Adam and Arley

By I owe you shit

Published on Jun 23, 2024


Disclaimer: This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy and is entirely a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years old, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you find this type of content offensive, if it is illegal in your area, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not continue.

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Adam and Arley, Chapter Two

"U got my voicenote"

"Delete it now"

"Its for my gf its dirty"


"Tell me you deleted it"

Arley was breaking into a cold sweat. Was Adam just away from his phone, or was he already on his way to report him? He wished he could grovel at his roommate's feet again to get out of this, but it was too late. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to jail, either. Too many shirtless dudes being all gross and sweaty around him, to say the very least. Not to mention, years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines.

He thought about running off, but he had nowhere to go. His 'girlfriend' wouldn't let him into her apartment without the gift she had demanded, and the cash he had couldn't cover one night at the crappiest motel for miles. On the other hand, Adam had everything he could possibly need to destroy his life.

Ten miles away, grinning to himself, Adam started a screen recording where he showed the conversation with Arley, played the voice message, and then viewed the trail of bank notifications he had received. He then saved the recording along with the voice note to his cloud, and so, Arley's fate was sealed.

As he drove off, his phone rang, showing Arley as the caller. He let out a chuckle, put his phone on silent, and let Arley's mind continue to run through a track field. The screen lit up once again, and he cracked up.

Adam found it electrifying to imagine what Arley must've been going through at that moment. The control he had over his loser of a roommate and all the different ways he could make him pay for his trainwreck of a fraud attempt filled his heart with malicious delight.

Adam had really enjoyed making his roommate bow down and kiss his feet the other day. He had a history of cuckolding straight men and degrading them in front of their women. But while that was fun, it was essentially playful and consensual for all. It would be different to have an unwilling, suffering slave at his mercy between four walls, man to man, with no ladies around to ease the tension.

Arley, on the other hand, was a guy who would starve himself to pay for a one-night stand with a woman but could barely stand to see another guy in a tank top or watch anything but lesbian porn. No wonder he avoided the gym, the beach, the sauna, and even the men's room. He was the perfect slave that Adam had wanted all along.

Adam made the decision to give it a shot. What was the worst-case scenario? Arley would go to jail, and Adam would have a replacement within minutes.

To make matters even better, Arley had eliminated his chances of being taken seriously as a victim of blackmail by the authorities when he was caught on video threatening to frame Adam.

While Adam got undressed in the living room, he decided there was no good reason to put anything on. He made his protein shake in the kitchen fully naked, then gulped it down with his sweaty, bare ass resting on the same couch where Arley laid his head at night.

Half an hour later, Arley opened the door and walked in on an unfazed Adam watching sci-fi with his cock hanging out.

"Jesus Christ! I sleep on that couch! Put some pants on, faggot!"

The fact that Arley's bigotry was strong enough to control his words in a moment when he was supposed to be begging for forgiveness sent a jolt of pleasure through Adam's cock. The icing on the cake for him was how oblivious Arley was to the fact that before long, he would probably be doing a lot more for that cock than catching a glimpse of it.

Arley instantly regretted using the last word. It was clear from the sight of his naked, chuckling roommate that the imbalance of power was on a new level. Looking away in visible discomfort, he nervously asked:

"Look, I--"

"Come here."

Arley couldn't stand being within a mile of a naked guy, but that was the least of his problems right then. He tiptoed his way into the living room, eager to find out what Adam had in store for him, still avoiding eye contact.

"Turn off your phone"

Arley looked puzzled, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"What? Why?"

Adam's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint in them.

"Do it now."

Arley picked up his phone--24 messages from his 'girlfriend' that he had accumulated since the panic attack--and turned it off, while Adam muted the TV.

"First, you have until the end of the day to pack your bags and get lost."

He felt relieved that Adam didn't bring up the matter he was fearing the most, but that didn't stop him from complaining.

"But I just paid you more than a grand on Thursday, and I have no money to--"

"I don't give a fuck if you sleep on the street, and you still owe me from when I covered your rent in May."

Adam's voice tone was relaxed, yet taunting and intimidating throughout the conversation.

"Second, you better find yourself a nearby apartment, because you'll have to be here within 15 minutes when I call you."

"Why would you call me over?"

Adam didn't bother to acknowledge the question, or the fact that Arley dared to ask anything to begin with.

"I expect my personal cocksucker to respond fast, so if you keep me waiting one more second, you'll deeply regret it."

Arley felt like he was going to throw up at what Adam was suggesting. He would do anything in that moment to just get the image out of his vision.

"By the way, who was the bag for?"

Adam's voice was dripping with disdain.

"It was Clarissa."

Adam's brow furrowed in recognition.

"Oh yeah, the blonde I brought home last week, right? The one with the ponytail?"

He continued with mockery.

"She gave me a BJ and then tried to charge me for more. I told her I wasn't interested and kicked her out. Looks like she's resorting to thieving suckers now."

For a brief moment, Arley felt a slight surge of hope, thinking Adam's realization might lead to some form of understanding. However, that hope was swiftly crushed within seconds.

"Well. Take a good look and decide if you're up for keeping me satisfied. Because that's the only thing standing between you and a jail cell."

Adam spread his legs wider, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable Arley was getting. He could almost see Arley's brain working as he leaned back, loving every second of Arley's distress.

Arley's eyes darted around the room, avoiding Adam's gaze. The silence was heavy and oppressive, and he could feel his resolve crumbling. He forced himself to look at Adam, who wore a smug, expectant grin. Swallowing hard, Arley's eyes moved down the muscular, perfectly tanned torso.

When his gaze finally landed on Adam's erect cock, just over seven inches long and five inches around, a new wave of dread hit him. The reality of what was being demanded of him was like a punch to the gut. The size of that cock added an extra layer of fear and disgust.

Adam casually walked to the kitchen to fix himself a drink, his back turned, kindly giving Arley some time to process. Arley's mind was racing, the idea of sucking Adam's massive cock was unbearable. Desperate and angry, he couldn't stop himself from doing what he did next.

Arley got on his feet and lunged at Adam, hoping to use his larger frame to his advantage. His hands closed around his neck, fingers digging in with desperation. For a fleeting moment, he felt a surge of hope as Adam's eyes widened in surprise. The feeling was short-lived. Adam's shock quickly turned to anger, and with a burst of strength, he retaliated.

Adam grabbed Arley's wrist with one hand and his shoulder with the other, using his leverage to break Arley's grip. Twisting his arm behind his back with a painful jerk, he shifted his weight, unbalancing the deadbeat.

Arley's flabby body hit the ground with a heavy, humiliating thud, his fat spreading out like a defeated mess. The naked stud chuckled as he watched Arley writhe in pain, his frame sprawled out helplessly like a beached whale. The layered dominance he exerted was intoxicating.

"I'm not playing games with you. This is your last chance to choose between jail time or sucking my dick."

Arley's eyes filled with tears, the weight of his hopeless situation crushing him, desperation etching across his face.

"Okay, I'll suck your dick."

With a smirk, Adam reached down and grabbed his new human property by the collar, yanking him up with surprising ease, and dragging him toward the couch.

"Come on then, fat piece of shit, let's get you into position."

Arley, still dazed from the fall, barely resisted as Adam manhandled him. With a grunt, he lifted the former and tossed him onto the couch, and positioned him so that his head hung off the edge, his neck exposed and vulnerable.

Arley's mind swam with confusion and fear as Adam disappeared for a moment. He could hear him rummaging around, but he couldn't see what he was doing. His heart pounded, knowing he was utterly at his mercy.

When Adam finally returned, he loomed over carrying a circular object that Arley couldn't recognize.

"Enjoying the view down there?"

Arley's eyes widened in terror as he saw a metal ring in Adam's hand coming towards his face. He tried to pull away, but the grip was too strong.

"Get comfortable, because we're just getting started."

Adam forced the gag into Arley's mouth, the metal prying his jaws open wide, and fully hiding his teeth. Arley's protests were ignored as Adam adjusted the straps, tightly securing the toy behind his head.

Adam stepped back to admire his handiwork, and he couldn't help but laugh at the sight below him. Arley's eyes were wide with fear, saliva already beginning to pool and drip from the corners of his stretched mouth.

Without further ado, Adam positioned himself in front of his new human fleshlight, his cock hard and eager. He placed the tip at Arley's gaping mouth, savoring the look of dread in his eyes.

The salty tang of dried sweat clung to Adam's skin, and the slight roughness of his trimmed pubic hair brushed against Arley's nose. With a brutal thrust, he buried himself deep in the throat, eliciting a choked gag.

Arley's body convulsed, his hands flailing uselessly as he tried to push Adam away. The metal gag held his mouth open, preventing him from biting down or closing his jaws. His throat tightened around Adam's cock, and he struggled to breathe.

In a desperate, almost comical attempt to free himself from the overwhelming blend of sensations, Arley started to hysterically shake his head from side to side, bang his feet against the wall, and flail his hands wildly against the couch, adding an absurdly pathetic element to his plight.

Adam exploded in cruel, mocking laughter as a response. This was something he would always particularly enjoy, making sure his slaves were forced to listen to the harsh, derisive sound of his amusement. In that moment, he liked nothing more than sending every vibration of it into Arley's ears, brain, and heart.

"Get used to it. This is your life now."

He thrust again, harder this time, enjoying the way Arley's eyes bulged and tears streamed down his face.

Arley's struggles grew more desperate as Adam continued to fuck his throat without mercy, choking almost to the point of passing out, his body writhing in pain and humiliation.

Each thrust sent a wave of agony through his throat, his airway constricted by the relentless assault. His vision began to blur from the lack of oxygen, but Adam showed no signs of stopping.

For Adam, it was pure ecstasy. The tightness of Arley's warm throat around him, the sight of him struggling, both combined into a symphony of pleasure. The continuous choking and gagging, along with the waterfalls of drool, only maximized his delight. He felt a deep, sensual satisfaction, his entire body tingling with ecstasy.

Adam reached down to grab Arley's hair, pulling his head back even further, forcing his cock deeper. The sound of Arley's choking and gurgling filled the room, a melody of suffering that heightened his arousal.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as Adam continued his brutal onslaught. Arley's face was a mask of pain, his eyes pleading for mercy that would never come, with Adam's moans of pleasure and sighs of relief echoing in his ears.

Adam's masculine groans of pleasure grew increasingly loud, filling the room with their primal intensity. As the pleasure built, his movements became more violent, his thrusts harder and more relentless. He gripped Arley's hair tighter, yanking his head back with each powerful thrust, the sheer force of his climax overwhelming him.

With one final, brutal thrust, he buried the entirety of his cock down Arley's neck, his body shuddering as he injected five full spurts of cum into his system. The sensation of his release was almost blinding in its intensity.

He held himself there for a moment, savoring the dominance and the raw physical gratification before pulling out and leaving Arley gasping for breath. Pure saliva was dripping from the latter's gagged mouth, as all of Adam's cum was now in his stomach.

"Get the fuck out of my place now."

Arley, still gasping for breath and humiliated beyond words, scrambled to gather his scattered belongings. His face burned with shame, and his throat felt raw and abused. Each movement was a painful reminder of the ordeal he had just endured.

"Don't forget, you'll be back here in fifteen minutes when I call."

Arley didn't dare to respond. Trembling, he struggled to pack his bags, his fingers fumbling in haste. He fled the apartment, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and loathing, knowing that his nightmare was far from over.

Thank you for reading Chapter Two. I greatly value your detailed feedback and am excited to hear about your favorite parts and discuss the story with you.

Next: Chapter 3

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