Adam and the Journey of Self-Discovery : Arriving at College

By Joe

Published on Jan 27, 2007



Hi, I am Adam. I recently moved to New York City. I used to live in Vermont, though I moved here to attend college. I moved into my dorm room today, though I am getting a little ahead of myself, let me go back to the beginning of the day.

I woke up this morning from tossing and turning in bed. Today was the day I was going to go to college. I had been looking forward to this day for the longest time. I had been planning what I was going to say to my roommate. I had planned what I was going to do when my parents finally left me on my own.

You see I have been aching to get away from my family for the longest time now. I have been waiting for the most opportune moment to finally discover who I am, though I am talking more of my sexual health than anything else.

So I woke this morning with an unusual start. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my stack of clothing that I picked to wear from last night. I walk out of the room and a few paces down my hall to my bathroom on my left at the top of my stairs. I entered the bathroom and shut the door and noticed my reflection in the mirror. I saw my short black hair, slightly messy from my tossing and turning all night. I realized that I had never noticed my clear looking complexion with my tan skin. I had recently taken up a workout routine at my local gym and briefly marveled at my own physique.

I looked away at last to start stripping. I took off my black t-shirt and threw it, like usual, off to the side of the bathroom. I slowly took off my boxers exposing my penis once again. It was quite well proportioned from what I could tell. I then straightened up and entered my shower. After cleaning myself off and washing my hair I grabbed the nearby towel and started to dry off. At this moment my older sister banged on the door. "Adam! I need to get in there sometime soon so we can bring you to college and I don't look like a total crack whore when we do." She had always been the one to rush me through my daily routine to get out of the bathroom. This time though it didn't bother me as much. I just took out my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

After doing the rest of my daily routine I headed down to breakfast. My mother had actually made breakfast for the whole family before we departed to my college, New York University. She started to grill me the moment I walked into the kitchen. "Sweetie, have you packed everything ... Are you sure you are going to have everything you need ... Make sure you are being safe when you are journeying in the city. Don't go out by yourself..." I had been hearing it all week.

When everyone was done and we loaded both my car, which later my sister was to drive back home since freshmen can't have cars on campus, and my parents car we started toward my college. My sister and I were going in my car and my mother and father were to go in their car. My sister and I had an understanding that we were not to talk about me leaving the family and the emotional turmoil that the whole family was to go through after I was gone on the car ride there. So she actually stuck to her promise and we listened to my music and some of the radio she listened to on our way down.

When we arrived at the college we all had to go in and sign me in to get my dorm key and directions to the dorm. As we walked in I saw this really hot blond guy. He had to have stood at least five ten or five eleven inches tall. He had long looking hair and he had it up in a short ponytail. It looked really hot, though I caught myself looking at him just in time before my sister looked over at me to ask me a question. So we arrived in line and I waited a little while and finally got my key for my dorm. So I went back outside and started unloading my car. When I arrived at my dorm door after searching quite intensely for it, I inserted my key and opened to door to find a small group of people actually gathered in the center of the room seeming just done unpacking my roommate. The first person that said anything was a woman that stood a few inches shorter than me and had the stereotypical New York accent. "How are you doing darling? You must be my little sugars new roommate. I'm Marg." She extended her hand to me and I shook it with a chuckle.

Only seconds afterwards a boy about my age came out from behind Marg. He stood about my height, maybe a little bit shorter. He had brown hair styled in what I'd call a modern jock type fashion with what looked like slight gel in his hair. He then said, "Mother please do not embarrass me on my first day. I haven't even met my roommate already and you still insist on making a complete fool of me." He looked up at me and the expression on his face went from annoyed to slightly embarrassment. It was clear he was blushing for some reason.

I looked over at him with a grin on my face. "Oh don't worry, I am sure my mother will start spouting at the mouth soon enough." Little did I know that my mother was standing right behind me and she walloped me right on the side of my arm. She then said, "I will not be spouting out at the mouth, thank you very much." She then introduced herself to my roommate's mother.

Soon after this short encounter I went out and continued unloading our cars until everything was in and settled in at least a temporary spot. We then said our goodbyes and both our families left to adventure back home. I closed the door as my sister was the last one to leave. When I turned around I found my roommate standing in the middle of the dorm room looking slightly more relieved since his family left. He sighed and said, "Sorry about them, especially my mother. She likes to make a large impression on new people."

I then said, "Oh, no problem, your family is actually quite nice. Your mother was actually quite enjoyable to talk to after getting over the bubbly aura she gives off."

"Yeah, a lot of people say that. Anyways, I am Chad, Chad Murphy." He extended his hand out to me.

"I'm Adam O'Neal. I guess we are roommates for a least the next year."

"Yeah, I guess you are right. I hope you are not mad that I decided to start unpacking on the right side of the room."

"Oh hell no, I am actually a lefty myself, so the left of the room is quite perfect really."

"Alright, Adam, I hope you don't mind if I post some stuff up on the walls, do you? I mean I swear they are not going to interfere with anything of yours on purpose."

"No that is fine Chad, post whatever you want. Heck, if you don't have enough room on your side feel free to go crazy with my half of the wall. I mean `Me casa es tú casa.'"

We both chuckled at my little display of the Spanish language and situated ourselves with our desks and everything. By the time we had done this it was nearly time for dinner. I looked over at Chad and asked, "So, dude. Do you want to go to dinner together; I mean I understand if you don't want to." At this Chad's glanced wiped over to me. "Of course I would love to go to dinner with you. I mean you really are the only person I know at this college still." So we collected our keys and our student IDs that we also received when we checked in with the central office.


Later that night after dinner we came back to the dormitory completely stuffed from eating all we could at the dining hall. After sitting down at my desk chair I said, "Wow that was amazing. What a difference between my home cooked meals. I have never eaten so much variety of food in one sitting in my life." Chad looked over at me with his cute face and nodded. I couldn't help but find myself fixated at admiring his perfection.

I only caught myself looking at him after he said, "What do I have something in my teeth or something?" He looked away brushing his finger against his teeth.

"No..." I looked at him and must have obviously blushed because Chad commented.

"Dude, what is up with you blushing a lot today? Am I really making you feel uncomfortable or something?"

"Well, um, not really... it's just..."

That was all I could say before Chad put his hand up. "I hate to ruin this awkward moment we are having, but I have been meaning to ask you a burning question. You don't need to answer the question if you really feel uncomfortable at all. What is your opinion on the gay community? Like are you at all homo-phobic?"

At this my mouth automatically opened so wide I almost thought my jaw might actually dislocate and detach from my whole face. "Wow that isn't straight forward or anything..."

"I knew you were going to react this way, I should have never brought it up."

"No, no. Really it is okay, I am just shocked I actually have a roommate remotely like you. I am totally alright with the gay community. Really, it doesn't matter if you fuck a horse, as long as you are comfortable with that... well maybe not a horse, but you know what I mean..."

"Oh totally, yeah, I understand totally what you are saying. I am actually semi-openly gay. I mean I am sort of out to my friends, and they are all supportive. I am just not out to my family yet. Kind of dreading doing so, I am not sure how they would respond to me being gay."

"Oh, that is interesting. I am really not sure what I am, though it is cool to know that you aren't going to totally flip out if you ever do see me inviting another guy over frequently."

"Yeah, dude. I think I am going to go take a shower and then I am going to go to bed."

"Yeah, I thought I might do the same thing, orientation is tomorrow, and we all hear what a bitch that is."

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