Adams Life of Slavery

By Patrick

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, and BDSM between age (18+) boys and adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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NOTE TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Patrick -

Adam's life of slavery - CMNM Challenge - Chapter 6

"Come here slave" Steve orders Adam to his side "I am going to let you go home to sort out your affairs but you must be back here before Sunday at 10.30pm"

"I can be here after work Sir" Adam eagerly replies "I could be here for 7.30 Sir"

"That's good slave as I have some things I need to do with you before George and the boys turn up"

"Ok Sir"

"Now you must not masturbate for the next 48 hours; understand?"

"Yes Sir"

"Now tonight we played a clothed male naked male game which has now turn into you becoming my slave but the game rules still stand"

"Yes Sir"

"Well one of those rules we set out was that you were not allowed to bring any other clothes with you; correct?"

"Yes Sir" Adam drops his head knowing he had hidden clothes in his car

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Steve asks

"Yes Sir. I did leave some clothes in my car." Adam owns up

"We I am not pleased that you were being sneaky with me but I am happy that you have come clean and owned up. I guess you did make that decision before actually meeting me. I imagine it was your nerves getting the better of you."

"Yes Sir, I am so sorry Sir. Shall I go and get them now?"

"No need slave. I have them here" As Steve pulls a carry bag up with Adam's trackie bottoms and T-Shirt from the car and places them on the table

"Oh Sir I am so sorry" Adam desperately tries to apologies "They are yours now Sir"

"You are forgetting slave, I own you and all your belongs"

"Yes Sir" Adam bows his head "I take it I am leaving here with no clothes then"

"You got it in one!" Steve smirks "This is going to be very good for you"

"Ok Sir"

"Right it's time to call it a night slave" Steve gets up and walk down the hallway to the front door. Adam follows behind. Steve turns to him "This is the beginning of your life and I look forward to Sunday evening when we can properly beginning your life of slavery"

"As do I Sir" Adam grins

Steve picks up Adam's keys and phone "Shoes" as Steve looks down at Adam's discard shoes

"Thank you Sir" as Adam slips back on his shoes

"As agreed they were the only thing you could keep" Steve clarifies "Now you've got a fun dash to your car haven't you" smirks Steve

"Yes Sir" Adam starts to go red in the face with the realisation of what was ahead of him

"Sunday then" grins Steve

"Yes Sir" Adam smiles back "Can we talk before then?"

"You can call me anytime" Steve reassure "I will be contacting you over the next 48 hours to help you prepare"

"Thank you Sir"

Steve opens the door "Off you trot" whilst he hands his keys and phone back to Adam.

"Thank you Sir" Adam grins "You mean the world to me, Sir"

"Good slave" as Steve pats Adam bum to send him on his way

Adam glance down the road, it thankfully looks much dark than when he had arrived as night had now properly set it. Adam looks back at Steve and give a final smile to his Master and then darts down the garden path. He stops at the gate. A quick check and makes a dash across the road into the darkness of a shadowing trees.

Steve watches Adam from the door and smirks to himself "Well that turn out just as I planned" as he closes the front door leaving Adam to his own fate to get home.

Adam looks down the pavement, it gets bright about halfway down by the street light. "I'll have to go into the road for that bit" Adam mutters to himself as he works out his route back to his car. His nakedness now very real to him. The feeling of danger, risk, and exhilaration of been caught floods his body. His cock doesn't miss out on the excitement and stands rigged in the coolness of the night's air. With his hand spread out as flat as they can with his keys and phone in front of his aroused nakedness. He sprints down the pavement a few metres and the darts through a gap in the parked cars and onto the road to get back into the shadow of the street lights.

He can now see his car but the glare and the buzz of the main road could now been seen. The cars that had been parked around Adam's car had now gone. His car is now parked all on its own fully lit by the street lights. Three young lads cross the end of the cul-de-sac along the pavement of the main road. They are talking loudly after their boozy night at the pub on the corner. They are too wrapped up in their own horse play to notice Adam standing in the middle of the road, naked, erect, arouse with the marks from his evening escapades still very visible across his sore backside.

Adam holds his breath as he stand still as the boys stumble across the road and go behind the shops. He lets out a gasp and take a deep breathe. He goes for it. He presses the button on his keys and he hears his car doors unlock and lights flash. He sprints to the drivers door swings it open and jumps into the car shutting the door quickly behind him. "WOW that was close" Adam says to himself in the reflection of the window. He gets his keys in the ignition and starts the car. He reverse out of the space and heads for the main road.

The sat-nav burst into life. He hits the home button. "Turn right at the junction" goes the sat-nav. Adam gathers his thoughts and thinks how he's going to get from the car and to his flat as he drives home. He looks down at his naked body. His cock now calm but had left a trail of pre-cum down his leg and over the car seat. He rubs his hand into the pre-cum and wipes the trail off his leg. He lick up his own pre-cum. He thinks to himself how he wants to taste his Master's cum. His Master. He says over and over in his head.

"I am owned" he says out loud in the car with a smile

"I am a slave. I have a Master" he grins to himself. His cock immediately wakes up with the thought of his ownership. He remembers his promise to his Master. "I must not play with you" he says to his pulsing throbbing cock.

He then notices on the passenger seat a brown jiffy bag. That wasn't there before. Adam picks it up whilst driving but struggles to open the bag whilst driving. He see a bus stop ahead and pulls in. He looks at the front of the bag. It says "Do not open until you are home!"

Adam lets out a sigh "What has Sir got me" he thinks to himself. "No I must do as Sir instructs" so he puts the bags back on the passenger seat and carries on home.

He parks outside his block of flats. It's late now, so he hopes he can dash up to the second floor and into his flat without been caught. He makes a dash for it and makes it to his front door. He gets into his flat and collapse to the floor catching his breath.

"I am a slave" Adam says out loud with a smile on his face.


By Pags

To be continued...

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