Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 2

"Ok boy follow me to the dining room" As Steve heads out the room and down the hallway to the dining room. Adam quickly follows behind. They step into the dining room which is a well-lit large Victorian style room. There is a long antique table in the centre of the room. The chairs had been moved to the walls in preparation. "Stand there" pointed Steve.

"Hands out and together" ordered Steve to which Adam did as instructed. Steve then uncoiled the rope and started wrapping his wrist with the rope from the middle of the length of rope. He didn't do it too tight but it was firm. After a dozen turns Steve then twisted the rope ends and coils the rope the other direction in between Adam's wrist make them pull tight to the bindings. He did half a dozen turns and then finished off with a simple knot. The rope still had a two long ends which Steve kept hold of.

"Stand close to the table" as Steve guided Adam to stand at one of the end of the table. Steve then made his way to the opposite end still holding on to the two long ends of the rope. He smiled across the table at Adam and then pulled the ropes hard and fast which pulled Adam over the table with a thump onto the solid antique table. Steve pulls the rope to stretch Adam's arms the length of the table. As Adam fell onto the table he had crushed his hard cock which made him let out a little yelp. Steve then pulled the ropes under the table letting it go slack for a moment which gave Adam a chance to readjust his cock so that it was under the table top and not been crushed by his body. Shuffles his legs back to get it in a comfortable position.

Meanwhile Steve had fed the ropes under that table and now was back behind Adam with the ropes coming up between Adam's legs. Steve pulled tight on the ropes, which pulled on Adam's arms and nearly lifting Adam off his feet and pushed his hard cock against the bottom of the table. Keeping the rope taught Steve made turns of the rope around Adam's cock and balls. The bindings around his cock and balls were done very tight and really pulled on his cock and balls. Steve finished it off with a couple of secure knots.

Adam can't move and every time he pulls on his wrist he yanks his cock and balls. "Comfortable?" asks Steve patronisingly

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir" Adam replies loving the feeling of complete helplessness and the touch of the ropes restraining him to the table.

Steve walks out of the room behind Adam. Adam strains to look over his shoulder at the door behind him but can only just make out the top of door in the corner of his eye. Steve returns with what looks like a gym bag which he puts on the table beside Adam but then head back behind him. He then feels Steve take his left ankle and moves it toward the table leg. Adam adjust his body to help Steve which inadvertently gives a good tug and pulls on his roped up cock and balls.

Adam feels a plastic band wrap around his left ankle as Steve pushes his leg against the table leg. Then there a clicking zip sound as the plastic band tightens to the table leg and pull Adams ankle to the table. Steve then starts the same on his right ankle. Adam is now only able to move his head a little. Steve comes around to the other side of the tables and is facing Adam.

Adam tries to strain to look up at Steve but struggles as the restraints are pulling him firmly down to the table. Steve feels Adam's hand and test the bindings. "Hands ok? No pins and needles?" ask Steve

Adam is very reassured with Steve's attention to his wellbeing and replies "Yes Sir hands are fine"

"If they start to feel like the blood isn't getting there knock on the table. Can you do that for me now?"

Adam twists his wrists around so his knuckles can make contact with the table and makes a definite "knock, knock" sound on the table.

"Good. Only do that if you have to." As Steve then pulls the bag towards himself "I have been preparing these for you all week" chuckled Steve

Adam strains to look to see what Steve is getting out of the bag. Steve then pulls out a pair of trainers and puts them in front of Adam face rest on top of his outstretched arms. The smell of sweat trainers fills the room. "It's not those" laughed Steve "They've had more than a week to get ready for you." Steve pulls out of one of the trainers a white gym sock. The base of the sock is all dark and grey and the man feet smell fills the room. "I go to the gym every day and I have worn the same socks all week. Aren't you lucky?" Chuckles Steve.

Adam looks up at Steve with a little worry but soon follows it with a smile as loves the teasing that is been dished out toward him. "Now open wide" Adam does as ordered. Steve shoves the sweaty smelly sock into Adam's mouth. Adam mouth is filled with the strong manly odour. He is completely overcome by the strong smell. His tongue runs across the material shoved in his mouth. He can literally taste the salt crystals of sweat the have set in the fabric.

Steve then pulls a roll of gaffer tape from the bag and wraps the tape around his mouth and head 3 times. There is no way Adam can spit the sock out of his mouth. He just has to taste and breathe in Steve's smell sock. "You are going to learn to crave that smell boy".

Adam tries to respond with a mumbled "Yes Sir" and with a nod of the head

"Good boy. Now let's check we've got a good seal there" as Steve pinches Adams nose cutting off the air way. Adam tries to breathe through the sock or the nose but can't. He looks up at Steve with pleading eyes but Steve keeps his grasp on Adam's nose. Adam tries to shake his head to get Steve to release his grip but Steve keeps it there. Adam now is start to get desperate for air and can't hold out much longer. He makes a "knock knock" on the table and with that Steve released his grip and Adam take a long hard breathe through his nose.

"Well that's good and I am pleased you only knocked when you had to" Steve says pleased with the efforts of his naked tied up boy "Now time for your punishment" as Steve takes the bag and trainers off the table and make his way behind Adam. "Time to get some colour back into those cheeks" joked Steve as his hand caresses Adam's naked smooth butt and running his forefinger up his arse crack and circling it around his arsehole. "Now deep breath" as Steve raises his hand away from Adam arse and brings it crashing down with an almighty force making Adam whole body jolt against the restraints.

Steve gives Adam twenty hard hits with his hand and can see a lush redness blossoming across Adam's sweet fresh arse. Steve runs his hand down Adams arse crack again and past to his roped up cock and balls. He grasps Adam still hard throbbing cock which is dripping with pre-cum. "Well I this doesn't seem to be much of a punishment for you does it. You cock is certainly not letting you hide your secret desire for this" teases Steve as he scoops some of the pre-cum into his hand and then rubs it around Adam's tight arsehole and then pushes his forefinger into his hole using Adam's pre-cum as a lubricant. Adam lets out a groan as Steve drives his finger deep inside Adam.

"Right time for some proper punishment. I've been far too nice to you young man!" as Steve goes to the corner of the room to fetch an old fashioned school cane that was resting against the wall. Adam is complete unaware to what is coming next till he hear a swooshing sounds from behind as Steve prepares.

Adam tries to protest by making moaning sounds from behind his gagged mouth but can't anything about what is going to come next. He's completely at Steve's mercy.

"Deep breath and ONE" as the cane comes flying down onto Adam's bare pink flesh. A loud crack sound as the cane meets Adam's bare flesh quickly followed by a muffled yelp from Adam.

"Two" Steve barks and he lays another strike accurately on the same spot. Tears start to well up in Adam's eyes but has no time to fight them back as Steve yells out "Three" and the cane cracks hard against his unprotected butt. This time the cane landed lower than the first two and seems to sting even more. Adam desperately wants to free his hand to protect his arse but as he pulled on the restraints he yanks hard on his throbbing cock.

"Four" as Steve relentless punishes Adam's backside. Hitting the same spot as the last one. Adam's legs wanted to jump up but the cable ties held firm and Adam just can't move to give himself any defence.

"Five" hit the same spot as one and two. Adam couldn't hold it back anymore the tears stream down his face and sweat glistened over his back as his body shudders with the intense painful sensation of the cane.

"Six and let's make this one special" exclaimed Steve as he brings the cane down with more force that the previous ones. The cane strike higher than the others in a fresh new spot making 3 definite strips across Adam's backside. If you looked closely you could see all six.

Adam tries to scream through the sock but is all muffled out by it.

"Well done boy" Steve praises Adam "I see your cock is giving you away still" as Steve gropes Adam's still hard cock and scoops up more pre-cum into his hand. He then proceeds to rub is over Adam's red raw arse. It feels soothing to Adam but then the sting comes flooding over Adam. He can't hold it back as sobs through the gag.

"Be quiet boy. Let's have one for luck then" as Steve lets the cane crack hard against Adam's flesh one more time in a completely fresh spot. Making Adam's arse look like a Zebra crossing with the strips across it. This time Adam did his best not to let out a noise and breathed through the pain with tears streaming down his face.

"That's better" As Steve walks around the table to face Adam again "I will let you have a bit of time to recover before your next challenge"

Adam looks up to Steve through his tear stream eyes and nods and quickly followed by dropping his head to the table. He's exhausted. Steve then pulls the tape off around his head, lifting his head back up as he gentle peels it off. He takes the sock out of Adam mouth and puts it back into the sports bag. Steve rummages in the bag and pulls out a jock strap. "I've been wear this all week at the gym too" exclaimed Steve as he shows it to Adam "Let me wipe those tears away" as he wipes his smelly stained jock over Adams face. "Would you like me to leave this here for you to smell?"

Without thinking Adam replied "Yes please Sir"

"Good boy. You're learning. Let just put it over your head" As Steven put the jock over Adam's head and positions the pouch bit over his mouth and nose "Now you can rest and take in Sir's smell"

"Thank you Sir and thank you for my punishment Sir" Adam replies as he rests his head back on the table.

Whilst Adam rests, Steve cuts loose the cable ties holding his ankles and unties his cock and balls. Freeing Adam from been restrained to the dining room table but Adam doesn't move. He's exhausted from the torture his poor tender arse has taken. Steve then removes the ropes completely from Adam's wrists and coils it up neatly whilst looking down at Adam's gorgeous naked body with his red arse cheeks and seven bright purple lines across it. After admiring his work, Steve then takes the rope back to the chest in the other room and collects the handcuffs again.

Next: Chapter 3

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