Adam and Arley

By I owe you shit

Published on Jun 15, 2024


Disclaimer: This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy and is entirely a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years old, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you find this type of content offensive, if it is illegal in your area, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not continue.

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Adam and Arley, Chapter One

Since his teenage years, Arley has had a history of harassing, intimidating, and mistreating people around him, often leaving his father to deal with the consequences when he was caught. He was used to coming out on top, even in the most unfair situations, with the power of his family's name and connections, leading innocent people to lose their faith in humanity.

Arley never had what it took to be physical, but money allowed him to stomp his way through society. Once, he was beaten in a debate by a classmate. The same day, the classmate was called into the locker room, with opioids found in his cabinet. Another time, when his professor subtly fired back at him in class, he had two dropouts break the professor's arm that evening. He wanted to go for the legs, but then the professor would have been less likely to show up the next day in a cast, for his amusement.

The time had finally come for Arley to be disowned when, as a 20-year-old college freshman, he was caught in a sting operation, knowingly trying to have sex with a college girl from the internet in return for ecstasy pills. His father went to extreme lengths to get him out of jail, but that was the end of their relationship.

Before ending final ties with him, Arley's father was generous enough to offer him a sum of money to start his life over and to never show his face to him again. The amount was enough for him to obtain a solid degree and still have enough for a down payment on a decent one-bedroom.

However, Arley convinced himself that his father was just overreacting and would soon beg to have his only son back on whatever conditions he set. He didn't feel pressured to give up his lifestyle. Instead, he dropped out of college and proceeded to squander his limited balance on hotel stays, vacations abroad, and gold diggers.

Less than a year later, Arley gradually went into panic mode as he started to run low on cash, still with no response from his father. He tried to call him, the now-VP who used to drive Arley around as a child, and the now-CFO who used to attend his birthday parties, all to no avail.

Twenty-two-year-old Arley had never worked a day in his life or attended a lecture in college. He didn't exactly have a resume that enabled him to break into the professional job market, and he had too little money left to live off while learning a solid trade. He realized that he had no choice but to settle for the soonest minimum-wage waiter job he could find. Having never learned to budget in his life, he didn't even manage to choose an apartment within his price range and still ended up sleeping on the couch.

Adam, Arley's roommate of the same age, was born in Tel Aviv to young, intelligent parents. He started pulling shifts for minimum wage at the early age of 14 to contribute to his household, all while maintaining a straight-A performance at school. At 16, he immigrated to the U.S. with his family, eventually settling in Austin, where he began delving into coding following years of fascination with the field. By age 18, he had acquired enough self-training to have a respectable income with a part-time programming career through college. As if that wasn't enough, he earned a full-ride scholarship through college due to his excellent GPA.

On the day when Arley moved in with him, Adam was a few days away from officially graduating at the top of his class with a computer science degree and had already signed a six-figure contract as an engineer at a global corporation, thanks to his outstanding academic achievements, supplemented by the equivalent of two years of full-time experience as a software developer and countless certificates.

Unlike Arley, Adam was fully capable of living alone, and money rained on him as he scored more and more freelance work in addition to his full-time job, which already paid a lot more than what he needed to live comfortably. However, he still chose to get a roommate and maintain an overall frugal lifestyle that allowed him to save and invest a huge percentage of his income, driven by his aspiration to be a homeowner in the near future.

The more Arley learned about his roommate's humble background and organic success, the more envious and resentful he became. Adam was everything Arley was supposed to be and everything his father had hoped for him to turn into. Adam was a self-made young man who built his own connections through professional networking, whereas the best-case scenario for Arley would have been to boss people around and harass female employees at one of daddy's companies until he bankrupted it.

Adam, too busy working all the time and managing his stocks, never thought anything of Arley until the latter started to kiss his ass to cover his share of the rent, falsely claiming that he was receiving a large payment the next day. Up until this point, Arley had been greatly dependent on the remainder of daddy's money, but now, it has completely vanished. After Arley failed to pay him back, Adam decided to cut his losses, and his roommate began to fall into debt to his drug-dealing 'friend' as a result.

Since that moment, Arley could no longer hide his hatred for his roommate. He adopted a consistently bitter, passive-aggressive attitude, and started to make insulting remarks about normal things that any two male roommates should be familiar with. Things like Adam coming back home sweaty on a hot day, occasionally walking around shirtless, leaving traces of his body hair in the shower, or bringing guys and chicks to the privacy of his own bedroom.

Adam was always flattered to see his roommate so intimidated and offended by his natural masculinity and sexuality, and amazed how someone so bigoted was also such a flaring snowflake with zero sense of reality. His favorite trainwreck to watch was Arley trying to 'steal' some of his female hookups, only to completely melt down in a misogynistic rage when they inevitably expressed total disgust for him.

Nothing infuriated Arley like Adam's full, plentiful sex life. While his average Friday night nowadays consisted of scraping the bottoms of his pockets to get sucked to no completion by a crack whore in a car graveyard, Adam had the most attractive ladies flirt with him everywhere he went, whether alone or with friends. Sometimes, while Arley unenthusiastically forced a tepid load out alone on the couch, Adam's moans could be heard from the other side of the wall as he indulged his senses in the freshest, warmest, wettest hunt of the day.

Arley never put much effort into his appearance. He skipped PE all throughout school, so by the time he was of age, his six-foot height was purely thanks to genetics. During college, his continued lack of activity, unhealthy diet, and substance abuse gradually turned him into a 220-lb beached whale. His face wore a permanently pinched, angry expression, as if someone had just farted into it. The combination of his platinum blond ponytail, blue eyes, and clean face might have worked for someone who took care of their body, but with his lack of defined physical features, it came across as rather feminizing.

Adam exercised whenever he had a chance since his junior year of college and made sure to load up on natural, lean protein. At 5'10", he weighed 165lbs with around 15% body fat and enjoyed a set of increasingly defined abs, bulging biceps, and rounded glutes.

His dark-brown hair and eyes complemented his strong, confident, yet youthful Middle Eastern features. He sported a short, curly undercut along with a medium-length full beard with a tapered fade, and trimmed his body hair just often enough to feel consistently fresh while remaining the epitome of rugged masculinity.

In late July, Adam was taken aback by his roommate's audacious behavior when Arley stormed into his room unannounced, alarmingly composed. In the calmest tone and most subtle language, he began to issue a series of threats that he would carry out unless Adam covered his rent for August. Arley went on to threaten to frame Adam for a variety of serious crimes that could lead to his deportation, from planting drugs in his room to faking domestic abuse, to even hinting at more severe accusations such as death threats.

No sooner had he finished his speech than Adam took out the hard drive installed in his NVR system, connected it to his laptop, and played an audiovisual recording of everything Arley had just said and done. In a second, Arley went from domineering and boisterous to pale and panicked. His eyes widened in shock and his mouth hung open as he stammered out the most pathetic apologies. To make matters worse, Texas is a one-party consent state, so he had no legal grounds to file a counterclaim about being recorded.

For the next three days, Adam enjoyed forms of bullying that his roommate had never expected. Nearly every time he encountered Arley, he would either smack him across his fat, plump cheeks with full force or do something equally degrading for his own stress relief. Arley always tried to avoid the fated assault, but he rarely ever managed to escape.

Unsurprisingly, Arley never made a single comment on his roommate's body or lifestyle again. One day, Adam walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but a jockstrap, radiating heat and musk after the gym, and Arley didn't utter a single word. That time, instead of attacking his face, Adam slowly dropped a thick wad of spit into his beer right in front of him.

There was one thing Arley could do to put a stop to this, and that was to kneel before Adam and kiss his feet, as Adam had proposed. Up until that point, Arley would have rather lost an eye than face that amount of humiliation, but the abuse was becoming too much to bear.

Eventually, after he saw one of his T-shirts used as a cum rag, Arley decided to ask for Adam's forgiveness as soon as the latter came home, with his lips planted on his toes. It was brutal, Adam made his roommate actually talk to his sweaty feet for five minutes straight before accepting his apology.

Two days later, Adam had just finished a workout and was trying to get a sports drink at Equinox, where his workouts and massages were covered by his employer. He was embarrassed and slightly worried when he couldn't find his credit card in his wallet as usual. Walking away, he texted Arley:

"Dude, have you seen my credit card?"

Within seconds, his roommate responded:


Adam collected his belongings and left the gym building before he had a chance to shower. On his way to the car, he received a text message from his bank that read:

"Daily Txn Limit Exceeded: Transaction of USD 3,400 at LOUIS VUITTON on 05-AUG-2023 02:04 PM on your Credit Card ending with 7226 was declined as the daily transaction limit has been exceeded. Please contact our call center for further assistance."

Adam was now terrified. Although the payment didn't go through, the card control settings he had set that morning allowed up to USD 2,000 to be withdrawn from his checking account with a single tap. While he received two more similar messages in a row, with the fraudster attempting to purchase lower-priced items, he rushed into his banking app and quickly canceled the card.

It had been a very hard week for him. Despite the joy of gaining U.S. citizenship after months of bureaucratic hurdles, he had met urgent deadlines that he thought might break him. On that day, he planned to reward himself with a shopping and dining spree after the gym, hence the loosened card limit. However, his mood was now ruined by the shock of what had just happened and the realization of what he could have lost.

While catching his breath, still parked, he was confused to receive a voice note from Arley. Alerted, he played the message.

"Hey, babe. Listen, umm... I couldn't get you the bag. Roomie's card got declined, tried it three times. Look, I'll find a way to get my hands on the fag's SIM and have his account drained."

Adam was speechless in disbelief, yet he could feel himself healing from the inside out at the godsent evidence that landed right in his hand without him asking for it.

Thank you for reading Chapter One. I greatly value your detailed feedback and am excited to hear about your favorite parts and discuss the story with you.

Next: Chapter 2

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