Abercrombie Jock's First Time

By Scott

Published on Apr 25, 2000



It was the fifteenth of August, 1999, and I had just arrived in Tuscaloosa for my freshman year at the University. I had been a pretty popular kid in high school; I hung out with the cool crowd, drank a good bit of beer, smoked a little weed, and generally had a good time. I played football, but I was no dumb fuck--I made it to Alabama on a scholarship, and not the football kind, either. I guess I'm your basic preppy type--most days you'd find me in Abercrombie from head to toe. I'm about six feet tall, brown hair and eyes, and I'm in good shape from football and generally working out. I played tailback, so I'm not some huge lineman, but I've got good size. Oh yeah, and I dated and screwed a bunch of girls--I left a steady girlfriend back home when I came to T-town, but we weren't anything serious enough to try to work it out it long-distance.

Anyway, my folks had packed up my car with all my shit and seen me off that morning. By the time I rolled in to town and unpacked all my shit, I was dog-ass tired. And since it's not like Alabama is known for mild weather, it was only like 95 fuckin' degrees outside, so I was drenched from hauling all my shit up five flights of stairs into my dorm. I hadn't brought any soap or shampoo or shit with me, since I figured I could buy it on the 'rents Visa once I got settled down, so I held off on taking a shower just yet. Plus it was a community shower, with little curtains to separate everyone. I had checked it out a little; it seemed OK. Anyway, I laid my ass down on what I picked as my bed--I was supposed to have a roommate, but he hadn't showed yet, so fuck him, I took the mattress that had a little life left in it. So it's like four o'clock, and I'm taking a little rest on the bed.

Oh yeah, here's what I was wearing so you can make a little picture for yourself. I never go anywhere without a baseball cap--I had on a blue one with "AF" on the front. Then I was wearing an "Alabama Football" t-shirt that had the arms cut off and was also cut off a little at the bottom, so it came down to just above my belly button. Showed off my tanned body and my abs, which were looking pretty good. Then I was wearing some A&F shorts, the khaki ones with a whole shitpile of pockets on them. They hung kind of low on me, so that my underwear was showing. I had on some Hawaiian-looking boxers and then some of the tighty whities that Abercrombie sells. Most of my friends don't think it's too cool to wear grippers, but I think they're just afraid that they'll look like a dork or a fag or some shit if anyone sees them in them. Maybe that's why I wear boxers over mine, but that's a habit I'm going to get out of now that I'm here by myself. If anyone wants to give me shit about wearing briefs, bring it on, bitch. Jesus H. Christ, I don't know why I went off like that on fuckin' underwear! Whatever. Oh yeah, and I was wearing some flip flops, but I had kicked them off. If you could see me you'd see that I'm tanned all over; my hottie girlfriend and I used to tan naked in her backyard when nobody was home, so there's no tan lines on me, or on her. So there I was.

I guess I fell asleep, 'cause the next thing I know I wake up and there's some dude walking around the room. I was kind of freaked for a minute, but I realized it must be my roommate, so I said hey to him and he turned around. He must have been getting ready to go to the shower, 'cause all he was wearing was a towel and some flip flops, and he had his soap and shit in his hand. That's fuckin' right, a scholarship--and I figured out he was going to the shower all by myself. So I said hey, and he said hey, you must be Scott, which is my name, so I said yeah, dude, you Joe? So he was Joe, he said. Joe was a fuckin' stud. I mean, I'm not bad looking, in fact I think I look pretty hot, but this was the kind of guy that my girl friends would say makes their panties wet. Well, I don't wear a lot of panties, I mean, I really don't wear any panties unless guys' bikini undies like CK count, but I don't think those are panties. But so I don't wear panties, but if I did, he would have made mine wet, too--oh holy shit, I mean, if I had a pussy, which I don't. He was fuckin' hot is all I'm saying. I got a hard- on. So there.

Oh yeah, it turns out I'm fuckin' bisexual. Ain't that the shit, dude. I didn't ever know what was the deal with me, but I had this long heart to heart talk with my bud Paul when we were fuckin' stoned out of our minds, and he told me he wasn't gay or anything and he liked girls, but sometimes he thought about screwing around with a guy, and he thought that some guys were hot. So I asked him whether he had ever screwed around with a guy, and he said he and our friend Toby used to jack off together when Toby was staying over at Paul's house some nights, so I was learning new things all the time about my friends. So Paul asked me if I ever thought about guys, and since I was stoned and all and he had just told me about him and Toby, I fessed up to the truth and said sometimes when I jack off I think about guys, and I kind of check out the other guys in the showers in the locker room, but I had never messed around, and besides, I was straight. He asked me if I wanted to jack off with him, then. Well, ordinarily I would have said no, 'cause I didn't do that kind of shit, but as I said I was stoned and so I said OK, what the fuck. Paul and I were sitting on the couch in his basement and his parents were on a vacation, so nobody was going to find out. So Paul unzips his pants and pushes them down and he's wearing boxer-briefs, which is close enough to being briefs for me, and I could see he had a hard-on, naturally. He pushed the waistband of his undies down below his nuts and started to rub his cock, which was decent size but smaller than mine, which is pretty decently big, I've been told. So I was checking him out while I took off my jeans and boxers, and I started rubbing myself through my briefs--they were Tommy Hilfiger, the colored kind--and got myself even harder, and I started jacking off, right there with him. Being as we were smoking out that night, my mind was kind of wandering and it wasn't real easy keeping it hard the whole time, but still it was pretty cool. We didn't try to jack each other off or anything, but we were checking each other out the whole time. I shot my wad in about five minutes, and since I had taken off my boxers completely I just wiped it up with those. Well that must have done it for Paul, because he shot his wad about two seconds later and then just reached over and wiped it up with my boxers--my fuckin' boxers to wipe up his cum! Dude. So that's how I know I'm bisexual, 'cause that was cool, and Paul and I did that a few more times. He's going to school up north, or he would have been a cool roommate.

Any fuckin' way, back to now. Joe is fuckin' hot. But since I was still all sweaty and stinky, I said hey, you going to take a shower? He said yeah, but he didn't know where the bathroom was. I told him about how I hadn't brought any shampoo and shit, but that I would show him where it was if I could bum some soaps and shaving cream and all, so he said OK. I took off my hat and shirt and everything but my briefs, and then wrapped a towel around my waist and we headed down there. I was managing to keep my dick only sort of hard, which was a relief, because what a nice thing that would be, to walk around popping a fuckin' tent the first day you meet your roommate.

We went in the shower room, and we were the only ones in there. We had both got to school a couple of days early for rush, even though I had already pledged SAE during the summer, and Joe had pledged Sigma Chi, which I found out later. We took showers next to each other, and he set all the shit down so we could both reach it. The showers were pretty good--nice and hot water, and the spray was nice and hard. I had done my hair and I was washing my body when Joe said hey, how the fuck do you get hot water? Well shit, it's not that fuckin' complex, so I told him how you had to turn the knob to the left for hot, which he said he was doing and it was getting colder. Whatever, dude, I said, just turn it to the left. So he was getting all pissed 'cause his shower was cold, and he said could I come over and show him how. So now I know what you're thinking, that he had this all planned out, but the guy is just fuckin' dumb--he really couldn't get it to work.

Anyway, I put the soap down and went over and into his shower, where of course he was naked, but so was I. My hard-on had disappeared by this point, although I noticed right away that he had sprouted a good one. It took me about a half-second to turn his knob the right direction--oh, that left, he says, like there are two--and then I noticed that he seemed to have lots of soap all around his cock, and then I looked closer and it was shaving cream. What do you do, I said, shave your pubes? Oh, shit, dude, he says, yeah, I guess, blah, blah, blah...he was embarrassed, I could tell, but I said hey, no biggie, lots of guys do that. I asked him how much he shaved, and he said he shaved his balls and most of his pubes, that he just kept a little bush just above the base of his cock to look good. He wasn't all that hairy anyway, so I can't imagine he shaved a whole lot. You ever shave yours, he asked. Not me, dude, I said, and he could obviously tell that I was decently hairy. You ought to try it, he said, it feels fuckin' incredible, especially on your balls. So what the fuck, I said, give me the razor when you're through and I'll trim them up a little. Sure dude, he said, and I went back to my shower.

He set the razor down when he was done, and said OK dude, here you go, I'm headin' back to the room. So there I am by myself in the shower room, getting ready to shave my pubes. Now, I'm not covered in hair. I've got a little bit on my chest, and a little happy trail down my stomach, and the basic shit on my arms and legs, but I'm not covered, as I said already. My pubes, being as they had never been shaved, were pretty bushy. I had a good crop on my balls, and lots of short-and-curlies above my cock. I took the shaving cream and lathered up real good, since this is not the place you want a shaving cut, and started in. I got a hard-on real quick, 'cause it felt really kinky what I was doing, but I kept at it. It took about fifteen minutes, but I got all the hair off my balls, and I went ahead and cut off all my other pubes, too, even the little bit that grows in your ass crack that's such a fuckin' pain. That was hard to shave. I rinsed off and gathered up all the shampoo and shit and headed back to the room.

I got back to the room and Joe was lying on his bed, reading Sports Illustrated. He was wearing these really cool briefs, bikinis really, from Jockey. They were plain white and no fly or anything, and they were low around his hips. He looked damn fine. So, he says, did you do it? Yeah, I said, it feels fuckin' weird being all smooth and shit. So then he says hey, let me see how you did. No shit. So since we had already seen each other in the showers and he was hot, I figured what the hell, and I could just explain the boner by saying how kinky it felt to be shaved. So I took off the towel, and he checked me out. Cool, he said, you got them all. Yeah, I said, I figured in for a dime, in for a dollar, or whatever. Feels cool, huh? Yeah, I said, it feels alright. So then it was a little awkward for a sec, and I went over to my dresser to get some clothes. I pulled out a pair of Polo briefs which I liked 'cause they were grey, but Joe says to me, hey, you need to wear something better than that for your first time being shaved.

I asked him what I should wear, since these were like my favorites, and he said he had a pair for me. He went over to his dresser and bent down to get into the bottom drawer--meanwhile, I got to check out his ass, which looked pretty good to me--and pulled out this pair of bikinis like the ones he was wearing, only they were silk or some shit, not cotton. Also they were purple, which was a new one for me. I put them on, and they were nylon, not silk, I guess--whatever they make panties out of, which is what they felt like, like a pair of Melissa's panties (Melissa is the hottie I left at home). Dude, he was right, they felt fuckin' good. So I kept them on and told Joe thanks, they feel good, and he said yeah, they were his favorite to wear. So again it's awkward, and I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and Joe decides to put on some shorts, but no shirt, and we just sat there and shot the shit for awhile, like where we were from and what teams we liked and shit. Turned out he was a Braves fan, too, but he liked the fuckin' Saints instead of the Falcons. So I had to give him some shit about Ricky Williams, which it turned out I was right, he sucked, but then he said the Falcons couldn't get back to the Super Bowl, which turned out also to be true, so now we're both just Alabama fans. They were pretty good last year, but that's another story.

So we talked for about three or four hours and he asks me if I like to smoke pot, and I said yeah, once in a while it's pretty cool, and he said he had some if I wanted to smoke out with him. So again I figured what the hell, and I asked him if he thought we would get caught, and he said no, we'd open the window and blow the fan and all, and I thought that would be OK, so I said OK, let's go. So since he didn't bring a bong, we just rolled a couple of fatties and put on some cool sounds, and laid back.

So about an hour later we're both sitting on his bed, still wearing all our clothes and shit, and he asked me if I was straight or what, and I didn't know what he wanted to hear, so I said yeah, I'm straight. So you don't ever think about guys, dude, he said, and I said yeah, maybe once in a while. He said he was straight, too, but he thought about guys when he jacked off, and he said he had messed around with a couple of guys, but he said for me not to tell anyone. I said no shit, dude, I won't, and I told him about Paul, but I said that's all I had ever done, and he said yeah, him and his buddy Jimmy had done the same thing, except they jacked each other off once, and they shaved each other sometimes, which was cool. So then he kind of looked at me, and it turns out I was rubbing my crotch without even realizing it, and he said do you want to mess around, and I said hell yeah, dude, why not?

So he already didn't have a shirt on, and he took his shorts off and tossed them over on my bed. I could see he had a hard-on in his undies, and I was checking him out while I took off my shirt and shorts. That's when I remembered that I was wearing his underwear, and I got rock hard in about a second. We were sitting right next to each other, and our legs were touching, and he reached over and started rubbing my dick through my--his, really--underwear. I was sitting to his right, so I put my left arm around his shoulders and then my right, so I flipped around and I was sitting on his knee, and he laid back on the bed. This was the heaviest I had ever gotten into it with a guy already. I got down on top of him and we were in each other's arms, kind of feeling each other up, and then I felt his hands pushing the purple pantie things down and I was naked on top of him. He rubbed his hands all over my cock and balls, which felt really fuckin' good since I was smooth now, and I grabbed his undies and he lifted his ass up a little so I could take them off of him.

Now we're both naked and hard and I noticed for the first time how big of a cock he had. It made mine look small, and as I said I was usually the biggest guy in the locker room. We were feeling each other up and he leaned up and kissed me, real quick, which turned out to be the first time either of us had kissed a guy. I was kind of stunned, but then I laid down so we were both on our side, facing each other, and stuck my tongue down his throat. We sucked face for a while, and our hands were all over each other, and then he pulled off a little and I thought he was stopping, but he went to kissing my neck, and then my pecs, and down my stomach, and then he stopped and looked up at me like can I, please, and I said fuck, yeah, dude, and he started to suck my cock.

It was the first time he had sucked cock, and the first time a guy had ever sucked mine, but he was a natural. No teeth or anything, just a really hot blow job. He was down there for a few minutes, and he was jacking himself off at the same time while I was rubbing my hands all over his back, and he stopped and said hey, let's 69, which I had always wanted to do, so I flipped around so we matched up and I had a cock in my mouth for the first time. It was really weird; it was a lot softer skin than I thought it would be, but I could tell how hard his cock was, too. At first I was going up and down kind of fast, so he told me to slow down, and then I kind of got the rhythm and sucked up from the base until I just had his cockhead in my mouth, and then I ran my tongue all around that, which must have felt really good 'cause he started moaning pretty loud. Meanwhile he was sucking me off better than any of the girls had ever done, and I was getting pretty close to coming, but then he pulled up a little and said hey, we should fuckin' go all the way, dude. I said whoa, dude, ass fucking? And he said sorry, he thought it would be good, he said, but no offense, and I said no, dude, I want to, it's just that I've never done that before. I had thought about it though.

He said that he wanted me to fuck him, which was cool since I still wasn't entirely crazy about having his big fuckin' cock shoved up my ass, and I said don't we need some K-Y or some shit, and he reached over behind him and grabbed a thing of lube and said here, and he put some on his hands and started to rub it on my dick. I got a little bit of lube on my hands and I put some of it around his asshole, which seemed like the right thing to do, and I guess I just figured out that I should start out by putting my finger up there first. I did that sometimes when I jacked off, put my finger up my butt like a cock, which felt pretty good. So he got on his back and spread his legs, and I got on my knees in front of him and he put his legs up on my shoulders and I had a really good angle at his hole, which he obviously shaved. Come on, dude, he says, I want your cock inside me, so I opened him up with my fingers and started to push my cock in. Fuck dude, it fuckin' hurts, he said, so I stopped, but he said no, keep going, it's just 'cause it's my first time, so I kept going, real slow like, and I managed to work my cock in all the way to the base without him yelling too much, and then I started to pump it in and out. Meanwhile, his cock was about as hard as it could have got, it looked like it fuckin' hurt it was so hard, but I had both of my hands on his thighs while I was pushing in and out, and his hands were kind of behind his back. It was the most fuckin' incredible feeling, better than a tight pussy, and he said it felt fuckin' great, too. We were both dripping with sweat and I kept on pumping for a good five minutes or so and I felt an orgasm coming on, so I said dude, I'm going to cum, and he said to shove it all the way in and hold it there, so I did, I stuck it in so far my balls were slapping against his ass, and I felt his ass tighten up even more around my shaft and I had the most god damn incredible orgasm and shot a huge load into him. As soon as I started to cum he let out a loud moan and he shot a load of cum straight up into the air that shot so far it caught him in the face. I held my cock in until I stopped coming, and then for a minute longer, and I pulled it out real slow, and licked a little bit of the cum off his face--I had tasted my own cum before, but this was much cooler--and then we just laid there, stoned and exhausted, but it felt really good what we had done and I said so and he said so, too, that he had wanted to get fucked for the longest time, and he was glad I did, too.

I know he wanted to fuck me, and I wanted him to, but we were both tired, so we just laid there and kissed a little and rubbed on each other's bodies, and we ended up falling asleep in his bed together, having both just screwed around with a guy for real for the first time. Of course it wasn't the last time for me and Joe.

I still pledged my fraternity, and he pledged his, which was kind of bad 'cause we'd both be so fuckin' busy as pledges that we wouldn't see too much of each other, but we were still buds from that day on, and we sucked or fucked or some shit most every night, unless one of us was out with a girl. By the end of the year, which it almost is now so I can say for sure, I had been out with four or five girls, fucked all of them at least once, and I have a steady girl Kaylie right now. She doesn't know about the bisexual part of me, which is OK with me, 'cause I figure I've got the best of both worlds. There's a few guys in my fraternity pledge class that know I'm not totally straight, 'cause we've jacked off together and shit, but Joe is still the only guy I've ever fucked, and he's the only guy to have fucked me. We're not in love or any shit like that, but it's still pretty cool hanging out with him. We're getting an apartment together next year. And I still shave, too--I haven't had pubes in so long that I don't remember what they look like. And I wear nothing but silky bikinis, but always with boxers over them to cover up, unless I'm going out with Kaylie, and then I just wear boxers, 'cause if she saw me in fuckin' dude panties, she'd freak.

So that's the whole fuckin' story, how I got with a guy for the first time. It's been kind of cool writing it down, so I hope you like it. Maybe I'll write some more later on, and if the dudes out there want to tell me what you think or if you are like me and go for girls and also guys, drop me a line, or if you just want to hang around T-town and smoke out, that's cool too, but I won't be there this summer. Anyway, dudes, later.

Scott frat69boy@aol.com

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