

Published on Jun 8, 2004



Please don't read this if homoerotic fiction offends you or is illegal in your area. The following story contains sex acts between consenting males. It is a fictional account with fictional characters. I hope the rest of you enjoy this and are safe with everything you do.

Ace Chapter 1 "Jack's Gambit"

I met Ace last week. He was sitting at a local gay bar and had this lustful expression on his face. Ace is a pretty buff guy. Nothing overly so, but really built anyway. He caught my eye and I went over to him. He offered to buy me a drink, which I usually decline, but this time I was really attracted and found his offer charming. Ace was about 5'11" with short-cropped brown hair. He was wearing a tight black shirt with equally tight blue jeans below them. I saw his dark blue eyes stare at me as he spoke. He looked a bit wasted, but weren't we all. He was a very mysterious guy; I was intrigued by the way he spoke. It was elegant, yet somehow dark and lonely. He had a dominant air about him. I have never seen him before, but there are often new guys around here. He is in his late 20's, I think 27. I'm only 22 so it was kind of unusual for me to be talking to an older guy. I have a cute face and I get a lot of looks, but I'm nothing extraordinary. I showed up alone with the intention of meeting a friend here, but he didn't show up. I was kind of disappointed, but I found my conversation with Ace to have been worth my time. We chatted about a number of different topics as we pissed the night away. At the end of the night he slipped me his phone number as we headed out the door. I was tempted to call him all week, but I was too chicken until the next Thursday.

He initially seemed surprised to hear from me. He was anxious to have me come over though. He said he hasn't had a boy over in a while. From what I gathered from our earlier conversation he seemed very wealthy. I started to wonder why such a handsome wealthy man had troubles finding a date. I told him I'd drive over to his place for dinner. He gave me his address and I realized that he was indeed pretty well off. It was in one of the richest neighborhoods in town. I tried to think back, but I can't recall him telling me what his occupation was. I figured I'd ask him later. I hopped into my car and found the house without any problems. His house was beautiful. It was built with very decorative with a gorgeous lawn and a lot of vegetation. I wondered how a man so young could afford such a lavish palace. I couldn't see the back of the house in the dark, but I could already tell that he had a pool in his backyard. I went up to his house and rang that doorbell sheepishly. I felt this guy was out of my league and perhaps this was a bad idea. He answered a couple minutes later. I saw his sexy grin as he smiled at me when he opened the door. He had the kind of grin that would make any gay guy want to go down on him. He had a slight goatee going that really turned me on.

"Won't you come in, Jack." Ace told me. He seemed very polite, but I could sense something more to him. I could tell he had a wild side especially when it comes to sex. He didn't try to hide it. His house was amazing. It was decorated with fine art and statues. His living room furniture probably cost more than my apartment. He brought out some wine and we toasted to a new friendship. He made an exquisite meal and we ate together and made small talk to get to know each other better. It all went along like a normal date until he asked me a peculiar question.

"I want you to join me here, Jack. I like having young guys around me. My last boyfriend was here for 4 years, but we broke up. I know we don't know each other that well right now, but I want you to know that I will take care of you with whatever you need. The only catch is of course that you will take care of everything I need." Ace shocked me. After he spoke his eyes drifted down to his crotch and so did mine. It looked like he was packing pretty well. I have always had a submissive streak and the thought of living here with this stud turned me on like crazy. He let me ponder it for a couple days. Over the next few days I could think of nothing else, but Ace. I've never had someone come on to me so strong before. I wanted to take advantage of the situation. He was a gentleman when we left and just kissed me on the cheek when I left. I wasn't sure what he was hiding, but I was sure I'd find out soon enough. I was ready to take him up on his offer and I went over Saturday night to tell him.

Ace came to the door without his shirt wearing tight jeans. I could see his developed body in front of me. I could tell he worked out often. His pecks were beautiful with dark nipples in the center. He had a lean stomach with a light dusting of hair on it. I wanted to feel his tight abs with my tongue, but I decided to just say "hi" instead. He gave me a wink and invited me in. He pulled me closer to him and we had a warm embrace together, which ultimately culminated in a long slow kiss.

He further explained his house rules to me that night. If I was willing to provide for his sexual fulfillment then he would allow me to stay in his fabulous place for free. If I wasn't able to meet his expectations or if I didn't want to provide him with all that he requires then I was free to leave without a second thought. I pondered my situation. I always dreamed about living in such a beautiful estate, with such a hot guy after all. I knew there was no way I could turn down his proposition even if it did make me feel kind of slutty. I've always had low self-esteem, and it has always been through making people happy that I've realized my own contentment. I never fit in anywhere as I grew up and I guess I just wanted to belong to something, consequences be damned. I felt this would be a good opportunity to change my life towards a new direction.

I finally accepted his deal. I thought it would be a good experience for a while and he had a trusting air about him. I needed something to get out of my dating slump and I was really horny and wanted some action as well. Ace led me to his wonderful bedroom. It was decorated in a light blue and dark red motif. I liked the contrast and it was very romantic. I inched closer to him and breathed his scent in and gave him another kiss. I started to undress, but he stopped me and had me undress him first. I was happy to comply and slowly lifted his shirt off to reveal his tight body. His nipples were getting cold as they were exposed and they became erect. That wasn't the only part of his body starting to stiffen. His dick appeared to be trying to break free from the confines of his pants as well. I felt it through the outside and wondered briefly what he was packing. I knew I would soon find out, but first he grabbed my pants and roughly pulled them down. I was standing in my underwear in front of him and he pulled at my shirt and nearly ripped it off of me as well. His hands fondled my balls through my boxers and I returned my hand to his crotch as well. I felt his staff get completely rigid in my hand and I squeezed it a bit to feel the power there. Ace pulled my hardening cock out of the front of my boxers and flicked it with his fingers. He grabbed it at the base and started to pull it downward. I followed him as he led me by my dick to the floor of his room. He asked me to stay on my knees and I waited for further instructions. He pulled my face towards his crotch and rubbed the bulge over my face. I could start to smell his manly scent and it sent shivers up my spine.

"Lick my abs and then open my pants with your teeth, slowly and sensually, I want out first time together to be long and memorable." Ace ordered me.

I liked the way his hard muscles looked as I stared up at him and rubbed my tongue around his navel. I felt the soft hairs and brushed my nose against them. After I felt ready I grabbed his pants in my teeth and undid the button by jerking my head. I looked back up at him, he acceded with a nod and I took his button in my teeth and slowly pulled it down over his bulge. I had to shift his unit with my hand in order to accomplish my mission. His cock looked larger than I was used to dealing with, but that was all right with me. I saw his dark blue boxers as I pulled off his pants. I began to put my hands on his boxers, but he told me to use my teeth for that too. He was rock hard and I found it may be a difficult proposition, but I attempted the challenge anyway. I bit the upper waistband and pulled my head back and over his hard cock. I had to rest his dick under my chin and make it move down in order to accomplish my task. When I let go of the waistband his cock flipped up and hit me in the forehead. It seemed to be what he was going for as Ace just chuckled.

I stared at the beautiful meat in front of me. He was probably about 9 inches and had a nice round head. I was getting really turned on being almost naked in front of this older stud. He obviously takes working out seriously. He was quite the specimen. He looked like he could've been in magazines. My cock was leaking through the whole of my boxers. I felt Ace's foot grab it and jerk it off a bit. I looked down a second to see what he was doing with my dick and he grabbed my head with his hands and aimed my mouth over his stiff prick. His foot fondled me while I inhaled half of his cock deep within my mouth. I felt I was going to lose it quickly from the friction of his foot on my cock and his awesome staff in my mouth. His foot pulled off for a bit and I relaxed and set myself to work on his cock. I loved giving guys head. I wish I could do it for a living. I loved the feeling of some guys meet in my mouth. I liked it when I was in control and sucking out the cum from his balls, but I also enjoyed getting face fucked and creamed as well. It felt wonderful to be able to please Ace well and I took pride in my work. I rubbed my tongue on his veiny underside and it drove him wild. Sometimes I would lick the head in circles and other times I would try to take all of it down my throat. I didn't quite succeed in that, however. Ace was just too big to fit down my throat all the way. I knew some guys liked the feeling of domination that came with stuffing your cock all the way down someone's gullet, and I figured Ace was one of those kinds of guys, but it just wasn't happening that first night at all no matter how hard I tried. He let me do most of the work just occasionally brushing my hair with his hands and sometimes rubbing my cock with his foot to keep me horned up and hard.

I wanted to eat Ace's cum straight from his hose and I set about a pace that would give me my reward. I bobbed up and down on his pole as he gently rocked his hips back and forth. Occasionally I would look up at him and see his piercing eyes looking down at me with lust. I took my hand and jerked the part of his dick that wasn't in my mouth. I played with his balls and tried to coax him into jetting his white gold down my throat. Finally I felt Ace's cock stiffen inside me and he let out a torrent of sperm. He was fairly deep inside my mouth and I pulled back to let my taste buds experience my new conquest. I sucked deeper and filtered out all of his juice and swallowed it down like I new I'd be expected too. I loved my new protein shake. I was a little apprehensive about the meeting at first, but I knew this was something I needed. I could still taste the residue of his sperm as he pulled me up by my arms back to full height. We French kissed a bit and I started to wonder what to do with my solid cock that was dangling between our legs. His cock had softened a bit, but was still a respectable length. He squeezed his thighs around my cock and I thought he would never relent and release me from his strong grasp. My cock was rock hard even though I was in a little bit of pain from the rough treatment. He thrusts back and forth on my cock with his legs and I'm over stimulated and my cock drains its fluid out onto the floor. He finally opens his legs and my sore cock fell down. I feel so drained and sexually fulfilled. Ace still has a look of lust in his eyes as he gives me a big wet kiss and drops me on his bed. I see his cock start to rise again in front of me.

"You're getting ready to go again already," I ask him.

"The deal was for my sexual fulfillment. That was a great appetizer, now its time for your daddy to show you how to please a man fully." Ace told me. He grabbed the base of his cock as he spoke and I knew I was dealing with an exceptionally randy dude. "Shit," I thought. I might have my work cut out for me.

Chapter 2 "You can never have too many plow unders"

We lay together on his bed as I watch his cock stiffen in front of me again. My body is drained from the blowjob I just gave him and my own intense orgasm. I'm all for long sexual encounters, but usually I lose interest after I nut. Ace is one horny dude though and he is ready to go again. He holds me close to him in a bear hug and his hard shaft is pressed between us. He humps my chest with his massive dick. I feel secure as he holds me tight almost romantically. He continues to buck up against me, but he doesn't get worked up enough to cum all over my chest. He releases his tight grip around me and I go back to work on sucking his cock. He shifts positions and rests on his back. I am on my knees on the bed with my ass in the air as I work up and down his shaft again. I spit and polish it like a shoeshine boy. He puts a finger in my mouth and I suck it along with his dick. Ace then reaches around me and starts prodding at my ass with his slicked up finger. I begin to open my ass for his probing digit and start to work on his cock again. His fingering starts to get me all horny and I realize his intentions to fuck me. I'm unsure about how much damage his huge meat will do to my ass, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

"Yeah, Jack, your hole is nice and tight. My finger fits in there nice, I guess we'll have to see if it'll be able to open up for the rest of me though. Are you ready to feel your daddy's cock pounding you now?" Ace asks me as he pushes in another finger in my sensitive hole.

I'm starting to get turned on by his rough talk and suck in his dick deeply while he continues to play with my ass. I pull off for a second to blurt out, "I want you to fuck me Ace. Your dick is beautiful. I want to feel it inside me. If that will make you happy, it makes me happy."

"That is what I like to hear. I want you to be a good bitch for me. I know you will be, you have all the necessary traits. Why don't you lube me up and straddle me. I want to see how much you want my cock, Jack." Ace says and pulls his fingers out and slaps my ass a few times.

I reach over to the nightstand and find a bottle of lube, which I apply liberally to his thick shaft. I make sure to coat the head and my ass as well. Ace is a big man and I don't want it hurting any more than it has to.

I know his dick will be ripping through my ass in a few minutes and I brace myself for the experience. I like the feeling of his rock hard shaft as I get it wet. After I make sure there is sufficient lubrication I raise my hips up over him and squat above his tool. He grabs his dick and my hips for its entry. I feel the head of his cock at my entrance and he slimes it with the lube juice. I try to force my ass open as I feel the head passing through. The head is fully inside me now and it feels intense, but not too bad. I'm not sure I want him to push more inside me, but my reluctance is lost on him as he grabs my shoulders and begins to push my ass down on his thick pole. The pain is intense and my semi hard cock starts to deflate. I have never taken anyone as big as him before and the feeling is incredible. It is such an unusual pain that it is indescribable. I try to open up and adjust to the invading prick, but I can't in time for his next thrust. This time he impales me on 3/4ths of his cock with his next motion. I scream and whimper in pain, but Ace continues his assault. The lube helps, but it is nowhere near enough to stop the dick inside of me from ripping my insides. He pushes down on me one last time and times it with a mighty upward thrust of his hips and I am totally skewered on his sword. I let out another soft moan as he does this. I have never felt so full in my life. His cock reaches places yet undiscovered by man.

"That's it, baby. You have all of Ace's cock in you now. I knew the first time I saw you that you'd be mine. I'll let you get used to it. How do you like this big cock inside of you? I hope you get used to it because I love the feeling of your tight ass around me. I hope I didn't hurt you too bad. No bleeding or anything. The last guy I did bled all over, it was pretty messy to clean up. Heh." Ace spoke with a cocky attitude.

I tried to speak, but it just came out in a whimper. I was still in pain, but I relaxed and it started to subside a bit. I had all of Ace inside of me, but he didn't start fucking me yet and gave my ass time to adjust to it's new playmate. After I felt I was ready I started to ascend his cock and I watched as it slowly pulled out of me. I raised my body up until just the head was inside me and I slowly took his cock back in me. It wasn't nearly as painful this time as my ass had time to accommodate Ace's huge member. I was exhausted by the time I did this four or five times. My emotions and feelings were working overtime as I worked Ace's dick. It is difficult to describe how I felt at that moment. Sitting on Ace's cock and submitting to him was only the beginning of our relationship and I realized from that moment he would be willing to push me to the limit. The thought of being at the command of my new sugar daddy turned me on a lot. All of my other relationships were stale compared to this one. I rode him hard trying to force him to release his milky blast up my chute. I knew the first time he came inside would mark a change in our relationship forever. I speed my motions up trying to cause enough friction to allow him to cream my ass, but it doesn't work. Ace places his hands on my hips and forces me fully onto his rod then bends me over so he can fuck me doggy style. I feel him pounding me nearly into the bed. I hold on and endure the pain for my new master though. He really knows how to top a guy and is giving it to me good. He spanked my ass as he rode me hard and fast. Suddenly I felt a jet of warm wet jizz flood my insides. Ace bucked and moaned as his muscles tightened and he deposited his load up my tender hole. His cock expanded so much I felt like his entire arm was up me. He withdrew after the last of his orgasm had subsided. I felt him wipe the excess cum on my back. My ass wanted him back in although I moaned a sigh of relief as his huge cock exited. He's surely going to stretch me out if he fucks me regularly. I was willing to accept the arrangement we had made. I knew this stud would be ready for many more fuck sessions later on and I'd be happy to provide my services for him.

"That's it honey, You have Ace's load in you forever and ever. Me and you are together now boy, might as well stay that way huh? How'd you like the nice ride I gave you? Pretty soon you won't know anything else, but pleasing my big dick, I'm going to be working you so fucking hard." Ace told me.

"It was great. It took some time to get used to your cock, but I was loving it after I adjusted." I answered truthfully.

"Good, lets get to bed. I want you to be well rested. I don't want to hear any complaints that you are too tired when I'm horned up." Ace explained.

His attitude seemed to change a bit after fucking me, but I guess he was just trying to prove his manliness over me. It turned me on to be taken advantage of by my older stud. My bottom boy nature came through and I lapped up every word he said. I headed down to my bed and wondered what was in store for me the next day.

Thanks to everyone who has written me. Paypal donations appreciated ( Tell me what you like about my stories. Remember to put the title of the story in the subject line. If you like this story check out my other ones: "Whim" and "Straight Crush" in the college section.

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