
Published on Oct 3, 2017


Academics: Professor Daniels By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I am Ambrose Daniels and I have been teaching at Blue Ridge University for forty years. I earned my doctorate in the middle of a recession and finding a teaching position in a college was difficult. Blue Ridge was a small liberal arts school and their Chemistry professor died of a heart attack in late August. They needed a replacement quickly and I was both desperate and available.

The University of 3,000 students located outside Barnstable, Virginia. Barnstable is a small town of 10,000 residents. It is expensive, but accepts almost any student whose parents can pay. It is a place to store your children until they grow up, or are old enough to use their trust funds. You cannot flunk out if your parents pay the fees. You do need to eventually pass the courses to graduate, but you could take five to seven years to complete taking classes.

This seemed as if it might be a scam when I first taught there, but many of the students did mature and do well eventually. Most of the parents were pleased to pay to get the kids out of the way. We provided a service to the very wealthy and most of the students benefited greatly. Many turned into normal, productive men.

I lived on the campus in a building the students called the Observatory. It sat between two men's dorms. I could see what they were doing and they could see me and the other resident, Professor Lewis. It was like living in a fishbowl.

I was younger than most of the faculty and I typically ate at the college dining room. I became the first-person students contacted in an emergency. I was a safe person to contact when there were problems. Most of these problems I classified as simply doing something stupid. Some were medical and some were mental or substance abuse related.

I look like Woody Allen if Woody was six-feet-four-inches tall. The height gave me a physical presence that was helpful. The Woody Allen part seemed to make the students think I was harmless and safe to talk to. I don't think of myself as being ugly, but Professor Lewis described my attractiveness as being "non-standard." I am also gay, but living is a fish bowl solved any possible complications from that.

I had never lectured before, but I soon found I had a skill at explaining things well. I was good at demonstrations, that seemed to excite the students. The number of chemistry majors jumped from three to 15 after I had taught for four years. The President of the college like that. He wanted to improve the school's academic reputation. He promoted me and increased my salary.

That was nice, but my life changed for the better when I met Dr. Milton Jones, a general practitioner in town. I was shy with respect to sex, inexperienced and inept. Milton and I got along well when we discovered that we shared sexual interests. Once he discovered my cock, we got along exceptionally well. I thought of myself as the jack-off king and that had been my usual sexual experience. Milton had a wide repertoire of sexual skills. I knew my cock was a little larger than average. Milton was a size queen and I had the cock of his dreams.

My earlier rare gay encounters had been tense, embarrassing events. I knew I was as far away from being a teen heart throb as a man could be. Men did not rush to know me. I was shy and unadventurous. Milton was quite the opposite and was enthusiastic about all things sexual. While I worried that I might not be doing things correctly, Milton clearly enjoyed me.

Milton lived in a remote farmhouse on the other side of town. We were both closeted gay men and that suited both of us. We were good friends and even better sexual partners until he died of cancer five years before my retirement.

I had lived in the same campus apartment for almost 40 years. I became a father figure for many of our students. I gave both good advice and knew how to handle difficult situations. The Dean of Students told me that I had a real skill at being sympathetic and while pointing out the stupid actions that got a student into trouble. I always felt that being stupid or foolish rarely demands the death penalty.

I was at my retirement party when I met one of my lost-cause students, Billy Dunnavant. Even by the standards of Blue Ridge, Billy was hopeless. Luckily, hopeless was not an unusual characteristic for a student at All Saints.

Billy Dunnavant was the son of a trash collector who made it big, really big. His Daddy, Big Billy, had realized that recycling was the wave of the future. His operation grew into a multi-million-dollar enterprise. He had no partners or investors. The company was all his and his 18-year-old son was his heir.

Billy was not bad or stupid, he was just uninterested in academics and he was what some people charitably referred to as being a "high-spirited boy". This is usually a euphemism for the more common word "jerk." I met him in his freshman year when he set off a small explosion in his room. No one was killed or injured and the local Fire Department is notably efficient. His father gave a generous gift to the college to make up for the trouble. Billy took and passed my chemistry class after two tries and he became my lab assistant when he wasn't on the football team. The students nicknamed him Shorty since he was only 6'-3" tall. I was the only man on campus who was taller than he was. Billy thought that was funny.

He like to try things to see what would happen. I managed to convince him that it was better to predict what would happen and then experiment to see if your predictions were correct. This changed his life for the better. I am a stickler for safety. Billy thought that was silly but I beat it into him.

I followed his later career in the Alumni News. He inherited the company and developed a specialty in conventional and explosive demolition. I noted his firm won a national award for safety on the job. When he came to my retirement party I was surprised. I recognized him immediately, he was now a six-foot-three gorilla. He was heavier and more muscular than when he was a student.

He told me that in the world of building demolition he was considered an intellectual. My emphasis on thinking ahead and experimenting had served him well. He also said that my emphasis on safety had saved his life many times.

We had a strange encounter in the men's toilet. I was at the urinal when he came in. He looked over and muttered, "Shit, that's a big one." Billy was never the shy type. I laughed. And that was all that was said. Of course, I never had any sexual relationship with a student.

I may have felt some modest temptations when I was younger, but by the time I had been teaching a few years, I thought of students mostly as containers for problems, time bombs waiting to go off, not opportunities for sex. I had many good students I mentored and helped, but most of my spare time was devoted to the trouble maker or the just plain troubled student. Milton took care of my spare time.

I had moved out of the Observatory in my later years of teaching and into Milton's house. He had left it to me after his death, along with pile of money. He had no close family. The money was nice, but unnecessary. I had been saving and investing for years. That had included some computer start-ups and some pharmaceuticals. Those turned out well.

The day after the party Billy dropped by to see me. "It's not much like the Blockhouse," he remarked, "This was Dr. Jones's house, wasn't it?" I said yes.

"He patched me up after a prank went bad once," Billy continued. "He was a nice guy. I heard you were close?" I nodded. "I asked him not to tell you about my problem. He said I didn't discuss his patients with anyone unless there was a safety problem."

"He never mentioned you to me," I said.

"I guess you later hooked up. I thought you were gay, but there were no stories about you with students. When I was younger guys made passes at me. I liked the attention, but I never connected," he said. "I was too uptight about being gay to admit it to myself."

"What is your current situation?" I asked.

"I got married, had two kids and am now divorced. It was a good divorce; my wife found a man she liked more than me," he explained. "I'm not uptight about being gay anymore. I want to make up for lost time." He looked me in the eye and added. "Have I mentioned I am a size queen? I noticed Dr. Jones had the same interest."

"He didn't do anything, did he?" I was shocked Billy knew.

"No, but I noticed the look of admiration," he said. "You are single and I am un attached, I was wondering if we might connect."

"I'm not looking for any emotional attachments now," I said.

"I'm not after any attachments either. I just want some no strings attached sex," Billy said. "I don't want to sound superficial, but I am just looking for big cocks, really big cocks. Does that sound stupid? I bottom, by the way."

Milton had been the only man I had known who had enjoyed my cock in his ass. No strings attached sounded ideal for me. "That might be a possibility," I replied. "I am no beach bunny."

"Shit, I'm the fucking missing link," Billy said.

"How do we get this going?" I asked.

"Why don't we get naked and let nature take its course?" he suggested.

We did that and Billy was sucking my cock in 30 seconds. 30 seconds after that, I was rock hard. Billy was a true size queen and getting hard did nothing to reduce my appeal. Billy wasn't hairy; he had a reddish-brown coat.

I had an evenhanded relationship with Milton. I always ended up with my cock and load in his ass, but we sucked along the way. Billy came up for air, and I went down on him. Billy was uncut with what Milton had described as a 75% to 80% cock. I wasn't huge, but it was more than adequate. Like Milton, his precum was already flowing. If anything, it was sweeter and more plentiful than Milton's was.

As soon as I tasted his cock juice, I felt a wave of nostalgia for Milton, and felt relief I could taste it again. A little later, I discover Billy's ass was tighter than Milton's hole, but once I got in deep, Billy was vocally appreciative. His tight ass was even more pleasurable than Milton's.

I had a spectacular orgasm with ten of twelve major ejaculations. Because his ass was so tight, Billy could feel the sperm shooting in his ass. Billy loved that.

Billy stayed for the rest of the afternoon and I fucked him a second time and then sucked him off. I took his load much to Billy's amazement. Apparently, his buddies at home didn't take his cock cream. He loved that. he had to be at work the next morning so he had to leave.

The next night he called me to see if I had enjoyed it. I told him it was good. He told me it had been wonderful for him and asked if we might do it again. I told him I had lied about it being good, it had been great. I said that I would like to get together again. We talked for a while, and we arranged to get together in two weeks.

I went to his mountain cabin. I expected a rustic shack in the woods. It was a granite and wood lodge sitting in the middle of 1,000 acres of timber. It was imposing, but not pretentious, rustic rather than showy. It was an hour from Ashville, where he had his office.

The house was cross shaped rooms on each side of a central fire place. he was still at work when I arrived, but his caretaker, Rexford O'Brien knew I was coming and was cordial and welcoming. Rexford looked like a Hollywood interpretation of a mountain man, big, bearded and dressed in flannel.

He had a degree in botany and specialized in the flora of the Smoky Mountains. He taught at a college in Ashville and lived free in the guest house in exchange for watching over the house when Billy was away. We had a good conversation about the geography and flora of the mountains. While I taught Chemistry, I my scientific interests are much wider and we got along well. Billy arrived from work and join in the conversation.

Milton had a near perfect ability to sense who was gay and who was straight. I had no trace of that ability at all. I hadn't realized that Billy and Rexford were close. We had a good conversation about chemical reactions, pollution. Billy asked Rexford if he would like to join us for dinner. I finally realized they were lovers during dinner.

Rexford had to go and walk his dog after dinner.

"I had hoped to play after dinner. Rexford and I are good pals; he would like to join us," Billy said. "Is that a possibility?"

"Is he the jealous type?" I asked.

"We are sex buddies, but it has been changing to something that is more than that. I think he is more worried about being excluded from my life, that jealous. I told him about our connection," Billy said.

"Was he offended?"

"I was surprised he didn't seem to be bothered. I had a feeling he was interested," Billy said. "Maybe intrigued might be a better word."

When Rexford returned Billy said he felt like some time in the hot tub would relax him and asked if I would like to join him. I said I had never been in a hot tub and I would like to try. Billy winked at Rexford. He joined us.

I mentioned I didn't have my trunks with me. "Don't worry, we are all boys here, just think of this as skinny dipping at the old swimming hole," Billy said.

The hot tub was part of an elaborate spa, swimming pool setup. We stripped and got in the water. I took my time getting in. Rexford watched me and he clearly liked what he saw. I thought I should have been offended, but I was pleased.

"Billy told m you were well endowed," Rexford said. "I never know what that exactly means, but you certainly meet the standard!"

"Are you a size queen?" I asked. Rexford was direct and I hoped I wasn't going too far.

Rex smiled. "I don't think so, but I am willing to be converted. Have you ever done the group thing before?"

"My partner and I had a few experiences. One was good and lasted on and off for ten years. The other failed," I said. "In the failure, one of the men was possessive and couldn't share. When he saw his friends with another man he took it as an affront. maybe a little cock sucking was acceptable, but as soon as his friend edged toward an orgasm, it was too much," I explained.

"In the other case, they seemed to enjoy watching each other's excitement," I continued. "They were a Catholic Priest and a Methodist minister, and they were prone to be forgiving. My cock was bigger than their organs. They were slightly larger than average, but not displays in an anatomical museum. My cock provided a much more intense sexual reaction."

"They liked that?" Billy asked.

"That would be an understatement," I said. "They didn't sit back and watch, they joined in, Earl, the Methodist sucked Joe, the Catholic, as I fucked him. With four men there are a lot of possible combinations."

"Would I be out of line which combination worked best?" Billy asked.

Rexford and I laughed. "Everyone is different. What works best for one may not work for another," I said. "the best for me was when Earl shot hos load into Joe and Milton pushed the load deeper until he shot off. I was third in line. The sperm lubricated ass gave me and extra tingle. By then, Earl was sucking Milton, licking the cum. After I rear loaded Joe, Earl loves licking Joe's drooling ass."

"I don't think I could do that," Rexford said.

I smiled. "Every sexual encounter I have had is unique and different. Milton and I were together for years, it was always good, but never the same," I said. As I spoke, Rexford came over and sat next to me. He reached over to fondle my cock and encountered Billy's hand. They laughed.

"Great minds think alike," Billy said. I reached a hand toward Billy and Rexford and encountered erect cocks. I stroked each.

"I'm kind of close, take it easy," Billy said.

"It's nice to be appreciated, I said. That was the end of the conversation for a while. I sat on the edge of the hot tub while Rex and Billy alternated sucking my cock. A little later we traded places. Billy was oozing precum as he had before. I thought Rexford's cock was smaller. It was shorter but it was thick, like a beer can. He had a wide slit and I could get my tongue deep into his cum tunnel. As I probed deeper my tongue encountered precum oozing from his balls.

It was as if I was an old-fashioned soda fountain sampling precum. I was used to Milton's cock juices, and it was exciting to sample other men's home brew. I am a professor and tend to think before I act. I was shocked to find that precum tended to do my thinking for me. Luckily, Rex and Billy liked to share.

A little later I was deep in Billy's ass. Rex got behind me and nudged his beer can toward my hole. I wasn't too sure about that, but Billy tighten his sphincter gripping my cock tightly. I got a bit carried away and relaxed my ass. Rex felt me relax and slipped in. His short thick tool rammed my prostate. With Billy's warm and tight ass and Rex stretching my ass, I was in heaven.

I was out of it, but later I discovered that Rex and Billy were feeling the same intense sexual high as I was. Billy's ass had adapted to my cock's size and he could better appreciate it. Rexford was a top who had a problem finding asses that could stretch wide enough. We had a nice joint orgasm. It seemed to me that Rex shot a pint or two into me. I, in turn, rear loaded Billy. Rex pulled out of me in time to tale Billy's load. We were happy men.

By the time I went home we had discovered that we were all compatible, and that Rex and Billy didn't share a single jealous bone between them. When I fucked Rex, it was tight. Apparently, I stretched his hole, and when Billy fucked him, it was much more pleasurable. Rex also discovered a taste for Billy's cum as well as for mine. It began to look as if my retirement would be better than I had hoped.

Next: Chapter 2

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