According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Apr 8, 2019


Sorry for such a long wait guys! The months flew by!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I love hearing from you guys so shoot me a message

Editors: J. S. -

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Sorry about the long wait between chapters!

Chapter 13 Kendall's POV

We pulled up to an apartment complex and Greyson parked his truck. He led me through the front lobby and into an elevator. We rode up to the third floor and then I followed Greyson down the hall. So far the whole building seemed like your average apartment building. Everything was nice but kind of modest.

Greyson opened up the door to his apartment and it was anything but average. The door opened into the kitchen. There were granite countertops with dark maple cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was open to the living room which had floor to ceiling windows.

"Home sweet home" Greyson said kicking off his shoes and putting his keys on the counter. I put my shoes next to his and followed him into the living room.

"This is a nice place."

"Thanks. Perks of my football scholarship is that I'm able to spend a little more on an apartment." he replied turning to face me "Down that hallway is the bathroom on the right and my room on the left."

"Is it just you who lives here?" I asked curiously

"Yep. Why do you ask?"

"Oh I just thought that you'd live with Ian." I answered.

"Ian lives down the hall."

"Nice." I said sitting on the sofa that faced a big flat screen tv.

"So what movie are you up for watching?"

"I don't care. I'm pretty flexible."

"Good to know" Greyson said with a sly smile

"I meant on the movie" I chuckled. "But really, you pick because I hate making decisions."

Greyson browsed through his movie selection. He would occasionally pull a case out, flip it over and read the back and then put it back on the shelf.

"How about Bridesmaids?" he said after a while

I nodded my head in approval. Bridesmaids is a safe movie choice. It's funny so it keeps the mood light. Plus I've seen it a million times so if we do get distracted, I won't be missing anything. Greyson popped the movie in and joined me on the couch. I was sitting so that my back was partially on the back of the couch and the arm. We were sitting so that we were next to each other but not on top of each other.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. My mind kept focus on what Greyson and I were doing. Our feet would occasionally brush together or our knees would bump and my mind would flood. Did I do that? Did he? Was it on purpose? Was I missing his subtle hint? Then I started wondering if we were actually going to watch the movie or was he just going to ambush me with his lips?

Then I heard Greyson laugh and I saw him look at me not laughing.

"Earth to Kendall" he said waving his hand in my face "Are you not enjoying the movie?"

"Sorry. My mind is distracting me with school stuff."

Greyson flashed a smile.

"Let's see if this will keep you focused" he said pulling me into his kiss.

"Yeah I think it will" I smiled. We scooted closer to each other and resumed the kiss. His lips were soft and, at first, the kiss was tender and sweet. It started to pick up heat the longer we kissed.

I wrapped my arms around Greyson's neck so I wouldn't be tempted to touch him too much. I knew that if I allowed myself to touch his chest then I'd be all in and I didn't want to go any further. Greyson, however, was not following such restraint. His hands started off on my shoulders. Then one went for my knee and started sliding up my leg. When he reached my thigh, I put his hand back on my knee. It started sliding up again and I intertwined my fingers with his so that we were holding hands. Greyson moved his kisses from my mouth, to my jaw and then down my neck. I moaned. I couldn't help, that's my weak spot. Using my moan as motivation, Greyson kept going. I put my hands on his chest and slightly pushed him back.

"We need to talk" I breathed

Greyson sat up and wiped off his mouth.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine but for right now I don't want to move past making out."

"Okay. That's fine"

"It's not you. It's just that I don't want to rush us. I kind of want to wait until the moment is right." I explained. Then I looked at the clock. "It's getting late. I should probably head home."

"Yeah okay, let's go."

The car ride back to my dorm was a quiet one. At least it wasn't an awkward silence. Greyson pulled up, I thanked him for dinner and I got out of the car.

Ethan, Paige and Blair were all sitting in my room when I walked in.

"How was dinner?" Paige asked.

"It was good. We ran into one of the fraternity presidents, Greyson happened to know him, and I'm thinking of rushing."

"Why are you just getting home?" Blair asked. She never was one to jump around a question.

"We watched a movie at his place."

"You had sex!" Blair exclaimed "Kendall freaking Winters! You had sex tonight!"

"No I didn't. We just made out. I stopped it before it got any further." I explained

"Why?" Ethan asked. Typical straight guy, wanting to get all done and not drag out the process.

"Because I don't want to rush us and I'd like there to be some kind of moment leading up to it."

"What do you mean by a moment?" Paige asked.

"Like maybe a date a little more romantic than going to Tony's and watching a movie before getting into my pants. I want a wow moment." I said "Maybe I'm just being weird though"

"I think it's great." Paige replied.

Greyson thought all the way home about what Kendall meant by wanting a "moment".

Was he looking for a big romantic gesture? I guess pizza at Tony's didn't seem all that special compared to the Ridgetop date they had.

Of course, Greyson just wasn't doing this to get laid. He could go to a bar and take practically anyone home with him if that's all he wanted.

Greyson then wondered about Bryan, Kendalls' ex. What was the situation leading up to their first time? Greyson would, of course, want to out do that. He knew the exact person that he would have to talk to to get the information he wanted to know.

The next day he spotted Blair sitting on a couch in the coffee shop on campus.

"Blair" he said sitting next to her.

"How can I help you?"

"I have a question to ask you. Kendall said that he wants there to be a moment before we have sex. Do you have any idea what he means by that?"

"Yep" Blair answered taking a drink of her coffee.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Got anything for me?"

"My friend, Ian Rollens, is looking for a date to his fraternity's informal dance in a month. He wants to take a girl that is new in Greek life. I can get him to take you."

"And you assume I'm going to rush." she replied. Little did Greyson know that Blair was already working on the Ian Rollens front.


"Smart." Blair said. "I'll tell you but first let me give you some free advice. Don't do my suggestion at least for a month."

"Why a month?" Greyson asked.

"Must I spell everything out for you? Kendall thinks you are only thinking about sex. Trying to impress him so soon will continue that way of thinking. He's not in this for the sex. And if Kendall thinks that you are only with him so that you can get laid, he'll leave. Keep everything low key and show him that your mind isn't all about sex."

"I can do that." Greyson replied.

"Good. Now lean in. I'll tell you what you want to know" Blair whispered.

Next: Chapter 14

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