Addlestone Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 27, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter


Well, it looked to be a fine day and here we were stuck in Addlestone just off the A3, our summer runaway to Brighton just hadn't happened. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Rupert, my pal and myself had fallen amongst thieves as it says in the Bible. Well, not so such actual thieves as homos, poof, gays, pick the word that suits.

The previous chapter of this saga says it all and tells you all the gory details and I'm not going over it all again. Suffice to say that here I was laying in bed on this sunny morning and wondering what would happen next. Rupert had got himself ready and gone to work with Mick, that left Jake the pal, cousin or boyfriend and myself alone in the house. According to my estimation Jake should be making his move soon or perhaps it was upto me. Sod it, I thought, if he wants me he knows where I am. After some time I thought better of it and decided to have a shower and as usual I timed it all wrong, or maybe all right depends how you look at things I suppose.

I was luxuriatying under the warm flow and getting well soaped up, I'd given the back door a good wash including a bit of the finger action but I stopped that when I popped a stiffy. Bloody ridiculous, why should you get a hard on sticking a finger up your own bum, it made personal hygiene hard work (that was a joke by the way).

Anyway, here I was all soapy and doing my singing in the rain bit and unwinding big time when I heard a knock on the bedroom door above the hiss of the shower. I turned it off and poked my head out of the tiny bathroom and called out inviting the knocker to enter, it had to be Jake and I just hope my voice hadn't sounded too squeaky.

'Good morning,' he wandered in with a tray with a couple of steaming mugs thereone, tea or coffee at an reasonable guess. 'On the bed?' Well, there was a question. I just nodded like a dumbo and grabbed my towel. It was half a matter of a tester and half sheer bravado. What now?

He sat on the edge of the bed and plonked the tray down, I came out and sat keeping the tray between myself and him and waited his first move. I wasn't a complete moron and had a pretty good idea that this was pay the rent time. I'd had a night of Rupe so at least I knew what it was all about and Jake was attractive as in dishy. The long black hair and the silly ponytail which should have been called a rat's tail by rights. He was very Spanish looking maybe slightly Asian but I didn't give a toss about that, he had a cheerful grin and he was as English as Rupe or myself not that I gave a toss. He was pretty informal himself by the way, a pair of baggy khaki shorts, sorta cut down cargoes and that was it, I wondered if he had underwear beneath his shorts and suspected I was going to find out pretty soon.


'Er...' he'd caught me on the hop. 'Two please,' I said feeling a right prat.

'Sleep well?'

'Excellent,' I managed a grin. 'When we got to sleep that was.' Sort that one out, Jakey boy.

'Good,' he grinned and lay back on the bed careful not to tip the tray. He brown skinned belly was taut and he displayed quite a nice six pack for a skinny kid, I had an overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss his silken skin but he was the host it was down to him to make the first move. Hows about that for slightly wonky logic.

'Yeah, Rupe and myself go back a bit.' I piled it on a bit.'

'What do you want to do this morning?' He changed the subject completely but remained on his back across the bed gazing up at me with a slight smile on his dark face. 'Finish the shower, I expect.'

'Yeah, after the coffee.'

'You're very attractive,' he spoke so quietly that I hardly heard him.

'So are you,' I croaked. Well, be fair, what else could I say. I could hardly hop up and call him a poof or get all American and call him a fag. The bloody bedroom reeked of sex and it was pretty obvious what Rupert and myself had been upto. Anyway, at the end of the day I was in the mood for a roll in the hay, I was off on my big adventure after all and I was determined that if we didn't get to Brighton we'd enjoy ourselves right here. I was speaking for Rupert as well by the way, I was pretty sure he'd fall into line with anything I wanted to do, he normally does.

''We're on the same wavelength then?' Jake grinned up at me and rather obviously fumbled with his groin.

'I reckon.' This time my voice did break to my total embarassment.

'Excellent,' Jake sat up with a big grin on his face and grabbed his mug. He'd obviously concluded the awkward bit and it was now all systems go. Done and dusted as they say. 'My Micky fancies your Rupert you know.'

'My Rupert seems to fancy your Micky,' I countered.

'Excellent,' Jake grinned again, it seemed to be his favourite word. We were getting on like a house on fire, well, maybe smouldering maybe.

'Coffee alright?'

'Fine,' I smiled and decided to force the pace a little. 'What now,' I looked at him across the rim of the mug.

'Well,' he seemed to think for a bit. 'You could invite me to wash your back or something totally original.'

'In that case I shall... after coffee,' I grinned. I know it all sounded totally naff but that's exactly how it went. At least he hadn't barged in and demanded a fuck which was something. We were going to do it and looking at him I was hardening up at the thought, he was very attractive, at least to me and he grinned at me. He was reading me like a book and a dirty one at that.

'I hope you stay the month,' he broke the silence. 'We have friends, you and your pal could have fun. We belong to a Swimming Club as well if you're interested.'

'Both Rupe and I like swimming but not upto Club standards.'

'No matter, you can always come up on a Tuesday night it's our big training night and we have a more relaxed hour on the Thursday... all for free.'

'Yeah, why not?' I finished my coffee in one swallow, it was crunch time. 'Gonna join me?' I went across to the small bathroom and resumed my shower feeling pretty sure that Jake wouldn't waste any time. He didn't, no more than a moment later I heard the door open and close and saw his form through the slidey glass door. It opened and I gawped. I never realised that a skinny kid like him could have such a big dick. This thing was the standard six and maybe a bit more. It was dark skinned and uncircumcised but the foreskin was well in retreat with the almost purple glans bulging tight skinned ready for action.

'Jeez,' I croaked as he slipped in and slid the door shut. He seized me by the hips and guided my own hardon between his legs and clamped on it, his hot cock slipped up between our wet bellies and we swayed to gether under the running water both fondling the other's soft bottoms. 'Mmmmm...' I closed my eyes and slowly slipped to and fro between his tightly clamped thighs.

'Nice arse,' he whispered squeezing my flesh.

'That's couth,' I giggled.

'Couth and truth,' he laughed holding us together tightly and working his straining hardness between our bellies. 'I hope you're not too tired out after your night with your friend?'

'No,' I grinned and accepted his soft lips upon mine and allowed him to kiss me for the first time. He was tender enough but I felt his tongue at my lips and opened them to admit him to my mouth. Gawd, he was so hot, I could feel my erection get even harder if that was possible and moved a little faster between his soapy legs. 'Keep this up and I could cum,' I groaned.

'That won't do,' he grinned and I felt the pressure of his legs ease, he clearly wasn't into simulations in the shower, he wanted the real thing and I must admit I was a bit nervy about his size. I'd imagined him at a boyish five incher or maybe the basic six but not that bloody great thing. Handling it and squeezing it's stiffness under the water as we rinsed off I reckoned he was a seven incher, certainly a one off for a kid of his slight build. I wondered idly how he managed to swim towing a bloody great thing like that around but then again he had a bottom like a smaller boy. A phrase from a film I'd seen on the TV came to mind: 'An ass like a ten year old boy', it suited him down to a tee. I couldn't wait to shag him and I suppose taking his biggy was part and parcel... so be it.

'Let's get dried off,' I muttered. I wanted to get on with it and to my confusion I couldn't decided whether I wanted to rip into his little bottom or sample his big cock first. I sort of reckoned he was a two way boy and just hoped that I was right. We dried ourself off in silence each exploring each other's bodies and finally stepped from the bathroom naked and walked to the bed. The curtains were still drawn and the room was warm. OK, so the bed was still a bit funky from last night but he didn't seem to mind as he guided me down and then came on top of me with his soft lips seeking mine once more.

'I hope you go both ways,' he smiled the question studying me with his dark brown eyes. Excellent, that was the big question out of the way.

'Yeah,' I croaked and opened my legs allowing his stiffness between them and then clamped letting him have a little dry run. I stroked and squeezed his soft flanks as he moved up and down between my legs and shared in another tongue tango. I reached out and slipped the KY from under the pillow. 'Kneel up,' I spoke and felt a flush come over my face. I was acting like a bloody slut and I didn't care. As he knelt upright between my legs as I parted them I squirted some KY onto the palm of one hand and grasping him worked it into his stiff unyielding flesh until he started to move into my clenched fist. Another big glob and now he was well and truly slippery, his hardon jutted out, a gleaming spike of hard flesh with it's purple glans now providing it's own lube and clearly ready for the action.

'Take it easy,' I heard my voice quaver as I raised my knees to my chest in surrender. I know that this wasn't the best way to take something so bit but I wasn't a chicken and I wanted to watch him when he came. I loved the scruched up face and the moaning bit. Rupert did it and I don't suppose Jake was going to be all that different. 'Slowly,' I spoke for the last time as he moved in closer and I felt his oiled knob glance across my hole. He looked at me with a steady stare as if trying to hypnotise me as he rubbed his spongey glans across my ring and made the area slippery before taking a gentle prod. As I groaned he withdrew and repeated the motion, he did this twice again and then suddenly there was the stretching and a sudden entry. I nearly shouted out but it was just a stretching, I was loose from Rupe so it wasn't actually painful, just a bit of a shock.

'Oooooh... Jake.' I flathanded his tightly muscled belly with the flat of my hand but his knob was in me already and he was slowly moving to and from but not penetrating too far, he was easing me and letting me get used to it before the big deal.

'OK?' He stroked my upper thighs and brought them down to his waist as he slowly moved to and fro more or less keeping the same bit of his dick in me, I knew there was a lot more to come and managed a smile.


He dropped his head and sealed his my mouth with a kiss and then started to move again only this time sinking deeper and deeper at every thrust. I held his hips in case it got too much but it was OK, in the end I wrapped my legs around his waist and just stroked his silken skin still damp from the shower.

He was a good lover, nice and gentle and better than Rupert if the truth be told but then again he had the experience. Rupert and I would improve as I was determined we were going to have a of of practice in the near future. he took me all the way with steady strokes and in the end his lower belly nestled against my nuts and he sealed himelf in with a mightly hug. We were entwined as one person, a unit connected by his long brown cock sheathed in my bruised and stretched boy fanny. See, I was even thinking queer now.

'You are soooo good,' Davey.' Jake smiled tenderly down at me, kissed me and then started to fuck. God, he made it go on forever, every time I thought he was going to pop he slowed down or stopped and then went at it again until he had me begging for him to cum. That was probably the whole idea of it but I didn't think at the time, I just thought he was trying to drive me mad and he nearly did until he raised my legs and placed them on his shoulders and hammered away like a rabbit on speed. Jesus, my bum felt like a rice pudding on fire at the end of it (if you can imagine that one) and to my horror my own cock jerked and spewed my own spunk up onto my belly at the same time as I felt his hot fluids pump into my bottom. A double whammy. 'Oooh, Davey,' his sweat soaked body fell on me and we lay chest to chest with his limpening penis slipping free. He giggled and ground us together smearing my cum between our bellies. 'Yeuchy.'

'Aaaah,' I sighed. I was done, a night of Rupe and then this sex maniac... I was shagged in more ways than one.

We lay in companionable silence for some time, it looked like neither of us wanted to make a move until Jake finally stirred. 'I'm no good at cooking but can do Sugar Puffs and milk. Oh, yeah, I mastered toast the other day.'

'He's got you house trained,' I laughed and stretched out feeling at peace with the world.

'You know Micky's gonna be chating up your Rupert today?'

'That's Rupe's concern.' I smiled. 'How's about you chatting me up?'

'OK,' he looked at me seriously. 'Spend the night with me... please.'

'Yeah.' That was simple, I'd like nothing better than to make love with him all night. I wasn't worried about Rupert, we were boyfriends and that trumped everything else. We'd flirt, drift and have sex with others but we'd get back together. It was written... I knew that if he didn't. I loved my Rupert and I desperately hoped he loved me just half as much. We hadn't talked about it, we'd had no chance but we had something going that was a bit more than a quick shag, at least I hoped so. My own common sense and general knowledge told me that the first love isn't always the one that lasts but there had to be exceptions.

'There is a bonus in staying here,' he loked at me and grinned.

'What, apart from a job, food, a bed and two sex objects in the house?'

'Yeah, four sex objects,' he grinned. 'Young Peter and his pal Andy.'

'The A and the P on the bedroom door?'

'That's them and Peter is a little raver, he'll like you, blonde on blonde.'

'Great,' I stretched myself in the bed and felt his warm body against mine. I could lie here forever or until my sex drive kicked back in, this was what I called an adventure and thinking of that I'd better phone up home later and stand by for the flak I knew was sure to be incoming as the soldiers say.

'Your Rupert is nice,' he commented.


'You boyfriends or just pals?'

''Sorta half and half,' I mumbled not really wanting to declare myself. I was in a silly situation. I really liked Rupert, I had the lusts for the boy but did I love him? I dunno, maybe, I knew I was jealous of the thought of him romping with Mick who he'd said he liked but here I was with Jake doing exactly the same. Can you have a love job and slut about at the same time?

'You do or you don't,' Jake gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'Poor baby, it's all a bit new to you isn't it?'

'Jeez - you sound like an Agony Aunt.'

'Agony Uncle,' he laughed and raising himself a little took a tentative lick at my nipple and when I didn't say anything suckled at it like a baby. 'You've got the red hots for your Rupert and now you're doing it with someone else... you feel guilty?'

'No,' I couldn't say that because I didn't. Anyway, Rupe was sleeping with Mick tonight why the hell should I feel guilty.

'Rupe loves you or he's got a hell of a crush which is the same sorta thing,' Jake declared confidently.

'How do you know, Mr Smartypants,' I scowled at him but he just smiled back and gently fondled my rehardening dicky. He moved it to and fro and grinned at me as he felt it harden.

'I know,' he declared confidently. 'You two are just like Peter and Andy. Lovers but you like to spread it around a bit.'

'Really?' I squeaked as I felt his warm lips on my belly and I suspected he was edging south.

'Really,' he said mockingly. 'If I offered my body you wouldn't turn me down would you?'

'Damn right I wouldn't,' I grabbed his head and forced it down onto my penis which was now at full stretch, well, he was going there anyway and as his hot wetness slipped over my shaft I lay back on the bed. This was the way to spend the holiday. He slurped and sucked at me but held my scrotum tight by the neck so I couldn't spurt and eventually he came back up my body and looked me in the eyes. We shared a tender kiss and it was tender, no roughy toughy stuff as I rolled him over and spreadeagled him on the bed. I wanted him and he knew it, poor ol' Rupe had slipped onto he backburner for a little while.

'Come on, Blonde,' he manhandled me to a kneeling position between his parted legs and looked up at me, it was my move.

I looked down at it, his pucker that is. I couldn't really do that rimming or plating job but I had a substitute, I grabbed the lube and just put a coating on my steaming hard cock and guided it down to his hole. He had a dark coffee coloured skin but his pucker was darker and there was the hint of inner redness. It made the mind boggle a bit, I could actually see inside him, I thought rather bitchily I suppose that he'd been pretty well used as I couldn't see inside Rupert but time to put aside childish thoughts, this was man time. I put my well oiled and gleaming knob against his opening and slowly pushed. Jesus, the incredible sensation of someone opening up for you is incredible, Rupert had indeed been more of a struggle but Jake just groaned and closed his eyes as I slipped into his internal heat. He clamped on me and held my hips as if to guide me but I was past that. I in turn held his brown body firmly and started to move in and out and then when he gave a very satisfied sigh I knew I was doing alright.

'Orrite?' I whispered like I was in church.

'Fuck me, Muppet,' he answered. Did I mention he was beginning to come out of his shell a bit.

As I slowly shagged my way into his sweet body he moved his hands onto my waist and began to egg me on with sweet nothings and as I really began to move he grabed my neck bringing me down for a gum numbing kiss and his long skinny legs clamped onto my back. One final slippery shove and my little buch of blonde pubes squashed against his tightly stretched brown bottom. Jake was stuffed and probably not for the first time, I stiffled a giggle, this kid was good, the kissing the fondling and he worked his arse like a pro squeezing when I moved in and relaxing as I withdrew.. We finished up on our sides which was a new one for me and nice, it was a nice lazy shag like we'd been at it for years. He lifted one leg slightly as I moved in and out but I was going faster now, the juices were building and all I wanted to do now was cum in him and wallow in the flow. Sounds a bit grotty but I liked the bit with Rupe when I'd just come and I spent time just moving in and out of his sodden hole moving on my own spunk. Lovely, dirty and maybe a bit messy but nice.

'Yeah,' go for it,' Jake grinned and rolled onto his back again placing me ontop and I did just what he instructed. I began to tear into his soft bottom and he grunted at me to go faster and go harder. Jeez, this kid was loving it, he was a bloody raver.

As I nailed him time and time again his legs pressed onto my sweaty back and I felt myself tense as the heat arose. Then I came. I felt my cock inside him seem to swell and then the throbbing and the pumping which seemed to go on forever as I surged squirt after squirt of my boy cum deep into his writhing body.

'You were excellent,' he said at the end of it. Not much maybe but it made my day. I must have passed some sort of test.

'So were you,' I grinned like a madman. I was beginning to feel my feet, this sex caper was great, beat football any day of the week.

'We can go up the baths this afternoon, maybe meet some of the guys from the Club.'

'OK, whatever. You're the Boss.'

'Maybe see Peter or Andy.'

'What about Rupe and er...'

'Don't worry, they'll probably eat out and be home around five.'

'OK.' A final kiss and I carefully slipped free and we reverted to cuddle and snog mode. I was on top of the world. It had just gone ten and I'd shagged and been shagged already, not bad for a mornings work.



Quite a nice day again and I was just a tad bored. Being on holiday was fine but every day my mum or my dad gave me a mission and that was a working mission, talk about bloody slavery. Today it had been window cleaning but I'd done what was required and was slumped in a deckchair out in the garden wondering what to do with myself. I knew Andy was working so that was a no-no. I could go around and have a snuggle with Jake but I wasn't too sure if he was working or not. I heard the phone ring indoors but mum would answer it.

'Jake on the phone,' she shrieked out of the kitchen door causing the birds and a couple of squirrels to go into shock. 'I suppose that's you away for the day,' she frowned as she handed me the phone. 'Be home for supper at seven.' Roll on a couple of years and I'd be sixteen and I could run off and marry Andy.

'Yeah,' I muttered into the phone. 'How's things?'

'Just peachy,' Jake laughed. 'Come around... is she listening?'

'No.' I looked around and mum was giving one of my windows a critical inspection.

'Good,' Jake babbled on. 'We picked up a coupla hitchers yesterday and I think they're stopping over for a bit. Anyway, I have the blonde one here and I need a hand.'

'What sort of hand?' I asked wondering what was going on, Jake wasn't one to need assistance with anything too much, he was pretty capable for his age I suppose.

'Sex,' he whispered and I wondered if the mystery blonde was listening in.


'Late fifteens,' he laughed. 'Don't worry we don't pick up skank hitchers, nothing but the best.'

'OK,' I'll be around in fifteen,' I put the phone down. Well, why not I didn't have anything else to do and if I hung around I'd get lumbered with digging a slit trench or creosoting the roof. Digging an escape tunnel was an idea that sprung to mind but going and hiding around Micky's sounded a better idea, anyway, I liked blondes, we matched.

I managed to make my escape and wandered around, they were only in the next Close and it certainly beat the old mountaineering bit you used to have to do with the old place. Jake dragged me in and gave me a sunny grin. 'Come on, he's still in bed.'

'Jeez,' I muttered, it was nearly eleven o'clock on a sunny day and this lazy bastard was still in bed? What was he, an invalid?

'Hang on,' Jake dragged me into the kitchen and we sorted out some cold drinks.

'What's he like then?'

'Nice,' Jake grinned. 'His mate is even nicer but Micky's swagged him off for a day in the shop and I think he's bedding him tonight.'

'And you?'

'I'll sleep in with blonde, Dave's his name by the way and he's a goer.'

'Yeah? All the way sorta thing?' No doubt my ears pricked up as did other bits. I know it wasn't midday yet but I always fancied it with Jakey boy and it there was a blonde fifteen year old thrown in it could be exciting.

'Yeah, all the way,' Jake confirmed. 'Come on, don't let's keep the guest waiting.'

We went upto our bedroom and I did a little cringey when I saw the A and P sign still on the door. Christ these hitchhikers must have seen it and they probably had us down as a right load of pervs, still, it was too late now. Jake led into the bedroom and I sorta tailed, peering around his I saw this blonde kid laying in the bed. OK, so he wasn't the Mona Lisa, he was better than that, a bit of a roughy toughy by his face and short hair as in very short. It was cropped around the side and he had the top in around a ten mil stubble. It suited him and he gave me a shy smile as I stood there like a prime virgin gazing down at him.

'This is Peter... and this is Dave,' Jake introduced us both and we both did the wary smile bit. 'Dave's been shagging his mate all night, been doing me all morning and now he wants fresh meat,' Jake announced as bold as brass.

'Shurrup...' bleated Dave and went bright red.

'Jesus, Jake,' I protested feeling a right pillock at this kid's embarrassment. 'I've been working for mum, I'd better have a shower.' I thought that was a good excuse to hide away for a while and showers are ice breakers in a manner of speaking, at least they are in that house.

'Good thinking, Batman,' Jake started to drop his trousers, I made a quick exit. Getting back to the bold as brass bit, if there was an upgrade on brass Jake was it. Bold as gold maybe.

I was having a nice shower getting rid of the window cleaning sweat when I heard the door open. I assumed it was Jake but the Dave person slid the door aside and peered in. He was still flushed but not the bright red he had been. I just grinned and he stepped in, it was a pound to a pinch of poo Jake had sent him in for a bit more of the ol' ice breaking bit.

'You are so nice,' he clasped my wet body and squished against me. That is the naffest chat up in the world but it's nice to hear all the same. I clung to him and let his explore the meat at the same time I gave him the once over. He was nice, a bit taller than I was but with a budding six pack and a nice stiffy which was squashed between our bellies. He had a nice arse as well and that was on my target list, if he thought he'd gotten himself a little girl he was sadly mistaken. If big bad Andy let me do him then so does everyone else who want to plug the ol' pucker. Crudio? Maybe so but that's the way it goes. Swings and roundabouts as my dad says to the point of boredom.

'Mmmmmm... he grabbed my bottom fiercely and crushed our joint stiffies between our bellies. 'Wanna get dried off?' Gadzooks... I had a fan.

I enjoyed it. Well, I enjoyed the warmish shower anyway just to get freshened up the blonde was a bonus. He was pretty big as well, certainly not as big as Andy or Jake but big enough and he seemed determined to plug me there and then until I put him in his place. Well, I didn't do that either, I got on to my knees and took a taste. It was a nice mouthful but I didn't want him to cum I just wanted to keep his interest and it seemed to work. He held my head lightly and slowly moved to and from until Jake called out for us to stop buggering around. A right gentleman our Jake. We dried off and much to my surprise Jake was fully dressed and clearly ready for the off.

'Whassup?' I looked at him.

'I thought I'd go over the shop and see how Rupert's getting on,' he grinned. 'Give you two time to get to know each other.' A quick wave and he was off. He shouted out something about an hour on his way out and I took that as we had an hour to ourselves. Sounded pretty good to me especially when this David character grabbed me and slung me on the bed.

'Oi,' I yelped but shut up when his hot lips crushed onto mine. This kiddy wanted me which was nice, I was in the mood and now we had the place to ourselves... let the fun begin.

'I can't believe this is happening,' he smiled and spreading me on the bed ducked and took my straining pecker into his warm wetness. He held my hips and bobbed his head up and down as I gently pumped into his mouth. I wasn't in a hurry, I had all day in spite of Jake's one hour's deadline. Anyway, he wasn't after making me cum, Jake had indicated that the kid was two way and if he wasn't I was. He probably wanted a shag, all fifteen year olds wanted to prove something and somehow me being a little blonde seemed to bring out the worst in them. Just to prove me right he started sucking on my shrunken scrotum and lifted my legs. Nothing new with these kids, I grinned and stroked his bristly buzz cut as he went lower lapping at my perineum heading you know where. 'I love freshly washed fanny,' he grinned up my belly with his lips smeared with his own saliva.

'Do you now?' I gave a little wriggle and pushed his head down as I took my knees to my chest. 'Ooooh...' I gave another wriggle as I felt his tongue at my pucker, one thing was for sure, he didn't waste any time. seconds later he'd flipped me into doggy and was behind me lapping away and trying to force the tip of his tongue into my hole. I gave another wriggle and pushed out a bit opening up for him. I didn't want his tongue, I wanted the real thing, I hadn't had it for three days and now my luck had changed.

He was kneeling behind me on the bed licking and sucking away at my hole until it was well sloppy but when he kissed my tailbone and started lapping and kissing up the knobs on my spine I knew he was nearly there. The glancing touch of his swollen penis on my cheeks and then into my saliva coated crack. I went limp and totally relaxed as I felt his spit slicked knob at my pucker and then he pushed. I groaned as I felt him spread my ring and then the familiar feel of boy cock entering me and his weight on my body. I pushed back and absorbed him as he started to move to and fro quite easily taking him all the way in right down to his fuzzy blonde pubes. We joined and I felt the pressure of his body against me and the full length of his hot cock in my belly as I slowly subsided onto the bed taking him with me. One final step, I opened my legs wide and he lay between them and started to move to and fro nice and slow savouring every millimetre of motion as he took me all the way.

For a kid who'd supposedly been at it all night and all morning he wasn't short of energy, towards the end he went into overdrive and I began to feel him as he rammed in and slipped out and then repeated the process. I pushed up onto his thrusts and at last he cried out in that sweet and sour pleasure at the end.

'Aaaah, Peter,' He rammed in hard as if he was trying to force me through the mattress and I felt his boy cock jerk and pump his juvenile load up into my guts. OK, so it wasn't the flood I normally get from Andy but Andy saves himself for me and we don't do it every day. This Dave was good all the same, I felt his sweaty body on my back as he stirred his slippery noodle in my body. I could even feel his rapid heartbeat against my shoulder as he lay on me like a dead man... Dead man with a heartbeat? Never mind, eh.

'I am so totally shagged,' he breathed in my ear and kissed the back of my neck. 'Totally fucked.' Dontcha just love it when they feed you a line like that.

'Not yet you ain't,' I wrestled myself free from him and rolled him onto his belly. As he feebly protested I hoisted his legs in the air and bent his knees back. Dave the Rave in the stuffed chicked mode and I was the one doing the stuffing. I got close in and kissing him sloppily holding my straining cocklet at his well used ring and shoved home in one solid jolt. His eyes opened wide but he couldn't say anything as my tongue was down his throat and he then closed his eyes and rested his legs on my shoulders as I started.

Gawd, he was a good fuck which sounds crude but come on, Shakespeare I ain't. I was in deep and hard and then just took it in easy moves slipping in and out, it was easy as he was well used and it was nice just slidey slidey all the way. Eventually he got his legs around my waist and held me tightly dragging my face to his for some tonue tickling and more serious kissing. I could have gone on all morning but I heard the front door go, Jake was back. I started up the Frantic Bunny for the last lap and managed a couple or three nice squirts of the creamy stuff deep into Dave's hot fanny and he held me tightly and smiled. 'You did well, litle one.'

'Less of the little one,' I growled all butch like and then realised why he was holding me so tightly. I felt the bed sink and a hand on the small of my back.

'Hi, Pete.' Jake breathed and I felt his warm and dry knob at my hole.

'Bastard,' I groaned as I felt the pressure and then the brief stretching as he took me and then I felt his hot cock in my tunnel. Each of his thrusts pushed me into Dave beneath and I felt my deflated noodle coming to life again.

I couldn't win with Jake stuck up me so I decided to lose gracefully. I worked at Dave until I felt my self fully hard again and then went for it, life ain't easy when someone as big as Jake is inside you and you're inside someone else but I survived. I must have lost a gallon of sweat as I shunted in and out of Dave and Jake hammered me from the rear but at last I felt the burning and the jerking, Dunno if I cum or it it was just an air shot but it had the same effect, I lay on Dave with him lazily kissing me and felt Jake do his party piece. A long groan and I felt his hot juices up my bum, he never fails does our Jake. 'Nice one, Petey baby,' he moved in and out of my sore bottom in his messy cum and kissed the back of my neck.

'Yeah, nice one, Petey,' Dave smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me and Jake and we three lay there as happy as pigs in their own poo.



Tell ya something working in a shop is quite interesting. Well, insofar as the customers are interesting, some are a right as rain and some are right prats. Micky introduced me all around when we got there and teamed me up with this kid Allan who was a bit of a laugh. He told me he was a student and didn't really give a toss about the job he just wanted to earn a few bob whilst on holiday. Of course, this was Dave and myself's little plan but I didn't say too much. I didn't know how familiar Micky was with his staff and I didn't want to put any feet in the wrong place.

All the same, enjoying or not I was beginning to buckle a bit at the knees just after lunch as I wan't used to being on my feet all day long. In the morning tea break I nearly went to sleep just to show how shagged I was, mind you after Dave I was floating around on a bit of a pink fluffy cloud... I was in love and how sad is that. Anyway, just after lunch Micky told me to take the rest of the day off, he told me I had a hard night ahead and I knew exactly what he meant, subtle he wasn't.

'Why don't you keep the boys company.' He looked at me. 'They've got Peter over there and threes a threesome but four is two pairs if you get the drift.'

'What? You mean...' I stuttered.

'Yeah, go and have a lie down, I'll catch up with you later,' he grinned. 'Have fun, all work and no play will make Rupe a sad boy and I don't want that.'

I wobbled from the shop and after looking in a couple of the adjoining shops took the alleyway to the rear of the place and walked across the car park. I could see the Close they lived in so there was little chance of getting lost. I did the ding dong bit on the front door and waited for someone to open up, the afternoon could be interesting although, I was tired, I felt half dead.

'Hi di hi,' Jake opened up with a big grin. He just had a towel around his waist and his coffee brown body gleamed with sweat. 'Mick just belled and said you were on your way over. Wanna cold one?'

'Yeah, love one,' I smiled maybe a bit wearily and tottered in the door. Jake led on into the kitchen and Dave was sitting there with a blonde kid who was a bit younger than we were but looked bright and breezy, a little Action Man by the looks of things. 'Hello, Rupert,' he beamed at me all very welcoming and all a bit odd. Another thing was the kid and Dave both had towels around their waists as well, they'd either all climbed out of the showers or were practicing nudist colonies... something like that anyway.

'How do you feel?' Dave asked as I settled with a Seven Up.

'Knackered, my feet are killing me,' I sighed and relaxed finding my eyes drifting back to the blonde kid, Peter, as I deduced. He was fuckin' nice as I decided with my newly awakened 'gay eyes' and I wondered what they'd been upto all morning. You know, I wasn't stupid, I knew what they'd been upto but who did what interested me. Dave was clearly spreading his wings and good luck to him, I'd share the benefits of that one for the rest of the year, for now we were on holiday.

'Why don't you lie down for a while in the cool,' Jake suggested. 'The middle bedroom.'

I grinned. How did I know he was going to come out with that one. I glanced at Dave and he smiled encouragingly, a look at Peter and he grinned back. Jake was clearly the Svengali or ShagMeister, Micky's deputy I suppose. 'Yeah, I could use a shower to cool off a bit first though.'

'Come on then, I'll show you what's what,' Peter jumped to his feet eagerly and I got to mine a little more slowly. Things were out of my hands and I was glad... I just couldn't be bothered thinking too hard, the others could run things, they'd obviously got some sort of scenario going, I'd just take what happened. Peter charged up stairs and I followed his tight little arse wrapped in his damp bath towel. He flung open the door to his room (Yeah, I had remembered the label from earlier on but it had gone now). 'Welcome...' he bowed camply and I wandered in. It was a clone of the one Dave and I had only it overlooked the road but Peter soon drew the curtains cutting the sunlight down to a mere glimmer. It was nice in the shade and I spotted it had the same shower arrangement as ours.

'There's a couple of towels in there,' Peter said clearly reading my mind. 'Be back in a bit,' he grinned and left me to it. So much for that theory, I thought he was providing the creature comforts, I must have read it all wrong. Anyway, I didn't mess around I was hot and sweaty as well as tired. I just dropped my clothing where I stood and got into the shower. I must of spent a good ten minutes in there running it from hot to tepid at the end and feeling a damn sight fresher or friskier when I was done. I towelled off and stepped out into the bedroom. I hadn't heard any noise whilst I'd been showering but that was no surprise neither was the sight of Peter laying in the bed looking at me expectantly as I looked at him.

He lay in the bed with his back up against the headboard and the bedding upto his waist displaying a well formed and sun browned chest and a cheeky smile. 'You like?'

Jeez, you lot are bold,' I had to laugh as I finished drying paying particular attention to my balls and my dicky which was stretching and filling out. It knew as well as I did that there was a little blonde to play with and my dick (which had a mind of it's own by the way) was operating in synch with my head. I clambered over the end of the bed and crouching on all fours slowly drew the bedding down exposed firstly Peter's flat belly and then the tip of his hardness and then the rest. 'Yeah, I like,' I breathed and shuffled up dropping my head to nuzzle at his squishy little scrotum and took an experimental lick of his hard little shaft.

'Excellent,' he grinned and slipped down the bed putting himself in range a bit better but at the same time rolled over presenting his two sweet white mounds of firm flesh. A boy bum par excellent was on the menu and I wasn't saying no. Assuming he was freshly showered I went for it, I parted his legs as he giggled and stuck my mouth into his crack tasting his boyness and heat as I lapped and probed for his sweet cherry. 'Yeah, go for it,' he growled and shoved his beautifully rounded bottom up onto my sucking and slobbering and then I felt his pucker, the yielding flesh and the heat. 'That's it,' he moaned and pulled a pillow under his groin.

No buggering about with this one, I kissed from his tailbone and up his spine guiding my erection into his crack like a missile. As my now oozing glans pressed against his pucker I gave a determined thrust and felt him open up and his tight flesh encase my hot cock. I was coming into the big time, first Dave and now Peter this was going to be a hell of a holiday... seeing as it started as a pseudo running away from home it was turning out quite well. I lay my belly on his spine and slowly worked my way into his smooth and slick inside flesh feeling the tightness and heat surround me. I kissed the back of his slender neck and kissed his ear as he clamped and eased on my movements.

'Mmmmm. Nice one,' he whispered and turned his head a little.'

'Very,' I moved slowly and my lips sought his, met and shared a sloppy kiss as I started to fuck his sweet boy fanny.

The Soap


JO'S BOYS in the ADULT YOUTH Section and DEPA BOYS in the HIGH SCHOOL Section are loosely associated with this one and the characters bob around from story to story

Next: Chapter 8

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