
Published on Oct 22, 2017


Academics 4 The Accident and the Dean's Pals By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I am Randall Eichler. Everyone calls me Randy and I am regarded as the good one in my family. I am polite, smart and helpful. I don't think I am that good, but my younger sister is hell on wheels. Mom said my sister, Ellen, had a difficult birth and then things got worse. Most of my parents' attention was on Ellen and they ignored me. That wasn't their fault. Ellen demanded attention.

From my point of view that wasn't so bad. I could do almost anything I wanted and it was fine with them. Luckily, I had no desire to be bad or difficult anyway. I was interested in school and did well in all my high school classes. I was older than the other kids because we had spent a year in South America when dad worked for an international corporation and I started school late. I was almost 20 when I graduated from high school.

My dad was a big-time golfer and I made spending money by caddying for him and other guys at the country club. In the summer, the club had a Nighthawk's League of men who played in the evening when the sun set late.

One night there was a big wedding reception at the club, so the usual golf course people had gone home. I had finished caddying when I had a call from my parents. Ellen had been in an accident in Mom's car. She had a learner's permit, but no license and hadn't used seatbelts. She was injured along with two of her girlfriends. My parents were at the hospital and said they would come and get me as soon as they could.

I went to the pro's office, but he was going home. He was nice enough to give me the key to the office so I could stay there. An hour later my folks called again. Ellen was in surgery. The police and the other girls' parents were there. It was not good. They said it might be late before they could pick me up. I told them it wasn't a problem. The office was next to the men's locker room which had a big television. I went there to watch it. The place was empty.

Around 9:00, Dean Smith came in. He was the Dean of Research at a local university. I knew him and had caddied for him a few times. He was a regular in the Nighthawk group. He asked me why I was there and I told him about the accident. He said it sounded like a bad situation.

He undressed and went to the showers. Ten minutes later he came back, drying himself off. Smith was a big, blond man, built like a football tackle. He sat on a chair next to me and made no effort to get dressed. I was surprised at that since my father would have worn a suit and tie to bed if he could. He owned a real estate agency and always dressed properly.

Dean Smith had a big cock. It was soft, but was bigger than mine when mine was hard. I glanced at it. He didn't seem to mind, scratching his balls a few times and rearranging his equipment. I think he was trying to give me a better view. The phone rang in the pro's office. It was Mom, she said things weren't good, and they would call me when they could get away to pick me up.

Went I went back to the locker room, Dean Smith was gone, but the shower was running. I went to the shower Smith with Mr. Ellington. He was the University's head of buildings and grounds. I knew him slightly. He saw me looking in.

"Hey, you either have to join us or go back to locker room. You can't watch," Ellington said. What happened next surprise me. I went back to the locker room, stripped naked and then joined them in the shower.

"I usually don't like kids in the locker room, but you have man sized equipment, so I guess it's okay," Ellington said. His cock wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. Smith was at a little more than half-staff. As soon as I saw that I got hard as a rock.

"I'm 19. I'm not a kid," I replied.

"You like the scenery?" Smith asked when he saw my erection.

"I guess I do," I replied. After a short pause, I asked. "I've never been with naked men before."

"I wouldn't mind if you get really close," Ellington said with a smile. He came closer to me and reached out touching my cock.

I moaned and said, "I'm afraid I might shoot off."

"As a matter of fact, that's why we are here!" Dean Smith said.

I bent over and wrapped my lips around his cock. I felt something like an electrical shock of pleasure. I had heard guys at school talking disparagingly about cock suckers. I suddenly realized they had never done it. It was wonderful.

"Smitty has a beauty, doesn't he?" Ellington said.

Another man entered the shower. I didn't know him. "Hot damn, new meat," he said.

"Joe, this is Randy. He just walked in, but he seems to be a member of the fraternity," Smitty said. Joe was a short, gorilla of a man, stocky, hairy and muscular. I had a chance to suck them all, before the phone in the office rang again. It was Mom. The operation was over; it was still touch and go. She told me to get a taxi to the hospital. They couldn't leave her.

I went back to the shower room and told them I had to get to the hospital. Smitty sucked me and I shot off in a few seconds. He didn't pull off when I popped and he seemed to like my cream. Ellington said he would take me to the hospital which was on his way home.

"You know what we did back there is private," he said when we were in the car. I told him I understood.

"Do you get together often?" I asked.

"We meet every week or two," he said. "You could say we are a group of like spirits. It's nice to let off some steam once and a while."

"Could I join you another time?" I asked.

"This is an adult group. It often can be much more intense than today's meeting," Ellington said.

"Is it all sex?" I asked.

"It sure is. It's not for a casual observer. There is a lot of sex with lots of shooting off too. We all join in for everything. One for all and all for one," he said.

"Smith took my load. Would I have to do that too?"

"You sure would. If you give, you need to take," he said.

"I think I could do that. I've heard guys talking about sex, but I didn't know it was so good," I said. "I want to do it again. I want more," I said. We were at the hospital. He dropped me off and drove away.

Inside the hospital it was calm but tense. The accident was every bit my sister's fault. The injuries were serious, but only critical in my sister's case. It was a bad scene for the next week. Luckily, the other girls' injuries were minor. Ellen survived, but the accident dominated our family life.

I began working a part time job for the University grounds crew for the rest of the summer. It was easier for my parents to drop me off at the in the morning and pick me up in the evening, than leave me alone at home. I was working for Ellington but he didn't give the slightest indication that we had been in the showers together.

Two weeks later I ran into Dean Smith at the golf course. He gave me a ride home and I told him that I would like to get together with him and his pals again. He wasn't too enthusiastic.

"You weren't shocked at our activities?" he asked.

"I was sort of shocked," I replied, "but can you have a nice shock?" I asked. "I liked it when I was there, but when I got home, I was unsure. After a week of thinking about it, I am sure now. I loved it!"

"I'm uneasy about doing it with young guys," Smith said. "They need a little mileage on them before they can appreciate us." Smith told me that several of the men liked younger guys, but any connection with a University student was forbidden and might ruin their careers. I was over 18 and not associated with the school, so I might be in line for too much attention.

"I think I might like some attention," I said smiling, "I did notice that Joe has some extra mileage on him," I said.

"Joe isn't exactly a model for GQ, but he has a gold medal as a sexual athlete," Smith replied. "He can find some hot places in your ass that will send you to the moon. I thought I had done it all until I met Joe."

A few days later, Joe was at the University. He was a carpenter and did some repairs after a party went wild and did some damage. His helper was sick so I helped him.

"Smitty told me you are interested in kicking it up a notch," he said. "We are experienced, skilled men. We could send you places you have never been before, and touch places that have never been touched."

"Are you talking about physical or emotional places?" I asked.

"I hope you noticed the last time we met that it involves both," Joe said. "Sometimes things don't work out. Cocks don't always fit, but if you want it badly enough it usually works out. We are a nice group of men, sort of like a fraternity with non-standard entrance requirements."

"What if I don't meet the requirements?" I asked.

Joe laughed, "The main requirement is hanging between your legs. The second requirement squirts out of your cock. The third is a little organ a few inches up your ass.

"I don't know about the third requirement," I said.

"I can find it for you with my finger, but a lubricated cock is the best way to test it out," Joe said.

"Your cock?" I asked.

"Nope, I have a thick butt plug. You want a guy with a thin, long probe. One of our pals you haven't met is Waldo. He has a knack for opening up virgins and leaving them smiling after the experience," Joe said.

Joe was informative and direct. Talking with him was helpful. I also discovered he was a good carpenter. A fancy cabinet had been all but destroyed during the party. When Joe was done, you couldn't tell anything had happened.

When it rains, it sometime pours. I live in coastal North Carolina and we were in the path of a major hurricane a week later. Dad and Mom took Ellen to a hospital in Raleigh. I stayed with Ellington and Joe to batten down the hatches at the university. That should have been a piece of cake, but the university president thought that the storm course would shift to the east. He had scheduled a conference and he didn't want to reschedule.

Well, the storm did not shift, and we had three days of work to do in one day. Of course, by then most of the staff and local contractors were already home or heading inland. Ellington, Joe and I did almost everything that needed to be done. By then we couldn't evacuate. Dean Smith called Joe and asked us if we would like to take shelter in his house. We had no real choice.

Smitty lived in an old house called Fort Davidson. It wasn't a fort, but the builder had worked on coastal defense fortifications for the government before the Civil War. He built his house out of left over stone from the fortifications he designed. It looked like a blockhouse. It was massive and solid, set back from the river on a hill.

I knew Joe, Smith and Ellington. There were other men there. There was one of Smith's good friends, Marco, who owned a restaurant, Freddy, the university librarian and Waldo who Joe had mentioned. Melville, a retired Episcopal priest who lived in a non-substantial house next door, joined us.

I called my parents and told them all was well. They had tornado warnings nearby, so the hospital was in emergency mode. When I got off the phone I looked at the men I was with. Freddy was prissy, small man who looked like Woody Allen. Marco was an Italian cook. He had brought enough food for a week with him. Waldo was a thin, bearded red-neck. Melville was a distinguished looking Englishman.

When the storm hit, the electricity went off, but the fort had some shuttered windows openings that let in some light. Smitty had a generator, but he wanted to use that as little as possible in case lights were off for a long time. I was dirty and sweaty from the days work. Smith told me the water was still running. He said I had better take a shower while I could.

The bath was fancy. The shower was tiled in an exercise area open to the master bed room. The toilet was the only fixture that was compartmented. There was room for four or five men in the shower.

I took a shower and soon Ellington, Joe, Marco and Freddy joined me. They weren't pretty men, but they excited me. I soon had an erection. My hard cock didn't offend anyone. Erections tend to inspire other erections, and soon these men were all inspired. I guess an erection clarifies your interest and intentions.

I couldn't control my cock, but luckily, I was more than willing to go with the flow. I would have thought that five men having sex would be an orgy, but this was relaxed and casual. Most of us had been working like mad men all day. We were tired and up tight. The sex was more like relaxation therapy than a frenzied orgy.

I also had thought that being naked with a bunch of men I hardly knew would be a problem. It wasn't; it was exciting. It was as if getting naked and sucking cock was the natural thing to do. I also had thought that men's cocks were pretty much standard issue. These men and their cocks were varied, tall, thin, short and stocky.

Freddy and Marco flanked me in the shower. Half of Freddy's scrawny body's weight was in his cock. While his head and face were shaved smooth, his body was hairy. Marco was a big, hairy Italian with an uncut cock. They shared sucking my cock.

Ellington was behind me. "How open to the possibilities are you?" he whispered. "I suspect every man here would like to feed you his load, either in the mouth or ass."

"I'm open to all the possibilities, I guess," I replied.

"Remember this is sex, plain and simple. It ain't love," he added.

"I was hoping for that," I whispered. Debris had begun smashing against the walls of Fort Davidson, but they didn't even shake the stone walls. When I heard the debris hit, I lost concentration and shot off on Marco's mouth. Freddy complained that he didn't get any. Marco kissed him and fed him some of my cum. Doing that hadn't occurred to me, but they seemed to like it.

As a young guy, I had some skills at jerking off. Since I spent so much time alone, I could shoot off five or six times a day. I can recharge in fifteen or twenty minutes. Let's just say, the men at Fort Davidson liked that skill.

I dried off and went downstairs rejoining the other men. Hurricanes are scary things, but the house seemed to take the winds without difficulty. The house was 140-years-old and had weathered many storms without damage. From time to time I could hear the wind, but most of the time the storm seemed distant.

We had food, but it was soon dark, muggy and warm with little to do except listen to the battery-operated radio. It had a crank to maintain the charge. The radio became repetitive and we soon lost interest in it. I felt as if we were stuck in a dark cave. We were sheltered, but there was nothing to do. I assumed the cavemen went to sleep. I soon discovered that if the cavemen were gay, there was a lot to do.

I was sitting between Joe and Waldo. Next to us, Smith was with Melville. Most of us were wearing very little, since it made no sense to put back on our sweaty, dirty clothes. Joe and Smith were naked. They were well-hung men, so they didn't mind showing off their equipment. Even in the dim light, they looked good.

Melville was soon sucking Smith. That seemed to be the starting gun, and within minutes we were all naked and sexually connected. I sucked Waldo as Freddy sucked Joe. Over the next hour or so, my partners and playmates changed. Constant sexual stimulation was the only constant.

I hardly noticed who I was with; the sex was good regardless of my partner. I was in the 69 position with Freddy, when Waldo's cock touched my ass. I was licking Freddy's rich, creamy precum. It was all but intoxicating. I didn't want to miss any of his cock juices, so I concentrated on it.

Waldo pushed a little and I shifted my legs a little because I was stiff. He seemed to think that was an invitation to fuck me. I hadn't intended that, but I didn't regret feeling his probe pop past my sphincter into my ass. His cock rubbed against something good and I spread my legs to give Waldo free access to my ass. He began to rhythmically pump deeper into my ass. That was exciting. Freddy began to ooze more precum. He was watching Waldo fuck me and enjoyed it.

We soon had what Joe called a triple play. I came in Freddy's mouth, he shot off in mine, and Waldo seeded my ass. I didn't know anything could feel so good. Freddy's sperm was okay, but it was exciting to share the orgasm. I could feel Waldo ejaculating in my ass.

A few minutes later I was with Smitty and Melville. Smitty had seen Waldo shoot off in my ass. He was a lot thicker than Waldo, but he had no problem getting into my cum slicked ass. I sucked Melville who was uncut, with plenty of extra foreskin. That seemed to be endlessly entertaining for me. Smitty massaged my ass with his mostly hard cock. His cock varied from being 80% hard to 110% hard. Both men took their time. somehow I had a mouthful of Melville's sperm and I hardly noticed.

Smitty shot off and Joe took his place. His cock was thicker and shorter than Smitty. The thickest part of his cock rubbed my prostate. He whispered that he liked long, slow sessions, but he shot off shortly after that.

There was a big bang when something hit the stone walls. Everyone jumped, but we soon returned to our sexual play. An hour later we were all asleep. I woke up several hours later. The storm had calmed down some. I couldn't remember exactly what I had done or who I had done it with, but I felt good.

I hadn't expected that. I didn't feel used and abused; I felt that I had found myself. I had heard kids at school making jokes about gay people. For many of them being gay was a horrible sin, evil and perverse.

I had just spent a night having sex with men I barely knew in a hurricane. I figured that if god wanted to strike me down with lightning, this was the time to do it. In the morning, we realized that we had made it through the night and the storm had passed. We opened the door. It was block by debris. I took about fifteen minutes to clear it away. Only then did we see the destruction.

You could make out a few roofs and the trunks of some trees. Melville's house had vanished, but he was more worried about neighbors who had not evacuated. Luckily most had made to a shelter in a school.

Since the Fort was one of the few surviving landmarks, a copter landed a first aid and rescue team in the yard. The cell towers survived, and I did manage to call my parents and tell them all was well. I told them it might take a few days to get over to our house and see if it was damaged. They were fine with that.

The next few days were filled with clearing debris from roads and houses. Joe was helping shore up damaged buildings. I developed a specialty of nailing tarps on roofs. I was lighter than Joe so I was in demand for work on damaged roofs.

Some people were out of it. They had lost everything and couldn't deal with it. Melville had lost everything, but he seemed to be oblivious to that. He had a good way with distressed people. He could talk people out of the ruins of their houses and into a safer place.

I was incredibly busy for the next two weeks, but nights at Fort Davidson were good. I became friends with all the men there. A few more guys stayed there. Dean Smith had a knack for finding men who would enjoy their stay. I was popular and thought that was because I was the youngest guy there. Dean Smith told me it was because I was the most willing and accommodating.

"Do they think I'm a slut?" I asked.

Smith smiled. "You are a young man with needs, and they are all willing to meet those needs!" he explained.

Dad came home, but Mom stayed with my sister. He had a small real estate firm, but everyone was repairing or rebuilding. There were no houses for sale, so he didn't have much to do. I went off to work every day, but I cooked breakfast for him and came back in time to cook dinner. Dad was not useful around the house.

Mom's mother died a week later. Mom was an only child and she didn't get along well with her parents, but mom was the only heir. I thought Grandma was well off, but overnight were 25 million dollars richer. I had no idea. Dad decided to move to be with Mom and Ellen. I was going to college that fall, but I didn't want to stop working with the guys so I stayed.

I was going to college in Virginia at Blue Ridge University. I badly wanted to go to school, but I regretted leaving the Fort and the sex. Dean Smith told me I needed to get away. I knew that. He also told me he had some friends at Blue Ridge I might like. That sounded good to me.

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