Aarons Slutty Adventures

Published on May 2, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

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Aaron's Slutty Adventures - Part Seven

Robert entered the bar, feeling somewhat better than he did this morning. The day's events so far had been a bit odd, but he had parted with Aaron on a positive note. Could they really work through them both sleeping with other people? He fidgeted with his tie as he stood at the bar; he was wearing his famous burgundy suit, which he knew Aaron loved. Plus, it both showed off the bulge of his dick, and fit his arse comfortably.

Ordering two pints from Charity, Robert made his way to one of the empty booths in the corner of the pub. That way, they could talk without prying ears that would doubtlessly be trying to listen. He sipped his pint as he looked around the pub at the familiar faces from the village: Rhona and Vanessa were sat at one table, Mandy and Vinny were at the bar, David and Eric were sat at the opposite end of the pub. He glared over to David, who caught Robert's eye and looked away quickly, looking guiltily into his pint. As he continued to glare daggers in David's direction, Aaron walked in. Immediately clocking where Robert was looking, he glanced towards David and blushed slightly before making his way to Robert.

"Hey" Aaron said as he grabbed the pint Robert had bought for him and took a generous gulp. Like David, he was wearing a guilty expression on his face.

"Hi" Robert replied, still staring over to David.

"Stop it" Aaron said with a sigh, watching Robert's expression.

Robert snapped out of his trance, finally looking to Aaron. "Sorry" he muttered.

Aaron placed his hand on top of Robert's and gave it a squeeze.

"Sorry, just couldn't stop picturing the two of you for a second there" Robert said. They had sex right in this pub, in the bathroom. David's hands all over Aaron, kissing him, marking him like he was his own. The thought made Robert equal parts furious and horny.

"You know I'm sorry about that" Aaron stated, looking at Robert with a sad expression.

"I know, I know. And I know I did the exact same thing with Ross, I can't say anything. This is weird, Aaron" Robert admitted. "Earlier was amazing, but I don't know where we go from here."

"We could just...enjoy this pint, for now?" Aaron asked, smiling at Robert. "I'm exhausted of thinking about the future. My head has been fried the past few days, I just want to enjoy here and now. With you".

Robert smiled back to Aaron as he gulped from his pint. "Sounds good to me".

Naturally, the booze had flowed at a steady pace all evening, so three hours later Aaron and Robert were both feeling merry to say the least. Robert came staggering back from the bar with two pints as well as six shots on a tray.

"Oh no, you haven't!" Aaron exclaimed as he saw Robert carrying the tray over.

"Oh yes he has" Charity shouted across from the bar, giggling as she watched Robert struggle to carry the tray.

"Bloody hell" Aaron muttered under his breath.

"Don't worry...it's just tequila" Robert said as he sat down, grinning from ear to ear at Aaron's facial expression. Aaron hated tequila.

"Think I'd rather take a shot of literally anything else" Aaron laughed as he and Robert drank the first shot.

"Yeah...like my cum" Robert whispered to Aaron sniggering.

Aaron's dick stirred in his jeans. Robert was always horny when he was drunk.

"Haha, shut it" Aaron replied sarcastically.

"What you...liked the facial I gave you earlier didn't ya" Robert murmured to Aaron as he pushed another tequila shot in front of him. Was Robert trying to get him drunk?

"You know I did, dirty bastard" Aaron winked to Robert as he drank to second shot, shuddering as he did so.

"Being out in public like that, such a turn on" Robert hiccupped.

"Robert, stop" Aaron said as he could feel himself getting turned on by Robert's words. To shut him up, he pushed the last two shots to Robert, who picked them up and slammed them down, one after the other. Robert was well and truly drunk now.

"Gotta piss. I'll get the next round in a sec" Aaron muttered as he made his way to the toilets.

Aaron made his way to the urinal and let his piss flow out his semi-erect dick. Damn Robert getting him both drunk and horny at the pub.

Behind him, he felt the doors open and Billy Fletcher walked in. He and Billy had a rocky history after Billy was part of the group that bullied him in prison, but since his relocation to Emmerdale Aaron had thawed somewhat. Aaron was friends with his brother who swore Billy was after a fresh start, which Aaron himself managed to get in Emmerdale as a teenager.

As Billy stood at the urinals and fished out his own cock, the doors went yet again. Suddenly, Aaron felt hands on his hips as he felt Robert's tequila breath on the back of his neck.

"Hello Mr. Dingle" Robert muttered as he leaned into Aaron.

"Rob- what are you doing" Aaron laughed, slightly embarrassed that Billy was witnessing whatever it was Robert was doing.

"Nothing much babe...wow, what's that?" Robert asked as his hand touched Aaron's semi-erect cock, still hanging out at the urinals. He saw Billy look too out the corner of his eye.

"Robert...no not here" Aaron whispered.

"Thought you liked it in here...that's what hiccup I heard anyway..." Robert breathed to Aaron. Robert wrapped his hand around Aaron's cock and began slowly wanking it.

"Robert..." Aaron started, but Robert moved his hand to cover Aaron's mouth.

Billy shifted next to him, turning to face the pair. "Lads, don't think you should be doing that in here". Despite his words, Billy was still staring at Robert's movements.

"Just a bit of fun, isn't it Aaron?" Robert asked Aaron, who of course still couldn't answer due to Robert's hand covering his mouth.

"Jesus" Billy muttered as Robert pulled Aaron's balls out and began stroking them.

"He loves this, don't you babe?" Robert said innocently.

Aaron was in such a horned-up state he didn't care who was watching. He knew he could push Robert off if he wanted to, storm off and apologise to Billy, but he didn't want to. Being with Robert like this was worth a bit of embarrassment.

As if reading Aaron's mind, Robert let go of his mouth and sank to his knees. Despite having just been pissing at the urinal, Robert took Aaron's dick into his mouth, moaning out as he did so. Alcohol made Robert really horny.

"Wow he's really going for it" Billy muttered.

"Fuck yeah he is" Aaron muttered back. Aaron closed his eyes, zoning Billy out and focusing on the expert blowjob he was receiving. If anyone came in right now they would be screwed but fuck it. Let them try and prise Robert off him.

Robert lapped up Aaron's cock, tasting the pre-cum leaking from him. Despite having sex only earlier in the day both men were ready to go again. The chemistry between the two men was so electric it only took one touch for it to lead to sex. Once Robert had grabbed him at the urinal, he knew it was game over.

Aaron opened his eyes, and to his surprise Billy was now wanking his own cock, watching Robert on his knees servicing Aaron.

Robert looked to Billy and took Aaron's cock out his mouth. "Enjoying the show?" he asked.

"I, erm, I..." Billy muttered.

"You'll enjoy this then" Robert replied, winking at Billy.

Robert span Aaron around so Aaron was facing the wall. He pulled Aaron's trousers down further to expose all of Aaron's arse. Without pausing, Robert dove in between the juicy arse cheeks and began licking at Aaron's hole.

"Oh shit Rob, that's it" Aaron moaned in appreciation. Billy's jaw dropped as he watched Robert perform unspeakable things to Aaron. Billy considered himself straight, but he couldn't deny the scene in front of him was one of the hottest he had ever seen. The pleasure on Aaron's face was unquestionable.

As Robert was working on Aaron's hole he began wanking Aaron's cock in unison. He wanted to pleasure his lover as much as possible, and to show Billy how much he could make Aaron moan.

"He's such a slut for me" Robert gasped as he pulled out of Aaron's arse and gave it a slap.

"Fuck yeah I am" Aaron moaned.

Robert stood up and pulled his own cock out, which was rock hard. Billy gasped as he looked at the size of Robert's cock, stood fully erect pressing up against Aaron's hole.

"Watch this" Robert said, winking at Billy once more. With that, he slammed into Aaron with such force that both Billy and Aaron gasped in unison.

"Fuck Rob" Aaron groaned. He didn't care one bit who heard him, the sex was too good to stop.

"How is he taking all that?" Billy asked in awe.

"Fits like a glove" Robert simply replied, pounding Aaron with such force Aaron was moaning each time he was smashed into.

"Shit" Billy muttered under his breath. He was wanking his cock faster now, turned on by the scene in front of him.

"Fuck Rob...don't stop...fuck me" Aaron begged.

"Oh baby...so good..." Robert moaned.

This was better than any porno Billy had watched. Seeing the two drunk, sweaty men fucking with such force pushed him over the edge as he came into his hand, groaning as he did so. Panting slightly, Billy quickly washed his hands and exited, taking one last look at the hot duo.

"Reckon he enjoyed that" Robert laughed as he fucked Aaron. He could feel his own orgasm approaching.

Aaron could only moan in reply. Sweat was dripping down his face as he felt Robert speed up, smashing into his G-spot as he did so.

"Fuckkkkkk" Aaron moaned as Robert hit his prostate over and over. Unable to hold it in any longer, Aaron's cock exploded, spraying the wall before him in his cum.

"Fuck yeah" Robert moaned as he watched Aaron explode, clapping Aaron's arse cheeks as he felt his own dick begin to explode deep into Aaron's hole.

"Oh yes...oh fuck" Robert moaned as he bit down on Aaron's shoulder as he bred Aaron, pumping in and out slowly as he felt the cum trickle out.

Both men panted as their orgasms subsided. They looked at one another and shared a deep, meaningful kiss.

As they got dressed, Robert was in ecstasy. Maybe they were going to be okay. Just maybe, they were going to make it.

Who would you like to see Aaron and/or Robert with next? Feedback and suggestions are welcome at thegaywriter96@gmail.com :-)

Next: Chapter 8

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