Abandoned Blood

By Nate House

Published on Dec 15, 2010


Hello to everyone once again!! and thank you for all the letters and conversations over the past few weeks. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten by without them. It feels so good to bring you the next chapter of our fun little story. It was a bitch to get right, but here it is!

Now on to the legal crap. It's truly sad that I have to be obligated to include this paragraph; seriously, what ever happened to common sense? It seems that people will go out of their way to get offended, pissed off, then bitch about it in a lawsuit. In deed, some things do need a warning label: potassium chloride "Consumption of this liquid will kill you."; hydrochloric acid: "If made contact to skin, skin will melt off. Then there are thing like ice coffee: "Contents may be hot." (yes, I saw it myself!!); Planter's peanuts: "Contains peanuts" (ya' think?); Dry Ice: "Item is very cold" (duh!!)... I mean come on! But the saddest part: those are put there because of people suing the parent company for using the product to do stupid shit--and WINNING!!

Yet I digress...

Thought inspired by true events, the following story is borne completely of my own imagination. No actual person, either living or dead, and no actual event, either past or present, is depicted. This story contains graphic violence of both the body and mind, including, but not limited to, rape, mental and physical torture, and murder. This story contains explicit sexual act between two female characters (again, duh). If you are not of legal age in your locality to view this tale, don't blame me if you get into trouble. If this sort of thing offends you and your delicate sensibilities, then you need to do two things: 1) Ask yourself why you are on this website, then 2) Get the fuck off. This story is copyrighted to me. I have no qualms about letting you download it for your own enjoyment (and possibly your partner's as well), eso long as you have my expressed written permission. Simply put: ask me first, don't steal it.

I guess that about covers most of the crap to which I earlier referred. That little rant felt good, actually. LOLZ!!! As always I welcome all forms of emails: comments, concerns, compliments, and complaints. Those who have written in to me on this and my other works on this site know that I am very grateful to hear from those who read my work. For those who are "timid" (I think that's a fitting word) you need not fear my infinite wrath, I'm pretty laid back; all of you are invited to share with me your thoughts about the story. Thank you and good night!

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy Part 13 of Abandoned Blood.

Chapter 13

I can't even begin to describe how good it feels to get out of Nadia's basement. She was reluctant to do so, but a good bit of sex made her think otherwise. Or so I was telling myself--never heard her complain before. She dropped me off at school and headed somewhere. She mentioned something about a note, but otherwise kept to her one-word answers. I just chalked it up to Nadia being her usual reclusive self. I didn't feel anything different in her aura, which surprised me. After what happened the night I spoke to Adriel and Father Darien, I figured she'd be either jumping for joy or cowering in a corner, but no. She decided not to react at all. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. I practically begged her to let me out of the house so I could clear my head, maybe this was her way of doing the same.

Though the sun hurt both my skin and eyes--even through my long-sleeve shirt and sunglasses--I made it across campus to my History class. Not a lot of people were out this morning, must be the dreary weather we've been having. The temperature has plummeted recently--it is October, after all, and we're at a fairly high elevation--and the clouds had rolled in. The leaves had fallen from the branches, leaving barren trees along the walkways that snaked around the buildings. In the dim light, even without my sunglasses, they looked like old haunted asylums. I smiled a the thought of that... I love Halloween.

But I hated those fucking stairs. They creek, bend and sway as you ascend. It freaks me right the fuck out. Funny, ain't it? I can insult a master vampire and not think twice, but a flight of stairs scares me shitless. I would have laughed at that if it wasn't so serious. My heart pounded with every step, my face cringed with every sound. When I got to the top I took an extra moment to look at the spot where Nadia changed my life.

She almost--and could have--killed me right where I stood. I could still smell my blood in the area. A small stain against the wall near the baseboard marked where I fell. They did a good job of cleaning it up, but I could see it. I remembered almost every moment of that encounter. The way she manipulated my aura, the dire look on her face, the pleasure of her teeth sinking into my shoulder. It all led to what some would call my initiation, even though vampires hate that word--renegades included.

"Charlie!" came Travis's troubled voice from down the hall. "You coming or what?"

I looked over at him, and I've gotta say he looked horrible. His hair looked like a year-old bird's nest. He hadn't shaved since he last saw me, and he smelled like he hadn't showered either. His clothes were stained and wrinkled, probably slept in as well. I walked over to him and continued my examination. When I got close enough, I reached out with my aura and read his. A chill ran through both of us. His mind was a jumbled mass of confusion, worry, anger, and uncertainty. It all led me to one conclusion: he hasn't seen his sister in a while. I asked him, "Hey Travis. How's Tiffany?"

"I-I was hoping you could tell me," he stammered, holding back a tear. "I haven't seen or heard from her in nearly a week." He gulped before adding, "And... mom and dad are starting to ask questions. What do I tell them?"

"I don't know, Trav," I said with a shrug, "I still have to let my parents know too."

"Yeah, well, at lest your parents know where you are if you're not home." I wasn't shocked by the anger in his voice. He was right. If I'm not at home or at school, chances are I'm over at Nadia's house, but Tiffany could be literally anywhere. I couldn't imagine what their parents have been through, but the pain and regret on his face told the whole story. "Sorry, Charlie. You know I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm just... I'm just so stressed out by all of this."

I touched his arm. "I know, and believe me, I am too." Wanting to change the subject, I looked over--or rather around--his shoulder and said, "But maybe class can help."

"Actually, we're not having class in the room today, remember?" I shook my head. "Oh yeah, you weren't here. We're doing our research for our midterms in the library today." In an effort to cheer us both up, he quipped, "I don't mind if a lesbo is in my company."

My jaw dropped in mock insult. "And I don't mind perverts in mine." He put on a smile, but it was forced. Even without my newly discovered abilities, I felt the sadness drifting off of him like some toxic miasma. This was killing him, eroding everything that makes Travis, well, Travis. Maybe just being near someone who halfway understands what's happening would help him feel better. Sorrow and heartbreak looked so wrong on a guy who livens up every room he enters. I decided to look for her once school was out today. And he was NOT going to follow me.

We caught up with the rest of our class standing just outside the back doors. Travis was still holding my hand; I refused to let him go even after getting off those damned stairs. We got a couple of weird looks, the best ones coming from the ones who know I'm gay. Then comes the whole height thing between us. Whatever the reason was, I was glad for it. We needed the reprieve from the crap that they know nothing about.

"Alright people," the professor called out, "I've reserved the library for two hours. Use it wisely."

With that we headed off. I didn't have a clue as to what this paper was going to be about. The only guidelines were that it had to be about royalty/high society in europe and that person had to live sometime between 1700 and 1900. Two hundred years and fifty times that many people to choose from... yeah, I had my work cut out for me.

Travis refused to let go of my hand. It was weird walking across campus like that, especially for him. He talks a good game, but when it comes to closing the deal I would be hard-pressed to think he wasn't a virgin. I've even tried to hook him up with some of my straight friends, but only heard negative reviews--I laughed every time. It takes a special kind of person to put up with his constant perversion. I guess his sister was stuck with it no matter what kind of person she would come out to be; Henry's a guy so I guess they just gravitated to each other. Tiffany once called it "penis polarity".

I don't often go to the library. Research isn't exactly my strong suit. Our group's table was situated near the back, between the computers and history sections... yeah, go figure right? Travis set his bag between two seats, successfully saving them for the two of us. He already had his person picked: King George III of England. Figures he'd pick something relatively easy and related to a subject he knows so well already. The American Revolution. And for me? Let's just say I had a feeling as to how I would spend my two hours. I followed Travis back into the English History section; maybe it'll spark something.

Travis picked out his books and went back to the table. I just stared at the shelves like a monkey doing a math problem. Hungarian History. I laughed off doing a piece of Elizabeth Bathelry. Spanish History? Not a chance. My jaw dropped when I looked at my new watch--very funny, Nadia. Shit. Just under ninety minutes left.

I turned around and picked a random book. I didn't look at the section, or even check the title. I didn't check the dates within the chapters. I just opened it up and began turning pages. I stopped when a vaguely familiar name jumped out at me. Mallory Angelique de Rais. I closed the book--my finger acting as a mark--and went back to my seat. Travis looked up. I think my studious expression made him happy, or maybe he was happy I stopped cursing under my breath, but either way he smiled. And that felt good to see.

I just kept reading. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. I turned over the last page of her chapter and my heart about leapt out of my chest. There, staring me right in the face, was the answer to just about every question I had about everything that's been happening to me. And then there was her husband, Gregor... I was speechless. I ran to the checkout. I got some raised eyebrows, the professor included, but I had to take this book and get out of here. This was just too good.

"Nadia? Where the hell are you?" I asked out of breath. I sprinted to the Stanley-Andrews Center to get a signal.

"On my way back to the house." She answered. I could see her eyebrow raised. "Why?"

"I've got something you've just gotta see." I couldn't contain my excitement. Who could after reading what I just read? After seeing what I just saw... I felt like a kid at Christmas.

"And you can't tell me because?" Her accent sounded weird using phrases like that, but beautiful all the same. That's one of the reasons I'm attracted to her: she can say anything and make it sound sexy.

"Because you wouldn't believe me, you have to see it." Nadia sighed into the mouthpiece. "What?"

"When have I not believed you?" She asked, her tone dropping in pitch. She almost sounded offended.

"Listen to me. You just have to see this. I was in the library and found something that can help us. Don't turn this into one of those self-hating pity parties. This is good stuff I've got here."


"Well, don't sound too excited," I said. There was a pause on the other end of the line. For a moment I thought she hung up on me. "Nadia?... Hello?"

"I'm here," she said.

"Why are you going back to the house? Don't you have class today?"

"I'm hungry and the house is closer." What?

"What do you mean you're hungry? You just fed last night." Silence again. Damn it, this was a good day, and damn it, it will stay that way. "Answer me Nadia. Why are you hungry?" Great, now I sound like my mother, who I still have to call sometime this week.

"I, uh, had to do somethings that turned out to be much harder than I thought." I didn't like the sound of that. "But I found out somethings too."

"Sweet! Come by the school and we can share what we know."

"I'd rather not risk it."

"Risk what? Nadia, I'm fine. I haven't felt this good in a while."

"That's the adrenaline talking," she answered a little too quickly. "If I were to bite you I don't know what will happen. I'm not going to risk it. I've got some supplies left at the house. Let me stop by there, then I'll come and pick you up."

A loud bang in the background grabbed my attention. "What the hell was that? Nadia? Where exactly are you."

"I'm pulling into the driveway now."

It happened again. "You're driving down North Lawn Street with your windows open in broad daylight?" I huffed. I pinched the bridge of my nose as if it would help somehow. "You're a terrible liar. I know that noise; you're downtown, aren't you?" The line went dead. I just sighed and sat on the bench behind me. I could still smell my blood all over it.

"What's with the long face?" Henry asked as he took a seat beside me. I knew he was coming over to me--I could smell him too. My newly discovered abilities were starting to ruin surprises.

"Nadia's phone just died," I said, my head still in my hands. Looking up, I added, "I think."

He just gave me that I-gotcha-grin-and-nod. "So what's new with you, anyway. Haven't seen much of our sweet Candy Cane lately."

"Henry," I warned, "I told you not to call me that. Only two people can, you know the rules."

"Where'd that come from anyway?"

"Tiffany would call me that because I tasted sweet and our first time was near some Christmas decorations. It just sort of came out. Travis just picked up on it to give me and his sister a hard time. After a while he completely stopped calling me Charlie whenever he's in a good mood." A little giggle escaped me. Nostalgia can be a powerful thing. "He hasn't used that name since the day Nadia bit me."

"How's she doing anyway?" I shrugged my shoulders. "You two made any progress with your whole... situation?"

I don't think I'd be comfortable talking about this with any other guy on this planet. Like I said before, he's like my gay friend that's straight. "I'd like to think so, but I don't know. One minute we're all hot and heavy, the next she's staying away from me claiming it's research, or some other kind of crap. That doesn't mean that she's bitchy or does it just to make me feel bad--I know that--it just sucks that it happens. Then on top of it all is I don't know if it's the pheromones or something genuine." I tossed my hands up, slapping them against my legs when they fell. "I can't believe I'm actually crying over this." I wiped away a few stray tears as Henry made a huff.


"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I didn't mean that. We've been friends for a long time, when was the last time I asked you anything about your relationship status?" My head was screaming to punch him in that surfer boy face of his, but my mouth just made a few incoherent noises. "I was asking about what you are. Figured it out yet?"

"Oh, yeah." Good one, Charlie. "According to everything that I've heard, I'm a dhampir." He raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down. Why can't I do that? "Basically it's a hybrid of a human and a vampire, and apparently someone like me is a hot commodity."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, the leader of the coven of this area has told me as much. So did a former seer and master. Nadia confirmed it a couple days ago."

"O-o-okay. What does that mean for you exactly?"

"I have no freaking idea," I said with a chuckle. "Every little street urchin and lowlife bleeder as been on my ass from day one, but I have no idea why. Nadia's, um, protected me from a few attacks already. She's been teaching me some things about defending myself."

"That all she's 'teaching' you? Explains why you've been missing so much school."

I slapped his arm. "Shut up. I'm serious. These people--and I use that word lightly-- have tried to kill me. One guy tried to rape me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What? Did you call the cops? Did you--"

"He won't do it again," I interrupted. "Nadia saw to that. But that's not what I'm worried about right now."


"I'm worried about Tiffany." Henry's look turned dire. "While that thing was attacking me, I saw three hookers fall prey to his power. Before that guy could do anything to me, those chicks were all over each other. It was so scary to see them react that quickly to him like that. And they weren't even bitten. I can't even begin to imagine what He, what all of them, will do to her." I took a moment to collect myself and decide just how I would end that thought. "On top of what's already happened to her."

Henry gulped. The shock on his face was genuine, and that alone told me that Travis was trying to live in denial. "Have you told Travis any of this?"

I shook my head. "No. He doesn't know any of this and I'd prefer it to stay that way."

Henry nodded. "You know we're going to talk about it, right?" I made a motion that said "duh". "What do you want me to tell him?"

"Anything but the truth," I said with some authority. "He's already on edge as it is. Something like this would push him over."

"Gotcha." That's all I needed to hear.

I ran my hand through my hair. It's gotten longer since that last time I've done that. Interesting. I didn't think hair could grow that fast. Must be my body reacting to the change I'm going through. Nadia said that there aren't that many dhampirs in the world so we wouldn't really have a way of knowing. "What are you doing here in the first place?" I asked, just now thinking of it. "Don't you have class right now."

"Prof was sick," he answered with a gleam in his eye. "Poor bastard got struck with mono, so I don't know how long class is going to be out."

Ironic. The head of the medical department gets sick. Yeah, I laughed. Besides, I needed a good reason to laugh. "Yeah. Poor bastard."

"I know, right!"

"Not him. You."

He laughed. "What else do you have planned for today?"

"I don't know," I said in all honesty. "Nadia said she's back at the house, though I doubt that's true. But in any event, could you give me a lift?"

"Don't you have a car yet?"

"Do I have all A's yet?" I shot back. "You were there when my parents made me that bet."

"Oh yeah," he said. "So when's that gonna happen?"

"Not until after you drop me off." I thought it was a good prompt.

"Don't you people have superhuman speed, or something?" You people? "I thought that all vampires, or whatever you are, would be better off just using that."

If this was any other person, I would have decked his ass right there. He sounded so serious. Good thing for Henry, I know him better than he knows himself--new abilities notwithstanding. "Shows what you think. We'd be better off, but the economy wouldn't."

"Touche," he said getting up. "Alright then, let's go. I smiled when he wrapped his arm around my neck. I'm so lucky to have friends like him. I don't know how many people would have just up and left the minute he saw me bleeding to death on that very bench. Or, for that matter, the minute I told him why.

Not surprisingly, Henry sped out of the neighborhood before my door was fully closed. Even in broad daylight; I couldn't blame him, people just simply disappear from around here. When we left the house this morning, I noticed that the stack of mail pouring out from one of the boxes across the street. Surprising. The fact that they deliver out here, not that it's piling up. I put my key in the lock, and, just as I predicted, nothing. I tried again only to get the damn thing stuck. "Shit."

"Hey bitch!" I didn't turn around. I kept fiddling with this damn lock. I knew he was coming up the street, I could smell the weed on him before Henry took off. "You hear me, bitch?"

"Fuck," I mumbled, slapping the door. I turned around and sighed. Standing at the edge of the walk was a scrawny black guy, no taller than I was and about three years younger. I pushed against his aura with my own, trying to figure him out. He was armed only with a switchblade and a bad attitude. "What!" I shouted back, budging him even harder.

With a brazen disregard for what might happen to him, he started walking towards me like the badass he thought he was. "Um-um," he uttered, gesturing lewdly with his hands as his eyes looked me over. "Now what's a pretty lil' white bitch like do doin' down unda?"

I looked him over. Taking a defensive stance, I stood silent as my brain tried to come up with something witty to say. The only problem was he wouldn't get it. "Trying to get into my house," I finally said, his face showing his annoyance of the delay.

"Ya know," he started, taking two steps closer, "I'm thinkin' you could use some work."

"And I'm surprised you know how to think, LeSean Brandon James." I smiled, he got pissed. Using all three names like that usually gets their attention. "And you can drop the whole thug act for your 'homeboys' parked in the Pontiac up the street."

"Whatchu say, bitch?" He pulled the knife out and flicked open the blade. I only giggled harder. "Whatchu laughing at!"

"You, little 'Brandy'." That pissed him off. "Or is only your mother allowed to call you that?" He looked up the street to the car, then back to me trying to decide what to do. "Let me guess, Angelco, Stephen, and T.J. are waiting for some kind of signal? Or are they just seeing just how tough you think you are?" Sweat dripped down his face. "Why don't you leave now and try someone else?"

"Nah," he stammered, rocking from foot to foot. I could hear his heart racing. "It's you, bitch."

He ran at me. My dhampir brain turned on, and I laughed. He swung that thing like he had no idea what he was doing. I easily avoided anything he threw at me, the knife included. His entire essence was borne of fear; fear of what might happen if he lost, fear of what might happen if I got a hold of him, fear of my getting the knife. It filled my nostrils to the point of nauseating.

"Seriously?" I asked when I threw him back against the the side of the house. "LeSean, if that's all you got then give up now. You won't make it two minutes running with them." I tossed him back his weapon. "Get out of here."

Something in the back of my brain told me to move. A clicking sound reverberated through my mind's ear and I did just that. Not a second later I heard a gunshot ring out. LeSean cowered against the wall as a small dust cloud blew over him. Angelco stood in front of his car with that pathetic excuse of a gun pointed at us, held sideways. No wonder he missed.

"Angelco!" I called out, getting his attention immediately. "It helps if you hold it the right way." I grinned at his confusion. I giggled out loud when he looked at the gun. Less than a second later, he fired again. As I moved, I swear I saw the bullet travel through the air. It wouldn't have hit me anyway, but I thought it fun to play along. Looking over to LeSean, I said, "What's with gangbangers and their inability to shoot straight?" Dumbfounded, he just shrugged.

"You owe me money, bitch!" Angelco called out in what I thought was a well tuned voice. Seriously, he sounded like he belonged on stage.

My aura touched his and I replied, "Really?" His dire expression a moment later proved that I'd done it. I reached out and spoke to someone in their thoughts. Cool! "I don't owe you shit," I continued. "How about I let you and your little friend here live?"

I don't think there's a word to describe what he looked like. Horrified? Terror-filled? Mesmerized? Dumbfounded? Or maybe some combination of each, but whatever it was he lost every ounce of his cool. His two friends ran back to the car, holding their pants up the whole way. Did they hear it too? The looks on their faces told the whole story. Wow. Even Father Darien would be impressed--as much as it pained me to think it, it was true. "Get away from my house," I growled at the poor kid, still huddling against the porch. "Now!" Risking going blind, but for good measure, I pulled my shades up from my face so he could see my eyes. He took off like a bat out of hell.

I saw why vampires liked and hated controlling humans. It was for the same reason: it was easy, but what little fun it might be was what made it boring. Maybe that's why Father Darien was really after me: I kept making it fun for him. I'm not a human and I'm not a vampire so he doesn't know how to control me. Interesting if not terrifying. For a guy that's been around for as long as he has, finding something new must have been exciting; just like a kid at Christmas, the new toys are the most exciting.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I just say that about myself? Damn it! But it's true. While you're on the topic, Charlie, why not think of a way to not be so fascinating? Yeah right, easier said than done. What makes a new toy not fun anymore? It gets old--bad thought; it goes out of style--now I'm insulting myself; it gets beat up--that's what he wants to do... damn it all. This guy was good, I'll give him that. But, as I know, he's been around for at least three hundred years, been a master vampire of his own coven for almost that entire time, so of course he's good.

Naturally, when I tried the door again, it opened right up. I had to get attacked by some street thug with a a knife, and get shot at for this stupid thing to open? Nuh-uh. I think I just found the next project for me and Nadia.

"Hello!" I called out after closing the door. "Nadia, I'm back!" In case my shouting didn't give that away. I took my coat off and headed for the back bedroom. I don't know why, because when the sun is out she'd be downstairs. I walked past the bathroom and peeked inside. Nothing. "Nadia," I said a little quieter, "You asleep?"

I stepped through the threshold of the bedroom. The bed was neatly made and the room looked immaculate--nothing unusual--but something was off. Emotions were thick in the air. Betrayal, anger, fear, sadness, all centered around the bed. The blanket was cold to the touch, but the pillow was warm. Strange. I tossed my coat on the vanity and checked it closer.

I sniffed the cover and pillow itself. What was that? Mascara? Salt? Sadness? Nadia was crying into her pillow. Something didn't make sense here. Hurt panted through me. If she was feeling sad about something, she could have told me. I mean, shit, I am her girlfriend and Watcher for Christ's sake. Why wouldn't she tell me about this? My own tears welled in my eyes. I turned my face so that my cheek rested on the soft material. In the moment between feeling sad and hurt, to feeling betrayed and wanting to cry myself, I noticed an antiquated piece of paper folded neatly and sticking out from under the other pillow. My pillow.

I let the other one drop as I carefully examined the parchment. Rough guess put it at nearly two hundred years old, looking more like old animal skin than paper. The ink was old, too, and placed on the paper shortly after being made. The handwriting was neat, precise, and curvy--most likely the work of a woman. It was in a language I didn't understand. Images of this happening before came and went from my mind. But this one was signed by someone named Ambrosia. Pretty.

I ran out of the room and into the living room. I fumbled around underneath the TV until I found something good to write with. A sharpie, good for marking bootleg and recorded movies, as well as copying notes from a girlfriend's former girlfriend. Sneaky? Immature? Paranoid? Oh hells yeah, but I deserved to know what it says. Good thing Ambrosia did have good handwriting. I may not be able to read it, but I could make out every letter.

Okay. That's done. Strange, thought, that I didn't feel guilty about it. I tucked my copy of the note into my bag. I looked over at the spot where Nadia ate me out before my meeting with Father Darien and Adriel. I leaned over the edge of the sink, letting my zipper grind into me. The memory of Nadia's wonderful tongue running up my slit came pouring back.

My eyes slipped shut and my head lolled. I felt a sigh escape in a breath I didn't know I was holding. My hands began to caress my breasts, squeezing them together. Feeling the tender flesh of my tits together sent a wave of heat through my crotch. I moaned, my hands continued their roaming over the familiar swells. But this felt like I was exploring my body for the first time. It was new. My senses were ultra-sensitive, and the leftover pheromones from a few days ago lingered on my scars. It sent my libido into overdrive. The fight within my brain only made my tender molestation hotter. It was like I was being split in two. One half told me not to give into the urges seeping from my pussy, the other half begging me to do just that. I clamped my thighs together, wedging a hand between them. Even through the fabrics, I could feel the dampness. Weird that Tiffany never had this kind of effect on my body like the Nadia did. Only she could manipulate me into leaking a tidal wave of love sauce. Is that why I felt the struggle in my head? Because something about this wasn't normal? I didn't give it much thought, though--I had an need needing to be satisfied. My pants were down to my ankles before I knew how they got there. My black satin panties had to be peeled away from my soft flesh. A cool draft swept over my vulva, making me giggle a little. But even so, my juices leaked out of me. The heat from within quickly replaced whatever chill was there. With one hand under my bra, two fingers opened me up, exposing the sensitive bud of my clit. My heart sped up, thumping against my chest. I closed my eyes and focused on feeling Nadia's experienced tongue run up and down, the path my finger made now. The roughness of my fingerprint was a good substitute, but my pussy demanded more. I teased myself, though I don't know why. I was already aching for release. Maybe it was tied somehow to the fight still waging in my head. Or maybe experience told me that it would make my orgasm that much better. A second finger was added to my gentle rubbing. My other hand pinched my sensitive nipple. I cried out a groan from the pleasure I got from the small pain. I pinched my clit between my two fingers, which would have made me come had I not let go. "Hole shit," I mumbled, realizing what just happened. I've never felt something so intense from doing something like that before. My fingers were absolutely soaked, and they had yet to penetrate my heated hole. My fingers dancing on the flesh of my tit built up the tension inside anew. It pulled at me, enticing me to put them inside. I swear I heard Nadia's voice begging for a taste of me. She loved the sweet cream of my pussy lingering on her tongue. She would eat me out for hours it seemed, just savoring the flavor of my essence. My wet fingers easily slid inside of me, and deep. Nearly three knuckles deep. They opened and closed, hitting all of my buttons like they had a mind of their own. My hips humped at them, trying to get every inch I could. It was wonderful. Sweat dripped down my chest, sliding between my tits. I could feel the beads' decent, like Nadia's wet tongue tracing her favorite path on my skin. A third finger slipped in. I nearly screamed at the intrusion. My thumb played with my delicate button. Waves of pleasure coursed through me. My hands groped and fucked more roughly, picking up speed and gripping with more force. My dry hand slipped out of my shirt and began playing with my scars. It was like I had a pair of buttons on my shoulder to open the flood gates below. A small puddle accumulated in my palm, making a wet noise as my hand circled over my nether region. Added to that the sheer pleasure I got from the touch alone and it was too much. My body couldn't contain it any longer. I came in waves. The first when my fingers gripped against my G-spot, pinching it against my pubic bone. As the cum erupted from me, so did the scream I held back. The next wave came after I opened my pussy up to the chilly air, my fingernail grazing against my clit. My hand squeezed the full swell of my breast, my nails digging into the skin. I faintly caught the scent of blood. And that brought on the next wave. I squirted even harder, my juices just gushed out of me. My head was in the clouds. Even though my eyes were closed, I knew my vision was getting blurry. The my fucking fingers stopped their wonderful rubbing. Then everything came in a brilliant flash. ******************* The next thing I knew I was on the floor. The odor of old sex hung thick in the air. Body ached on the side that laid on the kitchen tiles. Every inch of my legs from my thighs down was either soaking wet or crusted over with dried vaginal juices. My head was still spinning from the sexual overload, my vision was tinted in that now-familiar azure haze. I propped myself up, wincing at the pain against my temples. Jeez, I've had hangovers less than this. When I looked over my shoulder, the window was but a black mirror looking back at me. How long have I been lying here? I stripped out of my clothes. The cold sensations actually aroused me again, but I played it down. I couldn't handle THAT again. I liked feeling that naughtiness of walking around Nadia's house naked and all the shades up. Maybe Nadia and I could have some fun tonight--more her than me. I placed my clothes in the washer and headed back towards the bedroom, with a quick stop at the bathroom. Nadia has a treasure trove of awesome clothes stashed in the closet and my dresser. I don't think she could ever fail to impress me with that. I may feel woozy, sleepy, and horny as all get out after she's done feasting, but the "compensation" (her word, not mine) she offered far outweighed that. In fact, I sometimes feel guilty about accepting some of the things she's given me; nothing she can say bout how important I am to her can take that away. However, that's not going to keep me from enjoying what I can from it. After a quick shower, using sensual oil-laced soap and shampoo, I got slipped into something frilly and lacy. Like I said before, I will never tire of dressing myself up for her. It's the least I could do, besides, the fun part is taking it off, isn't it? I giggled at the thought of it, then laughed off the slight arousal 'that' visual conjured. I slipped into a pair of awesome black denim jeans--like I'd wear anything else?--and a soft pullover that came down to about my mid-thigh. I have no idea what it's made from, but I fell in love with it from the first. Softer tan egyptian cotton, but more resilient than kevlar. A good mix for a vampire--or dhampir-- that literally fights to stay alive, I thought. I looked myself over in the full length mirror that Nadia bought for me two days ago. I helped her carry it in, and let me tell you, the thing was heavy as hell. She later explained that it's an authentic turn-of-the-century--the eighteenth century--silver-backed mirror. Basically it's a thick pane of crystal, not glass, over a slab of silver, then framed in Madagascar rosewood. In a word: gorgeous. Expensive, but gorgeous. And as my reflection showed, I could say the same thing about myself. I fluffed my long dark locks to get them to straighten out. Nadia liked the slight wave in my hair as of late, but I preferred it straight. A joke not lost on either Travis or Henry. "The gay girl with straight hair". I laughed, but not after giving him a good slap. I decided to forego any makeup. I didn't know when Nadia would be home, and after the way she was talking, I doubted if she'd want to go anywhere tonight. Even so, my skin was looking a bit pale. The whites of my eyes looked more vibrant than usual. An effect of my eyes changing I supposed. I still looked healthy, not like when I first woke up in this house, but frail. I surmised that could be a trait of vampires--and dhampirs--to give off the illusion of unthreatening, and thus feed on the unsuspecting victim. Out of nowhere came the sound of Rob Zombie's voice. I looked all around, then let out a huff. I think Nadia's been having some fun with my phone again. I told her just yesterday to quit changing my ringtone. I ran out to the kitchen and dug into my bag. Looking at the "unknown" heading and hearing "I'm Your Boogieman" turned my blood into ice. Such has been for my last few phone calls, Nadia's sense of humor notwithstanding. "Hello," I said, failing to hide the shudder in my voice. "Charlie, good," came a man's voice I didn't recognize. "Listen, I heard that you were looking for Tiffany." My heart sped up at the perkiness of his tone. This was good news. "Yeah." "I need you to come meet with me. Come on down to Vincent's Drug Store on the corner of..." "Harper and West Ninth?" I asked, almost scoffing. I remember passing that store on the night of my run-in with Adriel and Father Darien. "I don't freaking think so. Just tell me what you know over the phone, or no sale." I thought about it for a second, then added, "Or you could just come to me." The guy laughed. "Dhampirs are direct, aren't they?" I said nothing. "You think I don't know why people go missing from North Lawn Street?" Yeah actually, I thought. I mean, I heard stories, but had no idea as to the real reason. Apparently he did. "You want to hear this or not?" "I'm listening," I prompted. "I cant say anything over an open phone line with risking 'him' listening." It was my turn to laugh. "I've heard that before." The guy went silent for a moment, so did I if only for dramatic emphasis. "Look, the guy who told me what I am said the exact same thing, and guess what? He was dead before I got there. Adriel was the one who spilled it to me." I heard him gulp. "Adriel? Did you just say 'Adriel' killed one of Nadia's friends, but didn't touch you?" I answered with a drawn out yes. "Oh fuck me! Do you know what that means?" "That he likes me more than you little street demons?" "That's not funny!" I laughed anyway. "That means that he's helping Father Darien." "With what?" I drawled out each word, not believing him. "With whatever plans that bastard has." At least I wasn't the only one who felt that way about him. "Shit, I never thought he'd be so desperate to use Adriel like that. We're all fucked! Especially his little human pets." "HEY! That's my friend you're talking about." "What? Adriel's being used like a tool--" "Not him, you dumbass. I'm talking about Tiffany." He took a breath. My hands shook from the ire flowing through me. Leave it to a street bleeder to think nothing of the humans he feasts on to stay alive. "Do you want to know where she is, or not?" "I'd have hung up a long time ago if I didn't," I said, then added a quiet, "Dip shit." He laughed. I don't think I'll ever figure vampires out. "Fair enough. Make sure you're alone, and I'll tell you what I know. And be there before the dogs show up." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Alright," I said after a long moment, despite my warning flags going up. "When?" "Um, duh, now." I hung up. I set my phone back into my bag and threw on my big leather coat. Well, more of a duster than a coat, but very befitting of why I was going out. I slipped into those nice boots that Nadia bought for me a while back, the ones with the buckles up the sides, and head out. Or at least I would have if the garage door wasn't opening up. I don't know what I felt in that moment, but I was glad to know she was home. "Nadia," I said as I entered the garage. I looked back over my shoulder and chuckled at the mess that was still on the kitchen floor. "Keep the car on and let's go," I said when I opened the passenger side. "Where to?" She asked in a voice that spoke of the day she's had, very dry and tiring. "Vincent's Drug Store. One of your friends just called me about where to find Tiffany." I shut the door and bucked my seat belt. When I looked back up to her, I was surprised at the blankness of her face. It was like she forgot who I was. "Nadia. Drive." The simple command brought her back. "Sorry, Charlene," she mumbled, putting the gear into drive. I sniffed a long breath, trying to find something out of the ordinary. The only difference came from the two gabs of groceries in the back seat. Sense when does she buy rosemary? We drove for a couple of blocks in complete silence. I knew she was having a rough day, the lines on her face said as much. It looked so wrong on her. She was worried about something, but she refused to tell me. Nothing that unusual, but her cold demeanor otherwise that was. It was like she was going out of her way to hide something from me. My thoughts drifted to the note I found--and copied--but elsewhere just as fast. There's a lot she hasn't told me. Vampires didn't think of seeing other people like that as cheating. They thought of it as a safety net, people like them who understand their struggle and give them a shoulder to cry on. It hurt, yes, but it was the truth. "Park a couple blocks away." My voice cracked, and because I was afraid of this guy. "If I need you, I'll call out to you." "You sure you don't want me to go with you?" She asked, pulling into a parking garage on a few blocks from the store. "I'm sure," I said more confidently than I felt. "If he sees you with me, he might freak out and leave." "If he's a friend of mine, why would he do that?" Good question. I never did get his name. "It was the way he was acting on the phone. He was nervous as all hell. And besides, he asked me to come alone." Nadia nodded, her eyes refusing to meet mine. "Alright. I'll keep the engine running." I squeezed her hand and smiled. She barely reciprocated. I kissed her knuckles. She feigned a smile, but underneath it I saw a wince. Her hands hurt? "I'll be back," I said as I got out. I walked out into the brisk night, feeling Nadia's sense of vulnerability creeping through me. I've always hated the unknown, but my last encounter with a vampire went by pretty well, all things considered. This was going to be like the last time, right? ******************** Walking down a vacant street on a moonless night was never my idea of a good time. Seeing my breath hang in the air, colored only by the few working streetlights didn't add to my stellar mood. The further I got from Nadia, the more nervous I was getting. Why did I agree to this exactly? Because I'm the only one who cares for Tiffany that has the ability to actually do something about it. Tiffany deserved better than what was ahead of her; no one deserved this life. Not that hooker with a broken nose and black eye, not that hobo digging through that trashcan like he'd find gold. It made me sick. A strange, but not altogether unfamiliar sound came from the alley just ahead of me. Someone was getting fucked, too bad they weren't happy about it. It wasn't a rape--I would have killed someone if it was--but whoever it was hated themselves for doing it. I stepped closer. I nearly threw-up from the stench coming from around the corner. Four day old garbage mixed with infected skin and bad booze along with a heavy dose of anger, sex and shame. I could hear the girl's hips and ass grinding against the wall, I could see her breasts bouncing out of what little clothing covered them in the first place. Whoever the guy was, a renegade by the scent of his breath--yes, I could tell--he was giving it to her good. At least, that's what he thought. I watched even as my stomach turned over. I saw the multitude of bite marks marring her neck, shoulder and chest. She's been a bleeder for a long time. My heart sank at the thought of it. It didn't matter how repulsed I was by the whole thing, I couldn't look away. The renegade clawed at her neck, sending her through the roof. That reminded me of things way too close to the chest. It makes the victim powerless to their own sexual desire. I knew that she climaxed the instant his hand touched her. He wasn't far behind. The girl's screams of ecstasy only intensified as his spunk filled her up. Then came what she really wanted. The bite. He bit into her abused skin, finding an old mark of his somehow. She came again. Her body writhed under his power. Her legs gripped his waist tighter, she savored every second of it. But that didn't take away the disgust on her face. I saw it as the fell to the pavement, his mouth hanging onto her neck. I almost fainted how much she was enjoying this. Tiffany's face replaced hers for a moment. I couldn't think. I didn't want to, because that meant thinking more about what might happen to my friend. "SHE'S MINE!" the renegade shouted, her blood dripping from his mouth. His eyes were completely black, hers were glossed over in the throws of passion. She groaned. "More," she mumbled, barely conscious from it all. "Please. I... need... more." I put my hands up in the universal sign of apology. I took a step back, a tear trickled down my cheek at the desperation in her voice. He fucked into her once again to get the hormones into her blood. His mouth returned in a snappy move that sent blood splattering onto her face. She cried out in orgasm once again. I'd seen enough. I tore my gaze away from the alley and continued on my way. I fought off the tears as best I could and steeled my resolve. My knees may be weak, but my vigor was like iron. This bastard was going to tell me what I wanted to know. I arrived at the drug store, and just as I thought no one was there to greet me. "Hello!" I called out to the night. "I'm here!" My voice echoed off the walls. I expected to hear crickets, it was that quiet. Apparently, the renegade had his fill, because that nauseating noise stopped before I got here. "Right on time," came that voice from behind me. "And chalk full of emotion." He looked me up and down, sizing me up for some reason. "What are you so mad about?" "Jerk me around and you'll find out," said with a hiss. "Where's Tiffany?" "All in good time." He moved fast. Those words came from behind me. I spun around. Shit. He was vamping out on me. "First, I'm hungry and I can smell blood on you." Damn it. Was I still bleeding? "Fuck you. They've got hookers and for that." I couldn't believe I just said that, but it was all I could think of. "Go find one." His smile widened. The next thing I knew I was against the wall of the drug store, his hand holding my head against the bricks. Blood trickled down my temple. "I've got one right here," he hissed. Oh no he did not! I pushed off from the wall and spun around. I got a foot into his gut before he vanished. Damn he's fast. I fell back onto my new instincts and mentally scanned the area. He was huddled around the corner, hiding to keep up his vanishing act. I didn't move--he would hear me--but I continued listening. His heartbeat, his breathing, his cackling mental giggle. I didn't know if he was letting me "see" him or if he simply didn't know I was doing it. "Come out, you little fucker," I whispered. "I've done what you asked me to do, so tell me what I want to know." The air behind me shifted. "I'll tell you when I'm done." I pulled my aura back to me and braced for impact. Oddly enough, it was a mere shove in the back, but with enough force to knock me to the ground. What are we, five? "So you want a fight?" I asked, rolling over. "It won't be as easy as you think." I said with more confidence thanI felt. His smile widened. I knew I was emitting emotions like an old muffler. "I don't care, I'm just hungry." Great. He's completely vamped out, and that means he will not be reasoned with. He lunged at me, mouth agape. I brought my boot up and kissed him square in the mouth. "I need to eat!" he hissed, like I just offended him by fighting him off. "I'm not just going to role over for you, asshole," I snapped back. "My vampire's hungry too." That made him stop for a second. "You're a Watcher?" "Yeah. Nadia Anichka Viktoria Domitrivich's to be exact. You called me, remember?" I don't think I'll ever manage to figure these guys out. He went from insanely hungry to vulnerably confused in two seconds flat. His eyes searched mine for any sign of a lie. "Nadia doesn't keep Watchers," he said bitingly. And just like that he was back to insanely hungry. I sighed as I stood up. "I've heard that before too," I said trying to keep my cool. "But here I am." "Shut up!" He came at me again. We grappled at each other, him pulling me towards his mouth and me fighting it. His teeth were longer than Nadia's. Interesting. Gender thing maybe? Or is it because he's killed more people? Funny I should think that at a time like this. "You have something I want." He said that just before he threw me to the ground. Now what? He was still vamped out, but again he looked confused. Shit. Damn it all to hell. "What?" I asked, just as confused. "What would I have that you want?" He made like he would jump again, but stopped. "Look, buddy, just tell me why you called me out here and I'm gone." "No," the renegade mumbled. "You can't leave. You have something I want." I rolled my eyes. "What then?" "Dhampir..." He said that like he's never said it before. "I don't believe it, what any of them say. You're not a dhampir." Oh god damn it! This again. "Give it to me!" I ducked out of the way of his next attack. I caught the first whiff of those vampire pheromones. It was different than Nadia's. Of course his had a masculine quality, but his were more robust rather than sweet. I reached out with my aura, but it just bounced off of his. Okay, Nadia, I could use some help here, I thought before avoiding his renewed effort. "What do you want with me?" I asked, rising back to my feet.

"Proof," the renegade hissed.

"Proof of what?"

"Of what you are." He lunged at me again. My vision changed over to where I could follow his movements. He was still wicked fast, but at least now I could dodge his attacks more fluidly. I rolled to my right, just in time to hear his knee crack into the pavement.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, ducking away from yet another lunge. I kicked him on the side of his knee, feeling good when something gave. "Everyone knows what I am. Even Father Darien knows I'm a dhampir."

He hissed and growled at the same time. It was an ugly sound. "The others don't!" I caught his hands as he grappled at my throat. I felt his claws lightly touching my skin. It sent a shiver through my groin. Shit. I knew he knew about my scar, but I didn't think it would be that sensitive already. He must have felt the shift in my breathing because he did it again just for the pleasure of doing it. Pissed, I pulled him forward and smashed his face with my forehead--hearing his nose break was quite satisfying.

"What others?" I asked before he hit the ground. "His 'brothers at the Order'?" Repeating that asshole's words made my skin crawl, even if the renegade was surprised at how much I already knew.

"How did you know about the Order?"

I scoffed. "He does talk to me from time to time, dumbass. I'm a prized commodity. I'm surprised that they don't know already. He's had three days."

That pissed him off. He charged me again. I spun to my side and grabbed his wrist. I flung him around into the wall, his own momentum doing the hard work for me. Damn, either Nadia is a good teacher or I'm a fast learner. We've only been "training" for about a week. Then again, maybe it was my newly discovered abilities that was doing all the dirty work now. Good, because this was the first renegade vampire I've ever fought and even thought I would win. I didn't stand a chance against Harold.

His breathing was growing harsher by the second. I felt a shift in his aura and the air around us. He was trying to dominate mine, and not in the good way. When his psychic bubble touched mine, I knew every though that was going through his brain. He wanted to torture and rape me until I became something that Tiffany would sneer at. And he wasn't alone. He's spoken to others about this and they all wanted a piece of me. Father Darien himself granted him permission to dominate me. Another one of his tests, I presumed.

"That won't work," I said with my mind. I'm glad Nadia taught me how to do that. It was pretty cool seeing the frustration on his face and hearing the disappointment course through his mind. "But thank you for that."

He severed the mental connection when he caught on to me manipulating his aura, taking it for my own. "BITCH!"

I stepped away from his renewed physical attack. When he spun to look at me, I just gave him a smug look. He growled again. I avoided his next two strikes, but he landed a good one in my gut, knocking the air out of me. He threw me against the building behind him. I heard my back crack. I moved my head in time for him to punch the brick wall, but he landed a good backhand against my face. Grabbing me by my collar, he picked me up and threw me again. With my attention going towards numbing the pain, the pheromones began to take their toll.

The renegade grabbed my neck like he was going to bite me. His claws dug into my neck, but didn't break the skin. His aura touched mine again, but just as quickly backed off. In that moment, I showed him the memory of Adriel chasing me down the hallway. In so doing I learned who he feared more than any other creature. Good stuff to know, but it wouldn't do me any good if I became his little plaything. I lifted my knee into his gut and he threw me down. "Just give me what I want!" Jesus Christ! Now what does he want.

I stood up. My vision was becoming blurry and my pussy was getting wet. Not fucking fair! Nadia had warned me about these guys playing on my vulnerability like that, and I thought I was strong enough to handle it. Wrong! 'Where are you Nadia?' I thought, trying to call out to her. I moved away from the guy's next attack, but I think it was more luck than anything, though his movements were slowing as well. Lucky break for me.

I didn't know how much more of this I could stand. This guy has been dumping out pheromones like no one's business. I fought it off as best as I could, but my scars could only handle so much.Then there's that relentless hissing that's getting on my nerves. I mean, seriously, does he have to do that every time I throw his vampire-ass off of me? "Just give me what I want," he said again.

"Fuck you, asshole," I said taking a step back. "You don't think I know 'he' sent you after me?" My vision had changed over and his once-threatening vampire speed was nothing more than a slight blur of motion; whatever Nadia unlocked in my "new brain"--her words, not mine--was keeping me alive. I wasn't as fast as he, but I was able to get a few blows in of my own, good thing he hasn't fed in the last day or so. Yes, even I could tell the difference.

He jumped at me again. I rolled back and lifted my foot into his gut, flipping him over me. I rolled back over in time to catch an elbow before it hit my face. I kicked his back, sending him forward. He slowly turned to face me. Something was wrong. His fangs were almost at full extension. Shit. If he had that kind of ability then he was a slightly more powerful vampire than I thought. With his eyes black as sin, he hissed again, "Don't flatter yourself, little morsel--"

"HEY! You don't call me that, little bleeder." That pissed him off. Every muscle in his body tensed. He strained against some sort of invisible leash; being called that is the same thing as calling a black guy a "nigger". I don't know what it was that was holding him back, but something about this wasn't adding up. "What does that son of a bitch want with me this time?"

He hissed again, saliva dripped off his teeth. "You, dhampir," he answered with a strained voice. "Just you."

"Yeah, I bet he does." Anytime now Nadia. "What exactly would he want with me this time? And don't tell me you don't know."

"And if I tell you I don't?" The tension on his face didn't loosen any, but at least he stopped salivating. "What will you do to me?" I felt my aura tingle again. My face slackened into a devious smile.

"Not me. Him"

The renegade vamp fell over himself as he backed away from our new arrival. "Ah, Charlene, so nice to see you, but I didn't know you new him too." Adriel, complete with that familiar crimson smile. The vampire that called me out here couldn't seem to get away from him fast enough. It felt good to see this lowlife cower before him, though just a week ago I was doing the exact same thing.

"No," I said without taking my eyes off the renegade. "I don't know who he is and I don't care. He said that he knew where Tiffany's been hiding out, but so far hasn't said word one about it."

"Yes, yes, I see, just leave him to me if you please. I'm hungry and need to feed."

That surprised me, though it probably shouldn't have. "You eat other vampires?" Dumb question, I know, considering what happened three days ago.

"I eat what I eat, meat is meat." I guess that made sense. Animals eat other animals regardless of species. I watched Adriel stare him down as he stalked closer to him. The renegade had his back against the wall, literally. The former seer and master looked positively gone from the thirst.

"Wait," I said, slapping him in the arm. He spun around, teeth bared like the hungry dog he is. He motioned like he would come after me, a scare tactic of vampires that still works even on me. He smiled wider at my fear. "Make him talk first."

"I... I'll tell you what you want to know." Adriel was on him before my heart beat again.

Adriel cackled that skin-crawling laugh. "Yes you will, then I'll have my fill." The sound of his voice made me nauseous. I didn't want to think what was going to happen to this guy once I was done.

I gulped then looked at my quarry. "Tell me what I want to know," I said as flatly as I could. "You called me out here. Now talk."

The renegade's eyes were still blackened, but not from hunger. Fear took over, and he bounced his vision between me and Adriel. "Call off the dog first," he demanded.

"Did I miss something? You called me, remember? Do you have anything useful or are we just gonna keep bullshitting each other?"

Adriel's smile lightened into a sickening display of hungry vampire amusement. He was getting off on all of the emotions being pumped into the air. "Yes, I do, but call him off first."

"Listen buddy, I'll sick him on you now if you keep this up." If he thinks I've got some kind of control over the former master, why not play it up? I just hope Adriel didn't blow it for me. I turned to him and said, "Just how hungry are you, Adriel?"

The fear intensified, even I could feel it. "Very hungry, mistress dhampir. I love the smell of fear." Good, he's playing along.

I smiled when the renegade gulped. That lesson of power that Nadia and I had came back to me, I almost forgot how overwhelming it was to hold someone's life in my hands. My expression must have tripped something within him, because I swear I thought he just peed himself. "Well. Which is it going to be?"

He braced for an impending impact. "I last saw your little friend about this time yesterday. She was hanging around Carlton's--doing what? I have no idea." A sinister smirk came to my mouth. I touched Adriel's shoulder and he licked his lips.

"Did you touch her? Be honest..."

"No! You think I'm stupid enough to touch one of Father Darien's toys?"

"Don't you dare call her that!" My grip on the vampire's shoulder tightened. "She doesn't belong to anyone!"

"Try telling that to 'him'... or her for that matter."

I don't know what did it. Maybe it was my newly found identity and heritage. Maybe it was the willful disregard he had for my ex, but something in me snapped. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to tear his heart out of his chest. I wanted to bash his skull until his brain fell out. Adriel picked up on the change in my aura, he was becoming jittery. I stopped him when he moved by shaking my head. "Anything else?" I asked tightly.

"Yeah, there's one more thing." I motioned for him to continue during his long pause. "She and Marianna have partnered up. Father Darien was bragging about it a couple of days ago." My heart sank. My ex hooked up with Nadia's ex and they're both under that demon's influence. This just keeps getting better and better.

A tear trickled down my cheek. Tension held my heart in place. I didn't want to think of what that creature was doing to them. I wanted to scream. I wanted to put my fist through someone's face. I wanted to kill him. Visions of how I would do it floated blissfully through my head. The idea of holding my hands around his neck so I could feel his heart stop was my favorite. Adriel jerked against my grip, snapping me back to reality. The renegade had the smuggest smile on his face, and it pissed me off. "Something wrong?" he asked sarcastically.

My eyes narrowed. "Yes," I all but hissed, "Something is very wrong."

With that I released Adriel's shoulder. The air stirred with a sickening howl. I stood and watched him tear his prey apart. I planned to let him live, but he had to go and fuck it up. Although, I don't think his change in demeanor was entirely his choice. I think that power-hungry asshole had a hand in that decision, but listening to his screams suddenly silence was soothing. Weird how I wasn't at all repulsed by either the sight or smell. The viciousness of the attack did nothing to frighten me. All of the blood splatter and body parts scattered... I just shrugged it off. I had just killed somebody? Then felt nothing? What the fuck is wrong with me?

After about five minutes of standing there, I carefully approached Adriel as he continued to dine. I noticed that he didn't feed like a normal vampire, he tore the head off and drank from it like a bottle. Then ate the actual meat from the bones. Well, I don't think he's ever once lied to me--he said "meat is meat". "Adriel? Is it alright if I go?"

"Why would Charlene go? Do you fear me so?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I just want to go find my friend. Is that alright with you?"

I never would have thought of him as charming, particularly with his dinner hanging out of his mouth, but he put on his most debonair smile. "Of course, but fear not your recourse. The night is young still, and dark things harken to his will."

"Thank you," I said with a slight nod. "And thank you for helping me tonight." He made a noise that I translated as "anytime". I tuned around and left thinking just how happy I was to have him on my side.

I made my way back to Nadia's car, where she was waiting inside. I guess my calling out to her didn't have the effect I thought it would. Seeing her sitting there, reading one of her books caused me to sigh; I decided I wasn't going to be angry, this was a good trip and damn it if it wasn't going to stay that way.

"Couldn't you hear me?" I asked as I sat down. I reached around and grabbed my seatbelt.

"Yes I could, but Adriel said he wanted to help you. So I let him."

"You two teaming and scheming for my protection now?" I clicked it in and looked up. She flashed me one of her charming smiles.


We arrived back at Nadia's house a few minutes later. She didn't say a word about where she'd been or what she's been doing all day, but kept flashing me those beautifully white teeth of hers. Beautiful, sexy, dangerous. Her pupils were swelling and I doubt it was because she was just happy to see me.

"When did you last eat, Nadia?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway.

"A while." What the hell kind of answer was that? "Why?"

"Because you've been acting like a gutty schoolgirl since you picked me up and it's kind of freaking me out." When she didn't say anything, I added, "It's not like you."

"Did you stop to think that it's because I'm happy?"

I shook my head. "Never crossed my mind."

"Very funny," she said, askance. "I've got some good news for you."

"And I you, but you go first."

Nadia took a deep breath. "Well, an informant told me that he knows where Tiffany and Marianna are hiding. They we gone when I went there, but I could smell them all over the place." She looked at me to size up my reaction. "They have way too many personal things there to not come back."

I gave it a moment before I added in what I knew. "Did he also tell you that they sort of hooked up and both are now under Father Darien's control?" I got my answer when I felt her mood drop. "Guess not."

"Actually, that makes sense."

"Can we discuss it inside?" I suggested.

Nadia nodded and undid her seatbelt. I followed suit and we made our way inside. The extra bounce in her step told me something was up, but I didn't dare ask what.

We entered the kitchen and I set my bag on the counter by the microwave. "So what makes sense?"

Nadia set her stuff on the table. Smiling, she came into the kitchen and propped herself up next to my bag. The vampire pulled me close to her and said, "I could smell all three of them there."

My eyes widened. "And you're happy about that because...?"

"It means that he's not treating them like gutter trash," she said with a smile. "He's keeping them relatively healthy and fed. I found remnants of meals in both trash cans and the sink."

"You mean that they're living in an actual house?" She nodded, her eyes glowing like mine. "Wow."


"It's just that the guy who called me out tonight said that he saw Tiffany scavenging behind Carlton's."

"I think scavenge is a harsh word," she said in an attempt to cheer me up. "I would use something more like waiting. She was waiting for him."

"And you're happy about that?"

"Given the alternative? Yes." She gave me a light kiss. "He could have tossed her out on the street to beg for her nightly bites. He could have used her like some ill-regarded blow-up doll. But he didn't. Instead he makes sure they're fed and housed."

I wasn't impressed. "Nadia, that's how it all starts. Physical violence--or just the threat of it; mental domination, sexual frustration followed by a series of rapes. And then he offers random acts of kindness." Nadia's smile fell, knowing where I was going with this. "Sound familiar."

Surprisingly, she pulled me into a tight hug. I tentatively wrapped my arms around the vampire. "I was trying to stay positive."

Nice idea, but until we find a way to free both of them and both of us from under his spell it would mean nothing. I knew all to well what happens when you get your hopes up: the impact from the fall hurts that much more. However, since she wanted to take the high road I don't see why I shouldn't. "I know."

I heard her smile at my grip tightening. "God, you smell so good, Charlene."

This again. "You said that you fed already. Twice in fact."

"I did, but I'm hungry for you now."

Her breath was hot against my skin. My eyes slipped shut, savoring that wonderful sensation. Her lips tempted my scars. It felt so good to feel that again. I let the pheromones slip into me and run through my pussy. Nadia's teeth touched my raised skin, making me moan and suck in some air. I love it when she teases me like that. A noise from the stairwell pulled my head up. "What was that?"

"I want you, Charlene."

"Not that," I breathed, trying unsuccessfully to pull out of her grasp. "Downstairs."

"My informant. Don't worry about it."

"What is he doing here?"

Nadia ran her tongue up the side of my neck, intentionally avoiding my scars. "Informing."

Her grip on my arms tightened. Her aura touched mine and sent me into a chill. My brain tried to think of a way to get her to stop, but my body wanted more. It wanted to feel those beautiful teeth penetrate me once again. It wanted to feel those wonderful sensations. Just the thought of it sent goose bumps all over me. My vagina dampened even more. Nadia's aura was overtaking mine, but I wasn't so sure that was a good thing. "Nadia..." I breathed, my eyes still closed, "Why is he downstairs?"

"Shh, Watcher," she purred. I didn't like that she would use that tone of voice when calling me that, but it was sexy as hell. "I need you right now."

My "new brain" turned on. My eyes shot open. Something about the way she said that didn't sound right. "Nadia, stop it," I said, fighting the effects of her pheromones. "Start talking, or I walk out that door."

My vampire/girlfriend chuckled. She was delighted to see me putting up a fight? Sense when? "Good, Charlene, that fire that I love about you still burns bright even in the heat of lust." She released me. I took a few cautious, but hasted steps back. She was completely vamped out of her mind. "I've always admired that about you, Charlene; you always know just how to push me until I must take what I want by force."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, smelling the 'heat of our lust' hang in the air. "What exactly do you want from me?"

"You, silly," she chuckled, like a little schoolgirl.

"Is that you, Father Darien? Because if it is--"

"You'll what?" Nadia snapped. I think I just got my answer.

"Leave us alone," I commanded, "Nadia and I are not your little playthings. If you want to talk to me, just do it like any sane person: call me!"

"Charmingly amusing!" That sounded so wrong in Nadia's voice. In fact this whole conversation sounded wrong in her voice. It was wrong, period. "Tell, me my dear, would you answer it if I were to oblige you on this?"

I paused; he had a point. "Maybe, maybe not," was what came out. "Maybe you should try it first and we'll go from there."

"Maybe, maybe not," Nadia repeated, her face showing his amusement. There was a brief silence in the room before he/she spoke again. "You have always amazed me, Candy Cane. You accept Nadia with little to no equivocation or hesitation. You accepted our little corner of the world as how things are going to be. And you have survived multiple attacks--most of my own design--and yet you still have the gall to threaten me. You even fought off a renegade that I've kept starved for three days and you walk away with little more than a scratch. Bravo. In yet you have this vague notion that I will simple leave my favorite student alone just for your sake. You fight me at every waking opportunity on this matter, and from the looks of your aura and thoughts, you plan to continue to do so. How utterly delightful."

"Listen to me, you son of a bitch..." Nadia's arms opened in a sign that said she/he was listening. That smirk that showed on her face made me think of a better way to end that sentence. He could have had Nadia kill me this whole time just to teach her another twisted life lesson, and the guy downstairs too for that matter, but he didn't. "How about if we make some kind of a deal?"

"Interesting. I don't often make deals with beings beneath my notice."

I snorted at that. "I'm hardly beneath your notice," I said, putting a hand on my hip.

"But no."

"Really? Even if I can make it worth your while?"

Nadia's voice cackled in a hysterical laugh. I think I even heard the velvety voice of the Father mixed in. "What could YOU possibly offer?"

"Plenty." The laughing died down a bit. "You said you saw my thoughts. Well look through them again, more specifically the ones from my class today." I waited for him/her to do just that. The corner of my mouth lifted at his sudden change of expression. "Care to reconsider?"

"Where did you find that?"

"Does it matter? I have it in my school bag, in case you wanted to know." He was getting nervous. Good. "I doubt you would want me to go around to your fellow masters blabbing about it. I might even join in with their covens if the price is right. You said yourself that I'm a pretty hot commodity."

"I'll think about it and get back with you."

"You will call me on the phone, not do this whole possession thing," I commanded, not buying his high-and-mighty act. "You have until, let's say, Halloween. If I don't hear from you by then, I take what I know and leave."

"I'll think about it," he said again, right before Nadia fell to the floor.

I held my vampire's head in my lap, stroking her hair like she usually does for me after a feeding. She stirred a moaned with soft whimpers. It hurt to see her like this. A toy for that rat-bastard to use and then discard like she means nothing to him, like she means nothing to no one. She is MY vampire, and I'm her Watcher... we mean everything to each other.

I knew she could hear our conversation. It's all part of the possession game. The possessor keeps the victim conscious to prolong the psychological effects during the possession. It's the most foul, loathsome thing anyone could do to another, and then get off on it. I saw the happiness in his eyes, I could see her struggle against his dominance. I'll take that as the silver lining; he forced himself upon her, she didn't let him in willingly.

"Charlene," she breathed in that same whimper. My heart broke at the sound of it. She was desperate, vulnerable, weak. Not like my Nadia. "You're not serious are you?"

That is Nadia. Cut right to the chase. "Maybe," I said. "He can read your thoughts right?"

"Yes." I could smell the tears welling in her eyes.

"Then that's all I can tell you." It hurt to say that, but no one said that the truth didn't hurt. "Did he share anything with you?"

Her breathing was shaky at best. "Only what you said out loud." There was a moment of pause before she asked the next obvious question. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Because I had to."

"Not because it's true?"

"Nadia, if that son of a bitch can read your thoughts, then that's all I will say." My heart broke even before those words left my mouth. And so did hers. "Tell me something Nadia. If we do form that balance that he's been obsessing over, could he read my thoughts through you. You know, like a central medium or something?"

She curled up tighter against my lap. Both of her hands wrapped around my waist. "Not exactly, or at least, that's what I've read." It was a labored effort, but good to hear. "You're a unique case, Charlene. If you were completely human, then I could say beyond a doubt that he couldn't."

"And because I'm not entirely human..."

"I have no way of knowing," she finished for me. She sat up and resumed her usual role of educator, and for the first time I was glad to see it. "In all of my research I've only come across about a dozen dhampirs, and none of them ever became a Watcher." Lucky me. Again. "Father Darien is fascinated by you."

I snorted. "I noticed."

"I'm serious," she protested, "If he wasn't, he would have left you alone--physically at least--" But no-o-o-o, I had to be unique and interesting. "It's a good thing, Charlene. It shows that he's either scared, curious, or excited, and I've never seen him take this much interest in anyone outside the coven. Myself included."

I rolled my eyes. That's awfully similar to what I've been hearing for a while now and no seems to know why. They do a good job of speculating, if even that much, but no one seems to know anything. "Don't tell me, that means I'm going to be putting up with this crap for a while longer, right?"

Nadia shrugged. "It depends." I made a face that told her to continue. "What did you show him? I felt his entire aura shift from domineering to worried. Frightened even."

"Seriously?" I asked, astonished that he'd allow himself to be read that well. "It really scared him that much?"

"Yes, whatever 'it' was. I felt him tremble with fear, if for only a moment." Cool. "What was it?"

My mouth opened then closed. It was too quiet in here. Whoever was downstairs quit moving around, and that unsettled me. He, or she, was listening. For all I knew, Father Darien had taken over him between then and now. "Who the hell is downstairs?" I asked in a voice that was more bitchy than I intended. When I didn't get an answer right away, I repeated, "Nadia, who the fuck is downstairs?"

"One of my research contacts," she said meekly. My vision changed over, my blood coursed through me with a heat I didn't recognize. My aura reached out and touched hers. My dhampir brain turned on as I tried to read her thoughts. I got nothing from Nadia, but whoever was downstairs freaked right the fuck out.

"Try again," I said bitingly.

"See for yourself," the vampire offered, motioning towards the stairwell. Her voice was back to it's usual calm-but-subdued tone, which told me that I had no cause for concern regarding this stranger.

I stood up and moved towards the stairs, the stairs that I built. My eyes remained locked on my vampire in case the Father was trying to set me up again. Nothing shifted--upstairs at least. Beneath me fear and alarm were being thrown all over the room. It was almost as if this vampire was trying to misguide me as to where she was located.

I spun on my heels and leapt down the passage, landing on the floor silently, without touching a single step. Immediately, I buried the lower half of my face into my arm. It absolutely reeked down here. Did this guy shit his pants? "If you come out now I won't hurt you," I called out into the den. "You have my word on that."

"Promise?" a woman answered back.

"Promise," I said, taking a few steps forward. I entered Nadia's sanctuary and immediately looked at her chair. My pulse slowed when a head slowly came up from behind it. The utter terror on her face spoke volumes. She opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind. In that brief moment, I saw that she was a vampire. And she was scared of me? "Who the hell are you?"

"You don't remember me?" she asked, sounding both relieved and insulted.

My eyes narrowed into slits. If there was one thing I've picked up on during my short tenure with vampires is always size up the potential threat. I watched my dad do that a few times whenever I brought my dates home. He looked at them like they'd steal me away from him, like they didn't deserve the honor of being on my arm. "No, I don't," I finally said. She let out a breath she'd been holding the whole time. Just when you think you've got'em figured out...

"Well, we sort of met a few weeks ago," she said, remaining behind the chair. Images of me doing something similar with Nadia flashed through my mind. "I work at the Were-House and Coven Darien's." I shook my head; didn't ring any bells.

In an effort to lessen the reek of fear, I extended my hand in introduction. "I'm Charlene, but everyone calls me--"

"Charlie, I know," she finished for me, refusing to touch me. "I saw you the night you and Nadia met."

I lowered my hand. "So," I breathed trying not to make this anymore awkward, "What's your name?"


"Well, Amber, what are you doing in Nadia's basement? And spare me the one-word answers. I get enough of those from her."

Amber came around the chair and took a seat. She crossed her legs and picked up the heavy-looking tome I remember looking at from my first visit here. Her familiarity and comfort of being here, in that seat, sent a pang of jealousy through me. Thoughts of me kicking her ass into next week came and went. With muscles tense, I pulled MY chair up close to her and waited for her to start explaining.

"After Adriel told you what you are, Nadia asked me to start researching everything there is to know about the topic. I did some digging in the libraries that Father Darien owns, then made my way through the university library, eventually ending up here, reading the old texts that Nadia's acquired throughout the years." Made sense so far. Maybe a little too much, seeing as how my meeting with Adriel wasn't that long ago. But, I wanted to keep this civil, so I just sat and listened. "For all of the myths and theories about dhampirs, there isn't a lot of factual information about them. Every theory is just that--a theory."

"Such as?" I asked, curious to know myself.

"Things like exactly what vampiric powers you possess, for starters. Why only half of your genome is affected by the virus. Why there are so few of them in first place." She looked me square in the eye and added, "You're the first one born in the last one hundred years at least, and the only one born on this continent." For some reason I wasn't surprised. "You're an anomaly, an enigma. Charlie, you've got the whole coven in an uproar."

"So I gather."

"Even Father Darien's brothers in the Order don't know what to do."

Despite being told that once already, it surprised me to hear. Maybe that asshole tonight wasn't lying after all. "How do you know that?"

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked, her voice dropping in pitch. "After everything he's thrown at you, you still refuse think he knows what to do?" Okay, that made sense, but it didn't exactly answer my question. "For all he knows your abilities and powers are enough to take him down. And that's why he's afraid of you."

I chuckled. "Fear of the unknown," I mused aloud. She nodded. "I'm confused though, Amber. How did you do all of this research in less than two weeks? Especially since everyone who ever gets close to any answers dies before they can share them." My gaze hardened as she retreated into the seat. "Care to explain."

"Well, um..."

"I'm not in the mood for 'um', Amber. Start talking." She slowly closed the book. Any idiot could see the guilt of being caught spill out on her face. "Look, I promised I wouldn't hurt you, remember? But if you insist on bullshitting me, I just might change my mind."

"Father Darien is after me," she said, but I didn't see her mouth move.

"And you came here first?"

"It was the safest place I could think of." I was startled by how she said that. Behind the desperation there was a need for me to understand. I know just how cruel that asshole can be--I've lived it, I am living it. "He could tear me apart with only a thought."

"You don't need to sell me on why you're afraid of him," I said softly, images of Tiffany running through my mind. "He's an evil guy who does evil things to people. I've been there."

"But he refuses to kill you," she pleaded. "People like me are nothing more than ants to him; we mean nothing and are regarded as such."

"I'll say it again: you don't need to sell me on why you're here." Seriously, what did she do to piss him off? "I'm only insisting on honesty. If you can't be honest with me, then--and I can't believe I'm saying this--you're about as useless to me as you are to him." Utter terror flashed on her already diminutive expression. "I've been lied to enough already."

She gulped, giving herself a false sense of strength. "Fair enough," she mumbled.

My expression softened. I heard Nadia coming down the stairs, probably tipped off by the ever-shifting emotional energy down here. I noticed that she too winced at that repugnant odor that Amber was probably still emitting. "Alright then," I said to my vampire over my shoulder, "What have you got for me?"

"Not much I'm afraid," Nadia said, placing her hands on my shoulders. "We've been at it for days, but, like she said, there isn't much to go on."

"Well, what do you have?"

"I've told you pretty much all that I know," Amber said, drawing my attention back to her. My hand tightened it's grip on Nadia's. Amber saw it. Her jaw flexed and her throat bobbed telling, me just about everything I needed to know. Nadia and I were going to talk about this later.

"So what you're telling me is that Father Darien is chasing me like a rabid fox based on theories?" Nadia and Amber exchanged a look that just pissed me off. "Alright!" I slammed my free hand onto the table, "Tell me what's going on here. Both of you!"

Nadia came around the table and sat in my

lap. She felt amazingly light as her arms wrapped around my neck. She was acting like she'd never see me again. "Charlene, Father Darien wants to study you," my vampire said.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh really, you think?"

"Not like that," Amber said quickly. "Charlie, what he wants is to turn you an experiment. He doesn't want you roaming free. He wants to put you in a cage and study you like a lab rat."

Just when you think you've heard it all... "Is that why he picked Tiffany? To lure me into his lair?" I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice. It was I could do to keep from crying. Is this what my life has boiled down to?

"Yes," Nadia said softly.

"Again, how do you know this?"

"I was meeting with Father Darien this afternoon." Amber gulped at the sound of his name. Nadia's voice was weighed down with guilt and shame. The hidden meaning in that stabbed me right through the heart.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked to a pair of blank faces, each giving me the same answer I came up with. "Because I don't have a fucking clue."

To be continued...

Here's a preview of Episode 14:

Charlie and Nadia, along with Amber, go out to dig up something useful, neither one knowing what Charlie found in the library. The note that Charlie copied gets passed off and translated, and an unlikely person gets thrown into the mix.

While the girls are researching, Charlie struggles to devise a plan to tell her parents about the recent events, leading up to a confrontation that changes her life forever.

Next: Chapter 14

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