Adjoining Rooms

By Mikhail Conrad

Published on May 7, 2015



This is a story about sex between adult males. If that offends you (How you got to this page if you're that kind of person puzzles me) then you know how to leave or you should; the back button, closing the window or your browser, even turning off your device will all work for that purpose. You must be 18+ (21+ in certain locales) to read this legally, if you're not of appropriate age go back now even if it doesn't offend you (my escalating mind powers will enforce this restriction, right?). In certain places having this story and in some really backwards places even reading it is illegal. Be aware of the laws regarding that where you are and act accordingly. This story is my intellectual property and may not be posted in any way or used for anything other than personal reading without my express permission.

Archive;'Adjoining Rooms #2'{Mikhail Conrad}( MM oral )[2!5]

Feel free to contact me and let me know what you think.


It didn't take Call long to get his shit together and out of the house. He really didn't own much. Sandy made matters even easier by calling our bar owner bouncer friend Ron and having him show up on his loud gleaming Harley. Cal took one look at him and never said a word. He didn't even object to me checking everything he packed in his duffle and four boxes. He loaded them into his Dodge Dart and started to get in to leave.

"The house keys Cal," I prompted him.

He spent a couple of minutes taking the keys off his ring and tossed them on the ground at my feet. I smiled complacently at him as I stooped down to retrieve them. I knew I'd still have to replace the locks. He was so plaice about it that I knew he had spares somewhere. I made a note to change the alarm code tonight just in case.

"Hey dipshit!" Ron called to him from the front porch, "Don't let me see your worthless parasite face in my bar again. Mike's the only reason we've tolerated your cheap hustler ass in the first place."

Cal waited until he started his car and had it in gear before he shot us the finger out the window and took off headed for who knew where. Well, I was rid of him now. His dick wasn't worth nearly as much as he had thought.

"I've been waiting for this for three years Mike," Ron said to me with a chuckle, "When Sandy called and told me what happened, I raced over here so fast that I'm surprised I didn't get stopped for reckless speeding. I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"I appreciate it buddy," I replied, "But you didn't have to come. I can handle Cal myself."

"Who are you talking to Mike?" Ron stated more than asked, "What's it been? Seven years since you got me to join you at the Tai dojo. You've taken me down enough times that I have no doubt you can take care of yourself. Especially with the likes of Cal. I just wanted to gloat and be here when that shithead got his own. You're way too good for him. Hell Mike, you're one of the best people I've ever known. Now that you're back on the market man, I bet our Friday night business picks up at least ten percent. You're still gonna make it like always aren't you?"

"Actually I think I'm going to miss out on it for a few weeks," I answered, "I have four weeks paid saved up and I need a vacation. Now seems like a good time, clear my head and all that. And I really do need to have the house painted inside and out, and some remodel work done."

Ron rubbed his day old facial hair and looked me over. What he saw wasn't anything to be ashamed of. I was not short at 5'10", but not overly tall. My frame was toned at 170 pounds and had all the right muscles in the right proportions. My sandy brown hair was kept medium short and spiked at the part. My best feature though was my eyes. They were unusual in that most people had only seen them on only one other person. They were violet, like Elizabeth Taylor's.

"So where to?" he asked me.

"I'm thinking a road trip," I said, "Just get in the car and go where ever my mood takes me. How about a beer?"

Ron followed me inside and waited for me to redo the alarm code and soon we were on the back deck downing a brew. He helped me make a few calls with a couple of contractors he knew. He was a true friend and agreed to come by and keep me up to date on the work as it progressed. I made sure he had the alarm code and had to call the remodel contractor back to let him know to give Ron the keys as I would be out of town. By the time the sun set and Ron left, I had everything in line but my packing. I started on it and made sure to leave out an outfit for work tomorrow as well as some comfortable traveling clothes. I got in bed after a quick shower and found I didn't miss Cal at all. I slept like a baby.

The next day at ten O'clock found me headed south on I-85 out of Atlanta. My boss had been so pleased that I was finally taking some time off that she had given me the rest of the day too. The corporate office had been hounding her about my overworking for weeks. They were right, a good industrial architect needed a breather every now and then to keep the creative juices flowing. I had changed into my jeans, polo shirt, and reeboks, driven home and gotten my two bags and made it through the city well before midday traffic started clogging the interstates. I called Sandy and Ron and let them know I was off on my jaunt. They both wished me well and told me to be careful.

Now all I had to do was to determine a destination. I was going south and that influenced me. I decided on New Orleans. If anyone anywhere was looking for a party, the Big Easy was always a for sure. I called our office secretary and asked her to make me reservations on Bourbon Street. Ten minutes later my cell went off with a message ding and my itinerary came through; four nights in the Vieux Carre. I even started to get excited. I hadn't been free and single for a long time.

Eight hours later and two quick stops for gas and eats found me exiting on Canal Street. The navigator in my car led me around three sides of a square to the back entrance of my hotel. I had completely forgotten about Bourbon Street being closed to traffic in the evenings and at night. I waved off the bellhop and grabbed my smaller bag. I could get the other larger one later. I wanted to get out and party.

My ID and credit card were all I needed at the desk and I was given my keycard. I had wanted a room with a lounge and wet bar, but they were all taken. I settled for a Jacuzzi room with a balcony on the second floor instead. I got to the room and got out my kit from my bag and took a few minutes to shower, douche and freshen up. I changed into a white narrow band jockstrap, a more faded worn pair of jeans with a couple of strategically placed holes to show my jock and a black tank top and headed out to do the city justice.

When I got outside the front lobby onto Bourbon, the sun was just finishing it's last setting light. I looked up and down the street and headed right thinking to make my way to Oz, one of the hottest gay bars on the planet. As I got to the corner, I saw a real easy on the eyes treat leaning back against the lamp post there. He was about six feet tall with shoulders inches wider than mine. His hips were even tighter than Cal's and his bubble butt strained against his tight wrangler jeans. He wore a multi-colored plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and unbuttoned to the middle of his chest. The fine hair on his arms and showing on his chest gleamed golden in the light and were only a little bit darker than the buzz cut hair on his head. His blue eyes met mine as he caught me giving him the once over. I averted my eyes and started past him to cross the street.

"Now that ain't right friendly," I heard a pleasant baritone voice say as I was brought to a stop by something at my waist, "You don't go and give a feller a look like that and just walk on by. Most specially iffin' you don't give him a chance to give you the same look back."

"Uh, sorry... I was just..." I stammered noticing that the stud had caught me by my back belt loop with his forefinger.

"Lookin'?" he asked with a sexy smile and letting go of my loop.

"Yeah," I said feeling at ease from his smile and turning to face him, "Just looking."

"You like what you see?" he asked and stood upright from his lounging position on the post, "Cause I sure do."

His directness startled me just enough not to answer. He took my silence as a chance to reach out and cup my pecs in his big manly hands. He squeezed down on them and felt their muscular solidity. I gave a panicked look around.

"It's Bourbon Street man," he said with a laugh, "If we hang here for a bit we're more'n likely to see a pair of tits bouncin' down the way. Nobody's gonna say anything lessen you do, and I ain't heard you object yet. All ya gotta do is say no and we'll both just go our ways."

"Are you always this aggressive?" I asked him reaching up to take his wrists and running my hands up to his bulging biceps.

"Naw," he replied with a chuckle watching my hands checking his arms, "It's just that I've learned that I can let my wild side out here in the French Quarter when I see a certified prime piece of man like you checking me out. It's not like back home in Texas where I have to watch everything including where I put my eyes. So what's a hot number like you doin' tonight?"

"I was just headed out for a drink and some fun," I answered him as we let our hands release each other, "Would you care to let me buy you a drink?"

The entire situation suddenly went past my mind and into my body. My cock lurched to erection and became achingly bent in my jock. I glanced down and saw an enlarging bulge in the blonde stud's crotch. I caught him scoping my package at the exact same time he discovered my interest in his.

"That sounds like a plan," he said, "But how's about we just head back into this place and up to my room for a drink? I've got a real sweet lounge and wet bar and I guarantee the drinks. I worked my way through college as a bartender."

The grin on my face was answer enough as I followed him back into the hotel and onto the elevator. His tight well rounded ass was more than a great view as I hung back a step to take it in. He glanced back at me and gave me a devilish wink knowing what I was up to.

"My turn," he said as the elevator doors closed with just the two of us in it.

He pressed the 2nd floor button and then wrapped his arms around my waist. For the few seconds it took for the elevator to make it up one floor he groped, fondled, and squeezed my ass like an explorer intent on discovering everything he could about a new territory. He let me go as the doors opened, eliciting a sigh of lust from me.

I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a firm caress of approval as we went down the hall toward the rooms. He stopped at the door right next to mine. I gave a snort of irony and he looked at me and grinned again.

"I wish I could offer you a Jacuzzi to go with the drink," he said using his card to open his door, "But they were all booked. And before you ask, yes, that would be a way of gettin' you outta your duds."

"Would it get you out of your clothes if I offered you a Jacuzzi?" I asked him and before he could respond I pushed him gently but firmly into his room, "I'll have a vodka and whatever. You make our drinks and I'll be right back."

His look of bewilderment made me laugh as I pulled the door shut on him. I got my card key out of my pocket and opened my door. I went directly to the right into my large spacious bathroom and started the water to fill the huge Jacuzzi tub. In just a few minutes it was full and steaming. I had made it hotter than I liked because I figured we would burn some time on drinks and the water would cool. I went back out the bathroom door to the one directly across from it and opened the deadlock. I opened it to another door, this one blank of all hardware and knocked. Lucky me, we had adjoining rooms. As I heard the bolt being opened on the other side, I realized I didn't even know the blonde stud's name yet but I was already willing to get naked with him. New Orleans sure could have a strange effect on people in a short time.

The door opened a crack and I could see the gleam of the hunk's blue eyes peering through the crack. When he saw me he threw the door open and just stood there with his hands on his hips smiling at me. I laughed back at him.

"Hi neighbor," I said extending my hand for a shake, "My name's Mike and I was wondering if I could trade you a soak in my Jacuzzi for a drink from your bar?"

"Only iffin' you're in it with me," he responded taking my hand and pulling me into him snuggly, "I'm Brody."

He tilted his head down and met my lips with his. The kiss was passionate and edgy. His tongue wrapped around mine as we explored each other's mouth, lips, and teeth. We only broke apart for air.

"Nice to meet you Brody," I murmured into his ear.

"Nice ain't hardly good enough to describe you," he replied with a chuckle and changed his hold to one arm around my waist, leading me into a large lounge room.

"So what brings you to N O Mike?" he asked me handing me a drink from the two sitting on the bar and taking the other one himself, "Vodka and tonic with a lime twist okay?"

"Oh sure," I answered, "It's what I would have ordered myself at a bar. I'm here on vacation."

"You look like a V and T guy," he stated, "You get a sort of feel fer it sometimes if you've tended bar long enough. I'm a bourbon drinker myself. I guess it'd be tequila if I was from South Texas, but in the upper part we're more old South kinda folks so I was raised on bourbon."

His easy laid back attitude and friendly conversation made me feel relaxed, relaxed except for the throbbing in my cock that this handsome hunk had put there. I let him lead me to the couch that was set up with two chairs and a love seat as a social area. Blackout curtains behind the chairs covered what I knew was a sliding glass door and picture window leading to a balcony overlooking Bourbon Street. I knew from previous visits to this hotel that only a wrought iron planter separated his balcony from mine and that when the rooms were rented together that it could be moved back against the wall to provide a room to room overlook of the street for Mardi Gras.

"Well I'm a Southern boy myself," I returned, "But I like the clear stuff. How does that work with your bartender theory of people?"

"Country boy," he said pointing to himself grinning and then to me, "City boy. But I'm really thinkin' you're way more man than boy."

"Okay," you pegged me I said with a laugh, "And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only man in the room."

I set my drink on the table in front of the couch and reached over and started unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. As I undid each button the density of his chest hair diminished into a perfect line below his pecks making a route to his navel and then beyond that into the waist of his jeans. I had the clear idea that there really was a treasure worth seeking at the end of that trail.

Brody pulled the tail of his shirt out of his pants and flexed his pecs for me. He tossed back the rest of his drink, put his glass down beside mine, and with a quick move turned and man handled my tank top out of my waistband and over my head. He slipped out of his own shirt and tossed them both over to land on the love seat. He then noticed the tattered hole in my jeans just a little below the middle of my fly on the right. He stuck his middle finger in the hole and I felt it rub down across my bent boner and nudge my right nut provocatively.

"Geez Mike," he said sliding his finger out and giving my bound cock another stroke that made it pulse in my jock, "You shoulda said something man, or made an adjustment. That can't be comfortable."

"It's a good ache," I replied, "But feel free to fix it for me."

In a flash the country hunk had my belt off and the top button of my worn Levis open. He reached into my jock and carefully repositioned my hard rod pointing up. It stuck up a good three inches above the narrow waistband and the head was framed out in the open by the parted top of my pants. He let my zipper down all the way and took in the view of my full package in my jock pouch. I picked up my glass and downed my drink.

"Why don't you pour us two more and we can take this to the Jacuzzi?" I asked him holding out my glass that now only held ice like his.

"Put it on the table," he said getting up and going to the bar without taking his off of me, "I'll use the plastic ones. Don't wanna risk gettin' broken glass in the tub."

"Good idea," I said setting my glass down again and holding my jeans up with my left hand as I stood up and followed him to the bar.

While he poured our drinks, I proceeded to start to undress him by removing his western style belt. He handed me my drink and taking his we made our way to the Jacuzzi leaving a path of boots (his), shoes (mine), socks (ours), and jeans along the way. By the time we got to the tub, I was down to just my jockstrap and he looked ravishing in a pair of tight silky black trunks with a contoured pouch that held what had to be eight solid inches of dripping cock. I could tell he was dripping by the shine of the wet spot by his thigh at the clearly outlined head of his big dick. The wide vee shape of his back pointed at his incredible butt; all of it muscled like a perfect model in an underwear ad.

I reached over and started the jets on the tub and felt the water. It was still a bit warm for me, but I knew that the bubbling action would cool it soon enough. Brody shucked his underwear and I got a look at his equipment in all it's fullness. He was cut with a mushroom head that was half again as wide as his two inch thick slab of erect meat. It stood rigidly at attention against his lower abs completely obscuring his navel. I was wrong in my previous estimation, his huge tool had to be at least a ten incher. I did feel like a boy then with my upwardly curving seven and a half and it's arrow head. The blonde stepped up to me and yanked my jock down to my feet, stood up and held me by the hips as he made a total visual inspection of my whole naked body.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed, "You've got a perfect cock. I'm always lookin' for one like it to jack off to on the internet. I never thought I'd get to see one in real life."

"Thanks," I replied feeling more at ease with our size disparity, "You've got quite a piece on you yourself."

"Yeah," he said with a grin, "But it's not as great as you'd think. I've had a slew of good looking guys turn me down because of it. A lot of guys don't wanna mess with a donkey dick. I was kinda nervous 'bout you seeing it."

"I don't think it's a donkey dick," I said reaching out with my right hand to stroke it, "I think it's a huge man cock and I DO want to mess with it."

"Fuck Mike," he said taking my cock in his hand, "You're like a wet dream come true man. I can't believe how lucky I got tonight."

"You haven't gotten lucky yet stud," I responded with a laugh, "But I'm sure going to see that you do. Let's get in the tub and see how much teasing you can take before you do get lucky."

He bodily picked me up and set me in the Jacuzzi. He was as strong as he looked. Brody put one foot over and tested the water and then joined me standing facing me. The water bubbled around our knees as we both grabbed each other's dicks and leaned in for another kiss. I felt a wetness as I stroke up to his head and broke off our kiss to lean over and lick the drop of dick drip off the slit of his hard-on. He moaned from the caress of my tongue so I just went ahead and sucked the first couple of inches into my mouth.

"OH FUCK!" he cried out, "That feels soooooo good!"

I came up off his cock and pulled him down into the frothing water with me. I kissed his neck as I felt my way across his gorgeous body, He in turn wasted no time in getting his hands all over me as we sank down to our necks in the hot steamy aeriated liquid. I jerked in a ticklish reaction as I felt his fingers move across my ass and slide over my butthole. He pulled his hands back carefully and took my shoulders, holding me at half arm's length as we lounged out in the tub that could easily hold four men our size.

"You okay?" he asked looking me in the eyes.

"More than," I answered, "I'm just a little ticklish back there at first. Go ahead and tickle me all you want."

"Uh...," he stammered, "Can I ask ya..."

"What?" I asked, "Go ahead."

"I was just wonderin'," he began, "I mean I can usually tell, but you're different."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I continued to explore his body by sliding my hands between his ass cheeks.

"Like that," he said, squeezing his butt together to indicate my hands, "Whadda you like to do?"

"Men," I replied with a grin.

"Damn Mike," he said, "You know what I mean man; top or bottom, pitch or catch, give or take?"

"Yes," I answered now realizing where he was coming from and teasing him a little bit mentally.

"You like it both?" he asked with a note of disbelief.

"I sure as fuck do," I answered using my forefingers to lightly brush his hairy asshole, "How about you?"

"I thought I was the only one," he said and put his hands back on my ass cheeks, "Every guy I've ever met before you either wanted to just bend me over or bent over to take it. I mean I've seen it on porn on the internet, but I've never met another guy that liked it both ways."

"Hey, there's lots of us in the city country boy," I said now feeling free to begin to probe at his hole with one of my middle fingers.

"I guess I need to spend me some more time in the city," he answered with a chuckle pushing back against my squirming finger, "I already know you suck dick, but just so you know, I plan on gettin' a full taste of yours too. And Mike, I really would like to get my tongue on your ticklish tight little hole too before I plow it open."

"We're going to get along just fine Brody," I told him as I managed to get the first joint of my finger into his tight clinching pucker, "I like to eat what I fuck too."

"Yehaw!" he called out and shoved his ass back on my finger forcing it past the knuckle up his chute and wincing from the burn of a water only lubed entry.

"Easy cowboy," I told him, "I could have put some spit on it first. Why don't you bend your ass over the side of the tub and let me lick lube your hungry hole?"

"How'd you know I was a cowboy?" he asked getting to his knees to assume the position I requested.

"You're kidding?" I responded.

"I didn't tell you," he said leaning over and looking at me over his masculine shoulder.

"Well, you did tell me you're a rural guy from North Texas, and your accent, and dude, you just yelled `Yehaw' when you pushed your butthole back on my finger," I explained as I spread his cheeks to get my first view of his asshole with it's plastered wet circle of blonde hair, "That all adds up to cowboy to a city guy like me. Are you?"

"Yep, sure am," he answered reaching back to pull his hard muscled bubble butt cheeks apart for me, "I'm the foreman on my folk's Quarter Horse ranch in Aubrey."

"And what brings you to New Orleans Brody?" I asked and leaning forward took my first tongue swipe at his pucker.

"OHHH MAN!" he exclaimed in ecstasy, "Damn that feels good. I came down here a few days early to party and have me some fun before the event next week."

"What event?" I queried and started to tongue his hole in earnest.

"OOOHHHHH!" he moaned grabbing at my tongue with his quivering ass ring and answered, "The... the... the rodeo man. I ride bulls on the side as a hobby."

I didn't ask Brody any more questions. My dick was as hard as it had ever been in my life with the realization that I had my tongue on the asshole of a real honest to god bull riding cowboy that had the looks of a Hollywood star. I ate his ass out as he moaned and groaned bent over the side of the tub. I shoved my tongue up his ass and tasted the sweet rich flavor of the west. I was just about to stop to keep from cumming from the eroticism of it all when Brody reached back and pushed my head away from his ass.

"No more man," he said raising up to his knees, "You got me about to blow my load and I haven't gotten near enough of you yet."

He stood up and held out a hand to help me to my feet. I reached up to the shelf on the wall beside us and got us two towels. We dried each other to the knees and stepped out of the tub to finish our legs and feet with our boners knocking on our bellies the whole time. We dropped or towels and stood facing each other with looks of unbridled lust in our eyes.

"My bed or yours?" he asked.

"Mine's closer," I said.

"Come on then," he said pulling me after into the bedroom, "We can use your bed to fuck in and mine for sleeping."

"Brody," I stated, "We're both so close to the edge that I don't think either of us could give the other one the fucking he deserves. Why don't we just suck this first load out of each other in a 69 and save the fucking for later after we go out and get something to eat for dinner? That way we'll be able to give each other what we both want."

He threw me on the bed and swallowed my cock to the root before I knew what was happening. His muscles rippled across his body as he swiveled around over me and thrust his monster meat at my face. I just managed to get the head of his dick in my throat before my cock went steel hard and began to fire shot after shot of my thick man cream down his gullet. As he began gulping down my load his own prick expanded in my throat and blasted a giant wad of thick ball snot down into my stomach. I pulled back to be able to taste his next shot and got my mouth full to overflowing with his next eruption. We both sucked and swallowed hot man cum for the next few minutes. As I sighed in pleasure at the completion of my release I felt my shrinking cock slip from his suctioning mouth as he lipped squeezed the last drops from my cum tube. I sucked hard to get the rest of his load as he slowly pulled his giant pecker out of my mouth.

He got up and turned around to kneel over me on his hands and knees straddling my thighs. He leaned his face into mine and pressed his lips to my mouth. I opened it to kiss him and was surprised by a mouthful of my own gooey jizz. Brody wrapped his arms around me and moved us onto our sides as we mouthed the wad back and forth between us until it had disappeared down our cum hungry throats.

"I always wanted to do that," he said collapsing to his back and heaving for breath, "I'm glad you're the one I felt like I could let go and do it with. Nobody's ever swallowed my piece like you did"

"Practice Brody," I responded as breathless as he was, "You are one hot sexy stud and you can do that with me anytime, and anything else you've had a fantasy about too, as long as it doesn't involve scat or blood."

"We've even got the same boundaries," he replied laughingly, "You too Mike. I'm all up for tryin' anything you want. Still hungry?"

"Yeah," I answered, "For your cock and your ass and your lips and your hairy chest. Hell man, I'm hungry for your whole fucking body. But don't you think we need to get some food first so we have enough energy to eat each other up?"

"I like your answer," he said sitting up and pulling me up with him, "Sarcastic, but not asshole. You're a cool hot guy Mike. Can I ask? Not that it matters now, but are you single?"

"Free as a bird since yesterday Brody," I answered, "And you're giving me just what I need. Thank you."

"You're welcome Mike, but thank you too. I'm thinkin' that this night is gonna be one of the highlights of my life. You're gonna spend the night with me aren't you?"

"Wild Quarter Horses couldn't stop me," I answered him, "But Brody, it doesn't have to be just one night. I'm here until Tuesday morning. Do you think you could fit me in somewhere between now and then?"

"Anytime Mike, just ask. I'm all yours whenever you want," he answered.

"Could we just leave the connecting doors open and spend the next four nights seeing how much cum we can drain out of each other?"

"Hot damn!" he exclaimed jumping out of bed, "Get up and get your hot sexy ass dressed and let's go grab some grub. When we get back I wanna take turns fucking til we both pass out!"

He collected our clothes and tossed them on the bed to sort. I reached over to grab my jock and he caught my wrist. He gave me a wicked grin and picked up my jock and handed me his trunks. He stepped into my strap and pulled it up tucking his huge schlong into the pouch. It was so big that the sides of the pouch gapped open showing his nuts.

"I can't fill out your pouch like you do Brody," I said holding his underwear out.

"Don't worry about it," he said getting his socks and tossing mine over at me, "Your ass and hips will fill `em just fine. You can't help but look sexy with that buff bod of yours. Just keep thinkin' about how your dick is restin' where mine did. That's what I'm gonna do."

His lascivious words made my cock start to swell and the thought of my cock being wrapped in the fabric that had encased his made my member swell enough to fill the pouch adequately, not like his, but enough that it looked sexy in the mirror. He looked good in my jock too. We finished dressing and Brody reached over and gave my semi a squeeze. I returned the favor. We left through my door on our way out to find somewhere for dinner. I know both of us were antsy with anticipation for our coming night of sex.



There was this person who had a few very good, most assuredly magical, skills with a computer and the internet. Now this person also liked to have some personal fun with an erotic story every now and then. But alas, the type of stories the person sought were few and far between and they were difficult to access because of the evil dark powers of the wicked Council of Censorbitches. The person knew that there were many erotic writers out in the mystical realm of the World Wide Web, but they had problems posting their feel good stories because the Censorbitches would descend on their postings and desecrate them with vile slashes, malicious blackouts, and even... YES!... horrid deletions. Well the person decided to fight against the uncanny hate-mongering Censorbitches. The person made an enchanted place within the mystical realm of the World Wide Web and named it Nifty. It was free from the loathsome pernicious deeds of the Censorbitches and at last writers of alluring erotica could set their creations in a place of safety. As with all good things it came with a cost. Many long hours of magical programing were required to keep the enchanted place Nifty secure and accessible. Many more hours were spent in the exchange of the small marvelous packages of electric information called bits that made up the enchanted place. The person withered and languished spending all their mana maintaining the enchanted place Nifty until one day a minor wizard made a donation and enhanced the magic of the person. Stories flashed into existance that had never been seen before! And so I send forth this missive across the mystical realm of the World Wide Web. Help the person maintain their mana and fight against the dastardly atrocities of the Censorbitches by making your own donation to the enchanted place Nifty. You can access the magic portal of giving at

Next: Chapter 3

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