Acropolis Gulch

Published on Dec 25, 2020


Acropolis Gulch By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

The name Acropolis Gulch requires some explaining. In the early 20th Century, it was the site of the Acropolis Restaurant. It was owned by a Greek immigrant and had a distinctive menu. In 1934 a major flood destroyed the restaurant and made a minor stream next to the restaurant into the main channel of the Little Mountain River. It followed a new course, and the Gulch site was now in the next county.

Acropolis was physically in Fairmont County, but was legally in Duke County. No one bothered correcting the county lines. The road serving the Camp was from Fairmont, and there was no access to Duke County other than by swimming. After the flood, it never paid taxes and Duke County listed the property as vacant. Mr. Acropolis died in 1945 and it eventually was owned by his son, Philp Acropolis.

He was a successful building contractor and his son, also named Philip decided to live there in the remains of the former camp. Philip looked like Bigfoot but had a personality that made Oscar Wilde seem like a work hardened ditch digger.

Over several years the camp was partially rebuilt. Philip seemed to have inherited his father's building skills. His friends visited him regularly. All were gay and Acropolis Gulch became a gay party place. This was informal, but eventually he allowed gay organizations and clubs to use it.

I am Jimmy Smith and I run the local grocery store. I got big orders from him and he was a good customer. It was just a party place, although I guessed it might get a bit wild after dark.

I was there when the BB Club had a party. In theory the clubs provided their own food, but whoever did the catering, didn't seem the realize it was the Bear Bare Club, and delicate sandwiches and tea were not a good menu choice. Saturday, I had a call from Philip asking me to bring some real food to them.

I collected hamburger, hot dogs, sausages, fries and brought it over. I was the hero of the hour. For some reason Philip hadn't realized the BB Club was a nudist group. He was surprised, as was I. I am a beefy former tackle on the high school team who was nicknamed Big Foot. I was 100% straight. Being a bit aggressive and called Big Foot was not as attractive to girls as one might guess.

When I delivered the food, I helped cook it. After that I ended up skinny dipping. As I said I was 100% percent straight, but it turned out I was not 100% opposed to gay sex. I thought jerking off was the ultimate sexual experience. The Bear Bare Club had different experiences and were willing to help me with what their leader, Donnie Devine called a "voyage of discovery."

I am not the dreamboat type and I admit that the Bear guys thought I was hot stuff. I wasn't used to that at all. I am six-four, and 250 pounds. I am also well hung, a soft seven inches and a hard eight plus. If I walked around naked all the time, I might have attracted more people, but that is not an option in the grocery store.

Here in Acropolis Gulch, I was walking around naked. No one complained at all and the only problem I had was trying not to slip on the drool. I had another unexpected asset. I am not handsome. I am just an ordinary guy. The guys in the club were a mixed bag including good looking men, average looking men, and some guys who were downright odd looking. The handsome guys thought I looked good enough, and the odd-looking guys thought they might have a chance.

I had been selling groceries for a long time and a customer is a customer. It doesn't make any difference what they look like.

At the BB Club, I swam in the river, sat on the bank, and took advantage of the sun. I was between a guy named Rudy, who was a banker, and a high school coach named Doug. Rudy's was a fifty-year-old, thin, tall hairball. His head was shaved but an inch below his collar he was shaggy. Doug was a beefy, muscular, short man with a shaggy chest and a treasure trail to his bush.

We were between a couple and a threesome of men who were sexually engaged. I got hard and Rudy leaned over to help me with it.

"You don't need to do that," I said.

"Rudy likes what he's doing," Doug said. "You can ask him to stop, but otherwise he will keep on sucking."

"What if I shoot off?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that," Doug said. "Just relax and let nature take its course. If Rudy doesn't want it, I can help you out."

I had never been sucked off before, but somehow. I knew this wasn't the first time for Rudy. I was just sitting there as he sucked me. I saw the Doug's cock was semi hard. I thought I should be polite. I don't know what got into me. I leaned over and licked it. A second later, his cock was in my mouth and I was loving it.

I knew some guys liked to suck cock, but it never occurred to me that I would do it, and even less that I would enjoy it. It was exciting to do to Doug what Rudy was doing to me. I had a vague feeling that I was supposed to be doing something that seemed bad and was realizing it was wonderful. The sensations were new, confusing, and incredibly exciting.

I tasted something sweet and realized it was coming from Doug's cock. I guess I expected piss, but this was a taste treat. A few minutes later, Doug and Rudy switched positions. I thought Doug was good looking and Rudy was ordinary. Rudy's cock was leaking sweet stuff, and it was even more exciting than Doug's. I thought Doug was a better cock sucker than Rudy.

I had been sucking the cocks of two men I had just met, and it was wonderful. It didn't seem, strange, odd, or disgusting. It seemed it was natural. It was what I should be doing.

It turned out that the Bear Bare Club was exceptionally receptive to new members. I didn't realize I had passed the membership committee's entrance exam with flying colors. A little later Doug introduced me to Skip, Gene, and Rollo who were beefy men. Skip was a well-tanned landscaper, Rollo a brick mason covered in red hair from head to toe and Gene was short hairy guy who ran a print shop.

Skip sucked me and when I was rock hard, Gene sat on my erect cock. "Damn boys! It's a perfect fit!" he exclaimed as he wiggled on my cock. I was surprised it fit. He bounced and twitched until he shot off. Rollo, who was solid and clunky looking, intercepted the sperm mid-air. Rollo looked at me and said, "Gene is Italian. His cum tastes great. Would you like a sample?" he asked. I didn't say anything, but Rollo seemed to think that was a yes. We kissed and I tasted Gene's cum.

As we kissed, I shot off into Gene's ass. "He's popped!" he exclaimed. It took me a little while to realize that this was my first hands free orgasm. By the time I left the gathering that night, I had discovered that I could shoot off four times and I had sampled the cum of the members of the executive committee.

When I got home that night, I spent most of the night trying to figure out what happened. Much of it had been a blur. I did know that whatever happened it had been good.

A few days later I was closing the store and Philip came over to me.

"Jimmy I will have some orders for you coming up," he said. "If I give them to you early, will you be able to get them?"

"My supplier needs a three-day warning for special orders," I said. "He works with a supplier of gourmet foods who is good."

"That's great," he said, adding, "I have another request that you could help be with if you are willing." he added. "You made a splash with your last visit. The men were impressed," he said.

"You are kidding," I replied.

"My pals like their men manly," Philip said. "You seem to have double the desirable male features. I would love to have you at some of my other get-togethers."

"Are all of your groups like the Bear Bare Club?" I asked.

"They are varied, but what you have would suit all of them," he replied. "Of course, you would be a guest, not an employee." We talked about it and I said I would let him know. He did mention I that I seemed to have had a good time. I thought long and hard about it, but I knew I was interested. I tended to think of sex as an annual event. When I thought about it, I realized annual wasn't even close to the number my sexual escapades.

A week later I made a delivery to Acropolis Gulch. The advance men of the next party were getting things arranged. This was the South Eastern Association of Men's Clubs, the SEAMEN Club. They were a collection of small gay men's clubs. There was a group of older men, men into leather and a group of transvestites. I wasn't sure about the odd grouping, but I had told Philip I would be there, so I stayed.

I eventually realized whatever the name of the group, the main interest was in man-to-man sex. I laughed to myself when I realized that was the main attraction for me too.

The first group to arrive was called the OBND club. It was the Old, but not Dead Club, a group of older, impressively horny men. The head of the group, Don, told me that most of their cocks, and all of their asses were still in operating condition.

They were followed by a transvestite-trans group. Half were men dressed as women and the others dressed as men. Since this was a nude event, I was surprised at the ways they played their preferred roles without many props. I was a hit with that group. Philip told me I was almost a caricature of masculinity the men and/or the women liked that.

The last group to arrive were the Acropolis Bike Club. Some were into motorcycles; others were into leather.

The three groups were varied but were united in a common interest in gay sex. That was the official line. It didn't take me long to realize their interest was not casual. Obsessive and compulsive more correctly described them.

Don had said all of their asses were open, but I knew that being willing was more important. By two, that afternoon I understood that unwilling was a bit rare in the group. I connected with Don and his pal Frank. I was talking with them when a guy named Leo joined his. Leo was in his 20s with a beard and hairy chest. He was a macho guy except for his vagina and miniature cock. Don and Frank did not bat an eye. Don was a tall, thin runner. He was reserved and business-like. Frank was built like a fur covered fireplug. He was very Italian, outgoing, and friendly.

Leo was shy, but Frank didn't notice that. "Damn, you're a cute guy," he said to Leo. "What's your poison?" Leo looked puzzled.

"Sucker? Bottom? What do you like? I am to please," Frank added.

"I'm not sure that I have done enough to know," Leo said. "I was hoping to do more here."

"Don and I have been around the block a few times. We know it all," Frank said. "We've just met Jimmy here and don't know what he likes. His cock is so big, I think we would do anything he asked." They all laughed,

We talked and Jimmy was training to be a chef. Frank asked if he could suck my cock. I said yes.

"Your cock is big enough for two, would you mind if Leo shared it?" Frank added. "Are you interested?" he asked of Leo. Leo nodded and they dropped to their knees. Frank worked on my low hangers and Leo gave my knob a buff and shine.

I didn't think Leo was experienced, but Frank and Don were friendly and helpful. We sort of played musical chairs, but it was clear that my cock was the favorite chair. Frank was the first to take a seat. He was well lubricated. His sphincter put up some resistance, but after a few minutes, it gave up the fight and my cock slid in deep. He cried, "Oh Baby!"

My cock it thick, and he later told me that whatever way he bounced or squirmed, my cock was in full contact with his prostate. He thought my cock was a size bigger than his ass, so his prostate was continuously under pressure.

Don came over and nuzzled his cock into Leo's ass. Leo shifted his legs to give better access. Don's cock slid in easily. I suspected his ass had been opened before. Frank shot off and Leo had no problem talking his load.

"Could I try your cock," Leo asked. after Frank got off my cock. I said that was fine with me.

Leo sat on my cock filling his vagina. It was really tight, but Leo was a trooper. Don entered his ass, so Leo was double fucked. He was wiggling on my cock as Don pounded him. I could feel Don's thrusts. Unexpectedly Leo's mini-cock shot off. I had no idea what Leo's anatomical makeup was, but his male parts seemed to be working.

I shot off too, so when I pulled out, my cum drooled from his vagina as his cock dribbled. Don pulled out of his ass. We were all unsure of what to do next when a passing biker saw us, got on his knees, and licked Leo's cock, and worked his tongue into the vagina to get the remains of my orgasm.

The biker, whose name was Buster, told us he had a warm spot for sperm, and he didn't want it to go to waste. Buster was a truck driver and told Leo he liked variety, and that Leo was the mother load of sexual possibilities.

We had an enlightening conversation. Leo was a bottom when he had sex which was rare. I had been the first to use his vagina, and the first to shoot off in it. He had used dildoes, but a cock was vastly superior.

"Your pal here is a big boy. Did it fit without too much effort?" Buster asked.

"It was tight, and I thought it was too tight until I shot off," Leo said. "It suddenly was really good, and it shot off. My cock is so small I wasn't sure that would happen. I'm embarrassed."

"Let me tell you useful fact, nothing dripping from a cock here is a problem. As far as I can see, the guys are real open minded about cocks, cum, and ass!" Leo said, adding, "If you feel like doing it again, I'd be glad to help me out."

Buster was a friendly and open-minded guy. He was also the leader of the Biker group. Leo went off with Don and Frank to meet other members of their group.

He looked at men and asked, "What's your name?"

"Jimmy, I'm sorry I got carried away with Leo and forgot to be polite," I explained. "I didn't expect anything like what happened."

"Nice to meet you. In my group if you have anything larger than seven inches, you don't need to be polite," he replied.

"I think my mother would disagree about that," I said.

Buster laughed. "Your mother and my mother would agree 100% about that," he said. "She was old school. I think some of my pals would like to meet you. You might feel like a prize tenderloin on a meat rack, but they are nice guys."

"Are they all looking for sex?" I asked.

"They sure as shit are," Buster replied. "They have manners though. They have to ask first and remember we have a rule not to do unto others what you wouldn't have done to you. I have a feeling that the diameter of your cock would keep everyone in line."

"Ask first, poke later?" I asked.

Buster had the biggest tent in a cluster of biker tents. A few the men looked rough. When I got to know them, I would say they were men who made poor choices in life and you could tell. They were used. Buster told me that being naked in a group of naked gay men was good for them.

Some were bears, some were gorillas, and a few were sloths. There were small pocket bears and there were bear fanciers. The group had one trait that attracted me. They all were into cock and man sex. No one pretended to be just seeing what might happen. No one loved you because of your sparkling personality. Sex was all no strings attached.

It was acceptable to have some fun, shoot off and then move on. You didn't feel rejected if it was one time only. You could say thank you, and them move on. No one felt rejected, or were shocked that there was no repeat engagement.

That being said, there was no problem getting it to heavy duty sex. I am big and hung. Buster said I had a double dose of male characteristics. I am big, furry, and hung. I was rapidly losing any tendency to be shy. I soon realized that I couldn't have lust polite, mail it in sex. once I was hard, it was 100% sex.

I was with one of the ugly guys. Eustace and his pal Boomer. Eustace has a checkered career mostly due to a drinking problem. Boomer was not the brightest lightbulb in the hardware store. As a pair, they functioned well. Boomer worked mowing lawns and digging holes for a landscaping firm. Eustace took the midnight shift as a taxi driver. With two low-wage jobs they could make a go of it. Eustace controlled his drinking because Boomer needed his help and they depended on their joint income.

Boomer was mostly a bottom, and Eustace topped. I wasn't positive that Boomer knew he had a choice. We had been playing some, and Eustace slipped his cock into my behind. As a top he was a good but no cigar man. He did have unusually productive orgasms. When he pulled out, I asked Boomer if he liked sloppy seconds. He looked at Eustace's sperm dribbling from my ass and understood.

"You would like it?" Boomer asked. I told him that I sure would like to try it. Boomer had a nice cock, but when I told him that, it grew and was a lot more than nice. Boomer nudged his cock into me, and it got better the deeper it went.

I looked at his face and I saw a glimmer of understanding. Luckily, you don't need to understand a cock to feel what it feels. Cocks seem to love being in a warm tight space, and they know exactly what to do. Boomer smiled.

"You're doing everything exactly right," I said. "Keep on going until you spurt!" I had a strong feeling this was his maiden voyage up a man's ass. Let's just say the travel brochures underestimated the pleasures of the voyage. I don't know if there is direct cock to prostate communication, or if the depth of the penetration that excited me. It concluded with Boomer's spectacular and lengthy orgasm. I shot off in the middle of the orgasm and was surprised when Eustace bent over and took it with great enthusiasm.

"I like it fresh," he said.

Someone said, "If you like it fresh, you could like it from my ass. Some guys it is best aged in a guys ass," I took me a few seconds to realize I was saying it. Boomer had pulled out and Eustace licked the cum off the cock and then tried to get his tongue into my ass.

Boomer came over to me. His cock was still dripping so I sucked his post orgasmic drool. This was all strange to me, but it was a big step up from my annual sexual adventure. I laughed to myself. It had been a bi-annual event.

It was more than that for Boomer. He was quite handsome when he smiled, and his cock had star potential at its full extent. There were several men who were willing to open their sphincters for him.

Eustace had a sour reputation. Three guys were willing to teach him a lesson. The joke was on them. Eustace was the gang bang king. Each additional load deposited in his ass made him more receptive. By the time I left, there was an almost festive air in the Bear area. I went back to the OBND Club camp.

Leo had been adopted by the older men. They knew he had a difficult life and needed affection and kindness. Many of the transvestites were men or women who felt like the opposite sex. I had a feeling that Leo was a male who happened to possess female genitals. He wasn't bi-sexual, he was both-sexual.

Apparently, my cock had flipped a switch that turned his cock into a functioning sex organ. It could have been that the combination of my cock in his cunt, with Don's cock in his ass did the trick. That was complicated, but in this group at Acropolis Gulch there were a number of men willing to help Leo emotionally and sexually.

I had expected to go home for the night, but Buster asked if I would stay with him. I figured he wanted a little more sex. That was right, except the sex wasn't little. Buster had a partner, Garfield. He was a college professor and had a friend with benefits, Salvatore. He was an engineer. Garfield told me they were emotionally monogamous but had sexual relationships that were open. Garfield, and Buster shared a sexual connection with Salvatore.

"You want me to join the group?" I asked Buster.

As I was thinking this sounded like a gang bang, Garfield and Salvatore entered the tent. I looked them over and almost decided. A random thought popped up in my head, how bad can a gang bang be? As I looked at Garfield and Salvatore, I knew they were thinking the same thing as me. In the battle between the cock and my mind, my effort to think out the situation ended as my cock took charge.

Garfield was a tall, thin, bearded man with a hairy chest. I guessed he was about fifty. Salvatore was thirtyish, five-six and muscular.

"We are all versatile, just in case you were wondering about tonight's activities." Garfield said. "Are you uneasy about trading sperm?"

Garfield dropped his shorts and exposed an impressive cock. I did the same and seconds later Salvatore was sucking me to an erection.

"You seem to be friendly guys," I said. "I should warn you; I am not much of a romantic. Some guys send flowers; I tend to spurt my affection." They laughed.

"Salvatore likes to lick it up," Buster replied.

I was surprised at my reaction to the men. until a month earlier, my only experience with naked me was in the shower with my team-mates and the coach nearby. Of course, we all looked but we all tried to pretend we weren't looking. Here I was with four guys, most of whom I had just met, and we would soon be all sucking and fucking each other.

I was wondering how tight their asses were and wondering which cock would fit in my behind. In the showers we pretended not to look. Here everyone looked, commented, and joined in, sucking any unattended cock, or shoving their cocks into your ass so they could use their lover's just deposited sperm as lube. They would complement you for a major orgasm and recommending your cum as a taste treat.

Sexual interludes had been rare. I has more sex in two days than I had in my entire life before.

Next: Chapter 2

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