4

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