Adan's story

By Adan Rios

Published on Mar 10, 2013



Adan's caught at self bondage so gets his desires.

Chapter one, for Adult/Youth or Authoritarian, or both.

Thirteen year old Adan is found in self bondage, and so meets the Master he wants to serve before becoming a very willing slave to his new master's needs. He attends a small private school for boys aged 8 to 13.

His sports master, in his thirties, keen on boys and when possible a bit of S&M practice.

Other men and boys will be brought in as the story progresses!

So this is his story. At magic thirteen, randy and excited we join him in the dormitory on the night he was found out!

Adan lay in his small school bed in the dormitory or twelve boys aged from ten to thirteen. He boarded at a private school which he mostly enjoyed, and having just turned thirteen at the end of this summer's term he would be leaving for a senior school. Like all boys of that age his hormones were starting to surge and his desire and physique to grow! He was in fact a stunningly beautiful youngster. Standing at about five feet, lightly tanned, with flawless smooth skin, a hairless body, a shock of dark hair and deep brown eyes he drew everyone's attention to admire him. Probably his tanned and beautiful skin came from his Spanish mother combined with his English father. He attended school mostly in England and spent the summers in the sun in his native Tenerife which he loved. Usually wearing nothing but his skimpy sexy speedos he would cavort around the beaches and pools all day, allowed almost unlimited freedom by his doting mother. His mind in the meantime ran on things that many boys dream of. He dreamt of being captured by men that he knew often lusted after him, he often imagined himself strung up and whipped, of being tortured. How he wished this could really happen because he knew that he would be strong enough to acquit himself well in front of them and usually, if he was alone he would jack off to that thought!!

The duty Master had already been round at 2100 to shut the boys down and turn out the lights, but an hour later, while his friends were still whispering to each othe, he heard footsteps in the corridor and his favourite sports master opened the door, letting in a shaft of light.

"All of you, this is a fire drill, out of bed and line up by the door."

Adan froze in fright. He had developed a habit of slipping out of his pyjama bottoms, and as none of the boys wore tops he was now stark naked. He had tied his ankles together and one wrist behind his back with a length of light cord he kept hidden in a pocket. While he was tied this way his other hand would play with his rigid little boyhood erection until his excited wriggling naked body would treat him to a glorious ejaculation. Recently he had started to shoot small amounts of jizzum and he always carefully directed this onto a towel that he had already placed under his tight little butt. He could manage all this quietly under his bed covers without any of the other boys ever knowing.

Now all the boys except Adan leapt out of bed and over to a line by the door and he was left quaking in fear of being found in this way. He heard the Master's steps approaching and the only way left was to feign deep sleep which he did.

"Ah, a deep sleeper here I see. Well now let's see if we can wake him!" Adam felt the covers being carefully part lifted for the master to peer down at his naked lightly tied body, before they were quietly put back down. He thought he heard a slight chuckle as the covers came to cover him securely and then the deep voice of the master.

"Well no doubt this fit young man would soon get out if it was a fire, so just for this time I am going to let him sleep! But Boy, I would like to see you in my office after breakfast and before the first lesson."

Adan. still frantically feigning sleep, did not reply and the master ruffled the shock of dark hair on the boy's head, before turning to leave.

"Somehow I think you may have heard me young man!" he whispered, as he told the other boys to get back to bed.

Adan untied himself quietly with all urges gone and his penis now small and limp with fright, and was soon genuinely asleep. He awoke early in the morning though, fearful of what his master was going to say to him because he had clearly seen him naked, and tied under the bed covers. He was up and showered, thinking all the time of his problem. Breakfast, at which his appetite was poor for the first time in ages and then, finally, off to the Master's study to knock on the door.

His master was not behind his desk but sitting in an old armchair to one side of it.

"Come in boy. Come and stand over here in front of me. Now tell me what was going on last night when I had the fire drill?" The Master got up, and crossing to the door, locked it and returned to his seat.

"Well Sir, it was just a game and I was imagining I had been captured by a gang of robbers!"

"Captured eh, is that why you were naked boy? Do you like imagining that they would strip you naked?

"Well Sir, sort of Sir, and I am sorry Sir, I won't let it happen again, honestly. And thank you for not showing me up to the other boys last night!"

"Well that would have been unfair of me Adan, maybe I used to imagine things like that at your age, and in fact I still do, but you will have to be punished as I am sure you know, and as you do not want anyone knowing what you were doing your punishment had better be in strict privacy. We will use the school sickroom building which as you know is isolated away from the other school buildings. You can call in to matron sick, and I will arrange for you to have two days out of the school system. When you report to matron, who will have been told why by me, she will confine you to the sick room block where I will be totally responsible for anything you need and your only visitor. She knows that occasionally I have a boy confined in this way and she agrees that it is alright! You will report to matron this evening after supper!"

"Yes Sir, how long will I be in that room because I will need to tell my friends?"

"I think you will need two days at least. You see there may be a few marks on you when I have dealt with you. Do you think you understand what I mean boy?

"Yes Sir, you are going to cane me or something and maybe the marks will last for a day or two!

"Almost right first time boy, but first I want to have a look over you, and get some idea of what I will need for your punishments, so take off your shirt first."

"What now Sir, in here?"

"You heard boy, shirt off now, and then strip to your school briefs!"

Adan, somewhat embarrassed did as he was told and finally stood in his small white school bikini cotton pants. The master leaned forward and put a hand on each of the boy's slim smooth shoulders before looking him up and down. Almost immediately the inevitable thing happened and Adan started to get an erection! He immediately put his hands down to cover the growing bulge as best he could! The Master chuckled and gently ruffled the boys shock of dark hair.

"Hands on your head boy, nothing to be ashamed of. Do not move your hands from your head while I check you over!" Adan felt the Masters fingers slide inside the waist elastic of his pants which were quickly lowered, springing over his now rigid smooth hairless uncircumcised cock so that once it was free it lifted and twitched at this Masters touch.

"Oh yes my boy, very nice. I can see why you enjoy wacking that off at night, but during your punishment it will be my pleasure to do it for you, and since you obviously enjoy being tied up I will make sure you are really secure for me while I do it to you!!"

"Yes Sir, I see what you want, and I will be pleased to be punished in the sick room. I will take any punishment that you see fit Sir. And please Sir, whatever you do to me, I will never never ever say anything to anyone. I promise!"

The master leant forward and put his arms right around the boy who stood docile in front of him, now naked but for his sandals. He pulled the slight form to him and hugged him feeling the boy's rigid little rod pulsing against his own thinly shirted midriff.

" You and I have a lot in common Adan, you may be only a young boy, but you obviously enjoy the same sort of things that I liked, and I intend to put you through your paces tonight and in fact as many times as you want afterwards, if you enjoy what we do! So tell me boy, what do you imagine happening to you when you tie yourself up?"

"Well Sir, this may sound silly to you, but I imagine myself tied up and being whipped usually in front of a lot of men watching!"

"Tell me how you are tied in your imagination boy?"

"With my hands together and above my head with rough rope and my legs tied as well so it is difficult to struggle!"

"I think we are going the right way Adan, and tonight, your fantasy may come true in part but we will have to be careful about marking that flawless young body of yours in case any of your friends spot the marks!"

"Sir, I am excited and will do whatever you want me to, but won't matron know what is going to happen!"

"That will not matter. She knows what I like to do in that room when a boy needs to be punished! After that it is only a week to half term, and I could say you need a lot of extra tuition and have you to stay for the week in my house. Two of the other masters also stay with me. But first, you would have to get your parent's permission.

"There will be no problem there Sir, because they usually dump me with friends as they are so often away, and the friends will be pleased not to have to bother with me for once!"

The Master now produced a length of cord and told Adan to turn his back to him, and cross his wrists behind him and then, in a flash it seemed, he had trussed the boy's wrists.

"Turn back to show me yourself boy! How does that feel to you?"

"Oh wicked Sir, really sort of exciting but supposing someone wants to come in?"

"Good thinking Adan, I will untie you now and you get dressed and go back to your classes and I will see you tonight after supper in the sick bay. You will wear only just your pyjama bottoms for starters, and wait for me on top of the bed!

When his arms were free the boy quickly dressed, stuffing his rigid erection into the pouch of his pants, pulling up his trousers, slipping on his shirt before turning to the master. The final surprise was when the master again reached out and hugged the boy to him, kissing him on the forehead before turning him about and giving him a smart slap on his buttocks!

The day dragged by slowly with Adan almost permanently erect at the thought of what was likely to happen to him that night! But in due course, supper was finished and he told his friends he was feeling sick and would go and see matron. He trotted off down the corridor to matrons office to knock on the door. The door swung open and there was a smiling matron.

"I hear you were misbehaving in the dormitory Adan, well now you will have to suffer for a while but maybe, just maybe, you might not find it too bad. Now off you go to the sick room, get your pyjamas on and get into bed. Sir will be up shortly to deal with you!"

Adan had only been lying on the bed a short moment before the door opened and Sir came in, just wearing slacks and a tee shirt. He shut the door before locking it and turned to the boy.

"Now then Adan, this is punishment time, and I have a feeling that you want that. Is that right?"

"Yes Sir, I have been naughty and you found out so I deserve anything you do to me!"

The master handed Adan a small roll of what looked like muslin cloth wrapped around with a leather cord coming from it.

"I will be taking pictures of you during the punishment, so I want you to put on this little loin cloth before I get you ready and tie you up. I know you enjoy tying yourself up and this time, it is for real, and it will be tight!"

Adan stripped quickly out of his pyjama bottoms, sporting as usual his lovely velvety smooth and hairless boyhood erection from which Sir could just see the purple swollen head peeping out from under the foreskin. Adan puzzled for a moment with the loin cloth, but soon fathomed out that the thin leather cord would go around his waist and the skimpy little piece of cloth hanging from it on another length of cord would come up his butt crack so that the little bit of cloth could tuck in the front over his rigid boyhood.

"Wow boy, you look absolutely fabulous but first, I want to see how tough you can be. You talk about being whipped but what will happen if I do just that?"

"Please Sir, I want you to whip me. Please. And if I make a fuss perhaps you can gag me or something like I have seen on the movies!"

"If that is what you want, fine, but not so fast Adan. First let's get you tied into positions, hold out your hands in front of you."

Then as Adan held out his slim wrists to the master, he felt the rough hemp cord being wound around them and cinched tight. He was now so excited that he almost felt that he was going to cum in the little loin cloth but he was told to sit and wait on the bed while Sir arranged things for them to start. The Master had obviously done this before because from a cupboard on one side he produced some metal steps and a length of light rope, and climbing up passed the rope through a strong looking eye in the ceiling to let it hang in the centre of the room and taking the other end over to a large hook on the wall.

While Adan watched, looking really cute in his little loin cloth, the Master tied a loop into the hanging end of the rope, ready, as it turned out, to take Adan's bound wrists.

"Come here boy!"

"Yes Sir."

"Put your hands up to be tied to the loop!" Adan felt more cord being looped around his wrist bindings to fasten him firmly to the overhead rope, rather as he had described to Sir in the morning. Now when the Master pulled on the rope to the wall hook Adan was stretched up to be nearly on his toes. Sir came over to him and started to gently feel over his young victim, marvelling at his smooth velvety skin with newly developing muscles just beginning to show and enhance the whole package. He watched the frantic twitching in the loin cloth as he fondled the boy, and finally took him in his arms to hug him as he stood helpless and so near naked under the rope, and apparently yearning to be punished!

More than anything, the boy was loving every minute of it and again, the Master stood in front of him and gently ran his hands down his eager little body, starting at his smooth shoulders, down past his hairless armpits, down to his flat tummy, now quivering in excitement, on over the taught buttocks, so firm and nicely tanned all but where his little speedo had covered them. On down the sturdy young legs to gently glide back up and fondle his raging little erection jutting out in the thin cloth of the loin cloth. The boy stood placid, loving the feel of the master touching him in this way.

"Sir, are you going to punish me properly. Like, well, are you going to whip me Sir?"

"Why do you want me to do that and hurt you boy? Just go steadily. I cannot justify whipping a boy your age whichever way I look at it!"

"But Sir, I want to be whipped. Please Sir, pleeeese. Please whip me Sir to make me a better boy!"

"The only reason I can see to whip you Adan, would be to make you realise it is a dangerous thing to want! If I thought that it would satisfy that urge of yours once and for all, then maybe I would do it!"

"Well Sir, the only way to find out is to do it to me, and see if I never want to be whipped again. That would prove it one way or the other Sir!"

"Look, I will do a deal with you. Instead of just giving you six with a cane on your bare butt as I had planned, I will leave it for tonight. You will spend the night tied up on the bed anyway so that you cannot pleasure yourself and in the morning, if you still want to be whipped I will do it. But anyway, I will need to get hold of a whip before then!"

"Thank you Sir, you see, I know I will want it still in the morning, I know it! Who is going to look after me in here tomorrow Sir, who will bring me my meals and things?

"Oh I will Adan, you see the other staff know you are shut away for two days as a punishment and that you will be caned or punished in some way, and it is best if only I attend to you. I have to tell you they know that I rather enjoy doing it, and they agree that is good for a boy, but they do not want to know exactly what goes on up here!"

"But do they know I am kept tied up and nearly naked Sir, do they?"

"Of course boy! All the staff here like boys and know that certain things go on when a boy is in here for punishment, but no boy has ever been whipped before!"

The Master had taken a lot of pictures while they were talking and Adan remained tied and stretched in the centre of the room. Occasionally he would put the camera down and stand next to the boy, fondling him. Finally he released the ties to his bound wrists and told him to lie down on the bed, with his arms over his head. When the boy had stretched out as instructed Master tied his wrists to the head of the bed and bound his ankles together before tying them to the rail at the foot. Now Adan could turn over by wriggling which looked fabulous to the Master, but could not move off the bed.

"Sir, if you are going to leave me what do I do if I need anything, I mean I want to pee already!"

"I am going to spend the night alongside you boy. No way could I leave you tied and alone and anyway, it will be nice for me to be with a boy in bondage, so excited s and sexy and even wanting to be punished as well!"

Sir released the ties to the bed, leaving wrists and ankles tied, and picking the boy up carried him over to the toilet cubicle in the corner of the room. With his tied hands Adan could not release his cock, still as hard as iron, so the Master had to release the loin cloth ties to let it drop away and then force the boy's rigid member down a bit towards the toilet. The erection of a young boy in puberty is probably as hard as at any time in his life so this was quite a feat to achieve! Having done his peeing Adan was carried back to the bed and tied stretched out as before, but now stark naked. Then much to the boy's surprise his Master pulled off his own shirt, dropped his trousers and pants and then naked lay down beside the bound boy.

"Wriggle onto your side Adan and turn your back to me. That's it, snug against me!"

"Sir, I can feel your cock against my butt. I have read about boys getting raped. Are you going to rape me Sir? You feel absolutely huge Sir, wow!"

"No Adan, I am simply going to enjoy the feel of your young smooth hairless body against mine, my cock can lie between your thighs and we will stay like this until morning, so good night." Adan felt his Master's arms sliding in around his naked waist to play with his rigid cock, and he was in heaven.

"Good night Sir, and I promise that I will still want to be whipped in the morning, please Sir!"

"Alright, now go to sleep and we will see in the morning if you still feel the same way!"

"Wow, I can hardly wait for it to happen after dreaming about it all my life!"

"Go to sleep you randy boy!"

The next chapter will see if Adan gets what he really wants, or at least thinks he wants. But I suspect it will not cure his desires but inflame them for more. We will see. Any comments very welcome to Adan,

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