Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Aaron's Slutty Adventures -- Part Five

After a quick shower and breakfast, Robert's nerves kicked in. He hoped Seb still remembered him. His heart broke at the thought; surely he was still somewhere in Seb's mind, even if it had been a while. Hopefully, Rebecca and Ross had told Seb they were going to see his dad. Well, dads. Robert supposed he ought to remind Aaron about seeing Seb. Clutching his phone, he shot Aaron a speedy text message:

`Seb's on his way now, if you want to see him pop round in about an hour.'

Aaron replied almost immediately:

`Thx will be there'

As Robert wondered whether to reply, he heard a car pull up outside. Legs like jelly, Robert rushed to the door and opened it.

Outside, Ross was opening the passenger door to pick up Seb. There was no sign of Rebecca.

"Alright jailbait" Ross shouted towards Robert as he headed to the door with Seb. Ross looked well; his scars had healed significantly more, doing nothing to hide the obvious good looks he has. He was, and still is, one of the hottest men Emmerdale had ever seen, Robert thought as he stood in front of Robert with his son in hand.

"Hello Seb..hi mate, do you remember me?" Robert smiled to his son. In response, Seb just laughed and pointed to Robert with his stuffed monkey toy.

"I bought him this...he still likes it?" Robert asked, beaming at his son.

"Can't go anywhere without it, the rascal" Ross replied as he handed Seb to Robert. Seb had grown so much since Robert had last saw him. His blonde hair had grown in, just like Robert's had at that age.

"Where's Rebecca?" Robert asked as he led the way into Vic's house.

"Off on a spa retreat for the weekend...bought it for her, thought she could use it seeing as its her first time away from Seb in ages" Ross responded. He jumped onto the armchair and chucked Seb's bag on the floor next to him as he looked round Vic's living room.

"So how was prison then? Meet any new boyfriends?" Ross asked, his humour as dry as ever.

"Funny" Robert scowled at Ross. What did Rebecca see in him besides his good looks? He would have much preferred Rebecca here over Ross so they could discuss future childcare. Plus, Ross is an arse.

"Well I can't help but notice you're living here instead of with lover boy...what happened there?" Ross probed, keen to hear the gossip like the rest of the village.

"We're working on it, kind of...he'll be over in a bit to see Seb, anyway" Robert responded as he fussed his son, playing with his toy monkey. "What time do you need to leave? I was hoping I could take him round the village, everyone's dying to see him. Vic, Diane, probably the Dingles..." he trailed off.

"Not till tonight. Gonna pop up to the farm in a bit, see Moira and that...maybe have a cheeky pint at the pub" Ross said.

Robert frowned. "Drinking when you're driving later with my son? Is that sensible?" Robert replied with a frown on his face.

"Well you would know all about sensible wouldn't ya...were you anyone's bitch in prison or were you not anyone's type?" Ross asked with a smirk.

Despite being angry, Robert's dick jolted in his trousers. The price I have to pay to see my son.

An hour later, Aaron was knocking on Victoria's door. He'd had yet another sleepless night last night, between worrying about Robert and being excited to see his stepson. He was happy when he'd received Robert's text, showing that Robert still wanted Aaron to be a part of Seb's life. That was good, right? He just hoped the day wasn't as awkward as he was imagining.

Aaron was somewhat startled when the door opened, and he was face-to-face with Ross Barton. "Ah, and here's DILF number three!" Ross exclaimed as he moved out the way for Aaron to enter. Jesus, he's still hot as fuck, Aaron thought.

"Funny as ever" Aaron retorted as he made his way to the living room, where Robert was still playing with Seb. Robert looked up and nodded to Aaron as he entered.

"Seb! Hi pal" Aaron exclaimed as he knelt down so he was eye level with Seb, picking up some of his toys to play with him.

Despite still being angry with Aaron, Robert beamed watching Aaron play with Seb. "We were thinking of heading to the pub for lunch if you want to come" he blurted out.

Aaron looked up, smiling. "Yeah, that would be great" he replied, locking eyes with Robert. This was a good start, he thought.

"Great, and you're buying daddy" Ross butted in, pointing to Robert.

It had been a great day. Robert, Aaron and Ross had gone to the pub for lunch and to show off Seb to everyone. Chas, Paddy, Diane, Victoria and Charity had been among the many people that had came over to their table to see little Seb. Robert thought it would be awkward seeing some of the villagers, but overall, it had gone okay. Charity had cracked almost as many jokes as Ross, but he could deal with jokes. Chas had been frosty with him, but that was to be expected. Aaron must have had a word with her, though, because she soon backed off and even gave him a half-smile as he'd left. Things between him and Aaron seemed better. They didn't really have chance to talk seeing as Ross was with them most of the day, but they hadn't argued, so that was a good sign.

Robert was now at Victoria's with Seb. Ross had gone to see Moira, but should be back any minute now. Just as he was wishing he could have longer with Seb, there was a knock at the door. Already? Can't I have more time with my son?

Robert opened the door. It was not Ross on the other side, but Aaron.

"Oh, hey" Robert said softly.

"Hi, look I was just hoping we could talk. Please?" Aaron asked desperately.

"Um, okay. Ross is due back any minute, though" Robert replied. "Come on in".

"Thanks" Aaron said as he entered.

"So um, today was nice" Robert started as they stood in the kitchen. Robert grabbed a couple of beers out the fridge for himself and Aaron.

"Yeah, it was. I thought, after yesterday, it would be awkward, but...look, thanks for inviting me. It's made my day" Aaron said.

"Me, too." Robert smiled to Aaron.

"And look, about David..."

"Aaron, you really don't have to..."

"No, I do. It was daft. I think I just wanted to...prove something to myself. I don't know, prove that I can still go out and find someone else if I wanted to. That you weren't my only option, you know? You turn up and say everything I've wanted to hear from you and I just- it was too much. Sometimes you're too much for me... so I did something stupid and I hurt you and I just, I'm sorry, okay?" Aaron blurted out one word after another and he couldn't stop.

Robert sighed and looked down. "So you had wild sex in the toilets to what, prove you could?" he asked as he shook his head.

"Not just that, I just- come on Rob, we've been here before, can't we just- "

"Oh classic, throwing that in my face. You know, I apologised a thousand times about sleeping with Rebecca, and you said you'd never use that against me, never act as though my son is a mistake!" Robert exclaimed.

"I NEVER said Seb is a mistake, he's my son too! I just meant that-"

Aaron's words were interrupted by the door opening and Ross walking through.

"Am I interrupting?"

"Yes" Aaron said.

"No Robert said in unison. "Aaron was just leaving".

Aaron sighed and looked at Robert. He nodded once, gave an apologetic look to Robert and left.

"Boyfriend drama?" Ross asked as he hiccupped.

"Are you drunk?" Robert asked as he looked Ross over. His eyes were slightly bloodshot, he had a permanent relaxed smirk on his face and he could smell the faint scent on whiskey on him.

"Might be a bit...Moira and Matty were drinking when I got there...what's a lad to do" Ross said with another hiccup.


"Alright I've spoken to Vic, she said you can stay the night on the sofa. What were you thinking?" Robert scowled as he handed Ross a spare blanket and pillow for the sofa.

"Oi, cut me some slack...least now you get a night with Seb" Ross replied as he grabbed the pillow and placed it behind his head as he sat on the sofa.

"Yeah that's great, doesn't explain why you're smashed when you're meant to be driving home right now" Robert said as he sat next to Ross on the sofa, handing him a glass of water.

"Yeah well if it weren't for me you wouldn't even have him now" Ross said, closing his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Ross sighed and rubbed his head as he filled Robert in on the truth. "Rebecca didn't want you seeing Seb. Said you gave away that right when you killed someone" Ross said. "I said you should be able to see him, we argued and here I am".

"I thought you said you'd booked her a spa weekend?" Robert asked.

Ross laughed. "More like she booked herself one to get away from me for a couple of days. Said if I'm so dead set on you seeing Seb that I'll be driving him on my own" Ross sighed.

"But, I don't understand, why would you help me?" Robert asked. He thought Ross hated him, this made no sense.

"I just thought, if it was me- and it could easily be me, you know what I'm like- I'd want someone in my corner. You did a bad thing, doesn't make you a bad person or a bad dad."

"Thanks. I think that's the first nice thing someone's done for me since before prison" Robert laughed, and Ross laughed with him.

"So what is the deal with you and Aaron? Not together?" Ross asked.

"It's complicated..." Robert started.

"We're not on Facebook, you know. Spit it out." Ross said.

"He slept with someone. After I got out. And now I don't know if we can even trust each other. He brought up me sleeping with Rebecca...I thought we were past that, but obviously not" Robert sighed as he spilled to Ross.

"Wow...Aaron, playing the field, now that's interesting" Ross laughed.

"What you on about?" Robert asked curiously.

"Well, he's not like me and you is he, pegged him for a good boy really" Ross said smirking.

"Oh, and we're not good boys?" Robert replied laughing too now.

"Nah...wrong'uns, me and you"

They laughed in unison now.

"Like, remember that robbery you got me and Aaron to do? I remember he was moody the whole time, but me and you, we know how to get the job done" Ross laughed, remembering when Robert had orchestrated a robbery at Home Farm.

"Yeah, not my finest hour..." Robert replied.

"Were you fucking Aaron by then?" Ross asked seriously now.

"What...no" Robert replied, looking at the peculiar expression on Ross' face.

"Bet you wanted to though, didn't you?"

"I, erm..." Robert didn't know where this was going but Ross' questions were getting weird.

"Come on, admit it. You were perving on him the whole time, right?"

Robert thought back. To be fair, he had been eyeing up Aaron that day. Aaron's cheek, his reluctance to take part in the robbery, his pert arse in those trousers... "I might have" Robert replied.

"But not me?" Ross asked grinning.

"What...course not..." Robert replied nervously. Why was Ross asking these questions?

"Why, what's wrong with me?" Ross asked, giving Robert his best attempt at puppy dog eyes now.

"Nothing, I...there's nothing wrong with you" Robert stuttered.

"You sound nervous mate, you okay?" Ross asked with mock concern, placing his hand on Robert's back and rubbing it gently.

"Yeah, I, no...what are you doing?" Robert asked.

"Shhh, just relax mate, you seem tense" Ross said as he continued to rub Robert's back, hand slowly travelling down towards Robert's arse.

"Okay" Robert whispered as he sat still while Ross' hand found the beginning of Robert's arse crack.

Ross suddenly sat up straight, making eye contact with Robert with a serious expression on his face. "So this robbery...bet you had a few naughty thoughts after, didn't you?" Ross asked as he placed his other hand on Robert's thigh, stroking it slowly.

"I- Ross, what are you- " Robert began.

"Just answer the question." Ross said firmly.

"A few yeah, but I wasn't- " Robert started but Ross cut him off again.

"Oh yeah, what was I doing?" Ross asked innocently as he began to unzip Robert's trousers.

"You uh, you were on your knees...and uh, oh god" Robert moaned as Ross pulled out Robert's growing erection.

"Keep going" Ross replied as he slowly started wanking Robert's cock.

"You were sucking me off...and uh, Aaron was- "

"Shhh, I don't wanna hear about him. I wanna know what I was doing" Ross asserted.

"Right, you were sucking me off...tickling my balls as well. The we were, oh fuck, we were fucking on the kitchen counter. I was pounding you, and uh, oh god, you were begging for me to let you cum. But I wouldn't let you. Then I took you upstairs and fucked you in mine and Chrissie's bed. You were worshipping me" Robert groaned as Ross began to strip.

"Sounds good that. You're just forgetting one thing" Ross stated, "I'd be fucking you".

Upstairs, Robert shut his bedroom door quietly. It's a good job Seb's sleeping in Harry's room, he thought as he unbuttoned his shirt and watched as Ross jumped onto his bed, wanking his cock. This was so hot.

"Come on then Sugden...let's live out this fantasy" Ross flashed a devilish smirk as he beckoned Robert closer. Robert stood next to the bed, fully naked as Ross crawled towards him.

"Hello big boy..." Ross said as he licked the tip of Robert's dick. He licked his way to the base of Robert's dick, before taking bis balls into his mouth, eagerly licking up Robert's ball sweat.

"mmm...mmm" Ross moaned around Robert's balls. Robert pulled them out and waved his nine-inch cock in front of Ross' face.

"You want this?"

"Oh god yeah" Ross gasped as he took at least five inches of Robert's dick into his mouth straight away, edging himself closer to the base of Robert's cock.

"Wow you give a good blowjob...you done this before?" Robert grunted as Ross blew on his dick like a well-oiled machine. He pulled Ross' hair back so he could catch a breath and answer his question.

"Uhhhh, that would be telling mate" Ross answered with a shit-eating grin on his face. This guy was full of secrets, Robert thought.

In response, Robert pushed his head back to work as Ross took even more of Robert's cock into his willing mouth. He must have done this before; he is way too good at this. I wonder who with.

Robert was now leaking pre-cum into Ross' mouth. Robert pulled out, and Ross licked his lips in response.

"Tasty...now get on all fours" Ross commanded. Robert wanked his cock as he climbed onto the bed and bent over, exposing his arse to Ross. Truth be told, Robert had been fucked by Aaron a handful of times when Robert had been in the mood for it. Despite usually being a top, Robert owned a dildo and liked to use it every now and again.

Ross lifted his hand and spanked Robert's arse, leaving a red mark on his peachy, round cheek. Robert knew his arse looked good, which is why he liked to wear trousers that showed off the perfect shape of it. He cried out as loudly as he dared as Ross spanked him another several times.

Robert groaned as he felt Ross' wet finger invade his hole. He could not believe sex god Ross Barton was currently fingering his arse with two fingers. Better than David Metcalfe, he thought. Knowing what was about to come, Robert crawled down by the side of the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube he'd stashed under there. Thankfully, it was not strawberry flavoured.

"You ready for a pounding, Sugden?" Ross whispered as he leaned into Robert's ear and licked at it.

"God yes...please Ross...fuck me" Robert murmured as he prepared for the first fucking he'd had in over a year.

"Here it comes ya filthy bastard" Ross sighed as the tip of his cock pushed into Robert's hole. It was so tight, which made it even more pleasurable for both men.

"Uhhhh yeah...mmm oh" Robert moaned as Ross got into a rhythm, fucking him relentlessly. Robert had never been fucked like this; with Aaron is was tender and gentle and full of love, but with Ross it was filthy, dirty, different. Is this what it was like with Aaron and David?

Robert was wanking his cock while Ross worked on his arse, in a pure state of pleasure. I need to bottom more.

Robert couldn't take much more. With a grunt, his orgasm approached, and he came all over his bedsheets, panting for breath. Ross didn't pause, carrying on fucking him without a second thought to Robert.

"So...good...you fucking bitch!" Ross moaned as he felt his own orgasm approaching. "Fucking take it Sugden...oh yessssss!" Ross shouted out as he came, fucking Robert's arse as he lay ropes of cum into his hole. Ross collapsed onto the bed as he watched the cum seep from Robert's hole.

"Fuck...I needed that. Was that better than your fantasy, Sugden?" Ross whispered to Robert as he caught his breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Robert just smirked at Ross in response and collapsed on the bed next to him. Well, I'm totally screwed now.

Who would you like to see Aaron and/or Robert with next? Feedback and suggestions are welcome at thegaywriter96@gmail.com :-)

Next: Chapter 6

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