According to Kendall

By Ch Wh

Published on Jul 12, 2018


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Editor: J. S. -

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Chapter 6-Greyson POV

After I left Kendall at lunch, I went to class and then hit the gym for a while. Neither was productive. I could not keep Kendall off my mind. I even Facebook creeped that guy, Bryan, Kendall talked about at lunch. I'm pretty positive I could take him.

Later that day I was at home relaxing and watching TV. I got a text from Ian asking if I was home. I said I was, a few minutes later there was a knock at the door, and I let Ian in.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Ian asked.

"Can't complain. What about you?" I responded

"I'm alright. I heard you went to that house party over the weekend."

"Yeah I did." I replied. I tried to suppress my smile of thinking about Kendall that night. He was cute when he was drunk.

"Some of the guys said you played beer pong with a freshman. What's that about?" Ian asked. I could sense a little judgement in his tone.

"Yeah I did. I needed a partner since YOU weren't there." I chuckled and playfully slapped Ian's arm. "He was a cool guy."

"Your cheeks are turning red. What's going on, Grey?" Ian asked.

I guess I wasn't doing a good job of hiding what I thought about Kendall. It's time that I tell Ian that I like guys...I hope he will react the way I think he will. I couldn't imagine losing my best friend.

"Okay, Ian I have something to share with you but I need you to promise you'll keep a cool head."

"Greyson, you can tell me anything. What's up?"

"I'm attracted to guys" I replied after taking a deep breath. "I've fooled around with guys in the past. But there's this guy that I'm interested in becoming a lot more with."

Ian sat there quietly for a minute. I could see the gears in his mind turning. He was processing what I just told him.

"So you think guys are sexually appealing?" he finally asked.

I nodded in the affirmative.

"And you've done stuff with guys. Didn't you sleep with a bunch of girl's freshman year? So are you bi?"

"Yes I've had sex with guys and girls. I'm still trying to work what my sexual identity is. It's not that I find girls gross now or unappealing. I've done a lot of thinking and I want to find someone to get serious with. I realized that when I've pictured myself in a serious relationship, I'm always with a guy. So I don't know what my `label' is but I think I lean towards guys."

"Okay. That's fair. No judgement here, man. You're like a brother to me. I'll accept whoever you decide fit enough to get serious with. Unless they're a terrible person, then I'll let you know" Ian said laughing at the end.

"Thanks man. I really appreciate it."

"So who is this guy that you think you want to be with?" Ian asked.

"He's the freshman from the party. His name is Kendall. I think he is super attractive and he's fun to be around. I met him days before the party. He threw a tater tot at me on accident. I saw him at the party and started talking him up. I needed a partner for pong and I asked him. We had lunch today too."

"Ah okay. I have a couple of questions. First off, is he into guys? And two is he aware that you're into him?"

"Yeah he's gay. I caught him checking me out at the party and then today at lunch he mentioned an ex-boyfriend. As for if, he's aware that I like him, I don't think so. I wasn't overly flirty with him."

"Well you might want to change that. Otherwise you aren't going to ever land him." Ian said.

That was pretty much the end of conversation about my love life. We just hung out and watched tv for awhile.

"You want to hit a bar?" Ian asked around 10:30.

"Sure" I replied.

We both changed clothes and then headed downtown. There are a lot of bars in downtown but whenever the guys and I go out we go to The Fountainhead. The clientele is almost 100% college students. They're pretty lax on the carding too so that's helpful when you aren't 21.

Ian and I got a beer and found a high top table to sit at. We were both moving to the music and shooting the breeze. Both of us were scanning the crowd; Ian for hot girls and me to see if maybe, just maybe, Kendall was here. It didn't look like he was.

I did notice this guy kept making eye contact with me though. The guy is about 5'10 and a leaner body than mine. I'm pretty sure he was flirting with me from afar. He'd lick his lips or raise an eyebrow at me.

"I have to piss." Ian announced and headed toward the bathroom. That's when this guy headed over towards me.

"Hey" this guy said when he got to my table. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Hello" I replied back.

"So we've been making eyes at each other for awhile. I'm looking for some fun tonight before I get back together with my old boyfriend. You in?"

"Well, you're forward" I laughed. The guy was cute. But why did he look familiar?

"I'm Bryan" he said, holding out his hand.

Then everything clicked.

Well, shit.

"I'm Greyson." I said shaking his hand "And as much as I'm flattered by your offer, I'm going to pass."

"Okay. Your loss" Bryan replied and walked off.

Now I was left in a dilemma. I'm, like, 99% that was Kendall's ex. His ex who just hit on me. His ex who just hit on me who also mentioned he was getting back with his ex. Was Kendall going to really take this tool back? Should I tell him about the skeezy situation that just took place?

"Fucccckkkk me" I sighed to myself

"You'll have to fill me up with a shit ton more beers before that happens." Ian replied laughing as he sat back down. "What was that for?"

"See that guy over there?" I asked. Ian looked and nodded. "That's Kendall's ex. He just propositioned me for sex before he takes his boyfriend back."

"That ex being Kendall?" Ian asked.

"I assume so. Should I tell Kendall about this?"

"Probably. It would work in your favor."

"Yeah you're probably right. I just don't want Kendall to think I accepted."

"If Kendall accuses you of sleeping with that dude, say you went home with me." Ian said and then finished off his beer. "Let's get out of here. Slim pickings."

Ian and I then drove back to our building. We went into our own apartment. I headed straight for bed.

I couldn't sleep. I played through a billion different outcomes of me telling Kendall about Bryan. I decided that if it helps keep Kendall away from Bryan, I was going to tell him.

Next: Chapter 7

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